#but i also wanna be able to understand the other ccs without reading translations
fillia · 1 year
question for the qsmp fans that use duolingo, is it worth it?
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i-love-to-draw1 · 1 year
Hearing bad talk about the rp, the cc an bonds he has formed, made me really happy. I'm really happy on what quackity did n am very thankful he created this server.
Other than the connection this server has created but also it has encourage me to learn more of my culture
Due to some situation I wasn't able to celebrate my Mexican culture. Everything I learn was from public schools n doing my own research. Being born here in America also doesn't help much lmao. Despite my friend group being Latinos. Or tht most of my family speak Spanish. I lost tht part of my culture. I don't have many recipes from Mexico, I don't know how write in Spanish as well. I could only speak it n understand it. N half the time it's the Spanish thts mixed n slanged when living here.
So qsmp encourage me to try to learn more of culture again. As well as to try to speak and write it more in my language. [I rarely speak in Spanish unless it's to family members who only understand it or im talking to my latin friends when we wanna have a private conversation] I was mostly shy since my Spanish isn't of the country or in the city nor is it perfect especially with my stutter n accent. So slowly but surely I'm trying to keep going aswell as learning português [2 weeks in Doulingo >:3 ] bc I want to understand more n be able to read the post here without frying my brain bc I could only understand bits of it or using Google translate.
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fiymywings · 5 years
a brand new one eyed ripper masterpost!
“ira you already made one just update-” bold of you to assume i have energy to do that (also because it’s been a while, making a new one to show up in the search might bring in more fans of shitoo)
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general content/trigger warnings: murder (if not obvious), kidnapping, stalker behavior, and other things you might expect from a yandere themed series
synopsis: The protagonist, Mebuki Meme, had a peaceful everyday life. A dear friend, and a dear brother, she held them closely. However, that mundane peacefulness came to an abrupt end. Because of the "murder case" which revolving around her. "The One Eyed Ripper." Remembering that name, Rumors created by someone had created a murderer. Those peaceful everyday's have ended. Now begins the story of a person killing another. For love, for desire, for the sake of finding the right answer.Well then, who's the culprit?
the series “one eyed ripper” is currently a song based series, however, two pixiv mangas have been uploaded revolving around the characters, and there is a game in production.
character intros
Mebuki Meme
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Height: 156cm (5′1″) Birthday: 6/17 (June 17th) A second year in high school.
She lives together with her young stepbrother, Akihiro. She has a bright personality, but she’s not quite capable of thinking too deeply on things. She possesses a “let’s forget about bad things!” mindset.  However, she is burdened by concerns towards her brothers distrust in humans, as well as his sister complex (an extreme attachment to his sister, aka her), as she has a strong caring side to her. As a result, she worsens his sister complex without realizing it. She constantly pokes fun at Haruhiko’s idiocy, but she herself isn’t much better.
With the One Eyed Ripper murder case, she learns the truth about human nature, and falls into despair.
Tabako Haruhiko
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Height: 182cm (5′10″) [if the img size difference doesnt show how big this boy is......] Birthday: 3/18 (March 18th) A second year in high school, however, he’s assumed to be older than Meme as he’s had to repeat year(s) (?)
A young man with a green muffler and a very distinct height. He’s in the same class as Meme, and has been friends with her since the start of high school. He looks like a disruptive delinquent, but that’s not really the case. He doesn’t skip class, but his test scores and grades aren’t the best. While he’s not in any clubs, he possess great reflexes. He has a strange sense of justice, and is the type of person to consider his friends. He’s worried about the hardships of his friend since middle school, Chifuyu. He also sympathizes with the sense of responsibility towards Meme’s younger brother. His hobby is teasing other people. It’s inevitable that he has fun teasing Meme.
In Meme’s words, “He’s a big mischevious kid.” In Chifuyu’s words, “He’s a rare chattering moron.” Well, it’s scary to make light of a moron.
Mebuki Akihiro
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Height: 152cm (4′10″) Birthday: 9/9 (September 9th) A first year in high school.
