#but his ability is sooooooooooooo good
dateko · 1 year
watching dead apple. oda cameo and ango and im barking
ango is literally my lover and my husband and he doesn’t want me he just sits there in an office and i smile and i yearn for him maybe it’s just the fact he has glasses or is voiced by jun fukuyama but i know enough to say i have Strong feelings for him i think
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Death Note, meet Supernatural- CHAPTER 8
Relationships: L (Death Note)/Reader, L (Death Note)/Original Female Character(s)
Summary: What if Death Note existed in a world with Winchesters in it? Would L finally have the evidence he needs to prove Light is Kira? How will L fare in a world where monsters are real and not every case is solvable by him? Lucky for him, there's a hunter here to work side-by-side with him.
A/N: Um...hey! Sooooooooooooo sorry for being so late. Since the last time I uploaded, somebody hacked my work email and I've been swamped with work. But as an apology, enjoy a special feature and a 3400+ words chapter! Hurray!
Chapter Summary: A trip down memory lane...or should I say a haunting? Surprise visitor in this one!
Chapter 8: The Boy with the Demon Blood
The warmth on my face feels too nice with the breeze coming in from the sea. With every passing moment, a thought leaves my mind- decimating my todo one task at a time. When the panic attacks came and there was no one and nothing to help me, distract me- I took it upon myself to silence my mind forcefully. Close my eyes and will my muscles unlock. Banish every thought as soon as it came. Lose awareness of the weight on my shoulders and the pain in my chest. Between my stubbornness to make this work and the tiredness in my body, it became…possible after a while. After the shitty month we’d been having, this detour feels surreal. There is a pit forming in my stomach because surely, something is about to go wrong. Peace is not easily found, not for people like us. How things can get worse than they currently are, I am not certain. But they will.
One thing in particular. Ruby.
The demon who’s convincing my friend to drink demon blood to enhance his psychic abilities to kill the mother of demons, Lilith, and rescue his brother from Hell where he was dragged by hellhounds a little over a month ago.
Definitely wrong. I’d been doing everything to stop that from happening but I wasn’t sure how long I could make him see sense. Sam loved Dean, and the fact that Dean had gone to hell because he made a demon deal to bring back Sam from the dead was definitely increasing the guilt factor. Wrong is wrong though, and drinking demon blood is a solid no-no. Even Dean would agree with that. Not that I thought much about what Dean would agree with, or about him in general. My sanity was hanging by a thread, and any prolonged thought on Dean would make me completely lose it. I want him here, beside me, drinking beer and chasing after skirts. And I will make that happen. But not by losing Sam in the process. 
A beer is placed in front of me. Silently accepting it, I bring it to my mouth. Now, there’s warmth beside me too. A very comforting warmth, one I’d recognize in my sleep, one that I never want to go away, one I crave too much. I’m not relaxed now. I’m using every ounce of strength I have to stay as I am and not lean into him. Those arms that have helped me for nights while I cried, those that look so strong, and inviting, are calling my name. But I resist. Comfort is something he doesn’t want now.  
He only wants Dean.
I want him. 
The red liquid in a bottle isn’t wine. 
She finally convinced him.  
I drop the groceries, sprinting, knocking the bottle from his hands. The walls are painted red.
My vision blurs as a sharp pain registers in my skull. “What the fuck, you bitch? That was my blood”, snarls Ruby as she presses me against the motel wall.
“Hands off, Ruby. Now.”
Good, atleast he cares this much.
Dropping me and whirling on him, she starts shouting. “I’m not your minion, Sam. I’ve been tailing you for months to convince you to use your powers for good and she is constantly against me. Get her in line. I won’t keep coming here to get insulted. You don’t need her. You come with me now and we can start with your training. Lilith isn’t going to kill herself.”
Sam’s expression is easier to read in his distress. He doesn’t want to leave me like this but he is set on getting revenge, getting Dean back. If he leaves now, my chances of getting him back are next to zero.
Getting onto my feet shakily, I make my way to Sam. The time for caution is gone. Stretching on tip-toes, I cup his face and bring it closer to mine. Sam’s shaky inhale gives me hope.
“Sam, look at me. Can you see what you mean to me? How much I care for you? Can you remember how much I care for Dean? I love him, and I want him back. But I also love you, and I don’t want to lose you. Please, Sam. This is demon blood. What if something happens to you? What if after drinking enough demon blood you turn into one too? It scares me, Sam. I’m so, so scared.”
My eyes close at this point, tears leaking out. I hold his face tighter, wanting to feel him after staying away for so long.
“Sam, please. We’ll start slow. We’ll develop your psychic abilities without the blood. It’s safer, right? And possible too. Please say yes, Sam. Stay with me. Dean is gone now, and until we get him back, we only have each other. Please be with me, Sam. Look at me. I need you, Sam. So much. Hold me, Sam. ”
He isn’t moving. My hands leave his face to find his hands. I place them on my waist and cup his neck. Stroke his chin. Touch his forehead to mine. “This isn’t bad, Sam, right? Please stay with me. I’m begging you.”
Cicadas are buzzing, curtains ruffling. Somewhere near, a dog barks. My heart gives a jolt.
Finally, he gives a jerky nod. Finally, I sob heaving in relief. Finally, the bitch leaves.
That’s the first night we sleep in each other’s arms.
Morning comes, and we’re both still holding onto one another.
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The days after that are filled with hunting demons and Sam trying to kill them with his psychic abilities. Few he manages, rest we exorcise after interrogating about Lilith's whereabouts. Every demon that proves useless makes Sam resent me more. Those are the nights he sleeps in his bed turned away from me. We still don’t talk. Barely perfunctory words are spoken, nods given, grocery lists written. I’ve taken to calling Bobby every time I’m alone, which is often. Sam needs his space and every second he’s out of my sight, I imagine Ruby cornering him again and Sam accepting her help. Bobby shares my fear but there’s not much he can do as Sam refuses to see him or any other hunter. The cases we stumble on, he ignores. I note them and ask Bobby to get some hunter on it, wishing I was on it. The thrill of the hunt would make me feel better. It’d feel wrong, without Dean. But those brief moments where nothing matters except you and the kill- I want that oblivion. The only time I get it now is in Sam’s arms at nights his highness does deign to grace my bed. Settled between his arms and chest, the world feels liveable. Like I didn’t see my best friend ripped to shreds and dragged to hell in front of me. Like there’s still warmth in the world. Like I can relax and close my eyes. 
Sometimes, my growing feelings for him worry me. Because my feelings are mostly of love and worry while his eyes show nothing when he looks at me. It’s like he’s only doing this because I begged him to hold me. A duty he has to perform because someone who’s hurting asked him of it. These thoughts always make me feel guilty, and make me want to tell him to stop, lie that I don’t need it. But I never say this because what if my need is the only thing keeping him here and away from Ruby?
While trying to save Dean, I knew my biggest job would be to get him back once he got taken. I never thought it would be to save Sam from getting himself taken as well.
He shuts the TV off. In 3 steps, he’s on my bed. Lights are turned off, and I’m tugged down.
He’s spooning me today.
I allow myself a brief smile and pull his arm tighter around me.
Don’t let go, Sam .
Sipping my glass of sake, which was the only thing I could identify and pronounce in this bar, I glance around from my darkened corner at the other patrons of “Kariudo no Tsuki”, also called Hunter’s Moon. It must be popular cause I scored a ride on the app. A taxi would’ve been cheaper but my Japanese isn’t that good and I didn’t want to get lost. Currently, it’s 6 PM and people are starting to come in. I imagined it’d be like back home- mostly a hunter break stop but suits and lovebirds are also coming in. The interior looks rough but in a classy way. There is no one I can walk up to and just start talking. The hunter who gave me this address showed me a picture of a guy called Haru. He was short with a shorter mustache that reminded me of Hitler. Haru knew anything that happened here, but when I asked the bartender about him (thanks to Google translate), he just shot me a blank stare with “Haru no here”.
