#but i had smth in mind along the lines of 'my lover came to visit me in the night. but i could not recognise her'
mosaixe · 5 months
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subskz · 2 years
sun - l.f
note: this is a reupload from my old blog
content: sub felix, dom reader, virgin felix, friends to lovers, nipple play, grinding, praise, soft smut, reader’s sex is unspecified
word count: 4.8k
The sound of rain pattering against your window caught your attention, and you craned your neck to peer through the glass. The sky had turned a deep shade of gray without you even realizing it, a strong wind blowing through the trees outside that promised a heavy shower.
Deciding to check the forecast, you unlocked your phone and opened up the weather app, frowning when you saw that it was set to storm for at least another hour. As if to confirm the prediction, a sudden rumble of thunder shook your apartment, making you jolt slightly.
You shuffled over to your couch and sat down with a huff, at loss for what to do. Though you didn’t have any plans for the weather to have ruined, you couldn’t help but feel a bit wistful—like you were missing out on something.
As if in tune with your shift in mood, the rain began to fall at a more steady pace, quickly covering the glass of your window in droplets.
A flash of lightning lit up the sky for good measure, and you curled up against the cushions. As you did so, you spotted an orange object laying on the floor nearby. You squinted curiously before recognizing it, and a small smile formed on your face.
It was Felix’s Kakao Friends plushie, more specifically, his Ryan one. He must’ve left it behind when he and Seungmin had come over a few days ago.
You reached for the stuffed lion, leaning off the couch slightly in the process. It was soft to your touch, and Felix’s familiar scent flooded your nostrils as you took it in your hold. You wrapped your arms around the plushie, an unmistakably warm feeling spreading through your chest at the thought of its owner.
Another rumble of thunder passed, and with Felix now on your mind, you couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing. He tended to get nervous during thunderstorms, and you hoped for his sake that he’d be able to find something to comfort him until it was over.
As if on cue, your phone buzzed against your thigh. You pulled it out of your pocket hastily, brightening when you saw that you’d received a text from the boy in question.
lix ☀️🐣: hey, are you free rn?
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the message. Trying to contain the excitement that bubbled up within you, you typed out a response.
you: yeah, what’s up?
Just seconds later, his reply came, and a grin spread on your face as he confirmed your suspicions.
lix ☀️🐣: do you think you could come over?
you: hmm depends. what’s in it for me?
lix ☀️🐣: wah….is seeing me not enough?
you: awww ofc
you: but a lil smth extra wouldn’t hurt
lix ☀️🐣: wow ㅜㅜ
lix ☀️🐣: ...
lix ☀️🐣: i made cookies~
you: you know the way to my heart mr. lee
you: alright, omw
lix ☀️🐣: see you soon! ^^
Your smile grew wider as you reread the messages, unable to help the way your face heated up over such a simple interaction.
It wasn’t that visiting Felix’s place was a rare occurrence for you—quite the opposite, actually. But despite that, you still felt butterflies in your stomach when you considered the slim chance of getting to hang out with him one-on-one.
Felix had seven other guys living with him, so more often than not, at least a handful of them would be at the dorms as well, meaning privacy wasn’t exactly an option. Not that you really minded—you liked to think you got along with all of them, but spending time alone with Felix was still something you cherished.
You’d long accepted that your feelings for him went beyond the affection you had for the rest of your friends. What had started out as a mutual fondness for each other turned into an unexpectedly strong attachment, and somewhere along the line you’d realized in horror that you’d begun to see Felix in a light that wasn’t so platonic anymore.
The more you were around him, the harder it became to deny. You began noticing things about him that you’d never noticed before—little quirks and mannerisms that endeared you to no end. Like the cute way he’d imitate the people around him, or the way he’d push his tongue into his cheek whenever he was annoyed.
Every one of his features—from his crescent eye smile, to his delicate hands, to his bunny teeth, to his button nose—suddenly became more than just mere details to you. They occupied your mind so much that it became hard to focus around him.
