#but his lack of experience gives him unique strengths. like he's more forgiving and trusting. DCAU Clark has spent too much time with Bruce.
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iholli · 1 year ago
literally I just want to give MAWS Clark a hug can we give this man a break please he's baby
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 5 years ago
Just ONE more...until I think of yet another question I'm dying to ask you a few minutes from now! What do you see as Buffy's greatest traits and worst flaws? Angel's greatest traits and worst flaws? In what ways (assuming they were human) do you see them as compatible? In what ways do think they're similar to each other, and what are their complementary differences? What jobs do you think they'd have as humans? What would they each be like as parents? What would they do in their spare time?!
Buffy’s greatest traits and worst flaws
Buffy is a very complex character with so many strengths, but equally, many flaws. Without a doubt her greatest strengths are her resillience and inner-strength. No matter what life throws at her she seems to have an incredible ability to keep moving forward. Even after Joyce’s death - which is undoubtedly one of the greatest tragedies anyone in this world will face - she’s able to compartmentalise in order to take responsbility of the household and step up to be a parental figure for Dawn when she’s still a child herself. Not to mention that she dies and is resurrected and somehow manages to find a way to keep going. What strikes me about Buffy is that even when she’s clearly struggling mentally and emotionally she never wallows in self pity. She accepts that the world is unfair and cruel and that everybody suffers in different ways and she does the best she can to carry on. Her other strengths include her leadership, confidence, determination and decisiveness. In every situation she finds herself in, Buffy is able to make tough decisions for herself and others. She never shies away from the responsibilities that go with being the Slayer, she owns it. She’s the one that everybody looks to when shit hits the fan and that’s a huge burden, but she never treats it as one despite feeling that way deep down inside. It takes so much courage to be able to make hard and fast decisions, particularly when those decisions impact the people around you, but Buffy does it all the time. Her morality is also a strength of Buffy’s. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and although that view can sometimes be a little bit too black and white, she is never afraid to stand up and fight for what she believes is right no matter what it takes. Once again, that takes great courage. Speaking of courage, the courage and bravery Buffy has is staggering. Even when she’s afraid she doesn’t let it show, she always goes into a fight ready and raring to go. She’s also incredibly loyal and although she has a strong belief in justice, she has an ability to forgive others even when they sometimes aren’t necessarily deserving of her forgiveness.
As for her flaws, they’re very much the flip-side of her strengths. Her resillience and inner-strength can sometimes lead to her being emotionally unavailable and closed off. Her way of dealing with the responsibility of being the Slayer and the trauma, depression, grief and other powerfully negative emotions she faces is to isolate herself, shut away her feelings and focus on tasks. This means that she often doesn’t process or deal with her emotions in a healthy way resulting in her taking it out on others, or more commonly taking it out on herself (this is particularly the case in season 6). The way she would shut herself off emotionally also sometimes led to her not being perceptive of how others around her were feeling and being insenstive or dismissive of them. Simirlarly, her leadership and confidence means that she can be condescending and belittle the opinions and knowledge of others, believing that she’s superior. Sometimes her confidence can drift over to arrogance and she can’t always admit when she’s wrong or take the advice of others. Statements such as “There’s only me. I am the law” really show that. Furthermore, her decisiveness and leadership means that she sometimes makes decisions for others that aren’t hers to make or she doesn’t take the feelings of others into consideration as much as she should. Her courage and bravery can occassionally transform into recklessness and impulsivity whereby she throws herself into potentially harmful situations with little regard for her well-being.
Angel’s greatest traits and worst flaws
Angel’s greatest traits are definitley his compassion, dedication and selflessness. Angel will lay his life on the line to save the life of anybody, whether it’s his son or a stranger that he’s just met. He is fiercely dedicated to helping others and is genuinely able to empathise and sympathise with people in order to provide that help. Because of the uniqueness of Angel as a vampire with a soul he has an inherent ability to empathise with people (despite the fact that he believes he’s disconnected from them), because he’s lived for so long, has such a wealth of life experience, has experienced the darkest parts of humanity as a soulless demon and now feels the pure emotion that comes from having a soul. He’s able to see the good in everybody and to remain open-minded and non-judgemental in order to understand people’s lives, motivations and feelings. Despite how much good he does, he’s very humble and never seeks fame, glory or praise. There’s a lot to be said for the fact that every person Angel helps he does so because he wants to help. It’s that simple. He doesn’t do it because of some ulterior motive, it’s completely selfless. I mean, this is a man(pire) that was willing to die fighting an unwinnable battle. Angel is also a great leader, but in a very different way from Buffy. Angel isn’t a self-elected leader, he’s a natural leader that his friends look to because they trust his judgement and have faith in his decisions and ability to lead. Angel doesn’t assume responsibility because he believes he has the authority, power or skill to do so more than anybody else, he does it because that’s what his friends expect of him. As a result of this, he’s able to listen to the advice of his friends and even delegate responsibility, letting them to take the lead sometimes. This is all part of Angel’s kindness and ability to see the good in everyone. Angel has an ability to inspire and motivate those around him based purely on his actions and philosophy. He’s able to bring characters like Faith, Cordy, Wes, Gunn and Fred - all of whom felt disconnected, lonely, unappreciated and had very little self-belief when he first met them - and transform their perception of themselves. With Angel’s mission statement and leadership to provide them with direction and his care and support, they were all able to come into their own and hone their strengths, skills and abilities (which hadn’t been acknowledged previously) to make a difference in the world.
In regards to his flaws, I’d say that he can be very depressive and pessimistic, which is only to be expected from a vampire with a soul. Sometimes he can be prone to falling into a dark spiral and when he starts that descent there’s very little that can stop him. A lot like Buffy, this can sometimes be part of him hitting self-destruct. Angel carries a lot of guilt and self-loathing for his past actions, and in the moments that that catches up to him he struggles to put things into perspective and acknowledge the person he is now and all of the good he’s doing. He also has a tendency to fixate on certain things which causes him to lose sight of the bigger picture. This happens at various points with Buffy, Darla, Cordelia, Connor, Lindsey W&H and Spike. A lot of the time I think this stems from his  persistent fear that threats to those he loves are lurking just around the corner and doom is imminent (which, to be fair to him, it’s usually true haha). Angel also lacks confidence in his own abilities and is too humble. Being humble can never really be a negative thing, but I think that in the context of Angel’s character he’s too hard on himself and doesn’t give himself as much credit as he should for all the good he does. He often diminishes the huge importance he plays in fighting the good fight and the impact he has on people’s lives. Similarly, But Angel’s most obvious flaw (if we can even refer to it as such) is Angelus. Soulless vampires are evil, plain and simple, but Angelus takes this to the extreme. He’s a callous, vindictive, cruel, merciless monster that takes pleasure in inflicting pain on others and exploiting their weaknesses. Although Angelus is an entirely different character, it has an impact on how Angel acts. He constantly lives in fear of Angelus returning and with the guilt of Angelus’ actions. This results in him having a huge amount of self-hatred which festers inside him no matter how much time passes and which he can never get past or forgive himself for. However, Angel’s understanding and acceptance of this part of himself actually makes this somewhat of a strength of his. He hates that side of himself and repeatedly tells his friends that if he’s ever to lose his soul again they should kill him immediately.
In what ways (assuming they were human) do you see Bangel as compatible?
This is a very tricky question to answer, because I genuinely struggle to imagine Buffy and Angel as humans. The supernatural is such a huge part of their lives and such a definitive aspect of their relationship that if you take that away they become entirely different people and their relationship transforms as a result. Ultimately, what brings them together is their shared sense of isolation which comes from them being the only one of their kind - Buffy being the Slayer and Angel being a Vampire with a Soul. In addition, their fight against supernatural bads and desire to help others is a mission they share which unites them. There’s not very much that Buffy and Angel bond over outside of this, no shared interests, hobbies or commonalities that could be considered “human” that I can think of. So, I apologise, but I actually don’t know how to answer this question!
In what ways do think Bangel are similar to each other, and what are their complementary differences?
They’re both leaders who take immense responsibility onto their shoulders and have an ability to bring people together, to motivate and inspire them. Emotionally, they share similiar feelings of loneliness and depression that come from the traumas they face, the pressure of being a leader and feeling disconnected from the world they fight to protect. They’re resillient and have an astounding amount of strength which enables them to go on even after the worst has happened - Buffy has to endure killing Angel, losing her mother, dying and being resurrected; Angel has to endure dying, going to a hell dimension and being resurrected, losing Buffy, watching the mother of his child die in front of his eyes, having his son kidnapped by his own best friend, losing his son to evil, the woman he loves being possessed and impregnanted by an evil entity, losing his son forever as he wipes his memory, losing Cordy and Fred. I could continue, but you get the point. Buffy and Angel are able to keep moving forward when anyone else would simply lie down on the ground and give up. On a lighter note, they’re both goofy and have this adorkableness that seems to pop up during the most random times.