A boy with distinctive freckles and heterochromia. He’s Meme’s younger brother, and possesses an extreme sister complex. As you’d expect from his short and slim appearance, he lacks physical strength. It looks like he wasn’t the type to play outside when he was younger, and he’s bad at working out.   He has extreme distrust towards anyone who isn’t Meme. Especially towards Haruhiko, who he doesn’t hide his disgust for. It doesn’t look like he has anyone he’d call a friend, nor does he want one. After becoming Meme’s stepbrother, they had first met during middle school. Essentially, even though they’ve been family for a short time, from the very beginning, he’s never felt any distrust towards Meme. Rather, it seems he already trusted her. Even though Meme herself thinks it’s strange, he won’t explain his reasons.
To no surprise, he thinks “in this world, I don’t need anything besides big sis.”
Minowa Chifuyu
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Height: 162cm (5′3) Birthday: 11/18 (November 18th) A second year in high school.
Even though he wears an eye patch over his left eye, he’s a pretty average looking boy. He’s in the same class as Meme, and he, Meme, and Haruhiko are often with each other. He has excellent grades, is the vice president of the student counsel, and is an outgoing person. Furthermore, he’s the head of his household. He’s the legitimate heir of the Minowa family, which has lived in his town for a very long time. At school, however, the formalities that come with it are almost unnoticeable. In front of Meme and Haruhiko, he’s bright, smart, and sarcastic, and he enjoys teasing the both of them and riling them up. It’s said there’s not a single day where either of them could win against his teasing. His philosophical views he’s acquired from wherever often causes Meme to think, “Chifuyu’s pretty mature, huh?” 
He has a soft expression that’s rarely seen towards others, but it can be seen when he’s with Haruhiko and Meme. From the bottom of my heart, I treasure those two. What’s tormenting me so much, is my own intelligence. Surely you can understand.
pretty much all of the one eyed ripper songs have translations from various sources! the most accurate ones will be on the vocaloidlyrics wikia, but for basic listening, CC on youtube will also be good! (most of the time, lyrics from there are reprinted onto CC anyway, so don’t worry too much.) here’s the songs in release order:
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one eyed ripper murder case
considered the very first song in the plot chronologically (as of right now), as well as start off for the series, this song details the span of the murder case from start to “finish”. go ahead and listen to it before reading up on the other songs if you want a total “no spoiler” experience.
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one eye’s confession
the second song for the series to release, this one focuses much on haruhiko’s character and his developing feelings towards meme. not much to be said! but personally, this is my favorite song in the series
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monop’s confession
the third, and currently most recent song to be uploaded for this series! this one focuses on akihiro’s character, as well as provides an “alternate timeline” within the series at the end of the pv. 
that being said, please do not rush shitoo to make more songs. i have no idea if they plan on it in the first place! they’re busy with the game and stuff already. if you want more content, however, there’s also mangas as well as the official twitter, which uploads development on the game as well as rt’ing fanart! 
one eyed ripper murdercase  (?) [trnslation] one eyes love [translation] [also purchasable on their pixiv booth!] * one’s gaze [translation] * * these are mine, however, i plan on putting the images within a drive so it’s MUCH more easier to read, meaning these documents might change. you will still be able to access the pics from this links, hopefully!
there’s also some varied translations (non-plot related) for the series if you wanna check those out! 
that’s p much it!
the game demo that was out on my channel is severely outdated, so i wont link it in this masterpost, but you’re welcome to look for it if you’d like! remember to follow the official twitter, as well as shitoos twitter (@xxxshitoo on twitter) for updates. 
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fenren · 8 years
Omega Vampire Trial Video Translations
edit: if you want to read slightly better translations + video, use this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94mC7_ji7lw) it’s a private video so you’ll need this link to view it. Make sure you turn on CC (closed captions).
Ok I feel terrible that I left this on the back burner for so long and it’s STILL technically on my to-do list...So it turns out that shoving subtitles onto videos using whatever default program apple products come with (i don’t even remember the application’s name lol) is tedious and time consuming.
I decided to just put the translations out there. You’ll have to follow along with the video, but I did include timestamps (which actually make the text look 10x uglier but it would take too long to remove them).
