#but fr everytime i failed to be exceptional it used to make me feel like straight ass
squeakadeeks · 1 year
im a little embarrassed by how much I was like “aaaah!!! i need to push myself!!! i need to do my best creative work i need to put out a capstone cosplay thats competition worthy!! i need to keep up with all my amazing friends and make something incredible AAAAHHHH” over the past few weeks and how stressed it was making me, but something snapped yesterday and i thought “hey actually I dont need to do that. i can just take on a small project to keep me occupied and add a flair of fun into my routine.” and the rush of calm and relief that came over me has been like. comical in how dramatic it is.
the theme of the past year has been “challenging your compulsion to constantly excel and be exemplary in everything you do can provide personal relief as well as erode the ever-creeping status quo that everyone is supposed to be this godly pillar of excellence and anything less that is to be punished or chastised” 
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screampied · 5 months
{nsfw warning}
okay but like…. could you would you write teacher x student nanami where you would keep teasing him and obviously, because he has a lot of self control he wouldn’t break, he’d gently push off your teasing and wandering hand when he’s trying to explain to you a question………… but then he burns for you secretly he wants you so bad and he can’t have you and then one day you come to class with a slutty and revealing outfit and that’s just the last straw for him…………… he def gives you want you want then 🌚
okay but real talk if you’re not comfortable with writing that like for example just professor x student that would also be completely fine i just want you to know i love love love ur writing sm <3 one of my favorite writers fr i check your blog everyday 🫶 thank you for feeding us with content mama
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❤︎ ໋𓈒 having professor nanami teach you another method
warnings. fem! reader, reader's in university, dumbification, spanks, sir kink, brat reader, dirty talk, creampie. mdni.
an. thank u thank u eee !! 💟
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“you can’t keep coming in here like this and expect me not to say anything,” your professor murmurs, and he’s leaning over you. you’re doing a failing attempt to copy some notes he had displayed for you on the board. he smelled so good, such a loud rousing scent that never failed to make you dizzy. he always does that thing where when he points towards a certain spot towards your paper, his arm would brush up against you. or—you’d accidentally do the same, except you always made it more obvious.
“like … what?” you’d raise your eyebrows, glancing up at nanami and he had the more stern yet relaxed look. it took everything in him to not let his eyes roam, your outfit.
he clicks his tongue in sheer annoyance, as always you were testing his patience. he told you to stay after because you weren’t exactly getting good marks. “nevermind,” he grumbles, and your eyes linger towards his neat matching black tie. “as i was saying before, for this particular method you have to—”
nanami desists with his words the moment you sit up, and you intentionally press against him. against there. “oops,” you giggle, and his jaw tightens.
staring down to see the thin fabric of your skirt raise up just a bit. you prod against the buckle of his belt. then you gasp once nanami brings a hand towards your waist. “oh. what—are you gonna spank me, professor?”
“you’d probably enjoy that,” he murmurs, and you’re just dumbly bent over his desk—you smother your glossed lips together before feeling him softly brush a thumb against your hip. “do you just choose not to listen? this course isn’t even that relatively hard.”
“i just don’t understand,” you hum, wittingly playing coy. as you sat against the wooden desk, he’s right behind you and the way he has you bent over for him — it was so lewd. nanami was a few inches taller than you, so he just stared over you as you faced front. “besides, your method is kind of.. old school.”
“…old school.” he repeats in a scoff.
a snicker slips past your lips before you gasp, feeling a tug at your skin. and that’s when you feel the soft linen of his tie wrap around your wrists softly, creating a soft neat knot. “fine, you wanna understand easier, bend over and keep your eyes on the paper then.”
“yes sirrr.” you’d sing, not taking him seriously at all. nanami was nice, which was rare out of your other professors. yet you pushed his limits everytime, and little did you know. his entire cordial persona was gonna change.
just a little bit…
nanami traced his fingers against your skin, your skimpy fishnets — as you pressed right into him, your ass prods against his bulge. you let off a soft moan as he gently caresses your ass, lifting up your skirt that was just barely shielding your rear.
“you know this kind of attire isn’t allowed but you wear it anyway,” he breathes, and he’s so gentle. you felt the soft grip of his tie going around your wrist before he shuffles in his pants a bit. “i hear you laughing. what’s so funny? enlighten me.”
“nothing, kent—.”
an abrupt slap to your ass cuts you off and you let off a soft whine.
“s-sir.” you corrected yourself, and you throbbed at how sudden his mood changed. you wanted more of him, being bent over his desk did something to you.
nanami lets off a grunt the moment he starts to gradually work his way inside of you—your panties stuck against your thighs, just barely pulled down, and you moan once he starts to sink his thick cock into you.
“f-fuck, already soaked for me,” and then he lightly pushes you further against the desk. your chest bumps against the edge with the many scattered papers. “do you touch yourself during my lectures? be honest.”
you swallow, feeling him reach deep and you find it hard to formulate words due to your whining. his dick was so fat, stretching you, wearing you thin. “…yeah,” you utter. “that’s why i asked for you to c-change my seat to sit up front so you could get a better view.”
nanami’s breath hitch before he sibilates. “such a nasty girl. knew you’d say something like that.”
he felt your slick wetness cling against him, you’re so wet it makes him kiss his teeth—you moan, feeling his hips continue to rub against you. being fucked against the desk, the creaking of the wood was so loud, it was screeching. amongst that, the only noises that could be heard in the office was you, the constant skin slapping, and the vents whistling in the air.
