#but he wonders why james' legs are shaking when he walks downstairs for a glass of water
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lexithwrites · 5 months ago
James arched his back as they kissed, his hips stuttering at the slow, torturous pace Regulus' hand was moving. He sighed, gripping Regulus' hips and silently begging him to go faster, harder, to ruin him and make a mess. But Regulus kept it slow, licking into his mouth and smiling at the clear desperation in James' movement.
Then he heard it, a clatter from downstairs, and Regulus looked up, his hair almost smacking James in the face from moving his head so quick.
"Did you hear that?" He whispered, swallowing down nerves as James blinked.
"Hear what, baby?" He mumbled, in a daze and so close to cumming he could barely keep his eyes open.
"Is Sirius home?"
"Why did you stop?" James mouthed at his neck and Regulus huffed. "Please keep going."
"If my brother catches us—"
"I'll be quiet, I promise." James started sucking at the sensitive spot on Regulus' neck and his boyfriend sighed, tilting his head for more. "I promise I'll be good."
And how could Regulus say no to that voice?
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remywrites5 · 5 years ago
           Remus looked at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. He really needed to get more sleep, the bags under his eyes had taken up permanent residence there, and his roots were starting to come in. He spat into the sink and then rinsed his toothbrush off. When he glanced back up at himself, there was the same harrowing reflection staring back. He needed to at least re-dye his hair pink or else pick a different colour.
           He’d dyed it pink on a whim after his last breakup. He thought maybe going from his usual tawny curls to something else would make him more exciting, more cheerful, more something. “Why are you never smiling?” Benjy had asked Remus all the time. As if Remus should just constantly be smiling like some kind of insane person.
           Remus walked over to his desk and flopped into his rolling chair. He sat with one leg bent up towards his chest and hunched over his tablet. The thing was so old it was practically a dinosaur. The program he used to draw on was always crashing – causing Remus to do almost constant saving. Drawing web comics wasn’t exactly the most lucrative use of his art degree, but it paid the bills.
           There was some sort of ungodly sound outside and then the distinct clatter of something breaking. Remus jumped to his feet in surprise, wondering if someone had climbed up to his flat to murder him. Two shadows appeared at his door and then one of them knocked. Well, if they were murderers, they were of the polite variety.
           Remus walked over tentatively, his pen for his tablet still in his hand as his only means of defense. He figured at the least maybe he could poke a few eyes.
           “I don’t think anyone is home.”
           “He has to be home. I haven’t seen him leave the house in days.”
           “Hmm, paying close attention, are we?”
           “Shut up, Jamie.”
           Confused, Remus opened the door to find two guys standing on the other side. The dark-skinned one with glasses immediately smiled, while the pale one with long dark hair kept his face neutral.
           “Hiya! I’m James and this is Sirius,” James said, moving what was in his hand so that he could wave. “We run the bakery downstairs. We just came to introduce ourselves and bring you these!”
           Remus took the container when James offered it, still a little bit stunned by the whole thing, and opened it up. Inside was an assortment of baked goods. “Oh. Thank you,” Remus said, a little bit at a loss for words. “This is really nice.”
           Remus was suddenly struck by the fact that two very attractive men were on his doorstep and Remus was wearing the same hoodie he’d worn for three days. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d put on deodorant. Embarrassed beyond belief, Remus felt his cheeks flush.
           “Aren’t you going to say anything?” James prompted his friend, shoving at Sirius’ shoulder.
           “Hi,” Sirius said, running his fingers through his shoulder-length hair.
           Remus swallowed thickly and quickly put the container of goodies down. He didn’t trust his shaking hands not to drop them. “Nice to meet you.”
           “Whoa, are you an artist?” James asked, noticing the pen in Remus’ hand. “Do you think you could design something for us?”
           “James, don’t impose,” Sirius said, crossing his arms over his chest.
           “I’m not imposing!” James insisted, turning and shooting Sirius a look. “We’ll pay for the work. It’s just right now our menus are so bland! They don’t really say ‘Padfoot and Prongs’ Patisserie.”
           “That’s a fancy name,” Remus said, tucking the pen behind his ear so that he could shove his hands in his pockets. Suddenly they’d gotten all sweaty.
           “Yeah well, this wanker is half French, so he wouldn’t let me call it a pastry shop,” James said teasingly. “By the way, you haven’t told us your name.”
           “Oh,” Remus said, realizing that James was right. He shuffled his feet slightly and kind of wished James and Sirius would leave. He hadn’t had such a long social interaction in months. This was getting to be a bit much, and James’ enthusiasm was draining. “Remus. Remus Lupin.”
           “So do you think you can design something for our menus?” James asked excitedly, his hazel eyes big behind his glasses.
           “Um, sure, I’ll take a stab at it,” Remus offered, even though he kind of didn’t want to. He had deadlines to meet and he was already a little behind. But then James and Sirius had brought him baked goods without having even met Remus before. Besides, how hard could designing a menu be?
           “Great!” James said, slapping Sirius on the back. “Isn’t that great, Padfoot?”
           Sirius sighed. “Sure is.”
           Remus pulled out his wallet and handed James one of his business cards. It had been Benjy’s idea that Remus get them. This was only the second Remus had even given out. The first one had been given the Benjy. What a waste of money.
           “My email is at the bottom,” Remus explained, pointing to it on the card. “Just send me the details of what you want and I’ll work something up.”
           Sirius tilted his head to the side. “What are your rates?”
           “Um…” Fuck, Remus hadn’t exactly thought about it. He knew what he charged per page on his web comic but this was completely different. “How about you just, um, let me get a free baked good from time to time and we’ll call it even?”
           “Of course!” James said, nodding emphatically.
           “Hold on,” Sirius interjected, putting his hand up to stop James. “For the rest of time you want free shit from us? Just for a doodle?”
           “Sirius –“ James cut in, his face slightly aghast at his friend’s harsh tone.
           “I – I won’t abuse it or anything,” Remus said, feeling his face heat. Christ, the way Sirius was looking at him made him nervous. “It won’t be every day or anything like that.”
           Sirius huffed and turned his face away. “Fine. But I reserve the right to cut you off.”
           “Perfect,” James said, tugging on Sirius’ arm. “We should get back downstairs. We’ve still got a lot to do before we open. I’ll email you later, Remus!”
           “Sounds good,” Remus said, waving after them as they started down the fire escape. The moment he closed the door, he felt like he could breathe a little easier. He didn’t know what Sirius’ problem was, but the fewer interactions Remus had with him the better.
           Remus finished up the latest update for his comic and sat back with a groan. It was already 10:30 at night and Remus hadn’t had any dinner. For once he had been in a good flow and hadn’t wanted to stop. Now his stomach was so empty it hurt. He couldn’t remember eating breakfast either.
           He walked over to where he had left the baked good James had dropped off and carried the container into bed. He sat munching on them as he scrolled through his phone. He had eaten about half of them when he remembered James was supposed to contact him. He pulled up his email and sure enough there was a message from James Potter.
           Apparently they wanted something kind of classy involving a buck and a black dog. Remus was intrigued, and popped a custard crème into his mouth. Their stuff really was mouth-wateringly good. Remus was glad he had asked for pastries instead of cash. While he could use the money, he tended to live on instant noodles and bacon sandwiches. Having something from the bakery from time to time would be a real treat.
           Remus’ flat was on the top floor of the building and it meant he had almost exclusive rooftop access. He hadn’t done much with it except put out a table and two chairs. He really only went out there to smoke anyway. He stood by the side of the roof with his elbows on the ledge, watching the street below, his cigarette resting between his lips.
           Sirius exited the bakery and walked down the side alley of the building. He seemed to be having a heated discussion with someone on the phone. Remus felt himself tracking Sirius with his eyes, even though he didn’t mean to.
           “Damn it, Reg, I already told you –“ Sirius seemed to be cut off by the other person on the phone. “I don’t care if they cut me off. I’m not going on a blind date that my mum set up with a woman! I haven’t lived in that house for five years and she still thinks she can control me. Now she’s even roping you into it.”
           Remus felt a bit bad for eavesdropping, but the street was relatively quiet at that time of day, so it was difficult not to hear. Remus wondered why Sirius had said woman like that, as if he were offended by being set up with someone female. Remus didn’t want to get his hopes up that Sirius might also be gay. Thinking that was a dangerous route to go down. He tried to finish up his cigarette and go back inside before he was spotted, but it seemed Sirius was done with his conversation. He dropped his phone by his side and looked up at the sky. His eyes seemed to immediately land on Remus and Remus felt his cheeks heat up in response. He took a slow drag of his ciggy and let it out, letting his eyes drift away as if he hadn’t just been staring.
           He wasn’t wholly surprised when he heard footsteps making their way up the fire escape. He finished his cigarette and lit another one. He usually didn’t chain smoke like this, considering all the nicotine often made him dizzy, due to how little he ate most days. He turned when Sirius made it onto the roof and somehow managed to meet Sirius’ accusing stare.
           “How much of that did you hear?” Sirius asked, slipping his phone into his pocket.
           Remus scratched his cheek with his free hand. “Uh, the whole thing?”
           Sirius sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Can I bum one of those?”
           Remus opened the pack and shook one out towards Sirius. Sirius slid it between his lips and leaned in when Remus flicked the lighter to light it. Remus hadn’t noticed it the first time they met, but Sirius had grey eyes. Remus had never seen someone with eyes like that before.
           Remus had no idea what to say, so he just continued smoking, watching Sirius out of his peripheral vision. It was a little awkward, but not unbearably so, and it seemed Sirius was happy to smoke in silence. Sirius’ apron was covered in flour, and what Remus hoped was jam of some kind. not something more nefarious based on its red colour. The last thing he needed was a Sweeney Todd situation in his building.
           Remus and Sirius finished their cigarettes at the same time and both killed them in the ashtray. They were standing so close, should to shoulder, and Remus had no idea why that made his heart race. He turned towards Sirius in order to say his goodbyes, and suddenly Sirius was even closer.
           “Well, I should –“
           Remus didn’t finish that sentence as Sirius was leaning in. He was moving with intent and his lips just barely brushed against Remus’. Remus gasped, the sound getting swallowed up as Sirius’ lips pressed more firmly against Remus’. Remus let himself enjoy it for a moment, Christ, it had been so long since he’d kissed someone, before he brought himself back to his sense.
           “What are you doing?” he demanded, pushing Sirius away.
           Sirius’ eyes searched Remus’ for a moment and then he took another step back. “Fuck, I – I’m sorry. I don’t even have an excuse.”
           Remus grinned as he watched Sirius flounder for a moment. He decided to let Sirius off the hook. It was just a little kiss after all. “Hey, I’m almost done with the menu design. Do you want to see it?”
           The tension in Sirius’ shoulders ebbed at Remus’ offer. “Yeah, sure.”
           Remus told Sirius to sit down at the little table while Remus went inside to get his tablet. He brought it out and sat down across from Sirius. He opened up the menu design and placed it in front of Sirus. He was actually a little nervous as Sirius looked it over. It was a buck and a dog running through a forest surrounded by berry bushes. James had explained in the email that their homemade jam was a huge selling point for them and they wanted the menu to emphasize that.
           “It’s not too dark, is it?” Remus asked, chewing his bottom lip.
           “No, I think it’s perfect.” Sirius glanced up, and for the first time Remus had seen, Sirius smiled. “We’re doing a soft opening in two days. You should come.”
           “Will I have to pay?” Remus teased, resting his chin in his hand and looking at Sirius.
           Sirius laughed. “Fine, you don’t have to pay. What kind of pastry do you like best? I’ll make it for you.”
           Remus considered it for a moment. “Jammy dodgers.”
           Sirius’ grin widened. “You got it.”
           Remus went to the soft opening, even though he hadn’t been around that many people in a while, and it put his social anxiety through the roof. He met James’ wife, Lily, and their son, Harry. He also met quite a few of James and Sirius’ closest friends. Even though everyone was very nice, Remus couldn’t help feeling a bit like an outsider.
           However, Remus didn’t miss the way that his jammy dodgers seemed to be the only ones with little hearts in the middle. That knowledge alone was enough to make him stick around.
           Remus was in trouble. His web comic was about a werewolf and a vampire that fell in love with each other. The werewolf character struck a striking resemblance to Remus, although the character had Remus’ original hair colour. The idea had come to him based on his name. The vampire character, however, had short dark hair and red eyes. Yet, whenever Remus found himself drawing him, his hair seemed to be getting progressively longer for no discernable reason and his eyes seemed to be grey.
           It didn’t help that Remus saw Sirius pretty much every day. During his lunch break, Sirius would bring up something from the bakery, and they would sit together at the little table and eat and smoke. Remus had gotten to know Sirius, little by little, cracking away at Sirius’ shell to the gooey center underneath. Despite his first impression of Sirius, and his original cold exterior, Remus found the man himself was mushy and romantic and sweet.
           Remus told Sirius about the fact that he’d always meant to make a little rooftop garden, but as of yet hadn’t really gotten around to buying any plants. Sirius showed up the next day with a little tree.
           “It’s called Dogwood,” he’d said with a knowing grin. He had continued to buy Remus several flowers and plants since then. He’d even brought some herbs for cooking, even though Remus insisted he didn’t really cook. Every time Sirius and Remus found a place for the new plant, Sirius would get that same smile. A smile that had started to cause butterflies in Remus’ stomach.
           There was no talk about the conversation Remus had overheard or of the kiss they’d shared. Remus figured both topics were off limits.
           Maybe that’s why he couldn’t get Sirius out of his head.
           Remus dropped his head back and groaned. “I told you if you didn’t stop me I would eat all six éclairs.”
           “An impressive feat,” Sirius said, grinning behind his wine glass as he took a sip.
           “I hate you,” Remus said, scrubbing his hand over his face. He was starting to sweat a bit from overeating. “I’m going to put on so much weight.”
           “You could use some more meat on your bones,” Sirius responded with a shrug. “You barely eat as it is.”
           “I was right, this is a Sweeney Todd situation, you’re fattening me up to put me in a pie,” Remus bemoaned, clutching his stomach. That last éclair had really done him in.
           “We don’t even serve meat pies at the bakery,” Sirius said in amusement. “I think you’re safe.”
           “I’m not buying it,” Remus said, staring at Sirius accusingly. “Why else would you bring me all these sweets?”
           Sirius glanced away, twirling his wine glass between his fingers. “For an excuse to come see you.”
           “Oh,” Remus said, a blush rising to his cheeks. “Really?”
           Sirius stood up and walked over to Remus, placing his hand on the back of Remus’ chair, and leaning into him. “So, I made a mess of our first kiss. Think you might let me try again?”
           “Um.” Remus stared up at Sirius and let out a shaky breath. “Yes. W-we can do that.”
           Sirius slid his fingers through Remus’ curls until his hand came to rest at the back of Remus’ head. Then he guided their lips together into a soft kiss. Remus opened his mouth first, and Sirius was quick to follow suit, their tongues meeting in a mixture of chocolate, wine and cigarettes. Remus eagerly chased the taste from Sirius’ mouth.
           Sirius pulled back after a few life-altering moments. Remus felt his eyes flutter open to find that Sirius was smiling at him. God, Remus loved it when Sirius smiled. “I could eat you up, I really could,” Sirius sang softly.
           Remus busted out laughing. “Do not sing Sweeney Todd at me when you’re trying to be romantic.”
           Sirius chuckled and pulled Remus up into a hug. “Noted. Should I just tell you I love you then?”
           Remus hugged Sirius back, burying his face in Sirius’ neck, ignoring the deep blush currently on his face. “I-I think that would work.”
           “Well?” Sirius asked expectantly, turning his face and pressing a kiss to Remus’ forehead.
           Remus hugged Sirius tighter. “I love you too.”
           Remus stood there, in a moment so like a fairy tale that he didn’t want it to end, wishing he could freeze time. He stood in the moonlight, embracing the man he had come to adore, surrounded by all the plants Sirius had bought just for him. It felt like more than Remus deserved, but he wasn’t about to let it go. He could only hope the next moment would be just as sweet.  
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ashes-and-ashes · 6 years ago
His earliest memory is when he was 4.
He can’t remember everything, exactly. There’s his bed, swathed in emerald green silk even way back then, the heavy chandelier in the center of the room. He remembers a heavy black dresser pushed up against a wall, thick books neatly stacked on his bookshelf. Even then he wanted to please his parents, wanted to be the “good boy.”
He remembers standing on the bed, looking down at the floor. His bed was huge - he needed a footstool to reach it, and the floor seemed so far away.
Sirius would have been 5 then, crossed-legged on the floor, hands stretched far out in front of him. “Come on, Reg! I’ll catch you!”
And the floor seemed so far away, the wood hard and unforgiving, but Regulus nodded. Because Sirius was there and he said he would catch him and Sirius would never lie. Sirius always protected him.
Regulus took a deep breath and jumped.
He’s 7 now, standing next to Sirius in terror. He had knocked over a vase, porcelain shards shattering everywhere, going under the table and the sofas and the rugs. He didn’t mean to, of course, was too caught up in his book to realize that he had walked into the table, bumping the surface and shattering the vase.
Even then he was terrified. Now he looks back on the memory and laughs, laughs at his fear and terror. Walburga hadn’t even started drinking at that point, not heavily, and her anger was almost tame compared to what he was used to.
She had screamed when she saw the glass, screamed and swore and dragged him and Sirius into the kitchen. Regulus stood up as straight as he could, body almost rigid in fear while Sirius had leaned against the wall. A look of boredom was pasted on his face, though Regulus knew he must have been as scared as he was.
He can still remember Walburga’s words, echoing through his head 10 years later. “Which one of you little shits did this? How dare you? How dare you break my fucking vase?”
They both stayed silent, him and Sirius. Perhaps they thought it would calm Walburga down, the utter lack of response to her tirade.
It only seemed to infuriate her more. With a yell, she grabbed Regulus by the shoulders, slamming him against the wall. “Who broke it?”
Regulus started crying, tears rolling down his face. Walburga’s nails cut into his skin, making him wince. “I...I - “
She slapped him. It wasn’t hard, wasn’t even strong enough to break flesh but it still shocked him. Regulus gaped, mouth hanging open, the skin on his cheek reddening.
“Shut the fuck up,” she hissed, hitting him again. “Black’s don’t cry.”
Regulus bodded, choking back on his sobs. He was about to speak up, was about to accept his punishment and pray that Walburga wouldn’t hurt him too badly when Sirius stepped forward.
“Me,” he said. “I broke it.”
Regulus whipped his head around, heart pounding. “No - “ he started, but Sirius glared at him. Shut up, he mouthed, and Regulus listened.
Walburga turned on him slowly. “What?”
Sirius’ voice trembled. He was only 8, but Regulus always remembered him as much older. “I broke the vase. I ran into it. I’m sorry mother - “
Walburga interrupted. “Regulus,” she said, not even bothering to look at him. “Go to your room.”
Regulus did, slamming the door behind him, hurrying his face in the covers. He still remembers the screams that echoed from downstairs, the slaps and the yelling. Sirius had a black eye for weeks afterwards.
He’s 10 now, in Sirius’ room, standing by the door. Sirius was packing, viciously almost, stuffing everything inside his chest. “God, I can’t wait to get out of here, I don’t think I can last another day - “
Regulus looked down. It was almost an unspoken rule by now - they never mentioned Sirius’ injuries. He could see the edge of a cut now, peeking out from under his sleeve, left over from 2 nights ago.
“What house do you think you’d be sorted in?” he asked, his voice soft.
Sirius laughed, bitterly. The sound was too old for an 10 year old, full of pain and frustration and anger. “What choice do I have? Slytherin. It’s the only option for me.”
Regulus considered this. “I don’t think so,” he said.
Sirius slammed the lid of the trunk down. “Then what House will I be in?”
Sirius furrowed his brow. “Why?”
“Because,” Regulus said. “You’re the bravest person I know.”
He remembers standing on the platform, watching the Hogwarts Express come in. He was terrified, scared beyond reason because Sirius was leaving and he was going to be stuck with his mother for a whole year.
Her hand was on his shoulders, squeezing so hard he wanted to cry out, fingernails cutting into his skin. He was about to let out a noise, about to duck away when he stopped himself. Sirius took it, he thought. Sirius dealt with the worst of it.
And he wouldn’t call out. He wouldn’t beg Sirius to stay, though he knew Sirius would if he asked. He wouldn’t ask Sirius to bear more of the pain, take the brunt of his mother’s anger. He couldn’t.
So Regulus swallowed his cries, forced them down inside, watched as Sirius boarded the train. Survive. I can survive one year.
He remembers the conversations with his mother, during that one year. It was like walking on broken glass - entire days spent in his room, terrified of saying anything, doing anything, bringing her wrath onto his head.
And he remembers when he changed, when he realized the true extent of the game. Walburga was drunk, angrily mumbling into her glass; he remembers offering to bring her some water.
“You useless bastard,” she muttered, as he set the glass in front of her. “What an absolute shame. Oldest takes the Mark, though the youngest listens better. Fuck. What a nightmare.”
Oldest takes the Mark.
He’s seen the Marks - his Aunt Druella has it, all twisted and dark against her forearm. He knows what it means, swearing allegiance to The Dark Lord, being forced to kill and murder and torture. He knows immediately that Sirius is supposed to take it.
And he knows, instantly, knows it would be torture for him. Knows that Sirius would die being a Death Eater, being forced to fight in a war.
It’s one of his talents, being able to see the tangled roads lying in front of him. He’s only 10, but Regulus already knows what he has to do.
He’s 12 now, already caught in the game. Be the perfect son.
So he does. He does everything - gets perfect grades, introduces himself to the right people. He learns how to put up masks, made of iron and marble and steel, learns how to talk and how to plot and how to manipulate people.
And he’s a bastard. He knows he’s one, a conniving, untrustworthy bastard. Sirius told him so, after watching him suck up to his mother, repeating all her pure blooded bullshit right back.
“You’re such a suck up,” he said, after she had passed out on the couch. “What the hell? You can’t actually believe all that crap.”
“Shut up,” Regulus had hissed back. “Don’t let her hear you say that.”
“Why?” Sirius spat, defiantly. Walburga had started cutting him, slicing the back of his knees and arms and even his ribs; Regulus could see the blood where it had soaked through his sleeve. “She already knows. Can’t hurt me anymore.”
God, Regulus wanted to agree. He swallowed, hard, the same mental checklist running through his head. Be perfect. Take the Mark.
“She may have a point,” he muttered. “About...you know. Mudbloods.”
Sirius blanched; he had a friend, Regulus remembered, a friend named Remus who was a halfblood. He winced internally, knowing he had struck too deep.
“You,” Sirius hissed, “Are a bastard. A convincing, manipulative bastard. I don’t know what happened to you.”
Regulus watched him storm up the stairs before letting out a shaking breath.
He’s 13 now. The beatings have gotten worse - too many mornings he finds Sirius curled up on the floor instead of in his bed. He recognizes the marks, the faint white scars looking like galaxies against Sirius’ skin. She’s been using Crucio on him, multiple tones if he wasn’t mistaken, over and over again until Sirius’ body couldn’t take it anymore and he passed out.
She’s only used Crucio on him once. It was a dark night - Walburga was drunk and he didn’t know what Sirius had said but suddenly he was bleeding on the ground and she was screaming over his shaking body.
He barely screamed. He used to, at the beginning, roared until the house echoed. Now he just bit his lip, hard enough until blood dripped down his chin.
And she didn’t stop. Over and over again, Regulus frozen in the corner, watching as Sirius curled up tighter and tighter -
“Stop,” he said. Sirius made a choked noise - it sounded like no, though Regulus wasn’t sure. “Stop. You’ve hurt him enough.”
Walburga barely looked at him. “Crucio.”
And Regulus has been abused before, he knows this, abused mentally until sometimes he wants to drown himself but never like this. He’s never felt pain like this, ripping and burning and tearing, making him scream and scream until his throat gave out. He tasted blood in his mouth, thick and salty and he gagged, gasping for air -
And as he lies curled up on the floor, in the growing pool of his brother’s blood he wonders how Sirius bears it.
He’s 15 and he sees Sirius kissing Remus.
He was on the Quidditch Field - Sirius usually came out to fly late at night and Regulus always tried to watch him.
Sirius had taught him how to fly, when he was 6, the last of the golden days when everything was simple. Regulus has always been nervous of heights, hated the feeling of wind and air and falling, and it was only when Sirius had gotten him onto a broom did he understand the magic of flying.
He always tried to watch Sirius fly. He was a natural at it, him and James Potter, moved through the air like others moved on land. There was a sort of grace that Sirius just seemed to have, something that Regulus tried and tried over and over again to replicate but never succeeded in.