This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IHSAV-VxPg
If there are weirdly worded phrases (mostly having to do with the weird hard on Keiichi gets in the beginning) then that’s because I was going to give it one last edit as I was putting the subs on the video. I’m still planning on finishing the subs someday, but if you don’t want to wait here are the first few scenes of the game.
0:11 - I fell to the floor from all my twisting and turning. - 0:13
0:14 - I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the bed in my room. - 0:17
0:18 - Phew……A dream, huh……what an unpleasant one. - 0:25
0:26 - I thought I was going to get killed……I’m glad I’m alive…… - 0:30
0:31 - Still, to have dreamed such a thing…… - 0.35
0:36 - When my hand drifted down to touch my abdomen……it was wet. - 0:38
0:39 - Ahh……great……isn’t that kind of extreme……Is it sexual frustration? - 0:50
0:51 - No, no, I’m a man. Why would I get sexually frustrated from a dream? Normally, doesn’t it just...happen? - 0:59
1:01 - It couldn’t be desire? No, no way! I am a healthy, average, normal guy…… - 1:07
1:08 - As I muttered, I ended up fixing my sight on the photograph of my family that adorned the top of my desk. - 1:11
1:15 - Having lost both my parents, I now lived alone, but……we had always been a little different from normal families. - 1:18
1:19 - Both of my parents were men. Having two fathers……is commonly referred to as a ‘Double Papa Family’……It’s a rare sort of family. - 1:22
1:23 - Why such a thing happened……people who are aware of it think that they know, but that is an explanation for another time. - 1:25
1:26 - I’m Moriya Keiichi……I live in Yokohama and am probably what you would consider a normal student. A poor one. - 1:27
1:29 - I worry my relatives by living alone, but as long as I’m not too extravagant, I can support myself with a part time job. - 1:32
1:33 - Several years have passed since the Tokyo Olympics swept across Japan. - 1:35
1:36 - This morning, we will be asking Mr. Aoi Setsuna, from the Aoi Pharmaceuticals research laboratory, a few questions. Good morning. - 1:43
1:44 - Good morning. 1:46
1:47 - Ooh, it’s Aoi-senpai! He’s calm and composed, and looks great on TV, too. - 1:52
1:54 - Aoi-senpai also lived in Yokohama. We once went to the same school, where he was my senpai. - 1:57
1:58 - On top of that, he was also my senpai at my parttime job at a fast food place called ‘Yo Burger’. He was always conscientious when he taught me the ropes. How nostalgic…… - 2:02
2:03 - Seeing an acquaintance of mine on TV was a rare experience. I was glued to the screen without even noticing that I was doing so. - 2:07
2:09 - Please tell us how Aoi Laboratory’s artificial human blood, EX-BLOOD, is different from the other artificial bloods. - 2:14
2:15 - Yes, of course. Across the world, EX-BLOOD is the most in demand at this moment. - 2:21
2:22 - It is compatible with ABO, Rh+, and Rh-, which are of course the rarest blood types…… - 2:30
2:31 - Are those guys bullying an omega again?……Guess it’s inevitable. - 2:36
2:37 - Yeah……Same as always……Poor guy. - 2:41
2:42 - Isn’t anyone going to stop them...? - 2:44
2:45 - (Fuwatari’s arms are bruised again……) - 2:49
2:51 - Gōsawa’s family was in a so-called ‘anti-social’ organization*, and Gōsawa himself was not only strong in stature, but also had an imposing attitude. - 2:54
2:55 - He stole money from the weakest students. I heard that rumor far too many times. - 2:57
2:59 - Poor Fuwatari. But just the thought of catching the eye of Gōsawa and his group was scary. - 3:02
3:03 - (Gōsawa doesn’t look it, but he’s an alpha……They say if you anger him even once, he’ll beat you up in punishment any number of times……) - 3:09
3:10 - (No one will say anything……Us betas are afraid of making enemies out of the alphas.) - 3:15
