#but i just might make this comversation canon
waterfallwritings · 5 years
15 Questions Tag - again!
@livvywrites immediately tagged me back in this after I tagged her because she wanted to see it done with another one of my characters!
Your wish is my command~
Rules: answer these fifteen questions as one of your characters and then tag 15 people
I will be doing this one as Adrian! My favourite loveable dumbass fish boy. I’m going to do it from the perspective of if this was Morgan asking the questions, in particular Morgan post finding out that Adrian is a triton— cause she figures it out in like what chapter five I think? Idk. This way he doesn’t have to hide that fact and you can get some actual answers!! Oh and written from some rando narrators perspective, aka not how ASH is actually written.
Oh yeah and Adrian doesn’t speak, remember? Lol.
~~~~~(I would put a readmore but I’m on mobile. Sorry!!)~~~~~~
1. What is your full name?
He grabs the parchment and quill and scribbles out the letters. He pauses, seeming to look at the paper fondly, before handing it to Morgan. ‘Adrian Cadmus.’ It says. Adrian is smiling.
<< I haven’t been able to share my last name in so long... it feels good.>> He signs to her.
2. What does your name mean?
Still smiling, he signs,
<< I was named after the—>> stopping, he grabs the paper back and flips it over. Unfortunately the homemade sign language doesn’t yet cover everything.
‘Adriatic sea’ he writes.
<<As for my last name..>> he continues, sighing. His smile is gone. <<I was told it means ‘brave warrior’. In... my home, it tells of a night. Sword. Role. Given name. >>
“Wait, you were a knight in Myrddin? Is that what you’re trying to say? Are you kidding me?” Morgan exclaims.
<<... yes>> Adrian signs hesitantly. Morgan shakes her head in disbelief.
3. Do you have any nicknames or other names?
Adrian pauses. His hands then float in the air for a moment, as he searches for words. His eyes are downcast.
<<no...no one has ever given me a nickname. I am always Adrian or just another night.>> he glances up at Morgan.
<<you have called me ‘fish boy’ twice, but neither seemed... well. Positive.>> He drops his hands into his lap. Morgan sighs.
“Remind me to tell Miles that you need a proper nickname.” Her tone is edged with sarcasm, but Adrian lights up.
4. What is your gender?
The seemingly eternal look of confusion appears on Adrian’s face.
<<what is...?>> he trails off.
“Ugh. Nevermind. For human reference, your answer to that question is that you’re a man, okay? Like human?” Adrian nods.
5. What is your sexuality?
Cue the confused look again.
Morgan sighs and shakes her head.
“Like, who are you attracted to, who do you like, what type of person would you, uh, well, mate with, I guess?” Morgan explains awkwardly.
<< why do you want to know that?>>
Morgan smirks, and glances around to make sure Miles isn’t anywhere nearby.
“Oh you know me... curious as ever...”
Adrian sits there for a few minutes, thinking. Staring out at the sea. Morgan becomes impatient and clears her throat loudly.
<<human, or...?>> he hesitates, then points to himself.
“Whichever. Whatever.”
<<Well,>> he signs, pausing. << I normally just admire females of my people. But personality is what matters to me most.>> He scribbles on the paper again.
‘Loyalty. Honesty. Compassion. Happiness.’ He writes.
6. Where are you from?
Adrian gives a lopsided but knowing smile.
<< You want to know about—my, under, water, city?>> he struggles to find signs they’ve created that can express what he’s trying to say.
Morgan glares. “Yeah yknow, the one selkies aren’t ever allowed in.”
<< Marble. Elegant. Everyone has a strict role. But poor too. Most happy anyway. Ruled by crown. Crown makes those rules, not me.>> he tells her. Her glare does not subside. They move on.
7. How old are you?
.... <<how old do I look?>> he asks instead of answering, after a moment of thought.
“Um. I don’t know. In human years, maybe mid twenties?” Morgan suggests. Adrian smirks- and he doesn’t smirk often.
<< What if I told you I was two hundred and eight years old as a.... fish person?>> they don’t yet have a word for triton. He awaits a reaction. Morgan pauses.
