#but he also realizes that its really fucked up to say that aloud so yknow. yknow what. yknow.
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minarcana · 2 years ago
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#ok guess what fuckers youre going to be on another tag ramble adventure with me#ive been afflicted with the same images in my brain tumbling around and the only way to free my brain is to write them out#and anyways i have been contemplating wol au uri for a bit due to various reasons (he came up and then i got this image and couldnt be free#shb with uri as the wol is. after killing vauthry. he is SO fucked up that raha STILL wont just let him die#he was supposed to have raha send him to the rift with the light and let him die there but now that he cant stop him rahas taking it himsel#and theres the whole. 'no we really cannot have the wol die.' thing.#that makes it infinitely worse to uri. him just yelling through blood to let him die! let him have his turn! he WANTS to die!#the idea of bring told that the wol CANT die makes it so much more unfair to him#'you wouldnt know what to do if i died? i didnt know what to do for years after louisoux died! i still dont know what to do without moenbry#da! papalymo can sacrifice himself and everyone adapts! shtola has thrown herself to the lifestream twice! minfilia died! i had to stay sil#ent and let ryne choose her own path if she died or not! i cant tell people that i would be lost yet everyone gets to tell ME that?#do you think i am better than them do you think them worth less why do they have the right to die and i do not!'#he is SO SO SO much worse as a wol and it falls out in one outburst after hes quizzed as to why he thought he could sacrifice himself#but he also realizes that its really fucked up to say that aloud so yknow. yknow what. yknow.#hell bottle up all his feelings and then one day hell either die or start crying and it looks like he aint allowed to die!#he still takes the aid from ardbert at amaurot with the statement that#'if i dont try and save who i might then ill never be able to face moenbryda'#anyways cannot stop thinking about me giving uri the echo like 'this will be funny!' and hes just 'my life has become infinitely worse'#HEAD IN MY HANDS
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imlivinginyourtrashcan · 1 year ago
Hi hello im a dirty American heres some friendsgiving headcannons for the sp character
That man aint bringing shit
Only there for the food
The type of mf to steal ingrediants while youre cooking something
Dives RIGHT for the pumpkin pie
Nobody is happy
He denies it but its do obvious hes stealing shit 🤬
Does not wait for a toast
Bro just dives in
Getting seconds, thirds, fourths
When hes done theres no left overs
If he were to bring something id be pie
His moms recipe
Sometimes hosts the friendsgiving at his house
Brings the sparkling grape juice/apple juice
And also the Kosher things
Only has one helping, tries to get leftovers for the family or for kenny
Helps his mom cook when hes hosting
Setting the table always
Tries to toast but ends up yelling at Cartman for eating before hes done
Helps Ike pack for those little kindergarten thanksgivings?
Yknow when you dressed as a pilgrim and ate food?
Was I the only one who did that??
He panicks and brings what he can find
"Hey dude! What you bring?"
"Uhhh... leftover mash potatos?"
Downing the sparkling juices like no tomorrow
The eggnog too
Cartman encourages it
Watching the football game
RESTRAINS himself when it comes to food
Like, he wants it but knows Kyles gonna be pissed
Plays catch with everyone else
Or pingpong
Doesnt give a fuck about the Macys parade
Brings canned stuff he got from the food drive
Like cranberry sauce
Sneaking leftovers for his family
Plays catch with the boys
Died from a football lodged in his eye
Oh and from the
"Macys parade"
You dont want to know
Brings the sweet potatos
Suggest christmas music/movies be played
Cartman called him gay immediately
So that got shut down
Brings the extra pies and everything since Cartman eats his
Lover of cranberry sauce and other things most people hate on thanksgiving
"Oh that was good! Could I have more please?"
"Butters what the fuck who likes CRANBERRY SAUCE???"
"I do!"
