#but i love love mudkip and its evolutions honestly loved all the starters in pokemon gen 3 but mudkip holds a special place in my heart
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missrandomdreamer · 1 year ago
Been reliving my childhood playing pokemon emerald and I am loving every minute of it . It was my first hand held pokemon game and it places a special place in my heart <3
I loved my little Swampert so much and just getting to replay emerald and have him on my team just makes me happy <3
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just like look at this lil baby boy <3 abosolute cutie
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creativewhizkid · 7 months ago
twisty pokérot hours here are some of my fav pokémon from each region BECAUSE no one asked :3 /pos
whoopsie a WHOLE BUNCH of rambling under cut !!
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wartortle!!! my boy!!! his design slaps SO HARD and is honestly one of the best middle stage starters. everyday i weep for the scrapped og blastoise design that looked a lot more like him :(
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i honestly cannot pick between typhlosion, scizor and ampharos
 typhlosion is one of my favorite starters ever, i don’t really care about how he and the other gen 2 starters are under designed. i love my angry honey badger echidna freak <3
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scizor is just like. peak character design to me. shes like scyther walked into hot topic and came out a girlboss. i love the underrated bug type and bugs in general and scizor really held the candle for the best bug type for a long time (for me atleast)
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ampharos omgggg ampharos
 honestly the entire mareep line is so cute to me!! i love how it goes from an unsheared sheep, to half sheared, and then to fully sheared. also ampharos has the “bean bag body type” pokemon design trope that i love, all pokemon with this body type (ex: goodra, dragonite, flygon ) are all so huggable and cute to me!! i NEED an ampharos irl NOW!!! đŸ€ŹđŸ€ŹđŸ€Ź /pos
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maybe a basic answer but THE ENTIRE MUDKIP LINE!!! YES I DO LIKE MUDKIPS /ref
yes this includes marshtomp ily marshtomp and most of all SWAMPERT!!
mudkip is one of the cutest starters EVER and choosing one in a gen 3 game is THE CORRECT CHOICE. i chose mudkip and i named her skipp and we quite literally single-handedly obliterated every single trainer battle, gym leader and the elite four + steven stone together. swampert has one of the best typings in the games ( water + ground ) so she only had ONE weakness and was IMMUNE to electricity 😭 poor wattson
she REALLY cemented my love for the entire mudkip line oaosufjfoighhh i love my mudfish salamander axolotl so much!
i will admit it took me like. a few days of playing ruby and looking at fanart to get used to marshtomp’s design but i can say with certainty that i love marshtomp as much as mudkip and swampert <3
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GLISCOR đŸ‘čđŸ‘čđŸ‘č
i love bats so much and gliscor is not an exception. one of the best new evolutions design wise, and i just love the cheeky personality it radiates. i caught one in platinum and named it uzi after uzi from murder drones <3
it was the evolution gligar NEEDED and thank lord it got it because gliscor is amazing and i want one irl. also kinda unrelated but i was baffled when i learned that this mf is 6’07’’?? hello???
honourable mentions also go to gastrodon <3 (specifically east sea form)
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man i feel so bad for the gen 5 games plus it’s pokĂ©mon cuz the anime gave it such a bad rep 😭 yeah i agree the anime was kinda eh BUT THE GAMES AND GEN 5 POKÉMON ARE GREAT OK?? i have a lot of favs but im gonna have to go with reuniclus !!
when it comes to my taste in pokĂ©mon i don’t really care about their stats or competitive stuff, i mainly judge them based off of their design. so you can imagine when i saw reuniclus plus it’s pre-evolutions i instantly fell in love. he’s??? so silly??? HELLO??? who knew a pokĂ©mon based off of my average biology class lecture would make me go HDJDHEJWHWHEHEHEHEEHIEAWWWWW đŸ„čđŸ„č so much
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i was watching the xy anime... i was watching the ash vs clemont battle... i saw ash's goodra do it's silly little splashes while using its rain dance in the gif above... i don't think i've ever " AWWWWW'D " louder in my life???
i cannot put into words HOW MUCH I LOVE GOODRA!! it's FAT it's a DRAGON it's a SLUG it loves HUGS it's TALL it's FRIENDLY and it's ALSO CUTE?? AND A PSEUDO-LEGENDARY??? PEAK POKÉMON!! i just look at goodra fanart daily just to make my heart melt CUZ I LOVE THIS FAT SLIME DRAGON SO MUCHAWGFWJFWAHB
BEST dragon type CUTEST dragon type BEST pseudo-legend BEST POKÉMON EVER I'M RIGHT YOURE WRONG !!! /HJ /LH
i have two favs... the rowlet line (mainly decidueye) and lurantis!! i'll talk about decidueye first
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pokémon sun was actually the first pokémon game i've ever played!! i really wish i played the earlier games sooner but i was more of a pokémon anime kid growing up... sigh... atleast now i've been playing more games <3
anyways decidueye!! rowlet was actually my first ever starter! i loved the beach ball owl so much! i don't remember much about my first couple of playthroughs of sun (i dont think i ever got to evolve my starter beyond a dartrix) but ever since i got into pokémon again and absorbed so much info into my brain i've concluded that decidueye is actually amazing
i LOVE archers. i LOVE owls. i LOVE characters with hoods/cloaks/capes. i HAD to love decidueye. plus it's typing ( grass / ghost ) is actually so cool?? it's just such a well designed and well thought-out pokémon
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lurantis omg lurantis... they could never make me hate you lurantis...
it's. literally. SO CUTE!! if a pokémon is cute enough to me i am GOING to like it automatically. additionally i love how it's based off of the real life orchid mantis!! irl orchid mantis' are basically pink mantis' that look like flowers, particularly orchids to hide themselves in plain view to ambush their prey. cool, right?
