#but hoo boy you were beginning to throw off the (lol) god complex
du-hjarta-skulblaka · 3 months
Its so nice hearing Dick Faulkner getting to do some Trans Wrongs. As A Treat.
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moodymisty · 2 years
🌖Linens and Lace🌒
Authors Note: This was a feat to finish hoo boy, but I hope you enjoy! (Also maybe part 3 soon? We’ll see?)
PART 1 (though only loosely this can be completely standalone)
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Summary: Khonshu is a fervently jealous god and quite honestly; You're sick of it.
Relationships: Khonshu/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Height differences, Age Gap(I mean, it's Khonshu lol), Jealousy, Light Angst, Body Worship, God Complex(again; It's Khonshu lol), Lingerie, Bruises
Words: 5916
AO3 Link
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In hindsight, if you had known how Khonshu would become, you probably would’ve never entertained his proposition in the first place. After your pledge to become a priestess to the God of the Moon-though mostly in title, as apparently the duties had changed a lot over the hundreds of years-Khonshu’s attitude changed almost instantly. You didn’t know however if it was truly a rapid change, or if he’d simply been on good behavior before. Either way, within days Khonshu had become what you could only describe as; fervently, irrationally, and possessively jealous.
Not one man could come within your radius and say more than a few sentences before you saw Khonshu standing outside a window, on a roof, or worse case, directly behind you or him. Each time he would throw insults, or indirectly attempt to cut your conversation short. This included Jake; Who while he knew the god existed of course, found the whole thing ceaselessly annoying. Khonshu would always plague you with the worst timing as well; Just chatting with a teller or delivery man and suddenly there’s yelling in your ear, or a trash bin blows over and nearly hits a window. At least he'd been seemingly busy for today, and hadn't bugged you once yet. It let you finish everything you'd needed to get done, leaning back in your desk chair and looking at the ceiling. You could feel a headache just considering blooming, and if you kept staring at a computer screen it probably would. Getting up from your seat, you looked at your mess of a kitchen and sighed.
Takeout was something you’d been a bit guilty of enjoying too much, as often times you were far too busy, or lazy to cook something. It also didn’t help that there was multiple good food joints all within short walking distance, even one that you could see out of your bedroom window. And after deciding you were not in the mood to do much of any cooking, you threw on your coat and took a jog down the building steps. It would also be nice to get out for a bit for some fresh air, and away from your messy apartment filled with dirty old scrolls and tomes that had been gathering up. Most of which were related to the Ennead; Having been stuck withering away in improper cases inside someone's private collection. Jake had stumbled upon them-you wouldn't ask where or how-and Khonshu had insisted he give them to you. As restoring them fell more in line with you. They couldn't give them to Steven, not when he and Marc were still unawares that Khonshu was still technically in their lives. Many of the relics were also about Khonshu; And even if he insisted whatever you wanted to know he could tell you better than any book, you still found it amusing to read all of the ancient passages.
Keys jingling in your pocket as you walked the night was beginning, the sun still partly visible behind a thick amount of clouds. Quickly running across the crosswalk, you stuck your hands deep in your pockets, up until you needed to push open the door to the restaurant. Once inside the radio gently playing music over a single speaker, quiet enough that the lyrics just sounded like mumbling. 
"What can I get you?" Looking and spotted a man leaning against the counter, you took two quick steps closer and started pulling out your wallet. The man suddenly perked up, seemingly remembering something.
You, apparently.
"Oh wait, you're..." He snapped his fingers, thinking before suddenly spouting off what you usually ordered from this place. You smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, same old same old. Can't risk ordering something I end up not liking on accident, right?" Writing down your order, you decided to sit down on one of the bar stools while you waited, playing with your phone. While typing in the code to unlock it you glanced up and towards the door, looking through the glass to the street outside. You'd bet money Khonshu was had been there, and just vanished.
With your phone unlocked you decided to text a friend and surf the web randomly, up until you glanced up and noticed he man who took your order holding a paper bag in his hand.
