#but her having no family left plus her brother being lost somewhere in the korcari wilds... well
ndostairlyrium · 5 months
weird fun facts about your oc(s)
rules: share some fun facts about your oc(s). they don't have to be relevant to their story, perhaps even better if they aren't. the weird ones are the best!
Tagged by @herearedragons <3 thanks dear ;u; this was a rather lovely distraction <3
Only two people within the Inquisition know her real age. It's not that she's ashamed of it, she just likes to mess around. Anyway Leliana is having more fun than her with it :'
Gets very distracted by patterns (florals especially), she just can't figure them out
"Tell me a bird!" and she knows their call. All of them. Her ability is exceptional, especially during very important diplomatic meetings
Thinks Carver's tattoo looks like a *insert any other animal* rather than a mabari. He's very vocal about it
Calls for meetings every last Friday of the month to distribute the loot among his companions, the rest gets sold. Anything magical would get analyzed by Anders and Merrill, so they know what they do before they get sold
Don't tell anyone, but he prefers orlesian cheese over fereldan. The stinky and moldy ones especially (à la roquefort)
Can dance. You'll never ever catch her doing that
She may have punched king Bhelen in the face once, maybe twice. The "maybe" is because Alistair has tackled her before she could do more damage << luckily Bhelen knows she's a resource, or else she would be banned from Orzammar forever
Can't remember names and faces. She has called Carver "Carmen" for weeks before the name stuck <<
I'm tagging (no pressure, no obligation): @underneathestars @greypetrel @inquisitorgaywarden @melisusthewee & @idolsgf 💛
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lorspolairepeluche · 6 years
for canon Halla: 35, 21, 3! for Boeric AU halla: 32 (dont look at me i might write it) 43 and 22?
35) Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
Halla’s views on death change over the course of Inquisition and Trespasser (especially the latter). Despite the title Savior of Ostwick, she’s not so much a greater-good person at the start of Inquisition; however, there are definitely some people she’d lay her life down for no matter what. By the end of Trespasser, she views her life as being partly in service to Thedas, and thus if she dies in saving the world, she’s okay with that. But if she had the choice? She’d still go down protecting her family, found or blood.
21) What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
Halla is terrified of being trapped in dark, enclosed spaces, thanks to a horrible 24-hour period when she was 14 in which her stepmother locked her in the closet. If faced with it, she’ll curl up in a ball, as small as she can. Less probability of something touching her or hurting her if she presents less of herself.
3) What would be their favorite physical trait about themself?
Halla loves her eyes. Big, green, expressive, and inherited from her mother. The only two other Trevelyan siblings who had those eyes were Luke and Sanea--Halla’s favorite brother and sister, respectively. She’s the only one who has them now, and they remind her of Mama, Luke, and ‘Nea.
32) If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do? (👀 Im Lookin)
Take her somewhere she’s never been. Antiva City, maybe, or the Korcari Wilds. Somewhere she can wander with her lover (cough rion cough cullen cough) and get lost--not necessarily, in the physical sense, but in the beauty of her surroundings. Lots of hand-holding, lots of little sweet moments. Grand, sweeping romance isn’t her style; she’s more about the softness and trust of a relationship. And she’s never really had that before Rion (and Cullen), so on this date, she’s exploring that as much as her surroundings.
43) Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
Oh, absolutely. Halla’s fierce, suave, and a bit aloof with strangers and acquaintances, but around family and friends (on the Boeric, in Afsaana, in Skyhold), she’s softer, sweeter, and she lets her cares show. She’s funnier in private too.
22) What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have? (u kno Exactly what youre asking here)
As Howling Boeric crew (and thus an Unofficial Adopted Severan), Halla has piercings and tattoos for days. Her tats are a little shy of full vallaslin, but she has the twisting thorns of Elgar’nan in dark ink on her shoulders, arms, and back, and a little way down her chest, plus one or two vines of them curling up the side of her face, next to her right eye and up to the side of her forehead. And she has god piercings aplenty; several in each ear, forming a pair of cuffs of sorts around the shell, two spiked studs in her left eyebrow, and a stud on the right side of her nose.
character asks
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