45 minutes later of people watching, my suspect walked in, headed straight to me and plopped down on the seat next to me after giving the bartender a meaningful look. There goes his 18%. He said nothing, just stared at me. People have been staring a lot here in Japan. Dean would stare back even longer, refusing to give in but I’m tired of this shit and want to get some work done. Plastering on my best smile, I start in English, “Mr. Haru, pleased to meet you. This is Anne. Could we please talk?” Seeing his nod, I’m inwardly relieved. Thank God he atleast understands English. 
“You can guess what I do and why I’m here, correct?”
A nod.
“So can you please let me know your thoughts on how is Kira doing this murder? What have you found so far?”
Nothing this time. 
I feel a headache coming. 
“Mr. Haru, I understand you’re a hunter. I know you understand me. I need answers. There are mass murders happening and it’s our responsibility to stop them. Can you be of assistance?”
My fingers tighten on the now-empty glass. I look away and count to ten. What a dick.
When I turn to him again, he’s gesturing to a girl. She comes and stands next to him and then he gestures to me.
Looking at me, she flinches a bit and I rearrange my expression into something softer bringing a tentative smile on her face.
“I’m Umi. What can I do for you?”, her sweet voice fills my ears.
Thank fucking God.
“Are you a hunter?”
She’s taken aback at this blunt question and stammers out a response. “N-no, I’m still being trained. But I know things.”
“Good. Please tell me your theories about the Kira case. Now please.”
“Well, there isn’t anything to tell. He’s been sent by God.”
“Could you repeat that sweetheart?”
Umi’s answer is full of admiration. “Kira is only killing criminals, and he has decreased the crime rate dramatically. People feel safer with him. We believe God has sent him to deliver his divine justice. ”
Psycho alert. 
“Kira is killing people, wielding a supernatural power we haven’t heard of before and you’re not concerned? What kind of hunters are you?”
Umi is quick to correct me. Me . “Not people, just criminals. And we haven’t heard of it before because that power belongs to God and we do not hunt God.”
God. of Death. Shinigami?
“So you know which God is doing it?”, wanting her to confirm my suspicions.
“That isn’t for us to know. But whoever it is has our thanks.” Her eyes have gone mad; she totally believes this crap.
Dropping my nice act, I scoff. “Are you fucking crazy? Kira murders . He is wrong. Anything, any God, helping him is wrong.”
For the first time, Haru speaks something. I don’t understand the work but his words are angry and eyes accusing. 
Umi speaks up, “Haru says we know what you’ve been doing. You are just like the monsters you kill in America. We are holy people- we kill evil and respect the divine.”
“And Kira is DIVINE???”
All hints of a smile are gone from her face when she speaks next. “Keep your voice down. We won’t help you catch Kira. We don’t even want to find Kira. Let him rid the world of evil and then we can kill monsters in peace like us hunters are meant to.”
Haru speaks again and the girl nods furiously. “Seeing as you’re an American hunter, we have something of yours that we’re anxious to get rid of. Wait here.”
She disappears behind the back door. In the 15 minutes it takes her to get back, I realize I’m fucked. Being on a different continent, I have no idea how Japanese hunters work. I have no contacts. No one to turn to in case things get fucked up. I’ve told L that I’m working on a lead but this bar is a bust. Only thing I’ve left is the library now- and even then, killing a Shinigami would take weapons. Where and how to get them? L could take care of the police if there are bodies but I’d have to tell him why there are bodies. Including him in this supernatural angle could prove disastrous. Should I call Garth? Jody? Have someone come here to help me? 
When Umi returns, I realize I don’t need to call another hunter from home. 
Seems like they’re already here. 
The girl accompanying Umi is a 15-year-old teenager looking furious and relieved at the sight of me.
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Once Krissy finished her tale (with 3 burgers, 2 large fries and cokes), I marvel for the millionth time how we, who save the world, are constantly being fucked over. Her dad got her to investigate Kira, same as me but without the FBI’s help, and got eaten by a vampire. Krissy’s been stuck here since they came on a fake passport, she had no money, oh and yeah- that she’s a minor. She couldn’t contact anyone at home because who needs numbers when you have phones? But what happens when blood-crazy monsters trash your house and break all your shit? The hunters at the bar let her stay in exchange for doing some chores. I thank a God I don’t believe in or count on that it was not worse. 
“So I have some yen saved from what they paid me. But if you get me back home- I have an aunt- I’ll pay you back,” Krissy says once she’s done eating.
“I’m getting you back sweetie, and don’t worry about the money. Humanity still exists no matter what you’ve seen.”
Her fingers start tapping on the table. “No matter what, huh? I’ve seen my father ignore me and go crazy to prove his worth by catching this psycho. What kind of person does that?”
Well, atleast he didn’t force Krissy to hunt. “Look sweetheart, I don’t know why your father did what he did. This life, it changes something fundamental inside people. We stop being regular people and become someone else. Just remember the good moments with him and leave it at that. Nothing’s your fault, so no need to look for answers that aren’t coming. Okay?”
Her nod is quick and shaky. The girl doesn’t cry, I respect her. “Your aunt, she reliable?”
“Um, I don’t really know. Dad only talked about her sometimes but she’s lived at the same house for 20 years. I remember the way.”
Not good.
My plan is made- atleast for her. I call my contact at FBI and tell him to have a fake US passport brought over to me with Krissy's face and a fake name. Earliest she can leave will be the day after tomorrow, six in the morning. Haneda to O’Hare, then to Sioux Falls Regional Airport. Jody will be there to pick her up and handle the rest.
Taking her back to the headquarters is a definite no. I pick the nearest motel to the airport and get ourselves a room. While Krissy’s enjoying a long-awaited bath (evident by her off-tune humming), my mind is reeling- I have 0 leads on Kira with just a hunch about Shinigami, and now a kid to take care of for 2 days. Meanwhile, L is there with Light and Misa who could very well be the murderers. What a mess.
Pulling up Watari’s number, I inform him that some personal business has come up requiring me to stay out of the headquarters until the morning of the day after tomorrow. “Your request for leave will have to be approved by Ryuzaki; please stay on the line while I confirm this with him.” Staring at the phone in disbelief, I contemplate chucking it out along with the tracker he placed on my belt.
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“I thought your commitment to catching Kira would have you here with us day and night. What is so important that you must stay away?”, comes the bored drawl of the detective.
“As I told Watari, it’s personal.”
“What of the lead?”
I pinch my eyes shit remembering that shit show. “Terrible. Waste of time.”
“I could’ve told you that before and saved you a trip to Hunter’s Moon. ”
I sit up straight from where I had been lounging on the bed. Hearing hunter in L’s voice is like I’ve been in a dream and then suddenly falling in a dead drop. 
God. Oh god.
“Anne? Anne?”
“Yes Ryuzaki?” I gasp. “Are you alright?” No. “Yes.”
“What happened at the bar?”, L prods. “Nothing. My lead turned out to be a Kira supporter. They don’t know who Kira is but they certainly won’t be helping us.” I wonder if the defeat in my voice is apparent to him or not. “Hm. Unsurprising. You should get back to the headquarters so you may actually prove useful.” Picking at my cuticles, I’m planning my trip to the local library to show him how useful I am. “Shut up, Ryuzaki. I told you, I have a personal thing to take care of.”
“Are you planning to engage in intercourse with a stranger?”
What. What.
My voice is a squeak. “Ryu- what the hell dude?”
