#but he couldn't do it awake when he was not thinking. he had time to think he thinks there is no one for ed and blackbeard is out of control
purplecoffee13 · 1 day
Nemesis with Benefits - Part 4*
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Keep me awake, buy me a coffee
Summary: “You go on a horrible date, and there’s only one address that pops in your mind when you think about blowing off some steam…”
Wc: 4.3k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warnings: SMUT, degradation kink (kinda), use of sex toy(🤭), bit of bondage, tiny bit of jealousy/possessiveness
A/N: I passed my exam and in celebration I have written for you this new part of Nemesis with Benefits chapter! Hope y’all like it😋
General Masterlist
Series Masterlist
"And so, he said he couldn't get it, so I had to get my brother's car and drive an hour to get the keg!"
You fake a laugh, noticing that the sentence is supposed to be some sort of a punchline. Oscar's eyes twinkle with amusement at the sound of your fake giggles, and you have to do your best not to shiver at his prideful nod.
It has been three weeks since Tyler's party, and since... the events that occurred in Tyler's bedroom. Afterwards, you had picked up your life as usual, convinced that the itch was scratched and you could go back to more important things.
However, the memories of that night resurfaced your mind every single fucking day, like clockwork. Some nights you'd give in, bringing yourself to an orgasm with the help of your vibrator, but most nights you pushed the sinful thoughts down as far as possible. It made you less fun to be around, though. A bit snappy, huffing and puffing about every little thing that didn't work like you wanted it to.
So, when Benjamin suggested to set you up with this guy he knew, you couldn't agree quicker. You didn't quite care if you would get a love match out of it, you were mainly hoping for a good fuck.
Unfortunately, that wasn't going to be on the program tonight. The guy, Oscar, was the biggest fucking bore you had ever met.
Okay, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. He has his interests... or better said interest: drinking beer. Every story he has told so far this evening is about drinking in some kind of way. He doesn't tell any jokes, he just says the ends of his sentences a bit louder and waits for you to laugh on cue. After about three stories, you caught on.
So far, you're on story number six, and he has not yet asked one thing about you. This date is a bust, you're going to have to admit defeat.
"Excuse me for just a minute, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You say with a polite smile, sneakily grabbing your phone as you stand up and walk away to the toilets.
Once you're out of Oscar's sight, you hurry to the bathroom and quickly get into a stall. Unlocking your phone, your fingers work fast to get to Rebecca's name and click on 'call'. You put the phone to your ear, waiting for her to answer. She is quite quick, answering you in just a few seconds.
"'Sup girl, how's the date?" She asks casually.
"Unfortunately, he's got the personality of a wet sock. I'm gonna need you to fake an emergency, please?"
"Oh my god, is it that bad?"
"I can't listen to one more second of this guy's stories. All he talks about is beer! I mean, I like myself a beer, but you can't possibly fill up an hour and a half of stories about beer!" You exclaim, making Rebecca giggle.
"I'll call you in five minutes."
With a bit more hope, you walk back to the table, and brace yourself to be bored with another beer story. You almost laugh to yourself when Oscar, like you predicted, brings up another story of the time where he drank almost half of the keg and puked in the bushes. With your jaw clenched, you lay down your fork, having lost your appetite entirely. This is the worst fucking date ever.
You count down the seconds until the phone rings, and your heartbeat rises in excitement when it does. You fake a frown, telling Oscar that you need to pick up really quick. The second you answer the call, a string of screaming and crying sounds from the other side of the line.
You should have known that Rebecca would go all out, she's a theatre major after all, but it still throws you off a bit. Holding in your laugh, you put a bit of your own acting skills to use.
"Rebecca?! What— what's up?" You hold the phone closer to your ear again. She cries out something along the lines of 'He cheated on me!'. You glance at Oscar, who is positively terrified. Mission accomplished, you think.
"Stay where you are, okay? I'm on my way!" You say as you get up from your seat, grabbing your purse. Rebecca says something else about wanting to die, and after that you hang up.
"I'm so sorry, I've got to go. This was fun, text me." You spit out before speed walking towards the exit. You hear Oscar shout out how he doesn't have your number, but you act like you don't hear him.
The second you are outside, you dial Rebecca again. Like before, she immediately picks up.
"Did it work?"
"Yes, you're a genius, thank you!" You smile, looking around to see if maybe there's a taxi near. "Now I just need to get out of here before he catches up with me or something."
"I already called an Uber for you."
You let out a dreamy sigh. "Are you an angel sent from heaven?"
"Actually, yes, I am." Rebecca jokes, and the two of you chuckle. "No but seriously, it's not big deal. It should be there now I think. It's a black Volvo."
And as if on cue, a car matching the description pulls up in front of you. You put your hand up, signaling that the driver is here for you, and walk towards the door.
"Thank you so much babe."
"No problem. Debrief tomorrow?" She asks as you slide into the car and silently greet the driver.
"Yes, over lunch?"
"Sounds good, I'll text you tomorrow. Love you."
"Okay, love you, bye." You say before hanging up the phone. The driver turns around, asking where you want to go. You give him your address, and he begins driving. It is quite a drive from your place and from campus, this restaurant.
You look out the window, reeling the ridiculously bad date. You're a bit disappointed; you were really hoping to have a fun night tonight. Sighing, you look at your phone screen, allowing a forbidden thought to crawl to the front of your mind.
After fiddling with you hands for about five minutes, going back and forth with your stance on your own idea, you make a decision. Swallowing, you unlock your phone and go to your message app.
Where r u?
The realization kicks in your mind the second you send the message. What the fuck are you doing? You go back to the chat, holding your finger on the message to delete it, but then you see three dots.
Home, why?
Text me ur address
You stare at the word he sent you for a couple of seconds. You scoff. As if he doesn't know why you are texting him right now. You think for a bit, deciding on what to send him.
I want my panties back
It doesn't take long after you've banged on Harry's door that he opens it. He wears a smirk on his face, his signature look it seems. He likes this, the fact that you're going to give in. Technically, you already have, but you aren't going to admit that.
He doesn't say anything, merely stepping aside to let you in. You stride into his apartment, letting your eyes fly over the apartment. It is not what you expected at all. The boring beige and grey colors you had imagined would dominate the color palette of his living room is instead a navy blue. There is nothing grey about this place at all.
Nevertheless, you ignore all the things you want to say about his apartment, and turn around, hands on your hips.
"So?" You shrug, insinuating for him to give you your panties back. You both know it's not what you're here for, and Harry raises his eyebrows, as if having accepted the challenge to see whoever can hold up this act the longest.
"It's probably somewhere in the panty drawer."
"You have a panty drawer?" You frown, disgusted with him even having such a concept.
"Women always seem to leave them here." He says, casually strolling towards his bedroom. You follow him with a sigh. Entering his bedroom, you try your best not to look so surprised over how beautiful it is. The deeper shade of dark blue that coats the walls looks very pretty in comparison to the light bedding, curtains and other furniture.
When you turn around, you see your panties in Harry's hand. He holds it out for you to grab, but pulls away just when you try to do so. You give him a pointed look, but he doesn't seem to care. The second attempt to snatch the panties from his grip fails as well, and you find yourself groaning in frustration.
"Stop being a fucking dick." You bark at him.
"Fine." He shrugs. You reach for the panties again, but Harry catches your worst with his free hand. His eyes search yours. "Tell me why you really came here, and I'll give you your panties back."
"I came here to get my panties." You say through gritted teeth, blood rising to your cheeks. The touch of Harry's fingers on your wrist heats your skin up even more than his infuriating actions do.
"Try again." He grins, dimples showing and everything.
"I came here to get my panties." You repeat, glaring at him with nothing but fury behind your eyes. He throws the panties behind him, and they land back on his drawer.
"See, I think you're lying." Harry says, stepping a bit closer to you. You lose your breath at the proximity, and you feel like you might start sweating. Harry notices, and smirks, pressing his thumb into your wrist. "I can feel your heartbeat, you know."
You huff, not sure you're able to keep this up any longer. Harry lets go of your wrist and sneaks his hand around your neck instead. You feel the blood pumping through your veins as he leads you backwards towards his bed.
"I think you're a little bit frustrated. You couldn't get me out of your system, so now you're here to beg for my cock." His low voice vibrates through the room before he pushes you onto the bed, standing over you. "Did I guess that right?"
When you don't answer, Harry scoffs.
"Fine, you won't mind if I find out for myself, will you?" He asks, pushing your legs apart. You obey him silently, shaking your head. You refuse to admit defeat, but you're afraid that the second his fingers touch your pussy, it'll be game over.
Harry's fingers slowly trail up your leg, taking his time with his victory. You hold your breath, the pounding of your heart making it feel like it might jump out of your chest, as you stubbornly hold his stare. His fingers wrap around your panties and gently pull them down, the smirk on his face only growing the further the panties are pulled down your legs.
The cool air that hits your cunt nearly makes you shiver, but you resist the urge, and focus on maintaining the last shred of dignity you have by holding up that poker face of yours.
You watch Harry observe your pussy, as if it is the first time he's ever seen it. Despite knowing that he is dragging this out to tease you, you can't help but ball your fists in anticipation of what he's going to do or say. When Harry's eyes flick up to yours again, you let out a hint of a sigh.
"Well, well, look who's turning out to be a liar." He says cockily, tongue running against his cheek. Your face remains stoic, and you refuse to say anything. "What am I going to do with this, hmm?"
He looks at you for a few seconds, a thought running through his mind. Then, he suddenly walks away from you and to his closet. You lean on your elbow to sit up a bit, trying to see what the hell he is doing. When he turns around, he is holding a small box. Your eyes widen when you see the picture on the box.
"Are you open to trying out this toy?" He asks, nearing you again.
"I'm not going to put a vibrating egg inside of me that has already been inside of like seventeen other people." You argue, shaking your head in disagreement. Harry quirk up an eyebrow, the right corner of his mouth tugging up.
"Seventeen is an oddly specific number." He notes, and you roll your eyes. Of course that is what he pays attention to.
"It's the first number that came to mind." You reply, unimpressed by his attempt to seem funny. He laughs softly, putting the box down beside you.
"It's new, I just bought it. It's not even out of the plastic wrapping yet." He tells you as you scan the box. The shiny plastic coat around the box makes you believe he is indeed telling the truth. You think it over for a second, still not entirely sure.
"Why'd you buy it?"
Harry shrugs. "Well, technically I didn't buy it. The website had this deal about getting an extra secret toy, or something. I honestly don't really remember, truth be told I was kind of high when I ordered it."
You sigh, your lips cracking into an unavoidable smile. Of course he orders sex toys while he's high, the bloody idiot.
"Okay, yes. I've always wanted to try it."
Harry looks pleased with your answer, and he is quick to return to business. "Alright then, get further onto the bed and lean your head against the headboard."
Your stomach bubbling with excitement, you crawl towards the headboard and wait until Harry comes walking over with a belt. When he signals for you to give him your wrists, you don't hesitate to do so, biting your lip impatiently as he ties your wrists above your head.
You wait for him to put the batteries in the toy and test it out on his hands—which seems like it takes forever—before he finally saunters back to you. He sits down on the side of the bed, and brings his hand down to your cunt, inspecting it with his own digits.
You gasped out at the sudden contact, not having expected it to be so much and out of practically nowhere. Without a word, he pushes a finger inside of you. You try to catch up with your breathing but it is hard with Harry pumping his finger in and out of you, especially when he decides to add another one.
The frown that paints your face and expresses the emotion that your shut eyes can't portray, have Harry picking up his pace a bit. The squelching sound of your wetness only increases with every time he sticks his fingers inside your hole, but you manage to keep quiet despite the immense pleasure that makes you want to scream out.
It is only when Harry removes his finger that a slight whimper falls from your lips, and Harry feels the immediate results of it: tighter pants. Figuring you are wet enough now, he grabs the toy from his lap and brings it to your pussy.
"'M gonna put it in now, okay?" He announces. You squeak out an 'okay' and watch as Harry lets the toy disappear inside of you, filling you up ever so slightly. He softly restrains your legs from closing, watching in awe at how your chest rises and falls at the hand of your breathing.
"You okay?" He asks when he's put the toy all the way in. Your heavy eyes fight to stay open as you answer him with a soft 'yes'. He nods, looks down at the remote in his hands, and gets up from the bed. Your eyes trace his every movement, heart pounding at the thought of what his next step could possibly be.
He walks over to his dresser, and grabs the panties which you came to retreat in the first place. He turns around and stalks back to you, standing in front of you now on the end of the bed. One hand in his pocket, the other one holding your panties.
"You wanted these, right?" He asks. You nod, and open your mouth to respond, but the feel sudden vibrations cause you to let out nothing but a string of moans.
"I asked you a question." Harry taunts you, walking over to you. "Did you want these?"
The chance at an answer is interrupted once again by the increasing speed of the toy, and you shriek out at the intense feeling of it. Your body squirms, and you feel yourself getting fed up by these stupid games Harry is playing.
"Alright then, let me ask you a different question. Why did you come here? Honest answers this time." He warns, sitting down next to you again. He strokes your shaking leg. You take a deep breath.
