#but his spirit surely is gigachad
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Sarharion, everybody
#dark rise#dark rise memes#dark rise shitposting#anharion#sarcean#Sarcean isn't lithe as a fish enough#but his spirit surely is gigachad
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extremely bewildering to me that people think silva is like. a good dad. obviously due to the talk he and killua have about never betraying friends. and its like... people see that scene in isolation and think "wow killuas dad is such a gigachad" and never reevaluate this opinion based on information we get later
like almost immediately after silva freeing killua from the family dungeon we see him do a sinister laugh about how one day killua will return because, essentially, he knows him better than he knows himself. and then later we find out that silva was totally aware that killua was being magically brainwashed to abandon his friends in moments of mortal peril. all with the usual zoldyck family backdrop of brutal dehumanization and torture
and its like.... did you not catch any of that? am i going crazy? because silva is so deliberately using kikyos obsession with killua to play good cop/bad cop and weaponize his compassion so that when illumis needle eventually causes him to leave gon to die killua will feel so ashamed not only for doing that at all but also for breaking the promise he made to his dad whom he loves. and that broken promise will make him return, spirit broken, for atonement in the way killua has done many times on a smaller scale. but sure. i guess silva giving killua permission to leave his own house is a gigachad move
#sorry this just bugs me so much because i feel like its important to understanding what the hell is going on in that household#bc so many people will be like oh the mom is the problem. his dad is chill. and its like UR BEING TRICKED#U FELL FOR IT#heliichats#hxh
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So after a bit of confusion from the announcer we get our opponent, and I shit you not it’s the fucking DEMIGOD HIMSELF SAMUEL, and at this point I know in my heart, he’s trapped down here somehow, I need to face my brother to become him, if I want to avenge him, our father, our village, our six wives five husbands and assorted creature lovers, I have to kill him and become the real Samuel. So we start combat hot to trot and I open up with the biggest shit I know because a) this is fucking SAMUEL I just saw him, as me, slay MILLIONS of foes I need to come out the gate swinging and I do just that, immediately hitting three near back to back crits over the course of three rounds dealing nearly 400 damage in total and this absolute MOUNTAIN of a man is STILL FUCKIGN SMILING AT ME, he comes swinging at me too and if it weren’t for my armor of hexes giving me a top of a d6 chance to just tel him he didn’t hit me actually (the crits might have been more flashy but honestly I think the real god luck here was that I didn’t roll below a 4 on a d6 like 8 times in a row that was hot as FUCK of me) all the while zoulma is throwing debuffs and bones of the earth at him and this fucking HYPERION is having absolutely none of it, so once he realizes that he can’t hit me even though just grazing me with one of the *aoes from his fucking sword* did near 40 points of damage, I am not playing fair (honestly fair but) and that I should take it off and I, while maybe not in the true spirit of samueldom, like to be in a singular piece and not bisected so I tell him “no l0l” at which point he decides to switch targets to zoulma and while I might be dodge tanking luck bullshitting my way through this session let me fuckign tell you zoulmas player is the real fuckign gamer here because he, using his spore magic, has zoulma take well over 300 damage on temp hp and a dream (he’s always had horrible luck when it comes to our dms campaigns so he knows how to build a character like a ROACH) and at this point we make a joke about zoulmas spores being nanomachines and this starts the beginning of the end because even though he’s pulling out some shidokan iai ass bullshit and teleporting the fuck behind us for massive damage even though I burned all my spell slots pumping damage into him a long time ago I’m still doing like 50 a round to him and zoulmas wised up to his potions (which I’m almost certain he got from father which made me tear up a little because omg he’s just like me frfr if we weren’t pitted against each other we’d be brothers) and had started using chill touch to make sure he can’t heal, so I’m a last ditch effort he teleports directly behind zoulma, sinks his claymore in her back, and tells her to tell me to drop my hex on him and she tells him that father would be proud of him, and he just goes ballistic because this entire time we’ve been talking like “we are you” which I assume he thought nothing of before but now it turns out we know a TON about his life and he goes BALLISTIC and honestly I think if zoulma had done this any differently we’d be dead, but after that he *splits himself in two* and starts fighting both of us at the same time and I just KNOW we’re in the end game so I decided to go for a sacrifice play we can’t afford zoulma going down so I drop my hex and tell him to hit me with his best shot, and immediately take a 200 crit to the face knocking me out instantly, but zoulmas our healer so she immediately brings me right back up, and Samuel takes offense to this so he immediately sends a lightning bolt at her, BUT one of zoulmas zombies from the earlier round pulls out a GIGACHAD move and bites the bullet for her, buying us incredibly precious hp as I don’t think she would have survive a full round of attacks, but at this point we’re both in single digit hp so I essentially hit her with “last mag Ramirez make it count, and pump my last two shots into him without even moving, knowing damn well we’re both dead if we don’t kill this round, and she clutches it with a final moonbeam, sealing our victory.
