#but i could make a xeno rhino
talesfromthecrypts · 19 days
Largely unexplored in the movies is all the weird little xenomorph variants they made in comics and video games by sticking facehuggers on any creature they could
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 10 months
Victoria kneeled over her dying Canoness. She had comandered Victoria's squad to defend the northern flank, and now all but those two lay martyred, the canoness soon to join.
"Sister Victoria," the Canoness grunted through pained breaths, pushing at her power sword with the bleeding stump at the end of her forearm, "take this blade... it is a relic... of our order."
Victoria picked up the weapon, wiping the xenos blood from the blade to reveal the holy scripture inscribed upon it.
"Use it with... pride... sister," the Canoness said, her voice growing weaker. "You have... earned the right... to do so. Its name... is Faith."
Victoria couldnt help but grimace under her helmet as the Canoness's last breath left her. She would wield the sword with honour in the the name of the emperor but... she already had a bolt pistol called Faith.
* * *
A jagged power claw ripped through the side Rhino, tearing through its armour - and the sisters sitting along that side - as easily a chainsword through corpsetarch. Victoria opened fire with her Faith, buying crucial seconds for the survivors of her squad to try and exit the Rhino before the traitor dreadnought threw the APC to its side.
Victoria was jostled violently before coming to rest on the ceiling of the now upside down transport. She hurt, but was otherwise fine. The same could not be said about Sister Manon, her squad's melta gunner, who had been impaled upon the jagged gashes left by the traitor dreadnought's power claw.
Victoria brought herself to her feet and grabbed the melta. If they were going to smite that traitor dreadnought, they would dearly need. She began running a field mantainence routine to make sure it was still in working order, and nearly spat when she saw the name Faith engraved into the nameplate of the the weapon.
* * *
a quartet of Castigator tanks rumbled to a stop besides Victoria's position as she sliced throught the last of the corrupted PDF troopers with Faith, and blasted a fist sized hole in the side of another's head, splashing Sister Gloria's armour in sickly purple ichor. The rest of thier squad had been martyred to defend that position until the heavy armour arrived. now they were to follow it to the PDF trenchlines with what remained of thier platoon.
"i could do with a couple of extra gunners," the commander of the lead Castigator said over the vox, "would you ladies like to join me?"
Victoria glanced Gloria, who was busy trying to wipe the purple ichor off of her helmet's occulars, her soot already settling on her short cut brown hair. They would hardly be an effective squad with just the two of them. "It would be an honour to..." she trailed off as she noticed the ident rune displayed on the lead Castigator. Faith. "oh for the Emperor's sake!"
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wind0wg0blin · 6 years
Could I get some xeno drama? You mentioned xenos wouldnt be so sexually driven with a male s/o,like,male s/o notices his xeno pack is slowly distancing themselves from him, they end up going after a another woman for a new queen, but one of them doesnt, and stays with male s/o? Just an idea ofc
[Heres what I came up with Broski] 
You woke up feeling your bed cold. Confused you sat uplooking around to find everyone gone. Well, almost everyone.
Bull was pressed into your side sleeping soundly. His legswere sprawled out at his side taking up newly vacant space.
You frowned curling up against bull hugging him tightly asyou felt your heart hurting.
You had moved to an apartment complex as a temporary thingwhile you looked for a house big enough to accommodate four xenos and yourself.Though now it was all for nothing as your horde was now a duo.
It wasn’t long after moving in that you noticed some of theXenos growing distant from you often disappearing at times for hours on end.Then one night they just didn’t come home and it wasn’t until you passed thewoman who lived next door that you realized what had happened.
The tiny black and blue bruises littering her neck as theyonce had yours was a tell-tale sign of what had happened.
When you went home that night you explained to bull you wouldn’tbe upset if he followed after them though he instead refused to even ponder thethought of any one except you as his.
It was touching though the pain of the others leaving remained.
You and bull had decided you both should move in order to moveon past this heart break though as you packed that night you felt an uneasytension rising in the air.
With your last bag tucked under your arm, you locked yourapartment door behind you as Bull slipped out after you believing no one wouldbe out this late at night to see him.
Rounding the corner to the elevator you were surprised tosee the woman who essentially stole away your family standing there nervouslybefore spotting you and running up to you frantic.
“Y-you! -“ She started coming at you a bit too aggressively asbull took this as a threat coming to charge around the corner though youstopped him with a wave of your hand as you looked at the woman confused.
“Me?” You continued as the woman ground her teeth at you asif you had been the one to do something wrong.
You genuinely have no idea what she said after that as she spokeso quickly and stuttered you could make out none of it.
“Sorry I have somewhere to be…” You excused yourself makingto move past her only for her to jump in the way Tiny, Scorpion and Rhinoslinking out from the shadows hissing aggressively at you.
This situation was quickly shut down as Bull stormed forwardstomping between you and the now rival hive swinging his head aggressively showingoff razor sharp horns.
None of the other Xenos dared to challenge the much, muchlarger Xeno as even though they out numbered him he was still physicallystronger.
The woman looked up at Bull shocked, glancing to the otherXenos she reached out to touch Bull and he snorted hissing at her when she gottoo close.
You didn’t want to be here any longer unable to look at thecreatures you formerly considered family trying to attack you.
With Bull’s help you both slipped into the elevator and madeit out to your truck. Climbing into the front seat with bull carefully curledup in the back seat you glanced up to see the xenos you once thought you wouldspend your life with watching as you drove away.
As you began to pull away you glanced back to see the womanstanding in the road aliens around her intentions towards her clear as theypaid her no mind more focused on the world around them and you fading scent.
[This is so sad play despacito] 
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Has someone close to you ever said something that hurt your feelings? If so, what was it, and did they ever make up for it?, What’s some trauma you have, and how did you get it?
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“Four dead rhino's, nearly half a detachment of dead marines, and nothing to show for this sacrifice? Does this crusade run purely on hopes and dreams to you? Our resources are limited, and seven days into our deployment, Ork Kommandoes have riddled our battlegroup with lead, killed centuries long veterans, and scrapped what little fast attack troop transport we have. Let that stand in our books, Castellan.”
The face of the marshall blinked off the screen, and Johan’s Castellan turned to face his immediate command retinue, his face serene save for a erratically twitching brow which belied his true anger. At Johan’s side stood Chaplain Wulf, and several sword brethren, with a couple errant sergeants of particular valor standing further back.
The Castellan’s face was illuminated by the burning light of the dead templar armor amidst them, the sparks from techmarines salvaging their hulls, and the flares and tracers of distant combat from the beleaguered 87th Steel Legion, eight kilometers away.
“What happened, Champion?” asked the Castellan, his voice marked with false patience.
“A significant ambush, Castellan. In that gorge there and along that ridge, the Orks infiltrated their Kommando breed along with their smaller ‘gretchin’ subspecies, armed with lasers, mortars, and RPG’s. When we arrived, the chapter Damocles detected some erratic signals. I-with your blessing, my liege, disembarked with a combat force. That was when the Ork trap was sprung.”
The castellan glanced to Wulf. “An accurate retelling of events?”
Wulf nodded. “To a point- there is an omittance of the Champion’s status. Immediately following the initial ambush, the Champion was knocked unconscious by a high explosive blast. He was recovered with light wounds when the column reinforced the position.”
“And then the men under your command were put to the sword, Johan. Forty-one percent survivors are numbers I would anticipate seeing on Cadia, against battle hardened elite Traitors. Not some alien scum, at the height of our campaign deployment. Johan! Have you actually fought the Ork before?”
Johan grimaced. “Jawohl, Castellan.”
“Then you know that their intelligence and creativity is limited. You said your damocles picked up something? The range of that vehicles sensors are designed precisely to avoid common barbaric guerillia surprises like this. Each of your marines is equipped with a full sensor suite in each helmet that would make the finest equipped guardsmen of the Imperium of man blush. A half dozen servo skulls designed for this purpose were in your inventory.“
Johan took a stand for himself “Punish me as you see fit, herr Castellan, but my equipment only factors into a post-battle analysis. Sometimes the xeno gets the better of us in spite of ourselves. Litanies of the Warrior Saints verse 3:11; ‘If the xeno were an easy kill, there would be no-’”
The castellan gripped Johan’s ornate battle plate and hefted his body close.
“Save the sanctity of the Imperial Cult’s words for our Chaplains- they’re better at preaching it than you. In war, there is luck but there is also damned foolishness. I am well aware that the emperor chose you to be our champion for this crusade, but do not think we are not fully aware of your personal inadequacies for the position. No time to train you as a command figure, and too young and stupid to know the deep lores of combat. What would your initiate-mentor think of you? Scores of my marines are dead because of your abject failure- and all you have to say for yourself is some pleasant tripe about 20/20 vision, wreathed in a quote?”
The castellan pushed Johan off.
“Here’s your new task, Champion. I want you personally to burn the dead marines you killed. Then, I want you to take a razorback and two predators, and continue on to your mission. There isnt any damn time to punish you even if I could! The Imperial guard here are wavering under relentless xeno assault. I cannot afford to lose them as well as my combat formation! Take your survivors, those tanks, and save them.”
Johan at last replied “Of course- but this risks the brothers you send- this mission originally called for over forty marines, and-”
The castellan shook his head. “Those marines are dead- martyred yes, but useless to me now. The emperor bestowed upon you a great gift with that sword and armor. He also bestowed on you a great burden. Prove your worthy of any of the glory you have inherited, and complete your mission! I will see this night salvaged. Let the Emperor crush our crusade with fire and fury should it prove so weak and pathetic that one inexperienced brother-champion dooms it seven nights into His great works.”
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Session 4: The Great Escape / The Arrival
Watch-Captain’s Log:
It has been 4 days since the Orphan Nightmare Killteam quashed the Lordsholm rebellion fomented by a pair of Genestealer Broodlords. This only offered them a brief respite to arm and prepare themselves for the impending Tyranid invasion. After making contact with their watch-captain, who was en route to Avalos on the Imperial Cruiser "Emperor's Wrath" and leading a small fleet to the beleaguered planet, the Killteam led a convoy of 3 battle-damaged, patched-up Rhino APCs (only one of which had a working swivel-mounted storm bolter) to the designated extraction zone at the Lordsholm Space Port.
