#but i like pistachio sushi and tapioca
demoiselettes · 2 years
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Salami
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Puma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Yori Lori
Muzan: Mu Pew / Muzan Jacksin
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Genya: Gen Chen
Rui: Rui Ratatouille
Yushiro: Yushi Sushi
I like Yushi Sushi, Makio Pistachio and Tapioca Goo bc of the food references they’re so cute 😭
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
I do this thang where I create lil nicknames for characters in animes
For ex, KNY, MHA, JJK, and OP
KNY is the longest cuz I like KNY ❤️
Sanemi: Semi Nemi / Nem Nems / M&M / Albino Skittle
Obanai: Oba Boba
Mitsuri: Suri Yuri
Muichiro: Mui Gooey / Cheerios
Gyomei: Mei Pray
Tengen: Ten Pen / Lil Uzui
Suma: Suma Puma
Makio: Makio Pistachio
Hinatsuru: Tsuru Chiru
Kyojuro: Juro Churro / Cheeto Dust
Tomioka: Tomi Macaroni / Gi Yi / Tapioca Goo
Shinobu: Shin Chin
Kaburamaru: Kabi Mabi
Sabito: Sabi Babi / Sabitoes
Yorichii: Yori Lori
Muzan: Mu Poo / Muzan Jacksin
Akaza: Zaza
Douma: Toema / Domama
Tanjiro: Tanji Banji
Nezuko: Nezi Wezi
Zenitsu: Zenny Penny
Inosuke: Ino Cappuccino / Baby Boar
Genya: Gen Chen
Aoi: Ao Cayo
Senjuro: Sen Jen
Shinjuro: Shin Jin
Rui: Rui Ratatouille
Yushiro: Yushi Sushi
AWWW I LOVE THEM i nickname characters in my head a lot of the time as i'm watching the show but i always forget what they are after 😭
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haathonkilakeero · 3 years
I feel so sad
Just want some* sushi and a matcha bubble tea with tapioca.
And then a pistachio milkcake to finish it off.
Maybe a hot chocolate afterwards?
Oh I havent had pasta in a while. I'd like some pasta too
*a whole rainbow set and a pack of the spicy salmon set too.
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xertasadventures · 8 years
Palisades Mall and Logan
Figured I’d interrupt the string of “Cebu Trip” posts with a mini adventure I had stateside :3
I was supposed to wake up at 6 or even 5 so that I wouldn’t be rushing to get ready. However, by the time I woke up it was almost 7. And I had to be at Jaymie’s house around 8 or 8:30. So after I turned off the alarms I rushed to take a shower and get ready before heading to get my car from the garage. It was pretty damn cold, not going to lie, but I managed by wearing some uniqlo heat tech leggings and just wearing my usual hoodie/jacket style, so the walk to the garage wasn’t terrible.
When I got to the garage I had to empty out the back of the Jetta because I was planning (or more like hoping) to get a spot right outside my apartment when I get back home way later, which means it would be easier to dump the trunk of the Jetta into my Dad’s Volvo so that I wouldn’t have to do it later. Afterwards, I headed to Jaymie’s house but as I was on the way, she told me she was still getting ready so I offered to buy her and her family Jollibee before arriving. Her parents were eating oatmeal so she just needed longsilog and topsilog for her and her brother, which I ordered to go with my own longsilog.
When I got to her house, her family was awake. I greeted her brother, her Mom, and her Dad then went to the kitchen and waited because I didn’t want to be the awkward one eating while everyone else was still out and about in the house. When her Dad came by to eat I began eating my meal and we talked about my trip - how it was in cebu, the food, the crazy traffic. It was just refreshing to be able to talk about my trip especially when I’m still having some vacation blues - it’s part of the reason why I want to blog about it because it helps me overcome me missing my cousins.
When Jaymie was done getting ready we headed out to Stevens since she had an open house to attend for her masters. It was awesome because due to that event I was allowed to park in Babbio garage without a parking pass (suck it, Stevens Police!) :D After I parked, we split ways with her going to the open house and me just chilling on second floor babbio. The open house took about an hour and a half before she was ready to leave.
After she finished changing in the bathroom, we drove up to the Palisades mall which is always a nice drive. I mean, I’m used to it by now considering how many time’s I’ve gone to my Tito Patrick’s house (different Patrick for the uninformed) that I could probably drive it in my sleep (but I won’t = 3 =) In fact, looking for a parking spot seemed to take way longer than getting there, even though it wasn’t. I mean I half expected that. It’s like the only big mall in the area and it was a Saturday.