It was the last tie he allowed himself to hold, the last bit of affection he allowed himself to show towards his brother. The plan was simple, something he had followed since he was 12.
Because if he allowed Sirius to hate him, if he was able to sever all ties between himself and Sirius then Sirius could be free. He knew he only stayed for him, only stayed to protect Regulus. Without Reg, Sirius would leave.
And God, he tried. Everything - from being a bastard to watching impassively as Sirius screamed on the ground. It shredded Regulus’ heart apart, broke it so completely that there was no return.
Get Sirius out. Because if he stayed, he’d have to take the Mark. If he stayed, Sirius would become a Death Eater, forced to fight against his friends, his true family.
Better to let Regulus do it, then force Sirius.
And he never knew how much, never knew the true extent of how much Sirius loved Remus. He’s always suspected it, to some extent, has always known that Sirius didn’t like girls but it wasn’t until he saw them kissing that he realized.
Regulus had never loved anyone, not like that. He’s been too focused in preserving the mask, the cool facade of indifference, has spent his entire life trying to get Sirius out that he’s never really thought about what he wanted before.
Sirius kissed Remus like he was drowning, like he was surrounded by water and Remus was air. It was a desperate, longing sort of kiss, like years of pent up emotion had finally been released.
Regulus has always doubted, to some extent, doubted how much Sirius truly loved Remus. Now he knew.
Sirius would leave for Remus. Regulus has eroded his relationship with Sirius, eroded it to the point where Sirius would abandon him.
Regulus let out a shaking breath. He knew how to make Sirius leave.
He’s 15 now, staring down at his brother, the blood and the gashes, the glints of bone and the burns. His own side aches - his mother had hurt him, shot him right through Sirius’ body.
Reg. Reg, please, you have to let me go.
And he’s done his job, hasn’t he? He’s sacrificed so much, sacrificed his hopes and dreams, his wishes for a better future. He’s given up so much for Sirius and Sirius has done so much for him and the debt is paid now, isn’t it? He’s played the game, perhaps too well, burnt all his bridges and now he stands over Sirius’ broken, bleeding body.
Regulus takes a deep breath. His hand unconsciously drifts to his forearm, where he knows the Mark will go.
He’s not stupid. He knows he’ll die. His Brother will join the Order and he’ll be a Death Eater and the best he can hope for is that someone will kill him before he throws away his innocence completely.
His life for his brother's. He’d pay it. Over and over again, by God he’d pay it. He’d give up his life for the bare chance that Sirius’ could be better.
Regulus swallowed, hard, etched his brother’s face into his memory and prepared to let him go.
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mss4msu · 6 years ago
“Do I Wanna Know?” (Chapter 5)
Summary: On a visit to a local nightclub, the lounge singer catches your eye. Soon becoming a regular at the club, the way you look on the dancefloor gets his attention. You begin to hear stories about the notorious crime lord who owns and operates the small nightclub. When your friends worry that you’ve gotten mixed up with a mobster, you wonder if it’s better to be left in the dark and find yourself asking, “Do I wanna know?” if you’re getting involved with one of the most revered mobsters in the city. 
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Words: 2467
Warnings: Language
A/N: It has been a HOT second since I wrote a new chapter for this fic. I started writing this, and the next day there was a huge flux in readers on this piece, so I’ve forced my not so little butt to get a chapter written and out to you all. There’s a Sex and the City “I couldn’t help but wonder” in here that I couldn’t help but include bc I’ve been binging the show now that I’m a single gal living it up in a big city.
Catch Up On the Series Here
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You awoke the next morning daydreaming about the night before. Rachel and Jess had pulled you to the dance floor during The White Wolf and the Howlers’ last song and you danced your heart out, putting on a show, knowing James was watching your every move. After the band finished, the club patrons left, but Steve had stopped you and your friends before you could go, telling you there was a special encore performance just for you. In an almost empty club, the curtains reopened to show the band again. James serenaded you with a song called, I Wanna Be Yours.” Halfway through the song he jumped off the stage and started dancing you around the nightclub, singing the lyrics quietly in your ear as the band kept playing. Out of the corner of your eye you had seen Jess dancing with Steve, but you were too enthralled with James to bother to give them your full attention. 
You danced around your apartment for the rest of the weekend, reliving everything that had happened in your own mind and through your group chat with Jess and Rachel. You knew they were probably tired of talking about everything, but you just couldn’t help it. Saturday was spent analyzing everything that had happened the night before, from the quick seating and service your table had gotten to the song choices of James and his band. Sunday was spent over-analyzing everything and wondering why you had heard nothing from James all weekend. By Sunday night, you were actually disappointed that you hadn’t been called into work over the weekend and were actually beginning to look forward to going into work on Monday, because at least being busy doing painstaking tasks for Tony Stark meant you wouldn’t have any brain space left over to worry about James Barnes.  
You hopped on the bus Monday morning and got to work earlier than usual, hoping that there would be something for you to do and focus on as soon as you got there. Despite being early, you still hadn’t beaten Tony, who barked your name as you were walking past his office to your own desk.  
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” you asked, poking your head into his office. 
“Get in here and sit down,” he snapped, gesturing at the chair across from his desk. 
You felt anxiety building in you as you went into his office, there was something different about how Tony was talking to you and you didn’t like it.
“You’ve been working hard, Ms. (Y/L/N) and that hard work has not gone unnoticed,” Tony said dryly. 
Although he was looking toward you, his eyes seemed to be scanning, as though he was reading notes on his glasses. 
“In order to reward this work,” he paused, before begrudgingly continuing, “I,” he put a strange emphasis on the word, “would like to offer you a promotion to head an account of your own. This of course means a raise in pay, an office, and you will have access to your own driver whenever you wish.”
You were stunned and sat speechless for a moment before finally asking, “Really?”
“Do you not want the promotion?” Tony asked snarkily. 
“No, I mean, yes I would love one and thank you so much for the offer,” you took a deep breath, trying to remain calm, “Which account will I be working on?”
“The Barnes account,” you could’ve sworn he rolled his eyes as he said it.
You had never felt your heart sink and your stomach experience butterflies at the same time, but knowing you would be working more personally with James Barnes had you feeling all sorts of ways all at once.
“Is that suitable?” Tony asked, annoyance in his voice. 
“Yes, Mr. Stark, that is beyond suitable. Thank you so much for the opportunity! I will not disappoint you.”
“Unfortunately, it isn’t me you have to worry about disappointing,” he rolled his eyes as he stood and reached out his hand to shake yours.
While you shook Tony’s hand enthusiastically, you couldn’t help but wonder who it was unfortunate for.
Tony broke off the handshake, flopped back into his chair, and grunted for you to leave. You took the hint and walked toward the door. 
“Thank you again, Mr. Stark,” you said as you walked out of his office.
Once back in the lobby, before you could even process your shock, the person at the front desk called you over and gave you the keys to your new office, the number for your personal driver, your new company credit card, and a giant stack of file folders concerning the Barnes account. You walked very carefully to your new office, trying your best not to drop any of the folders in your arms. As you tried to get the key in the lock while positioning the folders on your knee and balancing on one leg trying to hold them steady, the familiarity of the gruff voice behind you asking, “Need some help, doll?” caused you to drop everything. 
Papers went flying in all directions and you scrambled to the floor to gather them up. 
“Guess you do,” James Barnes winked at you as he began to help you pick everything you had dropped. 
“Thanks,” you replied, feeling the heat from your embarrassment creeping into your cheeks.
“I can’t help but feel that it was my fault you dropped them in the first place,” he smirked at you as he handed you the last few pieces of paper and stood up. 
“It was entirely your fault,” you smiled back at him, accepting his hand to help you up. 
“So, this is a snazzy new office, ya got here,” James said as he picked up your discarded keys from the ground, opened the door, and flicked on the lights. 
“How’d you know I got a new office?” you asked, unable to help the suspicion that crept into your voice.
“Your name’s on the door, doll,” he chuckled, tapping the nameplate next to the door that read your name in bold letters. 
“Oh,” you replied, taken aback. 
You picked up the stack of files from the ground and followed James into your new office. He flopped down in the chair in front of the desk and you knew his eyes were following you as you went to the chair behind it, although you couldn’t see him over the stack of folders in your arms. You set the folders down and relaxed into your new chair. 
James slid the folders to the side of your desk so he could look you in the eyes, “That’s better. So, shall we go grab lunch?” 
“Lunch? I can’t, James, I’ve just started this new position and I have to work or Mr. Stark will demote me.”
“(Y/N), I am your client and I want to go out to lunch. And now that we are working together in a professional capacity, that’s Mr. Barnes to you,” he winked at you as he stood up and buttoned his suit coat.
“Well, in that case, how could I say no?” you rose, grabbed your new credit card, and walked around the desk to meet him. 
“Where to?” James asked, walking out of your office and waiting for you in the hall.
“As my client, I’ll let you decide,” you replied, closing and locking the door. 
“I know a great spot. Should I call my driver, or would you like to test yours out?”
“I suppose I could give mine a test drive,” you smiled, pulling the card with the driver’s info from your pocket. “Hello, I’d like a ride to lunch, please,” you said in your most professional tone, “Great, thanks.”
You hung up the phone and smiled at James, “The car will be here in 2 minutes, so we better get downstairs.”
“Lead the way, boss,” James gestured for you to go in front of him.
“I could get used to that title,” you laughed as you got to the elevator and pushed the down button.
A booming voice yelling, “Where do you think you’re going??” wiped the smile right off of your face.
You quickly spun around to see Tony Stark angrily staring at you, his foot impatiently tapping on the ground.
“Stark, hope you don’t mind the unscheduled drop by, but I figured I should get acquainted with the new handler of my account,” James said, walking up to Tony with his arm outstretched, ready to shake his hand.
“Mr. Barnes,” Tony said through gritted teeth, reluctantly shaking his hand, “Makes perfect sense. I actually have no plans for lunch today, I should join you both to be sure (Y/N) can be brought up to speed with everything.”
“Tony, I hardly think that is necessary. She wouldn’t have been put on my account if she wasn’t competent enough,” James turned and gave you a quick wink, which had you wondering if it really was your competency that had gotten you the promotion.
“In any case, I doubt she has had the time to read through all of the files about your relationship with the company as of yet, and as such, I should be present at this lunch to be sure nothing is missed. Shall we?” Tony asked, taking his briefcase from the reception desk and meeting you at the elevator.
The elevator dinged before you had a chance to comment on the change of plans and Tony was in the elevator too quickly for a change of plans. As Tony was briefly occupied pressing the button to go downstairs, James gave you an annoyed look and you shrugged in reply. The elevator arrived in the lobby and you all approached the car waiting outside.
“Ms. (Y/N), I didn’t realize there would be 3, is this car still ok?” your driver asked as he rolled down his window.
“It’s fine, Parker,” Tony replied for you, “After you, Mr. Barnes,” he said, motioning for James to get in the backseat. 
James complied and Tony got in next to him, leaving you to take the front seat.
“Where to, Mr. Stark?” the driver asked.
“That Italian place on Broadway and North Ave,” Tony said before you or James could make a recommendation.
“You got it, sir.”
The car pulled away from the office and everyone inside of it sat in silence for the entire drive. You tried to keep your breathing steady and stop from getting worked up, which you had multiple reasons to be: you got a promotion that you were pretty sure James Barnes had made happen for you, that same man had tried to take you out for a one-on-one lunch, and now you were in a car with the man you liked and your boss.
The trip to the restaurant felt like it took hours, when it had only really taken minutes. When the car stopped in front of the restaurant, James quickly exited and opened your door for you, offering his hand to help you out of the car. You declined to take his hand, as you felt Tony’s eyes on you. Tony led the way into the restaurant and quickly got the three of you a table. When James tried to sit next to you, Tony side-stepped him so that he had to sit across from you. 
Lunch proceeded to be even more uncomfortable than you could ever have imagined. Tony acted as though you weren’t there and conducted business as usual. To every question Tony asked, James directed his answer to you, trying to give you an in to the conversation, but Tony would reply before you even had a chance to think about what James had said. It was excrutiating, and you were thankful that James seemed to view it as torture just as much as you did, as he quickly sped the waiter along in bringing your food quickly and getting the check as soon as possible. 
“James, should we drop you somewhere or do you need to go back to the office?” Tony asked as the three of you went out to the parking lot and got into the car that was waiting for you.
“If it’s not too much trouble, could you drop me off at my club?”
“Parker, you know where that is, right?” Tony asked the driver. 
“Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Your heart sank at the prospect of having to ride in the car alone with Tony after such an awkward meeting, but you had no way of communicating that with James from the front seat. 
As the car slowed, James spoke, “Thank you for lunch, Tony. It was great to be able to discuss the future of our collaboration with the new head of my account,” he stuck his hand through the gap between the two chairs in the front of the car, “(Y/N), it’s going to be a pleasure working with you.”
You contorted yourself to be able to shake his hand. 
“We’ll be in touch with updates about your account,” Tony said. 
“Looking forward to it,” James replied as he got out of the car. He shut the door behind him and then gave you a little wave.
“Alright, back to the office, Parker. And (Y/N), I hope you learned valuable negotiating techniques over lunch. Mr. Barnes is a big client and we can’t afford to lose him.”
“Yes, sir,” was all you could think to reply. 
The ride back to the office was in silence, but it was less awkward than you anticipated. As the car slowed in front of the building, Tony broke the silence.
“(Y/N), we’ll drop you off here, I have other business to attend to elsewhere.”
“Alright, Mr. Stark. Thank you, Mr. Parker,” you said before somewhat hurriedly getting out of the car. 
Once you were in the elevator and out of sight of Tony Stark, you finally let out a long sigh of relief. You reached your floor and took a deep breath before disembarking the elevator. As you walked past the front desk, the receptionist called you over. 
“Ms. (Y/L/N)! These just came for you!” the receptionist said, pulling a vase of two dozen white roses from behind the desk. 
“Oh my god! Thank you!” You exclaimed, completely flustered. 
“You’re welcome.”
Your cheeks hurt from grinning as you quickly walked the flowers to your office to read the card you saw perched on top of them. You set the vase down to unlock your office, learning from your earlier mistakes, and went inside and closed the door. You put the vase on your desk and removed the card from its holder, carefully opening the envelope it was in. 
The card read: “Looking forward to working with you, boss. Yours, The White Wolf.”
Do I Wanna Know? Tag List:
@mrooks0205 @shann-the-artist-moon @ashtheteenagewitch @abschaffer2 @nuclearuniversalrage @nootrishus @brilliantbellesoares 
Bucky Barnes Tag List:
@basementcafe @ria132love @courtmr @jobean12-blog @gloomyleaves
Permanent Tag List:
@sophiealiice @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thisismysecrethappyplace @ailynalonso15 @221bshrlocked @hazellnut94 @libbymouse @nerdypinupcrystal @hufflepuffchloe @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @dibsonamericasass
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bananashemmo · 6 years ago
Committed The Robbery (Part 8)
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Pairing: Y/N/Gangmember!Ashton
Rating: NC-17
Request: Yes
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Summary: On a scale from 1 to shit, how fucked would Ashton be if he ended up banging the other gangmember Luke’s little sister Y/N?
Read Committed The Robbery on Wattpad
“Luke, are you coming with us?” You looked over your shoulder as you spoke, walking out of the front door.
Luke looked at you with half opened eyes, his lips parted even though he wasn’t saying anything. He was too tired and exhausted to even say anything.
“I think I’ll pass,” He mumbled, trying to compose as the great brother but you couldn’t avoid shaking your head at him.
“Happy hungover,” You laughed, turning around to head towards the Ashton that was leaning against his car that was parked next to the pavement.
Ashton moved his sunglasses down on his nose and caught his keys from throwing them up and down. The sun was warm and he opened the door for you to sit down.
“Thank you,” You almost wanted to roll your eyes by his politeness. It definitely didn’t fit his persona but he did it for you.
Ashton chuckled lightly and walked to the other side of the car, starting the engine when he was seated and started to drive.
“Did you tell Luke about yesterday’s events?” You fiddled with your fingers carefully, looking over at Ashton who was chuckling.
“You know where my loyalty is,” Ashton replied, waiting for the red light to turn green.
He turned to look at you, one hand still on the steering wheel.
“The only thing I told him was you wanted to sleep in his room for the night because you felt that was safer than walking home from the party. Told him that nothing happened and the small details were dealt by me.”
You smiled at him, sincerely happy that you could trust him.
You didn’t know what time the boys were home. It sounded like around eight, but it was probably six because the sun hadn’t risen yet. Luke was smelling awful and stumbling into his room in confusion.
You didn’t blame him, he wasn’t aware that you were sleeping on the right side of the bed.
You didn’t want to tell him that he had woken you up, so you just decided to pretend you were sleeping. Sometimes he was a big consumer of guilt and you didn’t want to put that on your shoulders.
He was just happy knowing you wanted to sleep at his place instead of your dorm. There was nothing safer than being home close to him.
When you woke up Luke was snoring so loudly it was insane. It wasn’t often he did, it mostly happened after drinking and you could sign your signature that he was doing it that morning.
Ashton couldn’t almost help but laugh when you came down the stairs in confusion. He was eating his breakfast and mentioned he could hear the snoring from his seat.
He’d asked you if you heard anything weird during the night but to be honest you couldn’t hear a single thing. Sometimes it was like Luke’s room was isolated from everything else even though it was the one closest to the stairs.
“Any lectures today?” Ashton asked casually, eyes on the road but he occasionally looked towards your direction.
“Not really, I mean...” You mumbled and looked at him oddly, “It’s Saturday.”
“Why are you looking at me like it’s weird,” Ashton laughed, “I took extra classes on Saturdays.”
“Wasn’t that because you were lacking in a few classes?” You tried not to be teasing and he didn’t seem to mind. He secretly liked it.
“Only a few.” He used your words and moved his glasses down just for a second so you could see his eyes.
You shook your head in disbelief and leaned back in your seat, “What were you studying anyway?”
“Music,” Ashton beamed, “But that wouldn’t come as a surprise.”
“You still like to drum?” You crossed your arms and leaned back in your seat. It wasn’t often you had normal conversations like this one so you enjoyed it.
“I beat out people instead. Feels like a harsh but true compare.”
You rolled your eyes because of course, he had to ruin the moment. It was such a typical Ashton move that you laughed to yourself and shook your head. What an idiot.
“But yeah, sometimes. I enjoy it when I’m alone mostly. Kind of what sucked when being kicked out, I can’t go to the music class anymore just for the free time.”
You looked back at him and started to smile slowly. You loved that even if he joked, he still managed to take your question seriously.
“Thanks for the ride,” You commented once he was in front of the parking lot to campus. He wasn’t always driving you to your dorm because he knew you liked being independent. It never killed anybody to walk the rest of the ride.
“Anytime,” Ashton replied and turned off the engine.
You looked at him confused, not really knowing what he was about to do and glanced at him in question.
“Just go,” He encouraged, I have a few things I need to take care of.”
You wanted to ask if he was sure but he seemed settled. You nodded your head in agreement and flashed him a smile as you walked out of the car.
“See you sometime,” You waved, heading towards the path that was to the right of campus and lead towards the houses.
Ashton nodded his head in agreement and waved back, only causing you more confusion because now he seemed to have his mind somewhere else.
Sometimes he was a very reserved guy. Usually, the quiet one even though it at times was Calum. They kind of switches roles but it always seemed like Cal was more open. Ashton carried many thoughts and secrets.
You didn’t know you looked back but you were curious you did.
Ashton had disappeared from the car and had a direction towards the campus. He had direction towards the library and by this, you furrowed your eyebrows.
You knew you weren’t supposed to follow him. You needed to trust that what he was doing was under control but you couldn’t block out the gutted feeling in your stomach.
“What is he doing?” You mumbled to yourself when he walked yourself and that honestly felt like your queue.
Screw going back to the dorms. You needed to see what was happening.
You weren’t trying to run at a fast pace because you didn’t want him to notice you and when you walked inside the door, you tried to close is as quietly as you could.
You didn’t know where he headed at first, it was kind of confusing but also a little bit creepy since you were the only one. Nobody was visiting the library on a Saturday. Only Alba.
You could hear footsteps coming from the stairs and you furrowed your eyebrows confused. It was soon followed by what sounded like a commotion, swear words and something like a chair falling.
You widened your eyes. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
Curiosity was what pulled you towards the stairs. You almost didn’t want to walk down because you could hear mumbles coming from downstairs but you weren’t able to hear.
You had pure flashbacks to when you and Alba snuck into the basement.
“How did you know we were here?”
It was like your whole body froze when you recognized James’ voice. This was not what you expected and you could feel your heart racing.
“Members can smell your ass from miles apart.” You heard Ashton speak and you stopped by the middle of the stairs. You were only able to see shadows, they were in the room next to the archive.
You could see from the shadow with curls that Ashton was sitting on a chair and James was standing up. You could also see another person standing but wasn’t able to tell who it was.
“What’s going on in your head man?” James laughed, “Too many thoughts. What’s messing your game, usually the roles are reversed.”
You could hear them chuckle and with the noise, you took the rest of the steps. You had no idea if they were able to hear you walking, but you tried to be as quiet as possible.
That was the voice. It was from Chris. The one from James’ gang and also from the party. What a horrible memory.
You walked until you were standing close enough to the entrance but without standing in front of it. You were able to see Ashton, his head hanging as he looked down at the floor.
You didn’t know if it was because you were causing noise or not but a simple glance made Ashton realize you were there.
His eyes widened even though he tried his best not to spoil your sudden presence and he looked up at James and Chris to see them distracted.
“Run!” Ashton mouthed, but you shook your head.
“I can’t.” You mouthed back, not sure if he was able to see. You couldn’t leave him like this now, you didn’t know what moves James was planning. It would take too long to get Luke and the others.
“You have to,” He was trying to be insisting but you wouldn’t move even though you could feel your legs were starting to shake.
“What’s going on?” James suddenly asked loud and you widened your eyes.
Too frozen in your position to run it didn’t take long for them to notice where Ashton was glaring.
“What the-,?” James looked over at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Y/N for god sake just run!” Ashton yelled in frustration but you wouldn’t get far before James would catch you.
With the help of Chris, they dragged you into the room that smelled worse than the archive did and cobweb was filling most of the ceilings.
White powder was on the floor in bags and on a dirty table. It didn’t take long for you to notice what was going on and the only source of lights came from the windows right at the top of the walls.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered when they tied you with robes, you wondered where they even had those. James probably kept them in case of situations like this.
Ashton shrugged his shoulders, watching James walk around pretty impressed by himself.
“Looks like someone was too nosey, huh?” He spoke and moved a piece of hair away from your face.
You really tried not to cry. Luke had always taught you to show braveness even in worst case scenarios. You just never had expected you would be in one.
Your eyes flicked towards Ashton. He was looking down at the ground, his curls were falling in front of his eyes but he didn’t have a chance to flick them away.
James was standing with his back facing you, humming a happy tune. You couldn’t recall it and you just wanted to block out his sounds.
“I know when you usually tie a pair up you push their backs against each other,” James turned around to look between you, folding his hands together.
“But I thought since Y/N wanted to join, you could face each other for a little game I have in mind.”
You couldn’t help but look apologizing at Ashton. You weren’t supposed to walk out on him, you weren’t supposed to follow. But then again, if you didn’t, you would have no idea what he was about to put himself into.
You felt shivers up your spine just by James’ mention of a game.
“It’s actually my first time playing. And out of everyone, it is just too amusing that you’re my players.” James looked towards Chris who flashed you a wink before showing what he had behind his back.
You felt your breath hitch in your throat when you watched the shiny metals in James’ hands, his face reflecting in the gun.
There was so panic in your body you couldn’t keep it inside.
“James this is stupid,- just let us go!” You screeched, eyes wide but it wasn’t because you were angry. It was because you were scared like hell.
“No,” James replied back, his hand shaking around the gun.
“Kid, you don’t even know how to use that.” Ashton spat calmy and your eyes widened when James smacked the side of the gun against Ashton’s cheek harshly.
He didn’t flinch, he didn’t even react besides shutting his eyes and you could see how frustrated James became by it. He clearly had no idea how to use it but he still found alternatives for it.
“No, but I sure as hell know how to throw a good punch,” James replied and nodded his head in satisfaction by the bruise that slowly formed on Ashton’s cheek.
You wiggled in your seat trying to loose the robes around your hands, you couldn’t stand being here for one more second and neither did you believe Ashton could be this calm.
“Take a pill princess. You’re not getting anywhere with that attitude.” James grabbed you by the shoulders to stop your wiggling, his fingertips digging into your skin harshly.