"I was on a date." You confess. As soon as the sentence has left your mouth, the rhythm changes. Your hips buck at the sudden switch. Harry, with his jaw clenched, nods at your honest answer.
"Doesn't explain why you're here." He replies nonchalantly. You sigh in frustration.
"I— I needed... I was frustrated, and I thought he could help me, but he couldn't." You say, hoping he's catching onto what you're saying. From the look on Harry's face, it seems that he does.
"So you came to me to relieve that frustration? How sweet..." He concludes arrogantly. You can't put him in his place, though, because that's exactly why you came here.
You don't expect him to add his thumb to your clit for extra stimulation, but he does. You cry out his name along with a few profanities at the increased pleasure, especially now that he's changed the speed to its maximum.
"Hmm, just this once, that's what you said, right?" He taunts, pressing his thumb down a bit harder, leaving you nothing but a whimpering mess under him. You lower your arms unconsciously, but Harry pushes them back.
"Wish you could see yourself, tied up and crying for me like the desperate slut you truly are. Knew you'd come running back, begging for my cock. Knew one time wouldn't be enough for you." The filthy words fall from his lips so easily, as if second nature to him. It sounds so good with the combination of his voice and accent. The degrading words bring you to the edge, and his fingers push you right over it.
"Ah, shit! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" You whimper, eyes shut as your entire body moving along with the aftershocks of your orgasm. While still coming down from your orgasm, you hear the faint sound a belt unbuckling, but you only open your eyes when you feel the bed dip.
You watch in awe as Harry leans over you, and hiss when he takes out the egg. He puts it on the nightstand along with the remote before aligning his hard, bare cock with your wet hole. And just like that, he pushes himself into you.
You wince at the change of size, breathing deeply as he enters himself entirely. It is easy to slide in considering how drenched you are, but you still have to get used to his girth again. Harry sighs at how tight your pussy feels around his cock, uttering out some curse words as he lets you adjust to him. And then, he begins to move.
"Shit, you’re so big… it feels so good." You pant, your eyes fluttering shut. Your senses are entirely focused on the way Harry is building up his pace inside of you and his lingering touch on the rest of your body. He is everywhere; he massages your tits, grazes his fingers over your thigh, and grips at your waist.
"I know baby, just the way you needed, hmm? Worth breaking the one-time rule, isn't it?"
"F-fuck... yes Harry."
"Glad you came to your senses and called me, sweetheart. Not like that guy could've satisfied you the way you needed." He cockily remarks, and it almost feels like the comment is more for himself than to you.
"Maybe he can." You decide to stir the pot. Your core flutters at the low chuckle that leaves Harry's mouth. He pulls himself almost all the way out of you, before he thrusts into you with way more force. You moan loudly at the feeling of him reaching your g-spot.
"No he can't, sweetheart. Otherwise you wouldn't have texted me after your shitty little date, begging to be fucked dumb by me." He says, resuming to deeply thrust into you. You have lost nearly any ability to truly form coherent sentences, only borderline pornographic moans managing to escape you. Your face is curled up, and you clench your fists together.
"Fuck you—" is all you manage to croak out.
"I am fucking you, baby. And you love it so much, I can tell you’re close. Are you gonna do it, baby? You gonna soak the cock of the guy you hate most?" Harry teases you with his words, but his fingers are back on your clit. It doesn't take long after his touch reaches your most sensitive nub before you begin to spasm under him. A long string of high pitched whines accompany to euphoric orgasm that overcomes you.
Instead of slowing down, Harry begins to chase his own orgasm, driven by the way you are clenching around him, and picks up his pace. The sound of your bodies clashing against each other and your panted moans are like music forming a symphony and you can't quite fathom how good the two of you sound together. During sex, that is, not in any other situation.
"You fuck me so good, Harry. I hate it." You confess, still woozy from your orgasm and how deeply Harry is driving into you right now. Not even a few seconds later, Harry's hips still, and he lets out the sexiest groan you have ever heard in your life. He falls over you, catching himself with his hands. He keeps himself and his seed buried inside of you as he tries to steady his breathing and looks at you, curls hanging in front of your face. A smile creeps on both your lips.
"So... can I have my panties back?" You joke, and Harry laughs accordingly. A silence follows soon after, one in which Harry pulls himself out of you, unties your wrists, and carries you to the bathroom to clean you up.
Afterwards, you walk back to the bedroom together, where Harry puts you back on the bed and tells you to wait there while he grabs you some water. You obey, but your eyes fall shut by accident.
When Harry returns, he sees you, lying on your side with your eyes closed, breathing deeply. For a second he thinks about walking you up, but it quickly dawns on him that he doesn't really feel the need to do that. He has tired you out quite a bit, and he's already seen you naked, so what does a few hours of sleeping next to each other really matter?
*The next morning*
It was quite the shock to open your eyes and realize you weren't lying in your own bed. It had come back to you swiftly, the events of last night, and you were quite disturbed with the fact that a smile was the first bodily reaction you had to the memory.
You didn't want any unnecessary drama or awkward conversations, so you decided to sneak out.
Now, on your way home with the bus, that same smile paints your face again, that is until you are interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You immediately pick up when you see Rebecca's name.
"Hey, how are you?" She asks once you've greeted her.
"Good. Better, knowing that I am never ever going to date again." You exaggerate, mainly for fun.
"Don't say that! You'll be fine." She urges, her voice letting her gentleness shine through like it always does. "Anyways, I wanted to ask, where are we having lunch?"
"Uhm, how about that new place across your street?" You suggest, and Rebecca contests in an agreeing hum.
"Sounds good!”
You smile. “Okay, then I’ll meet you there at… twelve?”
“Perfect, and then you can tell me why you didn’t go home last night.” She says, and you can tell she’s holding back her laugh, but your face pales entirely. When you don’t respond, she’s quick to continue. “I saw that the Uber ride ended on some street near campus, so you definitely didn’t spend the night home right?”
You take a deep breath, a thousand possible lies running through your brain as you think of a response.
“I’ll tell you over lunch.” You finally say, and distance your ear from the microphone at the sound of a high pitched squeal coming from the other line. You giggle at your friends’ enthusiasm, but your stomach is heavy with the weight of this blown up lie.
After that night at the party, you thought, that would be that. You’d never hook up with Harry Styles ever again, and the event would be erased from your memory. Although, it didn’t exactly, as you thought about it every night, but you didn’t expect yourself to do this kind of shit. And the worst thing is, it feels too good to stop. You don’t want this to be the last time.
So, you better think of some elaborate lie to tell Rebecca.
Your head shoots back to your phone screen when it lights up and the familiar ping of a text sounds through the bus. You lower your volume and unlock your phone to see who texted you this early in the morning.
You forgot your panties again
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darylbae · 3 days
Hey there, love your work!! That‘s why I just HAVE to request something. I was thinking about maybe daryl comforting reader after a nightmare? Have a great day! :)
night terrors — daryl dixon
in which you had been plagued with nightmares, and Daryl is there to comfort you
note: my requests are CLOSED for now, as i have fallen behind on writing them.
Growing up, you never slept easy. Your parents had told you what a nightmare you were getting you to bed every night, and even as a teen, you'd find yourself exhausted yet still struggling to fall asleep. You'd never really known trauma and discomfort quite like the end of the world, so you'd sweetly kissed goodbye your sleep when the world had ended. It was a long while of surviving, learning to kill the dead, learning to keep yourself and those around you alive. And you'd lost people before — your parents, your sibling, your friends. It was a never ending Hell you were trapped in. But you'd gained a new family, and a deep connection to the moody archer. You and Daryl bonded slowly, he'd never truly told you his feelings, but he showed you he cared. You'd be engaged in late night conversations when the two of you couldn't sleep. He'd always look out for you, and when the farm fell and he'd reunited with you, he couldn't take for granted the time he spent with you. He had to tell you everything he'd been harboring in his brain.
You'd been with Rick's group since before the farm, and you were now deep within the walls of Alexandria, making this community a home. For the first time in a long time, you felt safe. Safe enough to walk around with no weapons, to curl up in bed beside Daryl and get a few hours of sleep. But where insomnia had turned in for the night, the nightmares didn't. Like tonight, after a busy day with Michonne and Maggie, you wanted nothing more than your nightly debrief in bed with Daryl. You'd showered together, slowly crawled into bed and held each other tightly. Mumbling to each other about your days, what had happened, what tomorrow's plans were. It sent you both to sleep almost immediately, still tangled into each other's arms. Your body had only allowed you a few hours of rest until the night terrors had started. You were shivering, whimpering, sweating profusely, Daryl had woken up concerned at the sounds you were making. "Sweetheart," he whispered, his hand on your head to wipe away the sweat. He was still half-asleep himself, his voice not fully there as he called for you. You were still crying, still asleep, and Daryl had sat up now to wake you up. "Come on, sit up for me." He spoke, his voice soft and you'd finally bolted up in a panic. When you'd seen that Daryl was awake for you and nothing inside your head was really happening, you breathed deeply. Letting out all anxieties and fears you had in that moment, all while Daryl kept his hand on your back. "Come 'ere." He sat against the headboard as you climbed into his lap, your limbs rattling against his. The warmth of his hands soothed you, the hushing sounds he was making was enough to make you feel better. You truly felt safe with him, no amount of walls, gates, and weaponry could make you feel as safe as Daryl did. "How 'bout we get some water?" He asked, smoothing your damp hair down and looking into your eyes. There was no way he was going to sleep until you were safely dozing off onto him, even if it meant staying awake all night. He'd do it for you.
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grimespial · 1 day
"I still think you're beautiful."
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i kiss the scars on his skin
Carl didn't want you to see him. If Daryl hadn't forced you to get rest after spending all night slaughtering any walkers you found then trying to stay up all night in case he woke up. It was one of the first things his dad told him, you were driving yourself insane waiting to see him.
But what would you think? His face was probably mangled, atleast that's what it felt like, being shot in the eye couldn't be pretty. He'd felt insecure before sure, but this was worse, he felt... broken. Carl knew there was no hiding forever, you would see his face eventually, you would see it and be disgusted and-
"Carl? You okay?" It was his dad, at some point Rick had walked in the room, and he never realised, too busy dreading what kind of face you would make.
"He's waiting you know? He knows you're awake, Daryl has to hold him back." Rick had good intentions, trying to clear the air, lighten the mood with the mention of his boyfriend, but it did the opposite. Carl choked out a sob, tears beginning to pool as he turned his head down, hair covering up the thing that caused all his self hatred.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Do you need Denise?"
Carl couldn't manage out a response, so he just shook his head. How do you tell your own dad you never want to see your boyfriend just so you don't have to witness how digusted he gets to your mangled face?
"Come on Carl, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong. You can tell me anything, you know this."
"I don't want to see him." It's a wonder Rick could even hear Carl the way his hands muffled his voice, but he caught on why immediately.
"You worried? He won't judge you, i think he'd fight anyone who tried to even look at you the wrong way." His dad layed a hand on his head, slightly ruffling his hair before a shout broke the short silence.
"Let go of me! Why can't I go see him if he's okay‽ I don't care if I need to hurt you to get there!" Of course it was you, any time he was injured you would make sure to check on him. Like always, your voice gave him butterflies but right now he felt sick, and the self-hatred burned again.
i still think you're beautiful
It wasn't long after that you burst through the doors, panting and slightly roughed up. Clearly you put up a big fight to get to Carl, all while he's thinking of ways to never show his face again.
"Carl! You're okay!" Though it sounded more like a question, trying to reassure yourself more than him or make a statement. Even with the sound of relief in your tone he couldn't bare to look up at you.
"I'll give you two some time alone, shout if you need anything."
"I'm sorry I couldn't get here earlier, I tried but they wouldn't let me, I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you.. I'm rambling now. Are.. are you okay Carl?"
Just the sound of how worried you were, how much you care for him broke him. He wanted to treasure this, it wouldn't last much longer and it stung. The last time he felt like this was when his mom was in labour. He couldn't even wipe his tears incase you saw his face.
And then you held him by his chin, lifting his head to meet your view before brushing the hair from over the wound.
"Don't look at me." No amount of hardening his voice could cover the choke and sadness, his face softening in your palms, his whole body was making him more pathetic when he was trying to hide it. It was useless though, he could never hide from you, every single one of his tics you knew. You cared so much it hurt.
"I still think you're beautiful." With one hand you rubbed your thumb across his cheek, making sure not to irritate the wound, and the other you wiped his tears.
"I'm not, don't lie, you're probably disgusted with me."
"I don't think anything about you could digust me, I'll let you know that every single hour if you need it. You're stuck with me now, even if you go down, I'll follow you."
and i dont ever wanna lose my best friend
Carl didn't hesitate to throw himself into your arms, almost tipping you over. You couldn't hold back a laugh at his reaction before leaving a chaste kiss on his lips with a small smile. It was only then that he realised he was exhausted like Denise told Rick he would be, the stress about your reaction apparently distracted him from it.
As he yawned, Carl pulled you back onto the bed, it was a tight squeeze but he didn't want to let you go, afraid that it would all be a dream and you'd be gone. That's how he fell asleep, practically on your lap squeezing you, before dragging you into a deep sleep with him, the comfort to strong to resist as your eyes shut.
