#but i also do enjoy writing kh and ff and such so i'm not too too bothered
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van-yangyin · 1 day ago
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Cloud Hairstyle for Teen to Elder (FF7)
A hairstyle inspired on Cloud from Remake version for male and female frame from Teen to Elder. This time I've tried something a bit different emulating a bit the KH style but with more strands, so here with higher polycount than usual because of amount of strands I have made for this hair, I love how smooth it has turned out. Hope you enjoy it too! ❤️
PS that I write on my Patreon: My graphics tablet (specifically a Cintiq 13HD) has stopped working since the beginning of this year. I don't know if it's the cable or the connector and I'm waiting for an acquaintance to find time to look into the problem. It wasn't something I had planned for this 2025, so I'm trying my best to find a solution or the unavoidable, as it's my livelihood for work. I'm sorry I'm taking so long to do what I promised would do, but in order to finish some of them I need my graphics tablet, thank you very much for your patience. In the meantime, I'm finishing CC where I don't need it, like this one. This isn't the only CC coming out this month! I will soon reply to all of you who know who are, it has been quite difficult to find time with all this problem that has arisen (my graphics tablet) along with my social anxiety or whatever is wrong with me (I don't have any official diagnosis, I just know that I feel a lot of anxiety). Thank you for your understanding! And already 523 followers here on Tumblr, THANK YOU ALL! ❤️
❤️24 EA Swatches + Cloud swatch ❤️Teen to Elder ~ All genders and agender ❤️Hat compatible ❤️Base game compatible ❤️Child, Toddler and Infant version eventually, this post will notify you that is update if you're following me and have notify activated ❤️All LODs and maps ❤️Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch, based on FF VII remake version. ❤️separate packages or merged packages ❤️HQ Compatible ❤️Custom Thumbnails ❤️CAS photos below ❤️Split hair color compatible [Extra info: I'm currently making changes in this option and expanding considerably the offer of colors and palettes this year (besides placing it in other places so that it doesn't cause problems as it happens with version located in piercings when I have everyday tags in use, although this time it won't only be for split hair color, but it will have many more options available. And maybe I will also make a special palette with all Final Fantasy hair colors of characters that I will make so that all my hairstyles can use those colors too.]
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
※Choose download only one version of each frame or choose download between "M-F_Merged" where two frames files are together.※ DO DON'T DOWNLOAD ALL PACKAGES, OTHERWISE YOU WILL HAVE REPEATED FILES (If you don't understand between merged or not merged feel free to ask me)
❤️PATREON or SFS❤️ (Always free, no adf|y)
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Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
Happy simming! 💛🍀
📻 @maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz @alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds Thank you ❤️
🛹 You can find me on Patreon | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Simblr.CC | My F.A.Q. 🛹
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hallowed-nebulae · 2 years ago
3, 8, and 9 for the fanfic ask game?
from this ask game
3: What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
I have a FFXIV au where G'raha Tia is the Warrior of Light somehow, and admittedly I'm not sure how well that'd work considering -gestures at Shadowbringers and Crystal Exarch- but it would be SO FUN I can just tell
8: What kind of document do you use to you write? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Straight in the AO3 text box?
Okay so this one I've mentioned a few times in tags and such, but I don't actually use a proper word processor to write in! The program I use is Obsidian.md, which is a note-taking app, and it's been super helpful. Being able to have various different documents open at once makes referencing things easier, and the variety of themes available means I get to pick and choose which theme to use (I'm using the Shiba theme, incidentally, but I might change it to a different one so long as the new one has custom background options available. We'll see on that one). The only downside is that since it's on my local drive (or whatever drive you store your files on, mine is on my USB), it can only be used on my laptop since I've not downloaded the Obsidian app and I'm not willing to pay to be able to sync files, ahaha. But the free version has pretty much everything but sync and publishing of sites available, so you can use it for note-taking or writing or such very easily.
In conclusion, try Obsidian out today.
