#but hopefully my perspective might be at least a little helpful!
abyssalzones · 2 months
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hey anon! I debated most of this morning what the best way to respond to your ask would be because I'm not going to lie to you it almost made me cry. hopefully a drawing is okay. I wasn't sure whether it was my place to share what you've sent but I did want to answer you properly, and it ended up getting kind of long... so I'll put that under the cut here (sa mention)
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First of all you definitely have nothing to apologize for, a major element of my analysis (and what had made me so nervous to post it to begin with) was that it came from a very personal place, and I knew if I posted it I was going to be opening up a lot of doors. good or bad I honestly had no idea but I really hadn't anticipated such an overwhelmingly positive response, and I especially hadn't imagined so many people to share their own experiences with abuse and how what I wrote meant something in relation to that. it makes me extremely glad I bit the bullet and allowed myself to be a little vulnerable about something I enjoy.
there's something almost uniquely weird about being a victim and seeing yourself in a story but not knowing how to express that. it feels like one of those things you can't really say without crossing an extreme line, and any parallels you might be able to draw are therefore Reaching, biased by your own experiences. I've struggled with this a lot as someone who uses art not only as an outlet but a voice for my experiences- and what experiences I think deserve to not only be treated with respect but honesty. there's a lot to be said about the alienation of the victim from the rest of society when sexual assault is so overwhelmingly common in our world, and how difficult it can be to find truthful and respectful depictions of these experiences in... anything, pretty much.
I have no idea if that's what they were trying to do specifically, from a textual angle. but I do think it's possible, and am confident that they at least drew on the subject (both in the instance of Bill coercing Ford to drink and the scene later where Ford is paralyzed), which was honestly what led me to write the analysis in the first place. That "he's kinda like me" moment you describe is something I'd had for a long time but had never been able to say confidently without feeling like I was reading between the lines. But I think you're right. and I think there is a real reason why such a story could speak to people in that way, could be so important for the process of recovery... we can't always conceptualize what happens to us from our own perspective, y'know? we're trapped in our own minds for the most part. so I think fiction works excellently as a way to work through these things and see our worst struggles in someone else- and to come to vitally important realizations of our own.
anyway, all that to say I'm so glad what I wrote helped you come to that realization. hearing that makes me feel like I've done something not only to help myself find some closure, but for others to as well :] healing is always, always possible and I sincerely hope you find your happiness as Ford has, and as I've found mine.
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Hello, and thank you for your blog and resources! I’m still reading through them, but I needed to ask you something.
I’m writing a story where the two main characters aren’t really the heroes of the story. They just happen to be the villain’s target, which is defeated by the true hero, and this hero almost doesn’t appear until the very end. My two little guys are only there to, basically, suffer.
How do you call that kind of “protagonist”, if they can really be called that at all? I thought they may be antagonists but reading your post about villan vs antagonist, they really aren’t. They’re just really unlucky to be caught up in the middle.
Thank you for your help!
Thank you so much for asking this question. I'm so happy you asked. I'm glad you enjoy my blog. My goal is to provide resources for writers and help others on their writing journey.
I find your premise fascinating, and I would love to read it myself. I completely understand your confusion about your character's role. Personally, I have experienced that a few times in my writing projects.
Hopefully, this short blog post can help you understand a bit more about your characters and their roles.
Defining your character's role
When we discuss the role of characters in storytelling, it essentially involves labeling. The ability to define and assign these labels to your characters can sometimes be confusing. Storytelling roles are meant to provide a simple way to understand where your character fits and the actions they need to take in the story and the plot. However, there are instances where characters can't be easily categorized with just one word.
Storytelling thrives on complexity; it's not an easy thing to fit into one box, just like how you can't put a book into only one genre. You can't do the same thing for characters. Classically in storytelling, protagonists are often viewed as the "heroes" leading the story, plot or other side characters. But it sounds like your characters are in a different box.
First, let's brainstorm some unique ways to label your characters without relying on classic storytelling roles.
Protagonists in Distress
You might be confused and wondering why the word "protagonist" is used here. Well, your characters can still be considered protagonists even if they're not saving the day. "Heroes" and "protagonists" are different. Your two characters are the central figures of the story, whose struggles and experiences drive the plot forward. This means they are shaping the narrative from their own perspective, and if you ask me, that sounds pretty much like a protagonist.
Sympathetic Characters
These types of characters are not talked about enough; however, anyone who reads a story has encountered at least one of these in literature. They are the ones who tug at the audience's heartstrings, bringing the readers into your story in a sympathetic way. Even if they aren't out on a quest for glory, saving the day, or helping other characters, their suffering, struggles, and conflicts can easily illuminate the themes of our story or raise the stakes in a significant way.
Think of it this way: Let's imagine you have a favorite book. You obviously have the classic protagonist or "hero." They drive the plot forward, are in their perspective, and they're the first character mentioned in the synopsis of the book. However, you also have those side characters, perhaps your character's friends or allies. Their stories, personalities, and their role in the plot individually make you like the story even more.
a story isn't anything without characters, and a story with only a protagonist wouldn't be a story. Most times in literature, readers like side characters more than the main character.
Since you mentioned that the challenges your characters face set the stage for the true hero to emerge in the plot, they may actually be acting as catalysts for change, which is a very important role. Catalyst characters' experiences could kickstart another character's journey or emphasize the antagonist's cruelty/conflict.
Tips for Developing Their Roles
Now that I've pinpointed some roles that may relate to your characters, here are a few tips to help you flesh them out:
Backstory exploration: When creating characters, especially the ones that you are developing, it's important to delve into their histories. You need to be able to confidently state how they arrived at this pivotal moment and why they are the perfect characters for this role. A rich backstory can make their struggles feel more impactful and relatable, which are two elements that readers love in characters nowadays.
Emotional resonance: Focus on the characters' emotional journey, as this is key in creating a 'catalyst' type character. Their reactions to the unfolding events, and the special moment when the true hero makes a significant change to the story, can really connect with readers. Try exploring what they fear, hope for, and dream about. Adding depth to their circumstances can make your story even better.
Agency within Limits: Even if they find themselves in tough situations, I recommend you consider giving them moments of agency. Small decisions can really show their growth or resilience, even if they aren't the hero or undertaking heroic acts.
Relationship Dynamics: I will emphasize this because it's important. The bond between your main characters can add depth or moments of levity, which can really add another great, unique element to your story. The fact that you have two catalysts and a true hero already makes your story fascinating. However, building a relationship or friendship between them can serve as a bright spot amid all the chaos that goes on throughout your plot. This can showcase connection and hope which can balance the heavy themes in your story.
Thematic Focus: Every story needs a theme. That's why I recommend thinking about what the characters' suffering represents in the grander scheme of your narrative. Try brainstorming the perfect theme for your story. Is it a reflection on fate, the randomness of evil, or the nature of heroism? The themes surrounding their challenges can elevate their significance beyond mere plot devices and storytelling roles.
Your character may not fit neatly into the roles of "hero" or "villain," and that's completely fine! Please don't stress about emphasizing their complexity, and let their experience enrich your story. I hope this helps clarify their roles and sparks some inspiration as you keep writing! If you have any more questions or need any further guidance with anything at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
Happy writing! - Rin T.
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amazingmaeve · 2 years
homelander x fem!reader
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summary — homelander meets Ashley’s sister and he’s already feeling infatuated with you and he just can’t help it, even though ashely is fucking annoying he can’t help but think you were the exact opposite.
warnings — homelander is himself a warning, stalking, toxic behavior from homelander, breastfeeding, kinda angst and fluff
word count — 2174
authors note — this is my third homelander fic and the other two are on my AO3 account and this one will be as well. also tried and different writing perspective.
homelander masterlist | the boys masterlist
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YOU took a deep breath looking at the huge Vought tower, looking down you saw your daughter in the stroller and it calmed you down a bit. Eleanor was the light of your life and yeah that might be a little bit of a cliche but it was true.
Her father ditched ever since he figured out you were pregnant and all you had was yourself to help fend for you and for Eleanor. He was a douchebag anyway only cared for himself and his own life, not caring what happened to you or Eleanor but you were doing okay on your own.
I mean yeah paying for all the stuff for a baby was hard but at least you didn’t need to pay for formula since you breastfeed, but you just move for a job that would hopefully work out. Luckily it was close to your sister, Ashley. You’ve been in contact but never visited since you didn’t have the funds to do so, but now you could see her all you.
Ashley was your number one supporter when you got pregnant and she was even there when you gave birth and loved Eleanor. She was also the last defining factor of moving here in the first place, you could have a job that paid decently and see your sister.
You knew she worked for some of the most popular supes in the world and that’s why you were kind of nervous to step in the building. They were superheroes though, they’re not dangerous. At least Ashely hadn’t told you anything that would imply that and she even invited you to come to her work.
So how could this go wrong.
It was just worrying, that’s something you’ve done since you were a small child and even took some anxiety medication to help.
Walking into the big building with your stroller, you would’ve thought people might’ve been ogling at you but it seemed like everyone was into their own conversations or just minding their own damn business. That was at least nice, at least.
