#but i instantly knew he meant gretna green
youremyonlyhope · 1 year
Me: *Talking to my cousins.* My Dad: *20 feet away talking to other family members.* Me: Yeah so the strike – Dad: HOPE! HEY HOPE! *Yelling across the room* Me: – might reach some sort of negotiation. Dad: HOPE! Me: One sec. WHAT? Dad: SCOTLAND IS FOR MARRIAGES RIGHT? Me: GRETNA GREEN, YEAH. Anyway, as of yesterday there are rumors that negotiations are looking more promising. Cousin: Wait, what? Scotland? Me: Don't worry about it.
0 notes
pookha · 4 years
Symphony of the Heart
Chapter 2-Euphony
Hermione and Harry go out for Harry's 30th birthday, then go back to her place. Timetables get re-arranged.
This chapter written for MalfoysAngel's "The Dirty Thirty" challenge.
"It's kind of nice it's just the two of us tonight," Harry said, leaning into Hermione's shoulder.
"Yeah." She slid an arm around his waist and leaned back into him as they walked.
"You said you wanted to eat light tonight? Tapas?" Harry asked.
"Sounds good."
Harry took out his wand, held tightly to Hermione and they Disapparated.
They appeared in an empty warehouse, in a designated safe Apparition spot. He held her for a moment longer than was strictly needed. She broke away first, but kept holding his hand as they walked to the High Street. The air was noticeably cooler and fresher and Hermione looked around quizzically.
"Where are we?" she asked, then answered her own question when she saw the Welsh signs.
"Cardiff; Dafydd's is the best. People make fun of Welsh cuisine, but when I was stationed here for a bit, it really grew on me. Welsh tapas sounded strange to me, but it's actually really good " Harry squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.
"Sounds interesting."
"I half-expected you'd be trying to take me someplace to have a surprise party." Harry laughed.
"We'd talked about it, but everyone's out of town. Luna and Ginny are off in Scotland; I think Ginny's going to suggest they go to Gretna Green. Neville and Hannah were going to come, but he came down with a cold, and she's taking care of him. Dean and Seamus are helping George with that audit."
Harry nodded; he knew the audit she meant.
"Still, it's good to just go out with the two of us. When was the last time we did something like this?" he asked.
She sighed.
"The 10-year anniversary." Her voice got thick.
Harry stopped and hugged her.
"No more thinking about that night, okay?" He held her close.
She sniffled for just a second, put her head down into his shoulder, and when she raised it, she smiled.
"One good thing came out of that night and morning."
"Oh?" Harry asked.
Hermione pulled back slightly and punched him lightly.
"Ow," Harry said, rubbing his arm in mock injury.
"Yes, yes, I remember our vow; if both of us are still unmarried at thirty-five, we'll get married to each other. You still want that?"
She nodded.
"Don't you?" She jerked him to face her.
"I-" he paused.
"Yes, I still want that."
He cupped her chin and raised her face.
"I love you, and I think I'll learn to be in love with you."
"I-I love you, too, Harry."
She stood up straighter, pulled him close and kissed his cheek, just barely grazing his lips.
"I can learn to be in love with you, too."
He twisted his head just a bit and their lips met. They exchanged a brief, chaste kiss and both reddened.
They passed the rest of the walk to the restaurant in companionable silence, holding hands.
"It smells amazing," Hermione said as they took their seats at a private booth at the back of the restaurant.
They chatted easily about their friends and about work, but both knew that the other was avoiding the hard topics.
When the food came, they both dug right in and ate mostly in silence, but with occasional glances into each other's eyes.
Suddenly, Hermione reached across and touched Harry's head.
"Thirty years old, and just a speck of grey at your temples." She shook her head.
He ran a hand through his hair, which had thinned some over the years, but still was a wild mess if he didn't pay attention to it.
She smiled and he grinned back.
They took care of the cheque and walked out together down toward the sea, hand in hand.
