#but hey if you feel like giving any tips and/or tricks id be very appreciative
low-pass-lullabies · 7 days
Well, I didn't realize it would be such a difficult exercise in CV routing and modulation, but by fuck I'm going to make a picture of a roly poly on this oscillioscope. All of my experience in eurorack thus far has been "Oh, does this sound good? Yeah, I'll keep it then," so uh... progress is slow.
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If you were wondering, yes, this is entirely so I can use it as a pfp for this blog.
A description of what the hell any of that is is below the break:
Green signal: Just a rectified sine from Pam's that I synced with the scroll speed of the oscilloscope. Its determining the main shape of the roly poly.
Red signal: A square wave LFO that's being run through a VCA modulated by that Pam's signal.
Blue signal: Currently, the red signal through an adder, but yeah. That aint it. I'm trying to raise the minimum CV of the red signal such that the arc above stays at the same height, but the the bottom arcs some as well, so he's shaped like a little croissant. But I think I need to do more VCA sulduggery to make that actually work.
Yellow signal: ain't doing shit.
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mummybear · 4 years
Getting Into Trouble
This Is Day 5 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 4114
Warnings: Smut, Wall Sexy, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Think That’s It :P
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader, (Marie) Reader’s Best Friend (OC), Sam Winchester, Unnamed Club Bitches
Summary: Meeting your best friend Marie at your local nightclub turns out to be a more exciting night that you had originally planned. Especially when your favourite doorman is on duty and doesn’t take his eyes off of you all night. This is also for @deanwanddamons​1Kfollowerchallenge So happy for you babe you deserve it :D I had the prompt .....  ‘Sometimes you need it so bad, it’s enough to drive a young girl mad.’
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A cold chill whips through the summer air as you step out of the cab, quickly leaning inside the window to pay the driver. It doesn’t take long for you to approach the steps of the club, it’s a small but popular place. A place which had been quickly growing in popularity, largely thanks to the hot staff it had recently acquired, both inside and outside of the establishment. At least that’s what you had heard, however, you and your best friend Marie had been coming here for years before the change.
A small smile slips onto your lips when you spot your favourite bouncer and doorman, right at the front of the crowd standing on the very first step. He’s looking as handsome as ever, light brown hair styled just so, green eyes that are practically shining with that bad boy twinkle when he winks at you. 
He’s not as wide as the other guys, but he towers over them in height. With broad shoulders that you’ve often imagined clinging to and bow legs like no other man you’d ever seen. He’s dressed simply, but god does he wear all black extremely well. Tight black t-shirt, which you know from experience has the word security printed on the back in white block letters, with what look like tailor made pants and smart black shoes.
“Hey there sweetheart, long time no see” he greets you, just as friendly and charming as ever, with a gorgeous grin that’s all perfect teeth and plump lips. He takes your ID from you, letting his fingers gently graze yours, quickly glancing at it before he hands it back.
“Yeah it’s been a while, you’re still looking real good though” you smile sweetly, the tip of your tongue poking out between your lips as your eyes rake over him, appreciating every perfect inch of that man. 
“Uh, thanks” the blush that coats his freckled cheeks is so cute, you would’ve thought he was used to the compliments by now. He licks hips plump pink lips and flicks his eyes up to meet yours again. “You’re lookin’ pretty damn sexy yourself” he rasps, voice sounding a little deeper than before as he nips at his bottom lip with his teeth.
“Hopefully I’ll see you later and you’ll finally tell me your name this time” you smile back, returning his earlier wink and tucking your ID back in your bag. 
 “I’d really like that. Just don’t go and get yourself into any trouble. I will throw you over my shoulder this time” he warns you playfully, you don’t miss how he lets his eyes shamelessly rake over your body. 
You have to practically press your body against his to get inside, what with the amount of people trying to squeeze inside all at once. You look up at him through your black lashes, giving him your best seductive look. “Oh, promises, promises Mr green eyes. I might just have to get myself into a little trouble then” you wink as he shakes his head at you, giving you a gentle shove inside. 
“Go! I’ve gotta work!” he laughs, finally turning away from you.
The moment that you actually step into the club you realise just how busy it really is tonight. There’s the odd cluster of people here and there blocking your path. People that you almost have to fight your way through, as well as the idiots paying no attention and filtering in and out, being stopped by the doormen and bouncers for god only knows what reason.
The music is quite literally pumping, to the point that you can feel the vibrations under your feet. You really need a damn drink right now and the bar is completely packed. You were really happy with your outfit tonight though, choosing it hadn’t been too difficult once you’d found the right dress. It fit your body perfectly, it was black and purple and stopped a little above your knees. Luckily your heels weren’t too high, since you were definitely planning on dancing tonight, preferably without getting blisters.
You sigh defeated, seeing the size of the lines at the bar, as they continue to grow before your eyes.
Until you spot your best friend waving at you from her usual table by the bar. Relief fills you as you get ever closer, where you notice that she’s already gotten a few rounds at the table and of course she couldn’t forgo the shots. That would definitely save you the wait, meaning that you could get this night started right.
“So, I see Mr green eyes is back, he asked about you by the way,” Marie practically shouts into your ear as she pulls you into a hug.
“Yes he is and considering he works here babe, that’s not too strange” you laugh, ignoring her final comment, you pull back to look at her. “Oh and hello to you too by the way” 
“Sorry love I’ll behave. Or I’ll try at least” she winks as you both take your seats. You shake your head at her with a wry smile, unable to stop the scoff falling past your lips. 
“Yeah that’ll be the day, you’re worse than me!” laughing as you clink your shot glasses together, resting a hand over her heart Marie gasps. “Down the hatch, you dork!” you shout over the loud music and that fake hurt dissolves almost immediately making way for her devilish grin beneath.
Your time together is filled with conversations of mutual friends and things you’d both done since last meeting up. Not forgetting the unsuccessful dates you had both been on, Marie can’t help but remark that you’re sexually frustrated. “I dunno what you’re talking about honey, I’m fine. In fact, I’m more than fine. Me and Mr Vibrator have it very much under control” you wink when she snorts with laughter, almost choking on her drink.
“Oh that is not the fucking same Y/N! And you damn well know it!” replying through a laugh while pushing another shot towards you. You roll your eyes but you can’t help but smile at her. You’d really missed this and as usual Marie understood more than she knew. “Nothing like a good hard fucking, which you so clearly need!” 