But it was intimidating standing in the lobby of this building where the seven stayed. The supes were nowhere to be seen at least and you hoped Ashely would get down here soon because it was getting awkward. You texted her when you first arrived which was about 5 minutes ago and you were starting to worry.
Luckily Eleanor hadn’t sensed your discomfort.
“Y/N you made it,” Ashely says with a smile as she walks up to you, wearing her usual bright pantsuits.
“I was worrying you forgot about me,” You said with a smile as you hugged her. She gave you a tight squeeze before looking down and smiling at Eleanor.
“How’ve you been,” Ashely asked as the two of you walked towards the elevators. You didn’t know where you were going but it was probably to her office or some more private place so you could talk.
“It’s been hard taking care of a newborn baby but I’ve been pushing through it,” You told her vaguely not wanting to worry her. You’ve been only getting 3-4 hours asleep on a good night, but it was the normal life of a single parent, or a parent in general. “Eleanor is totally worth it though, she is the cutest thing,” You cooed at your baby as she gurgled in her stroller.
“She is, and I’m glad you brought her here because I’ve been wanting to babysit and since you’re closer it's so much easier to do,” Ashley says with a smile.
“I just don’t want to intrude on your life, you have a job that you need to do and having a baby will only make it harder,” You expressed as you picked at the skin around your finger nails.
Bad habits die hard.
“It wouldn’t be a burden trust me, I’ve been wanting to see my niece since she was born and I insist,” Ashley promised.
“Okay only if you’re okay with it,” You muttered as the elevator doors finally opened and you walked behind her, to her office which seemed totally cool to you.
“I can’t believe you got your own office that is totally badass, and it totally suits you,” You complimented as she closed the door behind her and leaned on her desk and gave you a coy smile.
“It does feel good to have an office but this job is kinda grating,” Ashley murmured looking down at the floor.
“That is totally understandable though, I mean you’re brushing shoulders with the seven, the most famous superheroes, who wouldn’t be stressed,” You reassured her sitting on the couch and placed the stroller next to you so you could keep your eye on Eleanor.
“At least somebody understands,” Ashley says, giving you a smile. Something dings on her phone which she then pulls out of her pocket and her eyes widen. You look at her worried as you move the stroller back and forth. “I’m sorry I have to go,” She rushed out.
“Wait what am I supposed to do here,” You quickly ask as your heart races against your chest.
“Don’t worry I won’t be long, just stay here playing the tv, I’ll be back as soon as possible,” Ashley says before leaving the room and slamming the door behind her.
Unfortunately for you that woke Eleanor and she started to cry as you jumped at the door slamming. You stood up and grabbed her and started to bounce her in your arms trying to calm her down.
“It’s okay,” You cooed as she continued to cry and scream in your arms and it seemed as though the bouncing didn’t help your stressed baby.
As you were about to check her diaper in case it needed to be changed, you felt something wet on your chest and you immediately knew what it was. You hadn’t breastfed Ellie since early this morning and your breasts were full, when Ellie started to cry it usually happened. Instead of checking her diaper, you would try to check and see if she’s hungry first, and since you’re already ready for it, might as well take advantage of it.
Sitting down on the couch, you lifted your blouse up and since you decided not to wear a bra that day it was a little more easy but it ruined your shirt and hopefully you could get Ashely to find one.
Settling Ellie in your arms right near your primed nipple she immediately latched, and since your breasts were full it felt like relief as she began to drink from you. You supported her head as you leaned against the comfy couch, she squeezed the fat of your breast as she suckled the milk out.
It would normally hurt due to her pinching but since you were in a relaxed state you didn’t really mind. As she began to relax, you began to as well.
You looked at your baby as your chest was filled with so much love, that you would have never felt for anyone else. You probably wouldn’t feel this amount of love for anything or anyone else that enters your life again.
And you were perfectly fine with that.
“Ashley I’ve been fucking looking for you every-,” Homelander cursed as entered the room with an angered expression on his face but it turned into a confused one when he saw you.
God this was the most embarrassing moment that would ever happen to you, you knew you shouldn’t be ashamed of breastfeeding but this was America’s most beloved supe and when he looked angry as well.
Homelander averted his eyes so they weren’t trained on you. He was angry when he was looking for Ashley and expected to find her in her office but who the fuck were you and he didn’t want those old thoughts to come back. But he couldn’t help it as he saw the scene unfold before him.
“I’m sorry Homelander-sir I was ju-,” You began to say as you stood up and turned around so he didn’t seem as uncomfortable. It was obvious due to his stature stiffening as he entered the room and you didn’t want to do that. As you were speaking though you were cut off by him.
“Who the fuck are you,” Homelander snapped as he looked at you as you turned around. Ellie was still at your nipple, and you didn’t want to remove her from it as she seemed very hungry so you did what you thought was best.
“I’m Y/N Ashley s-sister,” You muttered and stuttered as you stared at the wall and began to force your body to relax so it would freak out Ellie.
Homelanders gazed at you even more confused. He didn’t know Ashley had a sister or even a niece for that matter. But he couldn’t deny that you were pretty, beautiful even and he didn’t know if that was due to your actual look or what you were doing.
Ellie decided that she was full as she removed her mouth off of your nipple and you used one hand to pull your shirt down, so you could turn around to face Homelander.
“Like I said I’m sorry about that, I was here to see my sister and she rushed out and Ellie started crying and when she does that, this happens,” You say looking down at your shirt. “And I thought I was alone and-and she was really hungry and I’m just sorry,” You quickly said your apologies, god this day couldn’t get any worse could it.
“No worries,” Homelander waved it off and put on his smile. “It’s natural right,” He nodded and pointed to the baby.
You visibly relaxed as he said that. He wasn’t angry with you, it would’ve been horrible if America's strongest supe was angry at you for a normal bodily function. But he did seem kinda uncomfortable you would say, his smile didn’t reach his eyes but it was better than his eyes being red.
Meanwhile Homelander felt his mind swarm with thoughts about you already and he just met you. He was about to say something but Ashely walked in the room with a shocked expression on her face.
“Sir I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Ashely breathed in deep as she had a somewhat scared expression on her face as she looked between Homelander and you. She was lucky that Homelander didn’t melt your face off as he saw you there and she let out a sigh of relief.
Homelander gave you a wary look and you took that note as you put Ellie in her stroller.
“Don’t worry Ashley we can meet up later,” You gave her a reassured smile. “Nice meeting you,” You gave Homelander a quick smile as you exited the room and felt your body relax that you were out of that awkward encounter.
Although Homelander had already set his eyes on you.
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Later that night Homelander found out where you live through the tech department as he could get any one of those people to give him anything.
All day he had been thinking of you, his thoughts were all surrounding you and he tried to shake it off as attraction, which was definitely a part of it but he knew a part of it was due to your milk filled breast. He couldn’t help wanting to find you and just watch you.
As he stood on the building across from your tiny apartment, he used his x-ray vision to see what you were doing. It seemed like you didn’t have an exciting night but what he saw was certainly exciting. You were using a breast pump to get the milk out for the baby. The TV was playing but he didn’t pay attention as his cock throbbed his pants.
You looked pretty tired though, must be due to that baby and you were already dozing off catching yourself multiple times. His thoughts trailed off as he wondered what it would feel like to be doted on by you. If you would praise him and let him get a taste of what he actually wanted.
Homelander knew he was becoming infatuated with and some part inside of him was perfectly fine with that. He would find a way to see you again, even if he had to scare it out of Ashley or find out where you worked and “accidentally” bumped into you. It didn’t matter what he had to do, and what lengths he would reach to get to you.
He just couldn’t wait to see you again and wondered if you’d bring the baby, he hoped not but if so that would be totally fine as long as he got to see you.
Taking a deep breath as watched you and his body was filled with arousal and he knew you were already a part of his life for better or for worse. Probably a better for him and unfortunately worse for you.
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So over the past few weeks, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a retelling of the OG series from Annabeth’s perspective.
I’m interested in doing this because though I loved the PJO when I was a child, as I grow older, I find myself craving more nuance from the stories and the characters than what’s already there on the page. I thought hopefully the show would fulfill me, but uhh….amazing character depth is not one of the things I’d call the show’s biggest strong suits, at least not for Annabeth.
Now, I’m aware of the “Daughter of Wisdom” series on AO3, a fanfic series that does the exact same thing. I read that fic years ago and enjoyed it; I thought at the time that the fic was well done. However, I have a lot of ideas for scenes and details that I don’t think really showed up in that fic series, and so I find myself craving to create the POV for Annabeth and certain aspects of CHB that I’ve always wanted to see. I also wanted to spend more time emphasizing emotions and growth for Annabeth in a fic like this, and actually have her challenge and address her pride, sort of like a “I’m overcoming my biggest flaw” journey. I want to write this series from a sympathetic yet honest perspective about Annabeth’s life and her traits…including the traits that are not so pretty.
And so I want input from y’all on what you think would be worth including in a fic like this, and if there’s anything from the OG books that I should change, twist, replace, remove, deepen, or add something new. Here’s a list I already have going:
- emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Chiron and how it develops
- more emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with Grover and how they get along when Percy isn’t there. Do they talk about Percy? And what do they think of each other? Does Grover feel intimidated by Annabeth, or feel like maybe she’s not proud of him because he let her down with the Cyclops incident and Thalia getting killed? Maybe at the end of the quest in TLT, before Percy gets back from Olympus, Annabeth reassures Grover that he’s a great protector and that she doesn’t resent him at all.
