#but has he ever seen her foaming at the mouth over the fact that hyun-woo just like. went out in public and people are looking at him?
ilovedyouinsecret · 5 months
Not to queen of tears post on main (again) but
before the show ends I need eun-sung to witness hae-in and hyun-woo’s true dynamic because I know she was never like that with him. Unless I see it with my own two eyes you can’t convince me hae-in was ever one second away from tattooing “property of hong hae-in” on his forehead
I mean also the fact that they work super well together and hyun-woo clearly knows when to take the backseat and when to step in and does it in a way that isn’t controlling even if it’s stopping her (or her family) from doing something and how hae-in is a more attentive listener when hyun-woo is talking than when eun-sung is outside of the business talk
And also most importantly just how happy he makes her in a way that is so completely different than her pride in her work and is so comfortable and natural
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