Doer of the toast
Often gets hit in the face when they play catch and cries
Can't stay for long cuz his parents are strict but hes there on video call rest of the time
The type of mf when you ask what he brought he says
"My presence"
You need to bring FOOD
They have to kick him out
He comes back with bread rolls or crackers, cheese and olives
So hes aloud back in
Doesnt care abt the parades or catch or anything
Just kinda there for Tweek
If someone asks him to do sonething he'll do it though
Hes limited by meals thanks to his braces
He doesnt care
Thats future craigs problem
Flips someone off if they beat him in a sport
Or flips off the tv when someone does something stupid in football
Has restraint when it comes to food
Bro will just wait
And then devour his plate in seconds
Brings homemade cider or pumpkin spice
Panicked the whole time
Hiding upstairs half the time
At least until food
He looks like a sopping wet cat
Doesnt really eat that much
Convinced the food is poison
Dont try to reassure him either he doesnt trust you
Has to check a million times though
"Is this poison???"
"GAHH!! I dont believe you!!"
Leaves after feasting
He can only handle so much
Arrives super late too which is ironic
Brings the food over and makes a puns
Like puts devil horns on eggs
"Jimmy what is that?"
"D-d-d-deviled Eggs"
Bro is telling thanksgiving jokes every second
Does the toast some years
Its like a stand up comedy routine tho
He lets you eat during that
Sneaking food
Mischievous little bastard
Puts on family fued when he realizes the boys are too pissed at football
Also has brace limits
But does he follow them ever? Nope
Drinks sparkling juice from a wine glass
Able to keep the party going for a WHILE he has ENERGY
Card playing KING
Winning at Crazy 8s left and RRRRIGHTTTTTT
Brought mac and cheese
Either that or bread
Food sneaker
Thinks hes good at sports
Hes not
He gets hit in the face so often
And cries
Tried Tweeks coffee
Started coughing and gagging immediately
Hes a picky eater im calling it now
Like will not eat if he doesnt think he'll like it
Me too Clyde i get it
Likes the Macys parade
Fucking weirdass
Arrives a bit before Tweek but is still late
The mf to get seconds
Wont eat before the event either
Saving his stomach for yum yums
Also hosts
Helps his parents with food
Makes the dinner table look like a whole buffet
When hes not hosting he brings stuffing or some expensive good food
Or like
Homemade dip?
Seems like itd change every year
Great at sports
Helps clean up too
Toasts sometimes
Very generic toast
Doesnt seem like someone who has much to say
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huntertherapyeras · 3 years ago
I would LOVE to hear about your post amphibia headcanons!!!! What are your thoughts??
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hiii moth 💜 hiiiii tumblr mutual/friend @colordesign (referring to u by url bc idk if u want ur name out there 💜) ok so i am having a big adhd moment and keep getting distracted from answering this ask but im just gonna do it!!! bc i really wanna talk about my hcs!!!! this is gonna be so long sorry in advance!!
ok so for my first hc its about the calamity trio as a whole post amphibia... i desperately dont want marcy to have to move away from all of her friends after this (i think that would break my heart) so in my brain they end up staying with anne while their parents move wherever they want. is it realistic? no, but it feels good to me so imma stick with it. sasha stays over all the fucking time too but he still has to stay with her parents for Custody/Visitation reasons sometimes x.x she HATES it but such is life...
they eventually move into an apartment together after high school. sasha teaches martial arts or fencing or smth similar, anne works part time at thai go and maybe gets a degree in film??? (i know she isnt a school enjoyer but she just loves film and tv so much thats the only thing i can imagine her going to college for!) marcy spends a lot of time during college exploring various majors and ends up getting a few different degrees - probably one in like, environmental biology and one in anthropology at least! (these hcs arent set in stone, im mostly just thinking aloud for these ones...)
oh and during high school they visit amphibia on the weekends. afterwards? its different times but they still visit a lot!!!!
and theyre dating ofc 💜 all three of them 😌 polyam icons
onto personal hcs which ARE more set in stone for me:
sasha ends up coming out as bigender in high school. he uses she/he alternating pronouns! she is a lot less like, fake post amphibia because after being there so long he realizes that its just a behavior that he was using to protect himself and that it really wasnt even working bc it drove anne away and attracted people she didn't really want to interact with esp after everything. but another thing that complicates this is that i ascribe to the hc that sasha comes out of amphibia with a facial difference, which tends to kind of also make Fake people less likely to want to interact bc yknow. theyre superficial.
so i really like the idea that sasha ends up blind in one eye with a large scar over it. i also love the idea of him being deaf in one ear too!!!! though i haven't worked out the mechanics of how both his eye AND ear could be affected in my hc.