Along the way, the Space Marines encountered first-hand the might and ravenous hunger of the invading Xenos as they were swarmed by hordes of Termagaunts and Gargoyles, and squared off against elite Tyranid Warrior bio-organisms. The Battle-Brothers displayed incredible feats of strength and skill as both Blood Angels worked in conjunction to lift up and restore by hand a fallen communications tower that blocked the road while the Black Templar Apothecary drove circles around the aliens to avoid their bio weapon attacks.
Eventually the Killteam found themselves cornered and holding the line at the Space Port against Termagaunts, Gargoyles, Broodlords, and the monstrous Carnifex. With the earlier assist of PDF Artillery Fire-Team Delta who bombed the Zoanthrope escort of the Tyranid host, the Librarians pushed and unleashed their psychic prowess, wounding the fell Carnifex with Blood Lances from Battle-Brother Amadeo and an almighty Smite from Battle-Brother Crossmane which brought the Carnifex to its knees. While Battle-Brothers Lagar I and Helios slew a Tyranid Warrior, Battle-Brother Tensei of the Raven Guard dealt the killing blow to the Carnifex with a barrage of explosive rounds from the Rhino's Storm Bolter.
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As the transport shuttles finally arrived on the landing platform, the surviving members of the Planetary Defense Force, knowing that the future of Avalos was at stake, spent their lives for the glory of the Emperor to buy the Angels of Death time to save the city's children. As the spacecraft depart with the Killteam and the rescued civilians of Lordsholm, the members of the Deathwatch witness the brave men and women of the Imperium continue their doomed last stand of the Space Port to delay the swarm as long as possible.
The Killteam has been reunited with their Watch Captain, and he has brought with him the Deathwatch's war chest for Killteam's disposal. Can they save Avalos? Stay tuned.
"The Killteam could definitely use a Devastator Heavy-Weapons Specialist." - Watch Captain Zwilling
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Writober Day 2: The Tribe’s Dog
Halloween Art Gauntlet
“He’s in there?” Thevan asked.
“Oh, he most certainly is, my lord!” Sunan replied cheerfully.  “My contact back in Felheart is a being of most reliable character, I’ll have you know.  I saw to that.”
Thevan continued to study the distant temple through the scope of his rifle.  Even in its dilapidated state, it was clear that it was not of any architectural style common to the Imperium.  He thought he could see some elements of Eldar influence, but time and neglect had made it difficult to be certain.
But even if he was looking upon evidence of xenos worship by the moon’s original inhabitants - original human inhabitants, you mean - that was not what Thevan found the most unsettling.  The environs surrounding the building were quiet, far too quiet for even the most desolate regions of this cursed world.  Even at this distance, he could feel a sense of emptiness enveloping the place.
The fact that he was looking for an Ork just made the whole situation all the more bizarre.
“Just find him and tell him to give you what he owes me,” Sunan continued.  “Though old Lugnak might require a bit of, ah, encouragement.  But I doubt a tetarto-god such as your lordship will have any trouble.  In the meantime, I’ll be making preparations for the next stage of our journey so that we may travel in the style and comfort that we both deserve!”
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see.
Best not waste any more time then, give our companion more opportunity to conjure his gilded chariot.  Thevan picked his way down the hill towards the ruined temple, his rifle kept at the ready.
The sense of nothingness kept gnawing at him as he drew closer.  Thevan felt a prickling around his hearts along with a heavy pressure from within, like he was trapped underneath a Rhino.  A hollowness encompassed his eyes, his vision becoming unfocused.
Thevan shook his head clear.  This place is cursed.  Let us conclude our business here and be done with it.
As he entered the shadowed streets surrounding the temple he discovered that the area was indeed inhabited, though “occupied” was likely a more appropriate term.  Several humans sat at tables by the remains of old cafes, still and motionless.  Others lay in barely dignified reposes atop piles of rubble, and more than a few simply laid on the ground, forcing Thevan to walk around them.  A couple slowly turned to glance at him as he passed by, but they made no sound or any gesture of greeting, returning to stare at nothing the moment he was more than a few meters away.  There was nothing but the barest flicker of curiosity in their eyes, no hint of warmth or hostility.  Just a soulless gaze.
No, not soulless.  Precisely the opposite.  The Outcast could sense something beneath the emptiness, signs of life amid the corpse-like stares.  But gentle psychic prodding at it only revealed a hot welling of pain and profound despair threatening to burst like an angry boil.  But it was the familiar, silent cry within that pain that shook her to the core.
Thevan continued to walk past them.  Leave well enough alone.
My kin are trapped here…
As are you.
But not like this.
What else can you do for them that we are not already doing?
Then let us move on.
Asking the denizens, Thevan felt, would’ve been pointless.  Thankfully, there were only so many places an Ork could hide, though he was still surprised when he finally found him just inside the temple.  Thevan estimated that Lugnak was slightly taller than the average Ork Boy, but somehow he managed to make himself look slight and fragile as he lay on his side on the temple floor, curled halfway into a fetal position.  The moment the Ork saw Thevan approach he actually flinched, slowly curling up as though he expected to be beaten.
Thevan shoved aside his astonishment and gazed down at the Ork.  “Lugnak,” he said in a whisper just loud enough for him to hear.  It seemed inappropriate to disturb the silence anymore than necessary.  “I am here to collect what you owe Sunan.”
Lugnak only responded by covering his face with his hands and giving a long, shuddering sigh.  He seemed to double over, as though there was a great pain in his stomach.
“Lugnak,” Thevan repeated, “your payment.”
The Ork’s hands balled into tight fists over his face, his entire body tensing.  Thevan stepped back into a ready stance, his hand on his chainsword, but when the Ork lashed out, it was not at the Lamenter, but at his own face.  Lugnak’s rage and frenzy only seemed to grow more intense with each strike, his green face becoming streaked with blood.  There was a sickening crack of bone as one of his tusks clattered away from him, yet he still continued to viciously bash away at his head.
Thevan stepped back, glancing around at the other people milling around them.  A few took note of the Ork’s self-violence, but no one moved to intervene or walk away.  After a moment’s hesitation, Thevan rushed forward, grabbed a handful the broken, bloody teeth on the floor, and ran further into the temple, not caring where he went so long as he couldn’t hear the Ork’s choking sobs.
Somewhere deep within the ruins, Thevan slowed to a stop.  He glanced at the teeth in his hand, still warm and slick with blood.  He drew in a ragged breath, trying to steady himself.  He had killed many Orks up to now, so why was this so disturbing?
Death is one thing.  Despair is another.
The Outcast shuddered.  And when death is denied, despair is all we have.
Thevan shook his head and took a step forward.  Not that I can do much except bring both to others.
I do not even have the excuse of being forged solely for that purpose.  Wherever I go, devastation follows.  They never should have let me come here.
But I only wield death for the sake of preserving life!  I fight so others may live!  So why do I keep failing to protect them?!
I couldn’t leave well enough alone.  At least out in the Void She would’ve only found me, not thousands of my kin!
There is nothing left here but damnation.  Even now I carry incontrovertible proof of my sins.  Why do I persist?
Now we are all trapped in an endless hell of death and corruption.  Nothing I do will change it.
I will only make things worse.
I might as well have never been here…
Thevan blinked his vision clear.  He stared his rifle lying on the ground at his knees.  The wet, chipped aquila on the receiver immediately drew his eye, practically out of reflex.  He reached a shaking hand towards it, desperately wanting to feel its familiar contours beneath his fingers, but he stopped.
My Emperor, Your gifts were wasted.
The Outcast let her hand drop to the ground, her fingers curling around a cobblestone.  Images of Lugnak flashed through her mind.  She couldn’t do what he did - you fled from the Path, and yet you entertain thoughts of being as brave as that Ork? - but maybe…it would be easy after the first blow…
This is stupid!
He roared in frustration, his fingers so tight around the stone that it might break from his rage alone.  He lifted it up, and…
He didn’t know.  He just flung it half-heartedly against the floor, a bestial, wolf-like growl emanating from his throat.
Thevan whirled around, his rifle in his hands and braced against his shoulder.
With a start he found himself staring into the eyes of a monstrous daemon.
A Flesh Hound, he realized.  But this one was different.  Not only did it loom well over a meter over him, its scales were pitch black, giving it the appearance of a living, ethereal shadow.  Hollow, featureless white eyes stared down at him, betraying no hint of hunger or hostility, just a stark, predatory gaze.
Thevan felt…nothing…as he stared back at the monstrous creature.  The torn, ragged edges of his psyche fluttered slightly, but in his exhaustion he felt oddly serene.
Then a slight trickle of emotion dripped from the tatters.  Anger, sadness, mirth, rage.  He let them flow through and past him, but one in particular pooled within him.
The Outcast stood up, the crude weapon in her grip never leaving its target.  Crude, but nevertheless suitable for her purpose.
To the Abyss with the Bearer of Lies.
The weapon roared and spat a single bolt of fire, the light and fury casting away the grey silence.  The explosion when it met its target was even more brilliant, washing out all sight and sound.
Thevan’s sight cleared in an instant, but there was nothing in front of him save for some tumbling dust.
I doubt the abomination is banished for good.
He nodded.  It was not nearly satisfying enough, anyway.
The Outcast’s grip on her weapon tightened.  At least I can still accomplish one thing, even if it’s only for myself.
The corner of Thevan’s mouth curled up slightly.  And there are plenty more less worthy foes to keep us occupied in the meantime.
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tabletopwargaming · 6 years
short story one
Knight hawk’s  Daemon slayer
Chapter one
 Phila hawk the third chapter master of the Knight Hawks chapter of space marines. A chapter born from the imperial fist on the world hawk maw has watched it since the thirty second millennia. Time and the planet have changed the chapter from its founding beyond simple tradition but not its purpose. Wind blows into his grand chamber from opened stained glass.  Air cold and clouds within reach from it Phila took no notice.  Grand desk the size of two full grown men sat before his post human bulk a book in hand of great interest.
