#but hey. wmas stays silly
chiangyorange · 1 year
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its a specific kind of dread, being exposed to the multiverse. it makes you wonder if your actions are predetermined, or if there is a universe “better“ than your own.
in this morbid curiosity, does death even matter? there’s plenty of other yous after all.
(additional thoughts under the cut + credits)
im having a moment where i realize that wmas has a Very Specific kind of tone compared to other fics/works/etc and it made me wonder how that actually feels being one of the people who can meet MANY versions of the same you
then i thought about how having the knowledge of fleo facing his own death is, quite frankly, a really fucked up thing to wrestle with. cause even if hes “””ready“”” for it, its still scary. and whats more unknown than looking into the eyes of your own death?
anyway jesus fucking christ why did i do this to myself okay lets go
Trial and Error - @apatheticrobots
odd man out - @threestripeslider
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis - @mutantninjamidlifecrisis
In The Bottom Of The Bottle - @beeceit
Not Quite Kintsugi - @tervaneula
At My Worst - @teainthesnow
2 arms left - @intotheelliwoods
Last Hourglass - @last-hourglass
we’ll meet again soon - thats me bud
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