“I believe it,” she decides.
<<what, really?>>
Morgan shrugs and nods. “Why not?”
8. What is your magic form designation?
<<.... Morgan, you know what I am. And now you know I was a night. What more?>> he asks.
“Fair point. You had fins and scales and stuff right?” He nods.
9. What does your human form look like?
“Don’t give me that look, just, describe it. Yourself. In your own terms.” She explains. Adrian is still a bit confused, but he listens. Which is nothing new to him.
<< I have shoulder length black hair... narrow face, green eyes like the sea.>> he pauses and looks at Morgan. <<slightly different skin colour than you... darker. Slightly. Stronger than I seem.>> Morgan scoffs at the last bit.
10. What is your aesthetic?
[[ after Morgan, slightly annoyed, explains what an aesthetic is to him ]]
<< Ah. Green ocean foam. A purple sunset. Stars. ..... My old spear.>> He decides.
11. Who is your best friend?
[[ after Morgan briefly explains what a best friend is: ]]
Adrian’s eyes light up like fireworks after the explanation.
<< Oh! Miles! That is Miles. Yes. >> His face softens into a small, warm smile. << I have a... best friend. Miles is my best friend.>> He seems to be signing automatically, but speaking to himself, as if the realization had just dawned on him.
<< I don’t think I’ve ever had a best friend before.>>
“Okay okay I get it, I already knew the answer it’s very obvious. Now stop it with the mushy sap, ugh.” Morgan groans.
12. Would you ever get a tattoo or piercing?
[[ after Morgan explains what they are. Complains that Miles is normally the one explaining everything to him, and how on earth does he do it all. The. Time. ]]
<< mm... would it stay when I... go fish?>> he asks, catching Morgan off guard, who starts laughing loudly and has to clamp a hand over her mouth so she doesn’t attract attention.
“W— when, when you, go fish?” She cries, laughing again. “What, a-are you playing cards now??”
Adrian huffs.
<< we really need a word for what I am. But to answer, maybe to the permanent photo. None of the hole with metal through it though. >>
13. When are you the happiest?
Adrian turns and stares out to the sea, and his features darken. It takes him several minutes, despite Morgan’s nudges and annoyances, to return to their conversation.
<< For now, when I am spending time with Miles and can see the ocean.>> He finally signs. But untold emotion swirls begins his eyes.
14. What is your biggest secret?
Morgan smirks as she asks. She isn’t expecting much of an answer— or the fact that he’s not human as his answer. But his face is still dark and gloomy after the last question. With no emotion on his face, as if he’s holding it back, he signs;
<< I did a very very bad thing, years ago. No one can ever know. Not here, not there. I was just trying to defend an innocent.>>
His lip quivers. Morgan stares at him in shock.
Tears start to well up in his eyes, his face trying to push them back down.
Uh oh.
“Uh—I— I’m going to go get Miles for you. Um. Uh. I’m sorry. Miles!” Morgan sputters before running off.
((15th question was if he has a sidekick, which he doesn’t, and I figured here was a better more natural ending, considering.))
Since this ended up being quite long & quite informative about certain things in ASH, I’m going to put the taglist. Anyone in the taglist who hasn’t done this tag game before is now tagged to do it!!
PS. Quill? QuillOfTheClouds? Mate? I think I’m gonna pretend that this conversation is canon & happened in the three day time skip before they docked and left the ship. Maybe. Probably. I’ll just add a mention that Adrian and Morgan spent a few minutes together during that time. Or something. It’s too much dialogue to actually write in.
Taglist: @quilloftheclouds , @abalonetea , @penzag , @livvywrites , @bookish-actor , @bookenders , @starrywritingg , @atbwrites , @lordhoekage , @royalbounties , @maple-writes @writings-of-a-narwhal , @yeraswifey , @smudged-glasses-writing s , @tenacious-scripturient , @sunlight-and-starskies , @marlettpines @disfunctionaldeity-writes , @fandom-child-4life , @mezvii , @purpleshadows1989 , @phahbiyah
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