well, with lurantis, it's a pure grass type, not a bug type. the reason that is is because lurantis is actually a flower, particularly an orchid, that looks like a mantis, to fit in with other bug types since grass types are weak to bugs. i really love that!! i also just love lurantis' design in generalđŸ„ș
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even though gen 8 is my least favourite generation (i don't hate it, it's just that i love the others more) i do have a fav! while i do like pokémon such as dragapult, corviknight, frosmoth, grapploct, etc, centiskorch is 100% my favourite!! i love bugs in general and a fire centipede is honestly just super cool. it's design is awesome as heck and it's gigantamax form is one of my favourites, even though it just gets super long :3 also the name centiskorch is so cool
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surprise surprise my fav hisui mon is hisuian typhlosion!! legends arceus really took one of my fav pokémon and made him stoned and girlypop huh /pop
again. with. the. amazing! fire/ghost! typing! it works SO well with typhlosion somehow. hisuian typhlosion's design didn't change much from johtonian typhlosion's but it still slaps SO HARD. the darker purple works so well with the fire collar pattern it has arounds its neck and i love how they gave him eyeshadow!! just an amazing mon all around <3
it's a tie between ceruledge and tatsugiri!! i'll talk about ceruledge first <3
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look at my baby coughing like a smoker <3
i've said this a lot already in regards to the others on this list but one of the biggest reasons i fell in love with ceruledge when i saw it for the first time is because of its design!! ghost/fire is such a cool typing (that skeledirge also has <3) and despite ceruledge and it's counterpart armarouge being more on the humanoid side, unlike other pokémon who are also in the same boat they don't look uncanny to me at all!! ceruledge is just so cool with its colour palette and the BLUE/PURPLE FLAME SWORDS?!!!??? HELLO!?? that it's difficult NOT to like it!! ily ceruledge
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the contrast between tatsugiri and ceruledge is kinda funny
anyways i bloody adore this ONE FOOT TALL sushi fish so much. i love how in its stretchy form its glaring at me like it knows what i have done /hj
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i dont know?? why i?? love him so much??? he's literally just a grumpy sushi fish who changes colours... he's my favourite boyfailure!! he's so cute and tiny!!!
anyways this has been twisty pokérot hours goodnight tristate area <3
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asknarashikari · 2 years ago
Opinions on each of the starter Pokemon, Kari.
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I'll preface this post by saying that 1) I'm kinda biased towards water types and 2) I haven't actually played a Pokemon game since HG/SS, so my opinions have more to do with how I like them just from a design/lore perspective and their appearances in other media (like the anime) than their competitive viability
With that out of the way... let's go~
Bulbasaur - Still one of the most underrated starters I think. I loved Ash's Bulbasaur in the anime, he was one sassy bitch lol
Charmander - A touch overexposed, but for good reason. Who doesn't love a fire breathing dragon buddy
Squirtle - I love the concept, but honestly most of my fondness for it comes from Ash's Squirtle. The one with the glasses
Pikachu - I mean, it's the mascot of the series. I don't think I can hate it even if I tried. It's cute and we all know it
Eevee - I'm kinda meh on the whole line tbh... and the Eevee you get as a starter can't evolve anyways...
Chikorita - Honestly probably the most forgettable of the starters. I don't really think much of it
Cyndaquil - It's a cute little shrew thing that evolves into a honey badger. Okay I guess? Hisuian Typholosion was needed badly
Totodile - Look, Ash's Totodile being a happy dancy lil guy was all they needed to make me love it
Treecko - A bunch of Poketubers I watch regularly are fond of it, and although I see the appeal, I'm just okay on it
Torchic - I love the whole line tbh, but I still haven't gotten over my cousin's kid saying Combusken looks like a dick.
Mudkip - My answer to the "Do you like Mudkips?" meme is "No, I absolutely adore Mudkips and will die for them"
Turtwig - Probably the most underrated of the Sinnoh starters and I kinda see why people struggle to use it
Chimchar - I see the appeal, even if I never used it as a starter myself. I also got attached to it because of Ash's Chimchar
Piplup - Piplup was my first starter so I adore it a lot... It's just so full of personality whenever I see it. Project Pochama was lit
Snivy - All I know about it is the infamous episode where Ash's Pikachu lost to one at the start of B/W
Pignite - Kinda went overboard with the Fire/Fighting combi at this point... also it's not really appealing in anyway lol
Oshawott - I think it has the most likeable personality of the starters? The scalchop thing is really cute
Chespin - Chespin's evolutions are... something. Poor guy got the short end of the design stick
Fennekin - I think it has the best concept of the three Kalos starters. Yes, even more than ninja frogman
Froakie - I think they were trying to turn it into Charizard 2.0 and... I guess it worked for a while? I like it well enough I guess
Rowlet - The cutest borb (birb+orb) turning into a badass ghost archer? Yes please! Also, Ash's Rowlet was hilarious in S&M
Litten - I guess I was just thankful they didn't make it Fighting type again lol
Popplio - It's a cute little thing, I don't understand why people didn't like it when it was first revealed
Grookey - I may have compared it to one Banjou Ryuuga when it was revealed lol. Ryuuga's my fave 2nd Rider though...
Scorbunny - It's a cute lil bunny, how could I hate it? It also seemed to have the most personality out of the Galar starters
Sobble - *gathers him into my arms* I will protect this one with my life even if it evolves into lizard James Bond
Sprigatito - Do I want a cat that can knead me and make me kinda high? ...Maybe
Fuecoco - It's a happy lil fire croc! It looks so wholesome! Its head is empty but I don't care!
Quaxly - I would like to shake the hand of the god who thought gaylord samba peacock-duck thing would make for a great starter
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crystalelemental · 5 years ago
So, how does Rescue Team DX compare to previous titles? I love Explorers of Sky and I recently started Super Mystery Dungeon, but I find that last one to be a mixed bad with its artificial difficulty and recruiting method.
Honestly, it’s spectacular to a point of being better than the original, without question.  Granted, I say this as someone who only just cleared Mt. Thunder, but I feel confident this will continue.  Also I played Super Mystery for like 15 minutes before dropping it once I learned you can’t nickname any of your recruits, and how the recruitment system worked.  I really didn’t care for Super Mystery, and Gates sucks.  It’s really a shame they never made a follow-up game to Explorers of Sky.  It was so good, you’d think they would’ve wanted to keep it going.
I’m gonna skip small stuff, and try to focus on what I consider as major changes in the game’s favor.
The biggest one for me is that it feels less grind-heavy.  While I’m still exploring a lot of dungeons, that’s largely for recruitment or explorer points more than anything.  There are a few things that have been adjusted to make this the case:
Gummis don’t exist as they used to.  It’s just Rainbow and DX Gummis, and they confer a unique skill at random.  There’s no longer a list of skills you need to learn, which is a massive, massive help to reduce the tedium of maxing out IQ.
Your starter is guaranteed to get the Squad Up ability, which improves your rate of recruitment.  It’s super helpful.
Makuhita Dojo tickets are plentiful, and every round I go in for pretty much guarantees a level up.  So it’s a really easy way to level grind if you need to be ready for something specific.
Gold Ribbons are plentiful from the start of the game, and I’m pretty sure were increased from 2000 to 2500 poke.  Which means getting money is way easier.  Not that you need it; without having to constantly buy gummis you’re actually pretty rich.  But just in case, TM costs also went way down.  A Psychic TM was only like 2500, as opposed to the 8000 it would’ve been in the original.