9: What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
Oh this is a question. Being honest, I'm not entirely sure if it's my favorite, but I do really like this one scene from Taking Notes and Munching Pastries --
"Well, most people in class are cowards," you declare, "who might deserve a good pounding now and then to know how good they’ve got it for not having to fight all the time." Niko snorts. "Don’t let them hear you say that," he warns, though his lips curl into a smile at the end and his eyes are doing a horrible job of hiding amusement, "they might take offense and try to hit you." "Let ‘em!" you declare, leaning forwards again and then beginning to climb onto the top of your chair to stand on it. "They’re all too weak to throw a good punch or kick, and I can beat ‘em all any day!" "Rina!" Niko hisses at you, and lunges at you to keep you from climbing on top of the chair entirely. "Remember what I said about not climbing furniture in public places? We already got kicked out of the cafe closer to your apartment, we don’t need to get kicked out of here too." "Fine." You huff, and sit back down into your chair ‘properly’, though you lift one leg onto the arm of the chair so that a foot is hanging off of the side. "But still!"
It was written all the way back in 2020 and is one of my first fics, and was definitely one of the first I wrote in second person POV, which is now my preferred POV to write in. I've a soft spot for it still, aha. It's been a while since I wrote anything Digimon-related -- I should go properly watch those Re:Digitize Decode playthroughs that are up on YouTube, now that the fantranslation has been out and such, so I can properly know the game's story and characters, as opposed to the word-of-mouth and scouring-the-wikis method I had to use back then.
I think my friend @aikotters was there when I finished the fic, ha -- funny to think we've been friends for so long (even if we've mostly moved into different fandoms, but hey, friendship outlasts fandoms if it's a good friendship, right?)
(Speaking of which, thanks for all the encouragement aiko, whenever I finish the next Miracles Verse fic I'll gift it to you)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 11 months ago
Random ask that may or may not be foreshadowing; if you were to completely drop persona cold turkey, what other rpg series do you think you'd hyperfixate over instead?
Hmmmmmm hard to say.
If it's something I've yet to play then I dunno.
But if it's going back and playing older games I've played the hell out of.....hmmm let's start there I guess:
I like Pokemon, but I'm not gonna compete to be the biggest know-it-all with that franchise (esp with the amount of conflicting info and canons and possibly mistranslations). It's astronomical compared to MegaTen.... (what applies to Pokemon can also be applied to Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh too....)
Dragon Ball.......Tbh I'm not that into fighting games, maybe if I ever get a Legacy of Goku 4 fkjdlajf; Gimme some good RPG DB games and I'm down (I have Kakarot and the Legacy of Goku games tho)
There's really no plot/character/story analysis I can do on the Tony Hawk games.....
I like DMC and Nioh, but I feel like those games and fandoms are more focused on the gameplay mechanics....plus they aren't exactly easy games to just "kick back and enjoy" I have to really concentrate which is draining...... (more so Nioh than DMC, but I'm more invested in Nioh than DMC so that's an issue TT0TT)
I love Assassins' Creed, but even I know the amount of content I'd have to hard core consume (between AC and AT LEAST Watch Dogs......oof). Just thinking about it might explode my brain. u_u
Love Rule of Rose, but other fans have dug deeper done everything with it. So there's nothing for me to really bring to the table.
.hack.....maybe I could get back into that? My knowledge is mostly in the novles/manga I've read tho. ("But Silly! Isn't that technically a fantasy game?" I mean.....yes but it's modern day chars playing a video game. I dunno I always found that idea novel alongside 'oh people are dying' mystery. It's why I watched SAO because it reminded me of .hack! ....I'm not getting into SAO tho >_>)
Most heavy fantasy.....probs not likely but not impossible. The thing with Persona/Megaten is that they usually have a very "grounded in real life" kinda vibe going on. Which was nice because it felt like less stuff I had to memorize to understand the world. Plus it was more of a vibe I liked..... (but I'll mention some of the well known franchises....mostly cause they are the ones with the most entries to get into)
Love KH but I don't really wanna deep dive into it (I think the writing was best in KH1 and CoM, I think Sora's char has really devolved over the games, and I hated 3D and KH3). I am keeping an eye on KH4 and maybe even Verum Rex (which I'm pulling for us to get, outta all the FF games, FFvs13 was always one I was super interested in).
FF.....I'll play them, but I'm not that invested into them. (12's ok, 7's ok, 7R's ok but I need to finish those three first.... I liked 15 even tho it was messy, I hate 13 with a passion, I should try 10 cause it reminds me of Destiny Islands. 15 and 10 are the best contenders for me to be invested in tbh).
Tales of...... tbh Xillia always interested me the most. I should go through my backlog......I'm like halfway through Arise so I should probs pick that back up.
Maybe I should try Ys? Or finish the Trails of/Legends games I have too, tho I'm not very invested in that that.