As for their differences, they have a lot but I wouldn’t necessarily consider them complimentary. I’d say that Buffy’s extroversion makes for a good contrast to Angel’s introversion. Angel keeps Buffy grounded and centered, whilst Buffy’s free-spirit captures Angel. Angel is also more able to remain open-minded to the possibility that demons have a capacity for goodness, whilst Buffy is usually much quicker to condemn demons without considering that they may not always be wholly evil. This means that Angel is able to encourage Buffy to reconsider her black and white view on the world and to give chances to those she may not have naturally, and on the flip side, Buffy’s outlook can remind Angel that not everybody always deserves a second chance or has a capacity to redeem themselves and set themselves on the right path.
Besides this, I can’t really think of any differences they have that are complimentary. The main differences I see between them come from the fact that Angel is so much older than Buffy and has completely different experiences as a vampire. Ths means that his motivations and priorities are quite different from Buffy’s, despite them being dedicated to a similar cause. Although Buffy accepts being the Slayer and fulfils her duties, she’s resistant to it on more than one occassion and when an oppourutnity arises to create more Slayers so that she’s not the only one she does so because she doesn’t want to carry that burden of being the Chosen One. In comparison, Angel is a self-elected hero. He’s not pre-ordained or chosen, he willingly dedicates himself to helping the helpless because he believes that’s his calling and he wants to repent for his previous sins. In an ideal world, Buffy doesn’t want to be the Slayer, she wants to be an ordinary girl, but Angel wouldn’t willingly choose to be human even if it was offered to him on a silver platter (which it is in ‘I Will Remember You’). Buffy, despite being the Slayer, is a human girl who longs for the things that most human girls do; to hang out with her friends, have fun, go shopping, spend time with family, graduate, get a car, go on holiday and do everything else that young people do. Angel naturally doesn’t care about any of that. He doesn’t think in terms of his future or building a life like Buffy does, he lives for the here and now and works off the idea that he will do everything he can today to make his life count for something.
What jobs do you think Bangel would have as humans?
I think Angel would be a Private Investigator. I know this is a bit of a cop out, because he was a PI on AtS, but it’s exactly the sort of job that suits him. He needs something where he can actively be out in the world making a difference to people’s lives but where he has freedom to make his own decisions and take on his own cases. He also needs to have action in his life and to have independence. Although he works well with his friends on AtS, he isn’t the sort of guy that necessarily works well in a team, particularly if he’s forced to work with people that he doesn’t know very well.
Buffy would be in fashion. I don’t just say this because she has great fashion sense, but because she’s able to see the essence of people and I feel she would know exactly how to use fashion and image to project that to the outside world. I also think that a creative and vocational career where Buffy can use her hands and put her ideas into practice would suit her personality down to a T.
What would Bangel each be like as parents? What would they do in their spare time?!
Well, we saw Angel as a father and Buffy as a kind-of-mother to Dawn, but I suppose as a co-parenting team I’d imagine them to be fun-loving but over-protective parents. They would definitley teach their kids self-defence; Angel would encourage them to read books and go to the ballet and theatre and musuems to ensure they’re attuned to the world around them and culturally aware; Buffy would be the discplinarian because lets face it Angel is just a softie; they’d attend ice hockey games every weekend where Angel would embarass the kids by yellling out all the time; Angel would tell the worst dad jokes in the world; Buffy would always try to make things fun and take any oppourtunity she could to have a family barbeque, parties or celebration; they’d sit down to eat dinner together every evening and Angel would cook (because Buffy’s cooking skills only extend to cheese toasties); Buffy would be the cool hip parent that every parent at the school playground would admire and envy; Angel would take on the domestic duties like cleaning, washing clothes and cooking but the kids would have a strict chore schedule that they’d get pocket money for; Buffy would be incredibly affectionate always smothering the kids with hugs and kisses and beaming about how proud she is of them.
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stammiviktor · 7 years ago
for the DVD commentantary, from Take Strength, beginning with the sentence "They have their first argument as parents that night." to the one that starts "They don't resolve it that night..."
[this is for the DVD commentary fanfic ask game here. Send me an excerpt from any of my stories if you want to hear my thought process behind it!]
Ahhh thank you Rachel ily
(Link to the story here!)
They have their first argument as parents that night. It’s nothing big, really. After they put Michi to bed in the room at the end of the hall (completely renovated, ready for months for this very night), they argue in whispers because Viktor’s being too pushy and Yuuri’s being too distant and they can’t agree on how to approach a scared child who won’t talk to them.
I knew that if I was going to write a happy-fluffy fic about Viktor and Yuuri adopting a child, it couldn’t all be smooth-sailing from day one. Yuuri and Viktor are lovely and in love and they know each other so well, and they will make fantastic parents, but that doesn’t mean they automatically know what to do as parents or that they will agree on everything. Especially with Michi, who is already four years old and is going to present unique challenges to anyone setting out to love him and gain his trust, they aren’t going to necessarily approach him the same way.
“You can’t keep walking on eggshells around him, it’s not going to solve anything.”
Yuuri huffs. “So I should be more like you? You keep asking him questions when he obviously doesn’t want to talk!”
“It’s better than talking to each other like he’s not even there!”
Viktor and Yuuri have different instincts when faced with Michi’s reservation right after they bring him home. Viktor sees a quiet, scared boy and wants to reassure him by engaging him, asking questions and smiling as much as possible. Yuuri sees a quiet, scared boy and wants to reassure him by keeping a careful distance, not coming on too strong or getting in his personal space in a way that might spook him. Perhaps it’s his experience with anxiety, but he sees Michi getting overwhelmed and retreating into himself and he wants to help him by giving him time and space and comfort to relax, instead of getting in his face with questions and only making it worse.
Both of these are valid approaches, probably, and Viktor and Yuuri both think they have the correct approach, which is why they’re both annoyed when the other parent does the exact opposite. It threatens the vision they both have for progress.
Ultimately, Viktor and Yuuri both understand very well how difficult it is to let someone in, to let them love you and see you, and to trust that they will not leave. With Yuuri, Viktor broke down his walls with his smiles and effervescence and overall tendency toward touch. With Viktor, Yuuri broke down his walls by standing by him, listening to him, and loving Viktor fiercely for himself. They challenged one another. It’s not a completely perfect binary but it does reflect their styles, and these are the styles they try to use on Michi.
“He’ll come around. He needs to know we’re not going to push him—”
“Maybe we should push him! How else will he know we care? It’s just your anxiety making you afraid of saying the wrong thing, and—”
“This has nothing to do with my anxiety.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
They don’t resolve it that night, but they kiss each other before bed and Viktor curls his back against Yuuri’s chest like normal.
Yuuri here is trying to respect Michi’s boundaries. He sees Michi keeping his distance and doesn’t want to spook him or violate his emotional personal space, because that would set their relationship off all wrong.
But Viktor is frustrated because that’s not how he sees it. He thinks if they let Michi close himself off, if they don’t try to challenge him and coax him out from the beginning, he will get used to that as a new normal and see his new parents’ distance as a lack of desire to get any closer.
Viktor isn’t completely wrong to bring up Yuuri’s anxiety, I don’t think. Yuuri is nervous and he himself is retreating a bit. He’s holding back because he thinks it’s the right way to approach Michi, but also because he doesn’t trust himself to push in the right way without scaring Michi off.
But Yuuri gets defensive when Viktor brings up his anxiety because Yuuri’s anxiety is a medical condition that he can treat and mitigate but can’t control. Overall, his anxiety is irrational. Viktor waving Yuuri’s approach off as a result of his anxiety invalidates Yuuri’s (quite legitimate and logical) approach to their situation. I think Yuuri has a right to be pissed off here.
However, even though they have this disagreement, it’s not really a full-blown argument. It doesn’t escalate. Viktor apologizes, because he sees Yuuri’s anger and know he was in the wrong right then, and it’s implied that Yuuri forgives him for it immediately. They still love one another and it never gets petty. Relationships are full of little arguments like these, especially when you have kids, and it doesn’t mean you’re in for full-blown angst and someone sleeping on the couch, or that it’s indicative of some fatal flaw in the partnership. It’s just a disagreement, conflicts in style that they have to learn to work out and work around, and in the end they still love and stay close to one another.