“I am not fucking some stranger! You know that’s just not me, besides who says some random guy is gonna be any good” you reason as she shrugs at your answer. 
“Doesn’t have to be a complete and total stranger. We both know someone who is just dying to get into those twisted panties of yours. Pretty sure that’s a man who knows his way around a woman” she winks, nodding over to where Mr green eyes is now standing, clearly it was time for a switch around at the club, since he’d come inside with one of his buddies and was chatting about something.
“Would you drop it woman! That man is so far out of my league. So can I please just have a great night out with my girl!” you sigh pushing another shot towards her with a pout.
“Fine. I’ll drop it. But he would be lucky to get in those pants” you roll your eyes but can’t help but smile as you take your next shot, she’d always been the best wing woman going.
The drinks keep flowing, thanks to the hot barman that Marie is currently waving at, he had apparently been trying to hook up with her for a while, but she was adamant they were only friends. It doesn’t take very long for the two of you to have a steady buzz going, after around five shots each and whatever cocktails she’d ordered before you’d got there.
“I wanna dance, come on. Please” your friend pouts at you, grabbing at your hand and dragging you off in the direction of the dance floor, she doesn’t give you time to argue. 
Those puppy dog eyes she gives you tends to always do the trick. Although, if you were being honest you were also in the mood for a dance, to try and get some of the pent up energy out of your system. Keeping your fingers crossed that hopefully you could stop your mind from wandering, back to that sexy green eyed doorman, which thanks to your wing woman was becoming increasingly difficult. 
The music was practically vibrating through your entire body as you and Marie stepped onto the dance floor. Christina Aguilera’s Dirty had just started playing, you glance up and spot Mr green eyes across the room, he was with  another doorman now, the only guy that you were aware of who was actually taller than him. To your surprise he’s looking right at you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
Marie walks behind you and grabs your hips, pressing herself tight against your back.
“What are you doing woman!” you laugh as she rests her chin on your shoulder, the two of you start to rock to the beat in time with one another, raising your arms in the air as you continue to rock back against her.
“Just go with it! He has not stopped staring at you since we stood up. Not to mention he’s with the tallest man I’ve ever seen and I’ve got the sudden urge to go man climbing” 
You burst out laughing at the serious way she says that, “Want a ride on man mountain huh?” you ask still half laughing as both continue moving to the beat, Marie giggles behind you as the beat speeds up. You’re slowly becoming more distracted as you watch them both move closer, your own hands start moving over your body, keeping your eyes on him the entire time.
You drop down slowly, your ass pressing back into Marie, until you settle back on the heels of your feet, thinking back to a move in the music video for this song. You can feel the muscles of your calves and thighs tense as you lean forward slightly. Slowly sliding your hands down your thighs, stopping at your knees as you part your legs and quickly snap them shut again. Standing slowly, you keep your eyes fixed on Mr. Green eyes, whose fists are currently clenched at his sides. 
You don’t notice the way that his friend is staring at Marie as you push back into her with your ass, both of you laughing as she swats at it playfully and wraps her arms around you from behind. 
However, your happy moods are soon ruined when a drunk group of girls fight to get past you, the one at the front bumps into you and Marie, nearly knocking you both on your asses.
“Watch where you’re going!” she slurs shoving at your shoulders, causing you to stumble back a little unsteady on your heels.
“I’m sorry. What the hell are you talking about? You’re the one who’s clearly drunk off their ass here. You walked into us!” you shout back over the music, resisting the urge to shove her back.
“Get your bitch in line. Nobody talks to my sister like that” one of the other girls squawks, sounding like an angry bird, as they all step closer to the both of you.
“What did you just fucking call her!” Marie snaps, stepping closer to the group. Where she receives a chorus of ‘you heard’ from the group of idiots. “Get your moron sister in line then, if she can’t walk straight she probably shouldn’t be here. She’s clearly had too much and needs to get her childish ass home!” Marie responds irritation lacing her tone as she tries to reason with these people. Just about managing to dodge out of the way just in time to avoid another shove.
“Stop fucking shoving people” you practically growl, finally your control snaps, shoving back as hard as you can, sending one of the girls stumbling back into the group.
“You stupid slut!” the defender shouts, raising her fist. But she’s quickly blocked by a large body and hand that’s twice the size catches her balled up fist.
“I warned you! You’re coming with me, Miss” someone growls to your side, you recognise that voice instantly, you can’t help but grin happily. Not quick enough to move away or turn to look at him properly before he throws you over one of those broad shoulders, causing you to let out an excited scream..
Your eyes search for Marie when you hear her over the music somehow. Finding her in an almost identical position to your own. Once she’s thrown over the giant's shoulder Marie gives you a thumbs up, smacking his ass as he walks away with her. The scenery behind you bumps around, swaying awkwardly as you’re carried through several doors, clinging to the back of his t-shirt for dear life as he walks..
Another door is kicked open, where you feel the cool breeze blow across your almost naked ass.
“So, where are we going Mr. mysterious?” you question, your voice dipping with his every step. 
When suddenly the back door to the club swings closed behind you with a loud bang.
A surprised noise you don’t recognise leaves your lips when he returns your earlier hit. With a harsh slap to your ass. Since apparently your dress had ridden up, it was a little more skin on skin that you’d been expecting. 
You hear him chuckle, right before he tugs the bottom of your dress down and bends over, carefully lowering you until your feet touch the ground again.You look up at him with a smile when his hands grab your hips, making sure that you’re stable on your own. 
Running your hands up his strong chest, your touch remains light, enjoying the way his muscles flex beneath his shirt. It’s really dark out here, with no real light. Only a few neon lights to light the alley way.
“I’m not sure that I approve of you manhandling-” your words are silenced when his plump lips suddenly press against yours, with an urgency you hadn’t expected. 
Your hands fist in his tight t-shirt in an attempt to pull his body closer, while he walks you backwards and presses you into the wall. You feel his tongue brush against your lips when they part, gripping your leg tight he hooks it over his hip, rolling his hips into you. You can feel the bulge through his black pants, pressing against the front of your panties, nudging repeatedly at your clit. The way he feels against you only encourages you to rock back against him.
Your tongues finally meet and you can taste the faint whiskey that lingers there, somehow you knew he’d be a whiskey man. 
Your hands move to fist in his hair, enjoying the feeling of his tongue sliding against yours and the groan that fills the back of his throat, he even manages to pull a small moan slips past your lips.