Now, you may recall in the original, that you could only really have four members of a party.  Now you can have 8.  You start with only 3, but can recruit up to five allies during exploration.  This means you have to make far fewer trips just for recruitment, especially combined with the Squad Up ability.
It’s really just a lot of major adjustments that made the same a lot faster to go through, if you wanted.  That said, boss battles are, I feel, substantially harder than the original.  In the original, getting hit by too many random Pokemon while exploring was the big danger.  Now?  Boss battles are a rough time, and you have to go in prepared.  Gengar took out two of my ally Pokemon before we could beat him, and that’s against Eevee who has Bite, and Mudkip who has Ground moves.  Zapdos, in its first fight, knew Sky Attack, which OHKO’d three of my Pokemon.  It’s definitely made the bosses more engaging, and requires you to go in prepared.  Or you can recruit to a full team of 8, and just gang up on the legendary Pokemon and beat its ass.  They also added rare strong enemies, which
I kinda like.  They’re really rare and don’t often appear, but are essentially high-level mini-bosses you encounter.  Except they’re sometimes stronger than the boss.  Running into that Metagross was scarier than fighting Zapdos.
I’ve also heard that, when you get to the point of needing evolution, there’s no longer any item requirements.  So instead of having to hunt down the Sun Ribbon for Espeon, you just have the general Evolution Crystals, and if you have enough you can evolve.  This can be seen as a bad thing, but considering I don’t think you can generate passwords for rescue missions that give you those evolution items as rewards anymore, this is way better than having to traverse through 50 floors of the level 1 dungeon with a key to open the lock door that will get you this one item but only if you manage to make it out alive.
There are some things I don’t care for, but that’s largely in areas where it wasn’t changed.  So multi-hit moves?  Still disgustingly broken.  Hypnosis actually got worse.  Using it against a Pokemon already asleep lets the enemy control you, and often times it uses up an item in the bag.  Bug Bite exists and eats all your damn reviver seeds.  Small things like that, which have pretty much always existed in these games.  On the whole, I think it’s super worth it.  It’s so good I’m now invested in replaying all the Gen 3 games.  I’m having such an intense nostalgia trip, and really that’s all I ask for at the end of the day.
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pika-ace · 7 years ago
BMC Pokemon Teams
OKAY! This took longer than it should have but these guys were surprisingly harder to think of stuff for...maybe cause I haven’t listened to BMC in forever. Anyway, here’s what I have for everyone’s teams, feel free to make suggestions if you think a certain Pokemon absolutely MUST belong with someone.
(Also I’m just doing the Squip-Squad as of right now. I’ll see if I wanna make teams for Mr. Heere and Mr. Reyes later on)
Jeremy - Minun: This is mostly due to color scheme, a parallel with Michael, and because of a fanart I saw a long time ago and can’t find now for some reason. So yeah, Plusle and Minun are basically the BFF Pokemon duo, so of course Jeremy needs one of these while Michael gets the other.
Pikachu (Squip): Mostly because Jeremy’s the main character and Pikachu has practically become the main character of its own franchise, sooooo. Also, in this AU, Pokemon Squips aren’t as bad as the ones in the musical, meaning they aren’t abusive or degrading as much. At the end of the day, they’re still Pokemon, capable of forming bonds with their owners. So yeah, Jeremy and his Squip end up hating one another at first, but maybe after some life-or-death situations that seem to come with Pokemon (at least according to the anime), I think they would become pretty good buddies.
Mudkip/Swampert: Out of all the starters, the Mudkip line was the only one to me that seemed close to Jeremy. It looks all dorky and lame, and as it grows it doesn’t seem much better, but then it becomes a powerhouse (Insert metaphor for Jeremy’s growth here). 
Eevee/Vaporeon: Gonna say this now, but EVERYONE in the Squip Squad is getting an Eeveelution. There are eight evolutions, the squad has eight members, so it was too perfect to NOT pass up. And it’s also symbolic of how they’re all connected after the whole Squip fiasco. But anyway, Jeremy gets Vaporeon, mostly for its ability to blend into the water. Jeremy is ‘the one who’s left out’, meaning he probably feels invisible compared to everyone else. 
Dunsparce: Part of the problem with deciding Jeremy’s team was just how...plain he was. So I tapped into that after racking my brain for Pokemon for him, and settled on the most basic and semi-sad Pokemon I could find. Jeremy would sympathize with this thing, let’s be real. Also, if Dunsparce gets scared, it drills a hole to escape; sound familiar? [Christine: Did you say something? Jeremy: I...uh...*books it*]
Exeggcute/Exeggutor (Alolan Form): Mostly because, I wanted Jeremy to have at least ONE tall Pokemon to reference the ‘Tall-ass’ insult XD I wanted to find a Pokemon that kinda represented that he’s Jewish but that failed miserably (Chandelure was the closest kinda representing a menorah, but it eats souls, and I didn’t want that representing a holiday if you know what ‘m saying)
Michael - Plusle: Not much to say that was already said above. It’s part of the Two Player thing Jeremy and Michael have going. Can’t have one without the other.
Rotom: Michael has a bit of a tech theme going with him, so Rotom was a pretty good choice for him. I don’t give people legendaries, but honestly, there are more than one Rotom in the world, so it’s not exactly legendary (it’s semi-legendary). Also, I feel like Michael would let his Rotom possess his gaming system to see what kind of stuff would happen in the game, and maybe possess his other stuff to help with chores. (Plus, Rotom Wash is pretty OP)
Porygon/Porygon Z: Another one for Michael’s tech side, but this time a bit more prominent. The Porygon line is known for being able to travel through cyberspace and actual space. I think Michael would love that honestly. And it could serve as a way for Michael to find out about Squips. Sending his Pokemon out to search all of cyberspace for some kind of answer. 
Tepig/Emboar: I just realize that Jeremy and Michael’s starters match their color scheme too XD. Anyway, Emboar was a good choice because it’s loyal to its friends and is a capable fighter, something that Michael I don’t think is very good at. Also I can just easily imagine Michael chilling with a cute little Tepig in his arms, can’t you? X3
Comfey: This one just wouldn’t leave my head. It’s a fav in Alola because of how relaxing it makes one feel and...I don’t know...I just think Michael would wear this guy while he’s getting stoned in his basement. Relaxation to the MAX.
Eevee/Leafeon: Doesn’t seem like it fits, but it actually does. Leafeon’s don’t like getting involved in disputes, representing Michael kind of being in his own little world and not dealing with the problems around him, and Leafeon’s are also loyal and WILL fight back if its friends are threatened. 