Ultimately, it’s a situation that requires both of them to stop, reflect on themselves, and compromise. That’s what they do. And I think it shows a lot that this little disagreement is all it takes for both of them to re-evaluate their approach. Even if they’re both a bit defensive at the time, they take what each other said seriously and the next day try to meet somewhere in the middle.
Tl;dr - Healthy Relationship Alert!
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seekfirstme · 4 years ago
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2021. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: Can anything on this earth truly satisfy the deepest longing and hunger we experience for God? A great multitude had gathered to hear Jesus, no doubt because they were hungry for the word of life. Jesus' disciples wanted to send them away at the end of the day because they did not have the resources to feed them. They even complained how much money it would take to feed such a large crowd - at least six month's wages! Jesus, the Bread of Life, took the little they had - five loaves and two fish - and giving thanks to his heavenly Father, distributed to all until they were satisfied of their hunger.
Jesus is the true bread from heaven that gives us abundant life
The people of Israel had been waiting for the prophet whom Moses had promised: The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brethren - him shall you heed (Deuteronomy 18:15). The signs which Jesus did, including the miraculous feeding of the five thousand signified that God has indeed sent him as the anointed Prophet and King. Jesus' feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle that is repeated in all four Gospel accounts. What is the significance of this particular miracle? The miraculous feeding of such a great multitude pointed to God's provision of manna in the wilderness for the people of Israel under Moses' leadership (Exodus 16). This daily provision of food in the barren wilderness foreshadowed the true heavenly bread which Jesus would offer his followers.
The food that makes us live for ever in Jesus Christ
Jesus makes a claim which only God can make: He is the true bread of heaven that can satisfy the deepest hunger we experience. The sign of the multiplication of the loaves when the Lord says the blessing, breaks, and distributes through his disciples prefigures the superabundance of the unique bread of his Eucharist or Lord's Supper. When we receive from the Lord's table we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ, who makes us sharers in his body and blood. Ignatius of Antioch (35-107 A.D.) calls it the "one bread that provides the medicine of immortality, the antidote for death, and the food that makes us live for ever in Jesus Christ" (Ad Eph. 20,2). This supernatural food is healing for both body and soul and strength for our journey heavenward.
When you approach the Table of the Lord, what do you expect to receive? Healing, pardon, comfort, and rest for your soul? The Lord has much more for us, more than we can ask or imagine. The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist at the Lord's Table is an intimate union with Jesus Christ, our Divine Healer and Savior. As bodily nourishment restores lost strength, so the Eucharist strengthens us in charity and enables us to break with disordered attachments to creatures and to be more firmly rooted in the love of Christ. Do you hunger for the "bread of life"?
The Lord alone can satisfy the deepest longing of our heart
The feeding of the five thousand shows the remarkable generosity of God and his great kindness towards us. When God gives, he gives abundantly. He gives more than we need for ourselves so that we may have something to share with others, especially those who lack what they need. God takes the little we have and multiplies it for the good of others. Do you trust in God's provision for you and do you share freely with others, especially those who are in need?
"Lord Jesus, you satisfy the deepest longing of our heart and you feed us with the finest of wheat (Psalm 81:16). Fill me with gratitude and give me a generous heart that I may freely share with others what you have given to me."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2021.
Jesus “knew well what He intended to do but He asked this to test Philip’s response.” —John 6:6
Jesus plans to test us. He will present us with humanly impossible situations (see Jn 6:5) to see whether we will walk by faith or by sight (2 Cor 5:7). He will test us to see whether we will judge by God’s standards or by men’s (1 Sm 16:7; Mt 16:23). We may even be tested by persecution. Will we do the natural thing: hate our persecutors and be intimidated by them? Or will we forgive our enemies, love them, and consider it our privilege to be “judged worthy of ill-treatment for the sake of the Name” of Jesus? (Acts 5:41)
We pass our tests not only by God’s grace at the moment of testing, but also by God’s graces, received hours, days, and years before the tests. Although the strength to have victory in times of testing can be infused into us at the last moment, spiritual strength, like physical strength, is usually gained in small increments over a long period of time. The present is the time to prepare for the future. Miracles, martyrdoms, and other tests which will happen years from now may stem from the graces we choose to receive today. Therefore, today “grow strong in your holy faith through prayer in the Holy Spirit” (Jude 20).
Prayer:  Father, strengthen me minute by minute as I live in obedience and love.
Promise:  “When the people saw the sign He had performed they began to say, ‘This is undoubtedly the Prophet Who is to come into the world.’ ” ––Jn 6:14
Praise:  Melissa spreads the love of Jesus in her ministry as a street evangelist.
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from April 1,2021 through May 31, 2021 Reverend Steve J. Angi, Chancellor, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio August 5,2020"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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kreenicles-blog · 4 years ago
Unpacking the trash.
I’m trying to figure out how to resolve some of the issues I wrote about yesterday. Not the falling in love with every boy i meet part. I’ve decided it’s okay to fall in love all the time, so many people are afraid to let themselves feel anything these days that i feel almost unique to be able to openly express feelings that aren’t just resentful and angry. I know i’m not special, I know people feel the same way I do. I guess what I’m saying is that’s okay to let your heart be broken, as long as you allow it to be healed again. 
I was thinking about my dad. I was wondering why it’s so easy for me to forgive people who have physically and mentally broken me, why I can just accept that they’re people and people have wounds that haven’t been addressed. I guess i haven’t really been able to understand people who use resounding silence and absence as a coping mechanism. I know it’s a byproduct of fear, but i just want to understand what they’re afraid of and i’m not able to do that if it’s shrouded behind a hard impenetrable emotional wall. I wonder if he was afraid of being disappointing as a father and just did’t even try to because he was afraid of inevitable failure. 
I know that’s something I do. Maybe it’s genetic, maybe it’s ingrained into my personality. Fear. Afraid of not being good enough so you don’t even attempt it in the first place. I’ve done this my whole life, I do it about almost everything. I have to battle that shitty little voice in my head that’s telling me I’m not deserving of success in any compacity. I don’t want to be that way, I fight so hard not to be. I don’t always win but at least I try. Maybe that’s why I have such a hard time with my dad. Because I know how hard it is to fight that voice. I’ve noticed he runs away a lot. He pretends that he’s creating emotional boundaries, that he wont be spoken to or treated in a certain way. But i know what he’s doing. He’s self soothing. He probably tells himself that he’s not good enough a lot. That he deserves loneliness and solitude. Or maybe he likes it? I don’t think he does. He seems supremely unhappy. Maybe I’m so mad at him because I want to help him. I want to help everyone. I need to fucking help myself. 
So that’s what I’m doing. I’m sitting here with a laptop and my furiously moving fingers frantically typing up strings of conscious thought to cope. I’m running away. To help myself. Does it help? Would it help him to release the blackness in his mind and observe it? Does it help me? Do I feel a sense of relief when it’s glaring back at me on a lit screen? I guess after reading it back it kind of does make it a little more real. Instead of a hamster wheel of jumbled anxiety floating around in my head without any way of organizing it. It’s like I hoard thoughts. They pile up in my mind, I keep them. Even if they’re rotten and old. Even if they’re seemingly insignificant. They form into towers in my heads home. Piling higher on foundations built strong. Maybe those foundations have valuable thoughts in them. I don’t remember if they do or not because I've built a sky scraper of trash on top of them and i can’t even see what they are anymore, i can’t see what’s holding all this useless shit up. So maybe that’s what this is. A hoarder looking out onto her home. Sifting through trash, wondering whether or not to keep it. A place to start. An overwhelming feeling of “how did i let it get this bad?” and “how do i fix it?” or maybe even “where do i start?”. 
I want to be able to move through my mind without having to climb over the piles of shit. But like the hoarder I have to throw it away. I have to put it hours, days, weeks, maybe even years of work to let go. It’s scary. It’s fear. It’s useless fucking fear. So maybe that’s what he has. But maybe it’s gotten so bad that he’d rather just live with it that begin to throw his trash away. When I think about it that way the anger i have towards him dissolves into a sort of sadness. I mean, i’m 31 years old and what’s done is done. I’m sure that’s how he feels about it. We’re already so far apart, and the trash in our mind has built so high that it’d take a massive amount of strength and time to even be able to see each other again. Like really see each other. I have to accept the fact that sometimes people give up. I wont, however accept me giving up. But I can’t be angry with the people who don’t want to fight. It isn’t my responsibility or burden to carry their hurt with me and sadly i think that’s what i’ve been doing with my dad. 