"So, do you think that Ginny will actually get Luna to marry her if they do go to Gretna Green?" Hermione asked.
Harry see-sawed his free hand.
"Fifty-fifty, I don't know if Luna wants to get married, or what sort of agreement they might have about what each of them wants, exclusivity-wise."
Hermione nodded; she remembered what Harry had told her about them asking him to join them in polyamory and him refusing.
They both sat on a wall watching the sun set over the sea. Harry kept his eyes on Hermione as she looked out, and soon enough she noticed him looking.
"Yes?" she asked.
"You're beautiful; I don't know if I've ever told you that before."
He couldn't see it since the setting sun had already coloured her face, but he was sure she blushed.
"I'm not, really, am I? My hair's too frizzy, I'm a bit too round now, and my teeth are still--"
Harry cut her off.
"Don't let anyone say you're not beautiful; even if that anyone is you."
She lowered her eyes.
"Thank you."
It was growing darker and the streetlights came on.
Harry stood and helped Hermione up, then they headed down a set of steps to the beach.
"What would you like to do now?"
"I'm not ready for tonight to end; want to come back to my place?" Hermione asked.
They walked into some shadows and Harry made sure they weren't being watched. He took out his wand, pulled her tight and Disapparated.
They appeared outside Hermione's house. She'd bought a place in rural Yorkshire last year. It was easy Floo or Apparating distance to London, but enough out in the country that it was peaceful.
She unlocked the door and disabled the wards, carefully checking them to make sure they hadn't been tripped. Harry watched approvingly.
They had just barely hung their jackets on the pegs just inside the door when a meowing greeted them. It was a small tabby that Hermione had named Jennyanydots, Jenny for short. Harry had found her in a barn while on a case, a barely weaned kitten. There was no sign of her mother or her siblings. It had been just over a year since Hermione had lost Crookshanks, and Harry thought a kitten would do her good. Hermione had taken to the little tabby instantly.
Harry knelt down to scratch Jenny under the chin as she head-butted his legs.
"I'm going to feed her; I'll meet you in the living room in a moment."
The cat continued to rub on Harry's legs until she heard a can open in the kitchen. Then she ran off, tail up and meowing excitedly.
Harry laughed and went to the living room. Hermione had repainted since the last time he had been here and the walls were a light blue now. It opened the room up more than the old beige had. Harry closed the curtains against the night sky. When he turned around, he saw that Hermione also had a new painting over her mantle.
The bright colors and bold brush-strokes immediately told him it was one of Luna's. Harry tried to make something out in the abstract shapes and as he did, they shifted. He thought he saw a field of sunflowers and it changed to that.
"Interesting, isn't it?" Hermione came and stood beside him.
"Luna says it's ‘telepathically morphic,' which means it can tell somehow what you see in it and change to it, within some limits. It doesn't do humans very well, and some animals are just blurs."
Harry watched as it shifted to a stylized tabby cat and knew it was reacting to Hermione. Then it shifted again to some type of flower. Hermione blushed, then turned away. The flower pushed a vague memory in Harry, but he couldn't place it.
Hermione pushed him gently toward a sofa. He turned away from the painting reluctantly, but let himself be led.
"Why don't we get together more often?" Harry asked as Hermione sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder, but he already knew the answer.
"Work." She sighed. "We're both just so busy. I mean we eat lunch together most days, but it's just not the same."
"Yeah, I wish it could be like this more; just us in the quiet night."
"Ah, a poet." She laughed and he laughed easily with her.
She lifted her head and met his eyes.
"There's an easy way to see more of each other."
"We could just get married now. Let's go to Scotland tomorrow and do it. Why wait five more years?"
Harry pulled back slightly, unsure if she was taking the piss out of him.
"I'm serious, Harry."
He started to pull away, but she gripped the back of his neck and pulled him toward her for a kiss.
He kissed her closed-mouth for just a second before melting into the kiss and returning it. Their mouths both opened and the kiss deepened. She started to pull back, but Harry put his hand on her cheeks in a silent request for more. After a long moment, they both pulled back.
