#but guys you do know that going ‘haha they study science or math they’re obviously autistic’ is just. it’s kind of shallow at best
britishraptor · 1 year
You know guys sometimes people are just smart right
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askpolylosersclub · 7 years
I just want to mention that y’all are some amazing people and that every single one of you is important and that’s something none of you should ever forget. ❤️ I also want to ask that all of you say what you love the most about each other everyday because it’s always nice to hear things like that and you never know when someone needs to hear it.
Thank you so much, chickie~ It’s so lovely of you to say something like that. I would LOVE to make a list like this, about my wonderful boys, so that’s what I’m gonna do. I’m sure most people will agree with me on this stuff, so it’s okay if I do it all, haha~
His fashion sense is so weird and eclectic, but it’s bright and colorful and playful and we love it (even those of us who pretend not to).
He’s super super smart, even though you might not think so. He might even be the smartest out of all of us, naturally, he just doesn’t put the work in, haha.
HIS HAIR! Richie’s hair is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, period. No one would ever disagree with me. It’s like his best feature.
He’s so tall you feel a cross between ‘awww, my lanky giraffe baby’, and ‘holy shit he’s tall and I’m wet’.
He’s all skinny and you can wrap your arms right around him like four times.
His glasses are fricken ADORABLE.
And he’s so blind with them off and that’s cute, too.
He’s SUPER TALENTED. Like, he can do voices and impressions and he’s a brilliant actor, he can dance, he can sing, he can play instruments, and he’s just great at making people LAUGH, and isn’t that one of the best talents of all?
He has super cute freckles basically EVERYWHERE. He’s like a sky full of stars all on his own.
He’s beautiful, and he makes jokes about his appearance, because I don’t think he even realizes how gorgeous he is, and that humility is beautiful, too.
Did you mean, ‘my future husband and the most beautiful man in the universe, inside and out, Ben Hanscom’?
He’s the literal definition of a gentleman.
He’s ADORABLE with a capital A. Like, everything makes him shy, he can’t talk about sex out loud, he’s just the sweetest guy in the world, and every time you see him you’re compelled to like…squish his beautiful face.
ATHLETIC. Like, so athletic my ovaries are crying.
But he’s super smart, too, like…what?
When he talks about books his face just lights up and I wanna cry and protect him forever.
Not that you would need to, because he’s brave and strong, too.
He’s just so calm and laid back, he’s really lovely to be around all the time. Literally nothing about him could ever make you mad or upset or stressed out.
Caring and respectful.
I don’t think I’ve ever even heard him curse out loud before, in my entire life.
THE literal sunshine
The happiest, kindest, loveliest man you will ever meet.
He loves animals so much and he talks about them literally every day. Like, catch Mike over breakfast talking about how much he loves elephants and how if he met an elephant in real life he’d cry.
Can always cheer you up, no matter what. Someone just mugged you and stabbed you in the chest? Hey, don’t worry about it, Mike Hanlon is here, and pretty soon he’ll have you convinced that being stabbed was a positive experience in your life, that made you a stronger person. And in the meantime, he’ll patch you up, make you some hot cocoa, and tuck you into bed with a kiss on the forehead. Then he’ll watch over you while you sleep so that nothing bad ever happens to you again.
SO. STRONG. He could probably carry all six of us at once.
The voice of an ANGEL.
Literally knows everything. Like, you wanna know a random fact you think nobody will know the answer to? Ask Mike.
An adorable nerd.
The best cook in the world. Like, move over Gordon Ramsay. Mike will make you the best meal you have ever had, AND he will never shout or curse at you while he’s making it. He’ll probably just give you compliments and sing your favorite songs.
Fearless Leader. And I mean, literally FEARLESS. Bill isn’t scared of ANYTHING.
But somehow, he’s also the cutest, most softly-spoken human being on the planet. He’s the literal dictionary definition of SOFT. Look up the word ‘soft’, and there’s a picture of Bill Denbrough.
And he probably drew that picture himself, because he’s such an amazing artist, and I mean drawing, painting AND writing!
Cares about his friends and family more than anything in the world. We know he would die for any of us without a second thought (not that we would want him to or let that happen, obviously).
Stunning. Beautiful. Handsome. Pretty. Gorgeous. He’s just really good-looking, okay?
TALKS TO INANIMATE OBJECTS LIKE THEY’RE PEOPLE. Like his bike, his car, his laptop…
Eyes that are so piercing and blue that if you look into them you’ll die, but it will be totally worth it.
Bill has the nicest, most pleasant voice you have ever heard in your life. You could listen to him read the obituaries and you’d still be super relaxed and also like ‘awwwww’.
A little angry baby.
So tiny you just wanna pick him up and carry him around in your pocket and feed him little teaspoons of sugar water.
But on the flip, FEISTY AS SHIT. Like he could probably beat the crap out of literally anyone, but he’s so pretty that you wouldn’t even care if he beat your ass into the ground.
His eyes are so huge and brown and sparkly and he has the longest, thickest lashes I have ever seen like…girl, tell me your secrets.
Gets embarrassed about stuff super easy and it’s actually adorable. Even though everything about Eddie is adorable. Period.
Seems kinda dense about some stuff, especially like grown-up things like taxes and laundry and sex cooking, but is also super into science and knows all of this insane terminology and like how micro-organisms work and stuff. He’s a SMART. BOY.
Boxing AND cheerleading. Like he’s so strong and aggressive and he could probably bench-press any of us, but his favorite color is baby pink, and he loves dancing to pop, and his favorite singer is Ariana Grande. He’s the epitome of FEMININE POWER.
Tiny little freckles in certain places, like his cheeks, that stand out if he has been in the sun or if he’s blushing. Like, could he BE any cuter?
Can literally fall asleep ANYWHERE. on anyONE.
The most beautiful being to ever walk the face of the Earth. He’s not even a human being. Like no one is that good-looking.
Super intelligent. Like…give him any math problem and he’ll work it out in his head in literally a couple of seconds.
JUST LOVES BIRDS SO MUCH. Like he’s such a bitch how is he also so soft???
QUEEN BITCH. MASTER OF SASS AND SARCASM. But we love him that way.
Actually really sweet. Like, you never feel like you couldn’t rely on him. His exterior bitchiness only goes so deep. It actually really doesn’t go very deep at all.
Really takes care of us, in ways we don’t always even notice. Like, takes care of all of our taxes/finances/bills/utilities/budget etc etc and does most of the cleaning/organizing. Leaves sticky notes everywhere with reminders for us, makes all of our lists, helps us with our studying and homework. If he left, we would literally fall apart, and he never even mentions that he does that stuff.
I know I haven’t really mentioned anything like this yet because I was trying to leave it out, but…SEX GURU? You want advice? Go to Stan.
- Bev xx
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