“Well, you were at a bar, your location is at a motel now and asking for leave for personal reasons when you possibly can’t have any in a foreign country you’ve been in for less than 48 hours with no contacts. It’s a highly probable guess that you met a stranger at a bar and now want to have sex with him.”
His whole explanation- wow. “No, Ryuzaki. I’m not at the motel to have sex. Something really important and unrelated to the case has come up. I wasn’t expecting it. Real coincidence. But I have to take care of this. And as for being useful, I’ll do my research from the local library tomorrow and be back at the headquarters the next morning.”
“If you do anything stupid, the taskforce will not rescue you. Do not screw up the investigation. Do not draw attention to yourself during your library trip.”
Duh. “There goes the plan of wearing my big bird costume tomorrow. I was really looking forward to it.”
The robot does not laugh. I decide to get some answers for a change. “How are things at your end? Lovebirds acting usual?"
L enunciates like he’s talking to a 2 year old. “We cannot talk about that on the phone. It’s not secure.”
Rolling my eyes, I huff out a reply. “Like you haven’t got the most secure phones on the planet. Thanks for giving me one, btw. Definitely going to get up to all sorts of nefarious things on this one.”
A long-suffering sigh is my only answer.
I want more. I don’t want to hang up. I don’t want to face the surly, traumatized teenager about to get out of the bath. I don’t want to go back to planning my next move when I have nothing. I want Sam and Dean. And Cas and Bobby. And my mom and dad. And a hug. And someone to make me feel warm. And to keep talking to L- the only person I’ve allowed myself to trust one percent.
The wall I’ve been staring at goes blurry. I want a hug, now. NOW. I swallow- sharp, hot glass shards going down my throat. The call is still on. No one speaks. I disconnect. 
I’ve let go.
What do you think? First real scene of Anne with a Winchester. Sorry that the bar was a bust but I've always imagined that hunters from different countries don't collab and Team Free Will has messed up (with good intentions) so many times that I don't think they'd be too welcome.
Anyway, I've got the outline for the next chapter ready so it should be posted in a week. It's still a WIP so if anyone has got any scene request, just let me know!
Likes, comments and reblogs fuel me, don't forget to leave some :)
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Thanks for replying to my ask . I am currently reading your analysis now. I also watched the new episode I mean episode 22. And I have some thoughts and asks too. But I will wait for you to watch and your reaction :)
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Haha <333 why wouldn't I respond? Hope you like my analysis hahaha.
Originally I was going to add (near the end) how the episode 8 bouquet ending shot is sooooooooooooo good because....
(taking it and squeezing out even mORE nuance-)
The trampled bouquet end shot is only shown after an injured Ikki goes to his family for comfort......and is asked by his mom to save Daiji. Once again, this is the root of the Igarashi Family's issues:
Ignoring trauma + failing to give the needed attention / comfort + piling pressures and responsibilities onto Ikki (esp ones involving his siblings) + the infantilization of Daiji and his ability to make his own decisions / help himself.
Like this entire problem began because you (the mom) stacked inappropriate responsibility/burdens onto the eldest son. Now, you're doing it again?
Idk,,,this entire show is loaded with symbolism and foreshadowing and just...the intentionality y'all.
Soooo funny. Originally along with the flowers things I was gonna mention how --- after Daiji gets back home in episode 10, the father cries and says: "Dinner with the whole family sure is good...!"
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.....and like, I then thought to myself:
What if....this is the show telling us or foreshadowing,,,,that whenever Daiji ISN'T eating with the family,,,there's something Kagerou-related going on......
(Cause you know what time we ALSO don't see Daiji eating with the family? 👀....episode 19. Homeboy was just??? Not there??? While the rest of the family had a heart attack over the father's tooth-ache shenanigans, Daiji was fking M.I.A
lol I thought he wasn't home, but then he enters from --down the hallway? To grab Ikki??? Like??? Why aren't you eating with the family??)
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Idk maybe I'm grasping or just seeing conspiracies where there are none. I just know that whenever I have a "haha why did they say/do this?" moment, in hindsight that sh*t was purposeful.
I'm excited to finish episode 22, Analysis-Anon. <33
(WEll excited AND nervous because whA TFFFFFF)
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How about a quick one shot of reader drunk texting Henry with a joke question about his sexual prowess and he actually replies? Pretty pretty pretty please? I love you thx🕵🏻‍♀️
Hey anon I totally not know outside of tumblr and totally not was having a conversation about this before I got this message. Thanks for asking about this I totally wasn’t planing on writing anyway 😜
@ladyreapermc / @theolsdalova / @greenmanalishi / @itsmydreamlifethings / @palaiasaurus64 / @celestial-vomit / @penwieldingdreamer​ / @notyourtypicalrose  / @babypink224221/ @fanficsrusz​ / @solariumss / @starlite13 / @ly–canthrope / @mytbel0st / @oddsnendsfanfics / @ravenpuff02 / @sofiebstar / @chamomilebottom / @keiva1000 / @agniavateira / @peaceinourtime82 / @dearlybelovedluke / @diehadess  / @watermeloncavill/ @hnryycvll​
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The last Martini definitely had been to much. Groaning you opened one eye, the sun high up in the sky. Turning yourself around you glanced at your clock. Almost 11am That was not how you wanted to start your saturday. You had been out with a couple of friends, celebrating your new job. You didn’t even know when you got home. All you knew was that you needed a shower and a coffee.
Freshly showered, your head slightly less hurting you leaned with your head on the counter in front of the coffee machine in hopes it would get ready faster if you just kept looking at it. Sighing you reached for your phone. All you friends seemed to made it home safely, your best friend just texted you that she would be over later for your weekly TV Date. You were just about to put your phone down when you got an instagram message
<henrycavill replied to your message>
Blinking you looked at your phone.
“What?” You whispered shocked. Trying hard to think what on earth you could have written him, you closed your eyes. Breathing in deep.
Yes you had a wild discussion about how hairy he was. And yes your best friend insisted on him having to be good at eating out because of that tongue of his. Years ago you had worked as a PA on set for him. He had always been nice to you and one of the reasons you had pursued your dream to become a director.
Mortified you opened your instagram app, getting to your messages.
“Oh my god…” You groaned when you began to read.
<April 11th, 23:49: You probably won’t remember me but i used to bring you coffee daily (milk, no sugar right?) Sooooooooooooo I am having a livid discussion with a couple of my friends about how good you are at eating pussy. Need answer soon, bet a lot of money.>
<April 12th, 00:13: I’m 98% sure that you are drunk. Hope you have fun, as to your question, how much money are we talking about?>
<April 12th, 00:17: Very drunk. I bet 50 pounds on you being a pro.>
<April 12th, 00:22: You gonna share if I tell you?>
<April 12th, 00:24: I would need proof. After that we can talk about it :P>
<April 12th, 00:26: You can’t see me but I’m very much laughing wholeheartedly about this. You made my day. Have fun out with your friends. I will check in with you tomorrow and maybe even answer your question ;) >
<April 12th, 11:44: Good moring, I hope you got back home safely and the hangover is treating you well :P>
Reading that whole exchange over and over you felt like dying on the spot. Not that you slided into his DMs like a fucking teenager, no, he replied. Setting your phone down on the counter you brought your hands up to massage your temples, the headache getting more serious with each second. Never in your life had you been this embarrassed. The only acceptable reaction to this would be to move to another continent. But you couldn’t because you just got a new job. So you breathed in deep and answered him.
<April 12th, 11:56: How weird would it be to say I wish I wasn’t home safely but instead taken to an island with not internet connection? Oh god I’m so SO sorry>
Biting your lip you set your phone down, finally going for the cup of coffee you had been waiting for. A pling of your phone showed a new message.