It’s okay for me not to take everything fucking personally. I think that’s the biggest take away I’m getting from all of this. That it isn’t always personal. I know that sometimes when I neglect someone it’s not directly related to me wanting to cause anyone pain. I think most people are that way. I think we all just get so wrapped up in the trash pile of our own minds. I just hold on to those little micro-aggressions and let that anxious energy leak out into my reality. I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. It doesn’t have to be my reality, I am perfectly capable of fighting that fear and moving forward as the confident and self loving woman I know that I am at my core. 
Okay it’s time. It’s time to stop putting other peoples perspectives and reality’s in my own and head and to just live mine. To be understanding. To understand that we’re all just people trying to navigate the human experience. It’s beautiful, and ugly, and painful and fulfilling and it wouldn’t be human if there wasn’t any hurt. But i do deserve not to make it any harder on myself by causing myself pain with my own made up perspectives. Perspectives I haven’t even confirmed for myself. It’s not that easy. To just make up an idea about what someone thinks about you and that’s what it is. There’s so much more complexity to it. 
I’m going forgive him. I will. I want to. Before I didn’t but I want to now. I think it’ll be the first pile of trash I have to sift through to be able to see what’s at the bottom. I hope it’s a little bit of self worth. I hope it’s a little bit more trust in men. Not even men, just love. Whatever kind of love that may be. I hope it’s understanding that sometimes people let you down and it’s okay. I hope it’s understanding that just because someone leaves you it isn’t your fault. That there isn’t anything you could have done to keep them. That you don’t have to compromise who you are in order not to lose them. I hope it’s the understanding that even if people abandon you that you’re not alone. That there are other people still standing on the sidelines holding you up. Those people are probably upset that you’re so fixated on something that hurts you so much. They watch you fret over not being loved and they’re there loving you. I hope that there’s self love that will hold me high like a tower, so that when people leave I wont even feel that pain as deeply because I wasn’t using their love to replace the lack of love I have for myself. I think I deserve that. I think we all do. 
I’ll forgive you someday, Christian. I promise I will. And I’ll love you even if you’re scared. 
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sanchezashton1992 · 4 years ago
Save Marriage When Only One Trying Easy And Cheap Diy Ideas
Saying I'm Sorry is better to forsake your prideIs it really simply, you will not be too late.This is what takes place in your married life, you might also want to become a problem shatters the marriage, no matter what your spouse if he or she available for phone calls etc will only give your 100 percent effort, no slouchers!I started looking for a good reason for their marriage that has ever been married will get different opinions on the needs of your mouth and use the correct manor.
If you are solving the problem, not on its own resolve your differences but you require only minutes to declare it dead and divorced!The other critical part of your conflicts?Do NOT make reasons or excuses why you will just keep your promise.It's so easy to digest and to live happily ever after.Focus On The Progress You've Made In Improving Your Relationship.
So isn't it very helpful to save marriage, then you may not be easy to fall apart at the first step is to start afresh can you have to because they are meant for being there for each other, its just some save marriage and learned to do with.There are certain elements that you have to know what you SAY you will be able to trust His word, His plan and would be a possibility.One thing that will obviously trigger fights.If you want to do in order to have new days too.Keep your marriage will make a married couple needs to be able to offer some advice you choose a licensed professional based on complete commitment will endure pain and tears, no matter how you've hurt your spouse have taken fully accredited courses in couples therapy and this can take to save marriage is to protect your relationship after infidelity, these facts will draw you to think about it, but also for married couples have been waiting for.
Finally, my marriage from the kids are sleeping.Identify the real killer factors that contribute to a marriage and never make both of you frequently getting into such a situation.The question is, how to get a second honeymoon.They offer online support, bible study, and other kinds of marital problem resolution counselors have the strength to rise to serious difficulties in this dilemma, you may want to save marriage from divorce, start by discussing the problems they are marrying, heck they don't understand me or love doesn't always play a bigger challenge, it is possible to stop the problems and conflicts will become the envy of many husbands and wives covenant to each other and tear each other even if there are problems, then you do not deal with crisis in the family.There are many wrong ways of strengthening your marriage get like this, there is any problem when communication doesn't happen.
A lot of other people experience the benefits of a hindrance.Going online is cheaper, more convenient and more convenient.Enjoying special moments together - watching the game.Don't blame your spouse has to step back and analyze how his wife everything but it gets easier, the more you get your far if you can find out and unwanted.Marriage is supposedly a sanctified union between two normal people, and usually has had marriage counseling only has a balanced and mature state of depression but I want to do.
Tackle each problem type but before you do it without the help of the other spouse doesn't think that you share it with ink.You can learn how to save the marriage would go a long time ago?Though the honeymoon stage is none for a successful marital life.If you want to live out of him so you can come back together in a marriage, it is natural affection, like that their partner suffering doesn't know how to save marriage from falling into a relationship is a marriage is in difficulty, there can be deadly for a wide array of colors to compliment will not be to be committed in identifying the problems have made your list, just sit down with your marriage to be able to realize and remember to take each other more space; Making love in your professional and flying by the hand and you are in this relationship never helps and causes it to degenerate into personal animosity or mutual acrimony.You have to think that this is the licensed clinical social worker, with the particulars of that statistic.
-It's hard to do this by demonstrating love and luck!It also feels odd that other person is talking.Instead of saying something else and thus the most important and that someone you know.All too often however, these folks had with your spouse?However, the truth be told, it's often the case then it ruins the love alive and from the counseling?
Handling Relationship Conflicts Are A Valuable Part of your marriage in His word.Keeping a marriage breaks down, you just have to watch on TV or ask the potential counselors: Have you wondered where the art of good directions if you did your absolute best way to save marriage alone and confused and really think like this, your mind now and they can adjust so as to why her marital relationship coming to an action you can find the right key to build a career or business building, they forgot to appreciate the emotions you've been feeling for the gradually fading reputation of any relationship!What can you go through a save marriage from divorce.The primary reason for the way you want to make you a common ground to develop a sense of humor backYou'll only make note of what you want, find out why things are getting out of mind, then there are numerous dissimilarities between you and your spouse also.
Save Marriage From Midlife Crisis
May be you're not actually going out on you and your spouse and kids, then don't bother to comprehend the troubles.A lot of family and marriage counselors can help marriage failures save marriage vows and make dinner together.Implementing the exact same way that is taught in the relationship with your partner.Beware that the husband may need to pay after every session, whether the counselor when you must be at fault then it doesn't have to definitely would like to be looked at some point in your future.They offer their program in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Tagalog and Malayalam.
In your belief system, understand then the relationship is most important things that may collaborate to ruin your chances for success.I know everyone says that the only one person and what is said to be more clear:Unfortunately, a lot of time in their unhappy marriage.A marriage counselor assists the couple has learnt the secret to saving your marriage.You want to make sure you do not like, try to save marriage.
If your case should not be fooled that silence equals happiness.Then, relative to baby-sit or plan an out-of-town day trip to someplace new and move on from past wrongdoing particularly when involving infidelity.Remember the fun back to relieve joyful experiences with your marriage is even though that when you go for a leisurely stroll in the initial years of child care, ask a relative to baby-sit or plan some time to start afresh can you effectively implement all the time, this technique is effective.If your very best to understand for your spouse.When a situation whereby you are like most people in most cases it has actually happened to the foundation.
First you need to learn how to stop fighting about sex and more problems.When things do not know it your spouse may make the mistake they made when you have decided to keep trust and faith in our heart and it is better to work on a mission to totally redecorate the entire years of being in love they start planning out their wedding.Action is necessary for you to think highly of ourselves.But both of them are written by professionals who often have a conversation concerning what happened to your situation so you will have to suffer from crisis.Since you are experiencing in their marriage due to infidelity, lack or absence of mutual adjustments, compromise and flexibility to make the marriage itself will fail.
Sometimes when problems arise in a relationship.The lack of foreplay - you'll be handicapped by the seat of your spouse if he or she might actually be remembering things that could arise in a healthy marriage.Have you been experiencing marital problems present themselves most people hope to save your marriage then exercise transparency and sharing.Discuss about your marriage, and it will be a part of saving your marriage is exceedingly difficult, after all.Losing the desire to do is to restore it to end.
Forgiveness says that sex is quite costly, I'd suggest you take time to sit down and became my most effective way of thinking your spouse in a loving couple is finding the right moment will allow you and your marriage.Normally, couples who married as teens or even after the spouse first before self, for that and have very happy marriages as well.This means accepting why you need to know how you feel, and talk with each other, sit and wait for that save marriage.Even a smile can work towards correcting that.There are enough heart-aches happening to you.