The planets inhabitants the knightly houses of the hawk named for the great wing beasts that patrolled the sky in ancient times.  Each house was beyond reproach in fervor for humanities great crusade. Upon the coming of the great heresy and brother turned on brother mistrust took hold and they broke from the imperium taking a single STC most valued by their houses. Forgotten in those hectic days inquisitors soon discovered it and sent imperial fists to this world for its safety. Broken away from the chapter they became the hawk’s rulers of hawk maw by inquisitional order.  The houses of the world mistrust if made manifest would have brought war and broken the ties of honor between each house and the new chapter.  The chapter master of the day took a chance and challenged the high king for his title. Refused an honor battle was held in its stead chapter against the houses.
Within the month battle broke out. It was a war like any other only with a pretense of nobility to it. Forty foot giant humanoid machines piloted by feudal houses stood little chance against the emperors angels.  
Knightly servos groan as vindicator shells blistered past. The holy ion shields equipped to each knight blocked ineffective bolter just as well as lascanon shoot. The few strikes made by the razor back lascanon’s  that hit wounded but slowed none of the knights down as the forces clashed in the last battle.  Vindicator exploding the chapter master ducted battle cannon shoots streaking overhead. Another vindicator explodes in a wreck behind him. Thunder strike gauntlet hurling a husk of a rhino a chain blade cleaved the ground beside him. Devastator teams firing lascannon’s and krak missiles pierce the knights shield toppling it backwards.  
Taller monster than the rest striding towards them it was the creasteus knight of the high king. Its castigator bolt gun chews the devastators to blood paste without pause. The smoke from the wrecked knight giving little cover the command squad gathered round the chapter master with rhino and razor back support charged the towering war machine.  Power sword like tempest war blade on its other arm swinging cleaves two of his ten man command squad to ruin as its energies rip another in half. Stomping feet take five more as melta bombs are pressed to its leg.  Two more dead in the combat the rhino was cleave apart. Razor back a bullet ridden husk the chapter master duct behind the sundered vehicle as the charges blew. Knight toppled into the forces gathered before it the hatch was ripped form its hinges as a storm bolter pressed against the high king’s head.  The war was over and the Knight hawks chapter was truly born.
The high king’s title stripped of him his last request was granted on his noble death. The chapter master took his daughter as a consort to any other man it was a lover to him it was a peace offering for complete stability and loyalty to the chapter. Along with it came the knights of the high king’s house. The consorts use proven as a political advisor and council on human matters brought them to each member of the chapter soon enough. They soon found a second use as recruiting tools of the chapter not by any law or threat but by child rearing. Bringing them into more well respected rolls among the chapter and giving them privilege to command chapter serfs.
Phila having studied this since child hood knew this by heart but it fascinated him to see these changes seep into the chapter over millennia. Could this lead them down darker paths or save them.  the thought pushed aside  he looked over to his open arming chamber inside sat the relic terminator armor forged that day  its chest reinforce with a shrine to the emperor and Dorn. The left arm mounted storm bolter a gift from the inquisition for the subjugation of the houses that day. A plasma pistol mounted on the right with integrated fire controls to the armour. Silver on the right side the deep blue on the left half the chapters colors.
The book down he took up a dispatch from the inquisition its seal along the bottom. Though the inquisition was able to command the chapter it chaffed phila that they kept it from larger actions across the imperium.  Today though he thought he might have found a way to loosen their hold a secret he just found.  The door to the chamber creaked open as a petite woman Isabella enters an inquisitor behind her. Isabella phila’s third consort over his life time was blessed with beauty of no compare but an augmetic hand he himself caused when she was young. A punishment he knew but also a gift. Phila’s first consort bond mate was given when he became part of the Knight Hawk scouts after the trails around his fifteen standard year. Her name was Helen as an unmodified scout he learned the trade and having children with her at eighteen standard years. Once proven as a scout the modifications began and she died as he became a full space marine. On her death he received a second and his own kids grow the boy joined the scouts, his daughter became a fine consort of her own, losing his second bond mate to diseases   Isabella was choosen by the other consorts as punishment for a mistake he made in a spar. Her hand the victim of the accident she was his now.  Growing from girl to women he became a captain of the second then first companies. In doing so Isabella was well taught by him and senior consorts in politics of hawk maw and came to be more suited for it than him. She hand relations with a serf and was with child. As chapter tradition hand it that child was now his. Upon his rise to chapter master she had two more and he sees she has a fourth on the way now.
The inquisitor before him the hilt of his sword in hand Body pressed forward to phila a scowl was present on his face.  “you know why I have come dear chapter master”.
“yes I requested your presence  here and I respectfully request you rest for tonight and think on what I gave you .
“you walk a thin line chapter master  even for one of your standing”.
“inquisitor we will discuss this tomorrow but my only wish is to fight for the imperium you can be sure”.
“that will be for me to tell chapter master not you”.
“ if you think me disloyal to request more autonomy you find fault where there is none”.
“No my issue is your ways spreading like an infection to others”.
“inquisitor joseph our ways are unorthodox I admit , we all know it but they are our ways born from generations of noble service to the ordo xenos and the knights we command cannot be over looked, they let the chapter take whole planetary campaigns alone”.
“how does the campaign in subsector loth go by the way, I hear no news from you on it”.
“Well enough two companies with knight support have contained the planets corruption and I wait on a report soon inquisitor, from what is coming in it is not xeno activity “.
“that does sound troubling I will speak to a ‘friend’ if he can help, good night chapter master “.
The inquisitor lead away by Isabella Phila stood closing the arming chamber activating a lift that sends it to his private chambers. The candle lights on the arch of the doorway put out by her the door to the hallway is open where great stained glass window were. Glow orbs in the hall lighting the way he scanned them as he walked behind both inquisitor and Isabella. The one to his left was of dorn surrounded by imperial fist, the right was a black fist symbol of their birth chapter stern as always, above in a circle that would catch the light projecting its image down during the day was the emperor surrounded by marine in the Knight hawks colors and knights towering above ready to slay the emperors foes. Inquisitor’s armed escorts joining him they leave Isabella and Phila alone in hall. Her hand pulling hard as the post human noticed no less they entered the adjacent hall into a lift for the state room below. Door opened they entered a grand room circular  in nature  a hololith sits at its center  chairs around it the room functioned as a council chamber for the chapter master to discuss matters with captains and heads of the librarium and forges on the world. walls with banners of every company and knightly house on the planet statues of chapter heroes stood in relief looking at those to remind them of what their duty was and how it should be honored.  Heading north of the hololith the oak doors opened to a grand state room a desk equal to the one in the room above at its center, Grand bed fitting of the space was just behind, terminator arming chamber left of the desk held his sacred armour and weapons of war its lift settled.  Post human cot just behind phila went the other way towards a small child’s bed and two cribs.  The cribs full of a crying girl and a sleeping boy the boy on the bed slept without complaint.
The girl would make a good consort phila remarked as she had a strong voice. The child in the bed phila IV was already a strong squire as he out did many of the planter defense force. the day of his trials was soon coming and phila III only wished him luck in them. The baby behind him was of Isabella’s stock the high kings many decedents so he would be the same.  When his inevitable death came his gene seed would be given to one of these children by the consorts that held it as was the chapter’s way now. He himself could trace his linage back through the consorts to the first high king and chapter master.  His role as the child’s angel as the children are taught are to train them in battle and weapons , the consorts taught the history and battle records of each chapters heroes. The record of his victories long Isabella inherited the duty of its record upon her appointment of his consort as did his previous one had.
With the matter of the inquisitor still in the air phila III went to his cot as Isabella the bed. Lonely to night she slept knowing that the babes would need care in the morn. Sun coming to quick Isabella nursed the babes as the boy dressed in the chapter tunic. Phila IV off to morning lessons Phila III would train him later that day. Serfs entering the room he sat in the arming station as they loving place the terminator armor round his body. Each having an augmetic limb from failing the trails of honor and duty they served as the lowest in the chapter. The fate kinder than the few chapters phila III saw as each serf was still a brother in the eyes of their betters only to a lesser degree.  The last of the armors piece place on was a cape of blood red a symbol of serving in the first company the knight guard. This group among all the companies in the chapter knew the truth of why the chapter came to this world. Each was sworn to silence as they protected it by that and the strength of their cataphractii terminator armor.  If they were not protecting that they were deployed with every group of knights the chapter sent out as was another of their duties. With both tasks in mind the first was chapter’s largest companies excluding the scouts. It number only know by him it was hard to equip them all with the relic armour but the more common terminator armor filled the gaps.
Leaving the chamber and the chapter’s future to Isabella he goes to confront the inquisitor on his terms. Taking the lift from the state room to several levels above he came to a hall holding the relics of the chapters dead. Door on his left leading to the reliquary the right leads to a massive cathedral to the emperor. Leaving the reliquary for later he marched to the cathedral pushing open imperial knight sized doors.   At the center a warlord titan sized statue of the emperor took his view over. It stood over the fist of dorn with the chapter’s half knightly helm and hawk symbol emblazoned on it.
Chaplin leading services for the serfs and marines there they part as he walks. The  inquisitor seeing him nods and approached.  Phila’s hand on his shoulder pointed to a door to the outside. The two leaving the monastery for the outside leave through an air lock to an exterior parapet. The clouds below them the great forest that housed the beasts of hawk maw greater than any marine alone were a sea of green. The fortress monastery large than most hive cities housed thousands of serfs and consorts of the knightly houses.
It commanded a view over the continent itself as it held a void shield able to block all but the strongest of sieges of that same continent.  Built after the knightly houses subjugation it functioned as the nerve center of three hundred forts and monasteries all equipped with their own void shield and knights. The captains of each company held the title of baron presiding over many of the forts on the other continents that dot the planet.  This network allowed the knightly houses access to materials and the tech marines now in charge of their war machines maintenance. Intern with their consorts and assets within reach of the chapter master the deployment of this planet’s forces are under his supreme control. A space port linked directly to this structure and five other sites like it meant no single loss would leave the planet unprotected. To all but the most determined of men it was a planetary fortress unbreakable in a wall of a thousand orbital batteries spread across each fort.                        