>April 12th, 11:59: No need to be sorry. We’ve all been there and drunk texted. Usually it’s an Ex though... Shame for you I was bored out of my mind and actually remembered you when I saw you texted me. Usually I don’t look at my messages. Too many weirdos.>
You chuckled.
<April 12th, 12:03: Still you picked the biggest weirdo lol >
<April 12th, 12:06: You’re good. Seriously. You didn’t text me nudes so…>
<April 12th, 12:07: People really do that?>
<April 12th, 12:07: You have no idea…>
<April 12th, 12:08: I’m sorry again. I won’t bother you with questions about your sexual abilities again. I’m sure you’re doing just fine. And I totally would have shared my win with you >
You texted. You were sitting in your bed, biting your lip.
<April 12th, 12:10: Who won though?>
<April 12th, 12:12: No one. Didn’t get an answer, silly. We invested the money in a bottle of Whiskey.> You giggled.
<April 12th, 12:14: A good decision. You could have invited me though…>
<April 12th, 12:17: Invite you? I am only starting in the business, you are the actor with the big bucks>
<April 12th, 12:20: You’re right. Let me make it up to you. Tonight? I’ll buy the drinks.”
Frowning you looked down at your phone. Was he serious? You were still wondering about why he was texting you at all, and now he invited you for a drink?
You would lie when you’d say you didn’t think about him after you finished your work with him. How couldn’t you? Not only was he gorgeous, he also was funny. And a geek. The day you had found him in his trailer playing World of Warcraft you were sure he was messing with you, but no. He was serious.
<April 12th, 12:27: Can we talk about yesterday's question when I say yes?> You texted back, biting your lip.
<April 12th, 12:30: Maybe I can even show you….>
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gra-sonas · 3 years
Rewatch anon here, I'm at the end of S1 and this show's logic is taking a real beating, it's like they want to drag the mystery more but don't know how to do it properly so they're torpedoing every avenue for answers, the whole we just found a prison full of aliens who could tell us everything but they're blown up instantly is so lazy, the answer to a cell door cracking is to explode everything? Really? There weren't a hundred options before, and our heroes couldn't hack anything. And the whole thing with Noah dying is even worse, Max refusing to let Michael give him the antidote , even pulling a gun on him, like they didn't have any other option when ??? Neither of them have conditions prone to blackouts, they could've gotten the info then given him the serum to take his powers again or killed him or 50 other things, it all comes off as extremely lazy, there are so many ways they could've given us a few answers then done different mysteries. A story about aliens who don't know they're from has so many possibilities and storylines, it's like they don't want to commit to it. You can have well written characters and relationships and a wonderful overarching mystery and plot, dozens of shows have done it, Fringe, buffy the expanse etc... Nancy drew(which is a fantasy/horror but same diff) on the same network is doing it right now. Sorry to be ranting in your inbox, I honestly love scifi stories and they're so rare especially ones with this setting, I just keep feeling sad at all the wasted potential. p.s I'm also very much enjoying superman and Lois and If you want some other fantastic superhero shows, doom patrol and the boys are both really good shows.
Oh nonnie, I feel you, believe me! There's SO much cool potential in the set-up of this show, and we have all these amazing characters, I really hope that with Chris (who loves romance AND sci-fi), we'll see some more sci-fi elements woven into the fabric of the show, and with Mr. Jones, Deep Sky, and possibly The Alighting becoming involved, I hope we'll finally get some ANSWERS this season! I really want to know more about their home planet (which Chris has teased we'll see more of!!!), their abilities, and so on!
Superman & Lois is sooooooooooooo good, it's the perfect mix of family drama and superhero story, I love it! I'm also a HUGE Doom Patrol fan!!! I've tried The Boys, not my thing tho. But man, Fringe (one of my favorite shows of all time!!!), and of course, Buffy! During a recent rewatch of S1-3, I also became majorly hooked (again) on Star Trek Discovery, another incredible sci-fi show with a chef's kiss cast!
Fingers crossed, RNM S3 will be more eager to reveal new information, than to keep us in the dark, that it will focus more on one overarching mystery/main story instead of losing itself in several side plots, and that - as per Chris's writing preferences - we'll see 1. Character Development 2.Romance 3. Alien Stuff. In that order!
18 DAYS! 💚👽🧬🛸
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ais-n · 4 years
5, 11, 17 for anime asks :D
Anyone wondering, this is from here and I just realized when I looked at #5... omggggg why didn’t I read the asks more closely before reposting the list XD That’s impossible XDDD
5. list all anime you have ever watched
I genuinely don’t think I can accurately answer this XD I’ve watched way too many and I’m bound to forget some. 
I have to figure out how I would even go about answering this... it would be dozens for sure but probably in the hundreds.
If you are actually curious about the answer and weren’t just jokingly trolling me, let me know in another anon ask XD I can do another reply and just list the ones I can remember, and see how far I get. I don’t mind doing so, I just don’t want to take up space if no one cares and it was just a joke because jesussss what a troll the OP was to put that as one of the asks at all XD
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
There’s a few in this category but the first one that comes to mind is Beyond the Boundary (Kyoukai no Kanata)... in some ways it’s not the sort of show I default to watching, or could be done in a way I don’t find interesting. Also some of the characters represent in some way tropes I don’t generally love. 
But! It’s SO fucking good!!!!!!!!! 
Especially since literally the only reason I first watched it was someone on my tumblr dashboard had some pretty and aesthetic animated gifs (I later realized were from the intro song) and it made me curious because it looked like it had nice animation... I really had low expectations on liking the actual series and thought it would be a pretty anime that didn’t really appeal to me.
I seriously love the hell out of that series. Highly recommend. 10/10.
Some others I ended up liking more than I expected:
Tokyo Ghoul I liked a lot (I’m not a fan of re: though), Noragami unexpectedly became one of my favorite series ever, I was surprised I liked some series like That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, or Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon, or Guilty Crown or Oh!!! WAIT how can I forget??
Haikyuu!! Like. What the actual fuck, dude. I hate sports. Hate them. But Haikyuu!! is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD T____T I love it!!
I could probably keep going but I should stop lol
17. biggest anime crush
Gotta be Trafalgar Law from One Piece. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I LOVE HIM
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He’s so fucking great XD He’s super badass, grumpy, but actually a really good guy instead of someone who’s an asshole and also problematic but somehow people think is a cinnamon bun. He’s not a cinnamon bun at all; he has a lot of edges. But his actions often show someone who isn’t heartless. I also really love all of his interactions with the Straw Hats because they (Luffy especially) are fucking chaos incarnate, and he’s someone who’s very methodical and who plans the fuck out of things before doing them. So it’s always a great joy having him around XD
Also! He’s a doctor who has DEATH tattooed on his knuckles which hits me right in the <3 for juxtaposition *_* And I love his ability - it’s really cool! Plus I love the voice they have for him. And his design. And literally just every fucking thing about him.
My god.. I started to write to this question “I’m not sure who it would be, hmm” and now I’m like - how the fuck could I ever think it would be anyone other than my greatest love of One Piece, Law?? And that’s saying a lot because I love the FUCK out of Luffy, Zoro, Shanks, Ace, Sabo - so many characters.