“Name’s Dean by the way” he breathes against your lips, before pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
“Y/N. Fuck…. Dean suits you,” you reply in a breathy moan, throwing your head back against the brick wall as he starts kissing down your neck, pausing to suck and nip marks into your skin.
“Wanted to do this for so long. Getting me told off every time you come in sweetheart, can’t damn well concentrate on the job” he groans against your ear, pushing your dress up around your waist so he can grip your ass tight with those big calloused hands.
“Me too, I would say I was sorry, but I don’t wanna lie” you confess with a half-hearted giggle, gasping when his finger brushes against your soaked pussy from behind, briefly dipping under your panties. 
Your hands slip between the two of you. Dean leans back a little, catching on to what you’re doing, allowing you to undo his belt while he pushes a hand between your legs. You whimper when his fingers start to run back and forth over the front of your damn panties.
Once his pants are open you shove them down those gorgeous bow legs as far as you can. Dean lets out a throaty groan when your fingers wrap around his thick hard length. Letting his forehead drop forward against yours when you start to move your hand over him, up and down, feeling the thick muscle throb against your palm.
“You’re so wet baby, can’t wait to feel your pussy wrapped around my cock” Dean whispered huskily against your lips, pushing your panties to the side, he eases two thick fingers inside you. 
Your free hand clings to his bicep, looking into his eyes as your pussy stretches deliciously around his fingers. The perfect drag against your tight walls as he starts moving his fingers inside you, causing goosebumps to rise across your skin.
“Dean, fuck me. Please. I need you inside me” you whine desperately, rolling your hips down into his hand, pushing his fingers deeper. 
Chuckling deep and breathy, Dean curls his fingers teasingly as your thumb swipes across the swollen tip, smearing the thick pre-come down his length. 
Which triggers you both to moan into each other's mouths. 
Pulling your hands away from one another, you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, as he sucks his slick covered fingers between his plump lips. Transfixed you watch the way his tongue swirls around his fingers and he moans, keeping his darkened green eyes locked on yours. As he pulls them from his mouth with an audible pop.
“You ain’t gotta tell me twice sweetheart” he tells you with a grin and that panty dropping wink.
You can faintly hear the music that’s playing in the club, the bass pounding against your back. The lyrics you manage to hear work so damn well for your current situation and you’re almost convinced that Marie had requested it. 
‘Sometimes you need it so bad, it’s enough to drive a young girl mad.’
You jump when he taps your leg, that bad boy twinkle still very much present in those gorgeous eyes of his. He lifts you easily, slamming you back against the wall. You whimper at the force of it, the rough brick scraping against your back and arms, as you wrap your legs around his waist.
Gripping his cock Dean watches it slip through your slick folds, his own lips parting, pulling breathy moans and whimpers from you. “You want my cock sweetheart? You want it hard, right where anyone could see us?” Dean rasps, fingers digging into your ass as he shifts you slightly. 
“Fuck yes! Please, Dean!” 
Your hands push into the hair at the back of his neck gripping tightly when he finally stops teasing and lines up with your entrance. Catching his bottom lip between your lips you suck gently, before dragging your teeth over it as he slowly enters your welcoming heat. 
Your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you squeeze your eyes shut, finally releasing his lip when he thrusts up into you hard, causing the rough bricks to cut into your back. 
Dean hisses in pain when your fingers dig into his scalp, hair woven between your fingers as you tug. Pulling back he repeats the action, quickly thrusting his hips forward roughly plunging back into your soaking wet pussy.
Picking up a slow steady rhythm, deep and powerful, his teeth tug at the skin along your collarbone, creating a little sting of pain which only adds to the pleasure. Tugging the front of your dress out of the way with the cup of your bra, he keeps those green eyes locked on yours as he sucks your nipple into his mouth, tugging with his plump lips and sharp teeth. Groaning against your skin he swirls that talented tongue around the slowly hardening bud, the snap of his hips pushing your heels into his firm ass.
You’re forced to slap a hand over your mouth when he thrusts particularly hard, to stop yourself from screaming his name, feeling the coil in your stomach beginning to wind and clench as the head of his cock bumps repeatedly against the spot inside you that has you seeing stars. 
There’s the obvious feeling when his lips pull into a smile against your breast, he draws back, dragging those perfect white teeth over the stiff peak. One of his big hands wraps around your wrists and pins them back against the wall as his thrusts begin to speed up.
“Don’t hold it in. Wanna fucking here you screaming for me. I don’t care who hears you begging for my cock” he practically growls, fingers flexing against your ass cheek as the blunt nails dig into your skin.
Your head is swimming with his words, every feeling amplified by the thought of anyone catching you both in the act. “Holy shit you’ve got a dirty mouth, Dean” you pant against his lips, nails digging into your palms. The scratching of the rough brick as it drags against your soft skin, causes you to whimper with every snap of his hips.
“And don’t you just love it, bad girl,” he grunts with an edge of a chuckle, when he feels your pussy starting to flutter around his cock, squeezing and clamping down. Your only answer is filled with nonsensical and incoherent sentences, the only thing that comes out clearly is the chanting of his name, with a mixture of mumbled cussing and pleas. 
Your thighs start to shake as Dean squeezes a hand between the two of you, rough calloused fingers pressing against your clit, hard fast circles as his fingers tighten around your wrists.
“Fuck Dean! Just like that, please!” 
Your head drops back against the wall, only seeing the black night sky and stars, which starts to mix with the neon lights as the feeling overwhelms you. Your orgasm hits you hard, rocketing through your every nerve ending like lightning, but Dean doesn’t stop thrusting. 
“Son of bitch! Should have done this ages ago. So damn perfect Y/N. Gonna fucking fill you up sweetheart”
Clenching his jaw Dean presses his face into your neck, his hot breath against your skin. 
The hand that’s gripping your wrists drops, resting against the wall as he bucks into your pussy at an uncontrollable pace, your slick soaking his thighs. 
The vibrations of his every growl and moan, mixed with the pounding of his hips. Only serving to prolong your orgasm, so much so that you’re forced into another mind blowing climax, pushing Dean into his own release right behind you. You feel his orgasm hit, causing his thighs to shake under your ass. 
A huff of air is released from your lungs when Dean practically collapses on top of you, leaning on his hand as much as possible.
