#but i hope it gives off the takari vibes regardless
genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Nostalgia Lane, NYC
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Nostalgia Lane, NYC
Word Count: 578
Prompt: “Vacation,” Day 3 of Takari Week 2021
Featured Characters: Kari Kamiya
A/N: The first moment I sat down to figure out my drabbles for the week, I thought of the New York trip when I saw “Vacation.” While it’s been a while since I’ve seen the Digimon movie (the one America combined three movies into, you know the one), I will always remember the cute picture T.K. and Kari took while in New York. But what about the rest of their trip? So I decided to write about it! Please enjoy!
"You're telling me we came halfway across the world to visit her, and we can't even find Mimi?" T.K. asked, tilting his head back as he squinted up at the skyscrapers above them.
"This city has a different layout than Tokyo, and you know I'm not a map person. I leave that to you," Kari said, folding up the map in her hands. Though they both knew English well enough to get by, there were just some things that were too confusing. Maybe that was true for everyone who learned a language they were not born into.
T.K. interrupted this particular musing with an update from Mimi. "She says she's tied up in a family thing right now, so we might as well wander around."
"Where to first?"
"Wherever you wanna go," T.K. said with a smile. It was the type of smile that made her heart flutter, just a little bit. It was the type of smile that T.K. knew was a weapon, but he used it anyway.
She knew she shouldn't have been so obvious when she'd asked him to come with her.
Both of them had thought the Central Park carriage rides were something out of a romance movies. So as soon as they saw the coachman with his newspaper and the horses waiting patiently for some action to burn their ridiculous amount of calories, they knew they had to try it out. For pure, scientific purposes, of course. Not because they'd never seen a horse outside of Pegasusmon or Unimon. Not because they'd spent most of their lives walking or riding on Digital World-related vehicles. Definitely not because they were so curious as to how horse-drawn carriages felt in real life.
Although it did take them a moment to stop bouncing up and down while the coachman glanced at them over the rims of his glasses with an amused smile on his face.
The ride itself was strange. Wind whipping their hair and nearly blowing off T.K.'s hat, the sights of the park, so beautifully natural and urban all at once. They asked each other which Digimon would hang out in the trees around there and whether or not Mimi had taken Palmon here. It was almost like they were children all over again, the two youngest to romp through the Digital Worlds, tugging on their brothers' hands as they looked at everything with a sense of wonder. Kari took pictures—albeit blurry ones—of the sights, and then she laughed at how unfocused they were. T.K. stole her camera to take hasty and messy shots of the two of them and of their sweet coachman and horses.
They were stuck in their bubble for so long that when the carriage slowed to a stop, they realized suddenly that they had a different purpose for being here in this city. But they couldn't stop laughing, even when Mimi met up with them at the entrance to the park. Her eyes narrowed playfully, her hands on her hips as she asked them what they'd been up to today.
Kari leaned her head against T.K.'s shoulder and smiled. "Just taking a trip down Nostalgia Lane."
T.K. grinned, somehow seeming younger than they had earlier, when they'd thought they were lost. Kari wondered if she seemed younger, too.
It would take her some time to realize that she always felt younger whenever she and T.K. spent time together.
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