But yeah. When it comes down to who gives me the most joy when he unexpectedly pops up, gotta be Law <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 forever <333333
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Rise of Smithy Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Go, go Axem Rangers! (Disclaimer!) Asia was watching the body being put together with Labranyum. “I can read him,” said Asia, “It feels like he’s dreaming. “No so much dreaming,” said Smithy, “But soon he will have my memories and thoughts.” As Smithy was explaining everything, Asia came closer to the body. She touched the cradle and then had a vision. The world was being destroyed and humans were turned into robots or weapons of destruction. She screamed and Jet comforted her. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I saw terrible things,” said Asia. She then looked at Smithy with fright in her eyes. “Why?” she asked. “Why what?” asked Smithy. “You said we were gonna make a better world,” said Asia. “Trust me it will be a better world,” said Smithy. “When you destroy all humans?” asked Asia. “That’s not exactly…. Humans have every opportunity to evolve, but they don’t take it because of fear,” said Smithy, “They’re scared of change.” “So you believe this will show them not to be scared?” asked Jet. “I don’t suppose you see any option,” said Smithy. He pressed a button and 5 robots with different blades were released. They were all based off Smithy’s information about Xenoblade.“Your time has come my creations,” said Smithy, “Go have some fun.” A scientist entered and the red one killed him. Jet grabbed Asia and ran. “No wait!” Smithy exclaimed before he stopped himself. He then looked at the cradle. “They’ll understand once they see what I’ve created,” said Smithy, “I just need more time.”   We were explaining to Captain N our plan to stop Smithy. “That’s our plan,” I said, “But the only thing I don’t know is how to pull it off.” “Well you’ll find a way,” said Captain N, “You may think you don’t have much, but you have each other, your wit, and your will to save the world.” We were all listening. “Smithy claims he wants to save the world, but whether he believes it or not, his true plan is to destroy it,” said Captain N, “But he wants something more.” “To be better,” answered Colleen, “Better than us.” “To evolve,” said Elma. “Well we won’t let that happen,” I said. There was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it,” said Steven. He answered the door and screamed. “What is it?” I asked. It was the twins. Steven and Chun Li got into a fighting stance. “We’re not here to fight,” said Jet. “We need a place to stay,” said Asia. “I’m very tempted not to give you one,” I said. Michael stopped me. “We can trust them,” he said, “I don’t know how but they’re gonna help us in the future.” “How do you know that?” asked Chun-Li. “This may seem impossible to believe, but I can see in the future,” he said. “Its true,” said Anela, “Its thanks to his visions that we got to where we are today.” “We came here to tell you about what Smithy’s plans are,” said Jet. He showed us a photo of the cradle and a body made entirely out of labranyum. “Is that a gem?” asked Steven. “It was located inside the scepter,” said Asia, “It was the power source that gave us our powers.” “So that explains why Smithy took the scepter,” I said. “If it pleases you, we’d like to help you stop Smithy,” said Jet, “Its what our parents would’ve wanted.” “Then you’re like me,” I said, “You’ve lost family.” “You could say that,” Asia answered. Chun-Li was still injured from a fight. “Smithy sure packs a wallop,” said Chun-Li. “I can help with that,” said Asia. She used her neon ability to heal her wounds. “Whoa,” said Chun-Li it doesn’t hurt anymore.” “Then its settled,” I said, “Tomorrow we head out to find Smithy.” “You know, if Teen Titans Go actually had story and villains like Smithy, then it would be a popular show,” Michael said, “But nooooooo. You think the president of Cartoon Network would throw us a bone, but they keep showing that shitty ass garbage shit show every day, multiple times a day.” “Agreed,” said Steven Universe, “If this were a show it’d be way better than Teen Titans Go.” “He sees my point,” Michael said, “The original Titans have something that Teen Titans Go will never have; Story, character development, and..... story.” “You said story twice,” said Anela. “That’s because it has twice as much story as character development,” Michael said, “Whereas the new show only has lousy acting, lazy animation and toilet humor, not to mention they turned our favorite heroes into bumbling retards.”
 He looked at the 4th wall. “You hear that Cartoon Network?” he said breaking the 4th wall, “You show sucks, SO STOP SHOWING IT!!!!!” “So what’s your story?” asked Jet. “I beg your pardon?” I asked. “What made you the man you are today?” asked Asia, “We’re curious.” I started explaining how I became Power Man/Megaman X. “Whatever that cerium did to me, made my body totally indestructible,” I said, “Cross is the same way only he can heal body parts in a split second.” “Wow,” said Jet. “I was enhanced by a cerium that turned me into a super soldier with enhanced endurance, speed, and strength, and I can conjure fire,” said Colleen, “Probably a side effect.” “All my powers come from a gem,” said Steven, “And another teammate uses a magic wand.” “I just decided to become a cop,” said Chun-Li. “Come on Chun-Li,” said Elma, “Tell them the truth.” Chun-Li sighed. “My father was murdered by a man named M. Bison, and I swore to avenge him which is why I took on Kung Fu,” said Chun-Li, “But then I learned vengeance wasn’t the answer.” “Well we were almost consumed by it, but it’s a good thing we didn’t let it take us,” said Jet. Billy climbd up a tree and fell asleep. “Sooooooooooooo about this show ‘Silly Moments with Daisy’,” asked Jet. “Yeah?” I asked. “There was one episode where she had the younger Toph Beifong on the show,” said Asia, “How did she manage to get her on that episode.” “Trust me on this one; you don’t wanna know,” Chun-Li said. She then turned to me. “Nicholas, don’t tell them,” she said, “You shouldn’t have told me but you did, and now I’m telling you, you don’t wanna know.” The next morning I was asleep and fell off the bed. “Ow,” I said. I looked out the window and saw Chun-Li playing with Mel and Ken. “To be young again,” I said smiling. Steven barged through the door. “Nichoals you gotta see this!!!!!” he shouted before realizing he just barged it, “Oh… sorry.” He stepped out then knocked. I let him in. “Nicholas you gotta see this!” he said. “What is it?” I asked. He turned the TV on. Some robots in clad colors were wreaking havoc in Chicago. They were controlled by Smithy. “He’s back,” I said, “We have to stop him.” I called Luna. “Luna is the Mark XI ready for deployment?” I asked. “Already on its way,” she said. “Good, cause I’m gonna need it,” I said. A capsule landed near my location and I went to it. It was armor similar to my X armor but with streaks of white and gold. I started to put it on. “Don’t think you’re the only one with an upgrade Nicholas,” said Michael. Xenoblade’s P.O.V I came out with some new armor. “And check this out,” I said. I pressed a button and I was invisible. “Whoa,” said Steven. “That’s right,” I said, “I pictured if Smithy was gonna evolve we might as well too.” “Good thinking,” said Nicholas, “You have quite the brain for new ideas Michael. It keeps reminding me why we became friends in the first place.” We all got into the jet. Anela was looking at a screen. “It looks like Smithy is inside some kind of truck,” said Anela. “I could fire at the truck to keep it from getting away,” said Elma. “Negative,” said Colleen, “If the car crashes then that gem could level the entire city. I think we should distract him.” “That’s gonna be a problem because of those 5 guys,” said Steven. “Well some of us can take care of those goons while the rest of you deal with Smithy,” said Billy. “Can I just say one thing?” asked Chun-Li, “MISSILE!!!!!” A missile was shot at us and we were falling down into the city. Nicholas took the wheel and got us all to safety. “Looks like they knew we were coming,” he said. “Aren’t you the clever one,” said the red robot. “Who the hell are you?” asked Chun-Li. “We fight for evil,” said the red robot. “We live for disorder,” said the black robot. “We struggle for chaos,” said the pink robot. “We like what we do,” said the green robot. “We are…” said the yellow robot. “The Axem Rangers!” “So you’re servants under Smithy’s boot,” said Colleen. “Isn’t it lovely?” Asked Axem Pink, “The humans cowering in fear.” “What’s happening right now is only an interlude, and an amusement,” said Axem Black, “Maybe amusement isn’t the right word….. more