#but i guess if you don't play capcom games or pay attention it might seem new or shocking to you
silversiren1101 · 6 months
I don't understand people getting upset over the microtransactions in Dragon's Dogma 2 since literally everything they are selling is easily acquired in game just by playing the game. This is pretty standard Capcom practice for the past like 6 years now: in order for Capcom to release your game you have to have a bunch of microtransactions, so developers have been complying by putting nonsense stuff up there to sell for the lazy or busy. The past like 4 Resident Evils did this. Monster Hunter does this. EVEN DMC5 LET YOU BUY RED ORBS, WHICH YOU GET IN THE THOUSANDS BY KILLING A HANDFUL OF ENEMIES.
None of it is exclusive.
All of it is acquired in game, just by playing the game.
It's basically just a Capcom-Developer requirement that has been going on for years and yet everyone is freaking out about it ...now? Literally just don't buy it. Just like you didn't buy it for RE7/8, MonHun, DMC5, etc etc.
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