"You've never kissed me like that before," she whispered. "Even that time we almost fucked; the kisses weren't like that."
"I was never truly sure you wanted me to kiss you like that before."
She barked a short laugh and sat back on the couch.
"I mean Ginny told me you could be oblivious, but I never thought I'd have to throw myself at you to get your attention."
Her tone turned more serious.
"I do mean it; why not do it now? Why wait five more years? You love me, I know you do; and I love you, too. I know earlier today I said I could learn to be in love with you, but I already am; have been for years."
Her cheeks flamed again and she lowered her eyes.
He lifted her chin again and kissed her; a gentle lover's kiss.
"I love you, too, but I'm not sure I am in love with you," he said after they broke apart.
A tear appeared at the corner of her eye.
"I'm not sure I can be in love with you, at least not like that."
"Is it because of what happened with Ginny?" Hermione asked in a small voice.
He shook his head.
Suddenly, she understood.
"Look, Ron's dead."
Harry turned away and started to rise, but she yanked him back to the couch.
"Ron's dead," she said again flatly.
"You're not dishonoring his memory by loving me; you wouldn't be forgetting him in any way."
Her voice rose.
"I'm here! I love you! I want to be with you! I want to have children with you! You want children?"
He nodded dumbly.
"You want them with me?"
Now his face flamed, but he nodded shortly.
"It's...it's just weird for me. I never thought of you like that back then; you were just my friend." Harry's voice was quiet. "And even if I had thought of you like that, Ron was in love with you, and I knew if I got in the way of that, I'd lose Ron."
"We lost Ron anyway."
Harry yanked back again, but Hermione went with him.
"It's been thirteen years. He'd want us to be happy. I can't imagine he'd want either of us to suffer more. If we found that with each other, I don't think he'd mind."
Harry broke her grip again and stood.
"I'll have to think about it."
He walked to the door and grabbed his jacket. She didn't say anything as the door opened and then closed.
He stood outside with his head pressed against the door. It had started to drizzle and the water dripped down the back of his neck. He could picture what was happening inside.
Hermione would be sitting on the couch, crying quietly and it was his fault. Jenny would hear and trot in to comfort her. Hermione would pet the cat absently as she wept.
Harry banged his hand on the door in frustration. He heard a noise from inside. He made to leave then hesitated as he saw a shadow appear around the door's edges from inside.
The door yanked open; Hermione held her wand pointed right at his face.
His hand was still half-raised to bang on the door again or knock; he wasn't sure. He moved to push her wand out of his face, but she lowered it and grabbed him. She tugged him back inside her house by the lapels of his jacket.
"I'm-" he started to whisper, but she pulled him tight to her and kissed him. He shifted his weight and pushed her against the wall. He slid his mouth off hers and down her neck. She wrapped her hands in his hair and pulled him in.
"This-" she whispered.
He lifted his head.
"You sure?"
She replied by taking his hand and placing it over her breast.
He went back to kissing her neck, down her collarbone to the top button of her shirt. She lifted the hand he had over her breast to the top button of her blouse and he undid it, then kissed the skin that had been exposed there. Then he undid the next button and slowly kissed down to the next one. Both started to breathe faster.
She still had her wand in her hand and waved it behind his back. All the buttons on his shirt suddenly popped open and she yanked it out of his trousers. She pushed it back off his shoulders and he shrugged it off. She put her wand on the counter next to the coat hooks and slid her hands into his pants to tug up his undershirt. With a jerk, she pulled it up and over his head. She ran her hands over his chest and up over his shoulders to his back before pulling him in for another lingering kiss.
He pushed her back and slowly finished unbuttoning her shirt, grinning as he slid it back off her shoulders. She put her hands slightly behind her to let the shirt slide off. He pushed back after it had fallen to the ground in a whisper of silk and trapped her hands behind her. He pressed his body up against her and kissed down neck and collarbone again, following where he'd kissed earlier. She moaned as he kissed the top of her breast again. Her nipples stood out taut and stiff through the fabric and he rubbed them lightly with his thumb.