Atelier series.....I should finish the games I have of that....then again....it's related to Mana Khemia right? I actually played and liked the first game of that (I sucked at it so I don't think I finished, that and I think I got P4 within that year so that ended up consuming me not long after)......I should give Mana Khemia another chance.
Oh there's also the Lunar series......I was always interested in that after I was graced with the game Lunar Dragon Song as a kid. :'D Weep for me yes, weep. I know. u_u IYKYK
I like Harvest Moon/Story of seasons.....but not enough to like...deep dive into stuff.
I mostly play Slime Rancher for the gameplay loop than the analysis too tbh.....
Far Cry 5 is a heavy contender. I did get lucky, outta all of the FC games....at least this one not only got a direct sequel with New Dawn (even tho it deals more with the Highway men than the cultists *sobs*), it also got a tie-in DLC with FC6......plus I got that novel, and the little bit of supplementary material. The issue, which is a double edge sword....is that it ends there. There's a lot of side content I could probs find and dissect, but once I find it all it ends.
At least with Persona, I can expect the world to keep going and expanding (either it's main continuity or the larger continuities in general). FC I'm not sure.....they might have diff timelines but no in an interactive way like MegaTen does.....
I guess I can try a swing at Mind=0, Tokyo Xanadu, Caligula 1/2, or Monark. Both with finishing and attempting to hyperfixate....but they just don't hit the same. Plus I run into a similar problem as with FC5....it's pretty much it when it ends (and unlike FC5, I doubt those games have as much content).
.hack might be a heavy contender.....
I am very Avatar-pilled atm....and I'm going through those games. Which was something I meant to do like 10 years ago during my last hyperfixation on the franchise (but I think I got distracted by PQ1 jklsdfj;). So maybe expect a small deep dive on those? Platinum's Korra will probs reign supreme for me tbh klfdjsa;f
Hmmmm I've heard good things about Suikoden......same with Phantasy star, Chrono trigger, Mother/earthbound.....maybe actually finish FE 3Hs......
Tldr; I dunno. At least game wise. Other media (either exclusively a diff format or one that's multimedia'd)? That's a bit more easier/open ended. (I'm juggling Atla/Korra, Addams' Family, and Naruto like a lil' court jester, we'll see how this goes)
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themelodicenigma · 4 years ago
Hello! I hope this question doesn't sound silly. Is it good to use spin-offs to establish the canonicity of a story? I ask this because when it comes to FFVII I see many fans mention KH, Dissidia, Tactics, Airborne Brigade, etc or cameos to support their theories, especially about the LTD. I've never played anything besides the main FF titles so I'm always quite confused because some of these "proofs" seem so...strange, sometimes even clashing with the main story. I'm guessing if the characters featured in these games are the same of the main game, who have endured an internal arc, or if they're just framed at a specific point of their character development (eg. Cloud as SOLDIER Cloud with all his issues, or Squall before coming to terms with his past, I don't know, just an example). Thank you!
Oh it's not a silly question at all! Mostly because terminology and perspective people have on the canon concept can be confusing when talking about this type of thing.
First thing, I wouldn’t even call those installments "spin-offs" ultimately. Fans who do this are creating WAY too much of a misconception of what each respective game is and it's functionality that, which unlike most conventional spin-offs, isn't attached to the story and canon of FFVII as it would be, where you would say "this new story is based in/on the world of FFVII". That’s not what these games are doing ultimately.
Long-standing fans may not think anything of it, but this is VERY confusing to new people, or for those who haven't played those games yet like yourself. Spin-offs don't typically function the way these separate series do with intent and purpose to be called that. I would say this especially for Kingdom Hearts, where it's representation of the characters and their purpose even in the story is far more loose than say, Dissidia, and something like World of Final Fantasy kind of falls in the middle of how closely it represents the characters.
And to avoid the confusion being a part of the FFVII canon: It's not a matter of these games being a part of the literal canon continuity-wise, but that of the canonical representation that is being held within another work, which if this happens, it doesn't automatically decide the canonical standing of that work completely.
*if anyone wants to know more about Canonical Representation, just check out my "Concept of Canon" writings pinned to my profile.
(My purpose for harping on this is to better approach the question, I promise lol)
With all that said, can someone use canonical representation, something of which is reflective of its source material, to understand more about the character (or whatever else) that is being represented there? Absolutely. Though, the first primary concern in even doing this is whether or not it's being written by who would be considered authorities and/or authentic authors of the series being represented.