  Phila watching the inquisitor choke on the thin air hands him a breather and oxygen tank.  He looked over the northern horizon to see the far fort from here as a small marble stone dot.  Inquisitor feeling the chill of the air through this thermal coat now able to breath spoke “do you threaten me with this I know of this planets defenses chapter master my ordo holds records of its construction”.
“Then I hope to provide clarity   inquisitor joseph, this chapter has held this world since I was a child protected your secret of building an army of imperial knights and the tempest blades we forge for you, blades I reminded you are extremely costly to produce, and you question my chapters sense of duty and honor when all I want is to serve”!
“you think you don’t serve the imperium or are you so bold to question the way you serve the imperium”.
“no inquisitor I fear this is a danger to the imperium itself , your ordo says it protects but from what, why not share this with the mechanicum  surely it could be of more use, what plots do you have planned”.
“That is for me to know only chapter master you are obsessed with honor and duty as all your chapter from  those petty knightly traditions you follow , to serve the emperor is honor and duty enough so I will let this slight go and grant your request , ultima  needs a few good arms have a force sent there”.
“Thank you inquisitor but it is that very honor and duty that holds this world and chapter together”.
“Chapter master let not pride blind you and keep your influence from infecting other chapters”.  
“Infecting! , the consorts connect us to the very humanity we defend as without them what would humanity be, nothing with no humans to protect our mission becomes all but failure as the emperor has tasked us with its protection, he abhors failure and to fail is a dishonor worse than death on the battle field”!
“chapter master you send children into a jungle by the thousands why, to make space marines does that not dishonor you”.
“Inquisitor those that survive those trials are raw steel of the chapter to forge , not wailing children eaten by orks ,or men corrupted by  tau, they willing take them to join brothers and sisters in equal service to the chapter”.
“good you still have emperor’s will with you so I will depart for more important duties of my own, the emperor protects”.
The inquisitor gone to the space port below Phila heard another leave the air lock.  Storm ravens streak over head nearly knocking over the person he hears. Body swiveling Phila catches them now seeing Isabella holding some paper. Standing on her own he takes the note and reads it surprised. Thrown the plasma pistol on his armour fired burned it with the heat of a sun. shame across his face as he looked at the augmetic hand “ seems my brothers will have a fight on their hands  the fourth company will be heading to ultima have the consorts packed to go ,and send one of the houses with them the knights will be of use”.
“and you’re headed to the loth sector to reinforce our brothers”. Isabella says respectfully
“Yes if all the report was true the battle does not go as I wish, you will be the governor well I am gone I trust in your steady hands, please tell russ to ready the first , I will speak to oberen”.           
Chapter 2
Mash oberen chief librarian of the Knight hawk’s floats on warp trails in the monastery’s librarium. Floor meters below he studies an ancient book from the thirty fifth millennium.  Born to a consort of high esteem she floated above the slab as he was delivered was such the power of his psychic might. Channeled by intense study and struggle he master telekinesis at a young age. Learning biomancy when becoming an angel of the emperor he was proficient in both beyond all but those focused in the fields. Watched as he grew by the very institution he now leads from that day he was well versed in chapter history and battle.  Head turned he shot bio- lightning as the door creek opened.
Phila laughing at the display waved oberen to come over. The attack by any other would have provoked an instant reprimand but oberen was a longtime friend and a brother that has seen him safely through battle after battle. As kids he remembered they would spar and every time oberen psychic might was used to turn it to his favor. He would be scolded by consort and librarian for it but phila knew then it would be the strength to turn the battle in his favor as an angel. The truth made manifest when they fought on a thousand battle fields in a thousand worlds. Oberen never would let him forget it even now.
“chapter master you have need of me “? Oberen asked
“Yes, the first company is joining me in the campaign on loth I want you and some of your conclave to join us”. Phila replied  
“I fear worse brother”.
“chaos, what of the knights ”! anger undercuts oberen’s relaxed manor.
“they stand with many of our brothers, but more are lost , reports hint at a daemons presence”.
Phila leaving the librarium heads for the space port and his battle barge knight of the maw.  Space port busy with servitors and storm ravens heading to the battle barge beside storm talons and thunder hawks loaded with munitions and vehicles from the chapters motor pool.   Russ on the barge leads the knight guard readying the ship for departure.  With preparations moving swiftly phila, oberen and russ left hawk maw for the battle on loth.
A hololith displayed the planets of loth from Imperial record to those on the bridge. Centered on a single planet loth -23 its primary continent highlighted.  Data slates showed transmitted loses kept current by astropath and servitor. The third was in poor shape with a hand full of marines still standing and a near decimated motor pool the fifth little better had most of the motor pool intact. The current unknowns to great the meeting adjured and the ship readied for war on its arrival.
Piercing the vail between immaterium and reality the battle barge’s augurs pick up the strike cruisers maw of death and fort breaker engaged with chaos warships. Vox opened phila tells the masters of their ships to line the enemy up with the battle barge.  The barges forward mounted lances fire off as bombardment cannons blew a hole in the first chaos frigate. Another behind it has its void shields collapse from the blast. With a shutter from broad sides and lance batteries the second frigate becomes a ball of fire in the void. Cruiser behind the frigate charging forward chaos went for a desperate final assault.    Knight of the maw picking up speed phila rammed the bombarded cruiser breaking it across its hull. Chunks of armour plating bursting from the frame the chaos cruiser became a smear of debris along the battle barges rear.  
The final frigate from the chaos war fleet trying to flee saw the strike cruisers do a hard turn lining their broad sides and bombardment turrets with the ship. Battle barge’s lances just in range phila ordered they open fire. Lances breaking the void shields the broad sides weakened the armour as the bombardment cannon shells hit. The ship a miniature star for the briefest of moments the void was clear and course set for the planet.
Damage to the barge minimal phila got on the vox “all vessels prepare for orbital strike and deployment, fort breaker once you have deployed your remaining forces patrol for more chaos vessels, maw of death resupply from the knight of maw then remain as an escort.  The frigates coming with the battle barges are ordered to join the patrols as well.
Knight of maws hangers opening storm ravens and thunder hawks of the first company flew down in tiny a sea of blue against the void. Strom talons follow escorting cargo variants of the thunder hawks with imperial knights in drop pod like armored containers. Drops pods launched next came like rain to the planets dry corrupted sky. Drop pods hitting as the aircraft make land fall tactical squads reinforce battered knight hawk positions in the ruined capital.
The city a blaze with promethium hollowed out hab units line the street.  A safe landing zone secured by defenders holds a dozen human survivors. Architecture thousands if not older lay in rubble.  Symbol of the emperor a grand cathedral swath in blood and skulls defiled imperial knight’s strike by blowing chaos rhinos to hollow wrecks. One husk thrown by a thunder gauntlet crushed an infantry unit under the husk.  Swarms of cultists in a fanatical fury swarm the knights and are swiftly crushed below their tread. Razor backs charge forward beside the knights heavy bolters and lascannons blaring. Bolts cutting down cultists the las hit their defaced transports.  Rhinos behind surged forward deploying more stern guard of the first company bolters and chain swords cleaving into a counter charge of chaos marines. With the fires of war raged above as below. Strom talons took out chaos hell drakes and storm raven landed deploying their terminators. Off the ground as they came the storm raven join the furious battle in the sky. Oberen having command of the ground with Russ, Phila had his storm raven loaded with centurion assaulter body guard charge forward behind the enemy lines.  Flak and missiles taken out by storm talon escorts he reaches the center of the chaos lines. With little place to land and the thermal and battle cannons of the knights in the distance he leapt from the front of the raven. The raven ‘eater of souls’ clearing the ground with hurricane bolters as phila lands storm bolter cutting down a chaos marine as the plasma pistol makes another join the traitor in a blood head exploding death.  Relic blade drawn with his power sword with the strength and weight of terminator armour behind him the blades strike deep. Blood drips from their blade as their pulled out and cleaving two more. Ponderous steps of the centurion assaulters behind him their siege drills shred ceramite and traitor all the same. Chest mounted hurricane bolters gives the wary enemy no time to ponder. Flamers and melta guns joining in the enemy now had two fronts to fight.
The advancing knight’s melting with thermal blasts and explosive battle cannon the traitors broke. The skies above clearing to silver and blue all the Knight hawk’s remaining air craft turn their considerable fire power on the enemy below. A knight crusader the first to reach Phila cuts down men in the open with vengeance Gatling and thermal blast.  Phila giving a nod heads towards his lines to organize a base camp and its defenses.
Chaos taint burned from the emerging base camp round the defiled cathedral. Knight scion removed from his war machine walked towards phila as he plans a counter attack with oberen and russ. The cathedral restored to some of its glory the knight scion bowed to him. Phila recognizing his newest knight nods for him to speak. “it’s an honor to meet  you chapter king your skills are like the tales say”.
“you’re oberens cousin  Joshua quite the display young knight”. Phila complements
“You do me great honor with your praise, if I may inquire will we be deployed to slay theses traitorous scum”.
“Joshua you reach over your station to ask the chapter king” a voice boomed.
Joshua turning to see his baron standing by the holotih between the commanders humbles himself. Phila looking at the baron has him with hold punishment.
“the lad is eager is all baron Morton but child that is  for your betters to know for now”. Phila directs towards Morton……… “Baron you will deploy with the eager on oberen’s scout mission ahead of our flanking force, have the paladins hang back for fire support I don’t want them to know we’re there to soon, oberen scout teams have taken out some of the forward relay towers defiled by chaos so the skies should be clear, may the emperor be with you”.
Oberen taking off in the storm raven ‘bladed first’ leads a force of two dozen scouts, twelve razor backs loaded with men, and five rhino loaded as well. A dozen knights lead by Morton follow behind the war machines moving quite. The force goes north to the melted polar cap by land bridge from dried seas. The trek uneventful as they march scouts take out vox relays as marines slit the throats of sleeping cultists. The tattered uniforms of traitor guard’s men on them they held little discipline of the guard the chapter knew.
