#but hux would/does dislike her and its from his perspective so i had to
magnetvrs · 6 years
I would love to read your take on modern au jealous hux! If you feel like it?
thank you so much for your prompt! i love modern au so this was really fun to write! im a little nervous about how i portrayed rey in this, please take it as hux seeing her negatively not that i see her that way!
The Sun hasn’t risen, the streets are still quiet and darkand Hux should definitely not be awake right now. But he forces himself upright,rubbing at his eyes with one hand as the other fumbles around his nightstand toshut off his alarm. He has grown lazy and undisciplined since he moved out ofhis Father’s home, the years of military precision falling away into somethingmore comfortable. But he enjoys it, takes great pleasure in purging his Fathercompletely from his life as well as the little bit of control that planning hisown day gives him. Also, sleeping is great.
This morning, however, is different. Hux will force himselfpast the pain of getting up so early and the tiredness fogging his brain, forthe greater good. The greater good being Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren is loud, brutish,unmannered and very, very, painfullyAmerican. He’s everything Hux dislikes, bursting through the carefully orderedwalls of Hux’s life. But he finds he doesn’t mind.
Even though they’re in their third year, with deadlines andexams fast approaching, Hux and Phasma still find time to lead the First OrderMagazine Society. This means early morning meetings, fitted around lectures,labs and Phasmas’ brutal training schedule, like this morning. Recently they’vefelt their impending graduation like a physical weight – that not only mighttheir trio be split up, but that they will have to hand over their society tothe second years. So far Mitaka and Finn have been working well, although Finndoesn’t seem as committed as Mitaka despite Phasma’s assurances of his loyalty.It had been fun, even as their trioexpanded, he had thrived off of the love-hate between him and Ren (mostly hateand a lot of arguing). And then at the start of the year, Kylo had brought thegirl.
Rey is forceful, opinionated and won’t bend to any of Hux’swishes. It’s infuriating, the way that her hatred of him is so visible, soobviously displayed on her face and in her actions. And then there’s Kylo’s giant crush on her, so obnoxiously obviousas if he’s throwing it in Hux’s face. The way he looks at her makes Hux want towretch, turns his stomach like spoiled food. Kylo’s still quick to argue withhim over anything and everything – the layout of an article, the photo Kylo’schosen, Kylo spilling Hux’s Earl Grey, but it’s not the same because afterwards, Kylo turns back to her.
And forgets all aboutme, Hux thinks. His jealousy is like a creature living under his skin thatclouds his mind, makes him say or do things he shouldn’t and consumes him. Buthe can’t let go
He puts on a pot of tea to brew while he gets dressed,taking far longer than he would ever admit picking out his outfit –a soft redturtleneck and slim black jeans. He’s determined to look his best, toaccentuate his best features to try and draw Kylo’s attention to him, no matterhow petty it is.
He transfers his tea to a flask and collects his satchel inone swoop, shouldering his way out of the door and down the stairs. Normally hewouldn’t bother to rush so much but the thought of her (and even worse her and Kylo) has his heart racing, adrenalinecoursing through him.
The campus is only a five-minutewalk from his flat, so he’s there before his tea can even get cold in thewinter air, pushing hurriedly into the library. Thankfully it’s warm inside,and he allows himself a small sigh of content as he looks around for his group,picking out Phasma’s pale blonde hair easily. The library is mostly quiet soearly in the morning, a few students hunched over their laptops in variousstages of panic or despair, or completely slumped over, asleep. He takes greatpleasure in stomping loudly passed them, his tea sloshing in his flask andwaking them up, and just managing to stifle his laugh.
He drops his bag onto the table with a thump that startlesMitaka and aims a glare in Rey’s direction that she matches. He can’tunderstand what Kylo sees in her – she’sbeautiful, strong and opinionated but she’s so soft with it, so kind andselfless that Hux wants to gag. He sits at Phasma’s side, needing her presenceto calm the nervous energy he feels around Rey.