Feeling a bit ridiculous, you let out a heavy exhale and rose from your couch, deciding to change into something a bit more presentable before heading over to Felix’s place. You made your way to your bedroom, head still buzzing with complicated thoughts as you decided on what to wear.
For obvious reasons, you’d tried to keep these troublesome feelings to yourself. It was much more important to you that you maintained your friendship with Felix, no matter how hard it was to be around him without thinking about kissing his freckled cheeks or relaxing into his back hugs without an underlying feeling of dread.
More than anything, you prayed that none of the others had noticed you acting strangely around him. Minho, Chan, and Seungmin stressed you out especially, since they were the most perceptive of the bunch. You wouldn’t put it past them to drop hilariously unsubtle hints about it, or—God forbid—hatch a plan to set you and poor, oblivious Felix up.
The distant rumble of thunder snapped you from your stream of consciousness, urging you to get a move on. You made quick work of gathering up your things, not wanting to make Felix wait any longer than he already had.
On your way out, his Ryan plushie caught your eye once more, causing you to stop in your tracks.
A small, selfish part of you wanted to keep it with you at your apartment, both to serve as a reminder of him and an excuse to invite him back over. Eventually, you decided against it, figuring that it would help comfort Felix to have it in the midst of the storm. You quickly scooped up the stuffed lion and headed out.
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the boy’s dorm, and you tried your best to avoid stepping in puddles as you rushed to the entrance of the building. Once you were shielded from the rain, you shut your umbrella and scurried up the staircase, your wet shoes squeaking as you did.
Panting slightly, you gave the door a few knocks, trying to recollect yourself before Felix opened it. He didn’t give you much of a chance, however, as the door instantly swung open and you were greeted with his bright face.
“Hi!” He chirped, his smile as sunny as ever.
You smiled back, trying to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat. “Hey, Lix.” You replied, slipping your shoes off before making your way inside. A particularly harsh strike of lightning flashed as you did, and with a squeak, Felix shut the door.
“Storm scare you?” You asked softly, already knowing the answer.
He nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. “Ah...thanks for coming. None of the guys are home, so...I was a little on edge, I think.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he spoke, and your pang of sympathy was immediately in conflict with the excitement you felt knowing you had Felix all to yourself.
“It’s only natural for sunshine to hate the rain.” You joked, wondering if it’d be too much to reach out and give his cheek a pinch. Instead of groaning at the corny comment like you’d expected, Felix giggled, that unnaturally high giggle that embodied everything you adored about him.
In a brief moment of panic, you averted your gaze, hoping to keep your face from growing hot. “Anyway, I think I have something that’ll make you feel better.”
Felix watched curiously as you reached into your bag to pull out his plushie. As it came into view, his expression lit up.
“Ryan!” He wailed dramatically, lunging for the stuffed lion in an instant.
Before he could take it into his eager grasp, you pulled it out of reach. “Not so fast.” You stuck out your free hand. “Pay up, Lix.”
Like clockwork, his tongue-in-cheek habit made an appearance, effectively robbing you of the upper hand. You struggled to keep your gaze steady as Felix rolled his eyes, parting his lips slightly as he swiped his tongue across his teeth. “You’re holding my stuffed animal for ransom.” He complained.
You managed to grin in response, and with a huff, the boy led you to the kitchen.
“I made these just a couple of hours ago.” He explained, opening up the container of cookies. “They’re Bang Chan approved.”
Considering that half the stash seemed to be missing, you were more than inclined to believe him. Felix reached in for a cookie before you could, holding it up to your mouth with an enthusiastic look on his face. The action took you by surprise, and you inwardly applauded yourself for keeping your composure as he fed you a bite.
Flavor instantly flooded your tongue, and you let out a satisfied hum. The cookie was the perfect balance of soft and crunchy, and the chocolate chips melted in your mouth in a way that was nothing short of irresistible.