You quickly feel his weight shift as he pulls his chest away from yours slightly, you feel him smile against your lips when he presses a kiss to them. You can’t help but whimper at the loss and sensitivity when he pulls his hips back, his softening cock slipping from inside you. 
“Did I miss something? What’s so funny. Mr green eyes?” you smile back, still breathing a little heavily as he helps you rearrange your dress and pulls up his black pants and boxers. 
Shrugging he turns to look over his shoulder, following his line of sight your heart almost jumps out of your chest. There’s a security camera sitting just under the guttering, red light blinking away undisturbed.
“I guess for someone in security I probably should’ve remembered that was there, huh?” he laughs still out of breath, scratching at the back of his neck. 
“You think!?” you exclaim doing your best to sound annoyed, until the laughter starts to bubble up in your throat. “Get your ass in there and get that video!” you playfully scold him, making sure to smack that tight little ass.
“You want me to wipe it from the record?” he asks with a smirk and that bad boy twinkle in his eyes.
Biting your lip you shake your head, “Just do what you need to. Get it and let's go” 
“You’re a bad influence on me sweetheart” the wink he throws your way says otherwise.
“I might have believed that, if you hadn’t just fucked my brains out, in the alley against the building where you work” you laugh gently pushing him towards the back door you’d both left through earlier.
“Touche” Dean chuckles, grabbing your hand and tugging you inside. 
Tags: @chewie-redbird @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @stiles-o-dylan24 @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @dylanholyhellobrien @desireepow-1986 @emichelle @lilulo-12 @22sarah08 @deanwanddamons @simsadventures  @charmed-asylum @nicole-lynne @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @emoryhemsworth @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @sunshineandwings86 @captain-shannon-becker @heimdoodle @fandom-princess-forevermore @flamencodiva @hobby27 @akshi8278 @littlelonewolfgirl @ladywinchester1967 @screechingartisancashbailiff @maddiepants @spnfanfic-reblogs @holylulusworld @mrswhozeewhatsis @sonofabringmesomepie @mrsjenniferwinchester @hhiggs @pisces-cutie @trina44sb @heartsaved @matsumama @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore  
Pond Tags
@aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @nichelle-my-belle @notnaturalanahi @deanscarlett @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles​ @wevegotworktodo @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @supermoonpanda @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh​ @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @cas-backwards-tie @winecatsandpizza @firefly-in-darkness
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Crimson|Ink. (m)
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↳ chapter twenty: your betrayal
❧ genre:  tattoo-shop/hitmen au | tattoo artist/hitman kirishima
❧ fic warning: major character(s) death; happy ending
❧ chapter warnings:  throwing up/bile, minor blood, mentions of drugs/drug dealing
❧ chapter song:  Your Betrayal by Bullet For My Valentine
♬crimson|ink playlist | ♧ character profiles
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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Dabi’s booted foot kicked open the door to his office as he shucked off fresh blood from his hands before reaching into his pocket for a cigarette. He mumbled to himself with annoyance while placing one of the cancerous sticks between his lips and kicking over the small wastebasket that sat beside his worn-out desk. The sound of bottles clinking and rolling around the floor rang throughout the room when they spilled from the container and he plopped down on the desk chair.
“Fuckers - think they can run shit behind my back,” Dabi grumbled and kicked his feet up.
Igniting a small flame with his palm, the man lit his cigarette. Lips wrapping around it as he puffed it to life and finally took in a lungful of nicotine. With a deep and long inhale, Dabi deflated into the cushioned chair and exhaled, feeling his rage simmering down. Running a bloody hand through his black hair, he let his head fall back and rest, his blue eyes closed for a moment and tried to not set his entire office ablaze.
The last thing he wanted to do today was exhaust his energy on idiotic bullshit but on rare occasions, not even Dabi gets what he wants. That fact had been proven to be annoyingly true a lot lately. 
To him it felt like more and more the past few months, his own pushers weren’t taking him seriously. Where they got the idea that they could screw him over without any consequences was beyond him. It was very clear that Dabi saw everyone around him as expendable, it was also clear that he was a raving lunatic who would cremate whatever he pleased without a single shred of remorse. The fact that some of his subordinates even had the balls to think otherwise made Dabi’s blood boil. Nothing pissed him off more than disobedience, especially when it came to his products, his livelihood.
So needless to say, when he found out a small group of his own workers were using his very own product to run and make cash for themselves like a couple of dumbasses, he didn’t have any second thoughts about teaching them a lesson. Once that lesson was learned and they were crying, begging for his forgiveness, covered in charred blistering skin with a few less fingers, toes and teeth to begin with, Dabi only laughed before disintegrating them into nothing but ashes at his feet.
All of that took energy, energy he didn’t have, and it was fair to say that all of this put Dabi in a worse mood than usual. And without you there now for him to take all that frustration out on, Dabi was on edge. 
Sure he could torture anyone he wanted, but he didn’t get the pleasuring satisfaction from it like he did when it was you he was torturing. He missed those doe eyes looking back at him, full of big fat tears and unwavering fear but also unconditional blind love. Dabi craved to have those broken and shattered three words spoken back to him as he had his way with the thing most precious to him. 
His angel.
The more he thought of you and the lack of your presence around him, the more pissed off and impatient Dabi got. It had been nearly a week since he called that shop you now hid behind, waiting for some sort of news. Of course, Dabi didn’t expect any of the tattooed men to really kill you, he hoped to drive a wedge between the trust that was built there, to cause the small crack that would eventually lead to a massive break and get you back in his grasp. But it was taking too long, way too long.
Dabi flicked his now burned up cigarette across the room, gritting his teeth.
He should’ve just grabbed your ass when he had the chance. He should’ve killed that red-headed fucker that you clung too while walking down the street. But no, for some reason Dabi wanted to play games because he was used to things going his way of course but once again, that wasn’t happening for him lately. The only thing that would bring the likes of a smile to his face was knowing how branded you were, how you would never be able to truly get rid of him. He relished in knowing that every time you looked at yourself, or that he looked at you, you both knew who you belonged to.
Before Dabi could continue to think, his phone started to ring. His eyes scanned the caller ID and he answered with impatience.
“About fucking time, I was beginning to think you were slacking on me.”
“I - I’m sorry sir, it’s just been harder now to get an eye on her and the source has been out of town until recently.”
“Shut up. Anything new?”