That's how Rick found you, nobody had called him so everything should be fine, but it had been a while and as far as he could hear it was silent. Carl would have to forgive him later for coming in if they were still talking, but he needed to be sure everyone was okay. What he didnt expect was for Carl to be lying mostly on top of you, arms wrapped around eachother, the only sound being soft breathing and he smiled. Of course everything was okay.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 22 hours
heyy can u do a fem reader x slash smut with like daddy kink and praise kink or some shit like that. he’s just so damn fine and also the most recent slash one u did was 10/10 anyways thanks sweetie
A/n: I've had this idea for SO LONG and I needed an excuse to finally write it so thank you <3
Warnings: Smut, age gap, fingering (f receiving), squirting, daddy!kink, praising, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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You were living with Duff for University, it was cheaper for you to go to school in a different country and he happened to have signed up to take in exchange students. Duff was an advocate for better education and obviously wanted to do what he could so why not?
He was great and when he found out you were into rock he wanted to introduce you to his band, Guns N' Roses.
He brought you down to the studio just so you could sit around and hang out. You, however, noticed a certain someone paying special attention to you.
Slash had a hard time taking his eyes off of you and you didn't miss the way he continued to shift uncomfortably in his seat every few minutes.
You weren't sure who brought it up since you hadn't been in the room when they were discussing it but Duff told you about Slash's oldest son, London, and said he was around your age so he wondered if you'd want to hang out.
You agreed since Duff and Susanne had been talking about a date night anyway, thus leading to you spending the night at Slash's house.
London was nice enough, you shared some interests and had a fun time but when it got later you retreated to the guest room.
You tossed and turned but you couldn't ignore the sounds coming from the downstairs TV. You got out of bed and made your way towards the noise and found Slash on the couch watching some horror movie from the 1980's.
He didn't seem to notice you until you sat down on the couch. He glanced over at you, shamelessly eyeing you in a band shirt and nothing else. It was big enough to cover you but even so it had him readjusting himself again.
"What're you doing down here?" He asked, keeping his voice low though no one should be awake to hear.
"I heard the TV." You replied simply, gesturing to the glowing light across the room.
Slash pat the spot next to him. "Come closer, no need for you to be over there." You hesitated a moment, biting your lip before moving closer to him.
He had his arm over you, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze. Knowing he enjoyed this you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
You weren't watching the movie and you sure Slash wasn't either, you were too busy thinking about Slash and that musky smell coming from him, his big hands resting on you and the couch. Fuck, you couldn't get him off your mind.
"What do you think you're doing?" Slash asked, not taking is eyes off the TV. You looked up at him with a confused expression on your face. You hadn't even noticed the way you were mindlessly touching yourself, your hand squeezed between your thighs, your hips bucking up every few seconds.
"I-I wasn't- I didn't-" You stuttered, trying to explain yourself and failing.
"C'mere." He ordered, patting his thigh. You moved to sit in his lap, your back pressed against his chest. He hooked your legs over his, spreading them with ease. He ran a hand over your thigh, teasingly tapping your sensitive inner thigh. "Now, why'd you really come down here?"
You bit your lip, back arching at his touch. "Wanted to see you."
"Just 'see'?" He whispered, words falling right into your ear. His hand moved further up, fingers rubbing your clit through you pretty lace panties. "Wet through your fucking panties already." He grinned. "Might as well take them off if they're gonna be that useless, huh?"
You nodded weakly, shifting in his lap to help him take them off of you. You gasped when his calloused fingers touched your bare clit, two rubbing the sensitive bud in circles.
You moaned at the feeling, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder. Slash slipped a finger into you and your eyes widened, another gasp leaving you.
Slash shushed you. "Watch your fucking voice." The digit inside you moved at a slow pace, pushing and prodding at your gummy walls until he found that heavenly spongey spot. Once he found it his pace gradually increased.
Your hands clenched and unclenched, begging for something to grip as Slash finger fucked you. "Fuck, just like that." You moaned, voice airy. He inserted another finger and you moaned louder at the stretch. "Oh, fuck, feels s'good."
A warmth grew in your gut, spreading to the rest of your body. Slash groped your chest, plump lips sucking your neck, his thick fingers sliding in and out of you, using your wetness as lube.
"You keep doing that, sweetheart." He muttered, referring to the way your walls kept fluttering around him. "Gonna be a good girl and cum on daddy's fingers." His words fueled the knot growing in you and when it snapped he pulled his fingers out of you and rubbed your clit.
Your vision went white, you couldn't hear how loud you were being but you felt Slash's free hand slapping over your mouth, you could hear his deep groans in your ear.
Your breathing was heavy and your body was twitching as you came down from your high. "Look at that." Slash's soft voice came in your ear. You struggled to figure out what he was talking about, soon you saw the puddle and splatters on the wooden floor in front of you, the wet spot on the couch more prominent than anything. "I'd definitely like to see that again."
"Dad?" A tired voice called. You panicked and sunk down on the couch, using Slash's broad body as coverage.
"Yeah?" Slash responded, looking over the back of the couch.
There was a long moment of silence before you heard footsteps walking away.
Slash looked down to you. "Fuck was that for?" You chuckled softly and moved back up the couch. Slash gave your thigh a pat. "Why don't you go to bed and I'll clean up for you?" You nodded, leaning against him for a moment before getting up.
You took a step away but Slash pulled you back, wrapping an arm around you and kissing your abdomen. "I'll be seeing more of you soon, right?" You smiled and nodded before heading back upstairs.
You paused outside the guest room, just a little ways further was Slash's room. He was still downstairs cleaning, he deserved a reward for that, right?
You slipped into his room and crawled into his bed. The sheets smelled just like him and you couldn't get the thought out of your mind of him getting in with you, knowing he slept naked.
You pulled a pillow close to you, inhaling his scent deeply before bringing it between your legs and grinding against it, eagerly waiting for him to come find you.
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mistymisfit · 16 hours
cuddling with comic dick grayson when you have to leave for a mission and he just keeps delaying it by saying “a few more minutes won’t hurt”
warnings: none, pure fluff 🥳🥳🥳🥳, it's implied that he's the leader or their team since he assigned reader's mission but nothing too specific
wc: 600-something
a/n: wanted to write as a gn reader, but i failed. There's like one mention of reader using a bra, but if you ignore it, then you'll be fine. Also, I hope you like it!
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You fell into his trap again. You'd think that after being with him for as long as you have, you would have learned not to trust him. Especially when he said "let's take a nap, you'll need it if you have to be awake all night" , yeah he's very charming and he had a point but now you couldn't leave the bed. At first, it was your own sleepiness, the nap being so good you didn't even know where you were. Then it was guilt, Dick looked so peaceful having his arms all wrapped around you that you didn't wanna move and wake him up.
But now you had to get up or ekse you'd be late. You have to be up and running in the next hour if you want to make it to your mission. So, with all the pain in the world, you start whispering his name, taking his arms off you. He replies with a quiet grunt, arms repositioning to your waist and pulling your back even closer to his chest, erasing all the progress you made in getting away from him.
" Dick," You sigh "I have to go"
"Come on baby," His voice is muffled as he hides his face further into your back. "a few more minutes won't hurt"
You think he's sweet, you really do, but what would the others think if you ditched your mission to stay in bed with him.
"You assigned me to this mission, Nightwing," you remind him, using the alias to try to snap more sense into him. It doesn't work as he hooks a leg over yours when you start to wriggle out his hold.
"Mission can wait," He insists. "Just 5 minutes, okay?"
"Dick, I'll be late"
You know you could free yourself. It didn't mean you wanted to do it, knowing it'd end up in an argument. But right now with how warm and comfy you felt you weren't sure if you wanted to get up. For what? Why go out? So you can return home all sore and injured? Why when the bed was so soft and your boyfriend so sweet?
"Okay, fine" You agree, snuggling into him even more if it was physically possible.
"I'll go with you," he hums, "but give 10 more minutes"
"You said 5" you reply, already letting sleep take over you.
When you check the clock again, half an hour has passed, and you had to be up NOW. The panick that took over your senses made you shoot up and sit up so fast it woke him up. When he tried pulling back down with him you pushed his hand away. Adorable and all, but you still had to leave. So it started, the struggle to get ready as fast as you could.
You run to the bathroom, beginning to brush your teeth. Then changing your mind and walking back to the bedroom, toothbrush in your mouth looking for your clothes as he just watched in amusement. He chuckled at your struggling, trying to hold back his laugh as to not piss you off. After all it was his fault you were late.
You walked back to the bathroom and finished brushing your teeth. And walked out, pants, bra and only one shoe on. The look you gave him told him he was about to get nagged.
"Don't stare, make yourself useful." The tone you used would've made him do anything. So he quickly scrambled to his feet and helped you put your other shoe on as you did your hair.
Soon as you were almost ready you saw him looking for his suit under the bed, and you rolled your eyes knowing he'd be ready in two seconds. Of course he can afford those extra minutes in bed since his it takes him a total of 5 seconds to put on his suit and boots.
"You don't have to come" You clarified
"I know, but I want to." He smiles, putting the domino mask on."Just to spend some time with you"
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mars-wuz-herez · 2 days
The Place Where No One Goes
Chapter one
12:41 a.m. 
The blue pain in the ass: hey u awake?
Shadow had given up on sleep and was in the kitchen about to eat coffee beans when his phone buzzed. He wasn't surprised to see it was Sonic who had messaged him. He would always message Shadow when nights were tough especially after those 6 months….but it's been 3 years since that event. Things have gotten much better for Sonic. He hasn't messaged Shadow at night for quite a while.
12:43 a.m.
Shadow: Unfortunately 
Shadow saw the little dots appear at the bottom of the screen then fade away. Sonic sure was taking forever in coming up with a response. He put the phone down and started thinking about the last time he saw the blue hedgehog. He thought back to a month ago when Sonic had “accidentally” ran into him while Shadow was taking a walk around the forest. Only Shadow ever walked that path in the woods so it couldn't just have been an “accident” of running into him. But he didn't mind. It was nice to have the blue hedgehogs company. 
That day he noticed something different about Sonic, his posture was different, it didn't seem confident and the bags under his eyes, it was clear that he didn't sleep that night. Shadow asked him how he was doing. Sonic answered the question with a one word answer, ‘fine’ then started talking about his day and the dumb attack Eggman tried using against them. Only when he started talking about Amy and the rest did Shadow tune him out. As much as he respected the rest he couldn't care less about them. He went on and on until they reached the end of the path. In front of them were a bunch of signs saying ‘keep out’ or ‘beware’ or ‘danger’ Though Shadow didn't need signs to tell him that. 
The chaos energy in him shifts when he's around this place. It feels like a heavy weight is poured onto his shoulders. It also gives him a very uneasy feeling. 
“Ugh this place gives me bad vibes” Sonic said, putting his hands on opposite arms as if he was cold.
In front of them was the entrance to The Place Where No One Goes. No one knew what was in there and no one wanted to find out. If you go in there you have a 99% chance of never coming out. There has only ever been one person that has made it out alive but from what the news said that person was never the same and disappeared off the face of the earth not long after. No one has seen them since. That thought alone sent shivers down Shadow's spine and he turned to leave, Sonic following him close behind. Walking back through the air felt different. Sonic was walking beside him but he was quiet, something Shadow was not used to from said person. 
“Something on your mind hedgehog?”
“Huh? I mean no. Why?”
“You're quiet.”
“Can't a guy walk in silence?”
“Any guy can walk in silence….except you. What's on your mind?”
“Wait, am I hearing this right? Does the Ultimate Lifeform care about me?”
Shadow could feel like a muzzle and ears heat up. 
“What? No- All I asked was what was on your mind.”
“You do care about me!”
“Forget I even asked.”
“Aww Shads. There is nothing to be ashamed about-”
“I'm leaving.”
And with that Shadow Chaos Controlled out of there and appeared behind a tree not too far from where he was standing. He silently cursed himself for using his chaos energy that was close to that stupid place. He knew that being around The Place Where No One Goes made his Chaos energy wonky. But for some reason, being around Sonic made him do stupid things. He was about to reveal where he was when he saw Sonic looking behind him, down the path, to The Place Where No One Goes. He mumbled something before running away and disappearing from the path. Shadow emerged from his hiding spot. He remembered thinking to himself how weird their encounter was and what Sonic mumbled. What did he mumble? He also remembers asking himself why he even cares in the first place. This is Sonic he was thinking about. He wouldn't do anything stupid not after what happened last time when he went missing for 6 months. With that he skated away not thinking much about what just happened.
The buzzing from his phone shook him from the memory and back to reality. Sonic had finally messaged him back. He entered the passcode and looked at the unread message.
12:50 a.m.
The blue pain in the ass: wanna race?
‘It took him 7 minutes to respond…?’ 
12:51 a.m.
Shadow: Sure. Where do you wanna meet?
12:52 a.m
The blue pain in the ass: thinking close to yours? we can meet by that restaurant you like
Shadow blushed a little. Why was he blushing?
12:53 a.m
The blue pain in the ass: unless you wanna meet somewhere else?
12:53 a.m
Shadow: No, that place is fine. 