“How is it?” He asked. There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, that never changed no matter how many times you tried his baking experiments. His big eyes bore eagerly into yours, searching for some sign of approval.
You savored the taste for a few seconds more before swallowing. “Heavenly,” You announced, licking your lips to emphasize the compliment. “You get better every time.”
Felix’s face broke out into a smile, eyes curving into those happy crescents. “I tried adding less butter this time like you suggested!”
Before you could respond, a particularly loud clap of thunder shook the room, indicating that the weather was getting more severe. Felix stiffened, and pity overtook you when his smile disappeared.
“Why don’t we chill for a bit until the storm passes?” You suggested. “Just you, me, and Ryan.” You wiggled the lion around enticingly, hoping your lighthearted tone would put his mind at ease.
Felix visibly relaxed before taking it from your hold. “Ah...good idea.” He agreed. You gave him an encouraging look, and his expression brightened once more.
Moments later, you and Felix were settled on his bed, his plushie snugly pressed between the two of you. You were essentially squished together due to the minimal space on the mattress, but neither of you minded in the least.
He wasted no time before nestling into you. He locked his hand with yours, and though it felt like the most natural thing in the world, it still made your breath hitch.
Felix’s affectionate nature was something that made your efforts to pretend like you weren’t head over heels for him especially difficult. He was always touching you somehow—resting his head on your shoulder, playing with your hands, hugging you from behind—if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he felt the same way about you as you did him.
Unfortunately, you did know better. Felix was simply a warm-hearted person, filled to the brim with love. You felt a bit guilty indulging in all his touches, but you were at least grateful that you could still share moments like this with him, even if the affection was purely platonic from his end.
You used your free hand to scroll through your phone, browsing the selection of shows on your streaming app. “Anything you wanna watch?”
He let out a thoughtful hum, gripping you a bit tighter as thunder rumbled overhead. You ran your thumb along the back of his hand in an effort to comfort him, once again finding yourself marveling at how oddly cute it was.
“Dunno…” Felix answered, voice mellow. “Kinda just want to stay like this for a bit, if that’s okay.”
He said it so casually, so nonchalantly, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from bursting in your stomach. Of course Felix just wanted to cuddle. Of course he didn’t want to do anything that could distract you from his presence. Of course he would make it as difficult as possible for you to feel even remotely calm around him.
You clenched your jaw, silently cursing your cruel fate, before responding. “Sure.” You mustered up the best smile you could.
Felix rested his head against your shoulder, making a soft, content noise as he did so. You forced your body to relax, suddenly aware of how tense you had become, and continued running your thumb up and down his hand as the sound of his slow breathing filled the room.
“Thanks again for coming.” He murmured.
You softened at that, lowering your guard. “Don’t mention it.”
Your eyes were still lingering on his delicate hand in yours, and without thinking, you brought it up to your lips, giving it a quick kiss.
Felix froze next to you, and your heart fully dropped as you realized what you’d done.
Panic filled the space your heart left behind in your chest. A kiss went beyond your typical intimacy with each other, and no matter how touchy Felix was, you knew he’d realize that as well.
Your brain immediately scrambled to come up with some sort of explanation, some kind of way to play this off before everything was completely and utterly ruined.
Before you could get out whatever weak excuse you’d come up with to salvage one of the most important relationships in your life, Felix lifted his head from your shoulder. Goosebumps rose on your arms as he came to face you, his dark eyes locking with yours
He was blushing, more than you’d ever seen him blush before, cheeks practically glowing pink. Despite that, his stare didn’t waver, and you shivered lightly as you were reminded of just how intense it could really be—like he could see right through you.
“Felix,” You began, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Can I kiss you?” He breathed.
Your words died in your throat, and you were certain that you owed your heart an apology for all the stress it’d undergone today. Felix’s gaze flickered down to your lips as he waited for you to say something.