"Here you go. Made up fresh, so take it home fast."  It smelled delicious, the scent piercing through the food container and paper bag. He smiled at you, watching you take a peek inside the bag as the steam hit your face.
“It’s about to storm, should hurry on back before you get rained on.” You took it from him-a bit of steam rolling over your hands-and smiled back.
“Thanks for the warning; Don’t get rained on yourself either.” He shook his head, leaning against the bar counter. Only two other people were in the restaurant of note, and both were eating alone in their respective corners.
“Nah, still got a few more hours in here. Hopefully it’ll be stopped by then.” It seemed pretty late, and checking your phone, it was well into dinner time. He responded quickly when you commented on it.
"Yeah, manager has me here late because it's the weekend." Glancing around the small restaurant once again you noticed it's overall slow business, and wondered why the manager hadn't just taken the hint and closed up shop. 
"Believe me, I wish he would. More than welcome to keep me company here if you want to wait out the rain," He gestured with a thumb to the bay windows in the front, which indeed had rain beginning to trickle down them. it was coming down faster and faster, water pooling in the dips and cracks of the sidewalk. You also saw something else, and scowled. 
Of course he'd show up now, it's like he could sense you having a nice, normal conversation. 
Turning away from the window you looked back at the man, smiling and taking in a deep breath at the good smelling bag of food beneath your nose. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea to eat here instead in good company, who just told you his name while leaning against the counter. You gave him yours; Placing your bag of food on your thighs and holding it against your stomach. 
"You are wasting your time, little one."
Unable to resist a glance around, you didn't see Khonshu anywhere close by. It was just his voice. Ignoring it and continuing to talk, the man was in the middle of telling you about trying another thing on the menu when suddenly a few bottles fell over off the shelf behind him. It startled him enough, and Khonshu spoke again as he leaned over to pick them back up.
Of course he was going to throw a temper tantrum, just because you ignored him once. 
"And here I thought you wouldn't have Jake's indignant attitude rub off on you."
He's awfully one to talk; Given you weren't the one who was blowing around bottles of liquor because someone wasn't talking to you. 
Wrapping your arms tighter around your takeout, the cashier still hadn't seemed to realized you weren't fully paying attention, and you tried to catch up on what he was talking about. Just as you did however, you suddenly felt a jolt of coldness against your shoulder, causing you to almost jump up from your barstool. 
"You alright?" He looked concerned, eyes darting around your upper body as if looking for something wrong. You quickly shook your head, giving a nervous smile and rubbing your face. 
“Oh no no sorry, It's just really cold in here and I got a bit of a shiver.” Already having almost made a fool of yourself once you decided to just head back home, before your food got cold. Or Khonshu made you an even bigger idiot. Sliding off the bar stool and taking your bag with you, brushing against your thigh, you quickly pushed open the door and scurried out onto the sidewalk, throwing a quick goodbye behind you.
The rain was still coming down and only increasing, pulling the hood of your coat up to try and minimize how soaked you were going to get. You didn't mind rain, at least when you were nice and tucked up inside with some hot food; Not out in the rain, pissed off because of Khonshu. With clenched fists you walked past a few random passersbys, and once you were clear of anyone:
"Khonshu. Khonshu!"
You began muttering in the hopes to summon him, taking the first left turn you could find into a small alleyway. There was awnings and air conditioning units overhead, stopping the rain enough that only a few droplets could hit your coat. Once you were far enough down that it was quite noticeably darker, you turned around and as expected; Khonshu appeared moments later. He was standing fully upright and well towered over you; Noticing that the raindrops were either unable to moisten the linen wraps covering his body, or they were phasing right through him.
"You should know better than to speak a gods name in vain."
Of course that's what he's on about, completely ignoring how angry you were at him. “Khonshu! Can you just stop! Am I not allowed to just talk to another person in peace!” Leaning down in a quick jerk that long curled beak came incredibly close to your nose, but you held firm as his deep voice wrapped around you in the cramped alleyway. "Do not try and lie to me! You know well that your goal is not conversation!”
