#but i can't help it i feel easily trapped and they have way higher tolerance than me
beevean · 21 days
Getting a new batch of "I'm an unlovable person and a waste of life" funny thoughts and the only thing I can do about it for now is the good ol' Mental Health Walk
In the evening. During a patron holiday which means the town is bustling and suffocating. Probably a bad idea but hey, since I'm alone I can turn back as soon as I want to. Freedom 👍
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k3igol0ve · 20 days
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⭑。𖦹°‧ Betrayal. [ How breaking up with him would go // mean Keigo Takami.] — KEIGO TAKAMI X READER GENRE: HURT, ANGST.
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; Somewhat canon divergence; " Enough is enough Keigo. "
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Is love a temporary fleeting feeling? What did it take for someone to get bored of you? An important lesson you've learnt from Keigo; some people only crave a relationship for the feeling, for the attention you're giving them. They're obsessed with the idea of a relationship, they don't love you; they love the attention you give them. Besides, he could easily replace you couldn't he? Wrong, he'd never find another like you. No one would tolerate him as much as you did. Welcome to reality and Society, Keigo.
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Unfair, it almost felt as if it was a one-sided relationship when it came to Keigo Takami. There you were, struggling to keep the relationship afloat, while Keigo played it off; almost as if he was indifferent. Communication with him was as good as talking to a brick wall, apparently you weren't allowed to show temperament, only he could. Only he could be annoyed, only he could be infuriated, only he could be disappointed. His feelings were placed above yours. He didn't care about what you thought, because he knew you'd never leave someone like him. You'd always have to be the one to mend things, even though it was never your fault, because he'd ignore you if you didn't. He'd act aloof as if nothing occurred while your thought rack up your guilt filled mind. Arguments were a result of Keigo's petty and irrational thinking and yet you'd be the one apologising. You couldn't be better than him, because he was the best. He thought of other people as lower beings, but he'd never say that in public to maintain his high and perfect reputation. He looked at the flaws of others, but never of his own; he only focused on his own perfection. His thinking was narrow minded. The best way to describe him; a narcissist, a selfish asshole; but you could never do anything about it. Keigo, could do anything and you wouldn't be able to say a single word. Hate him all you want, but you could never find the strength to leave him. Keigo could compliment other girls, comment on their appearance while comparing you to them. He humiliates you in the mean time, mocking you as someone lesser. So you'd decide you'd speak out against that, atleast attempt to communicate. But you know Keigo, it'd never work out. Instead of apologising, he plays it off. If he has it in him, he'd find a way to humiliate you more. " Maybe I wouldn't compliment them if you looked better, --" or maybe if you had what they did. Other times, he'd play it off as 'being part of his job' as a hero. He's sick of it, he's loosing his grip on you. You defying him, questioning him. Other days, he'd ignore you as if nothing had been said or simply reply with a mere thumbs up. You didn't matter to him. That is until, you are on the verge of leaving. Twice, you've fallen for the same trick. Keigo would beg, promising to change his ways, he doesn't want you to leave because you were an easy person to keep. He gloated on your insecurities to place himself as a higher being. You tolerated him when he knew no one else did. He'd lie, leaving fake signs and messages that would make you sympathise him and perchance come back to him. ' Maybe in another life we would've been together. ' It's these little acts that provoke pity in you, that you can't help but feel drawn back to him. ' Baby, I miss you. ' When you're back? That act fades away, he knows you'd come back. He knows you'd stay. He knew you were attached. It worked twice, but why not this time? Third time wasn't the charm. How did you fall for someone like him in the first place? Simple, his sweet charming personality, and his feigned innocence. He teased you, and chased you until you fall into his dreaded trap. He'd leave little notes, little hints that were subtle and not at the same time. Maybe it'd be love songs he'd sing to you while 'subtly' hinting it was aimed at you. Maybe it was little notes that implied his interest in you, but you could never be sure. ' Just be mine already. ' He'd be everywhere you were, how sweet was it that he asked his colleagues how to approach someone like you? How to court someone like you? Oh, how you had fallen from grace, my dove. How shattered were you when you realised you had fallen for a facade? Pet names, changed into derogatory terms. How much disrespect can one tolerate? 'My love', became 'My bitch,'. As if you were an object of entertainment and nothing more.