Phila taking ‘eater of souls’ through the void with a force of a dozen knight’s and half the first company aboard the ‘knight of maw’.  Russ was ordered to check a signal south for survivors to join them after the sweep. Augurs and visuals from Eater of Souls cockpit showed a planet consumed by taint and chaos. The battle for this world had been costly and would cost the chapter more of its blood soon. With the recovered gene seed secure in the battle barge’s consort shrine he vowed this world would not fall to exterminatus.
Phila voxs over the fleet channel “burn the heretic, save the loyal, and slay the xeno”.
Oberen voxed back “leave no corpse”!
Those that heard bellowed the chant back and the chapter readied for its next battle.  
Chapter 3
The ‘bladed fist’ shifting in the winds of the chaos consumed planet reports filter in from below. Vox towers discovered are disabled quietly by scouts as the main force travels through a dense corrupted forest. The trees burned by no natural flame writhe on whims not their own.  Heading into a storm of lighting and acid rain the rhinos and razorbacks below provide shelter from the toxic mix. Storm talon exploding beside ‘bladed fist’ the pilot jinks flax battering the hardened adamantium hull of the ship Oberen maglocks his boots signaling his conclave to do the same.  Pilot placed on the vox “where we spotted”? Oberen asked angered at the loss of surprise.  
“no librarian”. The pilot replied in a distracted voice
“to all forces we have been spotted, engage the enemy in force  the flanking force will be arriving soon”. Oberen yells over the explosions of flax and rattling hull in the vox.  
Bladed fist dives joined by the other storm ravens and talons hurricane bolters and plasma turrets reaping a heavy toll on the enemy. Talons autocannons in the mix traitor guard’s men turned cultist’s pulp under the explosive fire power. Razorbacks joining seconds later heavy bolters cut down those not killed by the strafing aircraft. Those armed with lascannons target corrupted rhinos now charging forward. Knight hawk’s rhinos loaded with men behind go through forming gaps in the enemy line and deploy the marines inside.  Enemy predator annihilator’s moving forward imperial knights burst from the trees battle cannons reaping each with the fury of the emperor. Ion shields flaring from lascannon shots they charge through brother knights with thermal cannons taking the lead. Their thunder gauntlets sparking the air as tossed wrecks explode on emerging cultists.
           Marines with bolters ready flood from the rhinos and razor backs giving the knights cover and taking out small mobs of cultists. Rocket equipped marine’s fire frag missile between the knight’s legs taking squads of cultists in a storm of shrapnel.  Anti-air guns opening several dagger shaped aircraft take to the sky. Storm talons shoot down on a strafe crash in burning wrecks.
           Bladed fist pulling up from a strafe shutters the hull twisting as it spiraled for the briefest of moments. Front falling away oberen joins his conclaves psychic might and begins to levitate the falling craft.  Jarring motions stopped in an instant the tons of twisted metal and equipment becomes still. Flames the only sound in oberen’s head the plane is let go and plummets toward the dirt. Terminator armors taking blow after blow they descend another of the conclave gives them flame form.  Becoming the essence of flame deadly blows travel through them harmless.  A conclave user of geokinesis pulls the very land around them forming a wall of stone as they touch the ground.  The wrecked ‘bladed first’ burning around them the psykers hurl bolts of biokinetic lighting, stone and breaths of flame at incoming cultists. Battle cannon shell blowing away a growing horde of them a knight charges the position in the enemy lines. Traitor marines crumpled shells another knight with thermal cannon cripples and hurls an rhino full of chaos marines as child’s play. The oberen seeing Joshua’s knight in the group of his defenders smiles.  Rhino charging forward gives the conclave cover to retreat to a position back from the front. “All forces halt and hold position”. Oberen voxed
           The five librarians of the conclave joined in thought and will begin to shake the very earth. Powers magnified to untold levels by the union they sky shutters as the warps power fills the air. Towers of a former imperial base shaking apart their foundations rockcrete cracks. Men abandoning defensive positions the warps power turned against them as fuel lines buried in the earth burst to flames. Ground heaving for kilometers half the make shift chaos base is torn from the very planet and imperial bunker complex hangs like guts of a disemboweled human.  Fires raging across the removed earth the chaos forces were in disarray as it hung in the sky. Unified twisting of the conclaves arms floating rock turns on the ground that birthed it bodies tumble down as towers crumble on the remains of the base in the planet.  Tanks of promethium bursting in the cataclysmic fall the traitors died like they should in the flames of an enraged emperor.
           Small section of the base saved by high walls and strange psychic barrier the enemy did not run standing their ground. To the knight hawk marines there it seemed some twisted sense of honor kept them from running.
           Imperial knights arriving by thunder hawks to the rear watched the carnage from above. Ground beneath them seconds later the pod opens and the knight crusader rides out avenger Gatling   cleaving the forces from behind well its thermal cannon blasts half functioning tanks away.  More hit ground cleaning some of the now retreating enemy forces.   Flash of a rust covered object slams the knight’s leg and it falls, leg crippled in an instant. The pilot feeling the blow let loss at where it can from. Door hacked away from above him a rust blade looks down on him a horn beast heard behind it. Pilot blood paste along his controls next the horned figure moved on to the next knight.  Wasted ceramite armour under the knight cracked from inside lost in the creatures assault.
           Pulses of this terrible presence filling oberen the conclave still of one mind takes flight to reach the rear. The strain of destroying the base still on them oberen pushes his strength beyond any limit he has before. Another borrows a sliver of its might to crack the very earth between the creature and the knights as another fall victim to its blade.  Strength wavering the levitation ends and oberen refocused their might to hurl the ground once more at the daemon he now can senses.
          Imperial knight watching the very earth rise up watched the daemon fall opening fire with its battle cannon. Daemon charging thermal blasts wash past him the warp his shield.  Knight fallen its brother’s rain death only to ineffectual results. The knight’s armour busted the pilot stubbles out daemon behind as red armored warriors fall from a diving thunder hawk. Knight Guard hitting earth chain blades blaze to life. Cataphractii terminator of crimson red charged the daemon without pause. Sergeants master crafted bolter and power sword joining the fray the daemon was stopped in its cloven footsteps.   Imperial knights shooting through the gaps the knight guard have trained to make allowing the great fire power to keep the daemon on his heels. The tactic dangerous it was a specialty the Knight Guard trained years in.
           First captain Har Russ charges from behind with more knight guard as ancient combi bolter and chain fist release their fury.  Daemon laughs at the petty forces before him flicks Russ away and kills most of his men in the blow. Terminator armour cut like common flak vests the men lay crippled in their sundered armour.
           Russ smirk’s blood dripping from his lip. This daemon having once pledge the subsector a millennia ago was of Khorn’s wretched lot. Reports of the time said it would survive any wound only having a scar remain.  Russ spotting oberen coming over the ridge wanted to test that reports accuracy. Stood up by oberen he joined the conclaves charge their bioknetic lighting sparking off its flesh.  Rocks smashing on its unarmored muscular frame it showed no visible affect. Knight guard still engaged Russ joins the last seven of his men cleaving at its flesh. Wave of blood as its axe carves a path towards oberen and conclave. Russ thrown with the conclave five more lay dead armours open like cans.  
           Strom raven barreling forward hurricane bolters blare bolts onto the scarred hide of the daemon. Ramps down plasma blooms in front of the craft clear the way for assault centurions to stomp the earth. In the lead was phila relic and power sword drawn. Plasma pistol flaring and storm bolter thundering the world focused on the master of the Knight Hawks as he charges forward.  
 Chapter 4
Daemons laughing with all his contempt for the mortal rages towards him axe cleaving the air. Stray bolter round pulping the right side of his face the contempt vanished replaced by fury. The wound scarred over his one blazing eye took aim axe cleaving down. relic blade sheathed for a master crafted storm bolter rusty axe eats into the terminator armor cutting the wrist. Power sword cleaving the axe back the hand tumbles away. Hoofed foot kicking phila the reinforced terminator armour takes the blow and he tumbles in midair.   Rock and rokcrete blasted apart from the impact the terminator armour held the chapter master in one piece itself nicked and frame contorted slightly.
           Wounded stump in unnatural pain it smelt of the warp. Phila in a holy fury stood drew the relic blade, power sword now at the daemons feet.  Daemon on top of him the blades clang as the two exchanged blows in a flurry.  The blade ancient and wielded by an imperial fist from the crusade era the rusty axe could not cleave it. Voices echo in his head as the two clash in the open field. Fury and rage at the corruption eating at him he yells “for holy terra, for the chapter, for the emperor”.  The relic blade a glow within the power field the daemon backed off fear of it taking him back.  
           Ragging at the fear of a mortal the daemons rusty axe thrusts forward tearing the right side of Phila’s face. Eye no more the two wounded the same looked from their one eye blades clashing with Phila hurled back a grinding noise thundered above him.  A centurion holding back the bloody axe hurricane bolters and melta guns pummel the daemon. Two other centurions pulling the chapter master away the daemon vanished into the warp its taunting growl a reminder it was not through with them yet. Oberen and the chapter masters command squad surrounding him the apothecary looks over his wounds. Every survivor loaded on landing storm ravens or thunder hawks the battle field was purged by the remaining knights their broken war machines retrieved by tech marines in cargo thunder hawks.
           Phila concusses sits oberen and one of his conclave use geo-kinesis on him to heal the wound for the moment. The battle draining on oberen he hides it behind a kind smile of friend ship they shared.   Oberen wounded himself leans on the thunder hawks wall.
                  “Chapter master we are lucky it retreated”.
           “Oberen you saw it the daemon feared this blade and it makes me uneasy to see that”.
           “ the librarium is not like that on hawk maw but I will look into it, as for its origins the inquisition gifted it to us on our founding, that should be troubling in its self I now feel”.
           “oberen look into it if you find anything please tell me , and when we return to hawk maw the inquisitor will answer for he keeps more secret’s than I like”.
Thunder hawk landing on the flight deck engines spool down as servitors arrive to tend the might war bird. Front ramp clanging on the steel of the deck Russ disembarks gene seed enshrined in cases of adamantium carried by servitor to the consort shrine in the monastery of the knight of maw.  Phila wounded but alert is escorted to the artificer under guard by centurion assaulter and knight guard terminators. Rescued civilians on the bay cleared of corruption by the members of the conclave are placed in the brig for safety of the ship. Oberen leaving the bay relic blade in hand heads for the ships librarium to study it.  