Of course, Ren is tenminutes late, loping unhurriedly over to their little table and flopping downonto the edge of Rey’s seat rather than the free chair next to Hux. He lookslike he hasn’t showered in a few days, let alone brushed the mane he calls hairand his shirt is very obviously on backwards, the label sticking out of thecollar. He looks disgusting and Hux istotally in love.
‘Nice of you to grace us with your presence,’ he snaps,letting his jealousy and frustration colour his words the same way that thesight is Ren is colouring his cheeks. Kylo doesn’t even look up at him, barelygrunts a response, too distracted by showing Rey something on his phone.
‘He’s mine,’ he wants to scream at her, ‘you’ve never had todrag him home when he was too drunk. You’ve never seen him at his lowest,crying and destroying his room. You’ve never had him in your bed!’ He wants tograb her and shake her, to scare herbut he thinks that might get him banned from campus. Or more importantly, that might finally tip Ren from aplayful hatred of him, to actually hating him. He knows that Kylo is Bi, thathe likes girls and boys Hux thinks as his heart races, but he’d kind ofhoped Kylo would be interested in one boyin particular.
Phasma coughs, breaking his train of thought and he realiseshe’s been staring, glaring even atKylo.  At the way Kylo’s leg is pressed up against Rey, at the way she’s glaringat him and shoving at his shoulder. ‘It’s not fair’, he thinks biting his lip against the childish impulse tocry and pulling his notebook out of his bag and the draft copy of the sixthissue. He’s about to clear his throat and go over his notes when he sees Kylo standing up and leaning across the table.
‘What the fuck is your problem exactly?’ Kylo’s so big thathe leans right across the table, almost face to face with Hux. There’s a darklook on his face, mouth twisted up into a snarl and eyes shadowed. Something dangerous.
‘You think everything’s about you don’t you! How pathetic!’He bites back, neatly ignoring the fact that Kylo is 100% correct. Thateverything, at least to Hux, is about Kylo fucking Ren. His pulse is racing inhis throat as his jealousy evaporates, turning to anger. This is what he’s been waiting for, a proper argument, a properfight.
‘Pathetic!’ Kyloactually reels backwards as if he’s been slapped and Hux can’t help but smirk. ‘You’rethe pathetic one who can’t see past hisown ego!’ Kylo starts to round the table,his arm raised and Hux finds himself pushing back his own chair and getting to his feet. His heart ispounding, his mouth suddenly going dry.
‘OUT! NOW!’ The librarian is only halfway to her desk her bag still over one arm, just as Kylo is standing chest to chest with him. But evenat 8 am Mrs Organa is a force of nature,her words are commanding with just the edge of a threat underneath. ‘This is aquiet study area! You should know better Ben Solo!’ Kylo visibly flinches ather use of his real name
‘Well yeah I mean, I do like her,’ he has the balls to smileat Hux, so wide it shows off all of his crooked teeth, ‘but I like you too. You’relike super posh and emotionally stunted but kind of hot, too.’
Kylo Ren is all the boys he’s warned himself against. He’s literallythe worst – dirty, self-centred, overemotional and willing to string him alonglike this as if he’s some kind ofplayboy. But Hux finds himself smiling, something like hunger swelling in hischest.
‘You’remine,’ he takes Ren’s hand, threading his fingers through Ren’s larger ones andsqueezing. This time it’s just a warning.  
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nymphl · 5 years
⭐ For In the General's Bed pretty please?
Hi, darling! I’m sorry it took me such a long time to come up with your reply. I was very busy these last few days haven’t seen anything about Domhnall and James Corben and the premiere of his new film yet and I was thinking about which part to mention of ITGB. Because of all my Hux stories, this is the only one I’ve always known what I wanted from the beginning to the ending xD... And I’m not sure readers will agree with me on this take... but let’s see... let me know what you think xD
This section is taken from chapter 7 -  To resent a General
“Well then, Lord Hux, perhaps you’d like to tell me what you’ll tell Lady Sindian.”