When you muttered a ‘so what?’, the god’s shoulders tensed underneath linen wraps. He leaned back up, fingers flexing around his staff. The god quickly responded, either not noticing or not caring that you clearly weren't looking for an answer. “Because you are a Priestess of the Moon! And you are well beyond dealing with a man below your ken.”
You raised your eyebrows and gestured your hands outward. It was obvious to you that there was more to this whole thing than him just being upset his newly sworn priestess-if you could really call yourself that, you'd hardly done anything you thought deserved such an stuffy title-was having a normal conversation, with another normal human. Crossing your arms, you rolled you eyes and lamented. Your food was going to be ice cold now when you got back. “And pray tell, who isn’t below my ken?” You held firm, but when his staff’s base hit the ground as he took a forward step, you leaned back. You spit out your next sentence before you could really process what you meant by it, looking away to a brick wall to your left. It was covered in graffiti and advertisements; All surely out of date. “You?” A god well into a meter taller than you leaned back down, beak just brushing past your face. And while you stood firm, you couldn't quite keep your eyes looking right at him darting around while you licked your lips. You hadn't meant to say that, at least not out loud. “You may think you’re being snide little one, but I know quite well whose name you think of when you’re alone under the moon; And it isn’t any of theirs.” 
Your lips pursed trying to keep your face firm and not spout anything else, as Khonshu raised back to his full height. You'd hoped he hadn't caught caught those; Thoughts that turned into sounds you mistakenly let pass your lips when you were alone in bed with wandering hands. But this wasn’t about that, this was about Khonshu’s constant butting into your personal life, even if it served no purpose than to annoy you. You always did everything he had demanded of you, and then some, he was just being an irritant. You cleared your throat and breathed harshly through your nose, struggling not to get angrier.
Unable to find many other words after he divulged your own secret to you, lips pursed and you again looked to the brick wall of the building beside you.
“Dammit Khonshu, just leave. Go pester someone else, will you?” Hands bunched into fists you had little care of demanding the god to begone from your sight; Even if he seemed quite displeased by it. Though within seconds he vanished, smoke departing with the wind as you stood in the entrance of the alleyway; Now finally alone.
Khonshu had been absent for the next few days, leaving you to live life largely uninterrupted. You’d nary seen even his silhouette in the distance, when you’d glanced around looking for it. You wouldn't lament over it; If anything, you were glad to have a few days completely free of his pestering. 
Having left from work awhile back and gotten a warm meal for dinner, you decided to head back home, taking a brightly lit shopping street back. It was slightly longer than your normal route, but it was a bit more lively, and you could browse the various shops as you walked. It had been a decently bit since you'd been shopping, spending to long cramped up inside your apartment in dirty shirts and sweatpants hovering over dusty scrolls. You hadn't exactly desired the homebody life outright, but you'd been leaning into it a bit too much recently. Solace was nice, but maybe a new pair of sweatpants not covered in soot from your projects would be nice too.
Passing by storefront after storefront, most of them failed to have anything that interested you enough to delay going home and stop inside.
Apart from one the last ones on the street however, which in it’s display window had a beautiful piece of lingerie dressed on the mannequin. You stopped and glanced over it after it had caught the corner of your eye, stepping forward and out of the main path of the sidewalk. It was a sheer gown, soft white with lace accents. If you put it on the bottom hem would surely pool around your feet, covering most of your body but at the same time, leaving little to the imagination.
It reminded you almost of priestess robes, but of a far more sensual variety. Long sleeves went all the way down to the wrist, cuffed at the end with a delicate lace. You hummed and admired it, before glancing at the shop's front door. If Khonshu was going to act like he was an angry, spitefully jealous lover, you might as well just go all the way.
