#but i find it INCREDIBLY funny picturing him standing over the wreck of his fancy car
keepthetension · 11 months
i keep seeing talk of frustration re sand not being firmer in his pushback against boeing, so i want to touch on one thing, as a lifelong doormat myself
throughout the series, sand does his best to set boundaries with ray, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's always been able to do this
we know he's a giver, a caretaker, a mom-friend to his friends and his mom (which: same, fucking hate it here). boundary setting is hard when you are those things, and you get better at it relationship by relationship
it's entirely likely that he was either less able to directly communicate boundaries, or not able to at all, with boeing. and it's incredibly difficult to get out of the patterns you've established with someone. this is why (one reason, at any rate) i don't think it's out of character for him to not flat out tell boeing to go get fucked. i honestly think he is being clear enough about where boeing stands with him, it's just that boeing keeps steamrollering on ahead. interesting that we found it cute and romantic when ray did that
with the rest of the characters, i'm pretty sure we're seeing them in baby's first relationship-with-some-weight-to-it. but sand's already done this dance, which is so fascinating! because for the rest of the characters, their relationships and mistakes have changed them since ep 1. but we've only known sand after these kinds of changes happened to him. maybe taking less shit from people is something he started doing after boeing
i'm dying to know what he was like before! hoping for a flashback to flesh out how things went south, and i'm really hoping the baseball bat scene was him trashing something after finding out about the cheating! preferably something of boeing's, but given how sand is, i'd imagine it's probably something of top's
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