“Well as you suspected they didn’t take it, she’s still alive obviously. The thing is, now they’re always around her, she’s very well protected at all times and she hasn’t been back to her own place at all. I’m positive she’s staying with the red-head now. They even have his place on lockdown, someone is always around and watching.”
Dabi chuckled and shook his head. He expected this. It was a major annoyance and hindrance for him but it wasn’t going to stop him from getting to you, not in the least. He sighed calmly and sat up in his chair before replying.
“That source, when do you see them again?”
“Perfect,” he smiled wickedly and stood to his feet, “Bring em in tonight, I’m getting fucking impatient here and I’m done with playing games.”
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“Kami I’m walking into work right now, I’ll text you okay?”
A pout could literally be heard through the speaker and it made Hitoshi chuckle and roll his eyes.
“You’re hopeless you know that, look I’m gonna see you again in a few more days so stop pouting!”
“I’m not pouting …” Denki replied with a whimper.
“Yeah and my hair isn’t fucking purple,” Hitoshi grinned as he walked into the bar he worked at, resting the phone on his shoulder so he could remove his jacket. “You’re so needy, you’re lucky you’re cute. Now I have to go, I’ll text you - promise!”
“You’re lucky I’m so easy!”
“I wouldn’t sound too proud of that if I were you Kami.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean. Ugh - I gotta go anyway and make a run with Lil’Mama. So I’ll talk to you soon.”
Hitoshi nodded and placed a hand on the bar top, “Okay, please be careful and safe, both of you.”
Denki awed into the speaker, probably smiling.
“Don’t worry Toshi, nothing is going to happen to her, I’ll slice and dice a motherfucker for this girl, she’s in good hands with me! Now be a good boy and get to work, bye!”
After hanging up Hitoshi smirked at his phone and sighed. He placed the device in the back pocket of his jeans and went to clock in, running a hand through his unruly locks. The door opened and closed as he was walking back to the front of the bar, making him look to see who it was and smiling.
“Hey Kage, long time no see! Ready for work?”
The silver haired male nodded with a friendly smile and pat Hitoshi’s back when they passed each other.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. How was your trip?”
“Good, just hung-out with some friends and took it easy, needed a little break. Hope it wasn’t too busy without me here.”
Kage shook his head and shrugged, “Nah man it was fine, no worries! But hey, we need to catch up, wanna chill after we close up tonight?”
Hitoshi nodded, agreeing with his pal before getting back behind the bar and setting up for the night. Soon Kage joined him and they made sure glasses were clean and ready, Hitoshi made sure there were full bottles of every kind of liquor lining the shelves and the bartop itself was clean. He was thankful his first night back at work after a week is with Kage, they always work well together and the nights go by without any problems when it’s them.
Kage actually started working at the bar maybe six to seven months ago after moving to the area. He and Hitoshi hit it off well, he was laid-back and carefree, a hard worker. It didn’t take long for the two of them to become friends and hang out every now and then after their shifts together. Once in awhile Hitoshi would catch him in town and they would grab something to eat together. 
Any time Hitoshi needed off to go to see you in the next town over, Kage was always happy to help him out and cover for him. Hitoshi wasn’t proud to say that Kage could drink him under the table in no time and almost always ended up having to tote the hulking purple-haired man back to his own home. Any time they drank together was fun but always ended in a major headache and hangover from hell the next day for Hitoshi.
The two men managed to finish setting up just in time when a wave of people started to crowd into the bar out of nowhere, kicking off their shift with a bang. 
Back and forth Hitoshi went, pouring drink after drink, taking a few shots here and there that were bought for him by happy customers. It wasn’t against the rules and it helped with tips, he just had to pace himself in between. A few hours passed and Hitoshi only had to use his quirk once to avoid a bar fight, other than that the night was good. Him and Kage were holding down the bar, doing tricks here and there to get even more money and good energy. Kage took a small smoke break and came back to relieve Hitoshi and give him his own small break.
With an appreciative smile, Hitoshi ducked out and grabbed a bottle of water before stepping outside for some fresh night air. He propped against the brick wall and took his phone out, chuckling at the numerous messages he had from the small group chat between him, Denki and you. Scrolling through the messages of nonsense and memes, he decided to just video call. Not even a second after ringing, yours and Denki’s faces popped up on his screen, full of smiles as you both waved.
“Toshi!” You both answered in unison.
He smirked and waved with a finger as he held the water bottle.
“Hey, cuties.”
You laughed and looked at Denki, pointing out the pink on his cheeks and earning a nip to your finger. You gasped with offense and Denki smiled, taking you under his arm and holding you close while the three of you chatted.
“How’s work?” Denki asked.
“It’s busy but it’s good. Gotta work my ass off this next week to get you guys some presents since I took off last week.”
“Aww Toshi, you don’t have to get us anything. Speaking of - we’re doing Christmas here at the shop, cooking, hanging out, games! So you have to be here.”
Hitoshi nodded at your demand.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world sweetheart. How are you doing, that jackass keeping you safe?”
“Fuck you troll!”
Hitoshi smirked as he heard Kirishima in the background, he snickered when you flipped the red-head the bird off screen before you were pulled away and no longer visible. The sound of you laughing in the background filled his ears and made him smile, a relieved breath leaving his chest. Denki managed to get kicked in the crossfire of the tickle war going on between you and Kirishima in the background so he moved to a different room, your voice yelling out loud enough that you loved Hitoshi and said goodbye.
“Yes, he’s keeping her safe, we all are. You have nothing to worry about really, she doesn’t want you to worry anyway.”
“I know, but I can’t help it Kami. I feel responsible for her and being nearly two hours away from her at a time like this, with him around and knowing where she is - it’s fucking terrifying, I’m helpless here.”
Denki pouted, his yellow eyes softening and holding nothing but concern for his friend.
“I understand Hitoshi, but we’re gonna find him soon and we’ll deal with him once and for all okay? You’re not helpless here babe, just calling her like you do helps. It helps her not think about that shitty fact for a few moments, makes her forget. And I mean in all honesty ... if you wanted you could totally quit your job and just move down here, I’ll take care of you!”
Hitoshi looked at the screen to see Denki smiling deviously, he laughed and tilted his head.
“Oh yeah? You gonna be my sugar daddy, Denki?”
“What you don’t think I can be?”
“Well going by the other night and the way that you were riding my -”
“Okay okay okay - shut the fuck up!” Denki cut off the cocky purple-haired male as his hand frantically waved on the screen. “So maybe you’re more the daddy here in those terms. What if I gave you all the money and you act like it’s yours, that way I can still be the baby.”