12:54 a.m 
The blue pain in the ass: great! see you in a few
Shadow turned off his phone. His stomach was doing something weird. It felt like…butterflies. He must be catching a bug or something. Before he left, he went to his room and removed a picture of team dark that was hanging on the wall. Behind the picture was a mini safe with a passcode. He entered the passcode and the door opened revealing the chaos emerald. He put the emerald into his quills, closed the mini safe door and placed the picture back. He walked past the kitchen and was about to exit the house when he heard loud snoring.
‘Right I should probably leave a note for Rouge’ he thought. He got a sticky note and pen, wrote ‘Racing with Sonic’ and left it on the kitchen counter. Then he left his house, skating towards the meeting spot. 
He arrived at the meeting spot and was looking for Sonic. He was circling the restaurant but he couldn't find him. ‘Where was he?’ Shadow thought. And like clockwork, the phone buzzed. It was a message from Sonic.
1:05 a.m
The blue pain in the ass: running late! be there soon
Of course he was late to his own meeting. That is such a Sonic thing to do. As Shadow waited for him he thought of the other time he saw Sonic last. It was during one of Eggman's attacks in the city. Eggman had just created and released a new batch of badniks to the city. He remembered seeing them on the news and not even five seconds later Rouge was calling him for backup. He went over there and destroyed some of the badniks. At one point in the fight Sonic was smashed into a building breaking the wall. Shadow remembered Tails yelling his brother's name. He could tell that Tails' voice was laced with fear. He immediately used his chaos spear to rid the robot that was keeping from Tails from checking on Sonic. 
“Go!” Shadow yelled and Tails ran to the smashed building. Shadow would've followed him but he had his own problems to deal with. Not even 30 seconds later, whatever smashed Sonic into the wall and into the building was kicked out of the building and destroyed. Eggman saw this as defeat and he yelled ‘'retreat!’. And just like the fight was over. Shadow looked back to the smashed wall and saw Sonic and Tails walking out of there. He remembered a weird weight being lifted off his shoulders when he saw Sonic walking out of there. 
But why?
Then Rouge got in front of him and started thanking him for his help. Then she started complaining about how much paperwork they would have to fill out. Shadow was just nodding and agreeing but he quickly became distracted when he saw what was happening behind her. Sonic and Tails were arguing. They were waving their hands in the air angrily. Then Tails said something that made Sonic face freeze. Then Sonic walked away from Tails, almost looking like he was about to cry. He made eye contact with Shadow and gave him one of the fakest smiles he's ever seen and left. 
“Weird,” Shadow accidently said out loud.
“What?” asked Rouge who was now looking behind her to see what Shadow was looking at.
“Nothing. I'll see you later” he said before skating off in the direction Sonic headed. He skated for a minute until he saw no sign of Sonic anywhere. He grabbed his phone and was about to call him but then he stopped himself. Why was he doing this? Why did he even care? Whatever argument Sonic had with Tails would blow over. He would get over it, snap out of it. Besides, he knew Sonic couldn't stay mad at his brother forever.
Still though he remembered the face Sonic had before he left. He looked phone in his hand, his thumb hovering over the call button for the contact: The blue pain in the ass
‘No’ he thought. ‘He'll snap out of it’ 
And with that he turned off his phone and skated back to his home. 
That was 2 weeks ago and Shadow hasn't seen or heard from him since. At least not until now.
10 minutes of him waiting. 10 fucking minutes.
“Unbelievable” he mumbled half, no, very annoyed.
He turned and was about to leave when he felt a gust of wind on his back. He turned once more to face Sonic.
“You know for the fastest thing alive you would think he would get here on time not be 10 minutes late” Shadow said crossing his arms.
“Yeah yeah I know I got held up” Sonic replied and he looked behind his own shoulder as if something was following him.
“Is everything okay faker-” Shadow asked and was about to look at whatever Sonic was looking at but was interrupted by a ‘Wait!’ and Sonic pushed him to the ground. Shadow was officially pissed and was about to tell Sonic off about personal space when he realized the position they were in. Shadow was lying on the ground and Sonic was on top of him, their faces very close to each other. All he saw was Sonic staring at him. It was silent for a few seconds before Sonic broke it.
“Heheh nice view”
“Get off me or I punch you”
“Uh right heheh sorry Shadow”
Sonic got off of him. Thanks Chaos it was dark or else Sonic would've seen how much Shadow was blushing. Sonic stood up and offered a hand to Shadow. He took it and as he was standing up he saw Sonic had a bag packed. 
“What's the bag for?”
“Oh uh!” Sonic looked behind his shoulder again.
“What are you-?”
“It's just some waters in case we get thirsty anyways lets go!” Sonic said very quickly before speeding off in the opposite direction he kept looking at. 
“Wait!” Shadow yelled and skated off to catch up with Sonic. 
Shadow doesn’t know but this time for some reason, it was harder to catch up with Sonic. It was almost like he was in a hurry to get somewhere. After a few minutes he finally did catch up with Sonic.
“What? Is something wrong?” 
“You never told me where the finish line is”
“Uh…just uh follow me and you'll know when the finish line is coming up!” 
Shadow wanted to ask more questions but Sonic sped off. Boy was he fast when he wanted to be. Shadow thought about this for a moment. Perhaps he just wants to run off some steam or whatever was keeping him from sleeping. Shadow's known Sonic long enough to know that he was more of a “It's not about the destination it's about the adventure” type of guy. 
It's one of the things he liked most about him.
So he stuck by him, avoiding any obstacles like rocks that were in his way. At first where they were running seemed unfamiliar to Shadow. He didn't recognize any of his surroundings but Sonic seemed all too familiar with it. His gut told him to trust Sonic, that he knew where he was going. So he did.
“See that tree over there surrounded by bushes? That's the finish line!” Sonic yelled.
‘Finally’ Shadow thought and used all of speed to pass Sonic. After 2 minutes they both passed the tree. Shadow stopped himself easily. Sonic did stop himself running but only after tripping his shoe laces. Before Sonic could even touch the ground though Shadow grabbed his waist and caught him. Both stared at each other once again but this time Shadow broke the silence. 
“Ahem. Whenever you feel like uh”
“Oh right sorry” Sonic said before standing up straight. Shadow let go of Sonic’s waist and looked at his surroundings. All he could manage to see was the branches hanging from the trees. 
“Cmon this way!” Sonic said and started walking off.
“Where are we?” Shadow asked, still looking around. “And what-”
Then he felt it. The shift in his Chaos energy. The heavy weight on his shoulders was there but this time it felt more…heavier.
The weight. It was becoming too much. He had to lean on a tree. 
“Shadow? What's wrong?”
Shadow looked at him now, pissed.
“You know exactly what's wrong, hedgehog. Why did you bring us here? You of all people should know why we shouldn't be out here in the first place”
Sonic opened his mouth to answer but then closed it.
“Spit it out faker”
“Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think you would be able to…feel it right now I just-”
Sonic was fidgeting with the bag he had on. The bag. Shadow's eyes widened
“Sonic what are we doing here?”
Sonic avoided his gaze.
“I…There's something wrong. I know it. I can feel it. I been having weird dreams and- all I know is that the danger…its in there”
“What type of danger?”
Sonic hesitated before answering.
“Infinite” he whispered.
Shadow felt his heart stop. Infinite? How was that even possible? They killed him.
“I know what you're gonna say Shadow but I can feel it. His presence. It's the same as when I was...listen all I know is that it's coming from there and I need to stop it alone”
“Then…why am I here?”
Sonic was fidgeting more and more with his gloves. Shadow pushes himself off the tree and walks closer towards the blue hedgehog.
“Sonic answer the question”
“This is The Place No One Goes Shadow. Once you go in….”
“No Sonic this is crazy I-”
“I brought you here to in case I really don't make it out, at least you'll be the one to know..how I…uh…”
“Sonic no. I won't allow you. You have a brother for chaos sake you have a family” Shadow grabbed his hands. “I promise you we'll find another way just-”
Shadow then felt a pain in his stomach. He fell down but not hard. Sonic was guiding him to the floor. Sonic had just punched his stomach.
“I'm sorry Shadow but I wasn't asking for permission. I have to do this. I can't let him come back”
Shadow saw Sonic running away and in front of the entrance. He saw Sonic take one last glance at him before entering The Place Where No One Goes. 
“Sonic! Please-”
He stood up despite the pain in his stomach and ran towards the entrance. Sonic was no longer there.
“SONIC!” he yelled. No response. 
He knew he had to go after him. There was no saying otherwise but this place terrifies him. It doesn't matter though. He needs to put his fears behind him today or else Green Hill will no longer have a hero. He grabbed his phone and sent Rouge a message: SOS.
Then he put the phone down pointing at the entrance.
Then he entered The Place Where No One Goes.
What Shadow didn't know was that 7 minutes later after he entered his phone buzzed. 
1:36 a.m.
Miles: Shadow I can't find Sonic and i'm afraid that he’s going to do something stupid. Please tell me he's with you…..
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animekpopsimp · 12 hours
You Almost Die (Demon Slayer Characters x Reader)
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It was a last minute decision for you to jump in front of Tanjiro, letting yourself get hit by the demon's attack instead. Tanjiro watched with horror in his eyes as you fell to the ground, bleeding. Somehow, you were still conscious, trying to push yourself back to your feet. Thinking quickly, Tanjiro pulled you into his arms, making sure you were out of harms way before swiftly beheading the demon the two of you had been fighting. Not bothering to pay any more attention to the monster, Tanjiro ran back over to you. By then, you had fallen unconscious, causing him to panic even more.
"I'm so sorry! Please don't die!" He begged, though he knew he wouldn't get any response. With tears in his eyes, he ran as fast as she could to get you to Shinobu.
The next time you woke up, you were laying in one of the beds inside Shinobu's estate. Looking around, you spotted Tanjiro sitting in a chair next to your bed. His head was resting on the bed as he slept. At that moment, he woke up, eyes going wide when he realized you had woken up. Tears instantly began to well up in his eyes as he pulled you into a hug, careful not to hurt you anymore than you already were.
"I was so worried, why did you do that?!" He cried, you smiled softly, rubbing comforting circles on Tanjiro's back.
"I didn't want you to get hurt" you admitted,
"never worry me like that again" Tanjiro said, still hugging you.
Inosuke had always been reckless, and this moment was no different. While fighting a demon, he had sustained some serious injuries. The Demon took advantage of that and sent what could be a fatal attack. Eyes going wide, you quickly took action, pushing him out of the way. However, in the process you didn't have time to block or dodge the incoming attack. Inosuke watched as you fell to the ground, after that instant, Inosuke felt more rage consume him than ever before. He rushed toward the demon.
You awoke to find yourself in Shinobu's estate, alone. What had happened before came rushing back just as the door opened. The insect pillar walked in.
"Oh, you're awake, how do you feel?" The woman asked. However, you weren't worried about yourself.
"Where's Inosuke? Is he ok?!" You asked frantically. Shinobu chuckled to herself.
"He's fine, you should worry more about yourself." She spoke, you let out a sigh of relief, happy to know that he was alright. Suddenly, Inosuke burst through the door.
"(Y/N)! You're awake!!!" He shouted before latching onto you, ignoring Shinobu, who was trying to tell him to be careful.
Zenitsu hated how much of a coward he was, even at the moment where you were laying on the ground, bleeding out, he found himself almost too scared to move. Suddenly, he passed out and within a second, he had decapitated the demon.
"(Y/N)!" Zenitsu shouted, rushing to the side of the hospital bed you were laying in.
"I'm so sorry, I'm such a coward, I couldn't protect you!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.
"Keep it down! People are trying to rest!" Aoi yelled. You smiled softly, placing a hand on Zenitsu 's head in a comforting manner.
"You did save me, you were the one who killed the demon." You pointed out, laughing softly. Zenitsu looked at you with wide eyes as he wiped a tear from his face.
"Really?" He asked with a hopeful tone in his voice. You nodded,
"then I promise to get stronger so you never get hurt again" he spoke.
"I'm sure you will" you said as Zenitsu hugged you. Aoi watched with a small smile on her face.
You slowly opened your eyes as you looked around, finding yourself in the Butterfly Mansion.
"What-what happened?" You asked, your voice caused Rengoku, who had been sleeping next to you, to stir. He opened his eyes, his expression changing to one of relief when he saw that you were awake.
"You're awake..." He said before suddenly pulled you into a hug, careful not to bother your injuries.
"I was so worried that I was going to lose you" he said, resting his head on your shoulder. You returned the hug,
"I don't remember what happened" you told him. Rengoku pulled away from the hug as he began to explain.
"You took a hit for me, I didn't know if you would make it" he spoke, at that moment, you started to recall the demon trying to attack Rengoku. And the moment you took the hit from him.
"Never scare me like that again" Rengoku's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"I won't" you said as Rengoku pulled you into another hug.
Waking up, you found yourself in the Butterfly Mansion. There were bandages wrapped around your mid section. Just then, the door opened and Giyu froze in the door way when he saw you awake. The bento he was holding nearly fell from his hands as he rushed over to the side of your bed. He placed the food down, kneeling next to the side of the bed.
