#but i also am done with stressing every time i post or rblog new stuff
leroichevalier · 7 years
are you going to reblog much more of adam dr/ver? because he said that he joined the army to go to iraq because "It just seemed like a badass thing to do to go and shoot machine guns and serve your country", I love your blog but I don't want to see the face of a man who thought it's badass to kill middle eastern people, my people, to "avenge" 9/11
Hey dear, first of all, thank you, I’m glad you enjoy my blog,
Second, I just read that, and I agree it’s an awful thing to say. I’m not gonna argue whether he meant it in the past “his 18 year old self thought it seemed badass” or his present self thought it was badass or not.
I don’t know if i will post more adam driver, probably. But tons of people say problematic shit all the time and I don’t see people getting asks because they post Gal Gadot who condons the colonisation of Palestine (she still does, no past tense)... And that brings me to the third point...
There are tons of actors/actresses who have been problematic and that  I cannot stand, tons of characters or shows or whatever that irk the SHIT out of me. And I follow a lot of people who post that content... I feel you because as I said there are a lot of content and people and things I cannot see/read about, It makes me mad and revolts me, for personal reasons, for rational or irrational reasons, it depends.
But then I take my own responsabilities... I don’t go to people’s personal space and tell them wether or not what they post makes me feel bad/annoys me etc...I just blacklist or unfollow.
I tag literally EVERYTHING, so you can either blacklist ‘Adam Driver’ and anything that bothers you on my blog very easily, I don’t use any obscure tags either, so it’s very easy. If you find it too much for you you can also unfollow me. My point is, it’s your own job to make sure you feel good and secure by your tumblr/internet experience.
I cannot tell you how many times people have come to m askbox telling me this or that content bothers/annoys them... and I’m tired, so tired of policing myself all the damn time. I police myself and have to pretend in my life all day, everyday. Pretending I’m ok, that I’m not in depression to work/uni/with my friends, pretending I’m not falling apart when I do, always trying to stay strong because of the circumstances of my life are what they are, I have to keep up my facade of strength all the time. My blog is my little personal space where I can express my shit, post my interests (mostly history as you know, photos that make me dream and make me feel better, some fandom content I enjoy etc...), so I am sorry but I am done policing and blogging for others. This is not just about this ask, this is about every ask of the same kind that I ever received, which are a lot.
I don’t think i post problematic views, I don’t condone racism or misoginy or homophobia. I fight against it! I’m not perfect tho, I guess I do have views that offend some people... I’m just human. I liked The Last Jedi a lot and enjoyed Driver in it a lot, and I enjoyed him in other things too. So once in a while I might reblog some Adam Driver bc I enjoyed his performance or the movie, doesn’t mean I adhere to his world views or support them, I don’t.
So this long ass post to just say: we all have our limits and history that makes up what we love/hate, what we can support  and what we can’t, you do you and create that safe blogging space, and I do me too, I tag my shit and sometimes I reblog someone that you cannot stand or cannot support or don’t condone etc..., like tons of the people I follow do and I cannot stand or cannot support, and I move on or I don’t and I unfollow.
I wish you the best ;)
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