           The walls of the librarium full of tomes from the long past servo skulls dust the shelves in a constant cycle.  Each indexing the books so each is not out of place or uncounted. Statue of the emperor holds torches lighting the space.  Servitor summoned over Oberen inputs for it to grab the tome on the chapter relics.  The servo skull coming back in moments Oberen takes the tome thumbing through a thousand pages to find the record. Hands trailing the gothic script he begins to read. With every line he begins to understand the danger the blade holds. In a cold sweat without realizing the taint of the warp on the ship becomes apparent.
           Using his psychic might to send word to the inquisitor he runs from the librarium stave in hand. Terminator armor slow the last three centuries of wearing it has made it a small issue to him. Levitating past battle brothers he waves them forward and they follow. The taint in the apothacarian the doors opened. The daemon walking the sterile deck is rust blade hung over the chapter master. Psychic hood flaring bio-kinetic flares and the daemon vanished. Scorched mural of a famed apothecary burned with some litany of hate on the wall.   Techmarines on the floor standing no worse for wear return to the task of rebuilding the chapter master.
           Phila woke hours later is told of the episode and the link the daemon Oberen felt It forged with him.  now in a private chamber Oberen watches over him a hololith between them.  
           “Brother I have informed the inquisition as to what has happened, they will be some time before they get here, so you have one more battle in you chapter master”? Oberen asked as he told him.
           “Oberen I fear not the daemon for he will pay with his death for this crime against the emperors angels”.
           “That blade is cursed it was thought lost at the start of the heresy, those that wield it die in dishonor from what I can find, as for its aspects it was forged on terra and has slain many a xenos it power field never failing, found in the hand of the traitor and corrupted it took our greats master of the forge to purify the blade for use by the emperors angels, it still holds some taint if the daemon took notice”.
               “Oberen will this tainted blade hurt that daemon if so I will gladly shove this blade threw it and die for the emperor, until that moment I persecute the emperors justice if he deems me pure we will speak again”.
           Phila finished with the conversation pulls the planet into view loth-023 as imperial records have it. The world shows four lush and fertile continents each producing a common substance to the imperium. It was of little worth little over one hundred thousand souls on the planet. Cogitator clicking the display shows the current state of the world. A red sore on the galaxy it had a likeness to mars.  Summoning his war gear phila had Russ and Oberen plan a planetary bombardment from recent reports. The southern continent full of mountains and valleys scout reports point to a chaos gate in the area. Augurs confirming it with hordes of daemon below they have a target.  
           All forces loaded onto the strike cruisers and battle barge bombardment cannons took aim. Terminator armor repaired as new phila watched from the battle barges bridge. Maximum yelled strikes blast mountains’ to dust filling the sky with black clouds. Daemon below pulverized in the rain of rock and fire the signal is given. Phila leaves the bridge for his personal storm raven on the battle barges launch deck. Its engines hot Oberen and Russ on board already it fly out to the void. The ships thunder hawks and storm ravens behind a sea of silver and blue filled the void.
           New augmetic eye in his skull phila cycled through its magnifications and visual settings as it linked with the storm ravens systems. Names of his men in the cabin flash on with ammo count of his storm bolter and plasma pistol. Tactical display of all his forces coming next phila was impressed with its construction. Shaken from his admiration a third of his forces vanished. Climbing to the pilot he saw through the armoured glass two chaos frigates moving towards his deploying forces. Battle barge and strike cruisers moving to intercept phila got on the vox.
           “all forces we count our losses tomorrow, this day we get vengeance”.  Phila barks
           Pilot nods to the chapter master putting the storm raven on overdrive towards the planet. Venerable dreadnaught locked to its rear the planet comes into view quickly.  Knights already deployed with razor backs and squads of men the battle was on its way. The forty foot hundred ton behemoths brutalize the chaos tanks and rhinos. Marines at their feet cut down daemon and traitor all the same.   Knight guard protecting their rear combi bolters flash as chain blades cleave at chaos marines.  Storm talons hurling across keeping air superiority as the last of the forces land.
           Phila, Russ and Oberen cutting a swath through the hordes lead the bravest of his men to a tower of skulls.  Blades cleaving through un-kept power armour, warp lighting make men stumble as the fry in their own skin. Chain blade heard barreling through cultist’s combi bolter bursts send shells through a raging daemon.  Skulls convulsing pure warp energy pulsed outward knocking phila down. Oberen absorbing the power his conclave teleports down their might combined with his enhanced connection lighting surged forth killing all his enemies for meters.  
           Daemon taking notice of the carnage emerges from the pillar of skulls bathed in blood.  Skulls beginning to bleed russ nods to phila taking command and summoning two knight guard squads to surround them.  Knights breaking from combat with skull lords fire battle cannons blasting the tower to oblivion. Blood and skulls raining down phila charges the daemon relic blade thrust forward.   Storm bolters clear blood letters from his path daemon laughing as he approaches.  Oberen draws on the conclaves vast might forming an arena of stone round them Phila, and the knight guard. The very immaterium dampened in the domed arena by the psychic hoods the final battle began.
           Power sword parrying the axe phila’s relic blade digs into the greater daemon its essence flickering. Rusty axe blade dislodging the blade hooved foot hurls the chapter master back. Storm bolter braking along does nothing as the daemon jumps overhead landing square on his chest. Oberen holding the arena together with the conclave the knight guard charge fourth chain blades slicing at its back.  Reinforced chest plate cracked phila stood blades chopping down leaving large gashes behind.  Knight guard on the ground a battle cannon shell blasts through the dome blowing away the daemons arm. Axe tumbling with it a bloody hand grabbed the chapter master tearing the crux terminaus from the chapters armour.
           The arena blown away in a roar of rage the battle slowed. Phila dragged away from the battle by the now one armed daemon vanished into the warp.  Russ enraged orders the complete destruction of all that remind before them. Traitor or daemon mattered little as all was purged with great prejudice.
           Oberen weak and drained receives vox of a gray knight’s strike cruiser along with and inquisitorial ship coming in orbit. Weary from the fight those that could make preparations for the arrival of the inquisitor. Field littered with dead the third and firth companies lay in ruin with less than ten men between them. The knight guard having lost tweeny nine of its best in both engagements the toll was high. In space the chapter was luckier thanks to quick interception by the battle barge no knights were lost though a dozen will take time to fix along with replacement of two whole companies worth of vehicles and equipment. Oberen knowing the losses steep could see a win as they saved a whole subsector a daemonic invasion.
           Equipment salvaged and brought aboard to the fleet above what could be fixed now would the rest would wait till they returned to hawk maw.
           Russ steps to Oberen “if the inquisition does not slay us the chapter will have a lot to rebuild”.            
           “we will need a chapter master as well the honor battle will have to be held”. Oberen finishes as the in inquisitors thunder hawks lands feet away.
           Assault ramp hitting the ash covered ground the dark cloud above closes the hole it cut. Tossed up ash by the engines blocking the view, the inquisitor walks through passing crater made by heavy weapons fire. The sight of the gray knights struck Oberen with a tremble as he felt their psychic might. Having interacted with them on a few decades ago he knew the truth of what they would do to fight corruption it was not something he wanted to see again.   Noticing the ash fell like snow finally he knew the orbital strike would scar this planet for decades to come.
           The inquisitor joseph joined by another one from the ordo malleus     had the gray knight’s fan out. Each ready for war against any corrupted brother astartes. Russ voxing the chapter has them cooperate as their loyalty would not lay in doubt for long.  The inquisitor joseph   going up to Russ looks over the battle field.
           “Your chapter master, librarian”? The inquisitor asked well sizing up Russ.
           “Taken to the warp by a daemon”. Oberen answered
           “So the honor battles will be held soon”.
           “Yes after the third and fifth are of proper strength”.  Russ barked to the shorter inquisitor.
            “The ordo malleus will hunt for any corruption in this chapter, let me assure you though this is a great victory for your chapter and the imperium, we will aid in the resupply of the chapter as agreed in your founding”. Inquisitor joseph nods to his returning counterpart as she approached.
           “we have survivors detained aboard our battle barge the ordo malleus would be interested in talking to , they are not corrupted”. Oberen states firmly
           The female inquisitor looking over the chief librarian waves a gray knight over “we will judge you and then them, as for your service we will take that into consideration”. The inquisitors grayed hair and stone face giving nothing away she left.  
Chapter 5  
           Colosseum of bleeding skulls piled to the sky stare down on daemon and chapter master. Axe swing cleaving the air a cracked and battered relic blade parries the blow. Armour long stripped away by a thousand deaths he could not remember happening Time meant nothing here.  Phila had this battle and it alone. Axe strike parried once again the reposes with a thrust burning the daemons essence for the hundredth time. The beast a mass of scars its rage was unending. Flung away hilt slipped away blade heard clanging on the sand stone ground of the arena.
           Phila fumbling finds his power sword turning to hold off the daemons axe from cleaving him in twain. Power field failing the blade buckles and snaps before he could rise. Axe siting by his head the heft released the clawed appendage picks him up.  Fangs showed as the daemon snarled eating his entire chest and stomach in a bite. Bleeding out body limp Phila smiles knowing he would stand in days or weeks to fight once more.
           Fists grabbing a defiled golden twin head eagle statue of the imperium the axe of the daemon shattered. Infuriated statue and chapter master tumble through the air striking the skull walls of the arena. Hawk maw a distant memory his faith in the emperor tested in this place hollows of rage belch out his mouth. Statue no better than a rock he hurls it cursing the daemon in what little he could remember “for the emperor”!   Statue glowing in a golden light it strikes with the force of a bane blade cannon halting the daemons advance.  Searching for the nearest object to throw the relic blade is in his hand. Hurled again the blade flares with warp fire like the emperors blade lodging into the daemons chest where the eagle statue struck moments before.  Rage boiling out him as the same flame engulfed his charging body hands out stretched. Howl coming from his lips when he reached the daemon they gripped its horns.