like a satisfaction, cleaning Earth of those who want to tear it down or keep it the same.” “Evolution is the true cure for this world,” said Axem Red, “And we were born to assist Smithy in it.” “Its not satisfaction if you’re destroying God’s people,” I said. “I think you’re the one responsible for that, trying to creating an invention that helps people, but instead you made something that would bring them all to an end,” said Axem Red looking at me, “And it’s a good thing you’re here because you get to watch as everyone around you gets killed.” I started to get angry. “I could kill you right now but where’s the fun in that?” asked Axem Red, “I’d much rather see the look on your face, quivering in fear as everyone you care about gets destroyed, as you scream in agony and….” I threw my monado at him like a boomerang and it came back at me. “That’s enough out of you, you metallic freakshow!” I said, “Enough of your talk, enough of the pain. The only agony would be suffering you any longer.” I got into a fighting stance. Colleen saw Smithy’s truck. “You go,” said Nicholas, “We’ll take care of these goons.” “The red one is mine,” I said. We started fighting them while Colleen grabbed a motorcycle and chased after Smithy. Elma got out her twin pistols and started firing at Axem Black. He used his ax to chop the bullets in half. “Shit he’s fast,” said Cross. “Team move?” Asked Elma. “Team move,” answered Cross. He picked Elma up and they flew up to the sky. “Now!” said Elma. They spun around while Elma fired multiple bullets. Nicholas was fighting Axem Green. They clashed with their blade and ax. “Try this one for size,” said Axem Green. He did a magic move sending dozens of shooting stars at him. Nicholas used a shield to block them all. “Steven, give me a hand?” he asked. “Got it!” said Steven. He summoned a shield and started fighting with him. Colleen jumped on the truck Smithy was on. “Insect!” he said as he got up, “You will not stop the evolution.” He tried firing at Colleen but she was quick. “Well he’s definitely unhappy,” she said. Anela was following them on the jet. “You wanna know what’s in that cradle?” asked Smithy, “Evolution, but why does that terrify you?” “You and I see evolution differently,” said Colleen. She summoned her energy riot shield and started fighting him. The flames inside her started heating up. “Alright Chun-Li we got a window!” said Anela. Chun-Li got on a motorcycle and started following them. I was fighting Axem Red. “I thought taking you down would be hard,” he said, “But I kinda like it!” Axem Yellow and Pink joined the fight. “You really think you’re a match for us?” he asked, “Well let’s see if you’re a match for this!” He threw his ax at a train track and the train started to fall down. “Shit!” I said. I jumped to it and used my digital headband to make a hand to stop the fall. A carier truck was on the other side. “Hold on Xenoblade!” said the driver, “I’ll bring the car right under there!”  Axem Red was coming at me. “If you can’t stop what you’ve created, then maybe you’re not the hero everyone thinks you are,” said Axem Pink. She attacked me and I almost lost my concentration. The children in the train were scared and screaming. “I can’t let it fall,” I said, “I won’t let it!” “Oh yes you will,” said Axem Yellow. He hit me with a hard punch. The train started to fall again but I caught it in time. Axem Yellow and pink continued to beat on me. Cross and Elma were having a hard time with Axem Black. Elma was held down by Smithy drones. Axem black grabbed Cross by the wings and spun him around. “Cross!” said Elma. One of the drones kneed her in the gut. He then started to rip the wings off while keeping Cross pinned. “Time to ground this bird,” he said, “And then I’ll make you watch as I kill your pretty friend.” One of the drones had a blade near Elma. “Over my dead body!” said Cross. He ignited his photon saber and cut Axem Black’s right hand off. They were fighting and Axem Black still used his left hand to carry his ax. “Alright,” said Cross, “Try this on for size!” He did his signature photon saber move, the Starlight Duster cutting him to pieces. “Wings might need to heal for a bit,” he said. Cross then attacked the Smithy drones and saved Elma. “Now we’re even,” said Cross as he smiled. Elma hugged him. “Thank God you’re ok,” said Elma. People saw me taking a beating from the Axem Rangers. My concentration was starting to break. “Its time to die!” said Axem Red. He came charging at me but someone threw an object at him. “Up here tough guy, come and get a piece of us!” said someone. “We ought to kick your fuckin’ ass!” said somebody else. One of the students was Chuck Quark from school. “Leave Xenoblade alone!” he said, “You gonna pick on a guy trying to save a bunch of kids?!” “I got somethin’ for your ass!” shouted another student as he threw a crowbar at Axem Pink, “You mess with Xenoblade you mess with the Xeno Crew!” “You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!” said Quark. Jet and Asia came to help me out. Jet ran in and out of the train getting the kids out while Asia helped me balance the train. I managed to get the  remaining kids to safety. People kept throwing objects at the Axem Rangers. “Enough,” said Axem Red, “Enough!” Someone threw one more object at him. “I said ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!” he said. He slammed his ax on the ground causing a groundshake. He then turned to me. “You’re all gonna watch as your precious hero dies before your eyes,” said Axem Red, “Then its your turn!” He got out his ax and stabbed me with it. Or…… so he thought. (To the 4th wall) People really need to do their research. I turned back to Axem Red. “Smithy studied me well,” I said, “But he hasn’t learned everything!” I pushed him off, and the others joined me. “Axem Black wasn’t that much of a match for us,” said Cross. “You may have taken down one of our brethren, but we can still take on 7 of you!” said Axem Red. We all got into a fighting stance. “How about 12 of us!” shouted someone. I looked up to the sky and saw the other members of the Xenoforce. “It can’t be!” said Steven smiling. “Cool!” said Cross. “Oh yes it can,” said Nicholas. My teammates jumped down. “Anela called and thought you could use some help,” said Micah. “Well what are you waiting for?” I asked, “Join in and help!” They all morphed into their xeno costumes. The Peacekeepers and the Xenoforce together against the forces of evil. (To the 4th wall) I’d like to see Teen Titans Go’s shitty movie compete with this! Ya hear that CN?! We’re better than Teen Titans Go!
(I’ve got no regrets trash talking that garbage reboot! Fuck you CN! :P)
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 2 - Why Did People Flip - Xavier
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Format: Sequester
Eliminated: Wyatt (9-3-1-1-1) || Daisy (Battle Match)
so! week 2 and my plan honestly is to just really still focus on my social relationships. so far, i feel very confident in my ability to connect with people on a 1 to 1 level, and at least hopefully skate through these first few weeks. consistently my problem in the game is missing out on a key group or alliance that is running more than I know. without being too chaotic and paranoid, i would really really like to try to sit here and just scope out the relationships. as for my groups! i really want to work with jennet. she's like iconic? her art is so cute and i do feel like i made a genuine connection with her early on, and i think pointing out we're some of the only award winners in the cast could bring us closer together ! plus 4th place legends... beyond jennet, i have a group with isaac and nicole, and honestly, im feeling suprisingly good about both. i think these first 6 people i mention are the ones im going to focus on most, and focus on really forming game connection wheras the rest im just socially going to really force myself into their LIVES and hope they like me! Daisy and Jarod... loves them and swifties who ive played with in the past both in a way that i feel we were unfinished. jarod got taken out in the doubles round just as we kinda connected on a game level, and then daisy and i were working together in bb netflix before it got canceled. this is really the group i want to strategize with and im really putting myself on a limb being loyal to them because i know they have options, but its a risk im willing to take because if i can be the number 1, their connections can just offer more safety and information for myself. and the final people who i kinda want to work with is captain and wiliam xavier s up there, we just havent spoken tons dont really have much of an opinion on the others? if i had to nominate right now it might be mario just because we havent spoken yet.