He let her hands go and spun her so she was facing the wall, then he lifted her hands up over her head.
She gasped when he pressed against her arse from behind and she felt how hard he was, even through his trousers and her slacks. His hands came from behind and slid under her bra, cupping her breasts. He pinched her nipples lightly as he ran his lips from behind one ear, down her neck and then back up to the other ear.
He flipped the cups of her bra up over her breasts, but she made a noise of negation, so he stopped.
"It's not comfortable like that; just take it off."
He fumbled with the back straps for a second before he realized it unlatched in front. He managed to unhook it with slightly shaking hands and lifted it over her head, then he turned her around and started kissing down her neck again.
He ran his tongue just around the outside of her areola, but never quite putting his mouth on it or her nipple, enjoying the way she squirmed against him. He kissed down the underside of her breast and down her stomach to the waistline of her slacks. He knelt down in front of her and kissed across her stomach. He reached up and grabbed her slacks, and her knickers under them and pulled them both down in a quick motion. She lifted her feet one by one and he slid her shoes off, then lifted her slacks with her knickers still in them away from her feet.
She stood naked in front of him, her breathing coming quick and hard.
"Beautiful," he said, then leaned further down to kiss her on the leg. She wrapped a hand in his hair and pulled him up.
"I wasn't expecting this, and didn't shave."
He pulled her hand away and put it at her side.
"I don't care," he said, lowering his head to her legs again. He kissed from her ankles up to her knees, looking for a reaction and when it was small, had her flip around facing the wall again. This time, when he kissed the back side of her knee, she let out a small sound. He kissed up her thighs to the mound of her arse, and the sounds grew as he did. He ran his hands over her cheeks and spread them apart. She took the prompt and moved her legs apart more and leaned into the wall.
Sweat dripped down her back and into her crack. He saw it and licked it off, then moved his tongue down. When he ran it just around her arsehole, she gasped, but he wrapped his hands around her thighs and pulled her tighter. She squirmed more as he kept his mouth and tongue pressed to her.
He licked and kissed up her back, then back down again and kissed over both her cheeks. He spun her around again, and started to lower his head, when she wrapped her hands in his hair again and pulled him up.
"Not yet. It's your turn first."
"What?" he managed to gasp, before she spun them both around, her hands still wrapped in his hair. Their legs tangled for a moment, and they both threatened to fall over, but they managed to stay standing. They both laughed for just a second until Hermione lowered her lips to his neck.
She kissed him all over the same way he'd kissed her, paying special attention to tease him with kisses down his chest, and as she ran her tongue over his nipples, he ground into her, pressing against her thigh through his trousers. She lowered one hand to his crotch and rubbed his hardness. He moaned and tried to kiss her on the neck, but because her head was over his chest, he couldn't quite reach. A small sound of frustration escaped his lips. She looked up, grinned, kissed him deeply, then lowered her head again.
She grabbed his belt and undid it, then unbuttoned his trousers. She slid down onto her knees and unzipped him, then pulled his trousers down. He stood out hard against his pants, and she reached up and grabbed his dick through them. She rubbed it up and down twice before grabbing the hem and pulling them down.
She leaned in and licked him from the tip down to his balls, then took one in her mouth, then the other. When she took her mouth off, the cool air hit the moist flesh; his skin goose-pimpled.
"Fuck," he whispered.
"Later," she said, lifting her mouth off his cock.
"First, fellatio for the birthday boy."
He laughed for a second until she took his head and part of his shaft into her mouth, leaning with one hand against the wall for balance and the other hand wrapped the bottom part of his cock.
"I--I won't last long," he said.
"That's okay; you're young, at least for a few more hours," she said, pulling her mouth off him.