Christine - Mime Jr: This is probably the only Pokemon who is capable of being as quirky as Christine is, since it would mimic everything she does. It’s actually fitting for an actress like her; maybe she uses her Mime Jr to remember her past performances so she can observe them and see if she can change anything to spice it up (OH! I just used knowledge from college theater lessons!! Woot!)
Caterpie/Butterfree: Butterfree is just the Pokemon you picture when you think of a cute but still pretty person. Christine is that person. Butterfree’s are just so pure and good, it’s just too perfect. Peas in a pod. That’s all I can say. 
Popplio/Primarina: No other starter is a performer sooooo yeah. Also, just looking at the Popplio line, they are all just so ridiculously happy all the time that I think Christine would get along with them AMAZINGLY well. Plus she doesn’t need to take voice lessons, she has an opera singer Pokemon!
Eevee/Sylveon: Out of all the Eeveelutions, this one fit Christine pretty well. It’s one of the few that evolve with friendship, and Sylveon is just naturally pleasant, like Christine is. Also I think it’d be cool if she had a shiny one, meaning it’s blue and white instead of pink and white. Kinda hammer in how special she is, you know?
Togedemaru (Squip): This was cute to think about, cause when it’s mad, it makes its spikes all go out at the same time, like ‘pop!’ It kinda reminds me of Christine when she has her ‘Blegh!’ moments. 
Drampa: I originally wanted to give this one to Jeremy cause of how nice it is, but then I read the Pokedex entry that if the one it likes is bullied, it will go to said bully’s house and burn it to the ground. If Jeremy had this thing, the whole school would probably go down as if J.D’s bombs actually went off XD
Rich - Elekid (Squip): This was one I could just picture, I think mostly thanks to the anime. Paul’s Elekid was a tiny little bully in the Sinnoh saga that could also pack a punch, so I could see Rich having the same one. I’m not sure if Squip Pokemon should be able to evolve or not since they’ve been altered quite a bit, but they’re still strong regardless. 
Rattata/Raticate (Kanto form): Kind of a jab at how small he is and also it kinda fits Rich’s whole aesthetic, you know? Plus, Raticate’s are fucking OP
Mankey/Primeape: I feel like Primeape represent Rich’s soul in every sense of the words. Tiny but has the capability of going ape-shit if something goes wrong. It’s perfect XD
Litten/Incineroar: Out of all the fire/fighting starters, this one fit Rich. At first I thought of Feraligatr, but then I found out from the Dex that Incineroar’s are selfish, violent, and love to fight. I don’t think we need anymore evidence for that. 
Eevee/Umbreon: It was a tie between this and Flareon but honestly...Umbreon fits a bit better. Mostly because the Dex says that when it’s threatened, it sprays poison from its fur. Maybe that’s what caused the fire to start?? Poor thing probably started freaking out when Rich started freaking out.  
Cottonee/Whimsicott: This one’s a long shot, but it hearkens back to Rich’s mischievous/bully side. It’s said that Whimsicott float on the wind and if they land on a person’s window, they enter the house, pull a few tricks and then leave. Also, Rich needs SOMETHING supper fluffy to cuddle when he’s all bandaged up in the hospital. 
Jake - Nidoran/Nidoking: This guy was one of the heaviest hitters back in the early days, and you could say it still is. With Jake being as popular as he is, this is kinda fitting that he has a Pokemon with King in its name.  
Charizard: Honestly, with how amazingly (and kinda unrealistically) cool Jake is, I think he would be expected to have one of the most popular starters of all time. However, he chose Charmander because he thought it was cool AND cute looking, not because everyone says Charizard is the best. They have a strong bond, those two. 
Electrike (Squip): This one, not just because it’s cool looking, matching Jake’s aesthetic, but also because it’s super fast. Eletrike’s muscles respond to electricity and it stimulates them to heighten reaction speed, so it would be good for a Sport Fanatic like Jake is. And I’m sure Jake’s squip would push him to be the same all-around athlete he was trying to be. 
Eevee/Flareon: It was one of the few ones left when I was assigning Eeveelutions to everyone so we gotta deal with it. But hey, Flareon does match with Jake’s kinda red color scheme. Plus he would probably use his Flareon as a guide to navigate his burning house when trying to get out. 
Starly/Staraptor: This one is more a reference to how lonely I think Jake actually is since his parents are gone. The Dex says that when Starly’s evolve into Staraptor, they leave the flock to live on their own. Jake is like that, only it happened early. 
Tyrunt/Tyrantrum: Another reference to the King of the School. According to the Dex, this thing was pretty entitled since nothing could stand in its way way back in prehistoric times. I like to think that Jake would train it to be a bit more humble and gentle though, cause Jake’s not just a mindless jock. 
Brook - Purrloin/Liepard: This is mostly to be a parallel to Chloe, only maybe without Purrloin’s whole devious side. Purrloin’s Pokedex says that it acts cute as a ruse and then attacks from there. That’s KINDA fitting though since Brook thought that Madeline’s deliberate pool loss to get Jake was awesome. Plus, despite already being pretty she seems to have that complex where ‘I must be cute no matter what!!’ So I think these two would get along pretty well and maybe teach one another a thing or two.
Torchic/Blaziken: Mostly because I feel like, when given the choice, Brook would choose the adorable little fire chick. Plus, Brook having a badass kung-fu fighting chicken is pretty awesome to think about X3
Stufful: I’m on the fence about it evolving, mostly because Bewear is fucking terrifying (ESPECIALLY after you read its Pokedex entry) and I think Brook would like to have a cute little stuffed animal Pokemon. Probably a good source of comfort after that whole fiasco at the Halloween Party. 
Pachirisu (Squip): Again, I think Brook would want one of the cute Squips, and Pachirisu IS cute. Plus it’s actually kinda fitting that a Pachirisu is a Squip cause the Pokedex states that they’re sometimes found sharing electricity through one another, like how Squips share information about social rules. 
Eevee/Glaceon: I mostly wanted to give Brook one of the pretty Eeveelutions mostly to help feed into Chloe’s secret jealousy of her. And I also like to think that her Glaceon is kinda protective of Brook, as it could easily use icicles to fuck someone up if they messed with her (watch out, Jeremy)
Petilil/Lilligant: This one is more of a symbol of Brook wanting to sleep with someone (at least it’s kinda implied in the musical; honestly, looking back, everyone wants to tap SOMETHING, whether stated or not. Glad my high school didn’t run on that hierarchy...) not only does Lilligant kinda look like Brook herself (at least to me) and one of its Dex entries states that when it finds a mate, the flower on its head will wither. I like to think of Brook as a pretty flower, and after the whole fiasco she learns that finding a BF isn’t all she needs to pursue in life. 