He inhaled sharply at your words.
“Or you’re not having this conversation with me either?”
“Careful, Lady Hux.”
You knew you were playing with fire, but you were not about to back down. Not now. Not ever. You told him you were in this for real — you told him that if he wanted to be Prime Minister, he would need you and you stood by that. If he wanted to get out of this debt, he would have to start trusting you.
If he thought you would not understand about his business, the least he could do is to tell you about how he would approach Lady Sindian. He would have to be smarter than her with his excuses — a simply refusal would not do.
You knew and he knew Lady Carise was dying to get back at your family — at you — for years now. If not having you pressing your father to let you marry Armitage, she probably would be your stepmother now… A Marquise. Having Lord Hux owing her a large sum of money seemed the right way to go. It did not seem to you she would let such matter go that easily. Unless… Unless she had something else in mind to use against the two of you. Something bigger. Something better.
That’s why he would have to be smooth. Lady Carise was not just any woman. Just like you, she did not bow to other men — she did not take no for answer.
You were ready to inquire him further, when you felt him bringing your wrist to his mouth. Your heart quickened as got a brief taste of your skin. A gasp left you as he pulled you to him, forcing you to straddle his hips. His lips quickly found yours in a searing kiss. You knew what he was doing and even though you thoroughly disliked it, you would let him have his secrets.
For now. 
Now... why did I choose this scene? First of all, because I somewhat pride myself for my work with other female characters in my stories they are totally cliché, I know. Not because they’re all so very complex or anything, but because I try to do something different. Whenever my protagonists have a problem in their relationship, even though there’s another person who could be the cause of their break up or their problems, I try to make it about them. And that’s exactly Lady Carise’s role in ITGB. She’s part of a bigger plot, something entirely not related to female rivalry... at least, Carise is not after Hux’s heart. She wants what he can give her, and he can give her power, more than she already has. She wants to have power over him.  
While Reader is real jealous of her, she’s going to see quite soon that the main problem with Lady Carise is not that she’s after Hux’s hot body hahahahah sorry I had to say that but because she’s after power. Power is everything to Hux, be it in canon or in an AU my AUs in this case, and the same applies to Lady Carise. Reader doesn’t realize it and because she’s very insecure about Hux’s feelings for her she’s her reasons, of course she takes everything the wrong way: be it Lady Carise’s intentions towards her husband and how Hux doesn’t share everything with her. She somewhat understands what Lady Carise is after, but she isn’t being very rational about it and she knows it. 
Different from Lie to Me and Bloodbound in which we have scenes from Hux’s POV, the same doesn’t happen or haven’t happened yet in ITGB, as far as I remember, correct me if I’m wrong, guys so we don’t get to see things from his perspective. But in this chapter he doesn’t share a lot with her, because he doesn’t think she understands or wants to understand. And that’s why she resent him so much, because she thinks he doesn’t trust her. It’s not exactly a matter of trust, but of perspective... And let’s be honest, she has been abandoned, she is ten years younger than him and quite naive in some aspects. She thinks she knows too much about the Ton and its politics, but in the end she isn’t getting the broader picture about living in Ton. Whether Hux loves her or not, it doesn’t matter to those people. It’s like Hux said in the very first chapter “Marriage is not about love. You should know that by now”. What he means is that he should let go of such misconception and romantic notions and embrace the most important aspect about marriage: partnership.  And that’s why most readers always ask if he loves her or not. The thing in my stories, and especially in ITGB, is not if he feels something for Reader or not. He does. I write romantic stories after all xD. It’s simply that love won’t hold a fragile relationship together and saying I love you even though a few nice words to hear, won’t really solve anything. Besides that, I don’t actually see Hux being much of a outspoken lover...? I don’t know... what do you think? I do enjoy a fluffy story with a very outspoken Hux, but I don’t think it suits my stories hehe  
I hope you liked this answer...? Let me know xD
Love you!  
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