Looking up at him with a glare of death you leaned down to bite his hand away to let go of you, watching him wince and groan as he almost knocked himself into the brick wall.
“Bitch bit me!” He almost exclaimed as if it was a surprise but you could see a smile growing in the corner of your eye.
“Look at you being a rebel. Cute.” Ashton commented with a smirk and you shrugged your shoulder in response, smiling back at his words.
“Cute isn’t exactly the word,” James commented from your behind and interrupted your little moment.
“Corrupt it fucking is,” Chris added and finally decided to be a part of the action instead of just witnessing and securing.
He lifted your chin up with his fingers to force you to look at him, your noses almost touching and you tried your best to get away from him but it was impossible.
“Can you imagine the expression on your brother’s face if he’d figure out where you are?” He questioned and forced a harsh slap to your cheek, your whimper almost echoed in the small room.
“Don’t fucking touch her,” Ashton yelled from his chair and this time he did the effort to wiggle and see if he could get out.
“I don’t care how many times you have to beat me but don’t you dare lay a hand on her pretty face again or I swear to god I will break all 206 bones of yours.”
“And that threat comes from the guy tied up in a chair helpless?” Chris questioned amused and crossed his arms.
“Well, you’re the one who doesn’t seem to have the courage to take a chance. You can’t beat me up unless I’m tied and without chance of defense. You know what we call boys like you, Chris?” Ashton answered the question with a question.
“A fucking wimp.”
“Oh, you really know how to test someone’s nerves huh?” Chris questioned and let go of you to fist Ashton’s shirt in his hand but he was prevented by James breaking in.
Chris moved away instantly and stepped back behind James.
You looked over at Ashton’s bruised cheek but he didn’t seem to be in pain. It wasn’t until now you could feel the burning sensation on your cheek. You wondered if it was going to bruise.
You both were waiting for James’ next move. It was like he was standing and holding his breath, preparing for what he had to say.
“I think we all need to get to know each other better. It always causes great connections.”
James grabbed a chair from the other room and sat in the middle, able to look at both of you.
You looked at Ashton not really knowing what was going to happen but he seemed to. His teeth were biting down on his lip almost as if he was starting to grow nervous. Wrong timing, honestly.
“We’re going to play Russian Roulette.”
You could feel how your heart almost skipped a beat by his mention and you could feel your palms getting sweaty. You glanced towards the gun that James was almost caressing.
“Who wants to start?”
You looked at Ashton in confusion and with wide eyes. To your surprise, he seemed settled.
“Y/N starts,” He quickly answered and James looked at him impressed.
There was probably a good explanation behind the answer. You just needed to trust him and believe it was going to be for the better. Ashton was a smart guy, he most probably already figured out the logic.
“Untie her,” James requested to Chris.
“I trust that none of you will leave. I promise you there is a loaded one in my bag in case you feel like running before the game is over.”
You hadn’t been tied for long but your wrists were sore and read from being positioned like that. You could feel the burns and with a shaky hand, you took the gun from him.
He didn’t need to explain the rules. You had seen it plenty of times on the TV. This time, it was real life depending.
“To make it a twist, I’m going to ask you a question and you need to answer honestly,”
By this, your eyes flicked to the ground. You weren’t sure if you were able to make a lie proving enough to be a truth.
“If you don’t answer honestly, you will lose and I will have to shoot you.”
Ashton couldn’t help but roll his eyes. This was getting ridiculous but he was still feeling the sweat on his back. This was starting to get really serious and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for it.
James looked at you with a smile. You just wanted to wash it off his face.
You did as he requested and lifted the gun to your head, waiting for his question.
“Good girl...” James cooed, “Now do tell me. Did you like the kiss you had with my friend Chris?”
In reaction, Ashton looked towards Chris and combined the question rather quickly. He looked back at you and you could feel your cheeks start to burn in a deep red color.
“No, I didn’t. It was just a peck in a game. Nothing special.”
Ashton didn’t seem fully convinced but he was more interested in seeing when you needed to trigger the gun.
You held your breath, a million thoughts running through your mind at once. When you were the first in the game what were the chances?
You could feel shivers all over your spine when you pulled the trigger and nothing happened. Always just for the goddamn scare and you forcefully placed it back in James’ hands.
“Not the answer I expected,” James hummed, “I mean, to me it seemed like you enjoyed it.”
He turned around on his chair and waited for Chris to untie Ashton.
“I know you want to choke me but remember to behave,” James almost sang in Ashton’s face and gave him the gun.
Ashton couldn’t help but chuckle with half a smirk, looking at James as if he was barely listening to his words.
Sometimes you wondered how he could be this cold. He rarely showed fright.
“How many have you killed?”
The question seemed to cause silence in the room and you looked at Ashton almost desperate for an answer.
You wouldn’t admit it but you had been wondering. Thinking about it for a long time, it was the same thing with Luke. Sometimes you just thought you were too afraid to actually wanting to know the answer.
It’s like, once you see it you can’t unsee it. Once you’ve heard, you will never forget.
It was going to ease some of the feelings you had towards him. You always had a dark shadow cast over his persona and maybe that was going to change now knowing the answer.
“I haven’t murdered anyone... Yet.” Ashton made sure to put extra pressure on the word, his eyes all over James.
Even if Ashton was the one being threatened here, James couldn’t help but look just a little bit frightened. For just a second the roles were reversed and Ashton looked over at you.
You were relieved.
“Really? But who murdered the lady next door?” James nodded towards the walls and Ashton looked at him without hesitation.
“Only one question per shot.” Ashton pulled the trigger and didn’t flinch when nothing happened. You wonder if he was actually scared or if he believed that James was only trying to mess with you.
James seemed taken back by Ashton’s words and he looked down at the ground trying to come up with an answer. But he was indeed the rulemaster and Ashton was following the rules.
Ashton threw the gun back to you and clumsily, almost dropping it in the process, you held it in your hands.
You looked at James waiting for a question. Many things could be going through that man’s head and honestly, you didn’t want to be a part of it.
“Oh, wait this is a good one,” James laughed to him, “Y/N, are you a virgin?”
He was only asking this wanting to humiliate you. He wanted to humiliate you in front of Ashton and the others but it caused something way different. You could feel your cheeks turn red again and it wasn’t for James’ intentions.
You sighed deeply, trying to come up with an answer. No matter what you did, it was going to bite you in the end but luckily enough he wouldn’t ask you any further questions no matter the answer.
You held in a breath before answering, “No, I’m not a virgin.”
That wasn’t the answer James had expected. He looked at you as if he didn’t believe your words at first but then he looked surprised.
“Hell no,” He almost stood up from the chair, he seemed torn between being impressed and disbelief.
“How the hell did I manage to miss that?”
You decided not to answer and looked down at the floor instead. You didn’t mind looking at Ashton because it wasn’t something that would come as a surprise to him.
“I’ve always thought of you as the innocent one,” James laughed and looked over at Ashton with an impressed smile, “Did you know this?”
Ashton shook his head, lying. He wasn’t the one having a gun to his head. You were.
“Well, that’s gossip home to Luke.” James laughed, “I mean if you’re the one surviving. I don’t imagine Y/N would like to tell her own brother that she has been sleeping with a guy.”
You had almost forgotten that the gun was still being pointed at your head, but as you pulled the trigger and nothing happened, you were starting to feel irritated. It was starting to become less of a reality that something was going to happen.
“Back to you pretty boy,” James laughed and watched the gun being switched to Ashton’s hands. “God, I’ve actually been waiting for this question.”
Ashton looked up at James by the mention of pretty boy. His curls had started to look messy and since he was able to move them away from his face he did. He was starting to sweat, you could tell from the hair that was staying where his hand had moved it.
Ashton sighed heavily and moved the gun to his head, looking at you during the process.
It was like you could feel something bad was about to happen. You couldn’t look at him so your eyes glanced down to the ground instead.
James waited until Ashton moved the gun to his head so he could ask his questions. You could almost hear him tripping.
“Do you still miss your girlfriend?”
Silence fell upon the room like it never had before. The only thing you could hear was your heart beating, pulsing through your body you could almost feel it in your toes.
You felt the silence but inside of your head, everything was screaming. You wanted to look up but you felt forced to look down. No matter how much you tried your eyes adverted back down.
You finally managed to look up and the face on Ashton was indescribable.
He wasn’t looking on you anymore, he looked at James with a straight mouthline and a daring face. His heart was racing so fast you could see it from his chest and the shirt vibrating.
“Ohh, I hit the right spot. Finally, it’s getting interesting!” James almost wanted to cheer, looking at Ashton amused but nothing about this situation was to laugh about.
“Where is she?” Ashton looked at James deadly, words spoken low and deep.
“You ask me like I’m supposed to know,” James answered, keeping the same voice volume but had a tease to it.
You were now so desperate for Ashton to look at you, sincerely wishing he just would so you could see if he was alright. You were so insanely confused you couldn’t describe it and you honestly just wanted to get away.
“I’m sure you didn’t answer my question,” James just wanted to mash more into it.
“Do you miss her?”
Ashton looked at him so angry he just wanted to stand up from the chair and tackle James to the ground. You could see it on the vein that was suddenly showing on his neck. He was having trouble controlling his anger and frustration.
Why had he never shared he had a girlfriend?
“Yes. Sometimes I do.” Ashton’s voice was low, you barely heard him and James laughed loudly.
James couldn’t help but clap his hands and stand up from his seat. He was enjoying this far too much and you watched him walk around just to stand up for a bit. He was probably very excited.
By this, Ashton glanced towards you just for a second but before you could read his face he moved the gun away from his head and pointed it towards James instead.
As he pulled the trigger a loud bang arrived in the room, a scream from James came and your jaw almost fell to the ground.
“How did you-,” You didn’t manage to finish your question before Ashton grabbed you by the waist and made you hurry up from the chair.
You couldn’t see where James was shot but it seemed to be around the leg as he fell to the ground.
Within seconds Chris heard the commotion and walked into the room from been standing by the watch.
Before he could even react to the scenario, Ashton forced a very good punch to his face, knocking him out of the process well.
“Come on,” He encouraged, sprinting towards the stairs with you in his heels until you were out of the library and towards where he had parked his car.
You wanted to ask so many questions and even if you were standing less than a meter away from each other, you felt a huge distance between.
God, what must go through his mind right now. Not to mention yours.
It was killing you inside.
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lukescaboose · 7 years ago
Best Friend’s Brother (Nerdy Calum)
Gif isn’t mine. This is based off of this request . Hope I got this right for you! Hope you guys enjoy this super long fic!! xx
Warnings: Smut
Word count: 6462
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I tapped my pencil against the desk, boredom overcoming me even though the lecture had just started. Something about physics just seemed to lull me to sleep. The talk of velocities and forces made me want to wring my neck. Val, my best friend, kicks my leg under the table when the tapping becomes incessant, visibly annoying my peers around me. I stopped, though I couldn’t care less if they were annoyed or not, and began to doodle on through my notebook, where my physics notes should be.
“Come over later.” Val whispered beside me and I nodded without even bothering to think about all the shit I had to do later. I could put it off for her, I’d much rather be doing nothing with her than doing any type of actual work. My priorities were seriously slipping this semester. The lecture dragged on, the hall becoming colder and colder the longer we sat here. You’d think that they’d cut the air conditioning off in the middle of February, but apparently not.
My day carried on much like this morning, drab and cold. I only perked up when it was time for my art class, a class I could tolerate. I loved to draw and paint, but doing it for a grade was a completely different story. I was in my element nonetheless, working on a piece that was due by the end of the semester. I was more focused on hanging out with Val later than my project itself, my mind wandering to all the things I needed to spill to her about Jacob, the guy I’ve been eyeing for a while. He’d caught my eye in my statistics class a few months back, and then again in my journalism elective. I’d never had the balls to properly talk to him about anything besides class, but I was getting there. I’d heard some things about him over the weekend though and I could wait to tell Val.
The day followed as it had started and I didn’t bother to look for Val on campus after my last class. I found my car, fighting against the cold weather, and drove to her house. She wasn’t home when I got there, I sigh and exit my car hoping that someone would let me in. I knocked feverishly, my legs shaking with the cold. The cold air nips unforgivingly at my skin as I wait. Just when I’m about the head back to my car, the door swings open and I walk inside, saving the greeting for when I’m warm. Calum, Val’s adopted brother, cocks his head to the side at the sight of me, his glasses dropping low on his nose as he does so. “Val isn’t here.” He mumbles, hands curled up in his sweater. I nodded. “I know, but she will be soon so I’ll just wait for her.” I say, making my way to the couch. He shuts the door without another word and disappears up the stairs, probably to bury his nose in a book or something.
I watched him climb the stairs from my position on the couch, his shoulders seeming broader under his sweater. I’d never shared much conversation with Calum, he was always reading or playing a video game. When he did talk it was more of a stammer, getting the words out quickly so he could leave. As long as I’ve known him he’s had one girlfriend, which didn’t last more than three months. He was quiet, only talking to her, but she was not. I’d talked to her on occasion when she was around, and Calum would let us see her, she mostly stayed cooped in his room. I found myself wondering why they broke it off. Calum was cute, really cute. He had a soft smile and kind eyes, and was practically harmless. He loved dogs, Val’s dog only stayed by his side. From what I could gather Cal was a cool guy, just super quiet and rather nerdy. He was the same age as Val and I, Val’s parents wanted her to have a sibling after finding out they couldn’t bare anymore children naturally.
I hadn’t even noticed Val walking into the room, throwing her backpack down and plopping down onto the couch with a huff. “Y/N!” She said loudly, pulling me out of my gaze of the stairs. I jumped, turning to her quickly, taking in her appearance as she stared at me. Her hair was frazzled from the wind, her cheeks tinged pink from the cold. She looked like some sort of ice princess, just disheveled. “H-Hey! I didn’t hear you come in.” I stuttered, clutching my heart from the fright she’d given me. Her laugh was visible in her chest, the booming sound instantly bringing a smile to my face. “I know, you were totally spaced. What’d you have to spill to me?” She questions, excitement filling her eyes. My eyes light up as well, every ounce of juicy gossip floods into my mind at once.
I turned my bottom so I’m facing her, my legs under me and my hand on her knees. “I heard he -“ I started, but was interrupted by the sound of Calum walking down the stairs. His footsteps were heavier than normal, purposeful. Val and I’s heads turned in the direction of the sound. He had on the same hoodie as before, but with sneakers this time.
“Where are you going?” Val asked. Cal’s head shot up, his eyes locking with hers. “Did I interrupt something?” He questions back. His brown eyes wander over to mine, my mouth is agape, the words I was ready to say still on the tip of my tongue. “No. I mean kinda - but it’s fine.” I fumbled, my expression bewildered. The awkward boy fiddled with his fingers, and Val cocks her head when he turns to leave again. “So, you’re not gonna tell me where you’re going?” She asks again and he stops, his hand on the doorknob. “We’re the same age Val, I never ask you where you’re going.” He mumbles, kicking at the floor out of nervousness. I hit Val’s knee in response, Calum’s shyness suddenly making me protective of him. “Leave him be.” I hiss even though I too was curious to know where he was going. Calum looks at me then, an appreciative smirk tugging at his lips. I smile softly in return and he’s out the door without another word.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” Val says annoyed. I bite at my lip nervously, moving away from her slightly. “I’m just saying Val, it’s not like he’s your little brother or anything. You guys are the same age, it’s-“ I stammer. “He’s still my brother. My nerdy, socially inept brother.” She huffs, running her fingers through her messy hair. I didn’t say anything else after that. Val furiously typed on her phone, and I picked at my fingernails. All the things I had to tell her about Jacob seemed unimportant now. She was upset about Calum for some reason. To me, he was perfectly capable of leaving the house when he pleased. He wasn’t an idiot, smartest person I’ve met actually. He has a license and a car. And trouble really didn’t seem to be Calum’s thing. Val was harder on him than her parents were and it always amazed me. Calum was more capable than Val in my eyes.
“He’s not gonna answer you.” I muttered as she typed more messages to Calum, each of them on the lines of ‘where are you’ and ‘come home’. “You text him, he’ll answer you.” She pleaded, her eyes filled with worry. “What’s wrong, Val? Why are you so worried about this?” I shrugged, moving my phone out of her reach. She waved me off with a grumble, her eyes on her phone again. I sighed and found Calum’s contact that I had for a paper I needed back in high school. Assuming it hadn’t changed a typed the message. Hey Cal, its Y/N. Val is worried about you, where’d you go? I felt so weird, texting him something like that. He wasn’t a kid and quite frankly, it wasn’t any of my business. He answered almost immediately, much to my surprise. Don’t tell her, she’s such a snoop. I’ll be home in 15. It was vague, but enough for me, I couldn’t be bothered either way. “He’s fine, Val.” I sighed, gathering my things. Her head swiveled towards me, watching as I shoved my charger back into my bag. “Where are you going now, I thought we were hanging out? And did he say where he went?” She groaned. “I’m going to your room, and no he didn't say.” I lugged my things up the stairs, leaving Val on the couch typing at her phone still. I sighed and laid across her bed, which had become mine as well over the years.
I flicked through the channels for a while, watching bits and pieces of rerun episodes that were airing. Val never came up but I didn’t mind, especially since she was in such a mood about Calum. Calum came back in fifteen minutes, like he’d promised, but that didn’t make Val feel any better. I could hear them arguing downstairs for a while. And then I heard footsteps come up the stairs. I’d been praying they weren’t Val’s, I wasn’t in the mood to hear her complain. I was relieved when I heard the door across the hall slam, Calum behind it. But then, I heard the front door slam and I guessed Val had left to cool off. That was about twenty minutes ago, and Val had texted me to not wait for her. She’d said she was going to James’ and I could sleep in her bed if I wanted because she wasn’t coming home. I didn’t mind staying here without her, I actually preferred it. Her bed was larger and much more comfortable than my own.
I sighed and grabbed some of my books out of my bag. I figured I might as well do some homework while I’m here. I looked hard at physics problems, wishing I had paid attention and taken down some notes. I groaned loudly in frustration, pushing the book away from me after a while of staring and contemplating how to do the stupid problems. The more I tried, the less I understood. All the numbers were jumbled in my head along with the formulas, none of them making any sense. There was a soft knock on the door then, it opened slightly, Calum poking his brown hair through. “Are you alright? I heard you from across the hall.” He softly spoke, his eyes wandering over the mess of books and crumpled paper on his sister’s bed. I ran my hands over my face in exhaustion as I shook my head. “It’s physics, can’t understand it for the life of me. And my professor is so boring, I couldn’t listen if I tried.” I huffed. Calum chuckled, pushing the door open more to come inside. He leaned against the dresser that was adjacent to the bed, and crossed his arms over his chest. His hoodie was gone now, he wore a black t-shirt and I couldn’t help but admire how nice his arms looked, especially his tattoos. “I could help if you want, I’m rather good. Ahead in the course and everything.” He offered, his voice teetering off into a whisper at the end. He was extremely smart, but modest about his studies. He didn’t like to boast or brag, but he was well aware of his capabilities. I nodded frantically, shoving the books in his direction. “Would you please. I mean, if it wouldn’t be too much. It’s just, I’m not gonna pass this class without some sort of help.” My voice sounds desperate as I plead, and a small smile adorns Calum’s handsome face as he nods in agreement. He moves the papers and books and makes room for himself next to me on his sister’s bed. “So you’re doing forces I see.” He mutters to himself. I nod. I can feel the warmth radiating from his body, and his scent is somewhat intoxicating. A part of me wants to move closer to him, feel him, but then I remember that this is Calum and that’ll never happen. I found myself wondering what’d it be like to be with Calum instead of listening to him talk about velocities and directions. I couldn’t help but watch his plump lips as he spoke, slowly now, confident in what he was talking about. I nodded along as he pointed out different formulas and shortcuts on the reference table I’d been too dumb to look at. Calum was captivating to watch and it had just become that much harder to learn anything about physics.
“You’re pretty good at this.” I remarked after he’d walked me through yet another problem. He shrugs in response, writing down some more notes for me to read later in my notebook. I tried the next problem by myself, getting stuck a lot less than before, but Calum was quick to correct my mistakes. He was patient and super kind. He didn’t make me feel like an idiot for not understanding the stuff that seemed so easy to him. “You’re getting better at this. Some more practice and you’ll ace this semester.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides. I smiled back widely, unable to keep it from growing once I saw his. “Let’s just focus on this unit for now.” I chuckled. He nods in agreement a small laugh tumbling from his lips.
“Why’d Val get so upset earlier?” I ask moments later. My pen cap is in my mouth as I await his answer. I didn’t know if I could talk about things like this with Calum, but I really wanted to know. And besides, I could only talk about physics for so long. “I don’t know, she gets like that sometimes.” He shrugs and I sigh. “She gets like that alot lately.” I flip the page of the textbook and I can feel Calum’s eyes watching me as I write down some notes. “She’s Val.” He concludes, moving a bit closer to me to reach for a book. I close my eyes, my skin warming as he touches me slightly. “I’m quite bored of this. Do you want to watch a movie or something?” I offer, partly because I am sick of doing homework and also because I need an excuse to get closer to Calum. He nods, closing the book in his lap and stacking it with the ones in front of him. “Would you mind if we went in my room though? My TV is bigger.”  He proposes and I nod, a flutter in my stomach makes me weary, but I ignore it. Calum was cool and his company was refreshing. We didn’t have to talk about friends and gossip. We could just sit in silence with the occasional question and it was fine. Talking too much was exhausting.
I clean my things off Val’s bed with Calum’s help. I shoved everything back into my backpack before following Calum into his room, a place I’d never been before. In all the years I’ve known them, 14 to be exact, I’d only seen Calums room from the door of Val’s. I looked around as I sat on the large bed that was pushed against the wall. The room was decorated with band posters, and a couple of bass guitar’s lined a wall. I’d heard him play through the walls a couple of times, he was pretty good. Stacks of video games lined the shelves of his entertainment center, beneath the TV. He was right, his Tv was considerably larger than Val’s - probably to enhance his videogame experience and such. Overall his room was neat and smelled like him. His bedspread was plain, and a little disheveled from him laying on it. He sat against the wall and I followed suit, pulling his throw blanket over my legs. “So, what do you wanna watch?” He asks, flicking through the selection with his remote. I shrug in indifference. “You choose, we’ll be here all day if you let me.” I laugh shortly, pulling my legs closer to my chest. He moved closer to me then, tugging the blanket over his long legs. 
My head was dizzy as his shoulder brushes against mine. He flicks through the romance category before settling on a title I didn’t recognize, “Oh, you’ll love this.” He smiles, clicking the screen for it to play. He reaches up the wall to flick off his bedroom light and the darkness surrounds us.  I lean slightly into him and he doesn’t seem to mind, his dark eyes are fixed in the screen. I can’t seem to focus on the movie with Calum sitting so close to me. I could only focus on how his muscles strained under his shirt, and the steadiness of his breathing. I admired how he laughed when something would happen in the movie. The more we sat there, the more I wanted to climb on top of him and make out with him. My eyes discreetly travel to his jaw, enticed by the sharpness of his features.
“Y/N? Is everything alright?” He asks. My face heats in embarrassment and I nod swiftly. A chuckle leaves his lips and he shakes his head. “What?” I question, my defensive side rising. “Nothing.” He shrugs, his lips still tugged in a smirk. I frown at him, wanting to know what the hell he was thinking about. This was odd for Calum to be so smug, usually he was the one with rosy cheeks. I couldn’t tell if he was beginning to be more comfortable with me, or if the whole nervous boy thing was an act. Either way I was fine with him loosening up around me, I really do think we could be friends. He pulls more of the blanket toward him, sliding it off of my legs. The cold air bites at my skin, Val’s sleep shorts were the only thing I could find that were big enough to fit me. “Cal, don’t be a such a hog.” I groan, pulling the blanket back towards me. He laughs again, the sound is teasing and playful, I instantly want to hear it again. “Come closer then.” He chides. My stomach twists as I move closer, his arm wrapping around my body nonchalantly. I can see a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, how slick. Calum isn’t as innocent as I thought.
Playing along, I rest my hand on his stomach, feeling his muscles tighten at my touch. I feel as if I’m on fire, my head is snuggled into his chest, his arm around me. It felt so wrong. This was Calum. Val’s brother, who she was so protective over. If she knew about this she’d flip out, as harmless as it was. “Is it okay that were so close?” He hums, his chest rising and falling with each breath. I can hear the smile in his voice. “It’s fine.” I reply, gently rubbing my hand over his abdomen. “Good.” His fingers run up my back lightly, and my breath hitches which only makes him chuckle. Shy Calum Hood was making me nervous, something I’d thought could never happen. My head stays tucked under his chin for the remainder of the movie and all I can think about is kissing at his jaw, and leaving hickies down his throat. I imagine his hand that’s at my side, gripping my ass through Val’s shorts as I suck at his neck. Boldly, I slip my hand underneath his shirt, feeling at his taut muscles. His skin is hot and he doesn’t stop me as I feel him. His hand grips at my side in response, fingers toying at the hem of my shirt. He groans lowly when I graze over a specific spot, adjusting his position and then clearing his throat. “Are you alright?” I ask, moving my head away from his neck to meet his eyes innocently.