Chloe - Nidoran/Nidoqueen: This is a big parallel with Jake, since they dated before, and I THINK are back together when everything else is said and done. Unless something happened between ‘Halloween’ and ‘The Play’. But this is probably how they met; their Nidorans were naturally drawn to one another and bam! Oh, and also I guess there’s the whole Queen thing to Jake’s King, but eh, I ship RichJake, so whatever.
Meowth/Persian: I think we all share the headcanon that Chloe is pretty rich, and rich people tend to have the fancy cat Pokemon that has a move that can make money appear (Pay Day). 
Rowlet/Decidueye: This was a hard one but it was mostly for Rowlet’s second form, Dartrix. The thing is very picky and dandy, almost like a spoiled kid. I think Chloe would probably get along with it very well, being pampered by their riches and then having to leave it behind and actually make friends. I dunno; makes sense to me. 
Finneon/Lumineon: This one is more symbolic to Chloe being one of the prettiest girls in school. Lots of boys are drawn to her, which is something Lumineon does. It uses it’s bright lights to lure in prey, but has to be careful cause it can also lure in predators. Do with that what you will. 
Eevee/Jolteon: It’s not the pretty Eeveelution, but the Pokedex entry states that due to its spiky fur AND attitude, it’s hard to get close to. I think that represents how hard I think it would be in real like to get close to Chloe pre-musical, unless you become a follower like Brook. I don’t think Chloe’s the kind of person who would share her emotions easily. 
Emolga (Squip): This Squip fits her because Emolga are freaking greedy little bastards. They almost never share their food, so I think it would be a good parallel/reflection of Chloe and her being jealous and selfish during the story. Luckily, by the end, they both improve their attitudes greatly (and plus...Emolga’s and Pachirisu’s are compatible breeding partners...I’ll just leave that there)
Jenna - Chatot: If ‘gossip’ is part of your character, you’re pretty much guaranteed a Chatot on your team XD Jenna probably sends that thing around the school to relay stories; how else would she know about Jake and Madeline?
Fenniken/Delphox: At first I thought this fit Chloe or Brook’s overall aesthetic, but then I read the Pokedex entry saying that Delphox can use its Psychic powers to see into the future, which I could see as pretty perfect for Jenna. Also pretty helpful for when the fire rolled around. Rich and Jake were the only ones hurt, so maybe Jenna’s Delphox predicted it and she was able to get everyone out in time. Pretty cool food for thought. 
Glameow/Purugly: I don’t really know for this one. It just seemed fitting and I really don’t know why. But then again, Purugly’s are very fierce when they want to be, and I think Jenna can be too, if how she acted while Squipped is anything to go by. I think she can be pretty tough if she wants to be. 
Eevee/Espeon: Like Delphox, the whole sense the future thing, or in this case, predicting moves. ‘I know what everyone’s doing, ALL THE TIME!’ (Being a gossiper doesn’t always relate back to talking and mimicking X3)
Dedenne (Squip): Again for being one of the leads in smartphone hour, Dedenne are known for long distance communications with their whiskers. I know Jenna didn’t get Squipped until AFTER the fire, but imagine how fast the word would’ve spread if she had one before hand. 
Mimikyu: I’m sure there are some who think that Mimikyu is good for Jeremy as well, and I don’t disagree, but honestly, with the whole disguise thing, it fits Jenna too. She acts like she’s carefree most of the time, but in reality she’s actually really lonely. Remember how she came moping to Jeremy how no one cares about her problems despite her knowing about everyone else’s? I think Mimikyu is symbolic of her in more ways than one.
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lesrevesdoux · 8 years ago
1, 3, 5, 15, 17, 20, 23, aaaaand 30 for Pokemon uwu
I loved all of these questions. ❀❀❀1.) My favorite Pokemon ever is Houndoom! They're just so cute and I love their horns!3.) Mudkip was my first ever starter. I thought it's little fins mattered more than its stats lol5.) Omggg Torchic is absolutely my favorite starter. I love each and every one of its evolved forms and their move sets 15.) I doubt this comes as a surprise, but Sabrina will always be my fave gym leader.17.) Yvetal is the coolest legendary there is!! Doom Bird! Death from Above!!20.) Pokemon Sapphire/Omega Sapphire are my top picks for Pokemon games. I could play them over and over, and I have. 😂23.) Whenever I can be fucked to decorate a secret base, I fill them with tables and plushies!30.) My favorite evolution is hard to pick. Umbreon and Espeon, honestly because I love all the eeveelutions, but they're the prettiest. 😍
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adultswinmoved-archive · 7 years ago
All the water type starters! :0
ty chris!
Squirtle: Which Pokemon do you think is the coolest?
probably giratina! its big fav
Totodile: Who is your favourite starter Pokemon? 
uhHHH tbh favorite starter is probably a tie between charmander and cyndaquil
Mudkip: Which male accomplice of Ash's do you like the most?
honestly brock, hes so funny and good i love him
i answered piplup yesterday!
Oshawott: What Pokemon do you consider to be the least attractive?
i really dont like the freakin. pansage/sear/pour monkeys and their evolutions
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nebulascribe · 6 years ago
Mun; top 1 fav pokemon?
//Oh wow I had to think hard about this. I’ve got a few but I’m gonna be honest, I love any and every Pokemon. But I did make a list for this anon.
10. Dedenne/Togedemaru
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these two take the same spot because holy shit, they’re so cute and big balls of fluff. Seeing as they’re the Pikachu’s of each region, I know some people don’t really like them because of this. But, they remind me of my own hamster. So I have a slight love to them because of this as well as their own cuteness taking my heart.
9. Charjabug
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//Not its evolution, this part of its evolution is in my opinion the best part of its line. Its so cute for a bus that I can’t even explain why I love this Pokemon so much. I kinda wish I didn’t evolve my first Charjabug because, this little guy is one of the best bug Pokemon in my opinion.
8. Klink
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//Klink was not only a hilarious concept to me, but I loved using Gear Grind. ‘Nough said.
7. Altaria
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//Dragon cloud is just 
.it is the one Pokemon I spent weeks and weeks on in Pokemon Go to get. And it’s mega evolution is like a cumulonimbus cloud.
6. Chikorita
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//The first time I strayed from the water-starter lines. This bean is like a grass dog and I honestly loved using it in Heartgold/Soulsilver if I’m honest. It made me really love those games.
5. Squirtle
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//My original starter. Always in my heart. Always going to be somewhere on this list. I love this turtle.