If so, I would say it's a good thing because chances are, whatever is represented is done on purpose for you to recognize and enjoy. For a writer using their own content, this is pretty easy to do in these situations, and they're not exactly restricted in how they can do this.
For example in KH, our resident FF characters are treated differently than the Disney characters, in that they don't have their respective worlds to be their origin and story, not like in Dissidia. However, WHO they are is obviously still connected to, well, who they are and the meaning that comes from their canons. There’s still representation there for every character that can be traced to the canon. For FF7, this is even more apparent to how the devs made the character plots at Radiant Garden intentionally parallel Advent Children (even down to the outfits). Or as you pointed out, characters in Dissidia dealing with the conflicts they have from their source materials is also a very easy example that can be done.
Outside of the obvious "oh hey this came from that", we can understand what's being shown is meant to reflect it and be recognizable.
Rather than establishing canonical points for the source materials canonicity, games like these mostly reflect what's already there for its own purpose that isn't FOR those worlds (like a directive from the canon) or completely pertaining to like a Spin-off would. And, the creative way this can be done is pretty broad and can even add more perspective in understanding what it's reflecting within its value. If course, there can be new things that pertain to the uniqueness of the content retaining the representations, e.g the FF gangs friendship with Sora & Co. or Dissidia heroes interacting with each other. While that isn't true canonical representation (outside of personality quality), we don't have to feel conflicted on this presentation being authentic expression because of the proper authorities behind it.
But for your real concern, does this mean we can use this information to make leaps and bounds of conjecture for a canon? Nope, we shouldn't. Forget even these types of games, people do this for source material too. But for what you've probably seen in the wilds of fandom about these materials, this sometimes this happens because the understanding of what exactly is being represented in another work is misconstrued.
This being done to the meaning of something isn't new in fandom, unfortunately. It can be honest mistakes or not well thought out perspectives. Or, things are said simply to correspond to an agenda, and if we're being honest and talking about what is ever for the LTD, it becomes really bad.
Either way, if another work has canonical representation, and it's backed by the proper, authentic creators, then you can certainly talk about what's being reflected there. Chances are, it's there for this purpose by the devs. But to avoid the concerns, people should concentrate on whether what's there really IS reflecting what's already present in the source canon, and even more, to not take it's value beyond that.
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crazy-chocobo · 8 years ago
#i blame you linearity haters #congrats #you destroyed ff / god i'm so glad i'm not the only one that feels this way honestly
I still don’t understand people’s obsession with open worlds. I really don’t. You need linearity to build a good story. FF has always been about the story, and sorry to break it to you, ALL FF HAVE BEEN LINEAR. YES. ALL OF THEM. If all you want is to walk around all day, do fetch quests, and battle some monsters, go ahead and play an MMO, don’t play FF. 
More rant under the cut.
I can’t even go to YouTube and watch XIII videos in peace because the haters are everywhere, EVERYWHERE, and all they write is: “this game sucks because it was so linear”, “I hope it wasn’t so linear”, “linear linear linear”, like, what do you mean by that? Every FF has been linear, even KH is linear. The Las of Us? Linear. Tomb Raider? Linear. I could go on and on. I understand that FFXIII was more “linear” in the sense that the corridors were smaller and you couldn’t revisit towns, but it all had its reasons. They were fckng fugitives running against the clock, did you expect them to visit towns and talk to the people there and go back to Bodhum where everybody wants me dead? XIII’s “extra linearity” was on purpose. The other mayor critic to the game was that the story was too complicated. Yes it was, you really had to be on it all the time to understand it. FNC was so ambitious that it needed the datalogs and the novels, but even if you didn’t read those, I still think that the mayor plot could be easily understood if you payed close attention. Listen, if you are lazy and don’t want to read, that makes you an idiot, it doesn’t make the game bad. (I’m going overboard now, I need to wrap this up quickly). (I also think that XIII was meant to be a single game, but at some point they knew Versus wasn’t going to happen, so they had to tell Etro’s story another way, FNC is huge ok, I also think many elements from Versus were used on XIII 2, don’t tell me you didn’t see the similarities between Caius and Ardyn, so basically they had to change FFXV’s story because they already used so many elements, but that’s for another time). So, in conclusion, XIII haters are everywhere, and Square Enix thinks that this is the general perception of their games here in the west. And surprise, they do listen to their fans. So I feel that they wanted XV to be as far away as possible from XIII. So, it resulted in the open world and the simplistic story. And I’m not even going to talk about how they favored graphics over story (same thing that happened with 0.2). Please be honest and think to yourself, do I really need an open world? For what? Just to kill monsters and do fetch quests on a repetitive pattern of trees? Am I willing to sacrifice story for that? Am I really going to explore all of it? The game would have been just as beautiful and fun even if you couldn’t go to that tree over there, believe me. The game wouldn’t have had all those engine problems if it was more linear and less content would have been cut. So please, stop wining and really think about what is it exactly what you don’t like about a game. If you didn’t like XIII because you couldn’t relate to the characters, or because the lore wasn’t interesting, I can understand that. But if you don’t enjoy story and all you want to do is run around and kill things, please don’t play FF, simple as that.