Had our first dnd sesh in a while and good lord Jesus Christ holy shit what the fuck
It starts out with me going into the sewer because the city is on lockdown and while I might be a badass they have an antimagic field around this bitch and I do not think I can take a small platoon of robopaladins guarding the gate, so I go into the murky depths in one part “this is my best chance at not getting megalynched for being undead” (both megalynchings and being undead are normal for the setting) and my deuteragonist is entering from the opposite side (trying to get in) and I’m not a fuckign square who makes the dm work for story beats. So the first encounter of the night kinda paints a picture of how it’s gonna go, in that I get spotted while blasting open a sewer grate with my gun because I’m a rabbitperson pipsqueak and even if I’m a vampire I’m not moving a grate the size of me (it’s on me for not making the vamps stats higher, if it makes you feel any better both charisma and dexterity are maxed out) but I make up for that by, after some mild antics involving me pretending to be a scared child and falling down the hole with the robopaladin who came to check on the blasting noise, ended with me gunbutting his head off rock em sock em style with a crit (if that sounds bullshit to you just wait cause it was a massive hot night for me). After a bunch if rp I won’t get into because let’s be real playing elder scrolls arena irl is just as interesting as it is playing it unironically, we end up in a cabin with a blind man and end up convincing him (more like he convinced us to play along but) that we were his long dead son who had learned to split himself and also received head trauma so we didn’t remember our own fathers name (before we start feeling things for this guy I wanna make it perfectly clear, we got to this cabin through a creepy tunnel in the sewers with bodies fused into the walls and upon entering he immediately addressed me as Samuel even though my character is a small girl so I’m thinking he might be cursed) but the thing is this guy is a SERIOUS alchemist and he refuses to lose his son to something trivial like a little head trauma, so he brews up a potion TO GIVE US ALL OF SAMUELS MEMORIES, and let me tell you this dude was a hydra killing Omni sexual time magic having claymore wielding badass whose final memory was seemingly getting cut down in battle protecting the village that presumably this old man lives(lived?) in, and when we take the potion it was like we were living his life so both of these two undead adventures believe in part that they are Samuel and even though this is our first time meeting we both agree that we have to find the guy that killed us and kick his ass- but first our father informs us that ghast (the main antagonist of the storyish he’s also kinda my homie but also not because I was his creators (old and powerful necromacer who harassed us the entire first campaign) babysitter but regardless he’s a murderhoboing douchebag and if he knows where our father is he isn’t safe, so we take the key he offered us to help us powerlevel (the dm said I was right when I essentially called it the trial of the master sword) where we had to go down a 10 mile tube (zoulma my oomfie is a Druid so once we figured out the gimmick was unnecessary after getting riddled with holes it was essentially just a three hour cruise to the bottom) and then we’re immediately given the setting equivalent of a full rest in a bottle and told “get ready chucklefucks”, so we’re spirited out of the room and into an arena where we’re told we gotta fight three rounds (Btw they know our names and who we are even though neither of us are particularly famous), the first one is skeletons which we ofc crush, the second one is three bulette where I open the round by ripping one of them in half turn one followed by zoulma charming one of the two remaining ones to kill the other, at which point we are like “this is gonna be easy” so when they tell us we have six options for the last round i sight unseen say “we’re gonna take number four” (this story will continue in the reblogs sorry for this being so long)
#Jesus Christ this is fucked up#part three coming ig :/#tbf we turned in at 5 am for this but still#(our sessions have almost never gone past 2 before)
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