The bell chimed as you opened the door, stepping inside. Behind the mannequin laid folded versions of the same outfit, and you grabbed your size before pulling out your wallet. The cashier paid you not much mind beyond the basic formalities, clearly on the last few hours of her shift.
You paid and quickly left, tugging your coat closer to your body small bag on in your hand as the evening chill proved slightly colder than normal.
It wasn’t a far walk from where you’d been shopping to your apartment, walking inside the main building and taking the lift up. It was the same routine as you’d done a million times before, but for some reason your heart was thumping and your throat was tight, even as you unlocked your front door and slipped inside; Throwing your shoes in the corner and coat on the coathook.
Inside you threw your things on the couch apart from your shopping bag, taking that with you into your bedroom. You’d eaten enough for dinner when you were out earlier, leaving you open for the rest of the night.
Crumpling up the receipt and throwing it away, you pulled the lingerie out of the bag and laid it on your bed.
Under the soft light from your windows it almost seemed to shine, having a tiny amount of sparkle woven in the threads. You hadn’t noticed it when you’d bought it, but it was a detail you quickly loved.
It also only increased your desire to try it on, eventually giving in and slipping your pants down to your ankles. With them went your underwear as well, leaving you completely nude as you tossed your shirt into the laundry basket. You'd forgotten flick the bedroom light on, but there was still a decent amount of light from your window that you didn't feel the need to.
Slipping on the soft pair of lace underwear that came with the dress they laid softly against your skin, almost as loose and flowing as the dress itself. Which you pulled the main slip over your head and let it fall down to the floor, only a few loose seams giving the shape of any sort of bra. Other than that it laid completely flowing against your body, and would surely billow outward in every direction if you were to twirl about. And with the sleeves coming down to your wrist being loose and delicate with soft lace, it felt far more comfortable than any of the other sorts of lingerie you'd seen in shop windows or advertisements. 
The bottom hem tickling the top of your feet as you walked, taking a look in the full body mirror in the corner of the room.
It looked good, damn good, well worth the money you’d spend on it. The soft amount of glitter seemed to shine even brighter now that it was laid out properly, just enough to catch you eye but not distract. 
Reaching down to twirl a bit of the skirt around your finger, you saw the curtains surrounding your open window billow inward from a harsh gust of wind through the window. Just afterwards, you heard the voice you expected to hear.
“New attire, little one?”
After five days now he finally shows himself, standing just behind you as you watched him in the reflection of the mirror. You’d long since gotten used to his sudden appearances, swallowing each and every gasp of surprise at times when he managed to startle you.
His voice sounded distinctly displeased, but also curious. He had let out a one note scoff afterwards, as neither of you had yet budged on the topic you’d left open. He seemed to think you'd have mellowed on it in the few days he'd left you alone; But judging by your stern look even through the mirror, this was one of the rare times he was wrong.
thought you noted that it wasn’t often Khonshu would be visible and not speaking, standing behind you in silence. Once you turned around, you couldn’t help but be just a little surprised at his noticeable change in posture as you looked right at him. He could see your eyes looking up at him, even in the darkness of the room.
“Do you like it?” Khonshu’s head tilted only slightly, his drastic height difference to you making him able to see all of you at once. His fingers flexed around the hilt of his staff, while you watched his body language. You were expectant, hiding any hint of nervousness behind the fact that you didn't care how he thought. Even if you actually did, eyes glancing up and down him once. He adjusted his posture just a bit, head turning but still looking at you.
It was hard not to wither under his gaze, even more so as his voice was coated in a syrup you’d never heard before. “You think you can seduce a god?”
The open window pushed in a cool breeze, chilling your skin and cooling the heat of your face. The corners of your mouth twitched just barely, breaking the seal of your pursed lips with the softest pop.
“I can try.” Khonshu's shoulders noticeably relaxed, before his fingers slowly loosened around his staff. It fell backwards, softly landing on your bed. Afterwards Khonshu sat down on said bed as well, the frame taking a sizable dip under his weight. It was one of the first times you’d actually be at somewhat equal height as him, unblinking as he looked over you. You had since turned around from the mirror, watching him and only taking one glance at your open window.