He nods curtly, his head tilting down to mine. Our faces are close, his forehead barely pressed against my own. “Are you alright?” He breathes. “Uh huh.” I respond, my eyes gazing over his face. The light from the Tv washes over his face, casting a glow in the darkness. His lips are plump and irresistibly close to my own, making it extremely difficult to keep my eyes on his. He moves in closer, his nose brushing against mine slightly. His eyes are still locked on mine and mine on his, “What would you do if I kissed you?” His words startled me, my head was focused on his next move. “What?” I stuttered. “I don’t know, Cal. Why don’t you find out?” I propose, quickly recovering from his — rather odd — question. He smiles then, a breathy laugh tumbling from his lips. Lips that I wanted to feel on my own. “Just had to ask, love.” He hums and closes the space between us.
His kiss is soft at first, slow, and new. His hand that isn’t on my waist cups my face, holding me to him, as if he’s afraid that I’ll stop him. I tilt my head and he’s slightly hovering over me, pulling me into his chest. My fingers, still under his shirt, scratch at his skin. He moans into my mouth, his grip on me tightening. My mouth opens wider against his, my head spinning from the feeling of his lips on my own. He sucks at my bottom lip, causing me to moan, before pulling away breathlessly. His forehead rests on my own and I open my eyes to see his still closed. His lips curve up in a smile, his nose brushing against mine. “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He whispers. My mind is confused at his words, how long had it been? I would’ve caught that Cal liked me, wouldn’t I? I was always staring at him so when could he have had the time to look back. He was always stammering through sentences and locking himself in his room.
“Really?” I ask, my tone showing my confusion. He nods and pushes his lips to mine again. “Felt like forever.” He hums, kissing at the side of my mouth and to my jaw. “Even when I was dating Lena. Kept thinking I could get over you.” My breath hitches when he sucks right under my chin, my mind whirling with this new information. “W-Why didn’t you say anything?” The words are breathy as they fall from my lips. I wanted nothing more than to just succumb to his touch, but I needed to know. “Thought you thought I was just ‘Val’s nerdy brother’. But today, when she left and you stuck up for me...I just had to go for it.” He smiles softly at the end. I smile back at him, wishing I knew this information earlier. I was always wishing that he would just talk to me, notice me. But he never did so my crush for him kind of died when we left high school. I just figured that I was nothing more than Val’s friend to him.
I press my lips back to his, my hands holding his face close to my own. His grasp at my hips, pulling me impossibly closer to him. The blanket is lost between us as I straddle his waist, our chests pressed together. “You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this.” He whispers against my lips. A fire ignites in my stomach at his words, I want to know. I want to know how many times he’s thought of me, how many times he wished I was with him. “Tell me, Cal.” I murmur and pressed small kisses to his warm cheeks. “When you’re across the hall in Val’s room, I think about going in there, making you come to bed with me, holding you till you fall asleep in my arms.” His fingers laced through my hair, pulling slightly, making me gasp. “Tell me more.” I gush. I can feel him stirring in his sweats beneath me and I want to please him, I want to fulfill every fantasy he’s ever had about me. “I think about kissing you, and my name name tumbling from your lips when I do something you like. I think about...touching you.” He trails off, his fingers tracing hot marks across my skin.
I lick a bold stripe up his neck before sucking underneath his jaw, making him moan. “Tell me, Cal. Do you think about me to get off?” I hotly whisper when my lips reach his again. He shifts beneath me, his erection growing. I can feel his chest rising and falling quicker against mine, and I’m almost giddy as I wait for his answer. “Always, babygirl.” His voice is deeper, strained. I look into his dark eyes then, the Tv light casting against his features. His eyes search mine as he pushes himself up against me, the thin fabric of my shorts not doing much to keep me from feeling the outline of his cock. My breathing is labored as I push back against him, grinding harder than he could. He pulls in a breath through his teeth, his grip on my waist tightening. “Tell me what you want.” I rasp against the shell of his ear, kissing at the skin. His hands are under my shirt now, goosebumps crawl on my skin at his touch. “I want you naked underneath me, moaning my name as I fuck you. I want to feel your mouth around my cock, taking me as deep as you can.” He confesses and my breath hitches. I wasn’t mentally prepared for him to say that, but wetness pools in my panties nonetheless. His large hands are on my ass, and his tongue on my neck, kissing feverishly. I couldn’t help the whimpers that fell from my lips as he held my hips down and fiercely ground his erection into my core. “Show me, Cal.” I moan, my fingers tangling though his thick hair.
He’s rolling over me suddenly, my head pressed to his pillows and him in between my legs. He lifts himself to his knees, sitting back and crossing his arms at the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head. My eyes wander over his bare chest, the tattoos on his skin prominent. I’d only seen glimpses of them before, but they were much nicer up close. I run my hands over his shoulders when he’s over me again, his lips moving over my own. My panties are soaked as he rolls his hips against mine, my hips arching off the bed to meet him as he does so. Boldly, my hand reaches between us at his clothed length. He felt heavy in my hands. My mouth watered at the possibilities of what he could do to me with his cock. I wanted to taste him, to feel him, to touch him. He’s groaning above me as I grope him over his sweats, his boxers becoming tighter. “Take em off.” He huffs, the words coming out in short breaths. I reach my fingers into the waistband, tugging down both his garments. My jaw is slack when I see his length slap against the skin of his stomach, standing up proudly. He rolls himself over my clothed center and it dawns on me how naked he is above me. I pull my shirt off, wanting to match him. He stops me when I reach behind to take off my bra, “Just wait, my love.” He hums against my jaw, kissing at the skin tenderly.
My heart wraps against my rib cage and I’m afraid he can hear. His hand is brought between my legs, brushing gently at my center. I raise my hips slightly off the bed to increase the friction and my eyes are rolling back into my head from the small touch. “Cal,” I groan, wanting more of his touch. More friction is added to my heat and I thrust my head back in pleasure. It’s been a long time since I’ve been touched like this and I can’t remember it feeling this good. I was so turned on by the small amounts of pleasure Calum was giving me, more than ready to feel his cock inside of me. I’m reaching for him again, slipping his length between my fingers, swiping at the precum built up on his head. Incomprehensible noises tumble from his lips. He presses his head into the crook of my neck, relaxing at my touch. His fingers fumble with the waistband of my shorts, and I lift my hips to help him tug them and my underwear off. “Calum!” I yelp when one of his fingers slips between my lips and into my hole, pumping relentlessly. My lip is brought between my teeth as I fight back my moans. “You’re so tight, Y/N. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock. He curls his finger, twisting around making my legs tremble. My hands don’t stop their movements on his dick, and I silently wish it were my mouth on his cock.
I push at his chest gently and his hands fall from me. He’s on his knees now and I join him, unhooking my bra as I scramble to my knees. His lips are tugged in a soft smile as press my lips to his, tangling my fingers in his hair. His kiss is messy and lustful, leaving my my mind frayed. “Lay back.” I coax and run my hands over his toned chest. He complies, laying on his back and I hover over him this time. I waste no time taking his cock into my mouth, his weight heavy on my tongue. His taste is something I never want to forget as I lick eagerly around his tip, sucking slowly over the skin there. He hisses above me, his chest rising and falling quickly. His strong hands tangled in my hair, pulling my head back to look in his eyes. I lower my head, taking him deeper, all the while staring into his dark eyes. His jaw hangs open as I continue to please him, gagging on his thick cock. I use my hand to palm at his balls. I fondle the twins in my hands watching his response above me. The only sounds in the room are those of Calum’s moans and the suckling sounds makes by my mouth and hand, and I continue wanting to feel him come undone in my mouth.
Calum, however, has different plans as he pulls me to him, his cock slipping past my lips. I pout at him and he chuckles, pushing back the hair that has fallen over my forehead. “Baby girl, I would’ve came down your throat if I hadn’t stopped you.” He breathes, moving his face closer to my own. “And I would’ve loved every second of it.” I hum, placing my lips over his. His hands find my bare ass, slapping at the flesh. My mouth hangs open as he repeats the action, the stinging of my skin making me impossibly hornier. “Fuck, Calum.” I whimpered. He hoists my hips up as I straddle him, I can feel the tip of his cock poking at my entrance and it takes everything in me to not lower myself into him. “Condom?” He breathes against the shell of my ear. I shake my head vehemently, I wanted to feel him. I wanted to feel every inch, every ridge, every curve of his cock inside of me. “Are you sure?” He asks. “I’m on the pill.” He fills me at once before my sentence finishes, and my mouth is hanging open at his size.He completely fills me and in this position it feels as if he’s in my stomach. “Oh my- “ The words are caught in my throat as he thrusts his hips upwards from beneath me, his hands taking purchase on my ass. Goosebumps litter my skin at the pleasure of him inside me and the cold air nipping at my skin. Calum knowingly throws the blanket over us and I rest my head in the crook of his shoulder, complete content.
Our hips rock together for a while and I can feel my orgasm rising in my stomach. “Cal I’m gonna,” I start not being able to find it in me to finish the sentence. He slams into me harder now, the clapping sounds filling the room along with our moans and whimpers. “Come on my cock, baby. Let me feel you.” He coaxes. I lean backwards at his words. They’re somewhat like a catapult as I begin to rock my hips on my own, throwing off Calum’s rhythm. His hands grab at my chest, feeling the weight of my breasts in his hands.I rest my hands on his thighs as I thrust my hips quickly over his cock. “Fuck, baby, you’re so sexy riding my cock like that.” He moans, his hips thrusting upwards at his words, stroking a part of me I didn’t know existed. A yelp leaves my lips as my orgasm crashes over me, my chest colliding with his and his arms wrap around me, fucking me through it.
He rolls us over so he’s in between my legs now, chasing his own orgasm with his forearms above my head. He brings one hand down the grip my hip for leverage. He holds on tightly and I know there’ll be marks tomorrow but I don’t mind. His thrusts are untimely but steady, nearing close to his end. “Are you gonna cum, Cal?” I moan in his ear. He nods, his hair tickling at the side of my face. “Come on, let me feel you.” I tempt him, wrapping my legs around his waist in reassurance. He let’s go with a groan, his thrusts stiffening and short, driving my legs closer to my chest with each one. His body lumps on top of me and I hold him in my arms, our mouths moving slowly over one another’s, completely spent. His tongue laps over my own and he doesn’t move, his hand on my hip while the other is in my hair, the weight of his body on my chest. I don’t mind because I feel closer to him than ever, even when he slips his cock from me with a moan that I’ll be replaying in my head later on.
He cuddles me to his chest in his dark room, the Tv playing whatever now. His lips place soft kisses at my shoulder and I close my eyes. “Stay with me, gorgeous.” He hums at my ear, placing a tantalizing kiss to the space below it. I hold him tighter in response and I can feel his smile against my skin as he tugs the cover back over us. “Let me just use the bathroom first.” I sigh, pulling away from his touch. He kissed my lips swiftly before letting me go. I pull his shirt over my head before leaving the room, the feeling of Cal’s lips still on my own. I open Val’s door quietly, stepping inside to use her bathroom.
“Hey where - what the fuck!?”
I jump at the sound of Val’s voice, turning swiftly to see her laying in her bed. “V-Val, what’re you doing here?” I’m suddenly all too aware of what I’m wearing and I tug the fabric. “Is that Cal’s shirt?” She questions and as if on cue, Cal is at the door. I stare at him with a panicked expression, now was not the time for him to show up, only in his boxers. Even if he did look so fucking good. “Is that where you were?!” She’s shouting now, her face red. Calum steps into the room, coming to my side, only making this look worse for us. I struggle to find the words to say as she gets off her bed, stalking closer to us. “Val, it’s not what you think -“ I stammer. “Of course it is! How long has this been going on? Are you seriously fucking my brother behind my back?!” I cower at the sound of her voice. I felt incredibly small in the face of Val’s wrath, I never thought I could be on the receiving end of it.
“Valerie enough!” Calum’s voice booms. I jump at the sound, having never heard him speak so loudly before. Val’s quiet now, her face still red and she’s staring at me, a look of what can only be described as disgust in her eyes. Tears prick at my own and as much as I didn’t regret anything that Calum and I did, I wished it hadn’t made Val so mad. “Val, I-I...I don’t know what to say.” The tears fall and Calum’s arms are around me instantly. I pushed him off, although all I wanted was to be curled into his chest right now. My hand reaches out to Val and she backs away. “Val.” I whine. Calum’s hand brushes through his hair violently, “Valarie, I’m not a child. I can make decisions for myself and my decision is Y/N, whether you like it or not.” He huffs grabbing me to his chest, not giving me the option to pull away. As uncomfortable as I am standing here in Calum’s t-shirt, my ass practically hanging out the bottom, I’m grateful for him sticking up for...us - whatever we were.
“We’re going to bed, you should do the same.” He’s pulling me out the door quickly and I do nothing to stop him. When we’re back in his room, I lay in his bed, a thousand thoughts running through my mind. I want to be with Calum, I really do. But, Val’s feelings are also super important to me. Are they more important than my own happiness? Calum’s arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me close to his chest. “It’s going to be fine. I’m not letting you go that easy either, so you can try if you want, but I can’t promise that I’ll let you leave.” He hums into my neck and his hand wanders under my shirt, pressing to my stomach. I smile softly when his lips press against my cheek. Calum is what I want and I’m not sure if even Val can stop me from that.
Requests are always open! x
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madelainesvixens · 6 years ago
Tuesday, October 6th
At lunch, Fred sat in front of FP and opened his lunch bag, pulling out two perfectly wrapped sandwich and a juice box. ''I got you a sandwich.'' He slide one in his friend's direction, earning a thankful smile from FP.
Losing no time, FP unwrapped the sandwich and took a large bite. He was so hungry. After the small altercation between him and his dad last night, the teenager didn't dare going downstairs for dinner. He stayed in his room and ignored his screaming stomach.
''Did you forget we were supposed to hang out on Saturday? I called you and your father said you didn't come home after work,'' Fred said, opening his sandwich.
''I had to work until closure,'' FP explained.
Fred's eyebrows shot up. ''You worked from eight to closure? Dude, that's more than twelve hours! That's crazy.''
''I have to do what I have to do if I want to afford college.''
College was a part of the reason why FP picked up a job at Pop's. Although scholarships were a possibilities, you can't rely on that. He knew his father wouldn't be on his side about college and wouldn't give his son a single penny for his superior education. When FP talked to his dad about getting a job, he tricked him into thinking it was to help with the bills so he took advantage of the situation. He got lucky when Pop placed a flyer on the door of the diner, saying they were low on staff. FP applied and got the job immediately. Every week, he would give half of his pay to his dad for the bills and put the rest aside for college.
''Still. You're gonna exhaust yourself.''
FP rolled his eyes. ''I'm fine, Fred. I can manage a double shift.''
''Talking about college, I finished filling all my college applications last night. My dad and I are going to the post office to mail everything tonight. Wanna come with?'' Fred offered.
''Erm, about that... Do you know where I can get extras? I accidently spilled juice on my college applications.''
''All?'' FP nodded. ''I think Mrs. Mars still has some. We can go to the counsellor's office together after lunch. We could go to mine to fill them and then send everything tomorrow? I don't think my dad would mind.''
''Thanks, man.''
Thursday, October 8th
Much like the first time Alice came over, the night wasn't a success in therm of getting work done. It didn't take long for them to get bored of their assignment and soon enough Alice was sitting in FP's lap, straddling him, and he was running his hands all over her. No one could blame them though, it was much more entertaining that their science assignment.
Nails scratching at FP's back, Alice moaned loudly as he thrusted into her, hitting the right spot every time - or so.
Believe it or not, it wasn't FP's habit to have a regular hookup. He was the BMOC of Riverdale High, the all american athlete, a studmuffin; he didn't have difficulty finding girls to hookup. On the contrary, he had them at his feet, begging to be pulled in a bedroom.
They reached their orgasms and FP pulled out, rolling on his side to drop the used condom in the trash. He ran a hand through his raven hair, pushing back the fallen strands and sat next to Alice, drawing the blanket over them.
''There's a game tomorrow night. Would you like to come?'' FP asked casually, catching his breath from their previous activity.
''A football game?'' Alice wrinkled her nose. ''That's not really my scene.''
She stood up and FP watched as her long legs carried her to the foot of the bed.
''We're playing against Greendale's Ravens. It's our biggest rivals. It's going to be an epic game.''
He heard a zipper sound and then some scattering. ''Oh. I don't know. I'd rather spend my Friday night picking gums under tables at the Wyrm than seeing two legged testosterone running around a field with a ball.''
FP laughed. ''Two legged testosterone? Is that what I am to you, uh?'' he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Alice ignored the question and jumped back on the bed, pack of cigarette and lighter between her hand. It was a routine for her, cigarette after sex. Sometimes, FP would take a few hits but he wouldn't call himself a smoker. She slid back under the fuzzy blanket, feeling some goosebumps form from the chilly air. She rubbed her long legs against the soft fabric and FP wondered if she was cold.
She lit her cigarette and took a touch, inhaling, and exhaled grey smoke. A smile curved on her full lips, her long blond hair grazing the top of her breasts without covering her nipples.
God, she's gorgeous to him.
''So? Will you come?'' FP asked again, a minute later.
''I'll think about it.''
Friday, October 9th
looking around the bleachers, hoping to find a familiar face with beautiful blue eyes and a leather jacket over her shoulder but, he saw nothing. FP sighed, looking at the grass, and shook his head.
Little did he know, she was there...right under the bleachers.
It was a cliché place to hide and dirtier than up the bleachers but, no one could see here there. Although FP had invited her to the game, she didn't want him to know she was present. In football language, boys who invited girls to their game was a secret code to ask them out and she was afraid it'll give him ideas if she showed up. They had a great complicity and Alice didn't want feelings to get in the way and ruin anything.
So, she stayed hidden there until the end of the game, a smile forming on her lips every time she witnessed FP score.
Drink in hand, Hermione walked into the kitchen,
''Well, well. Isn't that tonight's hero,'' the Catholic school-girl said, walking in the kitchen.
''Drinking beer at a high school party? What lies did you tell Mama Gomez tonight? That you had a sleepover with your girl friends?''
''Oh, Forsythe, you know me too well. I love a good night in with frozen bras and face masks.''
FP shook his head in amusement.
''Have you seen Fred?'' she asked, taking a sip of her drink.
FP arched an eyebrow. ''You're back to Fred now? Moving quick from a Casanova to another, I see.'' The raven haired girl frowned. ''Hiram Lodge.''
The raven haired girl frowned. ''Who told you about Hiram?''
''Everyone knows, Hermione. Next time you let someone slip their hand under your skirt, try somewhere where there's a door, not in a fancy ass convertible at the drive-in.''
She gasped and before their argument could evolve, a brunette with her cheerleading uniform still on walked in the kitchen. A smug look formed on FP's face, memories of a certain night coming up. That girl was a wild one.
''Is that why you never called me back? You're screwing Hermione, now?''
''I beg your pardon?'' Hermione demanded.
''I was working, Gladys,'' FP explained calmly. ''Sorry can't always squeeze you in for a dick appointment.''
Hermione stifled a laugh behind her red cup and exited the kitchen.
''You're not working tonight, are you?'' she asked, grabbing his forearm and pushing herself close to him, fluttering her thick coated lashes at the Bulldog.
''It depends what you have in mind,'' FP replied, flirting back.
Gladys leaned forward to kiss him but, just as their lips were about to touch, Fred came up behind him and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him a bit. ''There's a hot blonde, looking for you,'' Fred informed his best friend.
A frown of confusion appeared on FP's forehead. A hot blonde? Could it be- No. She wasn't at the game, the chances she came all the way from Southside to attend an after-match party on the Northside were slim. Very slim.
Fred didn't know her name so he nodded in direction of the living room and FP followed him, leaving Gladys stranded in the middle of the kitchen. Music blasted from the speakers of Marty's radio-cassette, TLC's latest hit filling the house, getting louder as they reached the living area. FP grimaced. He'd rather listen to Nirvana, Radiohead or other alternative/grunge bands than these annoying radio hits.
As they snaked their way through the crowd of bodies, ducking elbows to not spill anything on the carpet, they caught sight of Sierra Samuels exchanging saliva with Tom Keller, two Vixens rubbing against Marty and a couple drunk girls dancing drunkenly.
''Andrews!'' someone called out just as they entered the living area, waving at the Bulldog. Fred waved back at James, a guy from the water-polo team, and made his way over to him, leaving FP to himself.
How will he find the hot blonde, now?
FP opened his mouth to yell at Fred but decided against it. Fuck it. He'll find someone else to hookup with.
Or...he could find Gladys. She was pissed at him but FP could charm his way into her panties by snapping his fingers. So easy with this one.
FP moved through the mass of bodies, eyes scanning the room as he drank his beer. Near the sliding doors, he saw Taylor McKenzie in a pink mini dress chatting up with none other than Darryl Doiley. FP wanted to laugh. Did he really think he had a chance with Taylor? She was the head of the River Vixens, unless she had a couple drinks in her body, FP doubted she would be interesting in Darryl. With his high waisted pants, printed shirts tucked in and massive glasses, he wasn't her type. He should start looking for girls of his league like Penelope Blossom or Mary Maiden.
The music changed to a sexier song - Samantha Fox's Touch Me - and that's when FP noticed the two headed snake embroidery on the back of a jacket by the stairs. Although her back was to him, he recognize those blonde curls. And those legs.
''I thought football wasn't your scene?'' FP said, leaning against the staircase, right behind her.
Alice turned, an amused smile on her lips. ''Jones,'' she acknowledged.
''I wasn't expecting to see you here.''
She raised her drink to her lips, bottoming it. ''Hope you don't mind me crashing your party.''
FP glanced at her, shaking his head. Fucking not. ''Fred said a blonde was looking for me, were you-''
Alice searched for his brown eyes, holding his gaze. ''You fucking wish,'' she purred. ''But, no. It wasn't me.''
She put her empty cup on the small table and started moving her body to the beat of the song like she had done at the diner on Saturday. Lips curving into a smirk, FP followed her movements and danced with her. Unlike his fellow Bulldogs, FP wasn't a stick, he actually had some moves in his sleeve. He was no Travolta or Swayze but, it was impressive enough to take girls home.
Exaggerating her motions, Alice moved her hips from side to side, looping her arms around FP's neck, pulling him closer. Her full breasts were brushing against his chest, feeling the soft plumpness. The Bulldog had to refrain from cupping her breasts, very aware they were in the middle of a party. Instead, FP put his hands on her waist and she turned around, rubbing her round butt against the front of his jeans and the teenager could feel the denim becoming tighter.
Ugh, the effects this girl had one him.
A soft giggle left Alice's lips, knowing very well what she was doing.
They danced together for a song or two before she stopped, beckoning him to follow her upstairs where she assumed bedrooms were. FP let her lead the way, admiring the view. She wore the same leather skirt from Saturday and had paired it with fishnet tights. She was a fucking smokeshow.
As they were climbing up, a drunk guy unsteadily walked down, stumbling a bit and bumping into Alice.
''Look where you're fucking going,'' FP snapped, shoving the guy.
His back his the railing and he apologized to Alice, having trouble finding his words because of the alcohol in his blood. ''Chill out, man,'' drunk guy slurred to FP.
Alice looked at FP. ''Yeah, chill out,'' she chastised, mocking the guy.
Despite the size of the Mantle's house, all bedrooms were occupied. FP let out a frustrated groan. What were they gonna do now? He could always go home and fuck there but it was a longer walk than he could handle with his hard on.
A devilish smile spread on the biker girl, glancing behind them. Curious, FP followed her blue eyes and saw the glass door of the Mantle's backyard balcony.
''The balcony?''
Alice shrugged. ''It's dark outside. No one will see.''
Was she saying what he thought she was because, as much of a turn on having sex outside could be, it was risky. Anyone could walk out to smoke a joint or just taking some air and catch them.
FP flashed her a wicked grin and looked around, checking if there was anyone in sight and slide open the door, slipping outside with Alice hot on his heels.
