#but hnnng i am sooo excited for that *one* moment i could diiiie
the-ninja-legacy-whip · 4 months
How often does everyone use swear words?
Kai and Cole: Without thinking, and especially when worked up. Thus, very often.
Jay and Nya: When under stress/When directly agitated. Thus, occasionally, but not nearly as flippantly as Kai and Cole.
Zane and Lloyd: They try to keep it in their heads. Thus, not very often (but not never)
Olivia and Harleigh: Born to swear. Thus, every chance they get.
Jesse: Has one free pass to say 'SURPRISE, BITCH' at a very pivotal moment, and then never again. Thus, only swears for optimal impact.
Miranda: Doesn't really swear, but says some pretty fucked up stuff sometimes, which is almost worse.
Antonia and Harumi: Swear, but only under their breath
Sunni: Has never uttered even a 'fudge' in her life-
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