- Annabeth’s view of Luke and how/why it becomes complicated; how Annabeth reconciles the objectively bad things Luke has done with her desire for his redemption
- an emphasis on Annabeth and Thalia’s relationship after Thalia returns. How has it changed, Thalia remarking on Annabeth’s growth and teasing her about her crush on Percy, Annabeth helping Thalia cope with the loss of Luke to the “dark side” and also helping Thalia cope with how much the world has changed in 5 years and how Thalia now feels so out of place, Thalia helping Annabeth cope with continuous family struggles
- an emphasis on Annabeth’s relationship with other Athena children. Do they like each other? Hate each other? Are they competitive, all vying for their mom’s attention? Do they share some of Annabeth’s struggles; were their mortal parents also unimpressed about receiving a child they didn’t plan for?
- Annabeth’s relationship with other kids at camp: namely Clarisse, Silena, Beckendorf, and the Stoll Brothers (no, I don’t ship Connabeth, btw). But I also want to flesh out Katie Gardner and Pollux/Castor too.
- a proper resolution to Annabeth’s family drama that yes, recognizes how Frederick had a baby sprung on him that he didnt consent to, and how Mrs. Chase had no idea how to take care of a kid with special needs, but a resolution that also validates Annabeth’s feelings and highlights the ways in which Mr. and Mrs. Chase messed up and failed her with their poor choices.
- a new interpretation of Luke’s “did you love me”question
- An on-page apology from Annabeth to Rachel
- Annabeth’s relationship with her little brothers and how they might still try to love each other in context of their family drama, and not repeat the sins of their parents (breaking generational curses!)
- more emphasis on Annabeth and Athena’s relationship, and how Annabeth evolves from thinking her mother is this image of perfection, to realizing that Athena is just as faulty as the other gods and goddesses, and that Annabeth has a strength over Athena in that Annabeth has a bigger sense of humanity, and can change and adapt when she’s not doing something well. Annabeth can evolve in ways Athena cannot.
Anything else?
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
Hi, love your work! Could I please request a headcanon with SatanxMC, author’s choice?
Hi there, anon! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my writing!
Okay, so uh, since it was author's choice, I thought I'd do a little hurt/comfort. And oh man, I was in a mood 'cause MC is really going through it in this one. But the thing is, I really feel like Satan in particular would be like this. He's actually really good at balancing himself in a way none of his brothers are at all. (When he's not enraged that is.) And I think that gives him a different perspective on an MC who was deliberately suppressing their feelings. Anyway, hopefully it turned out okay!
Thanks for participating!
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It's another long day. And something inside you mumbles quietly of sadness - a constant hum that you had tuned out long ago. You have no reason to feel anything but a sense of progress and contentment along with the inevitable knowledge that there was always more to be done. You don't have time to focus on anything else.
Satan learns your patterns the first time he sees them in action. Perhaps it's the way you isolate yourself or maybe it's the strained sound of your voice. He notices when all you ever do is give your energy, passion, and love away. He watches it deplete you.
It takes some trial and error, but Satan figures out when it's all too much. He had to learn fast when he found himself unceremoniously ripped into existence, fully formed and full of rage. He knows how to adapt quickly. He knows how emotions that feel like they don't belong to you can be so overwhelming that there isn’t space for anything else.
Satan knows that you would never say it out loud, not to anyone. He sees that low melancholy in your eyes no matter how hard you try to hide it behind your smile. You don't want anyone to know, but you desperately want someone to see it, too. And he does. He always does.
He might start out with shooing his brothers away from you. Giving them glaring looks if they become too demanding. He can’t act as though he isn't also guilty of wanting your attention, your love, your friendship. He knows you like it that way because it helps you avoid the truth of your heart. It's easy to push yourself aside when others need you. He watches you bury yourself in the wants and desires of him and his brothers. Like your own don’t matter. Like your comfort is secondary to theirs.
Satan is going to ask you about it directly. It hurts. It hurts you both to talk about it and by the end you’ve both succumbed to tears. He knows you can’t hold it in forever. He knows you can’t pretend you’re okay for the rest of your life. It doesn’t work like that and he won’t watch you crash and burn. He’s been there too many times himself. That’s why he forces himself to ask you. He calls you out when you lie or somehow downplay your feelings. Don’t hold out on him, MC. Please.
Satan’s heart breaks as he watches your eyes fill with tears the minute he asks you why you’ve been sad lately. He knows this is what he needs to do for you, but he hates watching you in pain. You reluctantly start to talk to him and every word seems to be cutting you open. Every word becomes an arrow through his heart. And he realizes he’s able to stand it, able to hold this hurt, because he can also see it healing you.
Didn’t you heal him, too? Didn’t you calm his wrath in a way no one else ever could? Isn’t it the least he could do to make room for your sadness? Isn’t it the least he could do to hold it for you, just for a little while? He would take it all if he could. He would protect you from every feeling that wasn’t happiness or joy or love.
He can’t, so instead he holds you. He hates the way you shudder in his arms, like your body can’t contain the heaviness of your own heart. But he keeps you close to him, buries his hand in your hair, kisses your cheeks softly, his lips wet with your tears. He runs his fingertips down your back, he tightens his arms around your torso. He lets you stay that way as long as you want. He’ll hold you against his chest all night if you cry yourself to sleep there.
When morning comes, Satan is floored by the bright relief he sees in your eyes. For so long, you kept quiet and he watched you fade. All it took was someone to ask you, someone to listen, someone to be there to witness you pour everything out of your soul and into the night. Now you’re radiant again and beside that a gratefulness, a tenderness, a bond between you of a shared secret hurt that no one else has ever seen. You have carried him in his anger and he will always hold you through your pain.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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gintrinsic-writing · 7 months
For the Unusual Fic-Specific Asks for Authors ask game – would you be interested in doing Perspective Flip for This World (is only gonna break your heart), chapter 1’s head trauma fic?? If you want a specific character I think Legend would be interesting, but honestly I’d love to see any character’s POV! (I love this fic so much I need to put in an actual decent comment for it asdfgh)
I'm notoriously slow at writing fiuhshsdfush sorry, but it's incomplete. I probably didn't get to the part you most wanted, but I work the rest of the week, then have to host family for 5 days, so I'm not going to have a chance to write again for a good bit. Hopefully this is still fun to read! I might be able to get to the rest when life slows down.
Based on this short fic.
“Four?” Legend questioned, wariness coloring his tone. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Four rasped. His fingers flexed around the hilt of the Four Sword over and over again. Even from across the field, it was easy to see that his breaths were too shallow. He licked his lips. “Wild, could I have more of that herbal water?” 
Wild’s ears drooped guiltily. “I’m sorry, but there’s not much left, and Warriors still hasn’t had any.”
Legend sent a sharp look to Warriors, cutting off the self-sacrificial bullshit before it could even begin with a well-timed frown. Warriors acted like he didn’t notice, but he pressed his lips together as he tied off the last of Time’s bandages. Drama queen.
“Right,” Four murmured. He handed his empty cup back, then tugged on his hair. His hand visibly trembled. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.” 
Sky questioned Four about an injury, and several others joined in. Legend tuned them out, thumbing one of the heart rings as he watched Hyrule. The traveler swayed a little as he approached, and he sat down without an iota of grace. Sweat dampened both their arms as he leaned against Legend. It was uncomfortable; Legend didn’t consider moving.
“Don’t volunteer for watch tonight,” he murmured, rolling his eyes when Hyrule stuck out his tongue. 
"Don't tell me what to do, Leg."
Before Legend could think of a comeback, he noticed Four beginning to pace. The grass nearly reached the smithy’s knees. 
“I’m not… me. I mean I am, but…” Four frowned. “I’m not just me. That’s the problem.” 
Hyrule crossed his legs where he sat. “You can tell us. We’ll do whatever we can to help.”  
Four’s eyes darted along the length of the Four Sword as if searching for something. “For you to understand, there’s something I need to…” He trailed off a sharp exhale. “I named myself for the Four Sword because—because drawing it gives me the ability to split into four separate versions of myself. Only… it’s not working now.”
“Like cloning?” Legend asked, thinking back on some of the oddities he’d come across on his quests. 
“No. They represent different parts of me. They’re my colors.” Four’s sudden smile was a fragile thing. “My sense of reason, my sentiment, my temper, my bravery. Obviously, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s the gist. And right now…” Once more, he touched the dried blood along his hairline. “I can’t hear them at all. I can’t split.”
“Split?” Legend mouthed, just as Sky asked, “Hear them? You normally hear voices?”
Well, that was concerning. Legend thumbed his heart ring again, glancing around at the others. Warriors was still in that eerie way of his, and Wild looked strangely mournful. At least the Old Man seemed to be resting well.
 “It’s not like that. I get… impressions. Influences,” Four answered timidly. 
“The voices influence you?” Warriors asked, and ah—there it was. That tone he used when he was truly worried and trying not to show it. Legend wondered if any of the others recognized it for what it was yet. “How often does that happen?”
Four twitched, then smiled again. “I’m probably explaining this poorly. The voices are me. They’re normal.”