We decided to just park outside the target on the fourth floor of the mall. It was outdoors so we’d be exposed and I’d be forced to wear my winter jacket to get to the mall, but at least the walk isn’t as far as it could be. Once we got inside, we headed straight for East Japanese because we were both pretty hungry.
East Japanese was a restaurant that had sushi and other snacks and dishes going around on a conveyor belt. I’ve been there and to it’s sister branches several times but this was Jaymie’s first time. I kinda dove in and Jaymie claims that she turned around for a second and there was already like four plates on the table, but I swear it was only two = 3 =. We got all sort of stuff - shrimp tempura rolls and gyoza, obviously, but also fried octopus/squid legs, tokyo style fried chicken, lobster salad sushi, peppered shrimp tempura rolls (there’s a difference), cream puffs, macarons, and a few other things that slip my mind. Overall it was pretty tasty... let’s just not talk about the final bill LOL
After East Japanese, we went next door to this store called “IT’S SUGAR” which, you guessed, sold a crap ton of candy. It was here where I first ate orange hi-chew, and I was tempted to get some but I knew my Dad was bringing back some from the Philippines so I didn’t get any. I did find a section that was selling bacon everything - bandages, lip balm, etc. - but I dare not try any of it in fear of not liking it like I didn’t like bacon flavored ice cream x.x
After spending a little time at IT’S SUGAR we headed to the theater to watch Logan. Oh boy. If I ever do movie reviews, this one will be... alright. Kinda depressing for the most part but I won’t give anything away... I may have cried near the end but yeah...
After Logan we went to Uniqlo because I needed to get new A-shirts for working out. The ones I have are starting to get old and worn out and I figured I buy Uniqlo everything so why not Uniqlo A-shirts as well = 3 = Sadly, they didn’t have the extravegant colors I wanted like yellow, orange, or even blue, so I figured I’d just buy it online (which I haven’t done yet and might do so after writing this post LOL). What I did end up buying was another hoodie because the one I bought in the Philippines was a different design and a different blue than that one I really wanted (which I didn’t realize until I saw it at the store). I’m still going to be using the hoodie I got in the Philippines, but at least now I have three hoodies to rotate around, and that’s always a good thing (especially when I’ve pretty much been wearing the same hoodie for the past year LOL) Oh, and Jaymie got a jacket for her disney trip in April = 3 =
When we were done shopping at Uniqlo, we headed to Kung-Fu Tea because I wanted a manga green tea. It’s funny because before during the week I had asked Jaymie to get me a mango green tea from the Kung-Fu Tea in hoboken and told her I wanted the tapioca and the mango jellies it usually came with. But when I got it, it was the mango boba instead. So I was like “Let me show you how to order my order” and lo and behold when we got to the cashier they told me they don’t do mango jellies anymore. Yeah. Eff me, right? XD Of course Jaymie rubbed it in my face and of course I deserved it, but I’m still laughing about it even now haha = 3 =
We then went to Coldstone because Jaymie wanted to get ice cream. Initially I wasn’t going to get any because I didnt’ want to eat too much... But then I saw that they had pistachio ice cream which I haven’t had in a while... So I ended up getting that with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups... I was tempted to instead get the strawberry lemonade flavor they had but I figured I just had a sweet green tea so I’d get something creamy... Kinda regret not getting the strawberry lemonade flavor, but w/e. What’s done is done.
Before heading out, we stopped by gamestop to check if they had an amiibo Jaymie’s brother was looking. They didn’t so we headed back to Jaymie’s house where I hung out for a bit. They were watching Way of the Dragon and I saw the fight between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. Man did that guy get owned LOL After watching, I tried some of her Dad’s giniling, which was pretty good, but just didn’t taste like my Mom’s cooking (obviously I’m going to favor my Mom’s cooking. It just had more flavor though).
After I finished eating and talking with Jaymie and her brother, I headed back home, which wasn’t painful because it was traffic. I tried looking for a parking spot and initially there wasn’t any, but thankfully after going around one more time, this guy was leaving right in front of my building, so I was able to get the spot and thanked God afterwards. Saved me a trip in the cold.
Once I got upstairs, I just did some WoW dailies, then passed out. Yeah, I was pretty tired, but I guess the jetlag just caught up with me. Hopefully my sleeping cycle should be back on schedule, but we’ll see when I wake up tomorrow for my dentist appointment (if I wake up in time for it LOL)
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