She ran her tongue slowly, ever so slowly over the head and around the shaft, then shifted down as far as she could to lick under his balls. She took her time licking back up, until she reached the top.
"Please," he said, his voice barely audible.
"Yes," she whispered back, then put her mouth over him. She wrapped her hand around him and stoked gently as she slid him in and almost, but not quite out of her mouth. His dick tried to twitch in her hand as he moved involuntarily, but she held it firm. When his struggles became stronger, she increased the speed of her stroking.
She looked up at him and their eyes met. He gasped and she knew that had pushed him to the point of no return. She kept her eyes on his as she sucked his dick. He reached his hands down to her hair and tried to guide her off.
"I'm gonna come!"
She held on a few seconds more, taking him deeper in her mouth than before and then came up off him. A string of spit and pre-cum dangled between her lips and the head of his cock. She kept stroking and watching him.
His eyes closed and his breathing got heavy, then paused for a second. She pointed his dick down away from her mouth and he came on her chest, gasping with each ejaculation. When he'd almost finished, she took him back in her mouth and squeezed up his dick. His breathing was still coming heavy and fast. She pulled back off him butterfly kissed up and down his shaft, pausing once to lick off the very last drop clinging to the tip.
Harry opened his eyes and looked down.
"Shit! I'm sorry!"
He caught the confusion in her eyes.
"I didn't mean to come on your tits."
She laughed as she stood and ran her hand through it, smearing it on her breasts.
"No, I did that. I don't like it in my mouth. It's more the consistency than the taste; although, that's not usually great either. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being sticky from sex and if I don't like it, I could just vanish it with my wand."
She grabbed her wand from the counter and did just that.
"I-" he started to say, but she put a finger on his lips. He could taste himself on it.
"No talking." She took his hand and started to lead him away. He pulled her back and kissed her again, then let himself be led, pausing only briefly to grab his wand from his trousers.
When they got to the bedroom, Jenny was sleeping on the bed. Hermione sat on the edge of it and Jenny opened one eye suspiciously. She dropped her wand on the bed and Harry put his next to hers..
Harry started to get into bed with her, but she just shook her head and put her hands on his shoulders. She gently pushed him down to his knees. He understood and smiled.
He lifted her left leg and kissed it behind the knee where he'd gotten such a strong reaction earlier and she gasped again. He kissed and licked all down her leg, down to her feet, then licked the bottom of her foot. She tried to pull it away, but Harry held tightly and licked her arch.
"Tickles," she said, "not erotic."
"Sorry," he apologized.
He lifted up and kissed up her thigh instead, then suddenly pulled her forward to the edge of the bed. He pushed her legs more apart and lowered his head.
He ran his tongue slowly over the outside of her lips, enjoying the feel of the stray wet hairs against his face. She reached down and tangled her hands in his head again and pulled him closer.
He lifted a hand and spread her lips apart more and dove his tongue in and out, licking her quickly. Moving up, he licked her clit and her hands tightened in his hair. His chin and lips were drenched with her and as he licked her clit in long, slow motion, she moved underneath him, raising up to meet his tongue.
She quivered under his mouth and he could feel her starting to lose control, so he pulled back from her clit. She made a noise of protest.
He went lower and licked the sensitive skin between her pussy and arse and knew that he was driving her crazy. He ran his tongue back up the outside of her lips again on both sides before returning to her clit. As he licked faster this time, he slid a finger inside her and fucked her slowly with it.
"Fuck!" She moved even more under his mouth and he had a hard time keeping his tongue on her. He pulled back from her, his face covered in her juices. He stood and leaned over. She licked herself off his face. He laid down next to her and slid two fingers inside her. She moaned and when his thumb found her clit, her breathing got ragged. He fucked her with his fingers, slowly at first, then faster, as his thumb made circles.
"Oh! God!"
"I like watching you as I fuck you." He whispered in her ear.
"Cup your fingers forward." She gasped when he did and he kept fucking her while keeping the pressure up between his fingers and thumbs.