3:17 - So I thought…… - 3:19
3:20 - Hey. I’ve been thinking, you know, that friends shouldn’t lend and borrow money like this, so cut it out. - 3:27
3:28 - T-Tani!? Y-you…… - 3:30
3:31 - Unable to just look on, I approached Tani and Gōsawa. - 3:34
3:35 - What. Oh, Tani, huh. Don’t butt into our group’s conversation. This is our business, got it? - 3:45
3:46 - This has nothing to do with your ‘group’. If a classmate of mine is doing something like that, it is my business! - 3:51
3:53 - Huh? Well if it isn’t Moriya……What’re you doing in a place like this? That Aoi guy not with you? - 4:02
4:03 - G-Gōsawa……You have blood on your clothes…… - 4:07
4:08 - So what? Weren’t you scared stiff just before? - 4:15
4:16 - That’s right, but……Gōsawa. How, that blood…? - 4:21
4:22 - Heh, I fell. - 4:25
4:27 - R-really…? - 4:29
4:30 - Persistent aren’t you. Friends trust each other……Moriya, you don’t trust your friends? - 4:38
4:39 - (Us, friends…? No way…!) - 4:43
4:44 - At that moment, a face appeared in the building’s stairwell…… - 4:47
4:48 - Moriya-kun…… - 4:50
4:51 - Fuwatari….!? 4:52
4:53 - I saw Fuwatari, all covered in bruises and just barely able to walk. - 4:55
4:56 - So Gōsawa was abusing Fuwatari…! I instantly went white with fear. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. - 5:00
5:01 - A-are you okay? What happened to you…? - 5:04
5:05 - It’s fine……So please, stop it…… - 5:10
5:11 - It’s a given you can’t do anything, so please don’t get yourself involved with me halfway again…!! - 5:16
5:19 - It’s not as if you can possibly understand how I feel! You, who were born normal! - 5:25
5:26 - Fuwatari…… - 5:27
5:28 - I could hear both his rejection and a desperate plea for help in that scream. 5:31
5:32 - ‘I want to run away from here……I want someone to save me.’ I felt the same way. But… - 5:35
5:37 - (If Tani was here, he definitely...definitely wouldn’t abandon Fuwatari….) - 5:41
5:42 - (Even if the odds were slim, you would be sure to carry out what you think is just…!) - 5:47
5:49 - ……And is that right!? Kei-chan, what do you want to do!? - 5:54
5:56 Ha!…….Without Tani here, you can’t do a thing, can you? Moriya. - 6:01
6:03 - Gōsawa….did you give Fuwatari those bruises? - 6:06
6:08 - It wasn’t me, okay? ‘Cause we’re friends. Isn’t that right…? - 6:14
6:17 - That’s a lie, isn’t it!? Those bruises…We have to call an ambulance...! - 6:21
6:22 - Hey, it’s fine, isn’t it. Just hurry up and go home… - 6:25
6:27 - I was already dialing 119 on my smartphone. I really wanted to run away, but if I did, I would regret it for the rest of my life…! - 6:31
6:32 - (Sorry...this is the best I’m able to do right now….) - 6:36
6:37 - Hello….um, someone fell and got hurt...we’re near the Motomachi Cosmos Building. - 6:42
6:43 - Hey...is this guy really calling an ambulance…!? - 6:46
6:48 - Hey, you bastard! Don’t go doing whatever you please! You wanna get killed, Moriya? - 6:52
6:53 - Gosawa and Hayashi ran at me, hands clenched into fists, at the same time. - 6:55
6:57 - (Oh no, I’ve gotta get away…!) - 6:59
7:00 - I kicked off the ground at at full speed...There was no time to look back. - 7:03
7:04 - I ran desperately, but….even at full strength, Gosawa and Hayashi would probably catch up to me soon. - 7:07
7:09 - Still, I ran as fast as I could without a care…… - 7:11
7:12 - But, in the next moment… - 7:15
7:17 - A dump truck’s dazzling lights entered my field of vision……. - 7:20
7:21 - Everything moved in slow motion, and my thoughts were calm…. - 7:24
7:25 - The dump truck, which came flying out from a side road, was coming straight at me. - 7:28
*If I remember correctly, ‘anti-social organizations’ is the sort of official legal term for yakuza groups.
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