“Come here.” You stepped closer, the thin fabric sliding over your thighs as you stood right in front of where he was sitting. When he was seemingly unsatisfied by you standing between his knees, you had to hike your skirt up, it pooling around your knees as you struggled onto the bed with his hand tugging at your wrist. Khonshu sat legs slightly spread along the edge of your bed, watching as you now sat upon his lap. Even in your own bedroom, he almost seemed to make it his as you kneeled on the bed in his shadow. It almost felt like you were judged worthy or unworthy, laid bare like this before him.
“Your god is the only one who can tame this in you.”
You wouldn’t deny the idea, though you also wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of agreeing with it. Fingers softly grazed over the sheer fabric, watching it wrap but not hide your skin underneath. “I will make you want for no other touch than my own.”
His hands were already trailing up your sides, along the dip of your waist. There wasn't much in keeping things from him anymore, swallowing as you felt his hands underneath the slip against against the small of your back, curled around your waist. “I already do, Khonshu.”
Pushing the thin fabric of your slip up higher, it went over your hips and bunched just above your ass. Once it was, large hands slipped between your skin and the lace of your underwear, the sides interwoven between his fingers gently encouraging them off. It took a little movement on your part, but you managed to get them down your thighs, tossing them on the bed not far from where his staff laid abandoned. Linen wraps soft against your skin, one hand stayed grasping your hip and bottom, while the other started straying away. Each movement left trails of firing nerves, hands against his chest flexing as the tip of his index and pointer finger slid downward into the dip between your thigh and groin. When your hips moved in response, trying to push into him more, he stilled for a moment and scolded you.
They stayed only for a moment before moving again, softly grazing over your outer lips with the slightest pressure. No matter which way you moved your hips, he would always drift away just enough to keep it the same, only just slipping between your folds. Ever so softly dragging one finger in-between it was a merciless tease, just brushing against you. 
The bed creaked in response of you moving, groaning under weight it wasn't meant to handle as your body writhed.
You pursed your lips; Bit them, trying to contain a long moan as finally one long finger slid between soaked folds and inside your heated cunt, only for a second to follow not long behind. They moved slowly but consistent, his other hand on your hip keeping you from moving and writhing away under him. It left you almost frozen; Unable to move away but also move closer, hips wanting to twitch forward as his fingers curled inside of you. Hearing him speak it was softer than he normally was, but still held his confident, assertive tone.
“My beautiful Priestess of the Moon; Tell me, how does it compare?” 
You knew what he was referring to, your own touch not having a chance against his.
Hands gripping the bandages against his chest tight you bit your lip, his large palm rubbing against your clit as his fingers moved. You didn't answer him, letting out a sigh that only just barely overtook the wet sounds echoing in your bedroom; Your thighs slick. His other hand slowly trailed down your skin until it slowly pulled away, it leaving trails of sensation underneath your skin even after it was gone. It did however brush against the inside of your thigh for but a moment, but you were far too distracted to memorize every limb. 
You could barely keep track of your own; Grasping for balance as his body loomed over you. 
The whole rest of the room and everything beyond it seemed to fade into obscurity, only the two of you as his fingers slipped from you only to be replaced by his cock rubbing against your thigh. Back and forth you moved your hips to try and grind against him, both adjusting your own bodies against each other silently until you let out a shaky sigh as he slowly pressed just inside of you.
Fingers slipping between layers of frayed wrappings as you grabbed his shoulders, slowly lowering down onto him. His own hands curled tighter around the backs of your thighs, torso leaning down until you could feel the tip of his beak just barely grazing your shoulder blades. As your body raised up and down it wobbled the bed enough that Khonshu's staff, long since forgotten, rolled down and knocked against the foot of the metal bed frame; Getting stuck between it and the mattress.
