#but i have to for check up kill me nowwwwwww
ableedingpromise · 5 days
Only thing that will distract me is buying something atp
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restlesstheoryqfab · 4 years
text | LivQuinn
Liv: I was just looking back in my camera roll and found a picture of us in the dungeon :sweat smile emoji: :sweat smile emoji:
Quinn: oh God
Liv: We looked so rough LOL
Quinn: I'm sure we did
Liv: How are you?
Liv: Did I see somewhere your tour ended?
Liv: You going back to California?
Quinn: m'fine
Quinn: That it did.
Quinn: Nah. Headed back to Boston.
Liv: Oh! So I’ll get to see you then??
Liv: When will you be around?
Liv: It’s been ages
Quinn: Yup
Quinn: Got plans Monday, presumably I'll be required to make an appearance at Fran's on Tuesday, but I could probably do sometime on Tuesday?
Quinn: That it has.
Liv: That’s so far
Quinn: It's Tuesday or you wait even more.
Liv: Ugh the worst
Liv: why can’t you be around nowwwwwww
Quinn: Because I'm not
Liv: I’ll wait
Liv: Since I have to
Quinn: believe me, I'd prefer to be around
Liv: Are you close enough for me to drive to you?
Liv: The pictures were so hot!
Quinn: I'm busy.
Liv: Oh, okay. No worries
Quinn: Post tour shit is a bitch
Liv: I mean, I imagine so. So much physical and emotional work. When I was on tour it felt like we never went to bed.
Quinn: I love being on tour. I hate coming off it.
Liv: Sounds like you ate too many edibles
Quinn: I wish.
Liv: Do you want some?
Quinn: God no. Fran would kill me.
Liv: So? Edibles are basically good for you
Liv: Plus they just help you sleep
Quinn: You convince miss high and mighty of that.
Liv: Maybe she just cares about you?
Liv: Well, if you decide you want some lemme know.
Quinn: She does, but she's also anti-everything fun
Liv: Fun is relative. Different for everyone.
Liv: sounds like you need fun, grumpy
Quinn: But weed is nearly always fun, and Frannie turns up her nose at it.
Quinn: I need a fucking break is what I need.
Liv: plus how do you know Frannie hasn’t made edibles before? She definitely has.
Liv: You’re literally on break
Quinn: Is my withdrawal brain reading shit wrong or did you just say that Frannie, Francine Grace Fabray MADE edibles?!
Liv: She did! On Sunday.
Quinn: The fuck?
Liv: It’s why I have them
Quinn: You made edibles with my sister?
Quinn: god this feels like a hallucination
Liv: I did!
Liv: They’re so yummy too
Quinn: What fucking world did I faze into that my sister is making edibles?
Liv: Why does it matter?
Liv: It just means she doesn’t care if you let me bring you some
Quinn: She'll still fuckin kill me
Liv: I just wanna chill with you Fabray
Quinn: I'm probably the last fucker in Boston you really wanna hang out with.
Liv: Hey now, don’t put words in my mouth :frowning emoji:
Quinn: I'm not good company right now.
Liv: That’s okay. I can just drop cookies off?
Quinn: No. It'd be a bad idea. I don't know what adding that onto everything else would do. Would like to at least give Fran the chance to kill me.
Liv: Okay. I’ll bring some Tuesday then. How’s that?
Quinn: Sounds great. And tell whichever of the women in that house you're talking to that I know what I'm doing.
Liv: You sure about that?
Quinn: Yeah, this isn't my first rodeo.
Liv: Well they love you
Quinn: Doesn't always feel like like it. Fucking snitch.
Liv: Rather be a snitch then lose you
Quinn: I was talking about Bea. Though you're not much better.
Liv: What did she do?
Quinn: Tattled to Frannie
Liv: she is the baby
Quinn: And I told her I was fine.
Liv: Yeah, I mean drugs usually don’t equate to fine. But it’s fine.
Liv: What do you have going on Monday?
Quinn: I'm detoxing. It's fine.
Quinn: high school reunion of the horny variety, apparently
Liv: But why stop if you wanna do them so bad?
Liv: Ooooooh
Liv: Gross
Quinn: Frannie. And I only trust one guy to supply me, though after this my trust is wavering.
Quinn: Pretty little brat that I'm inclined to believe is as good with her mouth as she says.
Liv: So you stopped enough to trick her?
Liv: Hopefully she’s not lying
Quinn: If she thought I wasn't using she didn't worry.
Quinn: Pretty little song bird who also doesn't know how to shut up. So if that woman doesn't know how to put that mouth of hers to good use, well, she knows what I'll do to her.