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ruvelli · 6 years ago
You know you're so hyperactive I'm surprised Sora isn't your main muse
//When I first began on Tumblr in the year 20XX (almost 7-8-ish years ago?) I was 100% a Sora muse. I had been role playing as him for a few years at that point and writing fanfictions with him as my main star.
That started almost right after the first game came out so... yeah. And Kingdom Hearts were my first fanfictions ever. I was very comfortable in my Sora “skin”.
In fact, the Sora muse I have now as a sub-blog is based on that original Tumblr muse which also included stupid Diary entries about a gross room mate (Riku), a hyperactive Yuffie who would sneak into their place and cause havoc all the time, and Sora’s own attempts at recording/sharing home care tips. Except I used to tag them and annoy the shit out of people. >3 Now I’m a lot more considerate, even if it means I won’t get followers there as quickly as I could with tags.
I guess I’m not as concerned about it? Than again if you compare who I was now to who I was two years ago I’m pretty different so a much bigger difference from 6+ years ago wouldn’t be surprising.
The Sora muse I used to play that I CAN’T GET INTO MY FREAKING ACCOUNT TO PLAY WITH ANYMORE that apparently people still remember today, though was:
Halloween-Sora. The guy who posted maggots and had an unhinged jaw. Hmhmhmhmhm...
He was disgusting and pretentious and I fucking loved him. I might bring him back on another blog.
I’m off track.
So, drama happened. Lots of it. My partner of the time did some things they shouldn’t have (including take pictures of me without permission while on videochat and shared them) and even when I moved on more crap kept happening so I knew it was time to move on, if only from that blog...
So, here’s why I prefer Riku and why I ever played him in the first place (kind of depressing so don’t read if you can’t deal with sad stuff):
Riku was my... rescue muse. 
When I was feeling beaten up, down, and like I was just done with everything I suddenly found this group for the KH/FF community that looked like tons of fun (a magic school with real class schedule set-ups and graduation requirements... I mean, you could bullshit through everything and pass, but still. It was oddly fantastic to see despite hating school!) but it already had a Sora... and a Squall. And everybody I ever played before. No repeat muses allowed...
The only character from KH they didn’t have was... Riku. The one guy who is usually the most popular and usually the first taken was available. They had literally just kicked their Riku for inactivity. Just that day. Not long before I asked to reserve him.
Like fate.
I had never played Riku, but... I said fuck it. I immediately dove for him. I wanted in and I was determined it would be a great change. 
And... it was. 
Riku, I admit, I was back and forth on as my favorite of all time character (even after I came to love shipping him with Sora) until I sort of... found myself again by accident. It was like someone taking my hand and saying “Keep Walking”.
You see, Tumblr was also my only escape. I had lost or was forced to let go of my role player partners outside of it and role play was my one happy place so... Tumblr became it.
I have Autism and was reliant on others to live at the time because I was in a bad, BAD state and no one was trying to help me get help. They didn’t want me to get help, either, because they figured I was just being--
No. That’s another can of worms for later. It wasn’t great to be where I was and I’ll leave it at that.
I no longer enjoyed being Sora. He was attached to too many people I had to leave behind or who had treated me less than stellar. I didn’t even realize that was part of the problem until I made that jump, which I wouldn’t have done if not for that group.
Being Riku sort of... reinvigorated me. And I know all this sounds strange, but there ya have it. I even started standing up for myself in real life because the muse inside me demanded it (Is that crazy?).