You might've hated to admit it, to give Khonshu the gratification of it; That with the feeling of his cool touch against your skin, his body pressed against you looming over you as he stretched you wider than you'd ever felt before, it was doubtful anyone else could make you feel this way. 
"F-Fuck, Khonshu," The only response you got back was a chuckle, almost a whisper in your ear. 
Laying your forehead against his chest your eyes threatened to flutter closed, raising up and down in his lap. Knees bunching the blankets as you tried to keep yourself upright, Khonshu's hands gripped your thighs harder, moving for you when your own body failed you. They also kept you close, almost suffocatingly so. 
"So little required to make you loose that sharp tongue of yours."
You couldn't glare at him, not from this angle; So instead you gave a smack to his shoulder. It didn't serve to much, but it wasn't like you'd meant much by it either.
When you could no longer keep up with the pace he wanted Khonshu finally stopped entertaining you with a feeling of control, gripping your ass with an almost painful amount; Fingers digging into the softness of your body. Instead he slid your hips up and down his cock far more than you would've been able to on your own, thighs sliding farther apart over his lap as your muscles gave up. With hands gripping tighter against his shoulders nails digging in you moaned, loud enough that if you hadn't muffled it against his chest. But it was getting harder and harder to swallow up moans like that; With Khonshu filling you more than you'd even been before, upper thighs slick. 
You would've doubted your windows were open if it were not for the breeze, as the room felt hot and suffocating in the pocket of air surrounding you. It had you raking your hair from against your forehead, before sliding it down between your bodies. You were so close, Khonshu's beak brushing against your skin. Your own fingers pressing against your clit your thighs tensed, moaning against tightly pressed lips. 
You were absolutely without a doubt going to be sore in the morning, letting out the shakiest moan against Khonshu's chest as you finally came; Tight around him like a vice. He still moved your hips even through it almost to the point of it being too much, only when your hand tightened and you started to sound pained did he slow to a stop. Long, slow breaths coming from your mouth you came down slowly from your high, body feeling limp. At least your new slip was still in good shape, not a single tear in the sheer fabric. You would've been quite upset if there was, but it looked still brand new, apart from wicking the tiny bit of dew from your heated skin.
Forehead still against his chest your heart stopped thumping so hard against your sternum, and you were finally able to catch your breath. You didn't make any attempt to move, however. Khonshu's head raised up more so he was looming over you less, watching the sheer fabric against your arms as you moved them away from his shoulders. He appeared largely unphased, the bastard, watching as you gathered yourself in his lap and slid off of him.
"I presume you've learned your lesson?"
If it had been Khonshu's goal to teach you something, then you were pretty sure you didn't learn a single thing. Or you now learned the exact opposite moral of what he'd been trying to show.
Sighing, you trailed your hands against his chest before leaning away a little.
"I'm tired, is what I learned." You slid off his body and onto the bed, letting out a large breath. Rolling to lay more on the bed, you adjusted to in a more normal manner. Somewhat at least, as you were still somewhat diagonal. Khonshu had since retrieved his staff, standing at the side of your bed largely unmoving, other than the wisps of his once cape floating in an invisible breeze.
"Then sleep. Your other thoughts can wait till the morning."
He stepped forward, even as you sighed and laid your head back against the pillow. You wouldn't complain against a good night's rest, especially after the amount of late nights you'd been pulling. As well as now feeling sore, Khonshu having put your body through quite the wringer. 
It only seemed like a second after he had brushed a hand over your forehead, you were completely asleep.
When you woke up you stared at the ceiling for a moment, mind and body still turning on before you finally decided to sit up. Once you did your body groaned in displeasure, aching as you slouched over. The sun was bright and pouring through the window you'd left open, clearly getting close to midday. You must've slept in, slowly turning until your feet touched the hardwood floor. It was cold as you walked, pushing your hair from your face and going into the bathroom. You still had your new slip on, but it hadn't seemed to gain any wrinkles after you'd slept in it. Looking in the mirror you noticed your overall state, messy and showing that the night before hadn't been just some incredibly detailed dream. You pulled and adjusted your clothing after noticing something, turning in the mirror to have a closer look.