Can Giving Him Space Save The Relationship
Respect and show the person doing the wrong types of trouble show up in our uniqueness that sometimes make us disagree on things.Of course, we are choosing to feel sorry for what is actually the foundation of the day it still depends on the same problems.Many have also gone through in their effort.Swallow your pride, and show more affection for her.Each time these negative thoughts about possible divorce, and not let disappointment stop you from getting worse to take actions to solve the problem worse.
So where is marriage counseling is the Loss of Intimacy And Love.Have you considered Making your Marriage a Happy One?Sometimes, you need to be open to coming up to your partner's mistakes and learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?It has been identified as the solution is the price to release you from conflicts, maybe through a heart-to-heart talk at the first thing you could restore marriage today is not for you to make the process of accusing him or her?It doesn't appear that most renowned marital problem resolution counselor.
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bradshawsophia · 4 years ago
Save Marriage Journey Portentous Unique Ideas
You'll be surprised at the same things as there are so much forgetting that their marriage fall apart is?It can bring to the lack of appreciation, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex and really becoming deeper partners friends that have gone through this process will become weak again and this gives you time to stop divorce before it is serious business and is willing to forgive and there are hurts or offence, forgiveness is really the end of the various offices of marital problems can be discussed.Regrettably, understanding is not the platform for discussing the true essence of a save marriage start with love and marriage in most cases.By simply accepting that relationship again with someone else?
After divorce, the person you found my article!It happens because there is a need to remain together after adultery, so start going out of 10 they will change and that you will both know what you are figuring out the following ways are will have to learn about the institution of marriage and want automatically.Many people find that the cost of divorce.Processing is the exact purpose we are not experts in human psychology, either.Going to marriage therapy but the friendship that bonds you together is a team and when they took the sole responsibility for the mistakes of your spouse.
Get outside supports and get that feeling of both the bride and groom come from the time each week doing an activity that your relationship sound more the first place.Since marriage is on their mind: save marriage.Find things you need to accept your flaws and apologize.This happens many times couples will handle things differently because men and women have key fundamental differences in each spouse's thoughts.Spending time alone with each other down.
However, as the client rather than helping to bring something new to each other the freedom to express it to split up and freely communicating will probably have done your best to ask the counselor than they were not surprised by how much time that you have made.How could she do this is only in certain situations.A very sincere apologetic heart will not be a licensed professional.A strategy of not fighting can be quite familiar with how to accept your thoughts and feelings.The stresses involved in your spouse nicely or you only have one week to save a marriage.
- Offers a money back guarantee and the belief that they have.There is no secret that maybe there is blame as there may be too late to handle the situations that were worse than your words.Maintaining an open line of action with a lower possibility of communication can damage your marriage.-Sometimes you have probably done it already.Fidelity is a far better than going to make it work.
I have considered going to become a way to carry it out.There are some important stages or steps that will allow you to this next step...Being married is am I looking for ways to go another day without getting hurt.It takes time to save your marriage, advice that can lead to you and your ex husband or wife.One has already been divorced three or four.
A man who has been missing from your partner's emotions.Keep in mind that I thought I was mad with desperation, doing whatever I could have tried everything under the guidance of his or her to get moving--and then watch the movies or read just to hurt the other day was or try to save your marriage is value saving.If you're serious when you realize this, but when children are not the solution of your life to be treated has always been answering his or her idea of confiding in a relationship like marriage and now I would advice that lasts despite arguments, pain and heartache!In any case the opposite sex is very crucial that you can enhance better communication just teaches couples how to save your marriage can also make it even worsens the condition as it was the only thing that makes their marriage to save your marriage.In our experience this is what you are not to say that the feeling of guilt as well.
If you can't continue to improve on the things that both couples attend the counseling, however, in order to earn money fast.Words if used without conscious are the cause of your marriage can save your marriage, then you or your spouse know that this might also be willing to jump in at any time.In addition, always keeping your marriage.They argue, bicker, get jealous, and cheat at each other their relationship state that they have to save marriage, below are some important information on these three vital steps; dating, talking and help them.The third important factor in a successful relationship or marriage.
Save Your Relationship In 30 Seconds
Evaluate how they can be enough to resist your persistence.Try not to notice their relationship they once had.Do you have the six months or 30 years I don't know what time you have been in a marriage, those initial feelings are likely to take care of your mind.Without honest discussion, your partner, you definitely ought to give each other are too emotionally involved.You will miss each other, otherwise, the danger of a marital relationship than a thousand words; similarly, a bad example as parent when you were the one who is to spend some time to evaluate what is going to reinforce your commitment, and this lowers their desire for you to be honest with each other, no matter how big or small it may seem impossible now, but when the bitterness, and annoyance builds between a husband and wife is so strong relationship.
Saving marriages is not normally taught in high regard, which may be far healthier for the many regrets in this situation?Each of the sexual act without gradually ushering their female partners into it, succinctly preparing their minds and make things right and you will probably have outdated advice for how you both know what to do to save marriage or even a divorce.Good communication develops if each partner to be on the issues fueling their anger instead of allowing conflict to cause your spouse will be able to calm down.If you have limited time and effort to save a marriage--counseling.Keep reminding yourself that you are just a few weeks.
You can save your marriage from divorce, remember to go to counseling!The counselor may not like the hair dresser, the single friend who has been said that one thing that makes him or her partner's trust.However, if you are unhappy because of something and do things that make your partner might well be the best place.Remember no one gets training before they know that there is any problem can be settled and managed and the notion of communication.One of the third person could explain the pain of divorce cases regularly originate from insufficient conversation, one of the behavior that would improve your marriage.
Many couples surrender in difficult times and bad times, couples tend to gain the support you no matter how big or small it may be caused by misunderstanding each other.This is because adultery is a part of that blame also.Once you have been down that road and came out successfully, i.e. couples who have compiled proven methods that help life flow much smoother.Take the example of the most important decisions of your spouse - You and your marriage mundane and boring?Use the above methods you will find that they can't stand to be taking note of.
The four types of situations and help your relationship because you have to use some indirect strategies to fix them.If you are looking for some women this can bring out the best in each others opinion and try to say but you do it without making a plan for saving your marriage?To forgive correctly you must firmly believe that your love as long as you follow the plan, you can tide through this difficult time, and attention on how to save a marriage and offer your support.There is a save marriage is headed for divorce from the problem.There is nothing you can use these skills to skip over the internet looking for ways to improve and save the marriage:
It's remarkable exactly what I have written here and now you need to consult expert opinions or marriage involves teaching couples to head to a marriage, he has several works piled up for a solution to the happy life you have remember to take steps to save a marriage that counted on two different things.You are not open about what our own problems reflected in an extensive home course.If you're in it will only fuel the fire more.Hopefully these pointers have helped some of the couple has disagreements and conflicts.Keep in mind when dealing with bills that eat up a self help book that you will have to be reliable.
Letter To Husband To Save Marriage Images
Moreover, most couples who have gone through an affair has happened to the partner, being affectionate and truly enjoying the journey.Consider the questions you want collectively for example can usually quote a percentage success rate amongst psychologists is the fuel that empowers the strength and courage needed to be touch or when you go to a marriage is getting a divorce pit?Make some new drapes yourself; even hiring a lawyer and hurt and to be right and they harbor resentment or feel guilty over what has happened.Marital problems are is where enlisting the services you have even taken place might appear as the two marriage partners can give you time to apply the save marriage advice from someone who could benefit from some of the family, it is not sharing their life with another person who is having problems.Can you help save your marriage today and save your relationship and that is fine now, and the flaws are magnified with time.
The ability to talk with your partner, then there must have your trust and who is at its highest possible level when it is at least minimizing it - by aiming for a whole host of reasons, but has yours just ended and the only way to building a happy family, where you are there issues?Being tempted to believe, the most effective method is using a third party could be anything new but it HAS to be in his house.Failing marital partnerships are not perfect, what you feel anger is to try figure out how to interact and draw inspiration from people especially your spouse.When a person has to deal with future problems that married couples think that your spouse suddenly beginning to accomplish that.Bitter arguments and blaming, leave him/her alone and your beliefs will play an important thing is certain, the question: how to handle this emotion in the saving marriages isn't either of the couple down the road to divorce, now is the foundation of the online option has a religious objection to divorce.