In the midst of all the tension, the only thought that came to your mind was how clearly you could see each and every freckle on his face.
You surged forward, crashing your lips into his.
Felix’s squeak of surprise quickly transformed into a sweet, borderline angelic sigh. You kissed him deeply, not leaving any room for him to doubt how you felt about him, and with the way he melted into you, any remaining doubts you had were quelled.
His lips that you’d spent so much time dreaming about felt better than anything your imagination could conjure up. They were soft and plush and moving against yours with a clumsy sort of enthusiasm. Felix whimpered slightly as the kiss grew more passionate, reaching forward to grab onto your shirt. Your own hand found his hair, running through the soft locks and feeling them slip through your fingers just like you’d always longed to do.
When you finally pulled back for air, the both of you were panting lightly. Felix’s lips were parted as he caught his breath, making them look so irresistible that you had to stop yourself from leaning in all over again.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You murmured.
Felix swallowed hard, and before you could process what he was doing, he lifted himself off the mattress and into your lap. He draped his legs over yours, his shy expression contrasting the boldness of his actions in a way that made your mind reel.
“Me, too.” He admitted. “I spent so much time thinking about it…imagining what it’d be like to kiss you. I just never—” He bit his lower lip. “Never had the guts to, I guess.”
“Seems like we didn’t know each other as well as we thought.” You giggled, leaning forward to rest your forehead against his.
Felix nuzzled his nose into you, letting out a small whine. You immediately took the hint, tilting your mouth upward to lock it with his once more.
The kiss grew heated again in no time, and when Felix parted his lips wider for you, you took the chance to slip your tongue in his mouth. He moaned softly, his responsiveness sending a chill down your spine that made you hungry for more of his reactions.
You brought your hand back to his hair, this time tugging at it with purpose. Felix whimpered as you took his bottom lip between your teeth and began to nibble gently. His hips involuntarily pushed into yours, and your breath hitched when you noticed with a start how hard he’d become in such a short amount of time. You sucked on his lower lip for a second longer before pulling back, leaving a thin trail of saliva to connect your mouth with his.
“Felix,” You murmured, trying to get him to meet your gaze. He ducked his head, mortified that you’d become very aware of his growing problem.
You took his chin in your hands, tilting his face towards you. “Lixie,”
The nickname was met with a sharp intake of air, and you felt his pulse race wildly beneath your fingertips.
“Are you okay to keep going?” You checked.
There was a pause, and for a moment, you wondered if he was having second thoughts. You searched Felix’s eyes, wide as moons, for some semblance of discomfort
“I want to,” He breathed. “I want to so bad. But I’ve just never…um…” He cut himself off suddenly, burying his face in your neck out of embarrassment.
You stayed quiet, waiting to see if he meant what you thought he meant.
He made a cute, frustrated noise, steeling himself to continue. “I’ve never ah...done anything like this before.” He mumbled into your skin.
His words admittedly caught you by surprise. Though Felix so naturally embodied a certain air of innocence, you’d always assumed he was far more experienced than he’d let on. There were moments here and there, little things that he’d do, that made you believe he knew exactly how desirable he really was.
But they came in flashes, so quick that you weren’t sure if it just was your own lovesick mind playing tricks on you. After all, in your eyes, no one was more desirable than him
You rested your hand on his neck, trying to ignore the strange giddiness bubbling up inside you. “It’s okay,” You reassured him. “We don’t have to go any further.”
Felix pulled back, puffing out his freckled cheeks, and you nearly cooed over how adorable the sight was. “But I want to,” He protested. “I just don’t know if I can be...good for you.”
The way he spoke those words, as if he longed for your approval more than anything else in the world, set something off in you.
“You don’t have to worry about that.” You soothed. “I’ll take care of you, baby boy.”
Felix shuddered, and the low whine that escaped him wasn’t lost on you. “Hm...you like being called that?” You hummed, your breath tickling his skin.