Hitoshi gave a hearty laugh and shook his head.
“You’re something else Denki, what am I gonna do with you?”
Denki blushed and chewed on his lip. Hitoshi watched closely and smiled, placing his thumb on the screen and imagining brushing the pad of it over the soft piece of flesh. So maybe he was a sucker for this horny little freak since you found Kirishima. No one was complaining or shocked though, it was hard not to fall for Denki’s charm and pretty looks. Not even if you were Hitoshi Shinsou.
“Just think about it, okay babe? There’s nothing wrong in letting me take care of you, you can get a job around here, hell even work at the shop, I know you have some drawing skills. And if it helps put your mind and heart at ease to be closer to her, then I won’t hesitate to be your sort of backwards sugar baby.”
“I’ll think about it okay? In the meantime, I gotta get back to work and make more money so I can get you something special for Christmas, since you’re so cute and whatnot.”
At this Denki gleamed and nodded eagerly.
“Okay! Have a good shift handsome, text me later!”
After saying goodbye Hitoshi ended the call. His head leaned back against the wall and he looked up to see just a few stars peeking their way through the clouds. 
Maybe moving wouldn’t be so bad. In the beginning, it was only half of his heart that was two hours away, now the other half was there too and it was getting harder and harder for him to be so far away.
Hitoshi pushed off of the wall and downed his bottle of water before tossing it into the trash can and returning back to work. For the rest of the night his shift went smoothly and finally it came to a close. Kage sighed and leaned against the entrance door of the bar after the last customer walked out at 2am and it was locked. Hitoshi groaned as he stretched his arms up high above his head and rubbed his back.
“Getting old there Shinsou?” Kage chuckled, rubbing his neck.
Hitoshi smirked and shrugged. “Guess so, maybe I should start taking some multivitamins or something. Let’s get this place cleaned up so we can take it easy!”
With a smile, Kage nodded and the two worked together in cleaning glasses, drink hoses, counter-tops and such. Hitoshi counted down the register and put away the loose change, divided the tip money evenly between him and Kage. Once everything was done, the two grabbed a few drinks of their own and got comfortable on the other side of the bar. The perks to working where they did was the free booze, as long as it wasn’t any of the more expensive shit and they didn’t get too hammered at work of course.
The silver-haired male handed Hitoshi a shot before pouring himself one, with a smile they both downed them and hissed at the burn of the liquor. Hitoshi chased it down with a swig of beer and sighed.
“So,” Kage started, after drinking his own beer, his matching silver eyes glistened when they looked at Hitoshi, “I see (Y/N) is still alive, yeah? Dabi’s not happy about that.”
Hitoshi quirked a brow, body going stiff and cold as he looked at Kage, his purple eyes narrowing at the guy. He was smirking at him and it wasn’t anywhere near friendly. The last thing Hitoshi hears before blacking out is the sound of his bottle slipping from his fingers and shattering on the floor.
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Purple eyes slowly fluttered open, a tired and weak grunt leaving Hitoshi’s chest as his head hung low. It was pitch black wherever he was, eyes straining in the dark to try and make out shapes. There was a numb tingling in his arms and Hitoshi went to move them, only to realize that he couldn’t. 
In fact, he couldn’t move at all; not his arms, his legs, and suddenly he realized that he couldn’t even move his own fucking jaw. Something was stuffed inside his mouth. A gag?
Panic started to flood Hitoshi’s system, his body trying to move, trying to budge. His breath began to grow shallow and his hands began to tingle - he couldn’t see shit. Hell, he could barely fucking breathe. Where the fuck was he?
“Finally wake up, sleeping beauty?”
Hitoshi’s head whipped in the direction of the familiar voice, wincing when his vision was suddenly being flooded with light. The sound of footsteps drew closer to him, looking at the ground he saw four different pairs of feet before looking up. Standing in front of him was Dabi, a blonde with gray-blue eyes and a scar splitting the middle of his forehead, an older male with gray hair that was smoking and had round eyeglasses and last but not least - Kage.
Hitoshi zeroed in on his coworker, eyes widening in his panicked state. A boulder dropped hard in his gut as he looked at his friend, trying to speak but his words not leaving past the gag in his mouth. Kage didn’t seem to be here against his will like he was, in fact he looked rather calm and satisfied. His friend watched him curiously as bile began to crawl up his esophagus.
“Must be hard to breathe huh?” Dabi finally spoke, breaking Hitoshi’s focus on Kage and bringing it to himself.
Purple brows furrowed, his panic making its way into a sudden burst of rage. 
Hitoshi tried to lunge at Dabi, getting nowhere at all due to his bounds and the two strangers holding his chair back. Out of nowhere, Hitoshi felt something cold press to his temple, he looked from the corner of his eye and saw the oldest male standing next to him, grinning a smile with missing front teeth as he held a gun to Hitoshi’s head. Immediately he froze, not daring to try and move again. His purple eyes burn in loathing at Dabi, however, breathing heavily as he tugged at his bonds once more.
“Hitoshi, meet Jin and Giran, you already know Kage right?”
Is he fucking serious? Does he expect Hitoshi to reply? 
He sends Kage a seething glare before turning his attention back to the man in front of him. Dabi chuckled before he looked at Giran and back at the bound man, rubbing the side of his neck  with a sigh.
“Oh yeah the gag. Well I could’ve done a lot worse, like knocking your teeth down your fucking throat, cutting out your tongue, sewing your mouth shut, just beating you to a bloody fucking pulp until your lungs filled with blood or collapsed. You have no idea the things I want to do to you, Hitoshi Shinsou,” Dabi’s expression finally slipped from smug to borderline rabid, hand gripping Hitoshi’s hair and yanking his head back roughly. “First, you help that little bitch get away from me and proceed to fuck her like clockwork any time she shook her little ass in your face. You took and touched what’s fucking mine, and one day I’m gonna fucking kill you for it.”
Hitoshi didn’t flinch when Dabi shoved his head back and kicked his chair, making it screech against the floor as it moved back a few inches. The chair nearly fell back before Jin and Giran caught it. Giran held the gun to his temple steady in the process, Kage raising a brow from where he stood against a wall.
The psycho was furious, literally fuming - smoke rose from his body and filled the room with the distinct smell of ash.
“Dabs calm down, you can’t get too worked up and leave a mark on him remember,” Jin spoke, trying to calm his leader.
