#but i dont want to bother you with my other interests beside fnaf and random stuff i want bookmarked
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fazbear-ent-official · 2 years ago
((Hey did you just delete a post? I got notified you posted but I don't see anything
yeah i made a post about how tumblr is now putting our liked posts in our followers feeds but then deleted because i think it's only for people who let their liked posts public so i'm fine
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petergriffinhateblog-blog · 8 years ago
ok like... i make fun of family guy a lot, but for being a shit show, the plot is more put together than this
at the very least they notice their inconsistencies and the Status Quo and all of their plot/animation flaws, if only to poke fun at it (such as ending an episode mid plot in a wacky way cuz they ran out of time)
the emoji movie blatantly ignores them in lieu for... pop culture references that will surely go outdated within a few years. i’m fucking surprised that when the youtube app was opened, there wasnt a five minute segment of pewdiepie
im starting to ramble so heres a readmore
listen tho- the ‘meh’ emoji was a fun concept at first to make your main character, but between watching cliches (did u kno the hacker girl named jailbreak is actually THE PRINCESS EMOJI???) and then high five being, uh... the closest resemblance of comedic relief, it’s Very Hard to feel very bored at the concept of the two ‘meh’ parents of the main char talk to each other.
like... they broke up and it was boring. and then they got together and it was boring. i get it was supposed to be a joke about how their emotion goes against what they’re saying, but when your actors speak in monotone the whole time it conveys pure boredom and nonchalance
i told someone earlier that watching this movie is like watching a middle school play- everyone either says their lines like they’re reading it directly off the script... or they’re overacting. none of it sells.
combine that with the fact they’re unironically saying shit like “slay!!!” during dancing or “bye, felicia” as an ‘insult’ as if THAT’S not going to seriously date them more than the references are??
and the fact that movies take Actual Time to fucking Make means that by the time this thing came out, it was already... dated and ancient. to put that into context- there aren’t any mentions of fidget spinners, nor slime challenges (or slime making in general). yea, those are passing trends (except in the stim community, which isnt so much about making slime in the first place), but.. that’s the point. these things move so fucking fast that you CAN’T make a movie off pop culture like this.
remember those lists of emoticons that went around for a while that were like “im gonna rate every cow” and how they compare apple vs android vs google vs every other fuckin chat system?? they aren’t even consistent with THEMSELVES every year, how the fuck are you gonna cash in on making those emojis represent your CHARACTERS without completely alienating some of your targeted audience
at least fuckin Angry Birds or even Minecraft or Five Nights At Freddy’s have more to go off of. sure, they’re as bad as the emoji movie on that they’re gonna just be about current popular shit, but... each one of those things actually had a foundation you could build off of. the first two things (angry birds and minecraft) arent gonna go away, they’re INSANELY popular. and five nights at freddy’s? sure, yea, there was a risk that the series dropped off the face of the planet after that first month the original game came out, but there’s still shit to build on- say what you want about the fnaf series, but you gotta admit that if you take the setting of the whole series (and not just fucking retell what happens in the game just in movie form), you have something that could be interesting! HELL, i can come up with an okay idea off the top of my head- matpat (the guy from Game Theories) is the detective behind Some Fucking Murder Case and has to get to the bottom of it, involving a lot of hijinks that become progressively sillier as he goes on and gets less sleep (due to the nature of the game being At Night), until the ending where his silly hijinks and wacky theories save him from death and help him find the Lost Child that everyone assumed was murdered
- but, uh. the emoji movie? it has NOTHING. there’s no plot to texting, there’s no emotions or memories or setting or backstory to ANY of it. you take away the memorable faces and there’s literally nothing there to go on- never mind that 60% of the emojis look So Alike even on the big screen that ‘meh’s ability to change emotions makes him literally able to disguise himself as another person.
and, personally? im still bugged that shit like high five or aubergine are also referenced as emojis beside the faces, considering... i dont think there’s a fuckin aubergine emotion. what personality do you give them. why is this movie about Being Yourself when thats what literally half of your cast does. why does no one feel sympathy for this character being forced into a small Literal Box of expectations when... a lot of random smileys dont experience this weird Universal Law That Only Applies To Some Of Them.
im not a movie expert, but im pretty sure thats Bad in a few number of ways.
also the main char basically gets Friendzoned and then immediately just loses all emotion and gets depressed until she comes back and is like “IM SORRY I LOVE YOU” so like...
this is terrible
as a fucking family guy hate blog who goes out of my way to watch bad shows and movies??? dont bother here. its Not Worth It.
