#but honestly out of curiousity I’ve watched some tarot readings on YouTube that are verifying what I’m feeling
rinnysega · 2 years
Halloween ask 🎃
🔮 have you ever been to a psychic?
🎃 have you ever carved a pumpkin?
Yes! My most recent creation is on my blog! Not very cute, but it's nice to just spend time with my wife
🔮 have you ever been to a psychic?
I haven't actually! But it's funny you bring it up because lately in part of focusing on my happiness and mental health, I've been doing a lot of meditation, learning to be mindful, and part of that has been tapping into my intuition and dreams when I feel certain signs and messages are being delivered from the universe, and I've started expressing more with friends about when I feel things are off or when I have that funny feeling something is going on. Some things are precise right down to the week they happen, and it's been interesting to see play out. This sounds so pretentious I feel, but based on intuition on just my emotions alone, I've predicted certain things that have happened, and I've talked to a friend of mine who thinks I could be a good intuitive tarot reader. So this season, I bought myself a deck and started learning! We'll see how it goes, but the question made me think of that, so I wanted to get it out there. Your girl is learning tarot~
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