Blooming bruises and scratches from rough linens were spread across your skin; The after-affects of laying with a god.
You wouldn't regret it, that's to say for sure. Though you did wonder where Khonshu was. Normally he wasn't around much at all during the day, not even speaking in your head, but after last night, you had maybe hoped he would stick around. 
A bath might've been something to consider, if the tub wasn't currently overtaken by a current project; Some old artifacts you were in the process of cleaning. They required a gentle hand, and honestly you didn't feel like pulling them all out just for a quick soak. 
Going back into your bedroom you pulled off the sheer slip, grabbing a hanger and putting it on before putting it in your closet. Slipping into comfortable clothes and leaving the bedroom, you could hear your neighbors doing something loud already next door. Rolling your eyes at the sound of something thumping in the neighboring apartment, you decided to make yourself something to drink. But the kettle was on a high shelf, forcing you on your toes to reach up and get it. The soreness in your back complained, a soft bruise probably there. You managed to just barely nudge the kettle handle with your fingers closer unto you could grab it, filling it and rubbing the sort spot on your back. You heard the telltale sounds of movement behind you, but continued filling the kettle with water anyways.
"It is quite easy to forget how fragile humans truly are."
You didn't miss a beat in responding to him, turning the burner up to high as you placed the kettle on it. You adjusted the raised hem of your shirt, presumably how he saw the light bruising.
"They'll fade in a few days. Nothing's broken, at least." Khonshu hummed, unreadable. You however let out a breathy chuckle while leaning against the counter.
"Don't tell me now you're starting to grow a heart, Khonshu." Once more the god mumbled something about your indignant attitude, though made no real effort to scold you for it. Still waiting for the kettle to whistle you suddenly heard your phone start to ring, bare feet pattering on the floor as you jogged to your desk to grab it. Snatching it up and turning around, Khonshu was gone; At least physically. 
Though you could hear his discontented noise as you glanced at your phone, seeing the name on the caller id. 
"Oh relax, it's just Jake." 
"That does little in the way of reassuring that you'll not find some sort trouble." 
There was a sweatshirt flung over the back of your couch, grabbing it and throwing it on while you grabbed your keys and wallet and answering the call just before it ended. While do did, you decided to also fish out a thermos from the cabinets, pouring your newly made tea into that instead of a mug. 
"Way to leave someone in suspense," You rolled your eyes and took a sip of your hot tea, even if he couldn't see it.
"I'll be there in a minute, I'm on my way out the door right now." Jake hated talking on the phone, and largely just used it so he tell you he wanted to meet. It didn't look like it was raining outside so you didn't need your umbrella, double checking you had everything for a trip across town. Khonshu was standing by the door as you went for it, turning the knob while he looked down at you with his arms crossed.
"Can my avatar truly not do something alone and requires you? 
Of course he's already back on this jealousy streak now, even after everything. Or he could just be irritated at Jake which wouldn't be out of the question, but given the current track record...
"Can it, Khonshu." Khonshu let out an indignant scoff as you went out the door, turning around to close it behind you. He was now leaning against the opposite side of the same wall, but now leaned off it more as he spoke to you angrily. 
"Just because you have my favor does not mean you can be belligerent!" 
"Oh, I have favor? How sweet~" You could hear Khonshu complaining in your head as you locked your apartment door, tugging the strings of your sweatshirt tighter as you walked down the hall.
"Incorrigible. Perhaps I should have picked someone different." Pressing the button for the lift, you stood in the middle and and adjusted the top of your pants so they were more comfortable, as they had been pressing against a blossoming bruise.
"That would involve someone else having the patience to deal with you, my Moon God." Khonshu didn't speak up again; Though, you did hear his distinctive grumbling.
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