He obviously found the spot, because her pussy tightened around his fingers and she bucked under him and then suddenly, she covered his entire hand. He looked down from her face and watched as she gushed. He pulled his fingers away and even more came out.
"Don't stop; I'm close." She pushed his fingers back.
He slid his fingers in again and put his thumb back on her clit.
"Faster!" she begged.
He fucked her faster with his fingers. This time, she didn't just buck, she thrashed. She gripped the blankets in one hand and Harry's arm with the other as she came. He grimaced as her nails dug into his arm, but he didn't stop.
"Oh my God," she said when she'd finished. Harry pulled his fingers out and licked them. She sat up and licked his fingers also. Their tongues met and then they kissed, his fingers still between them. She pulled back slightly and took his fingers in his mouth one by one until they were clean.
"Sorry,I thought you came when you were...um... squirting?" he said hesitantly.
She shook her head.
"I was close, but not there yet. Have you never been with anyone who squirted before?"
He shook his head.
"Not like that."
"It doesn't happen every time, and not always when I orgasm, but it's usually close to when I come. I can squirt without coming and come without squirting."
She kept her eyes on him.
"You don't think it's weird, do you?"
"No, not weird." He moved her hand slightly and bumped it against his cock, which was hard. She wrapped her fingers around it and stroked it.
"I want to fuck you. Protection?" he asked.
"I use the potion." She kept stroking.
"You want me to use a condom, or the hard or soft Charm?"
"Have you been with anyone else recently?" she asked.
He shook his head.
"More than a year for me; you?"
"Me too." She stopped stroking and took her hand away.
"The soft charm, I think."
He nodded in agreement, reached around her and took his wand. Jenny was now wide-eyed and staring at them.
"Your cat is watching us." He laughed.
He stood and waved his wand over his shaft and said the charm. Hermione nodded in approval.
"Lay down," she ordered as she stood.
He laid down and adjusted the pillow under his head. Hermione waited for him to get comfortable, then climbed into bed with him. Jenny took this as her cue to leave, and leapt off the bed with a soft ‘merp.'
"One pussy's enough for me anyway," Harry said.
Hermione laughed and straddled him. She reached her hands up to the headboard for balance and Harry took in a glorious view of her breasts. He leaned up on his arms and took a nipple into his mouth. Then suddenly, she was rubbing against him, hot and wet. She teased him just outside, sliding up and down slowly, but never taking him in. She rolled her hips, and when her clit hit him, she groaned. She moved faster, getting a bit wild, until Harry put his hands on her hips and slowed her.
He arched his hips up for a better angle, she took one hand off the headboard and guided him in. She slid slowly, ever so slowly down him until he was all the way in. She rocked her hips, fucking him in a controlled rhythm. He kept his breathing steady as she moved on him and tried to think of Quidditch.
She took her hands off the headboard and put her body fully on his; her breasts mashing against his chest.
"Pinch my nipples," she whispered as she bit his ear. She ground against him faster.
She sat back more upright and he reached up and pinched her nipples gently.
"Harder," she said.
He pinched them harder and bucked on him, now rising off most of him with each stroke, then slamming back down.
She gushed all over him as he squeezed her nipples and then bit each of them in turn. Her fucking got wild and uncontrolled.
"Fuck! I'm going to come again!"
"Me too!"
He kept his eyes open as she came and watched her. Her eyes slitted and she threw her neck back. Her hands gripped the covers tightly and then he was over the edge too. She kept bucking on him as he came in her. He joined her in gripping the covers tightly. His eyes closed involuntarily and when he opened them, she was watching him. She smiled, leaned over and kissed him, but kept fucking him until his dick got too soft and fell out. She rolled off and scooched over in the bed, so neither of them had to stay in the wet spot.
They held each other in silence for a few moments, lips occasionally touching, and hands gently stroking backs and chest.
She broke the silence first.
"We should have done that years ago." She looked him right in the eyes.
He tried to turn his head, but she reached up and held it between her hands.