"You're awake, I was so scared you would die" he said, you vividly remembered the moment the demon hit you. Even you didn't think you would make it. Looking at Giyu, you noticed he was crying. He carefully wrapped his arms around you as you let him cry.
"You're finally awake! I'm so happy. Never scare me like that ever again. I can't stand the thought of you dying!" Mitsuri's voice was what you were greeted with when you woke up in Shinobu's estate. She ran over to the side of your bed, tears running down her face as she did so.
"Mitsuri..." You started to say.
"Please don't get hurt like that again!" She begged, her tears staining your shoulder. You smiled softly, letting her take time to calm down.
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honk4shelbi · 1 day
🙂❤️ Charpim Fic Inspired by my followers !
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I call this one.... Burger hot chocolate hands .. .
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" Alright, here we are. You sure you don't want me to drop you off closer to your apartment ? " Mr. Boss parks his Ford F150 outside the local Salty's; its concerning this place is still opened after the murder case. Almost as concerning as knowing the Boss has a Ford F150.
Thank god he does though-- or Charlie wouldn't of been able to make it to work today, not during this weather.
" Uh, yea its fine. I'm like, five minutes from here." Charlie steps down from the truck, showing care to grab the assisting handle tightly. The roads, the side walks, the EVERYTHING was covered in a thin sheet of ice. One wrong step and he could eat shit on the pavement. " I haven't been able to get groceries; I'm starving. "
" Alrighty then. Sleep in tomorrow; I think the roads are suppose to be even WORSE so I'm closing up shop. Even I don't want to drive my baby on that. Isn't that right baby girl ? " The Boss proceeds to coddle the dashboard of his truck. Weird.
" Uh-- okaaaay.... Cya man. " " Bye Bye Charlie, Be safe ! "
Charlie couldn't wait to feast on one of his burgers. As he walked home, he scarfed one down entirely. What ? The weather does this to him-- its like.. hibernation or something like that. That's why he bought THREE of them.
After a long, precarious tread to his apartment, Charlie wasted no time curling up on his couch, wrapping himself in his Mr. Frog in Space throw blanket.
Siigghhh.... " Finally I can be warm again; I can't do this cold shit-- "
Suddenly, it goes dark.
" No. Fucking. Way. " The power was out. Of coarse this shitty ass apartment complex couldn't handle one winter storm. " God damnit. " Charlie, given no choice, gives up on watching T.V and instead crawls onto his mattress. There's nothing else to do without power-- he might as well sleep it off and finish the rest of his cold burgers.
The power will surely come on eventually...
Come several hours of shivering in bed, Charlie gives up. " Fuck-- will Pim even be awake at 1 am ? " He reaches over at his phone, which was dangerously only at 12 percent of battery. Have to make this count.
Come on Pim.. I'm counting on you.. He dials Pim's number.
" Charlie you should of called me way sooner ! You're freezing ! I can't believe you thought you could sleep with no heat ALL night-- " Pim had to drive slow. VERY slow. His car was nice, but it wasn't meant for this ice. Thankfully, no one else is on the road so he can really pace himself.
" Yea yea yea. " Charlie breathes a fog of warm air into his hands, before holding them up to the heat vents. ".. Thanks Pim. "
Pim nods, " Of coarse. But I don't feel comfortable doing this again tomorrow-- you'll just have to just stay with me until the roads thaw. But I don't mind ! It'll be fun ! We can watch movies, and drink hot chocolate ! "
Charlie's cheeks start to warm up-- both a blessing and a curse in this situation. He just realized how utterly fucked he'd be without Pim right now... it's kind of embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as how much he was looking forward to spending time with Pim. Damn him and his stupid crush-- " Pim, If you make me hot chocolate I'll be one happy critter . "
" Anything to see you smile." " What ? " " NOTHING. " Pim's cheeks glow red and he remains far more silent the rest of the ride. Looks like Charlie wasn't the only one looking forward to this..
Not so surprisingly, Pim's place still had power. Charlie always felt self conscious when he visited Pim's apartment-- Pim is just... so much more put together. His apartment actually WASN'T a piece of shit. But Charlie didn't get to think about that long before Pim started speaking;
" Let me start the hot chocolate-- just make yourself warm. "
Charlie sunk into the couch; just happy to be warm. Then he used a nearby outlet to start charging his phone. As he waited, his mind began to wonder. Was he sleeping on the couch? Of coarse he would.. why wouldn't he ? It would be weird if they slept in Pim's bed together. . . . . .
" Here Charlie ! " " AHH ! "
The smaller critter gasps. " Oh god-- sorry I didn't mean to scare you ! " Pim ditches the mug of cocoa on the table and hops onto the couch; He scoots even closer, so he can pat Charlie's back. He's aware of Charlie's heart problems, so he was genuinely concerned. " I just got excited." He grabs Charlies hand tightly.
Catching his breath, Charlie squeezes the hand, enjoying the warmth of the other. A bit TOO much. " It's fine-- i was just distracted. "
" About what, Charlie, are you alright ? " " Yea I said it's f-- "
Eye contact. They both just realized how close they were sitting to each other. That time they kissed at Salty's replays in both their heads. It's almost as if they both were considering kissing each other in that moment but--
The lights go out.
" Oh no.... "
Both tired and defeated, they get ready for bed. " Sorry about this Charlie-- Last year this didn't happen.. guess it really is bad out there. " He says as he turns the living room lamp off so Charlie can sleep more soundly on the couch.
" It's not your fault Pim, don't apologise. I just fucking hate it-- I ain't built for the cold like this. " In fact, his breath was already creating a small fog. He shivers. " Still better inculcated then my place though. "
Pim walks over towards his room, but lingers a moment, not quick to leave. He twirls the point to his sleeping cap. " Well.. Goodnight Charlie.... "
" Night bud. "
... ... ...
" Pim ? " " Yea Charlie ? " " Do you want me to sleep in bed w- "
" YES ! " Thank GOD he asked-- he wanted it SO badly he couldn't stand it. Pim fantasized about sleeping with Charlie ever since he got the call-- hell.. ever since they kissed he's thought about it.
Charlie bites his lip and hesitates; Just enough to build up the nerve to get up and hurry over to Pim. He lifts the smaller critter into his arms and carries him to bed.
They both giggle and immediately lock their bodies together for warmth under the blankets.
" Thanks for answering the phone, dude. " Pim grins and leans in closely. " Call me more often. " He coos before kissing his friend passionately.
They both had wanted this for so long.
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THE END, Thanks for contributing @gaspipegeoff , @cosmo-shell , @onceagwen
If you got this far and like it, then consider supporting my Kofi . I'm planning on continuing this w/ maybe smut involved as a next chapter and posting it on my Kofi for my supporters by the end of Thursday ( 4th) . Don't worry ill post it here eventually too, but youll get it way earlier there.
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clnbee · 9 months
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Ok so crazy thought Maybe im delusional i dont know my head hurts but
what if WHAT IF stede is not actually a mermaid but a siren. Blackbeard's siren. Leading Blackbeard to his death. So Ed can live as Ed, as himself for himself not the image of Blackbeard
idk im probably thinking too hard
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slvttyplum · 3 months
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when suguru got his tongue piercing you really didn't think too much into it, you thought it was just another person he was getting and that was that, but it was until that cold silver metal was rubbing against your clit you started to care.
it was like the feeling of getting a vibrator for the first time, you just had to use it over and over again until you physically got tired of it, that's what you did when you rode his face every single day and night, you could not get enough.
it was such a good feeling, and it made shivers ring around your body all around, it felt too good, better than a vibrator, that's why he had to eat your pussy every time. suguru loved the fact that you were using his mouth, as much as he loved eating your pussy, this was like christmas for him.
instead of him waking you awake to eat your pussy or just grabbing you to sit on your face, it was you with those pretty puppy dog eyes telling him to eat you out, what did he do? just that, you did not have to ask him twice.
when his tongue swiped back and forth between your folds and would repeatedly push against your clit and flick up and down, your eyes would roll to the top of your head and your body twitching with pleasure, it was a new sensation that you wanted to experience over and over again.
suguru was already good at eating your pussy and having your toes curl along with squirting your brains out, but this piercing enhanced the feeling all the way. sometimes he couldn't even get through you riding his face because you would cum in two minutes, then be on the verge of finishing for the third time in the fifth minute.
he thought it was so cute though, whenever you would hold onto him during the day not saying anything hoping he would get the hint, and he couldn't even resist. suguru fucking loved eating you out, and if you were so horny for him to use his new tongue, then he was going to use it and make sure you were orgasmed out of your mind.
your favorite position was when he would push your thighs into your chest making you hold them and just eat the fuck out of your pussy, it felt so good it had you crying and whining, but did you ask him to stop? hell no, you took that shit like a champ.
your toes twitching and curling as the grip you had around your thighs were loosening as he continues to eat you out, he wasn't going to stop even if you were begging and your face was swelling from the tears, he was going to keep going until his tongue fell off.
his spit and your fluids dripping off his tongue as he looks up at you moaning, it was a view he never got tired of seeing, he loved seeing it, loved seeing the pleasure drip down your core. suguru could never imagine seeing someone else do the faces you do when his tongue is deep inside of you.
don't let this man put his fingers inside of you while he's slowly rubbing his tongue over your clit, the small ball of metal pressing gently against your clit every 2 seconds while his fingers pushed and curved up to your sweet spot.
it was like edging but instead of the pleasure stopping for a few seconds, the pleasure just kept going but in a different way, your body begging for his tongue to go back to your clit every time he rolls it down.
this is why he was your favorite eater, he knew what the fuck he was doing.
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alastor-simp · 6 months
Alastor x Reader - Sleeping On His Lap
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Here is my attempt at a Alastor x reader fanfiction. Took me awhile to kinda get into his character so please don't be mad if Alastor seems a bit off. Enjoy!
Sigh, it was another eventful day at the Happy Hotel, or Hazbin Hotel as it was now called as a certain deer demon decided to change the name. You had spent all day doing certain tasks around the hotel such as helping Charlie create posters for the hotel, clean the rooms with Nifty, break up the brawl between Vaggie and Angel Dust as he had pissed her off one too many times and organize the bar for Husk as he was passed out drunk. You could have refused to do these things, but you enjoyed helping people, so it made it all worth it.
You had started working at the hotel after you had saw Charlie singing on the 666 news about the hotel and redeeming demons, only for her idea to be made a laughing stock upon everyone who watched the broadcast. You actually had mixed feelings about the whole redeeming thing, seeing as you weren't sure if someone like you could be sent to heaven, despite not being a very big criminal during your time when you were alive, but apparently doing a little shoplifting is enough to send you a one way ticket to hell. Charlie's words did inspire you a little bit, so even if you felt that you couldn't be redeemed, others probably had a better chance, so you decided to head to the hotel and ask for a job after the broadcast was cut off from the brawl with Charlie and Katie Killjoy. You were hired in a split second and immediately pulled into a bear hug by Charlie, and then introduced you to the others.
Back to the present, you began to feel extremely exhausted from moving around everywhere, so you headed over to one of the rooms with the long couches so you could take a rest. Heading into one of the rooms, you peeped around and saw that no one was there, which made it better as you really needed some peace and quiet. Heaving a deep sigh, you sat down on the couch, turning and falling back, as you laid your body down, with your head facing the front of the couch. "What a long day", thinking to yourself as your eyes slowly began to close and you were lulled into a deep sleep.
**2 Hours Later**
As you were sleeping, you felt the sensation of someone petting your head, the soothing feeling had awoken you a bit, but you quickly fell back asleep at the warm touch. You could feel that you were holding something in your dreams, and you assumed it was one of the pillows on the couch, so you brought it closer to your face and nuzzled it. "Mm, smells nice ", as the scent from the pillow was making you more relaxed, as it reminded you of a being in the middle of a deep forest. After sleeping for 30 more minutes, you slowly began to open your eyes, and try to make out what was in front of you. Expecting to see a pillow, you saw red stripes in front of you, "Huh?" As you were still trying to make out what was in front of you, a loud voice interrupted your thoughts: "Ah, awake now are we?", said a static voice above you. Eyes opening wide, you looked up from your position and saw Alastor staring down at you with his trademark smile. Slowly, you began to piece together that you were laying on his lap, and nuzzled into his chest as you were sleeping. "AHHHH", jumping up from your position, you rolled off his lap, and your body fell to the ground as you stared at Alastor in shock, as he continued to look at you with his glowing eyes, amused at your reaction. "Um, h-how long was I sleeping on your lap?", you softly asked, as your face was red, but your eyes were showing fear, as you remembered that Alastor did not like to be touch, and you happened to hug him in your sleep. "HAHA, For quite a while, darling. It was a very busy day, I assume?", Alastor said as he placed his arm on the armrest of the couch, and his hand against his cheek, smiling even wider.