“I fucking know idiot, I’m calm. Take the fucking gag out, I want him to smart off at least once, dig himself into a deeper hole for the next time I have him.”
“B-Boss, his quirk.”
Dabi growled with annoyance and pushed Jin out of his way, un-doing the gag himself.
“He won’t fucking use it you moron, there’s four of us and one of him, he can’t use it on multiple people and if he is fucking stupid enough to even try, we’ll know and blow his fucking brains out.”
Jin nodded, looking genuinely hurt from Dabi’s scolding. Once the gag was out from between Hitoshi’s jaws, he gasped, taking in lungful after lungful of air. Drool seeped from the corners of his mouth and he managed to wipe it off on his shoulder, groaning and moving his jaw around after to try and get the feeling back into it.
“What the fuck do you want? How did you find me?” Hitoshi growled out, looking up at Dabi from under his purple locks.
Dabi smirked and tossed the gag to the floor, waving off Giran to put his gun down and then motioning for Kage to come over. Kage pushed off from his spot on the wall and took his place next to Dabi, crossing his arms as the stitched man patted his back roughly.
“You fucking know what I want, powder-puff. It’s not rocket science, I’m a fucking drug-lord. I can find anyone I want, except for that little bitch! At least that was the case - until I found you.” 
Hitoshi’s inital rage sputtered out, his brows furrowing at the insinuation. 
Dabi continued to speak before he gets the chance to respond, “I gotta hand it to you, you did a damn good job at keeping her hidden, even though I had you, it still took me a bit a get her location. That made me realize I needed an inside man - my man Kage here. He got that job working with you, getting on your good side and in the end getting me all the information I needed.”
Hitoshi looked at Kage with confusion, that feeling of bile rising up once more, the guy only shrugged and smirked at him. They couldn’t mean ...
As far as he could remember, Hitoshi had never spoken a word about you to Kage. He never had spoken a word about you to anyone, no one knew you even fucking existed except the guys at the shop of course. Hitoshi trusted no one with knowledge about you, especially not Kage. Sure they were work buddies but that didn’t mean shit. Not once in all their conversations, even drunken ones, did Hitoshi let your name slip from his lips, so no - there was no fucking way Kage had information.
“Whatever he told you is bullshit then, I’ve never said a fucking word about her to him.”
“Not that you remember right?” Dabi questioned with an evil smile. “You see Hitoshi, you aren’t the only one here who can fuck with people’s heads.”
A long finger tapped at Dabi’s temple as he chuckled and watched those purple eyes widen, Hitoshi’s expression going from smug to sheer disbelief. His mouth went dry, he tried to question the two before him about what the fuck they’re talking about. The fear in him breaking through more prominently now.
“Mind Compulsion.” Kage finally spoke up. “It’s my quirk. You see all I have to do is make eye contact with you and you become like a slave to me. You do whatever I want, that also means speaking, I can tell you what to say or get you to tell me something. After it’s all said and done, you have zero memory of it. Those ‘headaches’ you’d get every morning after we’d drink together, that’s the only con really for the victims of my quirk. So long story short, we drink, I use my quirk, you give me information and wake up the next day with any memory of it and thinking you have a hangover.”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The sound of Dabi laughing and cackling like a maniac was drowned out by a high pitched ringing in Hitoshi’s ears and his head hung low. If it weren’t for his body being tied to the chair, he would’ve fell to his knees on the cold concrete. Hitoshi couldn’t tell if he was sweating or freezing, everything was numb and his stomach was lurching.
“Give yourself a hand Toshi, you told us exactly where she is.”
Hitoshi couldn’t contain the contents of his stomach anymore; they burned as they made their exit from his system and onto the floor. Dabi quickly jumped back with an amused grin, his crazed hyena laughter ringing deep in the his ears. Dabi stood there, relishing in the breakdown happening right in front of his eyes. How there were tears pouring from amethyst eyes, along with bile dripping from Hitoshi’s mouth and onto his jeans as he hurled everything he had, dry heaving when there’s nothing more to expel. Dabi was pissed that he couldn’t physically hurt Hitoshi right now but god did he forget all about that at the sight of the now broken man. It’s like he could hear his heart shattering, the sobs and retching like music to his ears.
“This is all your fucking fault Shinsou. You should’ve just left her to die, at least it would’ve been more humane than what I have planned for her now. Just imagine what she’ll think when she finds out her own best friend, her own fucking family, is the one that sealed her fate. Now, thanks to this,” Dabi paused and held up Hitoshi’s phone, “We have all the details we need for when we make our next move.”
“Please, j-just leave her alone! If you want someone to fucking play with and kill just to get off, then kill me! She’s too terrified to say anything about you, you fucking psycho, no one is going to come for you if you promise to leave her alone! T-Take me instead please, I’m f-fucking begging you, don’t hurt her anymore Dabi … please.”
Dabi rolled his eyes, tired of listening to the pathetic cries coming from Hitoshi. His booted foot connected with his chest in a hard kick, making his chair fall back. Hitoshi grunted as the air left his now sore lungs from the impact of the fall, his head ringing after being smacked against the ground. Soon there was an agonizing weight on his chest and Dabi crouched down, his foot on his ribs and resting all his weight on it. A cold hand gripped at his jaw harshly, making him hiss when Dabi jerked his head up to lock eyes with each other.
“Don’t worry you piece of shit, you’ll get your wish, no doubt about it, but first I need you one last time. You’re gonna go to that little fucking party and you’re gonna get her alone, those idiots trust you with her life and won’t question when you ask her to go outside together, right into my arms.”
“They’ll fucking kill you. He’ll fucking kill you!” Hitoshi warned through gritted teeth before spitting in Dabi’s face.
He isn’t smiling for long before Dabi placed his opposite hand on Hitoshi’s hip and engulfed it in flames. Ripping a scream from his mouth. The flames don’t last long before Giran and Jin are both pulling Dabi off of Hitoshi.
“Boss stop! You can’t fuck him up too much for it to be questionable when he wakes up!”
Dabi kicked like a child and threw both men off of him. He took a moment before telling Kage to come up with some sort of narrative for the new small sized burn on Hitoshi’s pale skin and walked back over to the man laid out on the floor, his shirt now charred as he breathed heavily from the pain. Dabi was resisting every urge to kick him, to make him cry again. Just the mention of that red-headed fuck had him in a silent rage.