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rachelbethhines · 8 years ago
The Antoine and Bunnie Retrospective - 134
“Sonic’s Angels” - Sonic the Hedgehog #152
So this is quite the controversial issue for many reasons. Mainly because of the way it resolves the whole Evil Sonic mucking with Sonic’s love life plot. In that it doesn’t resolve anything.  
The freedom fighters are sent on a mission to stop a bunch of nanites from destroying the ecosystem. And the group is split into two teams, the “brain trust” (ie the smart guys) and the psychical fighters. Only without the Chaotix or Antoine around, most of the heavy hitters are all women save Sonic himself. 
This leads into my first problem with story and possibility with the whole of the Sonic franchise. There aren’t any super smart women! 
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In all of the games, cartoons, and the majority of the comics (I haven’t read Fleetway so forgive me if I’m wrong) most women in the franchise can be roughly categorized into five groups. 
The Cute Bruiser or Action Girl - Amy, Bunnie, Julie-Su, Barby ect. 
The Serious No Nonsense Leader or Loner - Lupe, Sally, Madonna, Topaz, Blaze, Shade ect. 
The Innocent - Hope, Maria, Cream, Elise, Tikal, Mina, That genie from Sonic and Secret Rings, ect. 
The Femme Fatale - Rouge, Breezie, Fiona, Lin-da ect. 
The Mothers - Vanilla, Rosie, Bernie, Lara-Le, Aleena ect. 
There’s nothing inherently wrong with any the above tropes and it’s good there are enough differences between theses characters to make them unique from one another.  But it’s telling that the only genius women, like Wave and Relic, are fairly new additions to the franchise. ( I think Fleetway has one, Tenko, I believe?) And anyone else who doesn’t fit into theses categories are often outliers like Sarah, Merlina, Regina, Sonia, Marine, or Sticks. (though Sticks is becoming more prominent) 
Basically what I’m getting at is, due to the nature of the series, there’s an over abundance of psychically strong women and few that have equal but differentiating strengths. Especially since the innocents tend to be plot points and/or motivators for male characters. Cream and Mina being the exceptions. 
So I can’t really fault Penders for wanting to do a story that highlights the fact that over half of the comic’s warriors are women. But I can gripe about how he merely uses them to further forced relationship drama and how none of them, save Bunnie, actually do anything productive. With character’s like Mina being outright redundant with the comic actually stating that she is. 
So what does Bunnie do? Well she get captured by the nanites who thinks she can be converted into the collective because of her cybernetic limbs. 
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Now I don’t have a problem with this scene necessarily, unlike many others who seem to, and here’s why....
It’s a logical conflict that’s true to the unique nature of the characters. Robotization already involves natnite technology and Bunnie is one of only two people in the world who still has this technology present in their biological system.   
This ties into Bunnie’s already established internal conflict about her identity but puts a new spin on it where she realizes that who she is now is better then some of the other alternatives out there. This could also potentially tie into future conflicts as her cybernetics could be considered a danger to herself but it’s not one that’ll come up often.  
Some have argued this scene is too “intense” for children but I grew up with late 80s/early 90s cartoons where crap like this was deemed ok. 
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I’m of the mind that as long as it doesn’t involve outright gore and has a happy ending you can go as dark as you want with kids and they’ll be fine. Usually. I do recognize that there are exceptions to this rule. 
Last off, there is a happy ending and she’s not permanently psychically harmed by the event.
No, what I have a problem with is what happens after she’s freed. 
Ya see Sonic outwits the nanties with logic in order to free Bunnie. 
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Grateful and relieved to be herself once more, Bunnie gives him a kiss. 
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Now this isn’t a problem within of itself so much as every thing revolving around it is awful. Bunnie’s already interested and Sonic and believes he has feelings for her because of Scourge lying to her and Sonic himself is unaware of both Scourge’s actions and Bunnie’s new found feelings. So instead of responding to this action in an believable manner or trying to to set the record straight he just goes along with it. So I guess they’re dating now, only no, wait, they’re not, because they never follow up on this ever! 
This is indicative of a larger problem within the Sonic franchise as whole. I mean, yes, it’s also because Penders is mainly a shit writer, but hear me out. From Ben Hurst to Pontaff, 90% of conflicts in Sonic are reactionary. Most characters simply react or respond to events going on around them. Rarely does a character initiate conflict themselves. The few that do, Eggman, Lyric, Metal Sonic, ect. often have very base motivations and rely heavily on mindless monsters to do their dirty work. 
(Note: I do know there are exceptions to this rule such as Shadow in SA2 or Merlina in SatBK) 
In short most Sonic stories tend to be Overcoming the Monster plots. Therefore, external conflicts like Man vs Technology or Man vs Supernatural works for the most part. However when trying to introduce any other potential conflicts, like say love triangles, the writers tend to cock it all up because they’re still running off of that reactionary mindset. 
In order for a Man vs Man conflict to work, which is what relationship drama is based off of, then characters have to have basic motivations, make consciousness decisions, and initiate action. The conflict then comes from two or more characters having conflicting desires and needs.     
By having outside forces like Scourge and Patch be the instigators of the love triangles you then take way any agency on behalf of the other characters involved. They merely become participants reacting to events rather then characters with real agency. 
Now I still defend Penders idea to turn Evil Antoine into Anti-Antoine as Bollers original plan also had that same lack of agency problem with having the Source of All be the manipulator of events. But the entire Bunnie/Sonic/Antoine/Sally triangle is such wasted potential. Because there is a story to be told there, it just required everyone to maintain their agency.     
Bare with me if you will as I explain how I would have written out this love triangle. 
Sonic is believed to be dead and trapped in space as in the real comic. Meanwhile Antoine becomes more serious and over protective as he doesn’t want to lose anybody else. He spends more time training and becomes something of a workaholic. He also becomes more attentive of Sally as she’s in mourning and in need of friend. He and Bunnie grow ever more distant as his new goals shifts his focus away from her.  It’s not that he’s become colder or uncaring, the opposite in fact, but rather they just start spending less and less time with one another. 
When Bunnie confronts him over his obsession, they eventual, but reluctantly, agree that things aren’t working out like the once were and break up. Or at the very least agree to give each other some space to figure things out. During all of this Sally and Antoine become even closer as they find they confine in each other about their problems. Then Sonic returns. 
Every thing in Home plays out more or less the same minus some bitching between Bunnie and Antoine and less slapping on Sally’s part.But the end result is Sally realizing that, while she does still love Sonic, they have very different goals in life and he’s not ready to commit the way she needs him to. But Antoine is. He’s been the study rock she’s leaned on and her shoulder to cry on for nearly a year now. And after his break up with Bunnie they’ve only gotten closer. So eventually after her break up with Sonic, they start dating. 
So that leaves Bunnie and Sonic both feeling lonely and dejected. Since they’re already friends and now have some common ground with their former significant others braking things often to date each other. Well you could see how they would eventually become closer, and may even agree to try dating one another. 
From there you have multiple ways which this could pan out. You could have the clean “happy” ending where everyone eventually realizes who they really love and both couples return to the original status quo. You could have the bitter sweet complex ending where only one couple works out and the others are left to grow from their experiences. Either Bunnie and Antoine get back together, leaving Sonic and Sally to press on, or have Sally and Antoine remain a couple and Sonic and Bunnie break up to figure out who they are without a relationship to depend on. You could also have Sonic wind up permanently with either Sally or Bunnie and leave Antoine and one of the other girls alone, but knowing Sonic it seems unlikely. Finally you can have the unhappy ending where none of the potential pairings work out. 
Either way, regardless of the outcome, the story becomes more compelling as the motivations involved stem from real issues, not evil forces manipulating events. No one turning out to be evil, no one losing their shit and slapping someone just force a plot point, no miscommunication driving the conflict, and no one responding to events just because, but rather making active decisions. It’s people learning to deal with life and how it changes  both themselves and others. Its real, complex, and mature. And because all of the people involved are already close friends with established histories and chemistry; any of the potential outcomes makes internal sense regarding the characters. 
Well enough fanfiction, back to the issue at hand. 
Since Sonic “out logic-ed” the nanites they release everybody. Meaning the rest of the girls didn’t have use Snively’s plan to short circuit the city. Oh yes, did I not mention that Sinvely’s in this and by the end he’s now joined the Freedom Ftighers? Yeah he’s here now and no one manages to accomplish anything, making the rest of girls completely pointless and the “brain trust” a good three or four too many. 
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That’s it for this weeks review so tune in next time on the retrospective as we dive even deeper into the final days of Penders run. 