           The sound of cracking bone and tearing flesh heard it gave the chapter master pleasure. Blood leaking in gallons from the wound he pulled harder. The fury of the struggle snapping the daemon back its only arm claws him but phila won’t stop. Arms bleed from a thousand cuts holy fury burning in each. Roar of the dying daemon deafening a bell tolls and it falls lifeless neck a bloody ruin.  Statue of the emperor’s eagle taken in his free hand he had the skull of the daemon in the other.
           Skulls of the arena chatter as bits of his long decimated armor coble together in the golden flames of the eagle.  The augmetic replacements seizing up phila III felt the insanity of the warp tumble away. Screaming in victory or pain the chapter master feel unbroken in will if  body.
           The shattered tower of skulls taking shape once again the inquisitor of the ordo malleus stops. Gray knights move towards the abomination nemesis weapons drawn. Collapsing under its weight the inquisitor and gray knights are stunned to see the Knight Hawks chapter master. The armour of his station near perfect it only missed the crux lost before the daemon took him. Russ coming their way the gray knights surround the area and turn the first captain away. The graying inquisitor orders the body taken along with the armour and blades beside him. The statue of the golden eagle restored to glory and skull of a daemon in hand were removed from the chapter masters grip and placed under wards in stasis tubes.
           Slab in the exam room of her strike cruiser cleared they lay him unconscious chains of adamantium on each limb.  Servo skulls and probes descend on the body. Gene seed extracted first a full exam of each limb was done. No mutations found beyond that of his chapter’s norm the inquisitor sat back. Gray knight justicar summoned to her officer quarters deliberation began.
           “justicar he is found pure of body what of spirit”? The inquisitor asked.
           “His spirit is fragmented, pure but jumbled it knows only rage and violence”. The justicar answered.
           “can he be save from this insanity of spirit”?
           “Our epistolary is attempting that task now, from his thoughts yes but he will need to be tested”.
           “We have tasks to attend to our pray draws near and will not stay long”?
           “inquisitor this task with be his test, for he slain a daemon and  he will have to do so again”.
           “justicar if it comes to it give him a hero’s death”.  
 Gray knight Strike cruiser leaving loth-023 Russ tracks it with knight of the maw augurs till it enters the warp.  Crew ready and equipment loaded the three knight hawks vessels leave the system in inquisitor josephs hands and the imperial guard yet to arrive.      
 Chapter 6
           Arms heavy mind clear then before Phila pulls with all his strength. The weight of a post human hand on his chest a blind fold is removed. The silver armour and the seal of the inquisition on the marine’s breast give horror and relief.  Horror of betrayal put aside as the weight on his arm is removed and the gray knight helps him stand. The librarian holding his flesh and blood hand firm locks eyes with him.
           “you survive by the will of the emperor daemon slayer” the librarian spoke
           “So that monster is slain, how long it felt so long” phila whispered
           “days since we found you, I pieced your mind back together as the warp seemed to make time fluid, chapter master the inquisitor has had our artificers repair your augmetics and would like to speak with you”.
           Phila up right follows the gray knight’s librarian to a small study. Runes on the door and floor books of all studies line the walls on racks. The gray haired inquisitor stone face waves to a seat. A coffee table with tea from terra in finely inscribed china from a lost time waits for them.  Man servant leaving with the gray knight phila waits for her to speak.
           “chapter master you have the emperors blessing to have survived and kill a greater daemon, marks have been left on you though deep scars that will not heal, you are no psyker though even now you are more open to temptations of the warp from your battle, you are marked and before we return you to your chapter you are to be tested”. The inquisitor states in a flat tone.
             “I will serve as the emperor demands”. Phila responds
           “Good we hunt a space hulk infested by a greater daemon, we are to send the infested hulk to oblivion, I’ve named it ‘spire of torment’ you and the gray knight’s will deploy with in the day as we reach ‘spire of torment’ in that time, chapter master your armor has been give wards as to see you safe, should you fail you will be slain”.
Phila in an arming chamber servo skulls and servitors place his terminator on. Loving restored he found an imperial eagle eerily similar to the one found in the warp mounted were his chapter badge would have been. A new crux terminaus replaced the one he lost which now hosted a daemon skull slug under its horns wrapping round the crux.  Justicar coming in a re-forged blade in his power sword the hilt was in noted with holy adamantium seals. The relic blade handed over next its blade gleamed as an exemplar of all blades.  Justicar leaving after phila checked the arm mounted storm bolter and plasma pistol masterfully fixed.  
Chapter 7
   Knight of maw translating to real space near hawk maw the planets blue sun comes into view. The chapters loss sent by secure astropath to the planet it prepares accordingly. Isabella now planetary governor gives her thanks to the dead.  Orbital station above hawk maw receiving the battle barge locks the ship down for refit with the accompanying strike cruisers. Gene seed is brought by thunder hawks to the consorts below.  Bulk transports used to transport the damage relics and vehicles for repair planet side.
           Oberen, Russ, Isabella in the council chamber before the chapter masters room with all captains on planet, and the master of the forge in attendance. Their chapter master gone the council would decide the fate of planet and chapter.  The staff of the speaker in Isabella’s hand she begins.
           “It saddens me at the great number lost to our angels and holy knight’s, the loss of their master will be felt keenly, as of this moment the battles of succession will be on hold as the third and fifth rebuild, I also hope the fourth will return in time, in the interim Russ will lead the chapter in rebuilding”. Staff handed to Russ her time was up.
           “ I stand with the governor on this, till we rebuild the battles will be halted this will take time so recruits will be selected to ascend to the scout company and those in the scout company will be promoted to full stats with haste, Oberen I have a task for you that shell not be spoken out side this council, I fear the inquisition has abducted our chapter master, a body was taken along with armour that resembles the chapter masters, find them and get me  answers, better get our chapter master back”. Russ says with the most commanding tone he has an hands the staff to Oberen.
           “as you wish , tracking them with take time and a ship but it will be done, Isabella before I go I will have a list of squires to go for trials as well, please have them join the consort’s picks”. Finished he hands it over to Russ  
             “that will be arranged with the governor, emperor travel with you librarian”.
The captains of each company speak next with Isabella excusing herself from the room. The selection of those up for trial was a heavy burden to any consort as they send most of them to die. This though was the most scared and noble of their duties as those live join the heroes of the planet. Phila IV training in the chapter masters room with a servitor its shock arms busted at the joints from many heavy blows.  She grabs him by the shoulder mid swing metallic hand stopping the blow.
           “child you are to take the trails of duty and honor as the angels have lost many this day, your angel is missing and I have your sibling on the way, so I ask you return an angel or gain honor as a holy knight”.
           “how” phila IV asked taking her augmetic hand.
           “an accident your angel caused, the cut was clean” she replied
           “about the angel”. He said next.
           “sure it was a glorious battle of three hundred angels and many more holy knights on a corrupt world ……” as she began to weave a heroic tale.
           As she spoke of the post-human she watched since child hood being bound to him was no true marriage as the consorts of knight scions knew.  For every consort of an angel it was the same they saw the pride, arrogance, and false hood they lived. They say their beyond humanity, no they are humanity at its worse and best. Physical capable of feats no man dreamed of and hearts closed to all but battle. True for most of their kind she and many of the consorts saw them know fear as they tell tale of battles won, and brothers lost, the fear was not for them but failure. They fight to save those that can’t be, worlds so corrupt they should be destroyed. The children that follow become theses heartless paragons of humanity was it the galaxies fault or humanities.  
           Thought banished as she finished her tale the truth she believe was they are sacrifices so humanity may continue in an unforgiving galaxy. Angel born to bare the weight of duty no normal man could. Hers provide solace to them out of battle by telling of that sacrifice to those after. The children birthed from her since her age allowed the second of those duties gave voice to that sacrifice by sending more to stand where angels fell. This a quiet pain she looked at Phila IV the angels born of her and all the consorts kept what she knew alive and safe for that alone these duties of her were worth any trial and sacrifice she made.  Tears running down her face  her boy stops one as she send him on his way to prepare for the coming trials.
           The morning sun brings the parade for the fallen and a victory won. Below in areas on any other world that would be an under hive just below the consort’s gathered those chosen for the trials. Forest canopy blocking the light glow orbs and fences surround them. Each boy striped of squire robes is handed a blunt knife. Scouts around the area wave bolt guns and snipers scanning the forest. The sounds of creatures larger than a knight can be heard. Two thousand boys gathered from the planets noble houses and chapters own are sent through a stone arched gate to become the chapters steel.  
           Isabella in the grand room of the chapter master records what is to believe his last battle. Despite first captain Har Russ claim it still wounded her to not have certainty on the matter. Dress of sapphire and silver smoothed of creases she heads for the emperors statue in the grand chapel. Arriving in the chamber the curxterminus rested before the statues base. Quill pulled from a leather pouch those in attendance part giving her a clear view.
“Phila III chapter master of the Knight hawks was a space marine of space marines. Fearless and at the head of every charge he could be , those that stood by him knew little of pain as the enemy was laid low by his blades”. She says with the fervor of a marine.
Crowd breaking up she continued to record his deeds for those that say and reported to her. Small flourishes added for those who would come later it was still truthful as all consorts records. A chaplain kneeling in respect to the honorable consort placed a hand on her dainty shoulder.
           “Governor well said , as the chapter protects you, protect this world, may the emperor protect”.
Oberen arrives in system as a space hulk explodes in the fires of the sun. a gray knights strike cruiser in the distance a recover ship tethered to its hull.  A vox channel opened the hail receives no answer. Oberen taking the device nearly breaks it.
           “Inquisitor I want my chapter master back” Oberen growls
           “Librarian why do you think we let you find us, after your months on the hunt”.
           “Then there need not be blood”.
           “please land on flight deck two”.
Oberen aboard swiftly two squads of marines from eighth company join aboard the strike cruiser.  Squads now in ceremonial positions Phila III stands beside the age inquisitor terminator armor adorned with the crest of the chapter under a double headed eagle statue. Relief on Oberen’s face apparent the two smile.  Daemon skull slung under a new crux bewildered the librarian so he left if for later and they depart to the knight hawks strike cruiser. Another ship leaving with a large cargo box followed.
