#but ghostknife. is a big part of it
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clownfire · 2 years
Thoughts, Feelings, and Theories for ep12
Spoilers for Prime Defenders as a whole, especially for episode 12 of prime defenders season 2.
I’m really looking forward to the direction that PD is going rn! Super glad that Bizly’s gotten more time to work on the worldbuilding, it almost feels like a soft-reboot in a sense?
The exploration of ethics and morality of heroism and the regulation of super-powers, can be really interesting and can make a super-scifi world feel tangible! (totally didn’t just self-report being a former bnha fan lol-) But seriously, this was done in Young Justice, and that was my favourite show as a kid, so I’m really excited! 
I’m really looking forward to seeing each character’s (PC or otherwise) take on this dilemma,
Summer might have become a vigilante or villain with Doug. They both have a bone to pick w/ the team, but also have their own perspective as young people growing up in this ‘new age’ of super heroes
Mark. Not to validate the lizard man, but has he been wrong though? It’s easy to view him as antagonistic because we see him from the perspective of Ashe, Dakota, Will, and Vyncent, but his distrust of the hero system has only been validated as the series goes on.
Tide. He was a part of, and defended the hero system, but he’s also been burned by it. Tide’s usually the moral guide, both for the kids, and the narrative as a whole, so his input is important. Also really wanna see how he’s been doing since being de-powered, i’m worried about water-dad :(
Honorable mentions:
I love how Slime has fully played into the fact that his character is (the pd equivalent of) genZ and would probably be a Hamilton fan.
GhostKnife fans were fed this episode.
Also Ms G is totally dead
so were they never going to mention William’s billionaire step-brother (maybe half-brother it’s unclear) that he avoids talking to?????  (David Bell is brought up [01:08:11]) idk why but my brain immediately went: ‘he’s either a super villain or batman’. He also owns a big tech company called Bell Tech? (I need to double check, but isn’t that one of the companies that worked with Overlord?)(also by batman I mean: not having powers and using his massive wealth to fund crime-fighting)
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- charlie clocked "the asset" as wavelength IMMEDIATELY. grizzly and condi thought it was tide at first :]
- charlie reading out his last like 20 rolls and none of them are above a 10 . of these, 6 of them were nat 1s . the curse is so real.
- vyncent doing the sidequest thing at the mechanics shop was intentional and supposed to feel out of place! to make him feel more like a fantasy dnd campaign character instead of a comic book character !!!
- charlie: "im getting so into character playing william now that i am consistently feeling sad and awkward. when doug did the stupid shirts and skins bit i genuinely felt that so deep in my bones"
- bizly: "the fact that you guys just assumed the principal was tide was really cool. i cant wait for you to find out who he actually is. i cant wait to give you guys tides backstory" << HE DOES THIS EVENTUALLY. THERE IS A TIDE BACKSTORY ONESHOT !!!!
- ALSO BIZLY: "i planned on blowing up the base from.the beginning because i felt like i didnt describe it very well and didnt want to retcon anything. oh well, guess its demolition time!" WHICH IS SO FUNNY TO ME
--> on a more serious story note he did actually plan for them to lose the base at some point which is why he was so lax on giving them overpowered cool tools and vehicles at the beginning. because he knew they were gonna lose them soon anyway :]
- grizzly teared up for real after they stopped recorded at the end of the session because he started thinking about "the repurcussions of dakotas actions and how he never thought it would be this bad. this kind of stuff doesnt happen to regular kids and its gonna tear him apart. growing apart from a friend doesnt lead to your home being blown up and your father figure getting hurt. im just so sad thinking about it because guilt is a huge part of my character, its one of his big complications" so yeah i love when players are just as emotional about their characters as i am!!!!!!!!! crying !!!!!
- "is dougs supervillain lair called the dugout" (<< this one got me bc im a guy who likes a good baseball joke)
- dakota doesnt spend a whole lot of time thinking about things too hard which was why he was concentrating so much during school all day. he was thinking about the fact that he tricked doug with the phonecall and what the implications of that were !! i thought that was such a good character moment
- grizzly, about ghostknife: "you guys are perfect for each other"
charlie: "no, dakota. at the end of the day, *we* were the ones that hugged under the sprinklers" << this podcast is so unserious
- bizly is kind of disappointed dakota never made that perception check in the school because there was something he wanted to reveal with that! (you will find out what this is later i promise. it has nothing to do with doug <3)
- asking if they get any post-podcast secrets:
bizly: "i will say... you guys are on new radars. thats all you get"
bizly disliking the way he described something and deciding to just blow up the fucking base. when ur a gm u can just do that shit <3 slay
oughgh dakota ough i love a fucked up guy filled with guilt. oh my goodness. grizzly i love ur little guy as much as u do <3 literally the guy of all time. i love dakota i want to study him like a bug. the guy ever actually
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