Liv: Looks like you’re spots been blown up unfortunately
Liv: What now?
Liv: Hopefully she shuts up enough to use her mouth
Quinn: Fuck if I know.
Quinn: She likes being put in her place, I'm sure I can that mouth to do what I want it to.
Liv: Cool
Liv: sounds funnnn
Quinn: I should ask if she's gotten rid of her reindeer sweater...
Liv: LOL u joking?
Quinn: This girl wore short fucking skirts, knee high socks, and sweaters so fucking often. And no matter how much teasing and bullying occurred she wouldn't change. Even her so-called friends tried to get her to toss the fucking reindeer sweater and she just wouldn't.
Liv: Well, stubborn can be fun. I think.
Liv: My brother always wears funny bow ties. People don’t appreciate them but he does it anyways.
Quinn: Bowties I can appreciate. Unflattering sweaters with reindeer I cannot
Liv: They were unflattering even with the knee socks?
Quinn: From ankle to waist she was perfect. Great legs, an amazing ass. And then BOOM reindeer
Liv: LOL you’ll have to let me know what she wears cause I’m big curious
Quinn: Hopefully not much. But yeah, I'll let you know
Liv: She shows up naked. Could you imagine :laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: If she wasn't meeting in public first I am not entirely sure I'd complain.
Liv: Why public if you know each other?
Quinn: Because it's been 11 years since high school and I'm not stupid enough to give someone I barely know my address?
Liv: Did she know your address back then? :winking emoji:
Quinn: No. My father would have had a conniption if I even entertained the idea of being acquainted with her.
Liv: Ohhhhhh
Liv: Romeo and Juliet vibes :laughing cat emoji: :laughing cat emoji: laughing cat emoji:
Quinn: I wanted nothing to do with her back then. Except when I could get her angry enough to storm off so I could watch her go.
Liv: So you kinda wanted something to do with her
Quinn: I wanted less to do with her than she wanted to do with me.
Liv: Omg was she in love with you
Quinn: She wanted me to fuck her in the locker room. Apparently on multiple occasions.
Liv: Jesus
Liv: that’s hot
Quinn: Spanking included
Liv: Well then
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: Well hopefully she’s just horny for you and not obsessed with you
Quinn: I've had worse people obsessed with me
Liv: Fair enough.
Liv: So what are you going to make her do?
Quinn: Haven't decided yet.
Liv: No fair
Quinn: I mean, she's given me so many ideas. Definitely like the idea of spanking her, getting her on her knees, not letting her up until I'm satisfied."
Liv: you could kill her between your legs and she probably wouldn’t care
Quinn: Probably
Liv: That’s a sacrifice I’d probably take too
Quinn: Is that so?
Liv: For sure
Quinn: Interesting.
Quinn: So, you and Frannie?
Liv: We’re friends because of Arin! Love that woman
Quinn: Okay, but like how are you two JUST NOW connecting? I mean, you and the queen of darkness have known each other for a while, right?
Liv: It just sort of happened, idk
Liv: the same way you spent your summers with my Blaine
Quinn: Excuse me what?
Liv: Blaine Anderson | Liv Anderson
Quinn: Bruh.
Liv: Tell me about it. I could have gotten into so many pants way sooner.
Quinn: So like, why weren't you?
Liv: You know, dads suck!
Quinn: Mood
Liv: I punched him in the face and he shipped me off to boarding school :sunglasses emoji:
Quinn: Damn, I wish
Quinn: I just write songs about mine
Liv: Mine doesn’t exist to me anymore so no songs need to be written
Liv: At least they are good!!!
Quinn: I'm sure I don't exist to him but that doesn't make the trauma and shit nonexistent
Liv: Neither does the drugs
Quinn: The drugs have very little to do with THAT bastard
Liv: Okay. My apologies.
Liv: They still don’t help trauma
Quinn: They stop the memories way more than you'd think
Liv: Doesn’t make it the way
Quinn: Yeah, well they work.
Liv: I know
Quinn: and that's the part that matters.
Quinn: so like how did you get her to make edibles?
Liv: I asked her
Quinn: What the ever loving fuck have I missed the last 9 months?
Liv: I don’t know LOL
Quinn: Neither do I.
Liv: The world just got smaller mostly.
Liv: and everyone is horny and kinky
Liv: Or both
Quinn: Both, definitely both.
Liv: Specially them Fabray girls
Quinn: Not all of us.