Then the effort he had given you when he was courting you dwindled to a 0. He knew you had fallen perfectly into his trap, into his arms where you had become attached. 'This wasn't the Keigo I fell inlove with.'
So this was it, and Keigo knew it. You had gotten mad at him, wanting time alone. You started to ignore his calls, you changed your apartment's code. You haven't responded to his texts in a week, haven't responded to his subtle hints of him wanting you back. He misses the attention you gave him.
' A woman can say she loves you and never speak to you ever again. '
Keigo is way too prideful to accept being broken up with so he'd do it first. In turn, he chooses to give up; well not really; he attempts to make you jealous. Keigo moves on fast, he really does.
Afterall he is ‘ the man who moves too fast for his own good.’
Simple really, he would find another and date them, attempting to make you jealous. Naturally you'd want closure. You'd have to do it, atleast getting a sign was better than nothing.
As infuriating as it was, you did get a sign in the form of a ' 👍 '. It was good enough. Then he tries again, he really does.
For the first time in 2 years, he apologises; for everything. For being a 'prick' with communication. He keeps up the act of having a lover. He actually does have a lover, and so you have accepted it, afterall you basically gained your freedom.
Thank the stars for the god sent girl who had taken Keigo's interest for a period of time, and god save her from the emotional stress she would receive because of Keigo's emotional immaturity.
He failed, getting you back. He failed seeing you feel jealousy, and he DESPISED failing. So he replaces you with his lover, but its pathetic really.
During this time, he publicly humiliates you, showing his obsession with you despite it being MONTHS since you have separated.
He flaunts his new lover, she's better than you afterall. He continues to make you jealous.
' She works better than we ever did '.
But you don't care do you? It hurts, but despite it all you heal, you attempt to move on. The presence of him haunts you, interviews, social media, even his presence in public. He takes every chance he gets to humiliate you.
He's angry, he's infuriated. Why won't you come back to him? Why is nothing working? So he goes further, he insults you. He doesn't even subtly insult you anymore, he outright insults you. He's petty, he resorts to insulting your appearance, especially things you're insecure about. He's petty, he compares you with her at any chance he gets. He practically prays on your downfall going as far as to ruin your reputation in public.
He wishes you the WORST in everything.
Though, humans have their limits don't they? As much as you desire and crave to respond, you don't. To show you are the bigger person, to show that truly you don't care. Over the months you have moved on while Keigo proceeds to tarnish your reputation and attempt to bring you down without prevailing. It's getting tiring really, how isn't he sick of it when his topic is always focused on you. Isn't his current lover sick of hearing your name in his mouth?
He's wasting his efforts, because his current lover becomes an ex. He spent too much effort on you. He had it coming, someone as shitty as him doesn't deserve anyone. It was a curse upon those who had fallen inlove with him. Keigo lost someone who would listen to him, permanently, and he couldn't fathom that.
Though, she was nothing compared to you. You were the best of the best, you tolerated him, you endured his shitty behaviour, you forgave him despite everything, you promised to stay with him till the end, but where were you now?
So he's desperate once more, though this time you don't come back. Afterall what has been said was said, he couldn't take back his words, he couldn't take back his hurled insults that were created in the heat of the moment.
At night, irrational thoughts would swirl his head while he's intoxicated. He unblocks you, texts you once more with pleas of pathetic desperation.
"I miss you, I'm sorry. " It could go on for hours, and even a whole paragraph could appear. You'd ignore it of course, and if you were petty enough you'd laugh to yourself.
He even goes as far as degrading himself,
' Knowing you were my only chance to change, I left you. ' It's pathetic of Keigo, it really was.
It was useless too, you'd move on with your life. Your heart free from his shackles, your heart was lightened. Maybe you didn't have a significant other, but you were free.
It'd go off and on, in his vulnerable moments he'd miss you. He didn't miss you of course, he missed the attention you gave him. The gentleness that no one else could provide.
Then when he was feeling infuriated, angered by something in particular he'd start up his insults. Bipolar behaviourisms. Every time you'd post on your socials, he'd talk behind your back; pointing out your apparent insecurities as if you'd give a flying fuck. He wanted a reaction out of you, but you weren't going to give in.
You wondered when he would give up but, you know relationships aren't important, you know the limits of a damaging relationship and chose to focus on yourself.
You're much happier now, despite the occasional thought of him.
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