The balcony was thankfully empty. FP didn't lose time, pressing his lips to Alice's, fingertips digging in the small of her back as his other hand kept her jaw in place. Alice melted into his touch, kissing back with just as much fever.
FP backed Alice until her back hit the brick of the house, shielding them from the glass door and voyeur eyes.
Alice smoothed her hands down FP's front, following them with her eyes until her fingertips were hovering just over the waistband of his jeans. ''You're hard already,'' Alice whispered as she moved her palm over his erection.
His eyes fluttered shut and he inhaled deeply through his nose, tilting his head back slightly as he did so. ''Mmh,'' he breathed out, almost as a grunt. ''It's you in this room. You're so fucking hot tonight, Ali.''
She squeezed his ass, fingertips curling against his jeans, and pulled him in close, to which he smiled and laughed. ''Are you trying to seduce me, Jones?'' Her right hand slid an inch or so beneath the hem of his t-shirt and stroked over his skin. Her touch sent sparks flying through FP. That girl did things to him...
Alice had slipped inside first, warning FP to wait a couple minutes before he followed suit. Although they had some fun on the Mantles's balcony, they didn't need everyone to know.
Fred would be upstairs when he'd get inside.
''Had a good time in there?'' Fred asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
FP frowned, playing the innocent card. ''What? I took some air. It's stuffy in here.'' He pulled at the collar of his tee shirt, showing he was hot.
Fred hummed knowingly. ''Were you hot from down there because your fly is undone.''
Looking down, FP saw that Fred was indeed right. Shit. He quickly tugged his zipper up. ''Thanks, man...''
''Oh, and you might want to wipe that lipstick stain. It's not a good look on you,'' Fred added before disappearing down the hall.
Saturday, October 10th
It was around one o'clock when FP left the party with Alice. He had enough of mingling with his fellow Bulldogs and wanted to go home and fuck. Believe it or not, a quickie on the balcony didn't leave him satisfied. He was still hungry.
Alice removed her boots, tossing them right by FP's and was about to follow the raven haired boy upstairs when a loud thump resonated in the house followed by a ribbon of gibberish curses.
She looked at FP, puzzled.
''Fuck,'' FP cursed, realizing his dad was still up - and drunk. He was working early tomorrow, FP thought his old man would be sleeping soundly by now. Turned out he wasn't.
''Forsythe,'' a slurred but loud voice said, coming from the kitchen followed by heavy footsteps.
Panic flashed through FP's eyes, realizing his father was coming. Knowing the man had the tendency to get violent when he was drunk, FP knew he needed to put Alice safety. If anything were to happen to her, he would never forgive himself.
''Go to my room, and stay there,'' FP said to Alice, looking deep into her eyes to get his point across but she isn't budging.
''Go.'' His light brown eyes looked at her, almost begging.
This time, she obeyed and hurried upstairs.
Alice closed the door behind her and sat on FP's bed just as voices started to raise downstairs. She tried to listen to what they were saying but it was messy and difficult to comprehend.
Alice jumped, hearing glass shattering followed by a loud thump, and then nothing. She immediately started thinking the worst. Did Forsythe hit him? Did he smash something on FP's head? Was he hurt?
She was about to get up and check on them when the door handle juggled and FP pushed it open. Alice raised from the bed and rushed to him, stopping in her tracks when she saw the blood running down his face. ''Your face,'' she mumbled worriedly, reaching up to touch the cut on FP's forehead but pulled back.
FP brushed it off. ''It's nothing.'' Alice narrowed her eyes but FP ignored her. ''He's sleeping. He won't be a problem for the next hours.'' The boy closed the door behind him and locked it securely, just in case.
He took off his Bulldog jacket, hissing as he slipped it off his right arm. Alice noticed and helped him taking it off, tossing it on the chair.
They went over to the bed and sat down. ''You didn't tell me he was violent.''
''He was drunk. He's not always like that,'' FP defended.
Alice gave him a look. ''Being drunk doesn't excuse his violent behavior. Parents shouldn't hit their child.'' Taking a dark tee shirt from the end of the bed, she wiped the blood off FP's face. She knew they should be using proper and sterile equipment but neither of them felt comfortable going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. It'll do for now. FP thanked her. ''Let me see your arm,'' she demanded.
As she examined his arm, FP's face contorted into a pained grimace. A nasty bruise had formed, hues of dark purples and yellows contrasting on his pale skin.
''We need to go to the ER,'' she declared.
FP shook his head. ''I can't.'' He cradled his arm to his chest with his good arm, holding a groan. His arm was hurting like a bitch. ''They'll ask questions and I can't tell them what happened.''
''Your dad hit you, FP! He fucking broke your arm!''
''You don't know what happened! You didn't see shit!'' he spat through gritted teeth.
''I heard glass breaking. Obviously, things got out of control and violence was involved.''
FP looked down, knowing she was right. ''He grabbed my arm and twisted it when I reached for the whiskey,'' he explained and hissed again.
''You need to get your arm checked. It's very swollen and bruised.''
''I can't-''
''I know.'' Alice paused. ''I might know someone that could help you without going to the hospital. It's gonna be a long walk though.''
FP sighed. ''Okay. Let's go.''
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cinema212 · 7 years ago
A Night I Won’t Forget.
This is for #beeswritingchallenge. Let’s see how this goes!
Prompt: I may or may not have fucked up./Judging by the sheer amount of blood I am going to go with may.
A/N: This is for @denialanderror writing challenge Congrats on 2k!! this is based on an actual life event that happened to my dumbass one armed brother.
Warnings: blood, dumbassery, fluff (is that really a warning?) and swear words.
Pairing:Bucky X Reader.
Bucky’s POV
Bucky could not wait for Y/N to get home. She has been working so hard as of late, running late night missions with Nat, going over strategy for larger missions with Steve, and filling out mission reports till the wee hours of the morning. On top of everything she still made time for Bucky, soothing him from his nightmares and helping him adjust to life with only one arm. T’Challa had passed along that Shuri was working on his new arm and it should be ready in the next few days. To celebrate the wonderful news and to give Y/n a well deserved treat Bucky decided that he was going to make a home cooked meal. “How hard could it be?” Bucky said to himself.
Bucky walked into the kitchen after a workout to see what ingredients he would need for tonight’s meal. He decided on cheeseburgers, salad, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. “Friday? What time will Y/N be home this evening?” Bucky asked looking at the clock. “Miss Y/n is en route with Captain Rogers from Germany they should be returning to the tower at 7:00pm.” Replied the AI. “Perfect! Thanks Friday!” Bucky said. Seeing as it was only 2:00pm Bucky placed the order with Friday for the needed ingredients and then went upstairs to shower and change. When he was washing away the sweat of his workout Bucky’s thoughts traveled back to Y/N. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten to have someone as thoughtful, kind, and caring as you. You were constantly placing others before yourself and Bucky wanted to give you this night to show you that all of your hard work was valid and meant something to him.
Bucky turned off the water and grabbed a towel off the rack drying himself off. He caught a glimpse of himself in the fogged up mirror. He stopped for a moment and wiped the glass clear with his hand. He took stock of the man he saw. This man was so different that the one what he had been before. There was color and fullness in his cheeks again, light in his grey blue eyes, the bags were still there but not as dark or as heavy as they were in the past. His gaze traveled down to the scarring on his left shoulder. He took a deep breath and took time to take in the marred stump where his clavicle of flesh and bone met the metal ball and socket of the shoulder. Running his fingers along the lines of raised skin he sighed, guilt and sadness tugging at the back of his mind. Then he remembered how your lips traced the every same skin with such tenderness the very memory had tears springing to his eyes. Shaking the thoughts away Bucky looked back at the reflection of his face in the mirror and realizing that for the first time in a very long time he was happy and that maybe, just maybe, he deserved a little of it.
By the time he dried himself and dressed himself in a pair of dark jeans and the red Henley Y/n loved so much he saw that it was only 2:30.Bucky set his alarm for 3:00 so he could hopefully get a power nap in before setting up to cook for this evening. Turning on the Tv Bucky laid himself on the couch and closed his eyes.
Blinking awake, Bucky woke feeling surprisingly well rested “Well at least now I understand why Sam is constantly going on about the power of a good nap”
Bucky said to himself. Sitting up he stretched his arm above his head and stopped short. The clock on the wall said 5:52. “WHat the FuCK?” Bucky yelled as he dashed into the kitchen. “Friday, why didn’t you wake me up I set my alarm for three o’clock” Said Bucky shucking corn like a mad man (which with one arm is incredibly difficult to do) “Sergeant Barnes you set your alarm for Three am. I was simply following your instructions.” “Shit, Okay. Thanks Friday. What’s Y/n ETA?” Asked Bucky as he placed a large pot of water on the stove to boil “Miss Y/n and Captain Rogers should be arriving in approximately 40 minutes.” “Fucking hell!!” Now rushing to make sure that everything would be perfect Bucky finished shucking the corn and placed them in the pot of boiling water. He decided that with the time cut short baked potatoes would be a better choice. While the potatoes and corn were cooking Bucky pulled th ingredients for the salad out of the fridge and began to toss them together. When the salad was done he placed in back in the fridge and checked the time. He had about twenty minutes left to get everything together and then it hit him. “I FUCKIGNFORGOT TO THAW THE BURGER PATTIES” Heating up the grill top Bucky pulled the patties out of the freezer laying out a frustrated groan when he felt just how frozen they really were. The timer for the potatoes and the corn went off and Bucky set the patties under running water to try to get them to thaw as he tended to the other foods. “Sergeant Barnes, I wanted to inform you that Miss Y/N and Captain Rogers will be landing in 12 minutes.” Chimed Friday’s voice for over head. “Great just great” said Bucky who was frantically trying to drain the corn and pull the potatoes out of the oven at the same time.
Y/N sat in the copilot seat on the jet slowly dozing in and out of sleep. The mission in Germany was not difficult but it was a lot of sitting and scouting. Thankfully their target had decided to make a move earlier than anticipated which allowed you and Steve to get a head start headed back home. Y/n felt so relieved at the idea of getting home, taking a nice hot shower and curling up to binge watch Stranger Things with Bucky.
Steve gently shook Y/N awake when they were touching down at the compound. “Y/N? Doll? Wake up, we’re home.” “Thanks Steve” came a sleepy reply. Gathering your bag onto your shoulder you exit the off ramp into the hangar. You notice immediately the absence of a certain brunette super soldier. “Well that’s just rude’’ you huff. Steve chuckles beside you “don’t worry doll he and Sam are probably just working out all of that pent up sexual tension between them.” You gasp in mock horror “was that a sex joke from Americas Sweetheart? You should be ashamed!” You both are laughing still by the time you reach the common areas. “Well Y/N, debrief in 30? I’m going to head up and shower then meet you in the conference room.” Asked Steve before parting ways. “Sounds good Cap. I’m going to get some water then look for that man child of mine.” As you say your goodbyes and make your way to the kitchen you are stopped dead at what you see.
Bucky. Patties. Blood. Everywhere.
Bucky is in the process of tying his belt around his left leg a deep gash on his upper thigh. “What the HELL HAPPENED!” Bucky froze when he heard your voice, slowly raising his gaze “Y/N…. I was just … I made…” He took a deep sigh “I may or may not have fucked up.” You huff incredulously “Well, judging by the sheer amount of blood I’m going to go with may!!”
You rush over to Bucky helping him onto the counter and tightening the belt around his thigh as much as you can. “Shit buck, how did this happen? Don’t answer that right now. We have to stop the bleeding. Friday, call Cho and have her meet us downstairs as soon as possible and let Steve know that I cant debrief tonight.”
An hour later and the bleeding has stopped and the serum in Bucky’s body already doing its job. Dr. Cho had mentioned the fact that he had severed one of the main veins that lead to the artery. Thankfully she was able to mend the vein and stitch Bucky up quickly. Now back in your shared room he sat silent, shoulders slumped and looking absolutely defeated. You stand at the door to your bedroom looking at a very forlorn Bucky. “Buck, talk to me. What happened tonight?” Moving to sit behind him on the edge of your bed you wrap your arms around his waist, your chest to his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. Taking a deep breath Bucky explained what he had planned this night to be for you. “I wanted to show you just how much I love you and how much I see that what you are doing is important.” Taking your hand in his he raises it to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand your fingers twining together. Then he explained the over sleeping and how he had to rush to get things finished. “Okay” you interrupt, “but that still doesn’t explain the murder scene I walked into.” Laughing softly to himself and shaking his head “honestly it wasn’t my smartest moment, Doll.” You pull away from him and move so you can look him dead in the eye. “James Barnes, this is not funny. You were seriously hurt and is scared the shit out of me! Tell. Me. What. Happened.” Raising his hand to your cheek he took in the look of desperation and urgency in your eyes and very seriously said “I stabbed myself in the leg trying to separate hamburger patties.”
You blinked twice. “What?” “I stabbed myself in…” “nonono I heard that part” you say placing a finger over his lips to silence him. “How did you even get the knife that close to your leg?” Bucky reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well when the hamburger patties are being squeezed by the thighs of betrayal and the knife slips it can actually happen fairly easily.”
Your jaw drops. You don’t know wether to laugh or cry or be angry. Pulling yourself away from Bucky you began to pace at the end of your bed. Bucky turned to face you “Doll I …” you put a hand up to stop him “Don’t you dare say a word. That is by far the DUMBEST reason to get stabbed. And I don’t know wether to throw another knife at you, burst into tears, or laugh my ass off and that’s a very confusing place to be in.”
Bucky decides for you, he starts laughing. As much as you try to fight it you start laughing too and before you know it you both are wiping the tears from your eyes next to each other on your bed. Bucky wraps his arm around your waist pulling you into his chest “I’m sorry I ruined tonight Y/N. I really did want to make it a special occasion for you.” “Well it is definitely a night I won't forget” you say pressing a soft kiss to his lips. You gasp suddenly and giggle “wait till Sam finds out!” Bucky rolls his eyes “Ugh, don’t remind me.” He groans. “I love you Bucky Barnes. Please don’t make stabbing yourself a regular thing.” You whisper as you snuggle into his chest. The response you got was a deep echoing grumble from Bucky’s stomach and you both burst into giggles once more. “I love you too Y/N. Now I have been meaning to ask you this since we got back to the room.” You pull back with a quizzical look on your face.And with that shit eating grin you love to hate he asks
“Pizza or Chinese?”
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persephone-andromeda · 8 years ago
The Five Times Bucky Was Seduced
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Seduction
Summary: Bucky Barnes has just moved into the tower and he is starting to get into the swing of things. What he didn’t expect is you and the five times you seduced him.
The one thing that James Barnes didn't expect was to fall to the prey to her seduction so easily. He liked to pride himself on the way that he was the one who had seduced women and not have it the other way around. But this new age was far different from the 40's.
It had all started at one of Tony's parties that was on a Saturday night. He had just arrived at the tower a few days ago and he was still adjusting to the swing of things that that the Avengers lived their lives. The one thing he hadn't expected was her.
You hadn't met Bucky yet, officially. You had watched him for when he first arrived at the tower but you hadn't had enough time between mission and the paperwork involved in it to make his acquaintance. It didn't really matter in the long run but it would be the nice thing to do.
You found one of Natasha's old dresses and decided that the blood red color would be perfect. It was utterly sexy and you felt like a million dollars in it. You wouldn't be the one to fall for him because you knew him. You had read the files that Fury had given you when he had first moved in. A charmer and a womanizer.
That had been a long time ago but you knew that the old Bucky still lay underneath the ridges of metal that was now his arm. You wanted to bring out the old Bucky, the one who would charm your pants off with a few words. Besides, it would be an interesting challenge.
The sweet red velvet dress clung to your every curve and the slit riding up your leg was nothing short of enticing. It was an invitation of any male to come and have a taste of what you had to offer. There was also the chance that he wouldn't even come over but that was the risk you were willing to take.
You walked in and grabbed a flute of champagne as a waiter passed by. You surveyed the crowd that laid below you as you stood at the balcony where you felt the eyes of a lot of people on you. You didn't mind at all. You were comfortable in your skin and this meant nothing to you. You just wanted Bucky to notice you.
You dramatically descended the stairs with your black heels clicking against the wood and you found Nat. You went over to her and nudged her slightly.
"You make the dress look good."
"I thought so too. It is beautiful."
"Trying to seduce the newest recruit?" She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.
"First off, never do that again. Secondly, yes. But I haven't seen him come in yet."
"Lucky for you, there he is. Knock him dead."
Bucky's jaw had hit the floor. He found himself rather speechless when you started to approach him. He really didn't know what to do because he wasn't the same Bucky anymore. He was different now and he wasn't so sure that he had what it took anymore.
"Relax. She won't bite." Steve encouraged.
He had turned to get a drink from the bar when you had gotten too close. He asked for a beer when he heard you converse with Steve.
"Captain Rogers."
"(Y/N), you don't have to call me that. Steve will do. Besides, we both know you don't have manners."
You released a faked surprised gasp.
"I'm offended. I got manners, when the situation calls for it."
Steve laughed and nudged him in the side, to get him to turn around. Bucky, reluctantly, did and he was surprised. All that was going through his mind was how beautiful you looked and how that dress left nothing to the imagination. It was like seeing you naked, except you were fully clothed.
"You must be James. I'm (Y/N). Its nice to meet you."
He enclosed her own hand in his own and shook it when she offered it.
"Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)."
He had fallen into an easy conversation with the most beautiful woman in the room and he hung off every single word she spoke that graced his ears. She was interested in everything he had to say and even laughed at his jokes. He felt better and maybe he could be the old Bucky, the charmer.
The second seduction was a matter of perspective. A hot summers day had driven them outside to the pool that was shining with the Sun's rays. It was glittering in the burning sun and his arm was too.
It was easier to be himself here and the weeks that had passed by with you by his side made everything so much better. He hadn't imagined to feel this welcomed here with these people who had a job of tracking him down. They were nice people and they seemed to care about him.
But she had decided to come out of the sanctuary of the air conditioned compound in a iridescent bikini that had many straps. His first thought was how weird the tan line would be. His second made him blush and shift in his seat. He watched you dive into the water and he swore his heart stopped when you emerged from the water. Bucky believed that you were some sort of goddess with the water highlighting your every curve and how desperately he wanted to worship you, nip and kiss every inch of your skin.
He looked down at his lap in embarrassment. He had no idea where that thought that had come from but the way you did look in that swimsuit had him wondering just why you had decided to wear that.
His rational mind had told him that it was hot out today and you needed something light to wear to let the water in and block out the sun. The other half of his mind was wondering if this was torture. If you were torturing him he wanted to know why and why you had decided to torture him. He was interested now.
The third time was accidental. You had just come back from a hard mission and every nerve in your body screamed for sleep and relaxation. You dropped your bag in the hallway, not really caring at the moment. All you could think about was how good your bed looked right now.
You closed the door with your feet but you had a feeling that you hadn't hit it hard enough. It didn't matter because no one was really awake at the moment anyway. Bucky was awake but you didn't know and the thought hadn't really crossed your mind.
You rubbed the back of your neck a little to relieve the tension there and then started to unzip your cat suit, one of Natasha's recommendations. You slipped it off of your aching body and tossed it near the door to remind you to take it downstairs to wash it. You put your hair up in a ponytail and decided to rub some soothing lotion into your legs so you wouldn't feel so sore in the morning.
You hadn't heard Bucky's soft gasp from your slightly opened door and you rubbed it into your skin in your lacy undergarments. You undressed, disposing of your bra and slipping on a discarded t shirt from the floor, furthering Bucky's wandering eyes and mind. You yawned a bit and got up to make sure that your door was closed all the way.
Bucky quickly walked away from your door and he had the image ingrained in his mind of you in your underwear and slightly bent over as you rubbed lotion into your skin. He felt a bit frustrated and for the first time in a long time, he fell asleep and dreamed of you.
The fourth time was out of emotional turbulence and it wasn't even on purpose. The mission had haunted you for a long time because of how poorly it had ended up. So, clad in a shirt you stole from Bucky's closet and panties, you laid out in one of the lounge chairs outside in the moonlight. The night air relaxed you and you heard the random chirp from the animals of the night.
His own nightmares had woken him up as well, disturbing him and shaking any thoughts of sleep away. He was surprised to find that you were awake as well. He looked over your frame that was bathed in moonlight and obviously troubled. He still found you utterly beautiful.
He remembered that you like apple juice and he went into the kitchen to fetch you a glass so that it might help you. When he returned, he found the lounge chair empty but he heard the faint sound of water splashing. He set the glass down by the chair and found your form, without any clothes on, leaning against the edge of the pool and looking at the forest that laid beyond.
If you knew he was here, you weren't showing it. He wanted to help but didn't know how. Ditching the sensible side of his mind, he stripped as well and went into the water. You turned your head slightly in his direction but went back to looking at the forest. He went by your side and not looking at your body.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Is anyone?"
You sighed a bit and sniffed. He had a feeling it was about the mission but didn't want to intrude in case you didn't want to talk about it. He knew because he was the same way and you were careful on the topic of his nightmares when you would come to soothe him from the demons that plagued him.
"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."
"I know. Thank you."
You leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. His face heated up slightly in response and he cleared his throat to hide from it. He was falling now and he didn't know how to deal with it.
The final time was the kicker. It had been a few weeks since he had found you in the pool and since then, you and Bucky had grown closer. You told him about the mission and he had been for you when you were bathed in moonlight. He would hold you close and whisper soothing Russian into your ear to lull you to sleep.
In return, he had told you about his nightmares and you both had developed a plan to deal with your demons in a healthier way. It ended up in you two sleeping in each others rooms and it would alternate every night. You didn't want to admit it but you enjoyed it, enjoyed sleeping beside Bucky as he would hold you.
You two were paired for a mission, infiltration and extraction. The target was a frequent visitor of a strip club and you were put in a place where you were playing to be a stripper. Bucky would be another attendee and his plan was to grab him when he would sneak away into the bathroom with another stripper.
You had jokingly told him that you were a quick study and he would be impressed with how well you were able to portray one. He went along with the joke and you two had some good laughs about the whole thing.
He didn't realize you were serious. Your studying skills were paying off as feeling all the blood rush to his lower regions. The music fitted your moves so well and he was almost jealous that him getting a private show wasn't in the mission plan. He didn't like how almost every man in here was eyeing you like a piece of meat.
He bit his lower lip as he watched you and he felt like he had gone to heaven when you winked at him. The mission was some distant thought now and all he really wanted was to get his hands on you and sneak off with you into the bathroom, or the back. He just needed somewhere private.
His own thoughts surprised him. He was starting to have the typical Bucky Barnes thoughts when it came to women. But, holy hell, this whole show was fucking hot. How could he not think about doing dirty things to you after you two would get back to the hotel? How was he supposed to sleep well when all of his thoughts would be about you in that skimpy getup?
His mind went back to reality and he grabbed the man and tied him up in the hotel bathroom, ready for extraction.
"Roger that. Extraction will be at 0800 hours tomorrow."
The agent signed off of comms and he put the walkie talkie back into the duffle bag that had his weapons and gears in it. He came out and saw you, still clad in that outfit with a bottle of Russian vodka, nursing it slowly.
"You played your part well." He spoke to you.
"I told you I would."
You stood up, letting him see everything that the outfit allowed him to see. You put the bottle down on the counter and looked at him.
"Why don't you sit down? I'll give you that private dance you want so much."
The lower red painted lip became trapped in between your teeth as he pondered over your offer. You sauntered over and made up his mind for him. You brought him in for a kiss that leaved the traces of your lipstick on his lips.
Bucky Barnes had died and gone to heaven. He gripped you tightly between his flesh and metal hand. He pressed you up against the dresser and his hands wandered, taking every indent of your skin between his fingertips.
It was safe to say that he was seduced and no one else would be capturing his attention anytime soon.
TAGS: @ursulaismymiddlename @abovethesmokestacks (because I’m trash and I love you guys)
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telltheworld-phff · 8 years ago
Chapter 15: A new year is about to start
Saturday, December 31st, 2016.
The last day of the year.
This was the first thing Carol thought when she opened her eyes. She was still comfortable in bed, snuggled in the blankets and she yawned a bit. She grabbed her phone and answered Hailey’s texts about the venue of Harry’s party. She texted her mom and Julia telling them she was alright and enjoying the trip. She got up and stretched a bit before going to the bathroom to take a shower and change clothes. The house was still quiet even though it was past 10am. She took her time and applied all the products Hailey made her buy the day before.
She straightened her hair again and went downstairs. She found Gerard and Martha in the kitchen, she greeted them and fixed herself a glass of orange juice. They chatted for a while and Gerard asked her if he could try the dish she did yesterday. She was pleased and proud when both of them liked it. She got a magazine and spent part of her day on the couch. It was raining and she wasn’t in the mood to be walking by herself around London again.