Wariness returned to Legend’s gut, and he could feel Hyrule slowly tensing. He had a feeling things were about to get worse.
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purple-compromise · 10 months
Hello! So, I wanted to ask if you had any advice for writing fight scenes? I have one planned to write but it’s pretty much just person A absolutely wailing on person B, so I don’t know how to make it very interesting - I thought I’d go to a person who I knew writes good fights?
I'm so glad you enjoy the way I do fight scenes, and I'm happy to help if I can!
When I know I have to write a fight, I try to consider my plan of the scene from a visual perspective first. What does it look like? Do I know what kind of fighting style the characters are using? If not, do I need to do research? What kind of movements do they make? Who wins and how?
Once I know what I'm doing from a visual perspective, I think about how that kind of fight would feel. Not just the pain, but a state of mind elevated by adrenaline, emotional responses, and environmental sensations.
From a more technical standpoint, I think writing an action scene is very much about how you're able to establish the tension and flow. This is down to things like sentence length, word choice, and how you intersperse things like thoughts and sensations amongst the cut-and-dry descriptions of the action. On the whole:
- short sentences can help establish a feeling of urgency and abrupt action,
- while longer sentences can create tension by making it feel as though a single thought or moment is stretching on past what the reader might expect.
- A list of actions can get a little boring if not broken up with things like sensations, emotions, thoughts, or dialogue.
- You can create a good sense of chaos using one-word sentences or fragmented thoughts,
- just be careful not to overuse short sentences, or the prose can begin to sound monotonous.
- Actions that take a character by surprise can be described after the character's initial reaction to let the reader share their sense of disorientation.
I think those are some good techniques to keep in mind, but I might add some later if anything new occurs to me. Hopefully, this is helpful and enough to at least get you started!
Please let me know if anything is confusing, needs to be clarified, or you have any questions!
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hopefull-mindset · 1 year
I’m eating up all of your Komaeda and Hinata analyses, they’re just so clear and detailed! This might just be my bias, but I’m wondering about your perspective on komahina gradually (hopefully) healing together. I feel like the majority of the fandom mostly focuses on how Hinata would help Komaeda, probably because it seems the more obvious and Komaeda’s worldview is the more obviously skewed. But I feel like Komaeda also has the potential to, at least to an extent, help Hinata heal from his experiences. I don’t doubt that Hinata learned something from the simulation, but he also has a flawed perception of talent and a very low self worth, and I bet it wouldn’t go away overnight. Of course, this comes with the assumption that they would get along again post SDR2, which could be another thing to analyze for sure. Let me know what you think!
Ah I’m flustered again with your kind words! Thank you, I try my best to make sure my point is well explained with backed up reasoning since I tend to suffer intellectually when people don’t do that themselves. Especially when it’s a claim that has no backing but everyone takes at face value *grumble* *grumble*. It doesn’t have to be confirmed canon to be a creditable analysis, a good analyzer doesn’t need to rely on the creator’s every word, but it also can’t just contradict canon itself (unless, if you’re dr3, you contradict canon already and so it’s expected to discard it as creditable). Death of the author doesn’t work like that and it just comes off arrogant, you’re supposed to be working with canon Jesus Christ. Unless it’s a very specific situation where the creator is just garbage at handling their own work, I don’t think anyone deserves that right.
Oops sorry I went off into a tangent. I’m getting a little pissed at what people think is an analysis at all.
Now, with them healing post-game… you’re gonna have to stick with me because this is a lot to speak about. We all want them to be happy together as fellow Komahina shippers do haha, so it’s not you alone that has this bias, but it’s not going to be as quick and easy as the anime shows it to be.
To start, it’s sweet that people do think Hajime can help Komaeda because he can, but they’re going in the wrong direction with this. Hajime is not his nurse, therapist, or at his personal beck and call. Everyone on the island is healing, not just Komaeda. They’re both adults and he doesn’t need to nanny him. Komaeda most likely is going to need more attention medically considering his already poor health and the severed hand of Junko, but mentally? Everyone is pretty much going through some version of mental instability.
Now that’s out of the way, you’re right. People do focus on how Hajime can help him over how Komaeda can help him because it’s more obvious to us. We’re all (hopefully) aware that Hajime had the most positive/impactful influence out of anyone in the cast because of his way of somehow worming into Komaeda’s heart due to their “special bond” and put on a different, more personal level compared to the ultimates. The fact that Hajime proves against what he’s believed in just by being Hajime also works in the favor that Hajime would be the most helpful for him to grow closer with.
I’m glad you brought it up because Komaeda would definitely be as much help to Hajime. A lot of fans have a bad habit of thinking Hajime is much more stable than the rest of the cast and has solutions to everything, when Hajime is also growing with them. Komaeda is deceptively perceptive in how he interacts with Hajime in game. It feels rude when he does target his thoughts toward Hajime and gives his own insight on Hajime’s own person, but he’s never wrong about him when you look back at what’s being said.
When he went on that tangent after finding out what was in Hajime’s file in chapter 4, it was uncalled for to dump that all onto a person at once, but none of what he said about Hajime was wrong. All of it that he said about Hajime admiring hopes peak and what Hajime thought he could be by attending, none of it was objectively wrong. To defend Komaeda in this instance though, he wasn’t being mean on purpose, he was spelling out his own thoughts after being hit with the worst news ever.
However, even in the FTEs when he brings up how similar they are and him being a “miserable bystander” like himself, Hajime always rejects him and by proxy rejects himself. He rejects the part of himself that’s clearly seen in Komaeda at every instance because it’s inconvenient to recognize. Now though, he needs to recognize this if he’s going to accept himself and do what he promised to do outside of the simulation.
To reject Komaeda is to reject himself, that’s why I think it’d benefit both of them to heal with each other and in my wishful thinking, become closer. Another tidbit, as unnerving as Komaeda can be, Komaeda’s uplifting words do clearly make Hajime feel better, especially in chapter 1, and is hurt when he’s the target of distrust or ridicule by Komaeda even after their relationship becomes rocky (oh Hajime, he doesn’t mean it like that). Komaeda is not in the greatest position to help anyone, but these two points would partly help Hajime the most.
To get anywhere near that type of intimacy to let another person get that close to your whole being, especially in their situation, it’s uh. I’m already wincing imagining it play out. Again, It’s glossed over how much work it’s going to take in general for them to heal as a group, but god a relationship like theirs? The only thing I can say is yikes!
Contrary to popular opinion (or unpopular considering what side of the fandom you’re on), it’s not Hajime that’s going to put the most obstacles and barriers between them, it’s Komaeda. Hajime is already on the path of self-reflection and growth, so while for him it’s going to be nerve wracking to try and connect with again, it’s not going to be impossible for him. He already went out of his way to try and understand Komaeda when he’s able to in-game, even after all that Komaeda had did considering his attitude towards listening to his final words when you interact with his cottage after trial 5. It doesn’t make his feelings any less complicated or any less harder for him to confront Komaeda, but he’s going to be more willing in comparison. Komaeda’s side of this is where the real mess starts.
Geez, where do I begin? For one, he’s not gonna be typical Komaeda the way the anime tricks you he’d be. I don’t think he’d be angry at anyone in particular after waking up and finding out everyone is alive. He never was angry at them in the first place, he just stopped idolizing them and did what he thought was right due to his anger at what they decided to become. Questionable I know, but that’s how Komaeda is. Instead, I think Komaeda would just be more lost than he already was, more so after finding out what happened after he “died” and their decision to move forward.
He already keeps to himself, but I think he’d do it more so. I’m not sure he’d know what to say to any of them anymore besides his honest thoughts, which never goes well. He could go back to praising their talents, but for what? Their potential Hope when they’ve already plagued the world with the despair using their talents? What a joke. Again, he can’t easily just let go of what’s essentially his lifeline so that behavior would probably be reserved for people like Naegi or Kirigiri.
Eventually him and Hajime are gonna talk and it’s not going to be pretty. Im sure you can imagine it. This isn’t me saying they don’t have that potential to reconnect because if you remember correctly, he quite literally only apologizes to Hajime in his final message and to his own confusion, says he still cares for him even after what he found out. It’ll just take way longer than just a couple months. It’s not going to be as smooth as it could be, but they’ll try.
Other than that, the only thing to really address is the can of worms that is romantic possibilities. He’s able to truly call him a friend when grown close enough to each other and does show visible improvement in this closeness in stuff like utdp/DrS or Island Mode, but that was already hard enough as it is for Komaeda. I’m not gonna deny that Komahina is “one-sided” in all technical meaning, but not in the way it’s usually used by others. It being one sided means nothing toward Hajime’s general feelings for Komaeda. He still cares about Komaeda regardless of other feelings, but one-sided shouldn’t mean that their relationship stays stagnant?? People use it as if it’s a gatcha to Komahina shippers, which is hilarious.
I don’t like using one sided to describe their relationship as it now has this connotation that Hajime is never going to love him back, and pretty much is an oversimplification of what’s actually preventing him from gaining feelings as well. One-sided is too jarring for me to place on their too complicated mess of a relationship. Kaimaki is one-sided in that I can’t see Kaito responding to her feelings the same way, but somehow they’re suddenly more possible because it’s heterosexual. Too stupid.