(the overall plot, too, is that Malware is Okay as long as the emojis are good, which is probably dangerous, but, you know. whatev)
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sapphirebluluvsu · 6 years ago
I had a dream recently that I met Jacksepticeye… It was cool and super interesting because originally, we were supposed to have this presentation sort of thing where after 2 hours of free time we were supposed to sing a song in A minor to the rest of the school (my school has like 20 students, all girls) but instead, all the faculty were like “Change of plans. We have a famous author coming to read to you guys.” So we all gathered outside which happened to be my real life backyard. Anyways, I show up a little late and its kinda foggy and gloomy outside and the grass is damp with dew but I sit beside some of my friends in a weird position which causes my back to be turned to the reader. Anyway, the author was only there for a minute or two but then he left so I was thinking “Who’s reading?” Obviously, because this is how dreams work (and because it’s the topic of this particular dream), it was Jack. (I called him Jack the whole time so I’ll do it here too.) He was sitting in a rocking chair with these thin, rectangular glasses propped professionally on his nose and he had a very serious expression on his face. He looked extremely official and poised. His hair was kinda different than in real life. It was more like how it used to be a few months ago (basically no bun in the back). Very quickly, the reading was over and all the sudden it dawned on me that I should be excited as all heck… So then I was. There was this whole line of adults waiting to buy weird random objects that were considered merch so I lined up behind some of them to talk to Jack, but he wasnt there. I figured that he must’ve been led away by security so I frantically rushed inside and saw a bunch of kids running into a room after a person with green hair. I ran after them even though Jack didnt have green hair originally…. But anyway, no one was there. It was just a hangout for a bunch of kids. I raced out of the room and found the entrance to a much larger room that kind of reminded of the party room in FNAF. It seemed to me that only adults were allowed in so I asked my friend what to do and she suggested I just stick my head in and check for Jack. I did but he wasnt there either. Finally, I caught a glimpse of him making his way to the front door (which happened to be my real life front door) so I jogged up to him and yelled out his name to get his attention. “Oh hi!” He smiled at me. I could tell he was in a rush so I felt bad for stopping him. “Hi. I’m so sorry for bothering you, but can I-” (I’m not sure what exactly I said, but I pretty much asked for a hug) “Of course!” He stepped closer to me and wrapped me up in a bear hug. I shut my eyes and rested my forehead on his shoulder and kinda didn’t say anything or move. But Jack was talking. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but I heard him ask eventually “Are you okay?” Because I started breathing like I was crying (except I wasn’t but he thought I was… I was just emotional but not yet teary). I nodded, backed up a pace and grinned shyly. “Could I also get an autograph?” I also kinda wanted a picture, but I didnt want to waste his time. “Sure.” He answered. Immediately I regretted my request because something about him seemed off. He looked kind of stressed and rushed and I felt awful but I ran up the stairs near the door, and through the door to my bedroom and rummaged around for a paper and marker. I took a little bit to find everything but I took those plus my phone (in case I managed to score a picture) down to him and handed them over. (The paper and marker, not my phone) I watched him sign and noticed something was off so I commented on it. “Hey Jack? Your hands are shaking…” I murmured. “ Are you okay?” I waited a moment before adding “I’m not creepy or anything, I’m just observant.” He didnt reply as he handed me the signed paper and the marker, walking toward the door. “Thanks so much!” I waved after him. “Now I won’t have to go to PAX!” This relieved me because I’ve been dying to meet him but I don’t have the money for PAX. …but he ignored me and walked out the door. I dont even think he heard the part about PAX. I stood there for a while, grateful but a little unsatisfied and then I woke up. Yeah. I forgot it wasn’t real until my mom mentioned something that reminded me of it and I was like Ughhhh. *siiiiiigh* Not sure if I’m glad or upset about this. On one hand, I met him, but on the other, I don’t really like how that interaction turned out.
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