Nodding your head, you slowly got up from your position, and started apologizing to Alastor, eyes aiming towards the ground and fingers twiddling together. Alastor raised an eyebrow and wondered why you were apologizing, to which you answered that you had hugged him in your sleep, and that he made it very aware that he did not enjoy physical contact from someone unless he initiated it, feeling extremely bad if you made him uncomfortable. Listening to you, Alastor's smile relaxed to a small grin as he looked at you with gentle eyes. He did admit that he was not use to being touch by others, and was quite surprised from the sleep hug, but he didn't detest it as much coming from you, which boggled his mind completely. It must be due to your kind and innocent nature that made him react different around you, as he was used to more of the common riff raff being terrified of him or trying to battle in a turf war, but how you were with him, made his black heart melt.
Feeling that Alastor was upset as he didn't respond to your apology, you quickly excused yourself and began to head over to the door to leave. A loud SNAP was heard and before you knew it, you had been teleported back on to the couch, this time being seated on Alastors lap. "A-Al, what are you doing?!", your face began to become as red as his hair, while your eyes stared at Alastor in shock. Smiling at you, Alastor moved his hand to your chin and tilted your face up: "There is no need to apologize, darling. If I had been upset about you hugging me, you possibly w̩͉͍̱̍̂̉̊o̫̼̐̎̋͜u͚͌l̳̓d̠͉̗͋̔͞'̼̳̣̼͊̏̾̾t͜͝ ͕̱͐͠ḇ̅e̙͗ ͍͓͔̱͍͛̔͌͘͞a̝̜̘̎́͒ḽ͒í̱̙̈́v̧̌e̠͠ ̢̹̜́́̈̀ͅr̲͇̳̅̽͌i̩͈̒̅ĝ̲̦̎ẖ̛̳̲͙̀͌̽͘ͅt͉̅ ͖̞͍̞́̋͛͛ň͚̫̦́͂̿͟o̱͌w̡̕" he said, as his eyes flashed for a second into radio dials. "However! I am not opposed to be touched by you. So no need to apologize, my dear.", Alastor said as he continued to smile at you widely, but his glowing eyes were looking at you softly, letting you know that he was not angry with you. Feeling shy, you turned your head away from Alastor, muttering a soft okay, as your heart was beating rapidly. "Smile my dear!" Alastor said as he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek, to have you look at him again. Baring through the embarrassing situation, you gave Al a small smile, which pleased him. "You always over do it, darling. While Charlie and I appreciate your efforts at helping the hotel, it does no good to work yourself to the point of fatigue. If you are ever feeling exhausted and need a break, don't be hesitant to come find me, as my radio tower is open to you. Understand, my dear?" said Alastor, as he leaned closer towards you, making you flustered again.
Nodding your head was enough to let Alastor knew you understood as he chuckled, while sliding you off his lap, and as he stood up from the couch. "Now then, we should probably head back to the lobby before the others get worried about our lack of presence.", He said, as he straighten his coat out, while turning towards you, extending his hand out for you to take it. "Yeah we should", as you grabbed his hand, and made your way with him back to the lobby. You were still trying to process what just happened between you and Alastor, but you feel like you both have become much closer then before, and you didn't mind it one bit.
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mariamlovesyou · 7 months
tuned into Plestia's live with Rahma Zein's second account (she got shadowbanned). key moments:
plestia talked about her adjustment to living in australia. "it's 1:30am now and it's normal for me and many palestinians who live abroad to be awake hours into the morning. i am scared of sleeping. because of the time difference, i'm scared if i sleep i will wake up to bad news. in gaza i was scared of the sound of the bombs, here i am scared of the quiet."
contacting family and friends in gaza is near impossible. "sometimes i feel like a crazy person, calling 20 times in a row hoping that on the 21st time the call might go through."
on the destruction of entire communities and neighbourhoods: "i'm scared when i go back to gaza i won't recognise it anymore. someone sent me a picture of my neighbourhood, and i couldn't tell it was mine at first. all my favourite places, cafes where the aunties used to give me extra food and ask about my day, have been destroyed. i dread looking at my gallery or seeing snapchat memories because most of these people in the pictures are no longer alive."
rahma asked plestia to talk about one story that stuck with her. plestia said "i remember walking one time on the 'safe corridor', that's what they called it anyway, and i saw an older woman clutching onto a donkey cart where her son's body was, refusing to let go of it. i asked my colleague what the smell was, he said it's dead bodies under the rubble. it was the first time i familiarised myself with the smell. the son's body was decaying and the woman told me about cats and animals eating away at it. i've had children talk to me about birds eating away at their parents' decomposing bodies and not being able to chase them away."
"it seems so silly to go to hospitals for minor sicknesses now. i can't even think about how many palestinian children are going to be terrified of hospitals now. there was a girl who was taken to the hospital to get treatment for injuries by one of the bombs, and while she was in the bathroom another bomb landed nearby. the impact from that sent the ceiling crashing down on her.. she got another injury while getting treated for her first one."
"i hate how people talk about our resilience - as if it's okay that this is happening to us. we are only surviving because we have to, because we have no other choice."
rahma brought up the way family homes are set up in palestine and asked plestia to elaborate. "basically, there are floors. someone will live on the ground floor, and then their married son lives with his children on the floor above them, and then their successors above them and so on. so when family homes are targeted, they wipe out entire families. many families officially no longer exist."
"i used to wear my journalist helmet and vest all the time, felt naked without it, even slept with the vest on sometimes until i realised it only made me more of a target. they didn't give me any protection, only headaches and back pain."
"i am an optimistic person, i loved covering sweet sentimental things, like at my graduation asking parents of top graduates how they feel about their children graduating. that's what i love reporting on. i wanted to cover things like that when i came back to gaza, show the beautiful side of gaza that the media didn't really show, but i didn't have the chance." "do you think they'll give you right of return?" "i can only hope."
plestia mentioned how hard it was being a journalist with limited access to the internet, charging facilities, no mics, lack of equipment and how difficult it was uploading things. rahma asked her what's one story that wasn't really recorded or posted due to these constraints; plestia said "the evacuations. sometimes they informed us about them, sometimes they didn't. you have no idea how hard it was, everyone looking for their family members, making sure every one was there, taking to the streets in 5 minutes and not knowing which way to go. i remember i went to my friend's house for shelter for 30 minutes before the first evacuation was announced and we ran to another family's house, stayed there for 2 days before another evacuation was announced. me, my friend, and that family all evacuated together to another family's house. there were already so many people there seeking shelter, it wasn't just one family staying there. none of us knew how long we had in any place."
before october 7th, palestinians were used to limitations on electricity. plestia used to plan her day's tasks around when the electricity was working. "for example when the electricity was on from 12 to 4, i would say i will do my laundry and charge the phones during this time. life wasn't exactly 'normal', but all of us pray to have those days back in comparison to what we are experiencing now." plestia also said that cars are running on cooking oil now because there is no fuel.
on hygiene: "many pregnant women have to give birth without any pain medication or medical attention. once we ran out of medicine, that was it. women who had to get C-sections couldn't stay to recover or get followup treatments because someone else needed the bed. we have no water, no tissues, no pads, barely any bathrooms. in the shelter schools you have to wait an hour before even getting to use the bathroom because of how many people are there."
"something you don't hear about is how many people die because of sadness. there's so many ways to die in gaza, because of the bombardment, because of starvation, the lack of resources, but i also know many elderly people who died because their hearts couldn't take it anymore. i have been in gaza before and lived through 4 aggressions, but nothing compared to this one."
a recurring sentiment that was echoed in the video: "sometimes i thought to myself: who am i recording this for? because we've already shown everything, we've already talked about everything. everything has already been said, the proof is everywhere, nothing i talked about today is new." rahma said the first video posted about what's happening in palestine should've been enough.
she is 22 today. plestia's closing words: don't stop talking about us, don't stop boycotting, don't stop protesting, please don't get bored of fighting for palestine.
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lymtw · 13 days
It's three in the morning and the sound of your phone vibrating against the bed wakes you from your peaceful slumber. You lazily reach for the blinding light next to you, instantly knowing who's on the other end when you see the blue diamond emoji.
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You were very much asleep, the raspiness in your voice making it that much more evident.
"Hey, sorry to wake you. Are you okay to talk for a bit?"
Satoru sounds like he's wide awake.
"Don't worry about it. What's up?"
You roll onto your side, your phone between your ear and your pillow. If you close your eyes for more than three seconds, you'll fall asleep again.
There's a slight pause between your response and his. Maybe the signal is bad or he didn't hear you.
"Is everything alright, Satoru?"
"I can't sleep."
He responds quickly this time. His tone didn't change. He didn't sound like he was in distress or too worried about the fact.
"Oh. Uh... have you tried drinking some chamomile tea? I personally don't like it, but when I need to rest, I suck it up and force myself to drink a cup."
He chuckles on the line. You always do what is best for you, even if it's not something you particularly enjoy.
"I think i'm just missing you a lot. Can I come over?"
It was strange to think he hadn't tried a tea remedy for his inability to sleep, but who were you to tell him that? Sleep deprivation does things to people.
"Right now? It's a little late, don't you think?"
You blink slowly, trying to adjust your blurry vision in the dark.
"I promise I won't fall asleep behind the wheel. I really want to see you. Please say yes."
You shut your eyes tightly and open them, your vision clearing up a little. When have you ever said 'no' to him? He always manages to change your mind when you do.
You sigh.
"Okay. You have the spare key to my apartment. I'm going back to sleep."
"I'll be there in like fifteen minutes. Love you, bye!"
You can hear the joy in his tone. He was genuinely so uncomfortable being alone with himself, that he had to wake you up so late at night to invade your space.
You knocked out again, once you hung up the phone. You were in such deep sleep that you didn't even notice when Satoru got to your apartment, or when he entered your room.
You did feel the bed weigh down when he laid down next to you, and your nose couldn't ignore his sweet, sweet scent.
"Baby," he whispered. "I'm here."
"Okay, now go to sleep," you mumble, your eyes still closed.
"Come here." He effortlessly turns you over and pulls you close, lifting your leg over his hip. His hand went up to your face, caressing your delicate, peaceful features before scattering kisses all over it, making sure to elongate the duration of the ones he leaves on your lips.
"Baby," he coos. "Come on, kiss me back."
He's like a dog—constantly begging for your attention. The thought makes you crack a smile, one Satoru does not miss.
"I know you're awake." He smiles, putting your leg back in place, before rolling over until he's on top you.
"Fucking hell, 'toru," you break, cracking up at how he had no remorse after crushing your body.
"There's my pretty baby. I'm so glad you're awake now."
"It's your fault," you grumble.
"If wanting to love you is a crime, then throw me in the slammer and toss the key." His nose dove into your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. "You're just so pretty, and you're all mine."
His affection was starting to evolve into more than lovey dovey kisses. His lips stung every time they met your delicate neck. His hands were roaming beneath your shirt, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He loved the way your breathing quickened. It had him chasing more of the reactions associated with the hummed melodies.
"You are mine, right?" He knows the answer, but hearing you say it from time to time always makes him happy. His icy blue eyes can read your response before you even form it. He loves flustering you with eye contact tied with touches that burned with desire. To top it all off, he loves teasing you to see the way you scramble your response. "It's okay if you're not." He smirks, catching the way your eyes widened the slightest bit. "That's subject to change, isn't it?" He eggs on.
"I'm yours, Satoru. I belong to you," you say, making it crystal clear to him. "All yours." With this, he wouldn't doubt it again until the next time he wasn't with you.
"Yeah? You know, I would've done anything to hear those words from you." He leans down to kiss you, a spike of arousal hitting him when you bit his lip and sucked on it.
"Oh... you can't do that. I will put a baby in you." He has never said anything so seriously.
"I dare you to put a baby in me," you say, teasingly. You know he won't do it. He's not ready to share you yet.
"Keep acting like that and I will."
His lips ghost the column of your neck, trailing down your chest and lower to your abdomen. Your oversized gown of a t-shirt was the only thing standing between your body and his eyes. He pulled it up and off with a little help from you, tossing it aside after.
You were a little nervous about what was running through Satoru's head. He was devouring you with just his eyes and already you felt so flustered.
"God, don't ogle me like that, 'toru." You put your hands over your breasts—a makeshift bra to cover what he was staring at.
"Let me see you, baby," he pries, gently. He puts his hands on yours, not pulling them away as to not make you do anything you don't want to do. You end up moving your hands on your own, but turn away, unable to hold his gaze when he's watching you that way.
He cups your breasts, his thumbs swiping over your nipples, instantly making them pebble. He could feel the way you tried to press your thighs together, your relief disturbed by his body wedged between your legs. You tried your hardest to remain composed, but his fingers wouldn't let up. His eyes were glued to your face, watching intently until you let out a shaky breath.
"Mhm..." he hummed, grinning at your bashful attempt to stay quiet. "I know this is driving you crazy."
"Shut... up."
"If it isn't, why can I feel you rubbing up against my stomach."
You stop and your cunt throbs at the suddenness of it.
"Just let it out and we can move on. Let me hear that pretty little ah-"
"Fuck," you whimper, interrupting his instructive moan. Your back arches slightly off the mattress, your hands flying to grip his wrists, tightly.
"Good girl," he praises, his fingers letting off your tortured peaks. Little butterfly kisses are placed between your breasts, trailing down to your stomach, where he spends so much time eliciting giggles from you.
His fingers hook around the elastic band of your shorts and panties, pulling them both down in one swoop.