Romance should not be important in the healing stage and would probably make things more messy, putting too much importance in romance devalues their relationship to only their ship. Komahina antis are much more guilty of this than the shippers, but it’s a problem I’ve seen with both. If you were to really ask me if Hajime would ever love Komaeda the way Komaeda loves him, then that’s really up to how close Komaeda lets him understand and empathize with him. That’s the only real obstacle here and not one people address well enough.
Hajime could definitely love him otherwise if given the opportunity, but it would destroy Komaeda to let him in that close for him to disappear from his life because of his luck. Issues are complex. Anyway, I hope I answered satisfactory! I could’ve said more, but I’d like to hold those thoughts for another post and I would like to stay on topic believe it or not.
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
For Talk Shop Tuesday: Give us the director's cut on your latest piece of writing!
Ooooh sure thing!!
So my latest piece of writing (not counting a new piece I will hopefully have finished tonight...) is Share Your Burdens, the new pre-relationship IndiHux fic I posted just before I did my masterlist redux. Let's get into it!!
Talk Shop Tuesday
Most stepped aside as they noticed him coming, and the only ones that remained were those facing the wrong way or otherwise too distracted to notice. If he were truly in a rush, he might have been sharper with them. But he knew from his conversations with Indigo that mealtimes were often the only break from work they got, and… he could find it within himself to be a bit more lenient, it seemed.
Right off the bat, we do see the way speaking to Indie has started to soften him, just a little. And it's not just their conversation about breaktimes that has him being a little gentler, but Indie's behavior itself - he knows that when she gets really into a conversation, she might not notice the people passing by around her, and it's by no means an intentional or rude gesture, so he learns to ascribe that same benign distraction to the others around him and be a little more lenient with them.
Especially in this stage of their relationship, she really helps him recognize this more grounded perspective, especially since he's never really had that himself - hyper-strict military childhood straight to a commanding position in the First Order, trained (intentionally or not) by his father to see everything as a power play or personal slight, so Indie's gentler perspective is a very good thing for him to experience at this stage in his life.
So many conversations in his life turned to the war, the ship, the cycling of duties, but Indie seemed more inclined to speak about the mundane and hopeful. It was refreshing in a number of ways.
This is part of the reason he even begins to soften to her. She obviously still respects him, but she's not in fear of him the way so many others are, and she doesn't enjoy talking about war. I'd imagine he subconsciously sees most people as instruments of war (again, how he was raised thanks to his father), but he can't do that with Indie because she never gives him an opening. She doesn't talk about war, she doesn't get all squirrelly about being face-to-face with General Hux, she forces his brain to see her as a real living person straight from the beginning and that's enough for him to start breaking down those ingrained biases.
Early-stage Hux is hard to write, honestly. He's an asshole in the movies and I'll fully acknowledge that, but for the fic to work I had to make him at least somewhat likeable, or at least open enough to change that he'll become likeable. And I'm a stickler for characterization. Making him too nice or understanding is definitely OOC, but making him too much of an asshole just isn't fun to read or write. And on top of that, he's got such a rich backstory that we never even see in the movies, and I think his character has a lot of complexity that the movies just end up dropping entirely. But as a writer, I spent the whole time wondering if I was making him too OOC, if the character growth I gave him was realistic at all, if it was too much of a departure from canon to even be enjoyable, etc..
Idk, I'm rambling. I just see so many of his actions as being motivated by his personal history and the way he was raised, less that it's what he inwardly believes and more what he's been trained to believe by his father, and to me that makes him very capable of change and growth as long as he's motivated to work for it. But... not everyone will see that from him, and it makes me worry I've misread things entirely.
Perhaps not implicitly, and perhaps he’d never have the honor of knowing her to that level, but… he could recognize that something was troubling her. That was a start.
Have to say, I love writing these little moments of dramatic irony whenever I write pre-relationship fics that exist after the main fic like this. There's just something about the image of him going "I'll never get to be that close to her :(" while everyone who reads this knows he'll end up literally sacrificing everything for her that makes me absolutely feral. It's such a specific little trope, but I love it.
He wondered if any of those thoughts were appearing on his face. She always seemed so adept at reading him.
What's funny is that if you place this fic in the actual timeline with the rest, this is the stage where Indie still feels like he's impossible to read. I intentionally wanted that bit of dissonance here, where from her perspective he's still inscrutable and from his perspective she can see everything - because Indie's used to reading people automatically and he's hard to read, while Hux has been walled-off and isolated his whole life and even the little flickers Indie gets feel like she's staring right into his soul.
“I mean, I know you excused me from the address as a thank-you for what happened in the elevator, but you got me Zero’s paperwork, and then you made all those scheduling revisions, and the new on-call regulations…
The scheduling revisions and on-call regulations are actually a bit of super deep-cut lore that I never actually put into the fic itself- only a tumblr post. The gist of it is that speaking to her so often made him notice a lot of systemic issues that the other higher-ups didn't even glance at, and he quietly begins to repair them (not even as a romantic gesture to her, just because he recognizes them as problems and seeks to fix them)
“Oh, and- here. Figure you haven’t eaten, given you weren’t at lunch.”
These two in particular have a bit of an ongoing theme of food as a symbol of love. Most of their early bonding and interactions take place around the cafeteria and meeting up for lunch, and after Indie gets long-distance attacked by Palpatine in one of the chapters of B&B, Hux has a whole internal struggle about telling her he loves her... which he then bails on, and Indie's next words are "Did you eat?". Then when they're on Ajan Kloss, the first scene of them openly together is sitting at one of the picnic tables, when Indigo redirects the rotten fruit that gets thrown at Hux. Finally, in the last scene before the epilogue, where Indie is in bed and recovering from surgery, Hux's first words are to urge her to eat something. There are other scenes, of course, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
And of course, we have this here - before he's even begun to admit his feelings about her to himself, he remembers to grab her something to eat because he knows she hasn't.
Oh, and there's a reason for this - Indie grew up food-insecure due to living on Corellia, and Hux's mother canonically worked in the kitchens on Arkanis (which was often his only reprieve from his father). Food has a lot of meaning for both of them, and carries a lot of the emotion they can't always bear to admit.
The second was that, for once in his life, he was positive that he was doing the right thing.
This right here is my favorite line in the fic. I don't even have much else to say about it, I feel like the line itself lays it out pretty clearly, but I think it shows so much of Hux's character in such a succinct little package. He's an innately troubled person, constantly pushing himself beyond what he can reasonably take, so having a decision that he feels truly, one hundred percent confident in (and having it be a selfless decision at that) is a really impactful thing for him.
“He’s anxious but very well-trained. Resolve this quickly and there should be no issues. And… assess his nutrition and give him a full dietary panel. He seems thin.”
I'm not sure how much this really comes across in the fic and how much is just in my own head, but... Hux projects himself onto Zero. That line about him seeming thin was meant to be the biggest hint towards that, since in canon Hux's father would criticize him about being "thin as a slip of paper and just as useless" (that line is also the inspiration for Indie's recycled paper mural on the wall of her quarters, which we see in B&B).
Hux sees this thin, anxious creature that is incredibly devout to Indigo, and while he doesn't recognize it on any conscious level, he sees a bit of himself reflected there. That same subconscious reflection is what drives him to take care of Zero for her (a way of making up for all the care he didn't have as a child), and why he chooses to pay for the nutrition panel even though Zero doesn't strictly need it.
“He’s also ordered a weekly nutrition panel. Apparently Zero’s a bit malnourished. I’ll come to collect him next week, same time, for the next treatment.”
He lies about ordering the panel for Zero because he knows Indigo would protest if she knew it was coming out of his pocket. She's already on the fence, even when she believes it's all the Order's resources, so he just... lets her keep believing it's the Order's resources instead of tipping the scales.
I know I said before that it's tough to write Hux especially in the early stages, but this was one of the few details that came easily to me. It blends his cleverness and cunning with those first little glimmers of him softening for her, and to me just really feels like something he'd do. I don't know how to describe it, but I do know that this moment was locked in from the moment I started writing this fic.
“Hm. She’s pretty, for a rescue. I thought for sure she was a purebred, like from a breeder and all.”
I'm sure there are a lot of people who would choose to make Millicent a purebred, breeder-bought animal, probably as an echo of how strict Hux is about how he wants things in his life. He likes things in line, in order, with that perfect facade of professionalism, so that would even influence his pets.
But I went a different direction: like I said before with him and Zero, I think he subconsciously projects himself onto the animals. He sees them as these lost, fragile things, like the young boy he was growing up on Arkanis, and he bonds to them. Millicent being a rescue is almost symbolic to me - not just because he and Indie are both "rescues" of their own right, but because it's another thing in his life that isn't quite what it appears to be. She's a beautiful animal and most people who see her would assume that she's a legacy breed that he paid a lot of money for, just because that's what they view General Hux to be like, when in reality she was an impromptu rescue from a random shelter, adopted not for appearance but for companionship and temperament.
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tsunderetypea · 1 year
Little Slayer 2| TLoVM x platonic!reader
Preface| Every party had their outlier. For some, most people would think it was Scanlan of the legendary group Vox Machina. Yet as we know fate has its own working on the matter.