4. Duosion
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//Okay so, this one may need some explanation. So, back in the days of Nintendo Wifi on the Nintendo DS, when Black and White first came out, I decided to do a random trade. Yknow, where you toss out just any ‘ole Pokemon and you get a random Pokemon back? (I don’t think they do that anymore XD) And I threw in a

.I think it was a lvl 3 Pidove. And I got back a lvl 40 Duosion. Which I found ultimately convenient because, I needed a Psychic type! But I had no idea at the time where to get one. While I evolved the Pokemon into a Reuniclus, I always loved this guy because he was so different it was adorable. This Pokemon will always have a special place in my heart.
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//This was the first Fire type starter I fell in love with. None of the others before Kalos came out ever really jumped out at me, only once before did I choose a non-water type starter (Johto). Fennekin is elegant to me, sassy and reminds me of a pet I’d love to have. I love this Pokemon so much that my OC has one as her first Pokemon.
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//Though Hoenn wasn’t my absolute favorite region, Mudkip was such an adorable cutie and the fact that Swampert eliminated that pesky Electric type weakness that every single starter water type had to deal with (Lt.Surge nightmares back from when I was 11 years old). Mudkip is the best fish Pokemon
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//This Pokemon was the first ever Pokemon I fell in love with. And I love using its evolution in my team because its such a tank. However, its tankiness was not the reason I loved this puffball so much. In fact, to this day I still can’t 100% pin down the reason I love this Pokemon so much, but even to this day I love it with all of my heart. 
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ryanbergarage · 7 years ago
did someone say shyan pokemon au????
RYAN HAS A ROTOM. Listen. have you played diamond/pearl?? well, you know where you get rotom in that game???? in a haunted house, entirely by accident. (if my memory is correct anyhow)
and shane has a slakoth (or slaking) because shane 1000% resembles a slakoth. slakoth is just shane in pokemon form. look at their droopy eyes and dumb hair and tell me im wrong.
as far as starter pokémon go...... i could see shane with a bulbasaur or mudkip, and ryan with a squirtle or torchic????
OR RYAN COULD HAVE A ROWLET oh my god. don’t ask me why that strikes me as fitting but it Does. maybe it’s cause like, rowlet starts off all cute as a grass/flying baby bird, but then he fuckign. he fuckin evolves into a ghost type and scares the shit out of ryan at some point on accident. that’s perfect ryan has a rowlet/dartrix/decidueye now
other ideas!
absol (absol predicts disasters, so ryan would like to have one along!)
growlithe or herdier (doggy!!! because i’m Fairly sure that ryan’s a dog person)
zorua (it’s probably less that ryan Wanted to catch a zorua and moreso that it just kept fucking following him. idk zorua just Fits to me)
axew (idk it just fits him???? just, imagine ryan walking around with a fucking haxorus. goddamn)
swoobat or noibat or golbat, or any of their evos or preevos (ASSBATS. see: the vulture mine episode if u don’t know what i’m referring to.) ((im Pretty sure that was from the vulture mine ep anyhow))
i cant decide if ryan would hate ghost types or collect ghost types, but im fairly certain it’s the former. he just ends up having a bunch of ghost type pokemon anyways because that’s just his luck
popplio or it’s evolutions (to go with ryan’s rowlet, also it’s cute and silly as hell like shane)
sudowoodo (it... it looks like shane)
salandit (i have no justification for this other than the vibes it gives off match shane’s???? trash salamander. oh wait you know the newt they found in the bigfoot ep?? sure, that’s salandit)
mimikyu (“ryan look!!! it’s tryna be a pikachu! it’s adorable” “shut UP shane it’s a fucking m-m-monster” “now that’s just rude. look, you hurt its feelings!! this pokemon is my new best friend, bye ryan”)
cutiefly (he needs a short pokemon to balance out his immense height)
i could honestly see shane with a few fairy types like. this tall-ass scruffy lookin dude with a bunch of itty bitty pink and pastel pokemon followin him around?? yes
i just love pokemon a whole lot okay
Hey trying to come up with the PokĂ©mon Shane and Ryan would have for a few short stories I’d like to write.
Can ya’ll tell me what PokĂ©mon you think they’d have and why?
Thanks ya’ll!
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atrainernamedradish · 6 years ago
Starter Trio Rankings (Worst to Best)
A bunch of Poketubers have done this and I thought I’d expand on the whole starter subject but more of a grouping scenario than singling them out. This is essentially a companion piece for those who will notice a lot of repeated things written in this.
7) Unova (Serperior, Emboar, Samurott)
While not the worst in terms of first appearances, my dislike for this trio continues as each line expands into evolution. Tepig does not evolve well and its evolutions shouldn’t have been Fighting types. Everyone praises Emboar’s shiny and honestly I think it’s okay at best. Blue fire is just an overrated aesthetic for me. My gripes with the Snivy line are that it’s a basic grass type with an awkward middle evolution. The Oshawott line is my favorite of the three. Samurott grew on me, but it should have been that Fighting type they slapped onto Emboar. Not to mention Samurott’s God awful move pool! Overall I feel like the Unova starters could have been designed a bit better.
6) Kalos (Chesnaught, Delphox, Greninja)
The base evolutions are just so underwhelming for me! My initial choice was Chespin out of the three, but the Fennekin like won me over despite my dislike of it. Delphox is a solid mon while Braixen is just the cutest~ Best middle evolution hands down! I don’t know how to feel about Quilladin. Chesnaught appeals to me though. And then there’s the Greninja line! Frogadier is the only thing I like about the line. Honestly I hate Greninja and it shouldn’t be a water type. It’s move pool is lackluster and it’s not that good of a mon unless you’re running Protean. And I’ve seen better black shinies, just sayin’.
5) Kanto (Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise)
The Bulbasaur line is my favorite in this trio. I have nothing bad to say about it. I also like the Squirtle line which also has a top tier middle evolution. ...and then Charmander gets bigger and uglier and I can’t be bothered. While, myself isn;t a Charizard fan, I can understand why it is so popular. HOWEVER it didn’t need TWO Mega Evolutions! I will admit that it has a good shiny though~
4) Sinnoh (Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon)
I love Piplup and Empoleon, but the moment Piplup evolves, I’m always on a mad dash to evolve it because I’m not fond of the middle evolution. The middle evolution of Turtwig is also not my favorite either, but neither of these middle evolutions ruin their lines. Infernape looks like a total badass... but I think its first two evolutions are pretty damn ugly which ruins that line.
3) Hoenn (Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert)
I always choose Torchic as my starter when I plan in Hoenn. I love Mega Blaziken’s design to that of the normal design, but I still love both none the less. Combusken is a little awkward looking but doesn’t hinder the overall line. The Mudkip line is a sold secondary pick with an amazing typing combination. But dear GOD do I despise the Treeko line (even if it has a great shiny)! I have never used a Treeko nor do I have the urge to do so... (I lie actually cause I might in the far future >w>)
2) Johto (Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr)
The Cyndaquil line is my favorite starter line out of all the others and it’s not a Johto journey without one~! The Totodile line is well designed despite the fact that I find the middle evolution to be down right ugly lol! For the Chikorita line I have nothing good or bad to say about it.