It's annoying to be nominated, especially by Jennet. Literally two minutes before we were talking and I was explaining how this round is played. And then Jennet nominates me. I feel betrayed. Getting my G4ce together (Greenhouse 4) so we can vote as a team. And well, well, well, I just found out that the Sequester 4 are also voting together. It is weird that they are all nominated during the Sequester round. They are targeting either Wyatt or Kaleigh. Knowing they are a team, I want one of them out, if I can swing it quietly.
HI I’m back and already went through a ton! Last round a misunderstanding / Lanie throwing me under the bus just because I said I hadn’t spoken to Nyx and Captain really set me up in a weird spot so I had to get rid of Lanie and then she said we all suck (imagine being almost 30 and telling someone who is your students age that they suck! I get it really is terrible to be blindsided but it was her fault, she played too fast! Like yell at me for not communicating properly or whatever she believed I did at that point but don’t take it out on everyone especially like the youngest player in the game!) Anyway, this round is sequester so we are all back together! I finally get to play with Daisy! I love her so much so I’m super glad we got to play, I’m very glad I get to reunite with Lindsay, I’m glad William isn’t mad at me for the whole Lanie situation and now I’m safe for the first vote! It is a very good feeling but I also feel like I should be learning from Lanie’s mistake and playing not fast so I’m trying to take a step back from talking in the house chat. I’m just so excited to see everyone but I will try to contain myself so I don’t annoy anyone. Check back in later in the round!!!
I forget the questions omg but I had a call with Jarod where he kinda threw out wyatts name as an option to go, and honestly I’m completely fine with that because even though they seem super sweet, I feel like I’m juggling enough balls and I don’t need to add them into my mix, whereas I feel a lot better about every other nominee other than Kaleigh, who I don’t think anybody would do this early My strategy is to just campaign for myself to stay to everybody and avoid throwing out names. I’m hoping that comes from Jarod or one of the safe people because they literally have the safety to get away with it 
I like video confessionals. The only alliance of 4 should be Greenhouse
hello dr.. so i'm glad i got saved by jarod :pleading_face: he rlly said i'm gonna make captain safe no matter what happens. and thats exactly what he did :100: for ppl who are vulnerable, i want autumn, jarod and xavier to be safe the most like idc i just want 3 of them to be safe. xavier might be in a bit of trouble tho since the totem pole ppl are voting together for sure hmmm so i need to try to talk to them to sway them from voting xavier. for the plans to avoid battle match? idk i just want them to feel safe around me no matter what. so that if i end up voting them, they're not gonna be bitter at me that much. and i lowkey saved myself with wyatt since wyatt said they wanted to work with me so prays.
also, i secured an alliance with jarod, autumn and jennet. and a greenhouse alliance with mario, nyx and xavier. the latter hasn't been in the talk like with every greenhouse yet but xavier brought it up to me and i think that it should be great. so fingers crossed!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO, going into Round 2 im having a really big struggle..... im seeing  THAT I DONT DISLIKE A SINGLE PERSON ON THIS CAST, USUALLY THERE IS AT LEAST ONE BUT NOPE    Also we are moving into a Sequester sorta semi safety chain with half vulnerable and half safe cast and lucky me I think Lanie either hated me the most or the least from our Survivor team and decided to give me the Karma twist which gave me safety for the round but made me have to pick the first unsafe out of the whole cast. I think my strategy was to pick someone who didn't talk to me yet (so i had a reason) as well as someone who was sorta loved by most if not all and wasn't a target for it, because I'm thinking if I just fade into the background this round no one would have a need or want to pick me for the Battlematch, i think its safe to assume whoever goes home will pick the person who made them unsafe plus like one other person, so i just have to avoid being that other 1/13 people. As for the vote i have no clue at all, I think maybe Isaac cause i haven't said much to him at all, or maybe Jarod cause i know he is hella busy and prob wont pick me to go into battle..... just not Wyatt or Blake or Kaleigh rn.  So like yeah, just gonna pray, not talk around too too much, let people come to me so it doesnt seem like im pushing anyones name and hopefully vote someone i dont love out. yeah so much fun xoxo William F
So, this round is pretty confusing and difficult to navigate cause not only do we have to vote someone out we have to vote someone out and hope they don't drag us into the battleback. I'm very happy to be safe for the vote since at least then i'll have a chance to battleback in a comp. So, for this vote I can't vote Autumn since she gave me safety, I can't vote Jarod since he took one for the team, I can't vote Xavier cause of the gh alliance, I can't vote Blake due to our bonding on tau ceti, so my only real options for this vote are Isaac, Wyatt, and Kaleigh. If I had my way i'd just pile the votes on wyatt and get them out now but it's not that easy because i haven't talked as much and they could see that as incentive to drag me in. Of course all the people I just mentioned I don't wanna vote for I wanna save because that means they'll be willing to work with me to some capacity. To avoid the battle match is the hardest part cause people can be very impulsive with their decisions and heat of the moment always catches people off guard. My best bet is just not to make too many promises and to just tell the truth and hopefully that'll be enough to gain their respect. 
besties.. i don't know what i'm doing. its between wyatt and kaleigh methinks but wyatt keeps dropping my name everywhere and i don't really like it. idk if they get eliminated, if they would put me in the battle or not. but like if they're this messy, i'm voting them for sure. also sobs kaleigh is so cute.
prays for me DR! sign: captain.
bro no one wants to throw out a name because of the battle drag twist so it's three hours to tribal and i dont know who the fuck to vote my gut is telling me jarod but i am absolutely not letting jarod drag that shit back to me definitely not autumn i dont know like. i'm working the tightest with william, daisy and wyatt weirdly enough and none of us have heard anything so i just. ?????
IT WONT LET ME PUT AUDIO FILES IN!!! But when Monty puts them all together later this season I hope yall enjoy haha
Ok this vote is messy. It started out with Jarod and the Sequester group wanting to vote Kaleigh. They got people on board, and it looked good. Until Wyatt made that alliance chat. And of course the vote shifted to Isaac. But the Sequester group won't vote Isaac. Mario voted Autumn. Captain voted Wyatt. I am voting Kaleigh because I haven't spoken to her much. But I want the vote to go Isaac's way - it breaks up Sequester, and he won't think it was me, so safe from the battle. So it may be 5 on Kaleigh, unless the other people in that Alliance chat are not being honest as well. Ha ha. As long as it's not me, right?!
wyatt made a voting block?? and didn't include me?? the person with no connection to isaac who they kept safe and would have probably voted with them???? wh ok i guess my vote is on wyatt tonight tf 
So, this round is a clusterfuck of scrambling cause no one wants to get pulled into the battleback and potentially lose there. I just don't wanna go home even earlier than last time because my game has just been so much better and to lose it this way would be fucking devastating. i just want to win so badly so im just hoping i can maneuver this right
WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I know Captain voted for Wyatt. Maybe Captain is more influential than I thought? Why did people flip? Because of the alliance chat? It was too much? And why wasn't I included in the flip vote? Agh. Time to make my own rules here.
I am still shookt 
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surveysofdayspast · 7 years
Survey from: May 3, 2010 @ 1:03am Today: May 3, 2017 – 4:54pm.
Your last ex finds out you've fallen in love with another person? 2010: no ex lol
2017: Technically the above answer is a lie—I once dated a boy for a day in grade 7 or something. So I DID, in fact, have an ex. Technically. But anyways, to answer the question, I imagine he would just be happy that I’m happy (the most recent ex, not the grade 7 one…).
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed walked out of your life? 2010: oh yes.
2017: Well I’m pretty sure I’m standing here, in one piece, better and happier than ever. So…no.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? 2010: wo-ta-ta (water) :)
2017: Literally just had a sip of water before typing this. Or “wo-ta-ta” as I apparently used to say.