"Seriously, if we weren't both hung up, wouldn't you have liked to do this?"
He nodded.
"Words," she whispered.
"Yes, I wish we'd done this before. Yes, I was hung up on it. Yes, I do love you. Yes, I want to be with you." His voice was hoarse and low.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me out of pity or because of our vow. I can release you from it if you want. Better to do it now, before we get too hurt if you're really not sure."
Her eyes filled with tears. He kissed them away.
"I don't pity you any more than I think you pity me; you don't pity me?"
She shook her head.
"I'm tired of hiding how I feel."
"Obviously," he said, imitating Snape's voice. She giggled, then punched him lightly on the arm.
"No Snape voice, okay?"
"I want to wake up with you, come home to you, have you there for me and be there for you. We'll both have tough days coming. I know you're tapped to be the next Head of the DMLE and I'm likely to be Minister sooner rather than later. Let's do that together."
She leaned in and kissed him again.
"I--I think I'd like that. Please, give me a few days to be sure, okay? I promise you I'll know within a week."
"If we're not going to do that, then we can't do this"
"No, I agree, it's all or nothing."
"I can live with that." She turned her face slightly from him and he knew she was lying; maybe to herself, maybe to him, maybe to both of them.
"I have to go pee," she said, getting up. She grabbed her wand off the bed when she went and he watched her arse the whole way, admiring it.
When the bathroom door closed, Jenny stuck her head around the doorframe and looked in.
"It's okay, kitty; we're done."
She merped, trotted into the bedroom and jumped on the bed, right onto the wet spot, now cold and clammy. She let out a squeak and immediately leapt off again and ran out of the room complaining vocally with meows.
"What's going on?" Hermione's voice came from the bathroom.
"Jenny jumped onto the wet spot."
"Can you take care of that? Sheets are in the closet, third shelf down."
"Okay." He stood and stripped the bed of its sheets; underneath was some sort of Charmed mattress pad that had repelled the moisture. He found the blankets were also wet and dried them with his wand. He piled the blankets in one spot and when he opened the closet, he saw a hamper. He started to put the wet sheets in it, but saw some of her clothes in it and hesitated.
"Can the wet sheets go in the hamper with your clothes?" he shouted.
"Yes, I'll just take more care when I wash them."
He heard the toilet flush and water running, then a couple of muttered incantations.
He jammed the wadded-up sheets into the hamper and took out clean ones. He noticed that all of her bed sets matched and were all neutral colours. He picked out a grey one and set about putting it on the bed, struggling a bit with the corners, when she came out of the bathroom in a fluffy white terry-cloth robe.
She rolled her eyes and waved her wand at the sheets. They leapt out of Harry's hands and onto the bed, tucking in perfectly on the corners, even the top sheet, which Harry could never get right, so he always left it off. Another wave of her wand and the pillowcases followed suit.
She picked up the blankets and looked them over.
"They were only a bit damp, so I dried them with my wand."
She nodded.
"That'll do for tonight. Staying the night?"
He gulped and nodded.
"Good," she said and stepped forward and kissed him.
"You should go clean up, too. I copied my bathrobe and enlarged the copy a little; it's hanging on the hook."
"Thanks," he said, pulling her into a tight hug.
She pinched his butt lightly and he jumped, then laughed.
He went in and showered quickly. After drying himself off, he found the bathrobe she'd altered and put it on. It was still a bit short, but otherwise okay. Even though it was a copy, he thought it smelled like her.
He heard noises from the kitchen when he came out, so he went in there. She was boiling the kettle. His clothes were neatly folded on the table with his pants on top of his trousers.
"I'm making some decaf tea, want some?"
"Yes, please."
He sat at the table and watched as she bustled around the kitchen efficiently. She knew he took his tea with a little sugar and milk and prepped it without asking. They both sat at the table in silence, enjoying their steaming mugs. Harry pressed his leg against hers and she twined it around him.