The object placed in the deployment bay its container opened to show a cerastus knight-castigator in chapter colors.  Phila looks to Oberen who is mystified by the grandeur of the machine.
           “this is a gift for a service rendered and honor earned brother, my dishonor will come, and it will be found wanting on that day”.phila states
             “ I will be your witness old friend” Oberen replied.    
0 notes
wind0wg0blin · 6 years
You wanted a prompt? Rainy day. Everyone stuck inside. Someone suggests a "get to know you" game and everyone runs and hides. This either leads to much-too-large monsters hiding in far-too-small-places or equally humorous situations involving not wanting to play the 'get to know you game'. Maybe someone feigns a heart attack and plays dead. Something ridiculous and comical. I hope this helps your writers block!
[Heres what I came up with] 
You were bored out of your mind. Tiny was laying on top ofyou on the couch purring soothingly as you both lazily watch TV. It was pouringoutside and the roads were flooded so you couldn’t even invite any one to visitor order food.
You tried to watch movies though it just wasn’t doing it. EvenTiny was bored, the most energetic of you all.
Rhino and Bull were in the kitchen doing something by thesounds of clinking they were probably making food.
Soon enough everyone was gathered in the living room sataround staring at the TV.
Tiny suddenly sat up and looked around before diving behindthe couch only to reappear with twister in his mouth.
Rhino and Bull scattered their talons skittering on the hardwood floor as they dashed up the stairs so fast you thought they would trampleone another. Scorpion grabbed you and carried you to safety as you both randown the hall hiding in the laundry room.
Scorpion placed you in the laundry hamper and set some towelson top of your head before crawling into the pantry and hiding the door openjust a crack so he could watch for Tiny who was excitedly scampering around thehouse searching for everyone in this impromptu game of hide and seek.
It wasn’t long until you heard Bull’s irritated snorts afterbeing found sulking towards the kitchen. As he passed you waved to him only forhim to chuckle deeply seeing how goofy you looked before continuing on his waynot wanting to ruin your spot for you.
Rhino was caught next gallivanting down the hall to meet upwith bull.
Tiny came soon after walking right into the kitchenchattering excitedly before dashing into the laundry room looking around wildlyas he sniffed the air searching for you both.
Masked by the smell of laundry detergent Tiny resorted toopening all the cabinets then the washer and drier. Finally, he opened the pantryand squealed in surprise as Scorpion leaped out at him tackling him to the ground.
Scorpion sauntered off proud of himself as Tiny shookhimself snorting as he returned to his search for you checking the pantry overbefore digging through the piles of dirty clothes.
Once Tiny was in your reach you poked a hand out and grabbedhis tail yelling in victory as you also scared the poor xeno out of his mind.
Tinys screams of terror quickly turned into delight as hehelped you out of your laundry basket following you into the kitchen as youlaughed still seeing Tiny’s face of shock.
Everyone else must have heard, as they were also laughingwhen you both walked into the kitchen. You tried to eat some of the pizza theyhad gotten out but you couldn’t as they just keep trying to recreate Tiny’sscream and you were gonna choke from laughing.
Though when Tiny told you Rhino had gotten stuck under thebed and the only reason Bull came out was to help him get free you fell to the floordying imagining his big rear end sticking out from under the bed frame.
You all spent the night playing hide and seek and eatingleft overs trying not to laugh as you saw Rhino walk past unable to get the imageof him stuck under the bed out of your head.
57 notes · View notes
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
“Die waffen, legt ans!” A steel legionaire barked, and the 3rd company of the 73rd ‘Ehre’ regiment of the Steel Legion formed up.
It was a pre-battle inspection drill. Johan, recently made emperor’s champion, stood by and watched beside the Castellan, upon the hive world of Armageddon.
“Johan.” the Castellan said on an internal helmet-line. “These men’s morale has been flagging. Ever since we lost Hades. This was one of the hive’s personal regiments. They need a messiah.”
Johan glanced back. “They have the emperor, a greater messiah does not exist.”
The castellan nodded. “They forget. Many men do when they are afraid and full of doubt. I’m detaching you to support them on the initial advance. Its rough terrain, so we’re giving you a rhino for transport, and so you can keep up with them.”
Johan was perplexed. “Why me, my lord?”
The castellan sighed and watched the legionaries mobilize and mount up.
“You need to learn what the common man can do, Johan. I want you to be with them. It will be a valuable learning experience- if you survive.
“I will, mein herr.”
//Two Hours Later, en-route to the outskirts of the ork held city of Pyke.
“Listen up mein soldaten, listen well! The astartes have gifted their greatest champion to our flank of the assault. The commissars will tolerate no further disobedience or excuses. We shall follow our Lord and die if we must, or I’ll shoot you myself!”
Johan listened to the vox channel, contemplating the words of the captain as he studied his helmet. He sat alone in his rhino, as it ground its way across the terrain in line with the chimera’s of his legionnaire comrades. At last, he put his helmet on, sweeping up his long locks of hair and sealing the armor locks.
“Imperial guardsmen, hear me,” Johan began. “This has been a hard war, a brutal war. Your hive- Hades, was lost to us in the first hours of the land invasion. It died an unjust and unfair death from an Ork landing Rok. Orks defeated it through cowardice and fear. They knew what you knew all along. Hades would never fall. But don’t you see, noble heroes of armageddon?”
Johan stood and walked to the rhino exit ramp. A green light blinked, and the klaxon blared as the transport opened its back doors, and the champion leapt out, sword in hand.
“Hades has not fallen!” Johan declared, raising his blade, and gesturing to the legionaries that were dismounting.
“Hades- your home, your hearth, the home of your children, daughters sons, wives and husbands, your families- all of that is still yours.”
Johan shot forward ahead of the legionaries. Ahead, an ork trench blared its rattling weapons, heavy cruel rounds slamming the sides of Johan’s blessed armor. Behind him, a lucky Zzap gun killed a chimera.
“Hades has not fallen! The enemy did not conquer it. It will never fall- ever! Like the eternal spirits of so many of our angelic primarchs, though their bodies lay broken and gone, their spirits are unconquerable!”
Johan deftly dodged a rokkit headed for him. As he did so, he noted the grenadiers were pinned down by enemy fire. They spread out, firing themselves at the orks.
“And just as Hades could not be taken from your clutches so too shall Armageddon stand strong!”
Johan said, vaulting into the ork trench. Shoota and slugga boys surrounded him. The melee was fast and vicious as blood flowed all around.
“To Ghazgkhull I ask: Have you a planet-sized Rokk?!” Johan bellowed, using an ork boy as a pincushion to slow the velocity of a flash git’s incoming rounds.
“Because if you do not, then let it be KNOWN among the faithful!” Johan shouted, detonating a fragmentation grenade beneath the flash git and cutting through a pair of slugga boys.
“Armageddon will not falter!” Johan emptied the magazine of the bolter hanging off his side, clearing a good six or seven of the alien creatures down the line.
“Because you can’t wipe us all out without a fight!”
A mega-armored nob pushed his smaller boyz past, and bellowed a mighty WAAAGH!
“And when we fight, we fight side by side with our Messiah!”
Out of the corner of his eye, Johan saw the grenadiers begin to make a hard advance towards his weakened part of the trench. Stick grenades were lobbed about Johan, but the professionals tossing them kept them well away from the marine himself. Blow after blow was traded with the armored nob- it was a mighty foe indeed.
The guardsmen bellowed “EMPEROR! FOR THE EMPEROR!” Despite ork rounds cutting several down, they jumped inside the trenches with Johan, bayonets fixed and ready. Chimeras moved up and braved brutal anti tank weapons, risking it all for a few extra minutes of fire support.
The mega-armored nob slammed Johan against the side of the trench wall and chuckled, ripping Johan’s helmet off.
Johan knew no fear. He summoned all of his might, and with a terrible war cry, thrust the blade of the emperor’s champion through the greenskin’s horrid features.
“Yes Guardsman! And to the Ork, I declare this: YOU CAN’T KILL THE MESSIAH! Come! Come and try!”
Johan shouted this as he vaulted the trench wall and stood, running deeper into the ork held lines. A great roar replied, and Warboss Big Digga  emerged, a grin on his toothy face as he sauntered up to meet the challenge.
The pair dueled for five minutes- a grueling long time. Johan was battered and bloody when it was done, but by the emperor, he had achieved it. The black blade of the emperor lopped the warboss’ head clean off, and Johan signaled the templar rhino to advance.
“SEE, guardsmen! The power of faith! Look about you! I shall tell you what I see. I see strong men and women of Hades hive, fighting like astartes instead of men! I see an Ork line shattered where once there had been doubt of a victory, now through FAITH and STEEL we have made our victory known! I see a free Armageddon, a strong Armageddon! An Imperial Armageddon! A HUMAN Armageddon!”
The grenadiers lifted their arms in a roaring cheer as assault teams swept through the flanks and lesser trenches of the ork line, clearing any survivors and routing what few still could run.
The black templars rhino arrived, and its driver delivered Johan a mighty chapter banner.
With a respectful nod, Johan took the banner, and planted it firmly in the ork fortifications.
“Mile by bloody mile, I will fight by your side. Look there, where once Pyke had been but a speck, now it is clear in view. The fight to take that city back into human hands will be costly my friends. There will be blood. We, all of us, maybe will be called to the Emperor as we try.”
Johan looked the beautiful artistry of the banner, and his eyes watered at its magnificence against the warm glow of Armageddon’s sun.
“But it will be ours again, Kameraden. All of Armageddon. All of the Imperium. It is the destiny of the righteous, and it will be our destiny my friends. Believe me, and believe in the promise of our Emperor. This holy Imperium will stand unbroken for all time, weathering an infinite storm of xenos and heretics. But let no fear or doubt enter you. Know that so long as we serve Him, as long as any warrior stands for His Realms, we shall withstand.”
A young lieutenant carefully handed Johan his damaged helmet, which the champion took with a warm loving expression.
“Kameraden, Give thanks to the love of the Emperor. Join me in Prayer.”
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