She started to get dressed with plenty of time. She applied her make up and made a dark smokey eye with bold red lips that matched her choice of nail polish. She had brought a dress similar to the one she wore at Harry’s party at the Intercontinental, but Hailey had seen the one that was on her bed now and made her buy it. Carol put on the dress and couldn’t deny it made her feel good with herself. She had lost weight after all the drama with her ex, but she didn’t lose her curves. And the dress showed it. It had a big cleavage in the front and thankfully her boobs filled most of it. The bottom part was gold sequinned and short that hugged her hips and her bum. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was feeling beautiful.
She was putting on her coat and shoes when Harry knocked on her door.
“You ready?” he was wearing dark jeans and a white shirt with a navy blazer. His perfume was strong and fitted him. 
“Yes! Let’s party!” she grabbed her purse and they left the room.
They waited for Meghan for almost half an hour. Harry was already impatient and Carol simply finished a magazine until the brunette walked down the stairs. He linked his arms with both of them and opened the doors of his range rover to them. It was a quick drive and like she had guessed, they arrived at the back entrance. Bill was joining them this evening and he linked arms with Carol and helped her on the barely lit stairs of the staff entrance.
Carol was surprised to see that it was a Mexican themed night club. She soon discovered it was called Tonteria, and was owned by one of Harry’s friends. There were people with painted faces, lots of Mexican skulls, the smell of tequila and sombreros everywhere. Carol liked the vibe. The four of them were the first ones to arrive and were greeted by a tall and blond man. He hugged Harry patting on his back.
“Hey Hazza, nice to have you back here.”, he said and behind him a beautiful blond woman greeted Harry by hugging him tightly.
“Hey Guy. Hey Lizzie.”, Harry said cheerfully “Hope you guys refilled your bar tonight.”
“Of course, man.”, Guy answered. “Of course.”
Harry soon introduced them. He first introduced Meghan and then Carol. They were taken to where a few tables were spread around. Harry helped Meghan out of her coat and she was wearing a black mini dress underneath it. One employee got Meghan’s coat and waited for Carol’s. Harry helped his friend and was awestruck when she was fully out of it. Carol was wearing a white and gold dress that not only came with a huge cleavage, but that was short and hugged her toned legs. Harry had never seen her like that. It took him a few seconds to come back to the moment and he delivered her coat to the man waiting.
Meghan’s eyebrows never shot so high and fast when she saw what Carol was wearing. She wanted Harry to dare and tell her Carol wasn’t trying to get his attention. He wouldn’t deny that she did want something with him. Who would wear a dress like that being single if not to get someone’s attention?
Carol sat on one of the chairs and soon engaged a conversation with Lizzie. Harry ordered them a few things to eat and drink. Her phone soon started buzzing and she excused herself to take the call. Harry followed her walking with his eyes and saw how long her legs looked with those high heels. Bill gave him a small shake and he thanked mentally his friend. He soon sat closer to Meghan, whose mood wasn’t a good one, and intertwined their fingers. He was whispering loving things to her and kissing her shoulder from time to time.
Carol came back twenty minutes later with a blond girl.
“Hey everyone…” Carol said sweetly half hugging the blond. “This is Hailey. My sister.”
Carol was surprised by how natural that sentence came out of her mouth. Hailey looked at her surprised and the brunette simple shrugged. She smiled and looked at the people in front of them.
“Hailey, this is our host Harry and his beautiful girlfriend Meghan.” Carol said smiling and Meghan rolled her eyes at them. Harry got up to greet her.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Hailey.” Harry said in his charming self. “Heard a lot about you. I did.”
“Bad things, I assume?” she said fighting the urge to fangirl in front of the prince.
"Of course not. Only the best ones.” he smirked.
Guy and Lizzie also got up to greet Hailey that soon sat beside Carol on the table.
“I love it that you took my advice and are wearing this dress.” Hailey said after a while.
“She looks spectacular in it.” Lizzie told them.
“Do you guys think so?” Carol was insecure about showing that much of her body.
“All male heads will be turned in your direction tonight, Carol.” Lizzie told her.
“Specially your friend’s.” Hailey whispered in Carol’s ear and she looked at Harry. He was indeed staring at her.
Carol thought Harry’s party would only be a small gathering. But after Hailey arrived, so did his guests. He and Meghan got up to greet each one of them and Harry made sure to introduce everybody to everybody so when he was as drunk as he intended to get, his guests would be able to entertain themselves.
The first ones to arrive were Skippy and Lara. He had a weird hand shake with Harry that made them all laugh. Carol felt that she’d be great friends with him. Lara was a bit more reserved than Lizzie at first but was polite and smart and they did chat for a good part of the evening.
After Skippy and Lara, Harry greeted loudly his friend Sam and his wife Bella. Carol couldn’t help but think this was a party of the inner circle, and she was there. How she got there, she didn’t know. She knew most of those people by name, but she didn’t want to be that kind of person that thinks they know someone by just reading the papers. So she made sure to pay attention to anything they were telling her, this way she could really meet and know them.
Jake and Zoe soon followed his friends and so did Thomas, that asked Carol to be called Van. The tables were starting to get packed and the music was getting louder. Some of them were already losing count on how many glassed they had. Holly and Freddie arrived together with Ellie Golding. And soon after Joss Stone, who Carol didn’t know, was Hailey’s friend. They sat together at the table and chatted until Harry brought Cressida to introduce to them. Carol was the first one to greet and hug her, because she saw the way Meghan was looking at her, that was the same look she was getting from Harry’s girlfriend since she arrived in London. Cressida was such a sweet and fun girl that Carol asked herself why she didn’t marry him in the first place. She surely wouldn’t be a jealous bitch like Meghan. Maybe the fact they didn’t end up walking down the aisle was because Cress (like she wanted to be called) was such a sweet and fun girl. Natalie and Owain arrived after a couple of time with Hugh, Susanna and Ricardo. They decided to join all the tables and no one could really follow a conversation with that loud music and drink fueled chat.
Carol was surprised to see Princess Eugenie and her boyfriend Jack arriving at the party. Carol and Eugenie actually met at the bar, and Carol wondered why Harry’s cousin knew who she was. Eugenie soon linked arms with Carol and started to tell her very interesting histories about Harry’s childhood. The Princess was giving her lots of blackmail worthy information and Carol was making mental notes about everything. More famous people packed Tonteria’s dance floor. Carol could spot Jessie J. (and they even took drunk selfies later), Margot Robbie, James Blunt and Dominic West. Carol was taken by surprise when she saw Pippa Middleton entering the party, followed by her fiancee. And she couldn’t help but fangirl over the fact that Matthew Lewis was also there. Harry, Jake and Skippy made fun of her half of the night for it, and they would for the years to come. But Matthew was such a nice guy and didn’t mind her asking for an autograph and a selfie.
She excused herself to go to the bathroom. The champagne was running freely and she was already getting dizzy. She retouched her make up, reapplied her lipstick and took a long breath. She was in a private party, around royalty and celebrities and aristos. It was a private setting but was overwhelming. How did she get here? How she should behave? She washed her hands and shook her head, it wasn’t the time or the place to start overthinking things.
When she came back to the table, a few people were already on the dance floor. It was playing dance music and Carol noticed the place was getting darker. A few other guests arrived and she didn’t know most of them. Some were celebrities and others were friends with Harry. The place was packed and Carol only went to the dance floor because Eugenie, Hailey and Pippa made her. She was still a bit insecure because of the dress she was wearing. It was beautiful but so revealing. But her friends were already drunk enough to dance like no one was watching them. Carol wasn’t. She just went with the flow. She wanted to have fun, she wanted to start a new year smiling and happy. She didn’t want to think about her problems.
That’s when employers with painted faces started to make their way to the dance floor. They were carrying shots of tequila and the DJ asked who would be the first one to open the night of drinking. Carol raised her hand and went to the stage. One of the men sat her on a chair and started giving her tequila straight from the bottle. Carol was familiar with the burning sensation of the drink. It was one of her favorites. She thanked him and her spot was soon replaced by Harry.
Soon a shot of tequila was in everyone’s hands and they drank together. Here’s to going wild.
The dance floor, beside the guests, had professional dancers from the club with light sabers, sparkles and champagne and tequila bottles. They created a great atmosphere for someone who was in her way of getting drunk.
Carol was at the bar, wearing the bracelet Harry had given her earlier for free drinks, they were playing Latin music and she was swaying her hips to the sound of it and wanting to get back to the dance floor. She soon felt a hand on her waist and turned. She found a man with beard and tattoos that for a second, she thought it was Rodrigo, but hell would freeze first before he’d be in London and at Harry’s party. She simply held the guys hand and took it off her waist.
“Hello beautiful” he said. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked leaning on the counter and she could see his smile. His perfect smile and his perfume that was intoxicating her already altered senses. She had to focus and think that this wasn’t him. This was just a friend of Harry’s that looked like him.
“You can. But I won’t accept.” she answered.
“Why not?” he was closer to her because the music was loud and they weren’t listening to each other.
“Because I can have my own.” she answered him and fetched the glass the bartender was handing her. “But thanks anyway.” she said and left him there. He was still leaning on the counter and asked for a shot of tequila. He was completely taken aback by that woman’s beauty. She had such beautiful green eyes, a chocolate skin and a pair of legs that drove him crazy. He soon searched for one of his friends to ask who that girl was.
Carol wanted to dace to the Latin musics that was playing, but surrounded by British gentlemen it was getting hard for her to find a good partner. She was close to their table and sawing her hips when the man she had seen at the bar before approached her.
“Would you do me the honor of this dance?” he asked her.
“You know how to dance to this rhythm?” he raised her eyebrows.
“That’s a shot in the dark. I just might.” he said and held her hand. As soon as they reached the dance floor the DJ started playing “Chantaje” by Shakira ft. Maluma.
He was in the position and Carol noticed it was the salsa version of the song. She was delighted to see that he indeed knew how to dance. She let him guide her on the dance floor and a few people that were there gave them space.
Cuando estás bien te alejas de mí / Te sientes sola y siempre estoy ahí / Es una guerra de toma y dame / Pues dame de eso que tiene’ ahí
[When you’re well you’re away from me / You feel lonely and I’m always there / It’s a war of give and take / So give me what’s in there]
Like most Latin rhythms this was a sexy one. Carol was drunk and was dancing without a care in the world in a man that was way too hot for his own good. She didn’t think about anything or anyone. She just danced. She missed dancing and now that she had found a partner, she’d make sure to dance the night out.
Oye, baby, no sea’ mala / No me deje’ con las ganas / Se escucha en la calle que ya no me quieres / ¡Ven y dímelo en la cara!
[Hey, baby, don’t be mean / Don’t leave me with the urge / The word’s on the street’s you don’t love me / Come and tell me in the face!]
Harry sat on their table and had a privileged view of the dance floor. He had gone searching for water to balance all the alcohol he was drinking. That’s when he saw Carol dancing with Maluma. She had told him once that she attended dance classes. But he didn’t know she was this good. He stared at them dancing, their chemistry, their steps. One could say they were partners for a long time, but Harry knew for a fact they had just met. He observed when his hands slid across her hips and waist and how close their faces got at some points. He noticed how easily he made her do the turns and how they weren’t noticing how half of the party staring at them.
“I think you should get a bib.” a voice in his ear took him out of his wanderings and he looked at his side to see his girlfriend handing him another glass of whiskey. “It’s getting obvious you can’t take your eyes off her.”
He was about to tell her she was delusional but she simply left and went to chat with other people. Harry drank his whiskey faster than he should and stared at his friend dancing again.
Preguntale a quien tú quieras / Vida, te juro que eso no es así / Yo nunca tuve una mala intención / Yo nunca quise burlarme de ti / Conmigo ves, nunca se sabe / Un día digo que no, y otro que sí
[Ask whoever you want / Life, I swear it’s not like this / I never had a bad intention / I never wanted to make fun of you / With me you see, you never know / One day I say no and the other yes]
(Yo soy masoquista) / Con mi cuerpo un egoísta
[(I am a masochist) / With my body a selfish]
Maluma knew that girl hadn’t recognized him and he was thankful for that. She was a great dancer, she was stunning and he wanted to greet the new year with her by his side. So he did the best he could to show her how much he wanted her in that dance. At times he’d just look into her eyes and she’d smile. His charm was working.
Tú eres puro, puro chantaje / Puro, puro chantaje / Siempre es a tu manera / (Yo te quiero aunque no quiera) / Tú eres puro, puro chantaje / Puro, puro chantaje / Vas libre como el aire / (No soy de ti ni de nadie)
[You are pure, pure blackmail / Pure, pure blackmail / It’s always your way / (I love you even if I don’t wanting to) / You are pure, pure blackmail / Pure, pure blackmail / You are free as the air / I’m not your or of anyone)]
Some people whistled and others clapped when they finished dancing. Carol hugged him and thanked him for the dance. She made her way back to her table and he followed. He sat on Hailey’s chair and they talked for a while. Carol knew he was flirting with her, and if she wasn’t drunk enough, she wouldn’t be interested in his effort. But she was single and guessed he was as well. Why not? He soon got her hand and played with her fingers while they talked. They were approaching their faces to kiss when Harry interrupted them.
“Come on, you two! The countdown is about to start.” he handed Maluma a bottle of champagne and couldn’t help but notice that his arms snaked around his friend’s waist. Harry was going to tell him to let go of her but he saw Carol putting a hand on his chest and went to the dance floor. He just looked for his girlfriend while the dancers and Skippy announced the countdown to 2017.
No one knew it was the year almost everything was going to change for them.
Harry hadn’t gotten that drunk in a while and everything for him was a blur after the countdown. He kissed Meghan at midnight, he hugged his friends, he danced with Skippy and probably would take his shirt off if Eugenie hadn’t dragged him out of the middle of the guys to give him water.
He decided to call it a night but wasn’t really conscious to look for Bill. He was sitting by himself on the table and looking around to see if he’d cross his path.
That’s when he looked at the bar.
Carol was sitting on a stool and Maluma had his arms around her, he was whispering something in her ears and she smiled at him.
The last thing Harry saw was his friend getting up and joining hands with him.
Harry saw when he asked for her coat and helped her with it, he saw when he asked for one of the employees to fetch her bag for them at their table and Harry hoped that Carol would look his way in that moment, so he could try to talk her out of leaving with him, but she didn’t.
Or better, she couldn’t.
He had his hands on her hips and his body was close to hers. He was smiling and Harry saw when Carol’s hands caressed his nape. The lighting on the club wasn’t a good one, and Harry couldn’t really trust what he was seeing, but there was no way in hell he’d mistake that scene.
They were kissing each other. A slow kiss in a barely lit corner of his friend’s club.
The employee waited until they finished the kiss to handle her bag. Harry saw Maluma putting a hand at Carol’s lower back to guide her through the back door. He just closed his eyes and shook his head. He couldn’t understand the feeling he was having right now. He just knew that he didn’t want his friend leaving with someone that night.
Carol’s outfit for the party.
I’m giving you another chapter just because you guys were amazing to me in this shitty week. So, you get to see Carol and Harry twice in a day. Next one will be queued to Wednesday, as always. 
Hope you guys enjoy this party and let me know what you think of their relationship.
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costcohotdogslut · 6 years ago
November 2013
It was just another day at the Palm Woods, and Kendall was, once again, bored out of his mind.
These days, it seemed like Kendall was struggling to find ANYTHING to entertain him, and he could only go around his village talking to his villagers so many times (especially since him and Flurry weren’t on speaking terms at the moment), and he sure didn’t have it in him to do something like clean.
With a sigh, he launched himself up from the couch to see what the others were up to. He knew Logan had a study group over and that they were cramming for their upcoming final, but maybe they’d all be down to go and get some pizza for lunch? Kendall always liked making new friends, and if they were anything like Logan, then they were sure they’d be okay people.
With a rap of his knuckles, Kendall stood at their shared bedroom door waiting for Logan to answer. When the door finally cracked open, just enough for Logan to poke his head out and give Kendall a look of annoyance, Kendall spoke up.
“Sorry to bother you guys, just wanted to see what you were up to!” Kendall said.
“Studying… What do you want?” Logan responded, his question seeming more bothered than quizzical.
“Oh, well I was wondering if you guys wanted to get something to eat? It’s almost lunch time, and I’m sure you’d like to get some brain food to help with all that reading.” Kendall said.
“No. Like I said, we’re busy.” Logan barked back at him.
“Aw.. Too bad, well maybe next time?” Kendall responded, craning his head a bit to see three others guys sitting cross-legged with textbooks in their laps, who for some reason had nothing on their lower halves on apart from their underwear. Glancing down, he saw that Logan was sporting the same look. “Uh, is there a reason why none of you guys are wearing pants?”
“Goodbye, Kendall!”
As the door slammed with a loud bang, nearly hitting Kendall in the nose, Kendall stood at the door for a bit, wondering who he could ask to hang out next, and also trying to process what exactly he just saw.
As he was about to knock on Carlos’s door to see if he was home, he remembered him telling he had a few acting auditions he had today. They were pretty big ones too, apparently, and he had seemed to be pretty stoked about them.
It had been a few months since Big Time Rush was suddenly killed off (yes, yet another part of my fic describing what everybody’s up to dhsjfjsj), and things had definitely changed for all of them.
Carlos decided that he wanted to pursue acting, mostly because he had only had about two solos throughout BTR’s 3 studio albums and one Christmas EP, but also because he liked the idea of putting on a costume and getting to be a new person. Surprisingly enough, Carlos was actually good at it, and while he had gotten a pretty big break doing a TV musical, nowadays he was just doing low-budget holiday movies on basic cable, but he was happy with it, so Kendall couldn’t say anything.
Logan, who had never really been all that into the whole boyband thing, jumped right back into school, once again pursuing his dream of becoming a world-renowned neurosurgeon. This was expected, of course, since he had always said he’d go back to school if the whole being famous thing fell through, and he was easily able to adapt to the whole studying and homework and labs thing again. And when he had free time, he still liked tinkering with his different inventions, all of which never seemed to work as planned.
James… well Kendall hadn’t talked to James in a while. As soon as news broke out that Big Time Rush was on indefinite hiatus, the following morning new news broke out that James Diamond had signed onto an exclusive solo deal with Hawke Records. Within the first month, James had released his first single which was met with universal backlash. It was called amateur, horribly produced, and it sure didn’t help that he no longer had his three beautiful, much more talented band members to back him up and make him sound better by association. He also moved out of 2J immediately after signing his contract, and since then, nobody had had any contact with him.
And with Kendall… he still had no idea what to do with his life now. Going solo was never really an option to him/something he was interested in, and he had always told himself he’d try and go pro with hockey, but all that time he spent on the road, touring, performing, recording new songs, he felt like he was really rusty now and no longer at the top of his game. He was also never a fan of school, so he didn’t know what else to do. He usually just sat at home, playing video games and watching old reruns (he had just discovered The Hills and he and his mom were loving it!). Admittedly, he also did just binge on junk food and his mom’s home cooking all day (who was cooking a LOT more now that her baby boy was always home to appreciate it), and he had put on a tiiiny bit of weight (he was pretty skinny already, so that extra 20 lbs didn’t make too much of a difference he thought).
He always thought that being able to sit at home all day doing whatever you wanted sounded like a dream, but he was starting to realize just how boring and monotonous it can really be.
When all else failed, he usually just went downstairs, got a PINK smoothie, and lounged by the pool for a few hours, usually accompanied by the other residents of the Palm Woods, both old and new, and it seemed like this would be the case once again today.
Grabbing his phone and keys, he locked up behind him and walked down the hallway, hands in his pockets, so bored that he even decided to take the longer, more “scenic” route through the hotel which was only just a few more turns and doors.
As he was nearing the pool, he heard a little bit of clamor and what appeared to be a guy grunting. Poking his head around the corner, he saw the back of a man struggling to get his luggage through the door of what he recognized as Lucy’s apartment.
Getting closer to the stranger, he wanted to make sure that it wasn’t someone robbing her apartment while she was away on tour.
“Hey! You there!” Kendall semi-shouted across the hall, the unfamiliar figure turning around and greeting him with a smile and a glasses-clad face.
“Howdy Neighbor!” The stranger waved back, and upon inspection, Kendall deemed the guy safe. He wanted to figure out what he was doing moving his stuff into Lucy’s apartment, so he walked over to him.
“Hello! I haven’t seen you around here before, you must be new, so let me give you a warm welcome to The Palm Woods.” Kendall said, putting his hand out to shake, which the stranger met as soon as he put his bags down. “I’m Kendall.”
“Thanks! I’m Dustin. I just moved in today, so it’s nice to see a happy face around here.” Dustin responded.
“Need a hand?” Kendall asked, seeing the other male’s luggage laying around him, one suitcase overturned with clothes strewn all over, and Dustin eagerly nodded. “Sorry about earlier, if I came across too strong. It’s just that my friend Lucy actually lives here, and I wasn’t sure what someone was doing moving into her apartment.” Kendall said, helping the other male put everything back into his bags. “Still not sure, either.”
“Oh, right! Sorry, my bad, I really should have specified.” Dustin apologized, putting his hand out for another handshake. “Dustin Stone, I’m Lucy’s brother!”
“Oh! I’ve actually heard about you, Lucy mentioned you a few times before, but she never really mentioned you that often because… um.”
“The whole estrangement thing?” Dustin said matter of factly, but he didn’t seem to be mad at Kendall for bringing it up. “Yeah, I moved out of the house when I was 18, but me and Lucy reconnected recently and we’ve been great! I’m trying to get back on my feet, and since she said this place is for aspiring artists, she invited me to move into her apartment, at least until I can get established enough to get my own.”
“That’s awesome! And judging by that guitar case over there, you’re a musician too I assume?” Kendall said, helping him get the last of his bags into the cramped apartment.
“Totally! Haven’t really made a name for myself yet, but I’m hoping that can change soon.” Setting his bags down, his wiped his hangs and let out a sigh. “Thanks again for everything Kendall. You seemed like you were on your way to do something, so I don’t wanna hold you up. The rest is just a bunch of boring unpacking and clean up, so I think I got it here on my own now.”
“Yeah… well I don’t really mind helping you out! I didn’t really have any plans today, and I’d love to help a new friend out.” Kendall said, looking around him to see where to begin.
“Friend?” Dustin asked with a warm smile. “Well if you’re really sure, then great! Go ahead and start anywhere, there really isn’t any rhyme or reason to all of this.”
An hour had passed, and the two had gotten about half ways through everything.
Kendall had quickly gotten to know more about Dustin, and he was just such a cool person. He found out that he was 23 years old and an aspiring rockstar, and while he hasn’t done much but play small coffeeshops and some minor songwriting, he was eagerly awaiting his big break. He also got to know a lot of other things, too. His ideal weather is cold and rainy, his favorite flavor of sorbet is raspberry mint, he isn’t a big fan of the beach, his favorite show is Buffy The Vampire Slayer, his shoe size is 11 ½, and he’s farsighted. All of which Kendall found absolutely fascinating!
As he was sorting a box labeled “Prized Posessions”, Kendall picked up one of the contents of the box and let out a loud gasp, which made Dustin turn his head to see what happened.
“No way… you have the complete series of As Told By Ginger on DVD?!” Kendall exclaimed, his eyes wide as he held the holy grail in the palm of his hands.
“Yep! Limited edition boxset and all!” Dustin said, walking over to look over it with the blond.
“That’s SO cool! I used to love this show, we need to watch it some time!” Kendall said.
“Well,” Dustin said, putting one of his boxes off to the side. “Why don’t we watch it right now? We already put a pretty big dent in all this unpacking, aaaaand” glancing down at his watch – “It’s already gonna be 4. We can order in a pizza and kick back, my treat after all the help you gave me today. Know any good places?”
“Definitely, I’ll start giving them a call!” Kendall responded.
“Cool!” Walking over to his box of prized possessions, Dustin dug around until he finally found what he was looking for. “Hey Kendall! Not sure if you’ve ever watched it but I also have Braceface on DVD! Maybe we could binge it too?”
Upon hearing this, Kendall nearly dropped his phone.
It was nearing 10 o’clock already, and after devouring an entire large pizza between them, the two were starting the third season of As Told By Ginger. Lucy’s thermostat wasn’t working, so they were wrapped up under a blanket on the couch, since it was November and starting to get cold (by Los Angeles’ standards).
Letting out a sigh, Kendall glanced over at Dustin who lifted his glasses and was rubbing his eyes.
“Getting tired? Me too..” Kendall said, who was starting to yawn too.