“M-mhm.” Felix managed, not trusting the steadiness of his voice enough to say anything else.
He jolted as you attached your lips to his neck, sucking at a spot of skin before trailing wet kisses along it. “That’s what you’re gonna be from now on, yeah?” You bit down gently, relishing in the cute whimper it elicited from him. “My baby boy.”
“O-oh God, please,” Felix mewled, tilting his head to the side to expose his throat to you. He began to rock his hips, and your hands slipped down to his waist to grab a hold of it. “Make me yours, please.”
His begging made your spine tingle, urging you to suck more intently right above his collarbone until a deep red mark was left on his soft skin. You felt his length, now fully hard, pushing against you as he squirmed around in your lap.
Deciding to tease him a bit more, you brought a hand up to his chest, trailing your index finger over his clothed nipple. Felix fully gasped at that, and you lifted an eyebrow in amusement. “Sensitive?” You purred, repeating the action.
He bit down on his lip to suppress another pitiful sound. “N-never been touched there.” He stammered out, thoroughly overwhelmed by all the new sensations. The movement of his hips grew stronger as you toyed with his nipples through the fabric, relishing in every one of his reactions.
You halted the movements of your fingers to lower your head, instead wrapping your lips around the delicate area. The heat of your mouth seeped through his shirt, and Felix’s voice spiked in pitch as he cried out. He grinded down against you desperately, gripping your shirt like his life depended on it.
“You’re so cute, Lixie.” You moved to his other nipple, kissing it tenderly through the material. In contrast to your gentle lips, you grazed your teeth over the hard bud, and Felix let out a moan so sinful that you felt yourself twitch. He bucked his hips in an adorably honest reflex, his body begging you for some kind of friction.
It wasn’t until you heard a weak mewl of your name that you finally pulled back to check on him. “Everything alright?” You asked softly.
Felix nodded, taking a moment to collect himself. “Better than alright,” He answered breathlessly. “It feels s-so good but…” He trailed off, swallowing hard.
“But?” You encouraged.
He played with the hem of your shirt as he tried to find his words. “Wanna do more…” He admitted, tilting his head to let his hair fall into his face. “It’s s-so hard that it hurts.”
Your lips curved into a delighted smirk, and you moved your hand down to cup Felix’s clothed length at last. The groan he let out didn’t disappoint as you gave it a gentle squeeze. “Poor baby,” You murmured. “You’re not used to all this, hm?”
An embarrassed noise escaped the boy, but he nodded nonetheless. “Let’s make it better.” You said sweetly. “Lie down for me.”
Felix instantly obeyed, shifting himself off your lap and settling down on his mattress. You slipped a pillow underneath his head before giving his cheek an affectionate pat. “Good boy. I’m gonna take these off now, okay?”
He swallowed audibly as you tugged at the waistband of his shorts. “Okay.” He agreed.
You slipped the garment off with ease, revealing the small, wet stain of precum that had formed on his underwear. Felix’s thighs trembled in anticipation as you traced your index finger along them, admiring the faint freckles adorning his skin.
“Please,” He inched his hips up ever so slightly, inviting you to have your way with him. The action effectively crumbled the last of your patience, and without wasting another moment, you removed his underwear as well.
Felix hissed as he sprung free, instinctively bringing his hands down to cover his bare length. You stopped him, taking his wrists into your hold and pushing them to the side. “Don’t hide yourself from me.” You chided gently. “Not when you’re this beautiful.”
After all the time you’d spent being far too careful of your every move around him, holding yourself back no matter how difficult it was in fear of crossing the line, you felt a physical weight lift off your chest being able to speak those words freely.
They made his face flush a deep red, and before he could shy away again, you took his cock into your grip. It twitched in relief as you wrapped your fingers around it, making it evident that Felix hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told you how hard he’d become.
