#but i hope bernie got his 15 minutes of moral superiority out of it or something
qqueenofhades · 1 year
heyla! not trying to rant persay, but I've been really enjoying your take on political matters, they make a lot of sense to me (without putting you on a pedestal or anything like that) I got engaged politically in the 2016 election because of Sanders running, worked with my local Democratic Party structure for about three years and had a great time honestly. Have not-quite-but-almost soured on Sanders since then though, and your posts over the last couple of months since I started following have articulated some of that souring really well. I think I might be over him entirely though, got one of those mass emails from him this morning talking about why he didn't vote on the debt ceiling bill (which I wasn't aware he hadn't until then) but that email is just chock full of "I can't in good conscience" over and over again, and I just. I don't have the bandwidth to dig into the numbers, but the amount of pressure relieved from the system by simple virtue of having this problem kicked down the road PAST the next election ???? almost incalcuable not having the American economy lashed by the failure to pass it will probably do more good for those in the lowest sections of the economic ladder by virtue of... not having the American economy collapse, in comparison to the (relatively?) minor obstacles added in the form of higher age requirements for welfare-work programs and I wonder, as I type this out, how it would have gone if he'd somehow been required to be the tie-breaker vote for whether or not the deal would pass. if it isn't all bluster or if he'd really sink the ship over "in good conscience" ideological quibbles. allowing the perfect to be the enemy of good. beating dead choirs with horses and all that I'm sure but I guess the tl;dr is that I am appreciative of the time you take to expand on these issues despite the fact it draws creatures out of the woodworks.
Lmao. Oh Bernie. The most consistent and reliable disappointment when it comes to putting his money where his mouth is for what, three decades? Four?
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