1) Alola (Decidueye, Incineroar, Primarina)
I had to do some soul searching and the results had me putting this in its rightful place as number one! To be honest I originally hated the entire Incineroar line, but once I used it to give a chance my entire opinion changed. ...well... except for Litten. I’ve never been fond of its 3D model which doesn’t make it look very cute to me... Torracat ended up looking pretty damn cute to me~ For Incineroar I finally figured out what my problem with its design: it’s hands. But that’s a rant for a previous starter list lol~ Other than that tiny design flaw... I appreciate it now. For the Popplio line I wasn’t initially sold on Brionne’s design, but one Pokemon Refresh trip later and it’s now adorable, though in an awkward way~ Primarina was love at first sight when the leaks came out, and I don’t care what gender mine is either (and his name is Mercury, after the “queen” himself ;P)! And I was Team Rowlet from the start! I love the entire line from the adorable Rowlet to his sassy and awkward Dartrix evolution to the badass archer Decidueye evolution~ The Alolan region had top notch starters and I hope Generation 8 can wow us further~!
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crystalelemental · 7 years ago
You know, talking even briefly about how I don’t care much for the Gen 5 starters has resulted in me wanting to share my opinions about starter Pokemon as a whole.  Like, what I think of each of their evolutionary lines.  So let’s do that.  Not really a ranking or anything, just my opinions on each.
BULBASAUR LINE Bulbasaur’s evolution line is great, fight me.  They’re little dinosaur creatures with a giant flower that blooms on its back as it evolves, how is that not cool?  Grass/Poison was super redundant in Gen 1, putting it into conflict with every other grass type bar Tangela, but nowadays it’s...slightly less common of a typing?  Okay, it’s pretty standard.  But I really like the concept behind them.  Also, I can’t remember where I saw this, but someone insulted Venusaur’s design and I want you to know I’m judging.
CHARMANDER LINE Okay, Charmander?  Super cute, love the little lizard creature.  Charmeleon?  Okay, bigger and angrier, kind of a thing with Pokemon as they evolve.  Charizard?  The most stock-standard “dragon” you can imagine.  It’s literally just a Dragon.  Had they not been cowards about the typing back then, it probably would be Fire/Dragon.  But no, Fire/Flying.  I really don’t like Charizard.  It’s so standard and yet it’s held up as one of the best Pokemon designs, and for what?  For being a standard, boring-ass dragon.  Listen kids, dragons are boring, and we need to get over them.
SQUIRTLE LINE Squirtle itself is just adorable.  I love this thing so much, it’s honestly becoming my favorite of the gen 1 starters, even over Bulbasaur who I adore.  I’ve heard others mention that Wartortle is kinda underwhelming, but really, it’s not worse than Charmeleon or Ivysaur, and they’re just fine, so I think those people are just mean.  As for Blastoise itself, it’s a cool concept, though you do have to wonder how it got metallic cannons coming out of its shell.  Really doesn’t make much biological sense at all, which proves once again that anything that genwunners complain about Gen 5 being stupid for, Gen 1 did it too.  Overall great, probably turning into my favorite of the evolution lines.
CHIKORITA LINE Okay, I really like this evolution line, but for contrarian reasons.  Chikorita is not the cutest of the starters in Gen 2.  Cyndaquil is.  Its concept of having a giant flower around its neck isn’t bad, but Venusaur’s just a little more interesting in concept.  But ultimately, I still really like this line.  Because it’s the worst starter line from a competitive standpoint.  It’s so bad it’s hard to use even in the main game.  This poor thing deserves love, and if you hate on them, you are a bad person.
CYNDAQUIL LINE Okay, real talk: Cyndaquil was my go-to as a kid.  It’s so cute!  It’s such a cool concept, too.  The evolution line is a little stale, though?  I know the other starters aren’t exactly much better, but it really feels like it’s just slowly elongating with no substantial differences between the forms.  Also, mono-Fire feels like a huge waste on such a cool concept.  Like, imagine if this thing got a secondary Electric or Ground type or something.  Yes, horrific 4x weaknesses, I understand that, but counterpoint: it’d be cool.  And that’s really what matters.  Not like Typhlosion’s exact copy of Charizard’s stats did it any favors to begin with.  Still, this line is probably my favorite of the generation for one, singular reason.  It’s not a reptile.  Every other starter up to this point was some kind of reptile!  Gen 1 had this whole dinosaur motif going on, and Chikorita’s basically a dinosaur thing while Totodile is an alligator...crocodile...thing.  Thank you, Cyndaquil, for being the most unique animal type of the starters.  Even if your evolution path is kinda boring.
TOTODILE LINE Totodile’s line is...interesting.  It starts out as a cute little critter, and as many evolutions do, becomes a huge hulking monstrosity in its final form.  Feraligatr is pretty cool, and I do think it’s interesting how it’s the lowest level for final evolution of all starters.  That was a neat trade-off.  But man, Croconaw’s design just looks...odd.  It’s probably supposed to be like an egg pattern, but it really looks like a weird caveman cloth print, and it doesn’t look great.  It’s like an awkward teen years before getting to be a fairly cool adult.
TREECKO LINE Treecko was always my least favorite of the Gen 3 starter lines, and I never really knew quite why I was so lukewarm about it.  Spoilers, I adore the other two, but Treecko never really stood out.  I think my comments on Cyndaquil gave me a realization as to why: it’s another reptile creature.  It’s a cool-looking evolution line, but it’s still a reptile.  And I’m about reptiled out.  Still, we have to admit that Grovyle is super cool, both because of its sleek design, and its role in Explorers of Sky.
TORCHIC LINE Prior to Gen 6 producing the greatest starter of all time, Torchic was my stated favorite.  Listen, Fire/Fighting was a cool typing back when it happened the first time.  It wasn’t until it kept happening that everyone got sick of it forever.  A kickboxing chicken is also just about the funniest way to go with the typing, too.  You can’t deny how imaginative this line is.  Plus, the first form is super adorable.  Tiny little chicken, doing its best.  I love it so...  And its final form looks nice, too.  Really, the designs of Gen 3 were all spectacular.
MUDKIP LINE Mudkip was the one that gave Torchic a run for its money.  Mudkip itself is super adorable and precious, and while it and all its evolutions can look a little dopey, they have a lot of charm in their design.  Plus, Water/Ground is an awesome typing.  Quagsire did it first, yes, but that didn’t make it any less cool.