Enter amnesiac Y/N who happened to cross their paths. For the most part they appeared utterly normal as a human could be but well as the party would soon realize there is more to them than meets the eye.
Word Count| 1766
Link to [Part 01] | [Part 03]
[A/N]: I’m thinking the title might change as the story progresses but who knows
Also apologies if I don’t cover everyone’s point of view, it’s not easy writing about a bunch of characters!
Also there might be violence and stuff but this is TLoVM what can you expect lol
“Wow I thought Grog losing his muscles was more depressing for him than not getting to keep the kid,” sighed Scanlan as he took a swig of his ale though not before watching Grog lay his head on the wooden table.
“Me too,” agreed Pike as she looked on with a small frown over her best friend’s state. “Our journey is not exactly for young folk,” reasoned the Matron of Ravens’ champion.
“It’s still upsetting to watch. I feel bad for him though,” Keyleth looked down at her drink.
“At least we were able to help in some form,” Percy attempted to see things from a positive perspective. “Indeed,” murmured Vex.
“Who knows, maybe we’ll see them when we leave in the morrow.”
Breaths from the cold night were visible as you panted from running. You weren’t running from anyone to be exact, more like you were trying to find the group that helped you earlier.
That’s if hopefully, they hadn’t left which is why you were running in the first place. You wanted to properly thank them for giving you enough money to fill the gnawing ache in your belly from hunger.
But it was futile.
It was too dark now and the moon that once illuminated your path was now dark.
Wait… there had just been moonlight a moment ago.
A strange sensation resonated in your being, that felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
Yet you never thought you would be screaming a word that struck the hearts and minds of common folk with fear.
“Dragon!” you screamed as you ran into the street, hoping in some shape or form your cry of alarm would somehow alert everyone in the nick of time but it was too late.
The hard flapping of wings entered your hearing though not before blue fire spurted downwards from the sky onto the ground, burning the buildings around you as you ducked for cover from the flame.
The dragon roared as it flew above you, spreading more of its flame. The fire was unlike any that you’d seen before, as the heat of the flames made you hotter than before even though you were a good distance away from them though its damage was just as heavy as screams of terror filled the night air.
“How pitiful… you think you can escape from my grasp?” the dragon bellowed as it landed on a tower that from what you can see had to be in the center of town. Using its vantage point from there, it stayed perched on the stone structure while aiming its head to burn whatever it saw move.
Those who were trying to survive by escaping unfortunately met their demise by the blue flame.
“Let it be known that I Scargone, master of cremation, am taking this town for the Chroma Conclave!” announced Scargone as he lifted his head up to the night sky before unleashing his fiery breath.
‘I was wrong… my luck went to shit!’ you cursed as you hunkered down in the alleyway you ducked into. Your body was too scared to move, frozen in fear as much as you knew you had to leave there with your life.
“Get the others to safety!” you heard an all too familiar voice say which in that moment helped you to break free from your frozen state. Carefully you peeked out from where you hid.
“Scanlan and Percy make sure to get everyone out before joining us against this bastard. I want casualties to be at a minimum…” it was them, you finally managed to find them.
‘Wait they are going to stop the dragon?!’ now panic filled your being because even though you just met them, you didn’t want them to die!
“We just killed a dragon not long ago, had one be in our midst for a while and now we have to kill another one again!..” groaned the archer woman from earlier.
‘So they have encountered dragons before… even killed them.’ you never would have thought they were dragon-slayers as they were not what you imagined when one pictured them. You thought they would be more rough and tumbled and maybe some missing a limb. Maybe Grog looked the part but not really anyone else.
“If it is destiny dear sister then so be it. The rest of us are killing a dragon.” her brother acknowledged placing a hand on her shoulder before nodding to the others for initiation of their plan.
“Let’s go Scanlan,” ordered the man with glasses, the one that also offered to share his gold with you as he turned on his heel racing ahead of the gnome also from earlier.
“Coming, geez!” the bard bantered back as they went their separate ways.
You debated about what to do. It would be stupid to follow after them, but you also had a strange feeling inside of you other than fear if you didn’t do something.
Perhaps it was cowardice.
But they also knew what they were doing, they killed a dragon before.
Your heart began to pound faster and faster as you debated about what to do, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
‘Ugh so help me…!’ without a moment to think, you got up from your hiding spot and ran out of the alleyway as your legs seemed to have a mind of their own following in the direction of where Grog, the giant that held you earlier, went along with his part of the party.
As much as you reasoned with yourself that they could handle it; something inside of you said for you to go and there was no avoiding it.
Within a moment’s notice, it had not taken long for them to reach the center of town as much as the blue flames made an attempt to burn them from existence.
“Voluntaire!” Vex shouted as she took out her broom from her magical pouch, not wasting a moment to get on and reach to the sky so that with her added height she would be able to shoot at Scargone with Fenthras.
While they were distracted with Scargone; it was easy for you to slip by. It was not easy for you to hide as fire seemed to corner you with every step you took, but you had to make your way somehow.
“I…want to… rage!” you could hear Grog yell as he used some kind of object against the ground to launch him in the air. You were able to see him as the gauntlets on his hands glowed as he neared the beast.
Scargone having noticed him wasted no time in breathing his devastating flame to first Vex and then Grog. Vex managed to maneuver out of the way but Grog was able to feel part of the blue flames.
“Grog!” screamed Pike as she watched him fall, thinking he was not able to withstand it. But with a clap of the Titanstone Knuckles, he stopped his descent and ascended once more.
“That was nothing!” he grinned as he finally touched down onto Scargone.
“Pathetic…” the black dragon hissed as he tried to bite the half-giant though not before noticing a dark shadow move in his periphery. Vax using the newfound wings of a raven from his vestige threw his blades at the beast, though his aim was not accurate as he tried to evade the wings of Scargone as another means of attack.
“He’s stopped spewing that dastardly blue fire thanks to brother and Grog,” Vex huffed, coughing from the dark smoke from the flames Scargone had ignited earlier.
“Keyleth, we won’t be able to fight if the smoke is slowing us down, do something about it,” the half-elven twin ordered as the air Ashari did as she was told. “Pike you and I need to buy time with Grog and brother until Percy and Scanlan get here. Maybe we’ll need Mythcarver to take him down.” she rationalized as the gnome cleric chuckled before saying a “right” before heading over to help their friends.
So it was the four of them against one dragon as you watched Keyleth put out the smoke and flame with her air-druid magic. Though as much as she put them out, Scargone would go ahead and add more as he tried to aim at his attackers.
Though from your viewpoint you could tell he was growing in aggression and it won’t be long until he maybe changed course. Maybe there was a weak spot on him.
A weak spot? How had you known that? You wanted to deduce how you knew on that matter but something caught your attention.
When Scargone turned his head trying to set Vex on fire; behind his jawbone were what looked like gills almost like that of a fish. The others wouldn’t have noticed it because of the darkness of his hide and the smoke that exhumed which covered it from view.
Until you were able to see it.
“Enough!” Scargone yelled agitated as he lifted himself from his perch, rising high in the sky as he took off probably in an attempt to remove Grog from him as he was the only one who managed to be on him.
“There goes Grog again,” commented Vax as he hovered in the air, his eyes narrowing trying to spot the dragon.
“Brother he is using the night to his advantage and there is no way we can keep up with him. It's like Umbraysl all over again,” pointed out his twin sister as she hovered beside him.
“Even worse, I don’t think we’ve managed to put a dent in him…” groaned Pike as she wiped the soot from her face. “We need another change of plan. We have to keep him grounded until Percy and Scan get here like Vex said earlier.”
“You’re right, but what can we do? Even with these vestiges, it seems we are always at the shorthand of the matter…” Vax couldn’t help but voice his thoughts as he landed on the ground with a thump.
“You need to exploit his weak spot.” an unfamiliar voice spoke softly.
The eyes of both twins widened in surprise for they did not sense that there was someone else among them as they and the others with them looked over to see you illuminated by the light of the blue flame.
But it was only until recently that they discovered that Vex could not sense all dragons and now apparently they could not sense you as you approached them.
There was something off about you and they knew it.
What were you?
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one-winged-dreams · 8 days
Bestie I wanna preface this by saying I fully understand the abuse response of freezing and just being a doormat and the fear of standing up for yourself and I don't expect you to like. Actually Do This but I just thought perhaps it might help to have something reinforced from the outside: you are no longer a teenager trapped in your mothers house and forced to be under her thumb. You are a fully grown adult and she is, at this point, trespassing in your apartment that you pay for after showing up uninvited. Obviously I want you to be safe, but I do think you owe it to yourself to tell her that she needs to leave. It is fucking INSANE she and your father are putting you through this because they cant handle their own BS. Maybe talk it out with Owen so he can back you up, bc we know he will. You are not that scared little kid anymore, no matter how much she may make you feel that way. You shouldn't have to go through this.
Man, I so totally knew something like this was coming because tbh, even i'm getting tired of my bitching.
I absolutely agree with everything you've said, I just do not know how to force myself to go through with it, on god. I have been trying to build a spine for YEARS. I'm still utterly stumped.
Also let me offer an apology for letting this spiral turn me into a neurotic lunatic lately, that's not what I'm on this hellsite for.