Things in the group ended poorly (for everyone, as a lot of groups do... The owner left and she was also the only decent mediator), but damn it was AWESOME for nearly a year and those people I’d happily play with again if I ever found them--
Also his theme song was “Bringing Sexy Back”. I’d trick the others into listening to it over and over by sending them remixes. Bwahahaha! (TAKE THAT RIKKU)
I also need to correct a detail: I told some people that Riku was a teacher. No, he was a student. My teacher character was Gippal. I always forget I ever role played that dude and somehow mixed it up as Riku being the teacher guy... LOL?
0 notes
van-yangyin · 3 years ago
It’s Van and this is my sims blog
Hi, this is my sims blog. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👭👫 🌕Non-Binary☀️he/they🌕
It's my first time here on Simblr but since 2019 I've been on my sims Twitter sharing edits and renders I've been doing [UPDATE: currently, I've been here since April of last year]. I hope to meet a lot of new people around here and that we can connect through our sims. So far I've mainly posted things I've uploaded on my Twitter with the date and link to my original tweets, but now that I'm up to date on all my social networks, everything I post will be new content. I'm in love with Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts, SK8 the Infinity and DRAMAtical Murder (❤️FF/KH/SK∞/DMMD❤️) so apart from OCs (Mainly ❤️Our Sims JAKK❤️/❤️LukaNoah❤️/❤️IcarRyu❤️/❤️Generación Luna❤️), that's what you'll mainly find here.
~More detailed info below the cut~
This first part is for those who know about one, two or all of those anime/videogames and are interested in knowing in more detail what you can find here and what I'm mainly interested in. If you don't understand meaning of any emoji but know about, don't hesitate to ask me (also as anon if you're too shy) I don't put full names so as not to bother tags unless it's to explain something specific.
Characters that most interest me, enjoy analizing them and/or are comfort (without order of preference):
SK∞: 🐶🌹🌸🐯©️ (Yeah, Carla too, but as Sakurayashiki-sensei's inseparable AI)
DMMD: ��🧠🐇💧🧸👓🧁🐶📖
FF15: 🎣📸👞🍴
KH: Destiny Trio, Seasalt Trio, Wayfinder Trio and Twilight Quartet
🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👭👫 of comfort/I enjoy analyzing their dynamics:
SK∞: ~Mainly (without order of preference)~ 🐶🌹🐶(TRUE EDEN)/🐯🌸🐯(SOLE CILIEGIO)/🌸©️/🌹🌸🐯🐶 (All their ships combination as platonic or romantic)/🐯🌸©️ ~Sometimes~ ❄️🌺❄️/🌷🔧~🌷🌼 (Oka and our female sim OC Haruno Hanami made by me and my dear friend Lea, tho finally Hiromi chose Oka by himself)/🐱(By now he prefers to be surrounded by kittens and puppies)
DMMD: 🎧🐇/🧠🐇/🧠💧/👓🧁
FF15: 🎣📸/👞🍴/🎣📸👞🍴
KH: 💞/ ✍️ 🐚/ ⭐️💰 /🌞🌝
In relation to SK8 The Infinity I want to clarify that in this blog characters are treated as in anime, when they're themselves are called by their real names and surnames and when they're “S” skaters by their “S” names (except for Reki and Miya for obvious reasons). Here you won't find me calling Kaoru, "Cherry/Cherry blossom" when he's not an S skater (unless it's part of the story/writing and it's in context because he's called that by someone else for whatever reason at the time). Also feel free to block me if you don't like or are uncomfortable with Shindo Ainosuke/ADAM for whatever personal reason you have, HERE YOU WON'T FIND HATRED TOWARDS HIM BUT YOU WILL FIND A LOT OF CONTENT OF HIM.
I don't mind other people's likes/loves, but I want you to know that I won't interact with things I don't like or make me feel uncomfortable (things I already have muted), so I have no problem with interacting with the likes we do share. 💞 As long as you don’t try to impose on me what I don’t like (since I never try to impose on anyone what I love/like). Although I also want to make it clear that I have no problem debating politely with people whose opinions are contrary as long as those opinions aren't make in an aggressive way. But I will never start this kind of debates as I mainly come here to have fun and analyze characters and dynamics of everything I love (including my OCs).
There are many more in FF but I would never finish so I summarized it with the ones I currently interact with the most.
From here on, information for everyone who only come for sims theme in particular.