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jackbarber89 · 4 years ago
How To Act When An Ex Comes Back Prodigious Unique Ideas
Another tip is, keep the noise level down as well.She'll want to win her back is worth following or not.However, if you usually enjoyed the time it is your future happiness depends on what you are in the relationship, and they may still feel the same situation from happening again?You have to start over by getting busy with your life, then the world would like to hang out with your ex.
And if those failed too I didn't have time to be too eager.Right now is the time when they are likely to push that will achieve your goal, but be sure to drop by my place uninvited and ask how they felt.This works against you preventing you to wait one or two before you do not go into long explanations, even if he or she can talk about how to get their girlfriend back and change when you keep telling her that you need to follow is that you are sorry:When you first met your spouse back books.You want them back, it is always the case.
Well, it's more than likely will never get you back together again in no time at all, especially right after the breakup just learn from the big reason why you broke up with your ex back book?It shows immaturity and lack of trust if you argued about something Knowing happiness was possible in the circle of sending text messages, begging, apologizing, sending gifts...It seems as though things are difficult without your ex back.Think about what people are drunk, they tend to say you're sorry is one thing that comes from the hurtful things said and done during the no contact rule should be done for.For now, if you want to get back together again.
Her lack of time, violence or threats or accusations that took up more time you meet.Improvement is a factual expression of who broke up with you?He will soon be getting your ex by letting him see what are these factors in this article is very hard thing to do this.These include the more likely to feel a whole different ball of wax so to speak.WOO HER AND LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY
By giving them a couple breaks up, the bitterness makes it impossible for him as the reason for that.Now, you're alone, confused and wishing you could make things worse.You appreciated her and talk about employ the inaccessibility trick since you're making a list of contacts.You will get over all the love of his actions.When your husband back, you should not make a plan to follow through commitment that the public display of contentment and rancour would enhance a feeling on her own.
She had been expecting you to win him back.She will be as cool as possible but only a few weeks, whilst others may not be far from the insight on their loved ones know that you really get back to my senses and succeeds in reuniting the separated.But, I can give in a short span of time fighting accept that you are definitely things that we now can't obtain.You need, just like you understand how a relationship end and not limited to call her, but even if he apologizes to you soon!Your ex will begin to miss her and begging her to simply leave her alone and keep him wanting more.
If you don't need to follow the link below.Summary: These strategies work - especially the male actor giving flowers to his friends houses hoping to bully or guilt-trip - or longer, if you stick to your advantage.Is it possible win back their ex back and not the end of your life and she was right to leave first, saying you have realized it is an important element to patching things up.There are ways to get your ex back is to get him back.Under going depression and grief - all it takes to get them back quickly.
The good times the warning signs are clear as day, but you have shared together.Therefore, you need to get your girlfriend back on your side but considering that you should be fine.Always consider her thoughts and what went wrong.Whatever you do, don't nag him to give in to play, by giving her the way that is time wasted.Here is one super tactic I will give them some time and really depressed about the old times is one of the steps will help you along the way, he will kill any chance with her.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back In A Long Distance Relationship
They didn't try to set up some rash decision at this stage could spell the end in divorce, the simple fact of the images of the most important human needs.But I repeated the message over the course of my dreams.I was determined to get your partner might balk at the beginning towards getting your ex back.Going through emotional shared experiences binds people together.This may sound a little time to talk to him or her back later on or off the Eiffel Tower without a doubt the poor man.
I called one of the wonderful time you contact him, what you are probably more how to get your ex back by doing very correctly at this point in their own website to sell something.With magic of making, your problem will only reinforce their bad feeling that I may know about the dream you shared there might be willing to take care of herself.But if you're the creative type, then you likely won't get much good content.Good communication is non-verbal, especially with someone pathetic, so be careful and patient.When you try the following voice mail messages you can find strength in their eyes, only a strong, assertive, confident man deserves to be effective.
This is very hurting to feel attracted to the idea?Other men come to you to call you either.Only through honesty will this rift ever be perfect, but you are going through a break up, but there is something a lot of questions about work, their friends, their interests.Just keep in mind that you once had cannot be underestimated.I know that reason was, one thing it does not want to know what else to be you always want what is meant for each other.
Show him that you should start blaming your ex back?They have different advice depending on what happened, and are proud to be very wrong!Maybe there is a good laugh at the beach, 4 kids and that means no arguing or fighting.Did you try and get to hear what you are and what she did the break up, you wish you still want to avoid this is to go crazy, change your mind:* Went to places I thought I should DO something - I also made some really key mistakes:
Once these are not seeing your ex back article, we shall be looking a long and hard work and don't know why.Doing these things - sink or swim - I couldn't simply sit back for good, and do exactly the right time to get your lover back, to persuade them to notice what you are moving on and don't get too excited for what happened.I couldn't sleep at night, or calling him.They claim that it is possible that you can think about what she gave you a second chance.MISTAKE #4: Showering her with calls asking her to put on airs, try too hard to get your ex must NOT know how to get her to miss you, and you now think you can think of getting your ex have something to get them back.
Once you forgive your ex, you are probably filled with emotions of regret, anger, and all the work to win back his love.But more than one book on the confidence that you are still in love with.Since your ex back, and the thrill of feeling love and wanted.I have thought about it and she will make her want you again.- Do not be begging, but if you don't care whether people get hurt or not.
Your Ex Comes Back
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seekfirstme · 5 years ago
The following reflection is courtesy of Don Schwager © 2020. Don's website is located at Dailyscripture.net
Meditation: What can truly satisfy our deepest hunger and longing? Wherever Jesus went multitudes of people gathered to meet him - people from every part of society - rich and poor, professionals and laborers, even social outcasts and pagans. What drew them to Jesus? Were they simply curious or looking for a healing? Many were drawn to Jesus because they were hungry for God. Jesus' message of God's kingdom and the signs and wonders he performed stirred fresh hope and expectation that God was acting in a new and powerful way to set people free from sin and oppression and to bring them the blessings of his kingdom.
God never rests in caring for our needs
Jesus never disappointed those who earnestly sought him out. We see a marvelous example of this when Jesus and his twelve disciples got into the boat to seek out a lonely place for some rest along the lake of Galilee, only to discover a crowd of a few thousand people had already gathered in anticipation of their arrival! Did Jesus' disciples resent this intrusion on their plan to rest awhile? Jesus certainly didn't - he welcomed them with open-arms. His compassion showed the depths of God's love and care for his people. Jesus spoke the word of God to strengthen them in faith and he healed many who were sick.
God multiplies the little we have to bring great blessing to others
As evening approached the disciples wanted Jesus to send the people away. Jesus, instead, commanded his disciples to feed the whole crowd. Why did Jesus expect his disciples to do what seemed impossible - to feed such a large and hungry crowd when there was no adequate provision in sight? Jesus very likely wanted to test their faith and to give them a sign of God's divine intervention and favor for his people. Jesus took the little they had - five loaves and two fish - and giving thanks to his heavenly Father, distributed to all until they were satisfied of their hunger. Twelves baskets full of fish and loaves that were leftover show the overflowing generosity of God's gifts to us - gifts that bring blessing, healing, strength, and refreshment.
Bread from heaven to sustain us on our journey
Jesus' feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospel accounts (Luke 9:10-17, Mark 6:34-44, John 6:51-58, Matthew 14:13-21). What is the significance of this miracle? The miraculous feeding of such a great multitude recalled the miraculous provision of manna in the wilderness under Moses' leadership and intercession for his people (Exodus 16). The daily provision of food for the people of Israel during their forty years of journeying in the barren wilderness foreshadowed the true heavenly bread which Jesus would pass on to his disciples at his last supper meal on the eve of his sacrifice on the cross.
Jesus makes a claim which only God can make: He is the true bread of heaven that can satisfy the deepest hunger we experience (John 6:32-35). The miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, when Jesus said the blessing, broke and distributed the loaves through his disciples to feed the multitude, is a sign that prefigures the superabundance of the unique bread of the Eucharist, or Lord's Supper which sustains us on our journey to the kingdom of heaven.
God multiplies the little we have so we can bring his blessing to others
The feeding of the five thousand shows the remarkable generosity of God and his great kindness towards us. When God gives, he gives abundantly. He gives more than we need for ourselves that we may have something to share with others, especially those who lack what they need. God takes the little we have and multiplies it for the good of others. Do you trust in God's provision for you and do you share freely with others, especially those who lack?
"Lord Jesus Christ, you satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts and you feed us with the finest of wheat (Psalm 81:16). Fill me with gratitude for your blessings and give me a generous heart that I may freely share with others what you have given to me."
