#but hey im not the one who publicly said they would rape someone sooooooooo
goldrushrunning · 7 years
It's your blog love. Write what you feel. And if that's not ok make a side blog and go to town. That's what I did. 😁💋
ok tw for rape mentions below cut
basically its about how popular imagine writer hypaalicious blocked me for getting mad about saying they would rape gladio on my post
i really dont care if i get hate mail from their fans bc of this im just done vagueing about it and need to rant
this is the only time im going to talk/complain about them outside of asks so dont worry about seeing discourse or something
THIS JUST IN!! popular ffxv imagines tumblr hypaalicious still has me blocked for telling them not to put this on my post
and when they responded they put fucking ~’s in their apology. ~’s. like they changed it to ‘glomped’ bc an anon politely asked them to tag it as ‘rape’ and apparently counts as being called out? and on their blog they put kind of inappropriate comments in the reblogs of some pics which lowered my opinion of them even more bc some of those were photos of actual people and therefore kinda gross
so i get a little mad right? bc the impression i got was that they were joking and not taking me seriously and only giving that half-assed apology as a placating move, so i got off topic in my reply
and then i got a very stiff message stating that i didnt have to make it a ‘public drag session’ and that they ‘didnt like what [they] said any more then [i] did’ and some other filler that basically implied that i was overreacting 
then they deleted the post (and therefore proof of what they said) and blocked me
like they even got theyre friend to block me too
and im just????? then why did you say it???? do you think rape jokes are acceptable or something? like ohhhhh sorry i didnt find your rape joke on my own post fucking funny and relatable. 
maybe im just “too sensitive,” as rape jokers say, bc i went thru non physical csa and know multiple people that have been raped and/or assaulted and never had their rapist convicted? the world may never know. 
well in any case, they wanted a public drag session heres their fucking drag session.
im gonna go watch x-files now or something
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