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you tell her? 2010: lmao she doesnt need to worry about that right now hahaha
2017: “Well, it looks like someone broke into our house and had sex in my room, because you KNOW it wasn’t me.”
Do you prefer pasta salad, or coleslaw? 2010: pasta salad im thinkinnn
2017: This feels like one of the more random questions I’ll encounter in this survey. I like pasta salad if it’s not the kind with tuna, and coleslaw is also great if it doesn’t have too much dressing. In terms of which one I prefer, the answer appears to be…neither. They are equally great under the conditions specified above.
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 2010: yeah probably, not like ive had it up to now, if i just kept not drinking..id be fine :p
2017: My naïve 16-year-old self doesn’t even know what she was missing. I definitely COULD live without alcohol, but I think my life would be much less interesting if I made that particular choice.
Who's bed were you on last? 2010: mine lmao 
2017: Same, younger me. Same.
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? 2010: lol no clue :p
2017: I just thought of old lady Rose from Titanic saying, “It’s been 84 years.” I’m gunna go with that, I think.
Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? 2010: yesss i haveee
2017: It feels REALLY early into that relationship for me to have cried (literally one month in), but hey, who am I to judge? Since we’re speaking of the same human, the answer is still yes.
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yes.
Does anyone call you babe? 2010: on occasion :p
2017: I spent some time trying to think of clever answer to this—but I couldn’t so the answer is no.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? 2010: yes for sure
2017: Well, I managed for 12x that so I don’t think staying faithful is really a problem for me.
Do you think the last person you kissed is a player? 2010: nope hahaha
2017: No.
Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? 2010: its possible, ive seen it :p
2017: So many spelling and grammatical errors…it’s so hard not to edit them all out... Yeah, it’s possible. I’ve seen it happen. I think it greatly depends on the circumstances of the break-up, however, and perhaps long they were together, etc.
Your ex wants you back? 2010: no ex :p
2017: I feel like this question could be received in two different ways. But no to both contexts.
Anyone say they want to be with you forever? 2010: nope
2017: Yes.
Ever dated someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited personality? 2010: nope
2017: No.
Last person you had a deep conversation with? 2010: twitter? hahahahaaaaa :p
2017: My conversations with Twitter are significantly less deep than they are ridiculous nowadays. But I used to have a REAL tweeting problem in high school. That’s why my tweet count is over 15k or something insane like that.
Anyways, I have pretty deep questions with my best gal pal Kelsey, because lives and personalities parallel each other in a lot of ways (and also because she’s awesome and easy to talk to).
Even more recently, my mom and I have spent a significant amount of time theorizing about who killed Jason Blossom on Riverdale because I guess we just think we’re Sherlock Holmes and John Watson or something. These conversations, while seemingly arbitrary, are actually SURPRISINGLY in depth.
(P.S. we think it was Hal Cooper). Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? 2010: yes, literally more than half the time :)
2017: Why didn’t I ever capitalize my sentences?
And sure, but only of the fictional and unattainable variety. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? 2010: accepttttt
2017: I’m not going to lie, I think I rejected? Because #strangerdanger. I really don’t remember, though. 
Would you prefer being locked in a room with your ex or your worst enemy? 2010: no ex, and i dont really have an enemy...unless its just someone i hate, which would be the penguin..and id rather shoot myself in the face then be locked in a room with her :p (not to be overly dramatic or anything :p)
2017: That was definitely dramatic. To clarify, the “penguin” I refer to in this answer and in some answers and surveys to follow probably, was my grade 11 English teacher. I did a weird thing where I nicknamed some of my least-favourite teachers after an animal I thought they looked like. At the end of the day, this is a pretty rude thing to do but I won’t pretend it never happened! This particular teacher was a genuinely bad one, however, so I only regret judging her by her appearance, but will never regret judging her lack of teaching abilities.
Moving on—I choose my ex, since I don’t have an “enemy” to speak of (probably because I’m a real person and not a fictional character archetype) and some potentially awkward conversation is significantly less awful than a possible duel to-the-death. Have you kissed someone in 2010 that means a lot to you? 2010: yes!!! <3
2017: Given that it is no longer 2010, I technically can’t answer this question in the here-and-now. I will, however, answer it for this year?
The answer is no. Do you want your ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? 2010: lack of ex ahahaha
2017: Definitely.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? 2010: OMG Juno?!
2017: That would be significantly awkward for a number of reasons.
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? 2010: ahahaha doesnt matter :p kinda depends i guess :p
2017: “kinda depends”—Oh boy.
They’re both nice. Would it hurt seeing the person you last kissed kissing someone else? 2010: oh yes
2017: Look how the times have changed. No, it wouldn’t.
If the last person you kissed bumped into you at school, what would you say? 2010: good morning! :) like usualll? lmao :p
2017: “Why are you at school? Why am I at school? Aren’t we adults now?”
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? 2010: yupp pretty much :)
2017: Yeah, I suppose I do.
Do you believe your latest ex thinks about you? 2010: lack.of.ex.
2017: I really couldn’t say, as I do not, in fact, live inside his brain. 
Has the last person you kissed, met your family? 2010: yes, yes he has :p
2017: You bet.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? 2010: lol i should hope so :)
2017: I was about to say no but then I realized that would probably be a lie. It just isn’t mutual.
I don’t want to talk about it… Youre insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? 2010: this hasnt and probably wont be happening for a while now :p sooooooooooooo i have literally nooo idea :p
2017: I could see this happening with Rachael or Sasha to be honest.
Next time you will kiss someone? 2010: tomorrowwww :)
2017: Only Father Time knows the answer to this question.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? 2010: [name redacted] :)
2017: Kelsey! 
Do you like to cuddle? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yeah, my cat and I cuddle all the time.
If an ex said they hated you, you say? 2010: no ex! :p
2017: “That’s nice.”
I don’t know, it just isn’t something that would happen unless I manage to be a really terrible human being. Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? 2010: probably not hahaha :p
2017: Sure. Probably not “just to see me,” though. If I was in need for whatever reason I definitely have people.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? 2010: mehh probably :p obviously nothing crazy though? hahahaa
2017: You bet! Ah, life. 
Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don't talk to at all? 2010: yeah sort of
2017: Ah, life (once again). Adult life, in particular.
Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? 2010: mehhh wouldnt want to be lol
2017: I’m genuinely curious to know who I was speaking of in 2010.
The old answer holds true nonetheless. Although thankfully I can’t recall ever being hurt to a point where I thought I was beyond repair. Can you have more than one best friend? 2010: of course!
2017: “Sigh”
Yes. Has anyone said they love you in the last week? 2010: parents ahahaa
2017: Once again, the 7-year-old answer holds true.
Last compliment you received? 2010: not suuuure!
2017: I don’t fully remember but I think it had to do with my hair!
Are you starting to realize anything? 2010: i dont know? ahahaha :p
2017: What a vague question. I don’t even know how to answer it, to be honest. There are so many things that I could be “realizing” that I just feel really overwhelmed and confused while I try to figure it out.
Aren’t we constantly realizing and learning things? Isn’t that what life is?
This question might give me an existential crisis. Who was the first person you talked to today? 2010: [name redacted] technically, textinggggg! :)
2017: Kelsey via text, Dad via…real life.
Have you ever known someone that just creeped you out? 2010: who hasnt? :p
2017: Yes, unfortunately.
Do you hate it when people mispronounce your name? 2010: yeah, because you really think it wouldnt happen, oh but it haaasss :p
2017: My name card at my college grad had the pronunciation of my name (Jaime) as “HAY-may” and I kind of wish I didn’t make the correction.
I don’t hate it, it doesn’t happen often at all. Misspelling it, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Although that doesn’t bother me too much either because it happens almost every day of my life. I’m probably too chill for my own good.
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