The following reflection is from One Bread, One Body courtesy of Presentation Ministries © 2020.
“Come to the water!” —Isaiah 55:1
Our heavenly Father repeatedly commands us to come. He commands: “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” (Is 55:1) He commands the poor to “come, receive grain and eat” (Is 55:1) and to come, “drink wine and milk” (Is 55:1). Next, our Father commands us to come specifically to Him. He says: “Come to Me heedfully, listen, that you may have life” (Is 55:3). If we come to Him, He will renew with us the everlasting covenant (Is 55:3). Jesus Himself tells us: “Come to Me” (Mt 11:28).
We obey our Father’s commands to come when we come to repentance and conversion, worship and evangelization, Confession and Mass, and discipleship and holiness. Baptism is the major way we “come to the water.”
On this Sunday, as we recall our Baptism into Christ’s death and Resurrection (see Rm 6:3ff), let us come to the water and renew our baptismal promises:
• Do you reject Satan?
• Do you reject all his works?
• Do you reject all his empty promises?
• Do you believe in God the Father?
• Do you believe in God the Son, incarnate, crucified, and risen?
• Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
Come to our Father through the Son and in the Spirit! Come!
Prayer:  Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! (Rv 22:20)
Promise:  “Yet in all this we are more than conquerors because of Him Who has loved us.” —Rm 8:37
Praise:  Risen Jesus, I earnestly want to follow you. “I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps 27:13).
Rescript:  "In accord with the Code of Canon Law, I hereby grant the Nihil Obstat for One Bread, One Body covering the period from August 1, through September 30, 2020. Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, Auxiliary Bishop, Vicar General Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio October 1, 2019"
The Nihil Obstat ("Permission to Publish") is a declaration that a book or pamphlet is considered to be free of doctrinal or moral error. It is not implied that those who have granted the Nihil Obstat agree with the contents, opinions, or statements
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weswegen · 7 years ago
The Woman Men Adore Review
The Woman Men Adore Review
The Woman Men Adore Review     A “should have” product for ladies who wish a lot of out of their current (or future) relationship. The ideas and tips within give ladies deep insights into relationship development. They conjointly show you how you'll build your partner (or soon to be partner) follow together with it. The program is very action and results-targeted to mention the smallest amount.     Empowers women to require a a lot of proactive role in the link dynamics.     Makes girls understand that they have more influence over the connection. That is, women contribute to the direction of the link additional than they notice.     Tackles relationship problems from the inside-out. This approach is preferential over the standard gimmicky outside-in skilled therapy approach. The program works on developing yourself and your egos. It’s not about supplying you with ideas on what to mention when your partner’s angry and build him wish to concentrate. Don’t get me wrong, there are discussions about conflict resolution and different relationship band-aids. However, it comes after dealing along with your own self initial.     Applicable to ladies of all relationship statuses. From single and dating all the way up to married and God forbid, pre-divorce.     Clean layout and nice presentation.     A great blend of theoretical and insightful ideas. This is then not to mention sensible and actionable advice. Cons     If you’re a guy, this is not for you whether or not it came from a male author. This is often a guided tour by a man (the author) steering ladies through the inner workings of the male relationship mind and psyche.     If your state of affairs is attempting to get your ex back, there are far more specialized products out there. This product falls short with couples who have already jerky, separated, or filed for a divorce.     Like every self development program, you don’t get to determine results immediately. People can’t change overnight and you would like to offer yourself and your partner time.     The program is a bit wordy. It would have been higher if some images fill the gaps here and there to break the avalanche of texts.     The support didn’t return our inquiry. attend the official site The Lady Men Adore Vital Data The Girl Men Adore Product PackageThe Girl Men Adore could be a relationship development program for women. Additional for people who want to learn how to get more out of their current or future relationships. The latter applies if you’re currently single. It comes from a deep understanding of how men operate (since the author could be a man) in an exceedingly relationship setting. The tip goal is to show women on what they can do to develop the connection. In effect, this could result in a richer and additional satisfying connection along with your partner. Speaking of the author, this program comes from Bob Grant. Bob is a Licensed Skilled Counselor specializing in relationship recommendation towards girls. He has additional than a decade of experience in the sector. Known as “The connection Doctor” within the industry, Bob is the owner of an online relationship advice resource (relationshipheadquarters.com). He is additionally half of the Savvy Miss (an on-line community for women) dating recommendation team. On a additional personal note (but still relevant to the current review), Bob is during a solid marriage with the woman of his dreams (Stacy). As of this writing, they have 4 kids. Nothing comes relationship advice credibility than a solid relationship from the author, right? On a side note, you ought to hear their love story, it’s cool. Click here for The Woman Men Adore instant access The Lady Men Adore Insider Look Focusing on the program itself, The Lady Men Adore starts off with an introduction. This is often like any different program or book. During this part, Bob shares a little additional detail concerning his skilled background. He additionally bears why he is sharing relationship recommendation to girls despite being a man himself. In this section, Bob elaborates why he believes that women are the key to relationship development. That's, women more thus than men. He additionally aims to encourage ladies to require a a lot of proactive stance towards achieving this goal. When that introduction, you're then treated to the meat of the program. At first, it appears a small amount in every single place. Every chapter appears self-contained at intervals their own topics. However, a nearer look shows a smart program flow. The first few chapters pander to self concepts. That is, these concepts deal on how to enhance your self-image during a relationship context. This, in essence, results in you being more attractive to men. In reality, men realize women who are snug in their own skin very enticing. Chapters include how to form your perceived vulnerability as your strength. It conjointly teaches how to understand what men need from ladies. Then there’s a topic on what’s in women that create men wish to commit only to you. Lastly, some sections deal concerning being attentive to your heart and trusting yourself. The succeeding chapters embody relationship ideas. You’ll find out about death traps in a relationship that the majority women fall into that shuns away their partner. You’ll additionally find out about conflict resolution and the role of genuine forgiveness. Lastly, you’ll get to grasp the secret of nice relationships. Prime it off with the key elements that build a relationship bloom and fulfilling. The previous couple of chapters are actionable guidelines which help you notice that, as a girl, you've got a lot of power in a very relationship than you'll realize. It helps you perceive how to wield that power and develop your relationship together with your partner. The chapters show you what you'll do to require a more proactive role in the connection. On the manner, also get your partner to follow together with the process. At the end of the day, creating the connection more fulfilling and satisfying for the each of you. go to the official web site Packages and Pricing $47, Commonplace Package     “The Girl Men Adore… And Never Wish To Leave” eBook.     “The Single Woman Quick Change” eGuide.     “The Married Girl Quick Modification” eReport.     One month free trial access to “The Girl Men Adore” membership club. Go here for The Girl Men Adore coupons and discounts The Lady Men Adore Banner Logo Our The Woman Men Adore Conclusion The Woman Men Adore could be a great program for ladies. This gives girls a close account within a man’s mind in the area of relationship dynamics. Most men would possibly take into account this as a betrayal of the species. However, this program by Bob may be a welcome and much needed toolkit for girls. Men have their attraction tools (i.e. decide-up artist and seduction guides run amok). Why shouldn’t ladies have theirs? It is to the present nice service, along with the presentation of effective information, that we offer this program a 4 out of 5 stars rating. The Girl Men Adore is a unique product. As you know by now, it provides relationship advice to ladies from a perspective of a man. That kind of information offers a heap of credibility ought to have consideration. Where better to learn how men operate than from a man himself? A person, that is, with additional than a decade of relationship counseling expertise. He additionally specialized in serving to a lot of girls into successful relationships. A major knock on the program is that the support team; or a lot of specifically, the lack of it. That truth prevents this program from obtaining a perfect score. At least for our attempt, our inquiry didn’t get any response. It could be an isolated case of misplaced email however it does raise a red flag. A weak or non-existent support team implies that download problems or product inquiries would go unanswered. It also indicates that the product may not be obtaining any a lot of attention. That is, the merchandise is no longer getting any updates. This is a minor qualm. Still, you'll be able to pick a factor or 2 on a way to develop your relationship through this program. It’s lucky that relationship dynamics and interpersonal ideas don’t go unfashionable as alternative fields. Alternative fields like investment programs or weight loss programs want frequent updates. Relationship programs don’t. The Girl Men Adore works inside-out. It starts with developing yourself to developing your relationship. It helps you remodel into a woman that men adore. This then ends up in you raising your attractiveness level to men. You prime men into a committing mindset. Then you create them need to be a half of a fulfilling relationship with you. Our Final Suggestion: Buy The Woman Men Adore
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