Kirishima is nothing, nothing but a fucking obstacle in his way that can be dealt with easily. That fucker isn’t invincible, none of them are!
After taking a long deep breath, Dabi straightened his clothes and put on a smug smile and towered over Hitoshi, pressing his boot to his cheek.
“Let them fucking try, she’ll be fucking dead before they reach me and then for Christmas, I’ll send each and everyone one of them a very special, very bloody gift.” Dabi grinned, pushing Hitoshi’s face to the side as he turned to walk away and waved, “I’ll make sure to wrap up her heart extra pretty for Mr. Kirishima.”
Before Dabi walked out of the room, he ordered the remaining three men to deal with Hitoshi, for Kage to clean him up and get him back home, making sure to cover up for the burn he so irrationally left. Kage nodded, him, Giran and Jin all bowing as their leader exited.
Hitoshi looked up at the ceiling above him, tears stinging the corners of his eyes again. He was drowning in hopelessness, guilt and shame. He failed to protect one of the most precious things in his life and he had no one to blame but himself. Everything was so fucked up now and Hitoshi cried even harder as he thought about how he won’t have the chance to warn anyone, to try one last time to save you. In no time he’d be waking up in his bed with no memory of this night.
Hitoshi’s jaw clenched and his eyes screwed shut as he shook his head before letting out a shaky defeated breath.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N) … I’m so fucking sorry.”
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A series of violent buzzing next to Hitoshi’s head is what wakes him from a dead sleep. His eyes cracked open and immediately he’s groaning from the pounding in his head. His hand searched under the pillows until it grabbed a hold of the ringing phone and he answered without looking at the caller ID.
“Toshi, did I wake you?”
A sleepy smile grew on Hitoshi’s face at the sound of your voice and he shook his head. The tired man went to roll over and lay on his back, hissing when there was a sudden pain in his side.
“Hey, you okay? Toshi answer me!” You questioned, the concern in your tone thick.
Hitoshi brushed his covers off his torso, brows knitting in confusion at the blistered area of skin on his hip. 
“Give me a second kit.”
Removing the phone from his ear, Hitoshi went to his messaging app and saw he had an unread text from Kage. The sound of you clicking your tongue impatiently carried through the speaker and made him smirk as he read the message.
➥ Kage : Hey man, I left some burn ointment in your fridge. You may or may not have gotten a little too wasted last night and thought it would be cool to see if you were flammable or not. Let me know if you need anything else.
A hum left Hitoshi, with a shrug he put the phone back to his ear.
“Sorry, I’m fine sweetheart, just a little hungover. What are you doing calling me so early huh, miss me that much?”
You laughed sarcastically on the other end. “You’re so full of yourself.”
“But you love me.”
“I do love you Hitoshi, very much. But - I was calling to discuss a few gift ideas for Denki with you, I mean only if you wanna know but maybe you don’t need my help at all. I just thought since you were so fucking whipped for him you might wanna go all out for your first Christmas together.”
Hitoshi rolled his eyes and chuckled. He tried to muffle his slightly pained groan when he crawled out of bed and went to head for his fridge.
“Alright kitten, let me hear it.”
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artofcrows · 7 years
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Hey there lovelies!! So this is a little preview post to let you know about this new project we are building and would totally love for you to support!
This is quite a long post so let me just tell you what you will learn from it very quickly : the goal of this network, what we intend to create, who is this for aaand how to support us!! now details under the cut for the courageous ones ^^
⇢ What is this for ?
Good question my friend. Well let me ask you : would you like more fan art in the soc fandom?? Because, while we have incredible artists out there blessing us with their art, you may have noticed how little of them there actually is in the soc fandom? This is why we present you the AOC Network, a tumblr network dedicated entirely to fan art in the Six Of Crows fandom.
⇢ This seems nice but how would you do that?
Another very good question! (And to be quite honest we're not exactly sure yet..) The AOC network would be an occasion to reunite all fan artists who are interested by the idea. We could then share our tips and tricks, our resources, give each other advice, ideas, compliments! Just!! help each other out with our art! This would be our little creativity bubble ♡
A second idea would be to take prompts from the fandom on this single blog and each of us who would be interested by them could give it a go? We could also give each other challenges, and organize events such as ship weeks or events where we would illustrate our favorite characters to celebrate their amazing diversity such as LGBT Characters week or Characters of color week!
We could create entire Illustrated AUs together, build some comics?? even work in collaboration with fan fiction writers?? or any other content creator in the fandom? we could maybe even create a fanzine at one point?? Honestly the possibilities are Endless!!
⇢ Oooh i really want to be part of this now, but is this for me ?
Do you like Six of Crows? Do you like to draw? If the answer to both those questions are Yes then IT IS !! Whether you're a beginner who's only ever drawn stick figures or a professional with 40 years of experience behind you It Does Not Matter as long as you want to share your love for the amazing universe Leigh Bardugo has blessed us with through art ♡
And this network intends to benefit everyone!! Whether you're an artist who wants more notes on your art, a beginner who wants to learn How To Art! A fan who has Plenty of ideas but feels too damn lazy to take a pen and put it on paper (which, honestly, #relatable); A fanfiction writer who would love to get their work illustrated, a fan who simply enjoys looking at art and seeing their favorite characters illustrated!! JUST !! EVERYBODY would get something out of it!! ♡
⇢ AMAZING!! But how do i support this ?
Well if you're an artist or someone who intends to start drawing (even stick figures i swear its enough), entries for members will open Soon!! (Just give us a little week to finish building and organizing this blog and sort this whole thing out and we'll make a new post explaining everything in details!!) And the more members we get, the more art will be created, and the best this network will be!! So please please please consider joining??? [ if you do consider joining, could you reblog this post and write it in the tags, or send us a message to let us know? that would help us evaluate how many people we could gather!! thank you!! ]
And if you don't art but want to support the idea (because its so damn great, lets be honest), we may organize some things for you too a little later on! But for now, please consider reblogging this post and all of our future posts as well to spread the word?? You could even suggest this to artists you know? or give us their url so we could contact them? ♡
Soo? Is anyone interested ? (please say yes lol, id feel very stupid if not). If so, could you please share this post? and just spread the word around you? Tell us what you think, give us suggestions?? And maybe start following this blog? That would be greatly appreciated!! xx we love you all and hope you will enjoy this ♡♡♡
85 notes · View notes
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