tl;dr post amphibia sasha is a lot more genuine, much more obviously angry and kind of blunt, and fiercely protective over the people that he loves. this isnt to say that he can't still act super phoney, because it was second nature to her for a long time so ofc he would slip back into it unintentionally sometimes. but she genuinely wants to be better and do better!!!
oh and wrt brain stuff sasha definitely has bpd (that started developing pre-approval) and ptsd (from after amphibia). he struggles a lot with hypervigilance and mood swings and he's really really sensitive to Percieved rejection and abandonment >:3 oh and my boy is defs dyslexic i dont make da rules 💕
ok so onto anne. i hc her as a trans lesbian! and this hc is soooo important to me 💜 in my brain sasha and marcy already knew that she's trans though since theyve been friends so long, but she doesnt come out as a lesbian until later on, like probably high school? i know a lot of people are really into the hc where she loses an arm and i am all for limb difference anne BUT im personally really attached to her keeping her arm but having lasting nerve damage and arthritis from her breaking it in season one because i have the same issue and yall know i love to project
i hc that post amphibia anne is a bit less easy going than before. she tries to be chill but she has a lot of lasting anger and resentment and it makes things hard for her! she'll never be the same doormat she was before amphibia, and thats ok! shes a lot better at standing up for herself and the people she cares about, which is a positive change!
wrt brain stuff anne has always had adhd and probably dyscalculia too? but after amphibia she also deals with ptsd (they all do). she struggles with hypervigilance, though to less of a degree than sasha does, and feelings of helplessness are a huge trigger for her. the events of true colors are what she most commonly has flashbacks about, and for a long time after she struggles with the scent of cooked meat especially, leading her to a life of mostly vegetarianism. its hard :(
marcy is heavily affected by their time in amphibia. before being betrayed by andrias, being in amphibia actually helped her confidence a lot! being applauded for what they're good at was really good for them, especially since despite their good grades and talents they didn't actually like... get a lot of praise for it? but what andrias did to her was really really damaging and changed them a lot. :( it takes them a long time to get their 'spark' back. but they never lose their curiosity despite the trauma and still love themself a good fantasy even if they have more triggers than before and sometimes stuff hits a bit harder than they expect
in high school they come out as nonbinary, i hc them as agender? and use they/she pronouns!!!! i think they prefer they but theyre ok with she as well (they really like it when people alternate though)! she's a lesbian too, like sasha and anne! oh and maybe later on they experiment with they/he pronouns too!!! still stewing on that :3
in my hc part of the reason why theyre really clumsy (aside from inattentiveness) is because they have autism associated dyspraxia and hypermobility! its hard to know where u are in space when your joints just naturally go out of the "typical" range of motion (talking from experience). after amphibia they try to be a lot more aware of their surroundings but she tends to dissociate a lot so that does Not help the clumsiness at all
as a result of their injury (all my homies hate andrias) they have a spinal injury between t4 and t6. because of the healing pod, the spinal injury not complete, so marcy still does have some function in her limbs, but they experience a lot of numbness and tingling and sometimes their legs just. stop working. this leads to them being able to walk or even run (if necessary) short distances, but they get tired super easily and have a lot more balance with forearm crutches. they used a rollator for awhile, but that left them stranded a lot so then she transitioned to a manual wheelchair. but because the spinal injury affects their upper body as well, it isn't always possible for them to self propel. they eventually started using a power wheelchair for longer distances like if they want to go for a walk with anne and sasha etc etc etc. the power wheelchair gives them a lot of independence back that they weren't sure they were ever gonna have again so marcy is super grateful for it!
content warning for weight and disordered eating
right after their possession marcy was pretty emaciated because the core just saw no point in eating even the bare minimum. so when marcy got thru refeeding and stuff they gained a significant amount of weight very quickly. they're proud of the progress that they've made though and are working on their body image (the weight doesn't bother her, but the scars are pretty upsetting for them to look at every day bc of the trauma). fat marcy rights!!!!!
my marcy is ofc autistic and adhd. they also dealt with heavy dissociation even before the trauma in the form of maladaptive daydreaming! it definitely got worse after everything. :( marcy has pretty bad ptsd from it all but they're getting better every day and having anne and sasha around to remind her of her worth is really helpful!
they love each other so much and while they all have their issues they really are happy together and that's what matters 🥺
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