"I didn't know kissing turned you on so much," he says, eyeing the glossy remnants left in your underwear.
"'toru..." you whine, feeling somewhat embarrassed about the amount of arousal you feel at the simplest touches from him.
"What? I'm not complaining one bit. It's cute."
He slides two fingers between your folds, easily collecting your sweetness. You jolt at the sudden contact, looking at him with doe eyes.
"Oh, baby. I don't deprive you of my touch that much, do I?"
You shake your head as he continues to collect your nectar, his fingers dipping in slightly to fully coat his fingertips.
"My sensitive princess." He smiles, softly. "How many times do you wanna cum?"
He never asks you this, always just giving you everything he can give or what you can take. You go for a small number, not wanting to seem excessively needy.
"Maybe two times? Please?" Your voice sounds meek. Like you're asking him for the impossible.
Satoru just chuckles. "How 'bout we triple that number?"
"S-Satoru—fuck— just like that, like that!" Your head pushes back against the pillow, your hands beside your head, scrunching up the sheets.
This was the fourth orgasm. There was cum spotted over your inner thighs and sweat layered over both your bodies. He had driven you to insanity like he planned.
"More, baby?" He grunts, thrusting with his continuous pace.
"Please," you cry out, fresh tears welling in your eyes again.
Satoru loved watching the tears stream down your face because he got to lean down and kiss them away. He takes the opportunity to praise you— to tell you how good you're being for him.
Your back arched and you braced yourself for the intensity of your next orgasm. Satoru swallowed your moans, kissing you fervently through his own rush. His breathing stuttered when he felt your nails clawing at his back, and once again his cum spurted into you. His breathing was heavy through the nose due to his insistence of kissing you until he you patted him for air.
"Fuck," you muttered. You let out an out of breath laugh, your chest rising and falling quickly as you tried to even out your breathing.
"That's five, baby." He exhales sharply, leaning back and running a hand through his dampened locks. You look at him with twinkling eyes, a smirk being thrown in your direction from your admiration.
"Come here," you say, outstretching your arms towards him. Satoru immediately fills the vacancy, sighing when you rake your nails against the nape of his neck. "Want you to take your time with this last one."
He takes that as a green light to start up again. He guides his cock into you again, savoring the hum that leaves you when he stuffs you again and begins his slow rhythm.
"'toru?" Your voice sounded sultry to his ears.
"This won't happen again. I hope you know that." You're trying your hardest not laugh or make any sounds that take from the meaning of what you're saying.
He had to raise his head to meet your gaze. Something in the way he looked at you made you believe that this would definitely happen again.
"I hope it does. I love having you under me."
"It's inconvenient. It's so late, 'toru. Why can't we fuck when i'm not trying to sleep? Like in the daytime, or earlier in the night?"
His lips trace your jawline, and you just know he's going for your neck. Satoru lives for pointing out the marks he left on you, the day after.
"Simple," he hums. "I want you to myself." His hips continue to rock into you at the same languid pace. "At night, nobody is gonna take you from me. You won't be distracted and I get all your attention to myself." He kisses your neck. "You're all mine at night. Nobody expects you to be awake."
You gasp when he hits a spot that aches deliciously.
"Come on, baby. Give it to me," he murmurs into your neck. You can feel the way his back ripples as he instinctively picks up the pace. He was overwhelming, thrusting deeper and deeper like he was trying to consume you. What was supposed to be a slow drive towards your final orgasm of the night, turned into him unapologetically using his stamina to lure everything he could out of you. He was almost too much with the way his mouth was ruthless towards your neck and the bruising grip he kept on your hips. You were rendered the smallest thing for him.
"Satoru," you moaned, mindlessly grabbing onto his shoulder blades.
"I know, sweetheart, I know." He kisses you, tenderly, heavily contrasting the savage speed of thrusts.
You whimpered into the lip lock. Your heels dug into the mattress and your toes curled from the intensity of the pleasure you felt. Your breathing became heavier but Satoru refused to unlink his lips from yours. He couldn't when the sounds you made tasted like heaven on his tongue. His own sounds mingled with yours, a harmony that let you know that you weren't the only one feeling good. He was rutting into you, a telltale sign that he was about to cum.
"Mmm..." he hums, before unlatching his lips from yours. He panted as he watched you unravel beneath him, the smallest pinch between your brows as you gushed on him again. The way your walls spasmed around him had him following right after, another load painting your walls.
He grinned at you devilishly, the expression followed by a bright and sunny, airy chuckle. He pulls out of you, and looks down to watch your combined fluids slowly ooze out of you.
"Damn, you really tried putting a baby in me." You sigh, heavily, immediately regaining his attention. "Why do we fuck like this every time?" You rub your eyes, your sleepiness coming back around.
"I'll get one in there someday." He rubs his palm over your stomach. "And also, it's always like that because I love the face you make when you cum and you love the process of giving me that sight." His eye conveyed a seductiveness to their expression that kept you in check.
Your face goes red, warm to the touch. "Shut up." You sit up and playfully shove him.
"I get to cover you in semipermanent kisses, too." His hand comes up to the side of your neck and his fingers trace the red smudges that will darken over time. You roll your eyes, yet still put your hand over his, bringing it to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles.
"We should shower. It's almost five in the morning." You ignore the mischievous glint in his eyes and the way he's obviously trying to suppress a boyish grin.
"Carry me, please?"
Satoru chuckles, knowing exactly why you want him to carry you.
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rxmye · 3 months
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𝐀 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 — you're his entire world, his only thought, the very illness that has corrupted his mind and body . . .
gender neutral reader / yandere oc x reader / mentions of sleep medication / pathetic yandere / suggestive content / a character slightly aimed towards people with a savior complex
masterlist | requesting rules | character info . . . a/n: edited, Lucas first fanfic is out !! . . click here to read it !! <3
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He was someone with fleeting attraction—yet a hopeless romantic, who'd spend most of his class time doodling away in his notebook instead of taking actual notes, writing these scenarios that played out in his mind—tired hazy doodles of small characters, blurry lines of writing, scribbled out text, as he struggled to stay awake—
He had never had a proper sleeping schedule, and if he did he'd never stick to it, a night owl who often faced the consequences of his own actions, sleep medication was something he was all too familiar with, the feeling of being restless without sleep, his nerves always on edge, dark circles under his eyes made him feel insecure, and alarmingly out of character.
He felt something touch his back, he froze, nerves all over the place, a pit growing in his stomach as he turned almost instinctively to face whoever touched him, pushing their hand off harshly . . . "Hey Yoichi . . what's up with you man, why so aggressive?!" Lucas asked . . and then he froze, letting out a nervous and rather embarrassed chuckle, "Ah—um . . sorry Lucas . . just feeling a little tired that's all", he replied softly, voice barely coming out.
To be quite honest, when he first saw you, Yoichi thought nothing of it, he sat at the very back and you for some reason, sat in front of him, not that he minds, you're presence covered him from the teachers eyesight, which allowed him to do whatever he wanted, he was even able to drift off to sleep during that period.
However, it wasn't until he found himself, drawing tiny versions of you in his notebook, little doodles, pink ink staining the paper as he hearted your initials together—his name then your last name . . your name then his last name . . . names of future children—that he realized he was crushing on you . . . big time.
His emotions was fleeting, it had always been, he didn't think much of it . . it was just a simple crush, everyone has one of those, and they go away with time.
Yoichi was a punctual student—and a well organized one—he'd rarely forget his books, much less the notebook with his embarrassing doodles of him and you, it would ruin his image to be quite honest . . yet for some reason he had forgotten it in class today, it could've been his ever-growing restlessness due to a lack of sleep, or maybe the caffeine that's been fucking with his head since early in the morning—he sighed—knocking himself out of his own thoughts, as he twisted the doorknob, hopefully the teacher left the class unlocked.
The door was open, to his utter relieve . . . wait . . . "y/n?", he spoke, taken aback—you were soundly asleep on your desk—you looked so at . . peace . . . calm? . . . Nothing could describe the emotions he felt as he approached you, slowly reaching over to his desk and grabbing his notebook, quickly stuffing it in his backpack—he should go . . , that would be the best course of action . . .
Yet he couldn't . . . he knelt down on the floor, leaning his head on the desk, starring at your face, looking into every curve and line, in his eyes every imperfection just made you even more perfect, the pattern of your breath was soothing to his otherwise restless mind, a soothing scent radiated off of you, and for the first time in months, he felt sleepy . . . like he could sleep without a care . . . everything felt so right. . .—nothing felt displaced or disoriented.
That was the day that started it all, it seems, Yoichi had started forming something that was akin to obsession, he couldn't sleep at all without you—a piece of you—something that reminded him of that calming scent that he felt that day, you calmed his overdriven nerves, you halted his troubles for more than a fleeting moment.
Yoichi knew what he was doing was odd, especially when he found himself picking up the wrapper you threw out, and taking inhaling it, his eyes growing half lidded—he felt like a drug addict—drunk off of you . .
Fleeting touches would tick off his ever delusional mind, a small compliment could set him on overdrive and in the back of his head he knew he was growing addicted, a pit in his stomach grew as he felt slightly disgusted with himself, with the obscene and rather degrading things he'd do, just to get something touched by you.
Lucas stared at his friend, who seemed no better than dead, "Are ya' okay?" he asked, looking him up and down, "You look like a train-wreck", he stated half out of concern and half out of clear disdain and possibly curiosity, "Is it normal?", Yoichi spoke up, taking a gulp of air as he continued, "to want someone so badly that it's hard to explain—like—a part of me feels obsessed, like I feel like carving my own heart out and showing them just to prove my love wont be enough—they could claw out my fingernails—and from where I'm standing, I'd still look at them with only love . . . but at the same time I feel disgusted with the feelings I feel—", Yoichi kept blabbering on, until his friend shushed him, taking a sip of his drink as he jokingly replied, "I mean . . if you love them that much, then their clearly the one . . ."
Yoichi blanked out, as Lucas chuckled, he has no idea how much of his teasing words Yoichi would take to heart that day nor of it's lasting consequences . . .
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@ rxmye , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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reiderwriter · 5 months
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Week Four of my yearly playlist challenge!
Summary: When you fall asleep on the overnight drive between one case and the next, Spencer gets awfully distracted by your sleep talking.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI Partial Spencer POV, dom!Spencer, brat!Reader, pain play (scratching, choking, spanking, etc), degradation (use of whore, slut), masturbation (m and f), orgasm denial, breeding kink, creampie, cockwarming.
A/N; Thank you to the Arctic Monkeys for fuelling my delusions and for gif makers everywhere for their services to horniness. This was the first playlist fic chosen from a recommended song, so if you enjoyed it, don't forget to send me more song recommendations for the playlist!~
Masterlist || Playlist
Spencer was never the most confident driver in the BAU, but between the two of you, he was the only one who possessed a licence. 
Which is how he found himself driving through the night with you asleep in his passenger seat, trying not to be distracted by the small whimpers and sighs dropping from your mouth. 
You'd been sent across state lines to investigate a recent homicide that may have been linked with your current case, and now that you'd deemed it relevant to your case, you were driving back to the rest of the team with all the documents you needed in tow. 
He'd been happy to drive when you left, with the sky black and the air cold, knowing that the country roads that would lead you just over the border would be practically empty. He'd even been content to let you sleep the majority of the journey, having noticed how little sleep you'd managed to get so far on this case. 
He'd been happy until your lips parted and you'd whispered his name in a moan. 
He'd thought you were awake at that moment and assumed you were about to ask where you were or what time it was. But you hadn't opened your eyes, and your breaths were still even and steady. 
You did it again five minutes later, and the gentle sound hit the hairs on the back of his neck, sending a shiver down his spine that settled comfortably in his now tight pants. 
‘Shit,’ he thought, sparing a glance at you whilst keeping his hands comfortable at 10 and 2, his posture rigid as he willed other parts of his body to relax. 
Your legs had splayed open, your hand having fallen unconsciously between them for some kind of relief. He didn't let his thoughts linger where his eyes had fallen. 
He tried to convince himself that you were just dreaming about a case. Maybe he'd been shot in your dream, and you'd felt sad. Maybe your moans were ones of sorrow. 
“Spencer, fuck…”
Maybe he was going to hell for the thoughts flooding his brain because he wanted nothing more than to slide a hand into your pants and start giving you the relief you so blatantly begged for. 
He settled for turning into the next motel he saw advertised on the road. Hotch had told them, of course, that they could rest up for the night if needed, but he'd been too eager to get on the road while it was clear. But with his mind fogged with less than ideal thoughts, and your obviously aching body moaning beside him, a motel honestly couldn't hurt. 
You woke up slowly as he parked the car, the lack of motion wearily drawing you from your dream. He looked across at you and let out a sigh of relief to see you conscious. 
He'd been willing to carry you to whatever room you'd get, but he didn't know whether his hands would linger over your body. Wouldn't know if he'd be able to retract his hands at all if you reacted like that in your sleep. 
Now you were awake and looking at him, talking to him even, but all he could think about was whether you'd react better to his touch when awake. How could he get you to moan his name again, and how loud would you dare do it?
“Spence? Hello, are you listening?”