TURTWIG LINE Believe it or not, I don’t have very strong opinions about most of the Gen 4 starters.  Like Gen 5, I feel like none of them stuck with me that strongly, and any playthrough of the game, I’m perfectly fine dumping the starter.  That said, if I had to pick a favorite of them, it’s Turtwig.  I guess I just like turtles.  It’s mostly the concept behind its final form that I love.  It carries a giant tree on its back, and packs a fairly unique Grass/Ground typing.
CHIMCHAR LINE And now the exact opposite.  From day 1, I never liked Chimchar.  First off, I do not like monkeys.  I just don’t.  Secondly, Infernape stole the exact same typing as Blaziken, which is not only shitty, but also really boring.  Every other starter so far has been fairly unique in typing choices, and this asshole is gonna just do the exact same thing as last gen?  Oh, I’m sorry, it gets to be way faster but a bit less strong but still really strong.  Fuck Infernape.
PIPLUP LINE Piplup is cute, though.  And having its final form be some emperor penguin that’s apparently made of steel is awesome.  Torterra is the favorite from this gen, but man, Empoleon had such a cool typing it was hard to not consider it the most interesting.
SNIVY LINE Snivy’s alright.  It had a solid design, and I can understand why Smugleaf caught on as the fan favorite.  That said, that’s kinda all it’s got.  Serperior is plain boring, and it’s the only Grass starter not to get Earthquake for coverage at any point.  The only thing to its name is Contrary, and somehow it’s on its way to being the highest competitively ranked Grass starter, even above Mega Venusaur.  Which just goes to show that competitive Pokemon is broken beyond all repair and we should probably torch it all and start over.
TEPIG LINE I can’t believe they gave us three Fire/Fighting types in a row.  I’m gonna say it: if Emboar had gotten literally any other typing, it’d be my favorite of this gen.  Not even a contest, really.  Emboar looks cool, and Tepig is adorable.  Sure, Pignite is...a little awkward of a design, but that’s fine, it stood up.  It’s not lying to me unlike some middle stage fire starters I could mention.  But the fact that it’s part Fighting means it’s a huge disappointment.
OSHAWOTT LINE Oh wait, except Oshawott is also a huge disappointment.  An adorable little otter to a cool samurai otter, to whatever the hell is going on with Samurott.  “Steve, it can stand on its back legs and has the sword thing so-” no.  No it does not.  You know why?  Because it’s not drawn like that.  If you wanted to keep the samurai thing going, it’d be drawn and displayed as bipedal.  Instead, you gave us water horse, whose special attack is higher than its physical attack.  This should’ve been the favorite of the generation, but that final form does not look good, does not make sense for the line, and is mono-Water.  Not even a dual typing to keep things interesting?  Sad.  So I guess I don’t have a favorite of Gen 5 starters.  Because none of them are consistently good.
CHESPIN LINE Gen 6 did many things wrong.  Starters were not one of them.  Chespin is adorable and wonderful.  People made fun of Quilladin, but really, it’s the same deal as Pignite: it looks a little awkward but ends on a high note.  Chesnaught looks great, and the paladin concept is great, giving it a lot of good support moves and a Grass/Fighting type that is never really good but is interesting.  I like it a lot, but it’s massively overshadowed by...
FENNEKIN LINE Behold, the greatest starter line ever made.  They gave me a fox!  A Fire/Psychic fox!  Do you know how long I had waited?  Literally since Ninetales.  Fennekin is adorable, Braixen is the sassiest thing ever I love it, and Delphox is still an excellent witch design.  If there is any flaw this line could possibly have, it’s that Braixen should have the Psychic typing and access to some of the tech Delphox does.  Oh, and that the evolution line is competitive trash and has gotten literally nothing of value while a certain bastard-ass frog gets like 12 different favors over nothing.
FROAKIE LINE This is the worst starter line of all time.  Froakie itself was fine.  The idea of going ninja-theme on the frogs?  Fine.  I don’t care about ninjas at all, but fine.  That should’ve been the end of it.  But no.  It could’ve been just as simple as “not my preference” and move on.  And it should be.  But instead, they give it Protean, one of the most broken abilities in the series, on top of its blistering speed.  Hell, in ORAS, they gave it Gunk Shot, which rounded its coverage so perfectly it got banned to fucking Ubers.  So obviously, we went too far, right?  Time to dial it back.  Haha, idiot.  In the change to Gen 7, they give its multi-hit priority move a special designation instead of physical, because god forbid this bougie-ass frog have to work for anything in its goddamned life.  Oh, and we gave it a special snowflake form based on the anime, that gets like 50 more base stat points than a goddamned mega evolution.  Because, again, god forbid this bougie frog have to work for a damned thing in its life.  I thought it was blatant favoritism that Charizard got two megas.  I thought it couldn’t get any more obvious who their favorite starter was.  I was a goddamned idiot.  They could’ve gone way harder, and they did.  Greninja deserves nothing but getting its ass nerfed into the ground where it belongs.
ROWLET LINE You know, I actually wish the Rowlet line was better than it is.  Rowlet itself is cute, and while the final form’s design isn’t really my thing, the concept of it being an extinct bird and thus being part Ghost is...morbidly hilarious.  It’s also an archer!  That’s really neat!  But...it’s not very good.  I blame the speed.  Why did they want to make everything so bulky offensive this gen?  It didn’t work.  Whatever their reason, it’s a nice enough evolution line that just doesn’t quite hit the mark for me.
LITTEN LINE Ooooh boy, okay.  Look.  Litten’s super cute.  Torracat?  I can work with that.  But Incineroar...  Oh my god it looks so weird.  I don’t know what it is.  I think it’s similar to Bewear, in that it really just looks like someone’s fursona, only instead of being a really bad and lazy fursona with no personality, it’s a surprisingly high-quality one with a backstory about being a wrestler that’s simultaneously endearing but also concerning how much effort was put into it.  I know it’s a fire-type thing to stand up in the final form, but maybe...you shouldn’t have.  Maybe you should’ve been like Samurott.  Actually, maybe the two of you should trade places!  Samurott should stand its ass up, and you should sits yours down.  Then everything would be fixed.  Forever.
POPPLIO LINE Were it not for Fennekin being an adorable fox with the best typing, this would be my favorite evolution line.  Popplio was cute.  Maybe a little odd looking, but still cute.  Brionne was one of the prettiest middle evolutions in starter history, and it ends on the most elegant thing in the world.  Primarina is gorgeous, and I adore it.  Much like Fennekin, if there’s any real detriment, it’s that the middle stage doesn’t get the secondary Fairy typing.  Then it would truly be perfect.
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