Liv: All of you dude
Quinn: Last a checked my not-so-closeted older sister is still in fact a sex free bitch. And as much as even I know kink isn't always sexual, Frannie might have an interested, but that definitely doesn't result in actually being willing.
Liv: An interest is enough for me to label you all kinky. That’s all.
Quinn: Okay then
Liv: And you are horny I’m sure
Quinn: nah, withdrawal sucks that shit right outta ya. Hoping I don't have to cancel Monday, honestly
Liv: omg that’d break her heart probably
Quinn: Probably
Liv: such power
Quinn: Mmhmm
Liv: if you cancel on her let’s hang out
Quinn: If I cancel on her it will be because I still feel like death
Liv: and I can’t take care of you?
Quinn: Why would you want to?
Liv: Friends take care of friends
Liv: I messaged you because I was hoping you’d let me come over to help you. It just also meant I could let Frannie know you are okay
Quinn: I'm fine, Liv, really. Just some extra shit I wasn't expecting to deal with.
Liv: You guys are so fucking frustrating holy shit
Liv: Okay. I get it. But I want to help. And I’m here for you. That’s all. You can believe it and I hope you would but I won’t force you.
Quinn: I know I am. Bea, if you know her is too. But what's frustrating about Frannie? Like, from a you perspective?
Quinn: I just don't need the help right now, okay? Go be a brat to someone who can handle it
Liv: She doesn’t take a single compliment.
Liv: I’m not being a brat I’m trying to be a friend
Quinn: Is there a reason you're trying that hard to compliment my sister?
Quinn: You're being a bratty friend.
Liv: It’s easy to?
Quinn: ... You like her don't you
Liv: We’re friends. Obviously I like her.
Quinn: Bitch, you know what I mean
Liv: I haven’t thought about it like that tbh
Liv: Maybe I do
Liv: That’s fun
Quinn: Does she know? Does she like you back? I need details bitch
Liv: You think she knows when I didn’t know?
Quinn: I don't know. Maybe? Like does she like you?
Liv: I mean she likes hanging out with me and made edibles with me
Quinn: Mmhm. And?
Liv: What do you mean and? We just chill a lot
Liv: And laugh a lot lol
Quinn: Okay. That's something. But also you're terrible at this. I'm gonna have to ask Arin. Arin knows these things.
Liv: Arin knows everything
Liv: I also don’t know anything right now outside the fact that I’m seconds from exploding
Quinn: Except how to fall in love with someone who WON'T cheat on her.
Quinn: Getting relief, I hope?
Liv: low blow
Liv: Maybe she can date Bea. Bea doesn’t know anyone but us.
Liv: Yes sooooon
Quinn: But the truth.
Quinn: Don't know how I feel about that. Though, pretty sure she had a crush on Arin when we were younger.
Quinn: oooh
Liv: I mean who didn’t have a crush on Arin? LOL
Liv: oooooh
Quinn: Frannie. And presumably Blaine.
Quinn: Who???
Liv: Wonder if Sugar did. She’s worse than anyone I know when it comes to realizing feelings LOL
Liv: Arin
Quinn: Sugar had it BAD. Like, literally got her ass beat multiple times with a book cos she refused to leave Arin alone. Now she just pretends to hate her for it.
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness, you both probbaly need it though like... does Frannie know?
Liv: Yeah, I think she knows. I mean I don’t know how she wouldn’t know.
Quinn: uh huh. and do you know if she reacted to this?
Liv: What do you mean?
Liv: I don’t know.
Liv: she said she didn’t need Arin
Quinn: I mean how did she react. Was it normal. Was it short. Did it take longer or faster than it should have.
Liv: She gets short a lot. I didn’t really note it as different
Liv: This is so much
Quinn: Well, when you have a chance, compare what everytime she's gotten short with you has in common and met me know
Liv: Quinn, I really like sex and she doesn’t
Liv: I don’t think we could ever work
Liv: it’s not that serious
Quinn: Look, I can't say why she's repulsed lord knows that's her story to tell, but she's on that site for a reason. A reason that I pray means what I think it does. Don't count her out because of her history.
Liv: I’m not counting her out. I just think you’ve got it all wrong.
Quinn: I don't think I do. But Arin will know more and I will get my answer. Just think over why she gets short with you.
Liv: Stubborn :sweat emoji:
Quinn: Fabray genetics. Running away, being attractive, a desire to be right.
Liv: can you like wait to bug arin until I’m done with her?
Quinn: You mean til she's done with you, but yeah, I'm gonna go pass out
Liv: goodnight Quinn :winking emoji:
Quinn: enjoy the queen of darkness
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