Taking this to heart (and intense visceral consideration), let me take a moment to articulate why this is so fucking hard for me for the sake of like, putting things into perspective and also the trauma response of overexplaining things so I don't feel like a fucking idiot and just in case anyone wants to play psychotherapist for a few seconds and shoot me some advice. (tw for child abuse and general trauma dump below)
I used to argue with this woman almost on the daily, but eventually your own mother beating the living fuck out of you tends to break you down and now adult Adri is forced to live with this weird child-like need to be A Good Kid™ to A) avoid getting the living fuck beaten out of me (unrealistic), and B) i don't fucking know, get validation and love??? Who fucking knows. She was sobbing to me how I'm all she's got left because my sister refuses to have anything to do with it (she's the meanest bitch i've ever met, but at least she's got her priorities straight) and little beaten down Adri is like "Oh, that means I have to step up and do good, my poor mother who used to beat the living fuck out of me, i'd be *reads verbatim the shit she used to throw at me tattooed on my fucking hand* 'an evil ungrateful little bitch' if I refuse her."
Also taking into account what a paranoid nutjob she's become, I for SURE know that I will suffer Consequences™ should I show an ounce of defiance, I just don't know WHAT.
ANYWAY. That's what's all on my plate right now.
She offhandedly mentioned "If I can't find a new place then I'm going to have to go back home I guess" and at the risk of sounding like an awful person making someone go back into an abusive situation, I just kinda was like "Will you be okay there?" but forced myself to clam up and not object, so that's a potentially open door out.
I was literally sick with stress earlier today, so something's got to give at this point, and I know it's gotta be me. Because nothing's gonna get done if I don't do something. And I appreciate the tough love here, I really do, it was a good kick in the ass to make me pull myself together. I'm just sitting here with my head in my hands trying to figure it out. I will probably wait for Owen to get home to talk about this, and then -gestures vaugely- we'll see what we'll do. Hopefully whatever it is, it'll be asap.
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looniecartooni · 1 year
Okay... I might upset all parts of the IDW fandom when I repeat this but-
The way Lanolin is being written in this recent arc is good and bad at the same time. On paper- her actions make sense:
-She sees Tangle playing with a paddleball. It's making a lot of noise and it's distracting, she takes it away
-She sees Silver accuse a supposedly sad boy Duo who claims he was trying to get help, she defends him
-Silver and Whisper start accusing Duo of being Mimic with very little evidence and start behaving violently towards him- well, the events of IDW #64 happen
Buuuut just because her actions make sense, doesn't mean that they are just:
-Tangle has trouble sitting still. Lanolin didn't tell her that it was distracting, she whacked it out of her tail. Granted, Lanolin was tired and busy, but Tangle would have at least tried to be less loud if Lanolin told her
-Silver was freaked out by the incident with the fish and shocked Duo left him. Lanolin defends Duo without really talking to her team about the situation. We learn that Whisper saw Duo kick Silver and seemingly only talked to Silver about it
-She saw Whisper and Silver tailing Duo for the whole day and only when Whisper started to get violent suggested that they'd talk
What I think that means is, knowing Lanolin's character from the City Arc, she's trying to act like a good leader still, but she's not quite understanding her teammates as individuals fully. She has room for growth and she's only going to realize this mistake when she sees that Duo is Mimic. Right now, she's being way too lenient on him because he keeps playing the "I'm just a wittle guy twying my best" card, sad cat boy face and all.
Thus- she is blind to the situation at hand which is what we the reader know that we are mad she doesn't know- Mimic revealed himself to Silver and Whisper figured it was Mimic by the description of his eyes. Whisper's whole life has been messed up by this guy who got her last team killed. Silver is misunderstanding of situations and tends to take things too far with a guy he knows/thinks did something wrong. Minute he hears of who Mimic is, he wants to catch him. Mimic is clever and manipulative and knows how to take advantage of everyone's strengths and weaknesses.
Lanolin has no idea Mimic is Duo because she is not listening/talking with her other teammates, so she's seeing everyone's actions from an outside perspective. She seems to think Silver is rash, Whisper is rational (with maybe a tad bit understanding of her trauma), and Mimic's a scared little cat-boy. And we see this foreshadowed by how she treats Tangle. Perhaps that's even why we the reader are being shown right away that Mimic is Duo- we're supposed to be mad yet perhaps understanding of how Lanolin's behaving. We know these characters and Lanolin doesn't. But hopefully she will learn, even though it might be too late.
Her behavior is understandable, but not justified. I want to believe that the IDW writers are setting up a lot of character arcs in this arc (as well as others) and part of Lanolin's is that she's going to learn more about being a good leader aside from keeping everyone in line and combat training. I hope that makes sense.
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Do you have any recs for fiction with a main cast of butch women? Doesn't necessarily have to be butch4butch in a romantic sense, but anything that depicts the human relationships between us. I feel like that's so rare, and it drives me crazy as someone who personally NEEDS other butch women in her life to feel sane and normal. I hate that most fiction treats us as male-adjacent stand-ins with femmes or as accessory side characters. I want to see us fleshed out for once.
I’m really sorry that there aren’t more stories easily accessible that have this kind of dynamic. I haven’t actually read all of these , so I can’t say if it really fits, but I’ll do my best to give you some recommendations! Hopefully you are able to find a couple in here ☺️ And definitely check the comments! There might be more suggestions there.
I went through my saved books and the ones I own to come up with this list.
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I think older lesbian books in general would be a good starting ground! Especially from like 80s-early 2000s. While some of them might not necessarily use the word butch, they definitely have a lot more gnc women or just none feminine women in general.
- Leave A Light On For Me by Jean Swallows. I’m not too sure how many of the cast are butch, BUT, I do it it’s primarily about lesbian friendship.
- You’ve probably already heard of this one, but Dykes To Watch Out For is always a good one!
- A nonfiction rec would be : Tomboys Tales Of Dykes Derring-Do by Lynne Yamaguchi and Karen Barber.
- This book doesn’t delve into the relationship between butch lesbians, however, it does discuss in parts what you are talking about , from the perspective of a butch lesbian who lives on a farm, which is The Grass Widow by Nanci Little. It has a very beautiful seen between the two main characters discussing how she is still a woman.
- I didn’t know if this one really fit the mark, because I can’t actually remember if the other woman was butch or not (or considered more butch for the time ) but Stonehurst by Barbara Johnson has a section where a younger GNC lesbian gets sort of taken in by an older lesbian for safety and protection.
- I haven’t read it so I don’t know if she has relationships with other butch lesbians, but I do know she is a butch lesbian. Lilac Mines by Cheryl Klein.
- again I haven’t read this one, but given the time period and what it’s about I’m assuming the main character has friendship relations with the larger lesbian community: Shoulders by Georgia Cotrell.
- I started reading this one a while ago but sipped for some reason. I think I remember it being about a butch woman - but at the very least it’s about lesbian friendship: Working Parts by Lucy Jane Bledsoe.
- Untamed Desires : A Sydney Lesbian History by Rebecca Jennings. (I haven’t read this one either but I gave it a quick flick through right now and it seems like it could have what you are looking for)
- Missouri Vaun is a butch/gnc lesbian and all of her books have butch women in them. I can’t remember about their friendships much. But if you want a butch lesbian written from the perspective of one I would go with her!
- The Little Butch Book by Leslea Newman. A sweet little book fully dedicated to butch women!
- Rode Hard Put Away Wet has a butch x butch erotic short story in it. I would post it on here but I’m pretty sure tumblr would take it down right away.
I can’t really think of anymore right now. But I’ll reblog this again if anything comes up!
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help more. And I’m sorry we are in a world that doesn’t provide you with the love, respect and fictional representation you deserve. I can only hope things get better and you are able to find many more wonderful butch lesbians in fiction 💕
Thank you for popping in! I hope you have a beautiful day ☺️💕💕
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oh well I simply have to hear more about pretty in pink
ahah yes!! of course, here you go💗
so. this actually started as a discussion with you, i opened the doc while we were having that conversation i believe; what if tadej was outed as gay and basically forced to leave UAE. yes he's their beloved superstar and their most valuable asset. but. the majority of the team's money comes from a sponsor that would have an inherent "issue" with their main rider being gay, and although the initial outing is against his will, good old cycling media getting invasive and awful, he doesn't deny it (even though it's something he's tried very hard to hide since entering the at times hypermasculine world of professional men's sports, where it feels like everyone's married with a kid or two by the time they're 27)
it follows tadej through the initial aftermath (which timeline wise actually happens in a couple of weeks, just at the end of december '23) and through trying to find a new contract in a relatively short space of time. in a pinch, desperate just to get back to racing again, he ends up on the first team that has a spot and will have him. that's EF <- giving the piece its working title
for the first time in his career - he started with UAE when he was 20 - he has to be the New Guy all while the peloton and everyone knows this secret he's kept for practically his whole life. there is a fair amount of Emotion and hypothetical events of the 2024 season, and hopefully some fun mixed in there too
here is a buffet breakfast of random bits, featuring:
well meaning yet unhelpful jasper!