“Okay, I'm glad you pulled off the road if you're so tired you're not even hearing me speak,” you laughed a little, and the sound shot straight to his cock. 
Your voice was thick with sleep, and the phantom of his name hung on your lips, having been the last words to drop from your tongue. He usually had better control of himself. 
“Yeah, let's go get some sleep. You sounded pretty tired, too.” 
“Sounded?” You asked, and he watched your face warp in gentle confusion. He bit his tongue, trying to retract the statement, choosing the cold, biting winter air over the sight of you with a pout on your lips. 
His brain was addled with thoughts of those two plump cushions pouting around his cock as he held your hair back and- and yes, the cold air was definitely necessary. 
“You stretch your legs, I'll go organise the room,” you said, climbing out of your side of the car. He nodded along, not trusting his voice not to break like a prepubescent boy and turning his back to you, not trusting his eyes to linger awkwardly on your ass. 
It seemed like seconds, and then you were back leading him to the rooms you'd booked. 
When you unlocked only one door, with only one key, however, Spencer found all the progress of the last few minutes squashed immediately. 
“We're sharing?” He hung around the door, not sure whether to step inside or just resign himself to sleeping in the car. He made a mental note to grab some tissues before heading back out to the car if this conversation ended the way he thought it would. 
“Yeah, they only had one room cleaned and ready right now. It's fine, right? We've shared rooms on cases before.” 
You’d shared rooms on cases before, but never after he'd driven for nearly a half hour listening to you moan his name. He'd usually been too exhausted after full days of work and had regrettably fallen asleep first each time you'd been roommates. 
“Yeah, it's cool.” He cleared his throat, trying to make the octave jump his voice had just made it seem like a symptom of some kind of sickness he was coming down with. 
“Great, let me just go shower quickly, and then we can get into bed.” 
Warnings signals rang throughout his head, but he still sat patiently listening to the water running in the shitty motel bathroom. Grabbing his go bag, he readied himself for sleep, trying to ignore the fact that you were hot and wet and naked just a wall away and that he could hear everything. 
Every sigh you released, every trickle of water running across your skin. Every mumble of his name. 
Again, he thought he'd imagined it, but now he was sure you were torturing him. 
Your gasps of air were less innocent than they were four minutes ago, chest having faster and faster, and he thought it was clear that your hand covered your mouth to make you less audible. He didn't know what you were doing, but it didn't matter much to his cock, which had stiffened painfully once again. Unconsciously, his hand reached for it, needing to give himself some release. He'd already pulled off his slacks and put on his baggier sleep pants, which did nothing to hide his affliction. 
Instead, it was somehow more obvious, painfully so. And his hand was pawing at it through the thin material, chasing that high that you yourself were likely close to in the bathroom. 
It was only when the shower shut off once more that he realised how fogged his brain had been. His cock throbbed in his hand, and it certainly wasn't going down anytime soon, and you'd be out of the bathroom in minutes if not seconds. 
With no other choice, he dived under the bed sheets and pulled them up across his chest, too, and began to pretend to sleep. 
When the light spilt from the bathroom, he screwed his eyes shut tighter, even as his brain willed him to sneak a look at you. 
But he held firm, telling himself that he just needed to wait for you to fall asleep and then he'd relieve himself. 
At least those were his plans until he felt the dip in the bed, the movement of his sheets, and the warmth spreading across the bed from you to him. 
You'd climbed into bed right next to him. Your ass was mere centimetres away from his crotch, and he shuddered in pleasure. Shuddered. 
He tried to keep his breathing still, even, and he really thought after a few minutes that you too had fallen asleep. It was all but impossible as your body cuddled in closer to his and he found your ass pressed comfortably against his straining cock. 
“Y/N, you need to move,” he warned, breath shooting out of him as he resisted digging his hands into your breasts and holding you tight so you couldn't move. 
“I don't want to,” you replied sleepily, either not noticing the danger you were in or not caring. 
His hands rested on your hips, trying to press you just slightly away so his own hips could scoot back, but you clung to his heat. 
“It's cold in here, Spencer, and you're like a furnace right now.” With those pouty words, you turned your body around and wrapped your hips up and around his body. He scooted back as you did, though, just an inch too far, and instead of landing softly against his chest, the two of you landed in a tangled mess on the floor. 
“Spencer,” you moaned again, this time in shock, as you perhaps finally felt his aching length poking the inside of your thigh. 
He'd dampened your fall on the way down, clasping you to him as he flailed in the air for a few seconds, bringing his downfall on faster with your ass cupped in his palms. 
“Fuck, Spencer, you're so hard.” His dick twitched at the sound of your tired voice pressed against his ear. 
You pulled away slowly, head peeking down between you, trying to catch a glimpse of his still hardening cock between the two of you. 
“Don't look, it'll get harder,” he grunted, grasping your hips harder and trying to catch your attention again. But that just had you grinding down into his hips again, and your mouth widened in that perfect ‘o’ as you felt the desperation and need drip from him. 
“Spencer,” you said, hips reacting slowly at first as they kept up the small movements of pressing down on him and lifting your hips slightly to do so again. 
You were grinding your cunt into his hard cock, pinning him to the ground and using his body to get yourself off. 
It was the most deliriously arousing thing he'd ever born witness to. 
“Y/N, stop it before you regret it.” His tone was a warning, but his words came out at barely a whisper. You didn't even bother with a reply. 
“Y/N, please I mean it-” 
“Spencer, fuck-” you moaned for the last time before he pushed you to the ground and pressed his lips against yours. 
He'd hit his limit, and now he was going to reach his reward. 
He ran his hands up to the waistband of your sleep shorts and quickly tugged them down, lips not leaving yours as he forced his tongue into your mouth. Your moans were throaty now, and they were loud, your brain so delirious with just you'd completely bypassed any shy feelings. 
After making quick work of your pants, he grabbed your hand in his and moved it over his throbbing cock, showing you what it was you needed from him. 
“Stroke it.” 
You did. Sliding a hand into his pants, you gripped him firmly in your hand and gently ran your fingers up and down his tip, more teasing than anything solid. 
Spencer didn't complain, though, knowing he wouldn't last that long if you took your job as seriously as he was about to take his. 
“Spread your legs. Now.” 
You weren't sure what it was about his tone, but you complied easily. His fingers reached out, and he almost sent up a prayer as his fingers came into contact with your wet, heat. You were so aroused. 
“Did you dream about me? Earlier in the car?” He questioned, two fingers slipping easily inside your pussy as his thumb traced your clit.
“Did you think about me in the shower?” 
“Spencer, I can expl-” 
“Answer me. Please.” 
“You were touching yourself thinking about me, knowing I could hear just how much of a slut you were through these walls. You wanted this, Y/N.” 
He increased his pace as your eyes clouded over, your already sleepy countenance looking decidedly more ready for release and rest. 
But he wasn't in a giving mood. 
“What an impolite little whore,” he whispered in your ear, withdrawing his hands completely and picking himself up from the floor. 
Your eyes shot open in confusion and pain as he sat himself on the edge of the bed. You watched his movements, saw him pull his still erect cock from his pants and begin stroking himself, and quickly organised your limps into a kneeling position by his feet. 
He watched you closely as you let your head fall onto his thigh, your eyes following each pump of his hand up and down, and up and down. 
“Spencer, please fuck me,” you pleaded with him, trying to resist the temptation to wrap your legs around his and hump his leg like a real bitch in heat. Though he'd probably greatly enjoy the view. 
“Why should I?” 
“Because if you don't, I'm going to sit here and finger myself until I pass out from exhaustion. And then I'm going to request a room with you on every other case this year and do it all over again.” 
“You're manipulative, you know that?” 
“I just know what I want, Spencer.” 
“Then come and take it.” 
Though he told you to come to him, it was his hand on your neck that guided you to your place in his lap. 
It was his hand on his cock that lined himself up with your cunt. It was his hips that snapped up into yours as he finally took you. 
But it was your lips that screamed his name as he fucked you roughly. 
Each thrust was most intense than the last, deeper, harder, faster.
You clawed at his hair, you bit his bottom lip when your mouths Mey again. You clawed your nails across his shoulders and back. 
He pressed you back into the mattress, and you wrapped your legs around him one more time, urging him to stay right there for the rest of the night. 
His hands found your breasts, and he grabbed them again, roughly.
It was finally too much, and, as he pinched down on your nipple hard to see that beautiful mix of pleasure and pain one more time, you came around his cock, heat spreading out of you in waves as your thighs twitched under the weight of sheathing him. 
“I'm going to cum, Y/N, I'm going to cum,” he dragged his teeth across your neck, whispering the words like a prayer. 
You couldn't reply, mouth so heavy with lust your tongue couldn't move if his wasn't forcing it. 
“I'm going to cum inside you,” he whispered again, his voice a growl of pleasure as your eyes shot open again. 
All you could do was moan his name as he painted your cunt white, pressing his entire weight down on you without a care in the world. 
You remained locked in that embrace for a long moment, your body tired and brain similarly diminished. Trusting him to take care of things, you let your eyes droop closed and let sleep consume you. 
Your last thought was on his weight still pressed into yours, and the fact that he was still yet to pull out of you and spill his well-placed seed.
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zephyrchama · 1 month
Water Wrinkles
Seven demon brothers sat solemnly in a circle around you. You did your best to ignore them. It wasn't often that you got to spend time at the human world villa, and you were intent on soaking up as much sun as you could before returning to the Devildom.
You reclined your beach chair back, crossing your arms under your still-wet hair. It was a gorgeous day. Perfect for being at the pool.
Leviathan let out a muffled sob. As the demon with the highest affinity for water, he blamed himself.
"Let us take you to a hospital," Satan insisted for the tenth time.
"They're going to laugh us out of the ER," you nonchalantly repeated.
Satan lowered his eyes and muttered, "I couldn't find any traces of a curse in the water... So how...?"
Asmodeus had his head in his hands, unresponsive. Sometimes his fingers curled around the ends of his hair. You briefly glanced over to make sure he didn't pull his hair out - that would be grounds for a real emergency.
"I can't bear to watch. Lucifer, do somethin'," Mammon whined. He was fidgeting all over the place and winced whenever he looked at your feet.
The oldest glared at you. You knew it was out of concern, but his fears were unfounded. Even Lucifer refused to listen to reason when he thought you were in danger.
"Actually, yeah. Lucifer, can you pass me a towel?" you asked. It was embarrassing having seven shirtless demons intensely staring at you. If they wouldn't let you go back in the water, maybe covering up would make you feel less self-conscious.
Lucifer didn't move. It was Beelzebub who plucked a spare towel off his younger twin and handed it to you with a shaking arm. He looked like a wet puppy, having been the one who first discovered your "condition" and swept you out of the pool.
Belphegor hadn't gone in the water that day. He only hogged the plush towels because of how comfortable they were and, following Beelzebub's lead, dumped them all onto your chair. Now he sat, wide awake. He was anxiously squeezing a loose chunk of concrete but at some point, without realizing, it got crushed to powder in his hand.
You had more than enough towels now.
"In half an hour you're going to forget this all even happened," you said to reassure the worry warts.
"In half an hour, you might be gone!" Mammon snapped back.
"You're going to be a wrinkled mess of skin and bones," Asmodeus weeped quietly.
Leviathan pressed his hands over his ears. Though, with nothing to cover his eyes he was forced to look at your wrinkled hands again. Based on the noises he was making, you'd think someone was torturing him.
"As I've said!" you reiterated. "All humans get wrinkly in water. Look, now that I'm drying off it's going back to normal."
Beelzebub grabbed your ankle, raising it for the brothers to observe at eye level. "I don't see a difference."
You didn't expect the sudden manhandling and slunk several inches down the lounge chair while the demons stared at your foot. Kicking and twisting your leg was futile. You modestly crossed your free leg.
"I think it's getting worse," Satan said.
"We need to take action," Lucifer decided.
Asmodeus was actively quivering now. Belphegor and Leviathan had crept behind you and started picking at your wrinkly fingers. You tried to swat them away to no avail.
"Give me 25 minutes! Literally! Probably even less, this will go away on its own! I just need to dry off."
"We need a solution now," Mammon asserted. The cogs in his brain were turning. "We need fire."
You tried to sit up, to jump up and stop Mammon before he burned the whole villa down in an attempt to dry you off, but Beelzebub had not let go and you stumbled. You grazed your knee on the concrete and winced.
A second round of panic overcame the demon brothers. Beelzebub let go, Lucifer picked you up, and Belphegor wrapped your knee with every available towel he could lay his hands on. Asmodeus and Leviathan were crying on each other's shoulders. Mammon came running back, oblivious to the second disaster that just occurred, with a flaming stick in his hand that Satan tried to keep at bay. If you got burnt on top of everything else, they'd probably go insane and destroy the human world.
In the midst of the chaos you caught a glimpse of your hand. It was practically dry. You couldn't even see the wrinkles anymore. You angrily wiggled in Lucifer's grasp as various hands fussed over you.
"Stay!!" you shouted over the clamor.
The brothers went tumbling to the ground, save for Lucifer who fought to stay rooted in place. You could finally hear yourself think again. There was primarily one thought on your mind.
"I just want to go swimming."
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