“Yeah, I’ve been up since 5 this morning and all that unpacking didn’t help either.” Dustin responded, readjusting himself on the couch and going back to watching the screen, his eyes half-lidded and sleepy.
“I had a lot of fun today, though. It’s been kinda lonely around here and I’m really glad I got to spend the day with someone as awesome as you!” Kendall said, which brought a small smile to Dustin’s face.
“Thanks, I couldn’t agree more.” Turning himself over a bit, Dustin was looking at Kendall now. “And you’ve really been feeling lonely? You have all these awesome people living here though, and I’m sure you must be a hit with all of them!”
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, a lot of the people here are cool and they’re all my close friends. But they’re all busy and don’t really have the free time I do lately, so it can get kinda boring. But you-“ Kendall said, putting a finger on Dustin’s chest. “You made today one of the most fun ones I had in a while!”
As the pair giggled, they eventually went back to watching TV, but not even 20 minutes later, they were both snuggled together under the blanket sound asleep.
Rubbing his eyes, Kendall stirred on the couch as he looked around the unfamiliar room, taking a second to realize that he was still on Dustin’s couch instead of his bed back at home. Oops, he thought to himself, he hadn’t even realized that he had knocked out last night during their little binge session.
He figured that he ought to get up and get going, but he was WAY too tired for that, so he remained in the same position for the next few minutes, looking over and seeing that Dustin was still asleep.
Might as well watch a little TV, since his phone was halfway across the room. Looking around the immediate area for the remote, he felt something rock hard and VERY large poking his ass. Glad he found it without having to get up, he reached for it and was a little surprised when Dustin let out a moan. Not thinking anything of it, he continued to pull, figuring it must be wedged in the couch.
The other male was starting to stir, and through hazy eyes he smiled over at the blond, greeting him good morning.
“Not that I don’t appreciate the gesture, but I didn’t think you’d be wanting to do this so soon.” Dustin said, biting his lip as he tried his best not to let out another groan.
“Well yeah, silly! I wanted to watch the morning news. Now can you move your leg and pass me the remote?” Kendall replied.
“Uh… the remote’s over there on the coffee table.” Dustin said, pointing over at the gadget that was in pretty clear view.
“Oh! Then what was that under the blanket?” Kendall said, reaching over to pull off the garment before Dustin quickly stopped him, suddenly flushed red.
“Wait! How about you, uh, make us a pot of coffee?” Dustin quickly blurted out.
“Sure!” Kendall responded, as Dustin let out a sigh of relief once he was out of sight. “Actually, I don’t see any over here. I don’t see much of anything, really.”
Seeing as how Lucy had been on tour for the last two months, it made sense that she hadn’t stocked up on groceries before she left.
“I’ll probably have to go to the grocery store then.” Dustin said.
“Want me to come with you?” Kendall asked, smiling when Dustin nodded yes. “Well you know what they say, the early bird catches the worm! Let’s get going now.”
As he reached over to pull Dustin up to his feet, he had to quickly stop him again.
“You can start getting ready if you want, but I’m…. gonna need a minute.” Dustin said, gulping as he glanced down to his lap.
After spending the morning going shopping with Dustin, Kendall finally got back to 2J around noon, seeing Logan, Carlos, and Katie playing Mario Kart 64, the three of them arguing over what appeared to be who’s turn it was to use Princess Peach, while his mom sat in the armchair adjacent to them, staring intently at her tabloid magazine.
“I’m finally home guys!” Kendall yelled out to the four, only to be met with silence. “I said I’m home guys! Who missed me!?” Kendall repeated once again, figuring that they must have been too focused to hear him the first time.
Still no reply. Kendall made his way over to the living room, awkwardly standing there as everyone was oblivious to his appearance.
“Fuck, I guess I’ll bite.” Jennifer thought to herself. Putting down her magazine, she let out a gasp. “Kendall sweetie! I didn’t even hear you walk in, oh my goodness!”
Standing up to give him a hug, she was shocked but happy to see the huge grin plastered on his face. “My my someone’s glowing, and I can sense you have some news to share!”
“I do!” Kendall beamed. “I made a new friend yesterday and he’s literally the COOLEST person ever!”
“That’s great, honey! What’s his name?” Jennifer asked back.
“Dustin. He just moved into the Palmwoods yesterday, and turns out, he’s actually Lucy’s older brother! He’s really down to earth, and I bet you’d all really like him!” Kendall said in the other three’s general direction, who continued to ignore him. “Hey, are you guys playing Mario Kart? PLEASE tell me I get to use Peach! I always get stuck with Luigi and I am SICK of it.”
“NO!” The three of them shouted in unison. As Kendall joined in on their bickering and Jennifer went back to gasping at the Who Wore It Best section, everything in 2J was how it was supposed to be.
Later that night, when dinner was done and everyone was settled in for the night, Jennifer began delivering the fresh piles of laundry to their respective owners. Lightly knocking on her son and Logan’s shared bedroom door, she heard giggling coming from inside. Hearing Kendall call out for her to come in, she walked in on her son laying on his stomach with a landline phone next to him, twirling the cord around with his finger and looking up to the ceiling cheerfully.
“Haha, nooo! You’re thinking of Beethoven’s 2nd! Beethoven’s 3rd is when him and the family go on the road trip in their RV. Duh!”
“Kendall sweetie, do you know where Logan went?” Jennifer asked as she separated the piles of laundry between the two roommates. Luckily, all of Logan’s clothing was hand embroidered with “Hortense” across the tag, so it was easy to distinguish what belonged to who. Plus the fact that Kendall wore a large and Logan wore a 2XL.
“Something about a party? I don’t know, me and Dustin were talking about our favorite Disney Channel original movies so I didn’t pay much attention to him.” Kendall responded, and as Jennifer went back to her folding duties, she heard the blond let out an audible gasp when the other voice on the line mentioned a Zenon girl or something.
“Okay, well try not to stay up too late talking to your new friend, sweetie!”
“Okay mom! Goodnight!” Kendall said, waving goodbye as his mom shut the door behind her. “Ugh! I love her to DEATH, but sometimes she can be SUCH a Nosey Nancy!”
“Aw, I think it’s cute!” Dustin said on the other line, making Kendall smile.
“Yeah, I guess so….” Kendall replied, suddenly letting out a yawn and realizing his eyes felt heavier than usual. “I’m actually getting kinda sleepy over here, but I don’t want to end this conversation!”
“It’s fine.” Dustin said. “We can continue this tomorrow. Besides, I think I’m ready to go to bed too. Goodnight, Kendall!”
“Night!” Kendall said, and as he held the phone to his ear, he heard the other male still on the line. “Okay, I really need to go to bed, so hang up!”
“No way! You hang up first!”
“No, YOU hang up first!!”
“Okay how about this, on the count of three we BOTH hang up!” Dustin said, which Kendall eagerly agreed to.
As Dustin slowly counted to three, a few seconds went by as there was silence on each line. “……..hello?” The pair said in unison, which caused them to go into a giggling fit, and it took them a good twenty minutes before the conversation was finally over.
Three Weeks Later
It was a chilly winter afternoon, but luckily Kendall and Victoria found themselves nice and warm inside the mall this fine Saturday.
It was the beginning of December, and the festivities all around them were sure to bring a smile to any face. Holiday décor was strung throughout the many storefront, nearby sat Santa Claus asking every kid what they wanted for Christmas, and spirits just seemed to be high amongst everyone walking around (apart from the retail workers who hated their jobs, especially during this shitty period of time).
“So shooting starts in a few weeks, and I’ll be leaving for NYC pretty soon!” Victoria excitedly said, craning her neck a bit to see how much further the line extended.
“That is SO awesome! You’re finally getting your own TV show! Again!” Kendall replied, truly feeling genuine happiness for his bestest friend in the whole wide world.
“Thanks. I’ve already done a read through for the first script and it sounds AMAZING. It’s like this mystery-thriller type of genre and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever done before. I’m so excited! Plus it’s going to be airing on this new late time block MTV’s doing, so it’s definitely something a little more mature.” Victoria replied.
“As you should be! I’m picturing you wearing that hacker headset on the show and I’m already kinda screaming!” Kendall said, causing Victoria to lightly chuckle. “There’s literally NO way this will get cancelled after its first season!”
The two were getting a head start on their Christmas shopping, stopping at Justice for Katie, Gamestop for Carlos, and Bath And Body Works for his mom (and also himself!). Of course, ALL that shopping was bound to work up an appetite, so they had also made a stop at Cinnabon to indulge in some HEAVENLY mini buns. They had to high tail out of there though when Victoria stole a second sample from the platter when the underpaid girl at the counter wasn’t looking, so they kinda BOOKED it from the stall, adrenaline rushing through both of their veins.
In their mad dash to get away, they had actually ran into Logan, who was carrying bags upon bags from Hot Topic, which was certainly a little uncharacteristic from his usual Banana Republic finds. They didn’t have a chance to say hi (seeing as how mall security would be looking for them in the crowd), but Kendall could have sworn that Logan had a small pair of black studs in his ears, too.
As the two currently stood in the same line, the conversation continued.
“So, what are you doing on Monday? I was hoping that maybe you’d help me with a line reading? I’ll even throw in a pint of Skinny Cow!” Victoria said.
“I would, but I already made plans with Dustin to visit the La Brea Tar Pits! He thinks dinosaurs are pretty cool, and I’ve never been.” Kendall replied.
“Aw nuts, well how about Wednesday?” Victoria asked again.
“Yikes, busy that day too... Me and Dustin were actually planning to make this lasagna recipe we saw Giada De Laurentiis had on her show.” Kendall said, causing Victoria to groan.
“Ughhh…. Well what about Friday? Or do you and Dustin have something planned that day too?” Victoria said.
“Actually, I was gonna drop my mom off at her bikini wax appointment.” Kendall responded, Victoria nodding understandingly. “Buuut… Dustin asked me to come over later that night to help him finish Donald Duck: Goin’ Quackers.” Kendall said, noticing Victoria giving him a bit of side eye. “What?! The game is really hard!”
“Uh huh. You and Dustin sure have been spending a lot of time together, practically every day, really.” Victoria said, chiding the blond a bit.
“Well yeah, he’s super cool! And I still want you to meet him!” Kendall said defensively.
“I’d love to!” Victoria said, staring straight ahead. “So, have you told him you have a crush on him yet?”
“DBSHFJKDSBFKSB” Kendall blurted out. “Ummmmmmm, ahaha, you say some pretty wild things sometimes, you know that?!” Kendall mumbled, the candles in his bag clinking together as he shuffled awkwardly.
“Well I love to have fun. But you didn’t deny what I said, it’s totally okay if you like him, Kendall.” Victoria responded, comfortingly putting a hand on this shoulder that he shrugged off.
“Well I’m not gay! I had a girlfriend before, hello! Does Jo ring a bell?” Kendall said, gulping as Victoria gave him a knowing glance. “I also don’t have a problem with gay people either! Dustin’s gay, actually, and I’m okay with it. I’m just straight!”
“You never told me he’s gay! Even better, now I can’t wait to meet him! You know how much I love gay people!” Victoria said, pointing to the rainbow badge on her denim jacket that said ALLY. “And if you’re not gay, then I’m sorry for insinuating that you were.” Victoria added, Kendall giving her a weak smile. “But HYPOTHETICALLY,” Kendall giving her a look, “if you WERE gay, you know I would have absolutely no problem with it. You’re my best friend in the whole world and I love you with my entire heart.”
“Well…. Thanks.” Kendall said, reaching out to give the brunette a firm hug.
“Excuse me, could you guys please hurry up? We have a birthday party event coming up in twenty minutes that we need to prep for, and you guys are holding up the line.” The Build-A-Bear employee said, the duo embarrassed as they apologized as they quickly paid for their purchases and walked out of the store.
After a few more stores, the two parted way, and as Kendall drove home, looking at the Build-A-Bear box in the passenger seat next to him, he had a lot to think about regarding himself and his true feelings. He had knots in his stomach about it, but it also could have been the 12 mini cinnabons he had eaten earlier.
0 notes
whiskyrunner · 8 years ago
Ficlet from The Bridge verse
Siblings are a pain.
Amy doesn't really see why she has to attend Mal Cobb's birthday party. The Cobbs are more Eames' friends than hers. She does like Mal, though (even if she's undecided about Mal's awkward husband Dom), and she got an invite, so she goes uptown with Eames to the Cobbs' apartment, gift in hand.
"Mal must like having you in New York," she says to her brother in the elevator. She doesn't kid herself that she's the only reason Eames chose to flee here from Canada (all things considered, she is probably quite low on the list). Eames shrugs jerkily, staring at the elevator doors.
"Let's not bring it up."
"Just trying to help you look on the bright side," she grumbles, before the elevator stops and the doors open with a ding. Eames sighs and steps past her. Miserable as usual.
He brightens for Mal, kissing her on the cheek when she greets him with a hug. She hugs Amy, too. Eames had told her Mal's been a little up and down since having the baby, so Amy is relieved to see that she's beaming.
"I'm so glad you came, both of you!" she says, ushering them in. "Come. You're early, there are only a few other people here. Eames, you remember my cousin, of course ..."
She leads them across her expansive living room to the table where they can leave her gifts, making introductions as they go. Amy eyeballs the enormous fish tank in the wall and wonders how one of those would look in her own somewhat smaller apartment (ostentatious, probably). Then Mal is saying, "And this is our dear friend Arthur, he works with Dom ..."
"Eames," the guy says, turning, startled. Then he snaps his mouth shut.
"You know each other?" Mal says uncertainly, looking from one of them to the other.
"Arthur is somewhat of a regular at the bar in my restaurant," Eames says. For a moment Amy had thought he was taken aback too, but if he was he's recovered quickly. He shakes Arthur's hand. "Good to see you again."
"Yeah, you too," Arthur says, not entirely convincingly.
"Arthur, you are too young to have a drinking problem," Mal chides.
"As his bartender, let me assure you he is far from an alcoholic," Eames says. He adds, "Arthur, this is my sister, Amy."
"Nice to meet you," Arthur says, shaking her hand too. He has a good grip.
"Where are Dom and the kids?" Eames asks.
"Dom is in the kitchen, come and say hello. James is with his grand-mère today. Philippa is having a nap upstairs, she will join us later. She'll be so happy to see you ..."
Amy glances back at Arthur before they follow Mal into the kitchen. He still looks slightly rattled.
Tugging Eames back a step, she whispers, "Did you guys fuck?"
"What? No," Eames hisses, so forcefully that she actually believes him.
"I'm just asking," she says defensively.
In the kitchen they say hi to Dom, who gives both of them awkward hugs, and then more people start to arrive, commanding their hosts' attention. They return to the living room and start to mingle. One or two of the guests recognize Amy from TV, and then she has to talk about work, and while she does that she sees Eames conversing in fluent French with Mal's cousin. Maybe he'll hook up with the cousin, she thinks hopefully; but the cousin's wife shows up shortly after.
She somehow loses track of Eames after that. She has a couple glasses of wine and feels like maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all. Eventually she finds Mal at her elbow.
"Do you know where Eames went?" Mal asks. "I wanted to show him pictures from my last visit home."
"I haven't seen him in awhile," Amy says. "I can look," she offers.
"Perhaps he's visiting Philippa upstairs. Would you mind checking?"
"Sure," Amy says.
She goes up to the second floor of the apartment. Mal is right--she can hear Eames' voice coming from Philippa's room, the door halfway open. But she hangs back, just out of sight. There's someone else in there, too--a man.
"...on baby-sitting duty?" Eames is asking.
"Not at all," the other man says, and she places his voice: it's Arthur, Dom's associate, who'd seemed so unsettled by Eames’ presence. He doesn’t sound unsettled now--quite the opposite, actually. "Philippa needed someone to help her dress Barbie."
"Arthur's good at dressing," Philippa chips in.
"Is he?" Eames says with interest. "Well, maybe I'll dress Ken up. May I?"
Some shuffling noises. Amy peeks in just for a second, to take in the sight of two grown men sitting cross-legged on the carpet playing dolls: Arthur picking clothes out of a huge pile for Philippa, and Eames putting a blue Hawaiian shirt and yellow board shorts on a Ken doll. It's slightly cute and a little baffling to Amy, who, unlike either of her siblings, has never liked children. Eames she can understand playing dress-up with a three-year-old. But Arthur the business guy? His pressed shirt sleeves are rolled up and everything.
"Tan and black are your friends, Eames," she hears him say reprovingly. "They go with everything. Even Hawaiian shirts."
"Ken prefers the yellow," Eames says. "He wants that flowery hat, too. Thinks it'll really pull the look together."
"No!" Philippa protests, giggling. "Barbie wants that one."
"I've got an outfit for Barbie here," Arthur tells her. "She wants to be a doctor today."
"No! She wants to wear the hat and work at the grocery store."
"The grocery store? Look, she can be a doctor, here's her little stethoscope. Or a businesswoman ..."
"Barbie can be whatever she wants to be," Eames says stoutly. "Feminism is about making choices, Arthur."
"Barbie could be making a lot of better choices," Arthur says, almost under his breath. "Like not wearing pink shorts with lavender stilettos."
Eames, holy shit, actually laughs. Amy has to glance in again to verify that yes, her brother is laughing, if just momentarily--it's more than she's heard him laugh in months. She catches a glimpse of Arthur's face, and he looks surprised and pleased to have made Eames laugh. His eyes crease at the corners in a smile.
Amy goes back downstairs, considering. She knows that Eames hates when she interferes in his business. But she's also pretty sure that her brother is terrible at managing his own business, especially when it comes to dating. Dumping Henri was the only smart thing he's done in years.
She waits till later to confront him, when the party has tailed off, and they're walking home from the subway station. Eames and Arthur had eventually come downstairs, and she hadn't seen them interact again all evening. She glances sidelong at Eames. He looks pensive. She punches his shoulder.
"Ow!" he bites out, grabbing his shoulder and putting a couple feet of distance between them. "Why!"
"You're in love with that guy," she says.
"So you punch me? Which guy?" Eames says, changing his tone. He gathers himself like a ruffled bird. "I don't recall there being a guy."
"The business guy, Arthur. You're so into him."
The sidewalk is fairly clear, and well-lit, so she takes the opportunity to watch Eames' face. He opens his mouth, looking puzzled, and closes it again.
"There are many things wrong with that statement," he says finally, "not least of which that it isn't true."
"He's good-looking, too," she says. "Please, God, have sex with him. I don't think you know how badly you need to get laid."
"Amy, stop," he says. "I don't--what makes you think I'm into him?"
"You were playing dolls with him. He made you laugh. You should see how you look at him."
"I was playing with my friend's daughter, and you might have announced yourself instead of spying on us."
"It's like the way Porkchop looks at people food," she says.
They reach the apartment building and walk in, and Amy greets the doorman, who raises his eyebrows at the scowl on Eames' face. Eames doesn't say anything until they get into the empty elevator together.
"It's complicated, with Arthur," he says at last, after the doors slide shut. Amy shoots him a look. "I don't mean that we have a complicated relationship. I mean he's ... complicated."
"What is he, an international spy or something?" she scoffs. "Eames, come on. This guy obviously has a nice stable job and he likes you. What could be safer?" She gives his arm a little shake when he rolls his eyes dismissively. "Worst case scenario, he says no, thanks. So what? What's the best thing that could happen?"
"The best thing?" Eames says doubtfully, like he's willing to indulge her for a moment. But then he shakes his head. "There's no best thing for either of us in this scenario."
"Why not?" The elevator stops, and they both get out. She's entirely prepared to corner him in the hall and have this out, but her annoyingly light-fingered brother has already lifted her keys from her purse and is brushing past her fluidly. She stomps after him into the apartment. "Let's talk about this!"
"Why did I think moving in with you was a good idea?" Eames demands, walking past Porkchop without even stopping to pat him. He disappears into his bedroom and shuts the door.
"Eames!" She bounds after him. The idiot--he's still so hung-up on Henri he doesn't even know what's good for him. She's starting to get pissed off, now. "I'm sorry your asshole boyfriend cheated on you, but you can't fucking mope about it forever. You have got to move on, and there is no better way than by having sex with a nice guy! What are you so afraid of? Look, Henri was a prick. Not all guys are going to be like that. You have to give one of them a chance at some point. What's so complicated about this guy that you won't even--"
She has a second to feel triumphant when Eames wrenches the door open, but it's short-lived. He looks angry.
"Listen," he says slowly. "D'you want to know how Arthur and I really met? I went for a walk late at night, and stopped him from jumping off a bridge. That's why it's complicated with Arthur. Because he wanted to kill himself, and I'm not sure he still won't. Alright?"
He folds his arms over his chest, waiting for her to apologize and retreat. She lets out a breath, and says, "Okay, that's pretty heavy. But--I mean, should you really let that stop you?"
His eyes narrow. "What d'you mean?"
"So he's got some issues. I mean, you do, too. If you like him--and I think you do--aren't you doing him a disservice, not giving him a chance just because you think he's gonna crack up or something?"
Eames rocks back slightly, and she can tell this has had an effect on him. But in the next moment he says, flatly, "Arthur's not gay."
"Are you sure?" she says. She thinks, doubtfully, of the way Arthur had smiled when he made Eames laugh.
"He told me so himself."
He's already been shot down. Now Amy feels like an asshole. But straight guys don't look at other men like that. Maybe Arthur's not out yet. She doesn't know what to say.
"Alright?" Eames says again. "Are we done?"
"Alright," she concedes in a mumble. "Sorry." He relaxes. "But you definitely have to start dat--"
The door shuts in her face.
* Amy comes home early from Emilio's one morning and she can hear the shower running. She can also hear someone moving around in Eames' bedroom. She gives Porkchop a pat, grabs a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, and sits at the kitchen table so that she can see when the bedroom door opens and Arthur walks out, in rumpled day-before clothes. He falters momentarily when he sees her.
"Hi," she says, cheerful. She is not surprised at all. It feels very good to be right. She makes the universal sweeping gesture for "take a seat", and after a moment, Arthur does.
"Amy," he says. He's obviously uncomfortable. But he earns a point when Porkchop jumps up at his chair, and Arthur's hand automatically goes down to pet him. "Sorry for ... being here."
"I don't mind," she says. "Eames is allowed to have friends over."
Arthur clears his throat. "He thought you wouldn't be home till later."
"He's been known to be wrong before," she says, propping her chin on her hand. "He thought you weren't gay. Congratulations on sleeping together."
Arthur's ears turn pink. He takes his hand stiffly away from Porkchop. "I'm not gay," he says, quietly. "And we didn't sleep together."
The shower stops and the bathroom door opens. They both look over. Eames, towel wrapped around his waist, hair rumpled and wet, looks surprised to see them both sitting there.
"Arthur, hey," he says. Then, in a very different tone: "Amy. Don't."
"Don't what?" she asks innocently.
"You know what," Eames says darkly, and he vanishes into his bedroom.
Arthur is still staring at the bedroom door.
"I'll give you a word of advice, Arthur," Amy says, sliding her cup of coffee over to him. He startles slightly. "Men who aren't gay don't stare at other men like that."
He looks over at her for a moment. Then down at the table, pulling the coffee in a bit closer. He looks tired and young. She's not sure whether to feel sorry for him or pissed off at him for obviously being as stupid as her brother is. It feels mean, but she has to say it.
"Don't dick him around. Okay?"
Now Arthur looks surprised. "What?" His eyes narrow. "How?"
"I just mean if I can see through your bullshit, so can he," Amy says. "He's pretty good at that. And he doesn't need any bullshit right now."
For a second she thinks she's managed to make Arthur angry. Then he takes a deep breath, and seems to consider her words for a moment.
"It won't be a problem," he says finally, flatly. "Really." He pushes himself away from the table and gets up. "I'll see you."
"Make sure it isn't!" she calls after him. Porkchop follows him all the way to the door, and sits down, startled, when it shuts in his face behind Arthur.
Eames appears again, fully dressed now. He looks at Amy, who shrugs; at the closed door, and then at Amy again, glaring.
"What did you say?"
It won't be a problem, Arthur had said. What does that mean? Is he still trying to kid himself that he's not at least bi? Or maybe, Amy thinks, he's just as dumb and blind as Eames is.
So she just smiles and says, "Don't worry about it." Eames looks not the least bit reassured.
* A snowstorm in December effectively shuts the city down. It was not unexpected, but nobody expected it to be quite as bad as it turns out to be, which is how Emilio gets stuck at their place, since the trains aren't running to Queens. He tries to suffer quietly, but his allergies are clearly aggravating him, even after they shut Porkchop in Eames' bedroom. Eames is somehow even more miserable, though. He pulls on his coat and stands on the balcony smoking, glaring at the dark grey sky--which continues to spit out fat fluffy snowflakes--as though it's personally wronged him.