All are Original Characters made by me and @lea-heartscxiv (here mainly shown as Sims version). Our Original Characters are morally gray characters, aren't labeled as either "good" or "bad" characters, they're just humans/supernatural beings that make mistakes, either because of past they've had, how they've been raised, circumstances around them or their personal/mental situations to give a few examples. That is, they will only be "good" or "bad" for other characters around them, who will see them in one way or another depending on their points of view. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you can stop following me, and block me if you wish.
Our OCs JAKK: 🛹 Jack Santos~Aris Angelopoulos~Kyle Ishikawa~Kyla Ishikawa 🛹(Original characters made by me and my dear friend Lea, Jack, Aris and Kyle are in a polyamorous ralationship and Kyla is little sister of Kyle [toddler])
Our OCs IcarRyu: 🌠 Icaro d’Angelo~Ryuuya Kitta 🌠(Original characters made by me and my dear friend Lea, we really love that togheter their ship's name formed the phrase I carry u (I carry you) because they're always supporting each other and trying to move forward in their day to day lives despite helicopter parents they have.)
🦊Our OCs The Great deities of northeast🐺: Story made by me and my dear friend Lea, that we're doing in comic version and soon we will start publishing surely in Webtoon and Tapas.
Our OCs Generación Luna: 🌕 Kibou~Orfeo~Sagar~Badir🌕 (Original Characters made by my dear friend Lea but very dear to me, they’re warlock, vampire, merman and werewolf in order respectively) [We haven't yet presented them here]
(For the moment I will write only those ones)
Thank you so much to all CC creators for some CC and poses I sometimes use in my sims. If you have questions or are curious about something specific, my asks are always open for WCIF questions or any other question). Hope you like my renders and edits!
I convert, recolor and create CC of everything I love, which I use in my sims.
⚠️‼️ If you follow me exclusively for Custom Content I share, I just want you to know that all Custom Content I make is for familiar use unless I decide to share it, thanks for understanding. If isn’t in any of my social networks for free download is because I haven’t shared it. You can ask me, but first read all my F.A.Q. so as not to ask questions that I have already answered there. I don’t want anyone to follow me without knowing what they will and won’t find here, I’m a 3D artist so mainly everything I do is to learn, experiment, use in my renders and enjoy with my friends, thanks for your understanding. If after reading my FAQ it bothers you that I don’t share everything I do, you are always free to unfollow me. ‼️⚠️
If you want to see gameplay of characters I make, you can find them here and at my dear friend @lea-heartscxiv. There are certain stories that some things we make "alive" since we play characters indicating it in each post and we speak and publish as them. I use to put: (This is a post from his point of view) at top of post below title. Some of our publications or some publications can also be found in our Blogger, both in English and Spanish, where are more organized and easy to read all together for everyone.
English is not my native language so it's not very good, I'm sorry if I'm not understood very well sometimes. Apart from English you can write me in 日本語, Español, Italiano, Català, Gallego, Euskara or any other language you want, as long as you keep in mind that in some of them I will use translator to understand you better and it may not translate well.
On the other hand when there are any trigger warnings (tw), even if I post it as sensitive content and the type of content, I'll add hashtag warnings. Although for now the only Trigger warning (tw) I have is [#tw: child abuse allegory]. And I always put at their own post on top the same picture very, very blurred with the trigger warning and the picture without blurry is usually placed below the cut line so you can avoid it at all costs if you don't want to see it. 
I want to clarify that I don't make art that shows delicate material in a direct way, because personally I like more to portray that kind of material from the psyche or with subtlety, and in this way practice metaphors in pictures, since metaphors are something I have a hard time interpreting. That doesn't mean that I ever try to do something less subtle, but I will never try to do it in a way that I personally don't like.
I will also be happy to meet new people around here to share sims experiences. Lastly I want to point out that anything I tagged as [#van-yangyin], [#my sims], [#my sk8 sims] (and some other tags that you can see when go to one of them, although if it's a series, try to put the name of the series) and my Custom Content is tagged as [#VanS4CC]. For other users' posts I use [#reblog] tag and [# with the user's name]. And for my self reblogs I use [#self reblog time] I really don't like tzr hashtag because it hasn't my personality. You can find my other social networks here.
Thanks for reading to the end, I will surely edit it and update it when I remember something else I should write. 
Have a happy simmer day! 💛 🍀
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