When they were done, she leaned her head into his shoulder and they just rested like that. Harry enjoyed the companionable silence and it wasn't awkward at all. He lifted his hand and stroked her neck and hair. Her breathing got slow and deep, and she started to doze off.
"Bed?" he asked softly.
"Yeah, better, or I'll fall asleep on you and you won't be able to move until morning."
They stood and walked to the bedroom, hand in hand. She shrugged her bathrobe off onto the floor and slipped into bed naked. He did the same and joined her. Under the blankets, she spooned up into him and fell asleep with his arm around her. He watched her, thinking how lucky he was to have a friend...no a lover...like this. A wife like this, maybe. Lost in a spiral of thoughts, it took him a long time to fall asleep.
Hermione woke up, wondering briefly why she was so sore, then she remembered. She rolled over; there was no one there except Jenny.
"Harry?" she called out.
No answer.
She sat up and tears began to spill down her cheeks. She hadn't expected him to just leave. Jenny looked up, saw her crying and climbed in her lap, purring.
"You?" Hermione asked. "Why didn't you stop him, hm?" She scratched Jenny under the chin for a few seconds then got up. Her wand was on the nightstand next to her and she took it.
She stumbled to the bathroom, dropped her wand on the counter, and noticed that Harry had hung his robe neatly back on the door hook. It took her a second to realize there were two hooks now and that Harry must have copied the one there. She looked around and saw that he had also copied the towel rack and the towel. She shook her head, wondering what it meant.
The shower was hot and soothing and she took her time washing her hair and luxuriating in it. She started to step out, then paused and grabbed her wand. She ran it over her legs and crotch, and all the hair on them fell off. She sighed; she hadn't meant to remove all her pubic hair. She rinsed down the tub and stepped out and toweled off.
She grabbed her wand, walked naked to her closet and picked out her clothes for the day. Comfortable knickers and her most comfortable (or least uncomfortable bra, as she sometimes thought) then blue jeans and a plain, light blue blouse.
She made sure her wand was in her pocket and thought about her to-do list. Officially, she was on holiday, so she didn't have to go into the office today, but she might go to work just to get her mind off Harry. First, though, feed Jenny, clean the kitchen and litter box, then breakfast.
She went to the kitchen to get Jenny her food and saw the note on the table. She sighed again, picked it up, put it down and decided to feed Jenny first.
When she opened the can, Jenny ran from the bedroom and bunted against her legs until she put the food down. Hermione rinsed off the spatula and can before sitting at the table to read the note.
I got a notification that they caught Nott again, so I had to go in even though I'm on holiday. I didn't want to wake you since you were sleeping so peacefully. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. I haven't forgotten what we talked about last night and I'm not just going to walk out on it.
I love you, and will see you as soon as I can.
She folded the note back up and slid it into her pocket, then started to cry again. She should have known he hadn't just left her after a one-night fuck; that wasn't like Harry at all. She wiped the proto-tears off and stood. She took care of her chores in quick order and had started in on the laundry when there was a knock at the door.
She opened it with her wand in her hand like always.
Harry stood there, a bouquet of Stargazer Lilies and a ring box in his hands. He knelt in front of her and opened the box. It held a small, plain gold band.
"I-" he stammered.
She started crying again for the third time that day, but this time tears of joy.
"Scotland? Today?" he asked.
She nodded and knelt next to him. They embraced on their knees and she kissed him, then he kissed the tears away.
"You are the one I want to grow old with, Hermione. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to see that."
"I'm not," she replied. "If we'd hurried this, I think it would have fallen apart."
They both stood, Harry helping her up. She took the ring and slid it on. It fit perfectly.
"Where's yours?"
"I thought I'd let you pick out mine."
"Wise man. I like the plain band." She spun it around her finger.
"Shall we message Ginny and ask if they want a double wedding or do you want to keep it just us?"
She thought for a minute.
"Just us."
"I do love you."
"I love you too."
He pushed her in the door and closed it behind them.
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