“So,” Jasper folded his arms, “who’s the hottest in the peloton? I’ve always wondered, and there's that thing on Twitter, but maybe you could pass a better judgement.” His tone was clearly joking, but Tadej couldn't bring himself to match the humour. “Nobody. I don't– I don't look at anyone at work like that.” he scraped at the tabletop with his fingernail, tracing the patterns in the wood. “Come on, Tadej, I'm sure you can think of someone – Mathieu? Ganna? A teammate, maybe? There's got to be somebody that's not too bad to look at. Anyway, I won’t be offended if it isn’t me, but you know, I think I should really be in consideration here– ” Tadej sighed and set his cup down a little too firmly. The coffee swirled and wavered, nearly spilling over the edge. “No. There's not. Jasper, stop it, please.”
“Please, please, médicale, I – need – help – with – my – shoulder,” Tadej half-shouted, pleading and pointing towards his arm. It hung at his side at an awkward angle. At last, the mechanic seemed to understand and leant the bike against the grassy roadside verge. Tadej’s elation was short-lived as he turned around and walked back to the service vehicle.
and last but not least the biking-liking bi king viking mads pedersen...
Their arms brushed as they walked down the narrow pavement, synchronised steps accompanied by the swish-swish of jacket sleeve against jacket sleeve. “When did you know?” Tadej asked. “When did I know what?” Mads stopped them at a junction, looking right and left before crossing. Tadej bit his lip.
thank you SO much for asking me about this i love it to bits even though it's often very hard to write. as a queer person who has been forcibly outed myself, it's tough sometimes to put that on paper and try and consider what a famous figure might go through, the situation being made 100x worse by media attention, losing his goddamn job and navigating an environment that from an outsider's perspective doesn't seem like the most supportive
ironically while searching through my docs i found another file also called pretty in pink but that is much much shorter and more lighthearted (and also about tadej! but in the other thing he wears a dress to a halloween party and has a lot of fun)
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bengiyo · 2 years
My School President Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
We're nearing the end and heading back to the beach.
Last week, we finally faced Hot Wave, but not before saddling Tinn with the responsibility of keeping a health scare away from Gun. Gun finally learned how much Tinn has done for him, and the two are finally looking at each other properly. I still tear up watching the video for Let Me Tell You when I think about the last thing Mrs. Gim might have seen was her son singing his heart out on stage.
I know I said last week that it didn't matter if they won at this point, but this shit hurted. I think about how much of a loser Gun feels like all the time, and he put so much hope into this competition.
Win and Gun haven't gotten into any universities.
Chinzhilla is not okay, and you can feel them tearing at the seams.
Oh, Gun, please talk to Tinn.
Wasn't exactly expecting Por to be the one trying to hold the band together, and it's so sad to see him crying alone.
I'm so relieved that Mrs. Gim is okay and seems like herself. She consistently asks the right things to Gun so he's receptive to more uplifting perspectives.
Oof, Fourth is so dehydrated in this hospital scene. Get some chapstick for my boy.
Tinn remains the best boy. He knows things aren't great for Chinzhilla and so arranges a performance before a friendly crowd, and he was trying to bring a gift for his boyfriend's mom.
I like the design of Tinn's family's home theater setup.
Baby Tinn photos!!
You know Tinn's parents have their shit together. They both have actual pajamas.
I get Photjanee. She can be worried about her son without being a villain. She worries that she wasn't a good mother. She worries that she can't help her son and that be won't forgive her. She cares that she was a good partner to her husband.
At least the show is doing some interesting character work with the band's loss. Win's breakdown is affective, and I like Sound just letting him get the feelings out.
Oh good. They're by the pool. Hopefully we get Gun back on his feet.
It's interesting seeing them okay in the past without Sound, because now it feels like he's missing.
I feel so much for Gun, because he's just a a guy, you know? We see him through Tinn's eyes a lot, but so many other things and people tell Gun that his best isn't enough.
Fourth is a good crier.
"I want to eat you." Listen, Mark Pakin, you have no idea how hard these folks ride on crumbs.
The greatest subversion of a trope ever is future winner of the 2023 NAMGOONG BEST BOY AWARD Tiwson not catching Por before he fell down those stairs.
That's right, Por. Get these boys back to the beach.
I just knew they were gonna cut off the question. I like Photjanee going to see Gun away from school. I like that she seems to be trying to understand Gun more now that she's aware of his importance to Tinn.
Look, y'all, I have never doubted Photjanee, and we're seeing it here. Whatever reservations she has, she's not inflicting them on Tinn. She didn't forbid the trip.
Gun's shirt says TOGETHER FOREVER in a heart shape.
Gosh I love Chinzhilla, but they do seem to always face unforseen troubles.
Did Phat just quote Sam from The Lord of the Rings??? I'm gonna McFuckinLoseIt.
I love playing You Got Ma Back as they make the trek together.
Things were getting tense. Oishii must save us. Everyone drink the BL Juice so we can make it up the mountain.
Gosh Chinzhilla is so dumb together sometimes. Tinn's reactions to them are golden.
A band is a little family, and only family can cut you this deep. And just like that, they also come back together. I just really want them to succeed together.
Of course Tinn went with Gun to get water for them while they rested.
I love these boys so much. Gun just didn't want to let his friends down.
I NEVER ONCE DOUBTED PHOTJANEE. This is how parents should work out their worries for their kids. We talked about this during 21 Days Theory, and here we are again. You talk with the other parent or caregiver, and you make sure that whatever your kid might face, you have their back.
Suddenly Tiwson. You just knew he was gonna show up. Ford Arun, you be careful with those eyes too!
"I want veggies." We know, Fourth.
Oh, Yak. You're such a weirdo, but you care. He remembers them as glowing. I love this show when they tried to sing their seniors home. Now they're singing themselves home. I need to lay down.
Oh my God. I said it felt like Sound was missing, and so they just put him in this song.
And now Tinn is here? Help
They let Tinn and Tiwson be part of the Chinzhilla tribute. I am HOLLERING through my TEARS.
Tinn for him a music box that plays the song he wrote for him. I can't take anymore! I surrender!
Noh Shinwoo would love Tinn.
I swear this show better not deny me like Mr. Unlucky or I will revolt.
Okay, Tinn, you're getting smoother.
I believe in Photjanee. This cliffhanger and preview cannot stop me.
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booasaur · 1 year
As someone at 27 y/o bi leaning towards women.. who’s born in a country that doesn’t support lgbt rights and also in the closet because of homophobic dad/relatives, im honestly so upset by this. The only way I can live my truth is to live vicariously through the wlw media that I consume and it fuckin hurts. It’s heartbreaking that even just being who I am is impossible and the only way I can is being ripped away from me. I don’t know how much more I can take, especially during pride month
Oof, I get you, anon. When it's your only outlet to something that for others can manifest in so many life-changing ways, crushes, first kisses, dating, sex, marriage, children, it can be so stifling when even the one avenue you have is closed off. And however far away it's happening, it's a reminder of the same homophobia and restrictions you see right around you, so it feels even more hopeless, knowing that in places that are supposedly better off, there are still these major battles to be fought.
I don't know your exact situation, but here are some of the things that helped me come to terms with these same frustrations:
First, focus on individual people more than trends. That's tough to do, for sure, especially when, again, you see so much homophobia directly around you so it seems ubiquitous, but if you're particularly taking WN's case to heart, remember that as much as Netflix tried to shut it down, the cast and crew fought for it! For all these cancellations, there are people who made the original media in the first place and tried to keep it going. It's not hopeless, there's so much support and so many allies.
This next part might be hard to accept, and you know, maybe it's not what'll work for you, but for me, I really did have to learn to not get really deep into any one show or ship. When things are good, they're so good, it all sucks you in, you check the updates all the time, and maybe most importantly, there's this whole community you become a part of. But when you lose it, not if, because in f/f you will, even if things end well, there aren't enough people to keep it going, the more you've made it a part of your life, the more you feel that loss.
All fans should exercise moderation and keep things in perspective, but I'm speaking more to people like us, who don't have anything in real life to balance out what we experience through media.
I answered this ask a little late because I did get sucked up into other shows airing right now that have f/f and that doesn't negate the core issue, this will be the final season for most of them, if not all, but there's still something to get into, even just in f/f media. Perhaps you may prefer lesfic, or the f/f Youtube/Tiktok scene, or webseries.
It's also worth getting into non-media hobbies. Or, you know, at least consuming non-f/f media. I remember being angry at seeing the m/f couples in pretty much everything else while we couldn't have anything, so I just didn't watch anything at all and instead just did those elaborate adult paint by numbers and listened to comedy podcasts. And once I did feel more in the mood to watch stuff again, it was goofy sitcoms and old school murder mysteries, where it wasn't really like, oh, I wish this had more of us. :P
Lastly, it really does sting at you if you feel isolated and alone even from your own family, so try to see if there are other ways you can connect with them. Otherwise it just adds to your negative feelings to resent and fear them.
None of this may work for you, there are so many other possibilities, moving away, coming out, getting involved with LGBT organizations near you or just meeting other queer people, but I'm sure you've already considered those options and they're not currently doing enough for you. But I would at least give some of this a shot, try some distance at first, and hopefully it'll start to feel better. It really doesn't help that we're globally going through a pretty rough time, but just focus on feeling better yourself.
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