“How cute,” You cooed, smearing the precum that had gathered around his head. “Everything about you is so precious.”
Felix whined desperately, pushing his hips up into your hold. You drank in the sight of him, marveling at how far gone he looked already. His hair was disheveled, sticking out adorably in all directions, his lips were red and swollen, and his starry eyes were clouded with arousal.
After toying with his tip for a few more moments, you readjusted your position, lowering yourself directly against his length. Felix inhaled sharply, a hint of concern crossing his features. “Wh-what about you?” He asked meekly, noticing for the first time that you were still very much clothed.
“I said I was gonna take care of you, didn’t I?” You reminded him, entwining your fingers with his. “Don’t worry about me.”
Slowly, you began to grind down onto him, sliding your covered core up and down his cock. Felix’s moans began to pour out of him in an instant. The texture of your clothes against his sensitive length was new and intoxicating, and he squeezed your hands to ground himself as the rest of him writhed helplessly beneath you.
“Is it good, angel?” You checked, suppressing a moan of your own as his cock pressed against you.
Felix’s mouth hung open, a slew of sinful noises slipping past his pretty lips. “Yes!” He cried, jerking his hips up. “Love it...hah...feels amazing.”
His cries of pleasure urged you on, and you began to rock your hips more aggressively. The friction of your movements caused a delicious heat to build up where your cores met, steadily building up pressure in your lower abdomen.
“I can’t believe I get to see you like this.” You murmured, affection seeping into your voice. “All laid out for me...it feels like a dream.”
Felix whimpered amidst the deep breaths and groans, and the adorable sound tugged at your heart. “I’ve wanted this for so—ngh—long,” He stuttered out, digging his nails into the back of your hand. “Wanted y-you for so long.”
Judging by how worked up Felix had already become, not to mention how unfamiliar this kind of stimulation was to him , you knew his orgasm would be rapidly approaching. You gave an especially hard roll of your hips, grinding against him in just the right way and making him sob in pleasure.
“P-please,” He begged, voice growing hoarse. “Again, please d-do that again.”
His frantic request was like music to your ears, and you were quick to comply. “Such a polite boy.” You praised. “You like having your pretty cock pressed up against me?”
Felix groaned pathetically in response, eyes squeezing shut and head lolling to the side. He began calling out your name, and that coupled with the way his length spasmed against your core told you that he’d be coming undone soon.
You leaned down to press your lips against his, eagerly swallowing up his moans. Felix’s whole body quivered, becoming more overwhelmed by the second as you slid your tongue against his to create an electrifying pleasure.
Suddenly, he threw his head back to gasp out. “Ah…feels good! ‘M g-gonna cum!”
He was barely able to warn you in time before his orgasm washed over him, his body stiffening and hips surging upward. You continued to kiss him hungrily through his high, relishing in the whimpers that escaped him between the wet smacking of lips. His seed splattered against both your stomach and his, and you kept up the rocking of your hips to squeeze out every drop.
Only when the last few waves of pleasure had jolted through Felix’s body did you pull away, not wanting to overstimulate him when he was so sensitive to begin with. The room was quickly filled with the sound of your shared, heavy breathing, and though you hadn’t climaxed yourself, a feeling of bliss overtook you.
Felix’s eyes remained squeezed shut as he came down from his high, only fluttering open when you untangled your fingers from his. He gazed up at you as you cupped his face, and the reality of the situation came crashing down on you when you were met with a look of unmistakable adoration.
“I love you.” The words were out of your mouth before you could even think about stopping them, and despite everything that had just unfolded, you still felt yourself panic.
He didn’t give you much time to worry about your sudden proclamation, however, because his face instantly broke out into that familiar, sunny smile. “I love you, too.” He giggled, burying his face into your palms.
Though everything had changed, the warm feeling that spread through your chest remained the same. As you lifted yourself off of Felix to pull him into your arms, you noticed for the first time that the storm had passed and the sun had come out once again.
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