"What's wrong?" Amy asks when he comes back in to warm up. "You had plans tonight or something?"
"None of your business," Eames says snippily.
She looks at Emilio for commiseration, but he's wiping at his itchy eyes.
She lets Eames stomp around a bit, then says to Emilio, "Watch this." And, when Eames comes back into the room, "Why don't you invite that guy Arthur over? We can play Pandemic."
The grumpy lines in Eames' face smooth away at once. "Yeah?" he says, suspicious. "I thought you didn't like Arthur."
"I never said I didn't like Arthur. I said something to him, one time, that made him uncomfortable. I make a lot of people uncomfortable."
"Too right," Eames says. But he's already pulling out his cell phone.
"New boyfriend?" Emilio says, once Eames has stepped into the kitchen and out of earshot.
"We'll see," Amy replies.
Arthur's place is in walking distance. He shows up half an hour later doing a remarkable impression of a wet cat, thoroughly offended at the state of the universe. It turns out he doesn't own a single pair of winter boots (why would he? Amy thinks), and his shoes and the bottoms of his pants are wet and cold from the mounting snow outside. Eames hustles him into the bedroom, and Arthur emerges a minute later in a borrowed pair of sweats and dry socks and a considerably better mood.
"Here," he says, giving a box of allergy medication to Amy. "Eames asked me to pick that up."
"Thanks. My boyfriend is allergic to Porkchop. Emilio," she says, by way of introduction. Emilio lifts his head and gives a bleary wave.
Arthur shakes Emilio's hand and then seems to retreat a wary distance. He sits on the couch with Eames while Amy treats Emilio and starts making tea for the four of them. Then she sets up the game, and by then Emilio is slightly less of a zombie. She looks over at the couch and tries to figure out what Eames and Arthur are talking about, but they're too quiet. All she can tell by watching is that Eames is trying to make Arthur laugh, and Arthur is pretending (badly) that he doesn't want to.
He's never played Pandemic before. Amy has a theory that board games are a particularly good way to get the measure of a person's character. Particularly games like Monopoly, but maybe it's too early for that, and they might be stuck with each other for awhile, anyway. So she lets Eames explain the rules of Pandemic, and Arthur warily agrees to take the position of researcher.
Arthur is very good at board games. Pandemic being a cooperative rather than competitive game, this is a good thing. They get to watch him relax and actually start to enjoy himself. They've won one game and started a second when the power goes out. Amy ends up actually having some candles lying around, mostly scented, but when that proves insufficient to read the playing cards by, they decide it's time to put away the game and bring out the alcohol.
Eventually Arthur excuses himself to use the bathroom. Eames, pulling out his phone and switching on its flashlight, says, "I'm gonna go check on Porkchop."
Amy gives them a few seconds' head start before she gets up, too.
"What are you doing?" Emilio asks, but she shushes him impatiently and creeps over to the hall where the bathroom, and Eames' bedroom, are. She peeks around the corner. Eames' phone is on the ground; his hands are occupied with pushing Arthur up against the wall so that he can, apparently, kiss him senseless. Arthur makes soft breathy noises in response, his fingers curling into the loose material of Eames' shirt as though afraid to hold onto Eames himself. But he lets Eames kiss him thoroughly, now skating both hands gently up and down Arthur's sides. Arthur sort of shudders, and relaxes all at once, letting his own hands drop to Eames' lower back.
Amy returns to the kitchen and thumps Emilio on the arm. "They're making out."
"Was that the plan?" he asks, rubbing resignedly at his arm.
"Well, I knew it would happen. You think he's not gay now?"
"Is it exhausting, knowing everything?" Emilio asks. Amy doesn’t dignify that with a response.
Eames returns first, looking faintly pleased with himself, and Arthur joins them shortly after, looking remarkably put-together for someone who was being groped a couple minutes ago. Emilio shoots Amy so many warning looks that he's more obvious than she would be if she did say anything, but she's a good sister, so she doesn't. And they don't seem to notice Emilio's pointed looks in her direction.
Halfway through the next drink, when Emilio is talking about work, she sees Eames' arm move and knows he's taken Arthur's hand under the table. Arthur looks down at the table for a moment. Then he looks up at Eames, and he doesn't quite smile, but there's ... a softness there. A gratitude.
That's when she decides: she likes this guy. Eames can keep him.
They move themselves and the booze to the living room and prop Emilio's laptop on the coffee table to watch a downloaded movie. Amy makes herself comfortable on Emilio and the armchair; Arthur and Eames take the couch. She decides, at some point, that the only person in the room drunker than her must be Arthur, because when she looks over, Eames has slipped an arm around him, and Arthur is letting this happen. He looks relaxed and content with a bottle of beer in his hand.
It's natural for Amy to fuck things up, of course. It's not like she does these things on purpose. Just that alcohol tends to erode the filter between her brain and her mouth, a filter which is thin to begin with. So when Emilio pauses the movie and steps into the hall to take a call from panicking family down south, and Eames has put a little space between himself and Arthur while they wait, Amy looks over at Arthur--Arthur and her brother, who looks happy for the first time in months--and blurts out, for no reason she can think of later, "Do you still want to kill yourself?"
Arthur goes very still and doesn't meet her eyes. "You told her," he says to Eames, without looking at either of them in particular.
"Amy, what the hell is wrong with you?" Eames explodes.
"Sorry," she says quickly. "Just--if you guys are going to be a thing now--"
"Oh," Arthur says, his eyes very bright and hard in the light from the laptop screen, "you told her that, too?"
"No," Eames says.
"So just that I'm some--insane, suicidal--"
"He never said insane," Amy protests.
"You're not fucking helping, Amy," Eames snaps at her, which she thinks is unfair.
Arthur is up off the couch now, away from Eames. "Well, who else did you tell?"
"Nobody," Eames says. Arthur shoots him a very doubtful look. "Honestly, love. Amy's just ... I tell her everything, she's my sister."
"Why not tell Yusuf?" Arthur says loudly. "Or maybe tell Mal, then everyone can know how pathetic--"
He breaks off bitterly. Eames rabbits off the couch in a heartbeat and grabs his arms. Over Arthur's shoulder, he shoots Amy a severe get-the-fuck-out look, and she takes the hint and slinks back to the kitchen, feeling lousy. And stupid. And, if she's honest, sorry for Arthur.
The distance between kitchen and living room is not great, and she deliberately lingers by the doorway.
"You're not pathetic," Eames is saying fiercely. "You were in a really bad place. And I only told her because I was trying to explain what we were doing--you and I--before this happened. Amy says things, she doesn't always think ..."
"That's fucking personal, Eames," Arthur says. By the thickness of his voice, Amy can tell that he is, indeed, at least a little drunk, though perhaps not as much as she is, after all.
"I know. I'm really sorry."
"I trusted you."
"I know."
Arthur pauses. "What else did you tell her?"
"Nothing," Eames says. "Honestly. Nothing."
Silence. Arthur seems to have run out of steam.
"D'you want to head home?" Eames asks carefully.
"No. It's still snowing," Arthur says.
"I'm really sorry," Eames says again.
"I want to go to bed," Arthur says.
Eames doesn't argue. Just leads Arthur to his bedroom, and returns a minute later. Amy is back in the living room, and she says “Sorry” in a small voice, feeling much more sober now, but he doesn't even glance at her. He drops into the armchair with more force than necessary and glares at the laptop screen. Emilio enters the room and looks surprised.
"Where is Arthur?"
"Turned in early," Eames says.
They put the movie back on. Later, though she knows better than to say anything, it bothers Amy just a bit that Arthur never actually answered her question.
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selcouthrp · 8 years ago
There wasn’t really much to say other than the fact that he was shocked. He hadn’t expected anything to grow between him and Favi, especially not himself. Danny figured after he wrestled the handcuffs off her brother’s feet, they would be done for. It was the first girl who looked like that he thought he’d ever let walk away, but Danny’s reputation was intact anyway. Well, mostly. It was the longest he had ever gone with one girl. Something was wrong with him, he thought. Then again, there was something about Favi that was different. She kept up with him in a way that other girls didn’t. In no uncertain terms, she wouldn’t just lay down and take it. He liked the challenge she presented. There honestly was never a dull moment with her, and that wasn’t just some quote he found in a movie. 
Danny wasn’t doing so well on the business front. While he was making more than enough money to pay the Javachi’s, his employee situation was complicated. Dealing with Wendy, and the fact she was technically the girl that got away, was a stab in his pride every day. Especially knowing that now she was with someone, Danny a distant memory in her head. It wasn’t as though he regretted her moving on because now, he couldn’t imagine dealing with someone so submissive over Favi’s attitude. Awkward, he supposed, was the best way to describe it. That and she was on the verge of quitting. Even though she hadn’t said anything, Danny could tell. She was coming into work later and later and leaving earlier. He could find someone to replace her easily enough but it still didn’t help things at the moment. 
He’d gone to bed that night with half a bottle of wine in his system and only a pair of boxers. It was actually more clothes than he usually wore but he hadn’t managed to take them off before collapsing. Danny turned off his alarm for seven and decided that Logan could handle opening that day. He needed his sleep. His plans were- somewhat- ruined when a whispering voice woke him up. Danny kept this eyes closed though. It didn’t take him long to realize it was Favi and that she wasn’t just showing up at six for no reason. She was dreadfully close to having him bust his cover, but Danny pinched his arm to focus as her smooth hand slid under his boxers. He waited a moment longer before reaching out to grab both of her arms, then he flipped himself over on top of her. Laying against her, his voice still thick with sleep, Danny smiled down at her. “I should wake up to this more often,” he murmured, his lips right by her ear. He was only returning the favor, of course. Danny was nothing if not nice. 
“Alright, no,” Wendy shook her head. She tossed down the coffee-sodden rag and turned from the mess. “I quit.” Her shirt was thoroughly soaked, she couldn’t even feel her feet, and the whipped cream greasing up her hair was enough to make her scream. It may have just been one bad day in a month of relatively good ones, but it pushed her entirely over the edge. She wiped her hands off on a semi-clean towel and continued to shake her head, ignoring Danny’s voice. There was no way she would stay unless he fired the teenager and that, for whatever reason, was something he wasn’t about to do. Wendy couldn’t handle picking up her slack any longer or covering her mistakes. Pushing her way past a still-pleading Danny, she grabbed her keys and wallet from under the counter and walked straight through a line of customers still waiting for their orders. Several of them looked at her like she was overreacting, but she just ignored them. All she needed was to get home and see Attie. It had only been a few months since they had started seeing each other, but it seemed to move so soon. Wendy had no idea the whole “love at first sight” bit was actually real. However, when it came to her and Attie, she couldn’t deny it. Instead of walking back home like usual, she caught a taxi. The man looked at her when she dropped into the backseat, his eyebrows raised in faint surprise.
“Can we not talk? Just take me to Atticus Merno’s, please.” She rested her head against the glass as the driver nodded. Usually Wendy would tell them the address but this man looked familiar. She realized that he was definitely in the loop about Attie. When they reached his apartment, Wendy dropped a $20 in the front seat and climbed out of the vehicle. She waved him away as he tried to give it back and walked up the stairs towards home. Instead of going immediately to find Attie, however, she zeroed in straight to the shower upstairs. She could appreciate him much better after a warm shower that soothed her nerves and she wouldn’t take any annoyance out on him. Even so, she didn’t spend an extremely long time in the shower. Wendy did take a few minutes extra to let the water run over her back but stepped out only about thirty minutes after getting in. She wrapped a fluffy towel around her body and walked into the bedroom they shared, going towards his side of the closet. Usually Attie’s clothes were dominated by button-ups and other suit attire, but there was one shirt in specific she always stole. It was one she had bought him, however Wendy wasn’t sure he ever got the chance to actually wear it with her taking it most of the time. She slipped on the red sweatshirt. Not bothering to put on shorts, considering one wouldn’t be able to see them under the sweatshirt anyway, she brushed out her hair and took a second to blow-dry it. Walking around with it wet usually gave her a massive headache. After rubbing a little bit of her favorite jasmine-scented lotion on her arms and legs. She slipped on a pair of knit knee-high socks after and made sure she had gotten all the mascara off her eyes. Feeling a little better already, Wendy stopped to deposit the towel and her dirty clothes into the hamper before retreating back downstairs to find Attie. He would be wondering where she was by now. From the banging in the kitchen, she supposed that’s where he was, but had no earthly clue what he was doing there. Wendy stepped into the door frame and her jaw immediately dropped. “Attie,” she said, barely containing her laughter. “What are you doing?”
With a groan, Collins lifted her hand. She frowned as her something tugged in the back of her hand. It only took a small yank to free it, however, a small burning sensation replaced the pressure. Still, she was able to wipe her face now. Her mouth felt uncommonly dry and Collins wondered why in the world she’d let herself get drunk without consuming enough water first. She assumed that was the only reason she felt so groggy- so heavy. As her body began to wake up and tingling sensations reached all her nerves, she peeled open her eyes. The light above her made Collins snap them shut again and she pressed her palms over her eyes. “What the hell,” she mumbled, rubbing them. It took her a few minutes, but she was finally able to open them all the way and look around. She realized that she was in a part of the Javachi compound that she hadn’t ever really been in before. There was no doubt it was medical. Jesus, she thought, pushing herself up into a sitting position. I must have been really out of it. Collins lifted her arms above her head but dropped the right one with a hiss. A sharp pain shot through her chest and she looked down. There was a bandage covering a section above her breasts. She raised her eyebrows. Good God, she needed to find someone to tell her what happened last night. Stifling a yawn, she threw a set of blankets off her legs and stepped out onto the cold tile floor. It helped wake her up a little. Collins crossed her arms to her chest as she shuffled out of the downstairs area. As she crested the top floor, someone walking past her dropped the things they were carrying. The girl’s eyes were round with surprise. “What are you looking at?” Collins asked, frowning. She pushed past her and continued walking to the guest bedroom where she and James had been staying. Before too many other people saw her, she wanted to make sure she didn’t look like an extreme troll. If it was bad enough to make that woman drop her things, she couldn’t imagine what it would look like to others. 
She received even more looks before she finally made it to the room. Opening the door, Collins let out a breath. James was on the bed, his back turned towards her. “Baby,” she murmured, walking across the carpet. “Do you have any idea what happned last night? Everyone’s looking at me funny and my chest- it really freaking hurts.” She crawled across the bed towards him and sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his chest. Collins kissed a spot along his spine and let her legs rest on either side of him.
0 notes
00001100x-blog · 8 years ago
52815 // 10:00 AM
Ew. I can’t believe I wrote these—Things. I tried my best to sound as cheesy and as gross as I can be.  If you’re wondering why I even made this, it’s because I feel really bad that I wasn’t able to give you at least two finished letters. Maybe it’s to make up for it? 555
I don’t know what to write anymore so… yeah. Read it and tell me how cringe- worthy and cheesy it is. I haven’t written in months so yes, whatever I write will most definitely suck.
Warning: Contains really weird AU drabbles so forgive me.
Contains eight drabbles. Started on May 26, 2015 (‏‎9:41PM) and ended on May 28, 2015(10:53 AM)
Sadist. 143
“Amber, please. I’m sorry.” Amber just glanced at him for a while and continued talking with Luna who can’t do anything but give him pitiful looks everytime she looks towards his direction— Downstairs.
He knew he was in the wrong. It was his fault for making her feel like this. What kind of boyfriend in the right mind would talk about his ex and how beautiful she’s become after a few years? That was really dumb and insensitive of him.
“Ber. Just forgive the poor guy! He’s been standing there for almost an hour!” Luna tried persuading Amber but the older just chuckled. “Let him be. Let him learn this lesson. I’m not mad at him, you know. Besides. He looks so cute like that. Like a poor, lost puppy.”
Luna could only shake her head from what the older said. “You sadist.”
Troublemaker. 335
Amber has never gone to detention in her entire life. It was until she was caught forging a teacher’s signature for Stupid Chorong.
Great. She thought. Chorong will surely get it when I see her tomorrow.
She didn’t forget to recite a silent prayer before she opened the door as she heard horrible rumours about detention especially about the regulars.
A tall, tanned guy came towards her. “Ohhh! Look who we’ve got here! A new face! What’s your name um…” He eyes her from head to toe. “Are you a girl or a guy?”
She felt a little embarrassed as hearing his question. “Erm… It’s Amber. Amber Josephine.” A faint color of pink crept up her cheeks. The guy didn’t seem to notice, though. “I’m Jongin.” The tanned guy led her in the room. “Welcome to detention, Amber.”
There are two more guys in the room. A girly looking guy and one with round glasses like harry potter. Both were sitting on the third row. One near the widow, the other on the third seat on the left side.
“Oh by the way. That guy,” Jongin points at the girly guy. “His name is Ren.”
The girly guy waved at her and gave her a smile.
“Don’t go near him if you don’t want to get kissed.” Jongin warned, earning a loud ‘Hey’ from Ren. “The other one’s Eric. He doesn’t talk much. Feel free to choose your seat, kid.” He went and sat on his seat which is in front of Ren’s.
It took Amber a while to decide on where to sit and decided that she should sit beside Eric since he looked the most normal one out of the three.
… Or at least that was what she thought.
She peeked on what this Eric guy has been doing and she was very surprised with what she saw him watching on his phone.
“Oh! Senpai! There! Hnng—Ungg~”
“Do you want to watch with me?” He asked, giving her a creepy smile.
Kiss. 246
(This is originally written in the male’s point of view. I just thought it looks better on the female’s POV)
I was talking with somebody when he arrived. He was obviously a lot taller than me and probably even younger. He came towards me and greeted me. He said a few more other things to me but I don’t remember what they were anymore. After a while, I was hugging him and trying to give him kisses on the cheek. The next thing I knew was that we were already kissing as if there was no one around us. Since he was a bit taller than me, I stepped up this center table that was only a few inches tall since I was a lot shorter than him, still kissing him. Of course, I just had to kiss back whenever he kisses me.
He sat down the sofa behind him, pulling me along with him. I was on top of him. The kiss was broken and I stared at him for a while, cupping his cheeks and smiling at him. He said a few more other things before we kissed again. Probably even french-kissed that time. I didn’t really care whether that person I was talking with earlier watches us or takes a video or whatever. I just kiss him back whenever he kisses me.
His kisses were going south. To my jaw, to my neck then near my chest. I didn’t know what he was planning to do. His hands roamed around my body. My back, my stomach, my legs—everywhere. Is he? Will he?
Eric Oppa. 254
(Based on a prompt given to me by a friend. Never had time to wrote it but I suddenly just remembered about it.)
I’m just a normal guy. A guy who has average looks, average academic capability, average everything. There’s nothing special about me.
There’s something that has been bothering me, though. There’s this girl that has been following my every single step and listening to my every single word.
“Eric oppa! Good morning!” I facepalmed the moment I saw her. My friends, Kevin and James just exchanged glances and laughed. These two are gonna get it later on.
“O-Oh. Amber…” I glared at my friends and signaled them to help me but neither did. The two just watched like how they usually do.
“Oppa.” She started seriously. I turned to her, thinking that maybe, this time she’s thinking of stopping for once. “I was just wondering…  When are you going to be my boyfriend?” Kevin and James laughed even harder, making the situation harder for me.
“Probably when the pigs fly, Amber.” I answered.
“When the pigs fly? Hmmmmm… Is that even possible? How do pigs grow wings? Wait- Do they levitate?” She frowned. Of course it isn’t possible for pigs to grow wings and fly nor have levitation powers.
“How about when you marry me?” She asked again, totally forgetting about the pigs in an instant.
“When you’re not Amber anymore.” I replied; she frowned again.
“B-but how do I do that?” I just ignored her question and walked away. “Oppa, how do I do that?” I facepalmed once again. Doesn’t she understand? I obviously—Ugh. It’ll be a long way till Amber realizes that.
Crush. 432
(Based on an old draft I had. Sulli’s POV)
“Eric Nam!” Amber turned around as if she was the one being called by the certain person. I laughed hard, ocassionally clapping my hands and hitting the table as seeing her priceless reaction as the name was being called. It was honestly stupid, I could say. I mean- It’s not even her name and she turned around. It was adorable, though.
“Stop laughing, Sulli.” She told me, pokerface yet the pinkish red color creeping up her cheeks is very obvious. I can’t determine whether it’s because she’s embarrassed of what she did or because she heard Eric’s name but I’m very much sure that either one of those, it still will come back to Eric in the end.
In case no one of you knows, Eric Nam is one of the worst guys here in school. He barely passed the subjects and is very lazy. We would often catch him outside carrying buckets of water as punishment for not doing assignments and stuff. I think he even barely goes to school! Honestly, I don’t even know what’s gotten into Amber’s mind. How come did she like him? Maybe it’s true. Opposites do attract.
Amber is one of the nicest, neatest girls I’ve ever known. Of course, my expectations on her interest was quite high- Maybe Minseok from the soccer team or Henry, the music genius would have been her type but I never expected that she would actually like someone like Eric.
It has been a few months already since she liked him and honestly, it isn’t cool to have Amber like somebody. She undergoes a really big change phase.
“You like Eric, Do you?” Victoria once asked, earning a loud ‘No’ and a playful but hard smack from Amber. Laughing, I watched the two fool around, hitting each other playfully and squealing.
“Watch out!” I heard someone yell. Everyone stopped on their tracks. It’s Eric riding a skateboard. The next thing I knew was that Eric bumped into Amber and fell. It took them a few seconds to realize that they’re in a really awkward position. Eric’s face turned red and so did Amber’s. The two of them pushed each other away and walked off to different directions. Cute.
“Fate’s a really good trickster, isn’t it?” Victoria said loud enough for Amber to hear.
“Yeah. It made me fall down with that idiot on top of me.”
“But admit it, Amber. Eric looked cute riding that skateboard.” I teased, earning a playful smack from her.
“He does.” Amber said as softly as she could and dashed off to the next class.
Under the Rain. 173
“I wanna know why girls like these under the rain kisses. Why do they?” Amber gave Eric that same look whenever he asks her random, weird questions. Eric has a habit of asking people random questions at a really unreasonable time. Amber found it annoying at first but eventually got used to it and thought that even if he asks weird questions, he’s a really interesting guy. Maybe even more than interesting.
Amber took a bite on her ham sandwich and spoke with her mouth full- “Why did you suddenly thought about that? It’s very hot right now and isn’t even raining a bit. ” Eric just shrugged at her question.
“Just. I remember Sulli and Krystal talk about it before. They say it’s romantic.” Hearing Sulli and Krystal’s name made Amber choke a little on her sandwich. So even Eric likes the school belles.
“Oh.”Amber nodded. “But I don’t know. It sounds interesting though.”
“Actually, it was said in the news that it might rain tonight. Wanna try and find out why?”
Wet Slippers. 116
I was in a bathroom that time; there was this pair of green slippers inside the bathroom. It was a little dark in there and the only light was the one coming from outside. There is this big hole on top of the door.
Henry called me, saying “Amber is searching for you. She just left a while ago.” I immediately jolted up and ran out, taking the wet slippers with me but when I went out, she was about to leave, hopping up on the cargo truck that I assume was the one she rode on going here.
I handed her the pair of slippers, giving her a smile. “I’m sorry I got it wet.”
Reply. 282
Eric kept on typing to remove his attention from his phone because the more he looks at it, the more paranoid he gets and the more paranoid he gets, more bad ideas comes to him.
“Amber took a bite on her… Ham sandwich….” He spoke as he typed and suddenly paused, eyes starting to wander around and eventually stares at his phone again and with a pout this time. God. What happened to her? Why won’t she reply?
Eric went back to typing again after two minutes of pouting and waiting. Probably she won’t reply. Maybe she’s busy? Yes, Eric. Maybe she’s just busy. Let’s… Not think about it. Inhale, Exhale.
He’s already reached his next one and has typed halfway but still, no replies were received. He’s starting to get even more worried but he tries is best to shake the thought off and continue writing.
“… Only light… cooooming… from outs—Yes!” He stopped typing and grabbed his phone as soon as it beeped.
“One text message from A…ilee.”
His smile faded as soon as he saw who the sender was. Not her. Goddammit. When will she reply?
Another thirty minutes has passed and he’s already on his last one. Still, no replies from her.
“… His phone again… wiiiiiiith a… Pout!… Thiiiiiiis… Ti—me.”  His phone beeped again but this time, he ignored it. It must be someone else. She’d definitely not reply.
The beeping just won’t stop so Eric picked his phone up. As seeing the sender, a really big smile crept up his face. It was as if he won a big contest or something.
“Thirty-six text messages from Amber.”
0 notes