“do you—do you think about me while you’re lecturing?” you hide back a moan, back perfectly arched. you were genuinely curious, and a soft smile goes against his lips as he keeps your hips steady. “i see you staring at me sometimes.”
“just one time,” he replies, and his voice was so husky. nanami’s balls thwack against you, and you’re so dizzy.
you didn’t think he’d be so packed. you started to mentally drool, just envisioning the loads of cum he had stored up. the rough fabric of his black slacks — that were pulled down towards his thighs….went against you each time he pivots his hips, in and out, in and out. “i don’t know why you push me so much, sweetheart. is it attention? is that what you want?”
“y-yes,” you stammer, and his pace was balanced yet frantic. vigorous hits against your cunt, the tip just marginally kissing against your most sensitive spot and you whimpered from the stimulation. “you barely give me attention.”
he chuckles, skimming a thumb down your back before muttering. “well, yeah. i have other people to teach, not just you,” and then his voice grows soft, leaning in to kiss down your skin — he’s pressed right against your bare ass and you moan. “are you jealous? you have some nerve being jealous when you can barely even understand the curriculum.”
you’d spit something sarcastic back at him, but you were too fucked out already to comprehend. nanami hums against your neck, his buttoned up shirt tickling your back before you moan. you’re being pounded against the desk with your hands behind your back. “k-kentoo.”
“what’d i tell you about calling me that, baby?” he whispers, making you move your ass up just a bit. you arch upward and at this particular angle, hes so deep you’re about to lose it. nanami knew how you loved whenever he called you that.
running a tongue against your lips, you were panting…
loving each mean thrust he’s giving you, pumping you full of inches, and you have to remind yourself to be quiet. it’s not like the two of you are entirely secluded. there were probably people still around, then again…you kind of didn’t care.
his fingers went against your skin, softly piercing into your hips, stroking with his thumb while his hits against your cunt were the entire opposite. sloppy, sensual yet somewhat amorous.
“all this time went by and you never picked up your pen,” he grunts, continuously working himself inside. he was a perfect fit — a perfect match, nanami had you gripping against him tight. so good, he felt you pulse and clench. “dumb sloppy girl. jus’ listen how vocal you’re being down here, princess.”
you whine, biting your tongue whilst he’s buried to the hilt, breaching inside of you. his hips buck against you before your voice starts to pitch a bit higher and your legs starts to jolt in anticipation. “think.. think ‘m gonna cum sir.”
“m-me too,” he huffs, slow deep strokes to make your knees weak and buckle. nanami was so precise with his movements, he wanted to make sure you felt everything—you’re being bounced against the desk. his hips pick up just a tad bit before he presses all the way against you, balls deep. “you didn’t want my help, did you? you wanted me to help you like this?”
“yes sir,” you nod, your vision being blurred by the papers all up against you. your eyes roamed amongst the many incorrect marks nanami made, pointing your stupidity right in your face. “f-finish inside, please.. please.”
nanami’s jaw tightens at your words, you’re preparing to milk him dry — he groans, shoving your hips into him time after time. you pick up your pen, only to chew on the tip. he was so big, hefty with such a fat base. it hammers against you to where you can almost taste your incoming release on your tongue.
“fuck…you’re gonna make me dump such a big load. ‘s that what you want, dirty girl? arched all over my desk like this, so inappropriate..” he murmurs, his voice was silky, laced with a sweet tone that made you pulse.
“please, please…kento. i want to feel you. please.”
your folds were soaked, you could just imagine what it looked like. you whined out a whine from the feeling of his girth expanding throughout your clenched walls. nanami grabs onto your wrists with his tie perfectly holding against it. as you writhe in pleasure, you feel it. it’s approaching, and you feel ecstasy work its way up.
the moment you cum — nanami matches your speed, and indeed, he spills the bulkiest load into your pussy, it’s so much that your lips part. your mouth forms into a gasping expression and your ears grow hot, legs weak.
“s-so…much,” you’d whine, feeling it trickle out, many ropes of cum just emptying into you. it stuck against your thighs once he pulled out, and your professor brings a thumb towards your clit to smear it against your folds before pulling it back up for you. “thank y-you.”
“mhm,” he lowly grunts, untying your wrists with his tie while giving it a swift timing, watching it unravel. this position — it was definitely a favorite. leaned over his desk like this, you didn’t want it to end.
you let off a soft mewl, feeling yourself be coated with now cum filled panties, it’s sticky and you feel it while he readjusts your skirt. “so,” you panted, turning around to face him, a sheepish smile going against your lips. “did…did i pass?”
nanami gives you a soft three second glance before going against your ear, planting a kiss against your neck before muttering, “no, baby. you failed. but there’s always next year.”
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another-chorus-girl · 7 years
“Erik House” Chapter 8
It was Crawford's turn on the parlour's pipe organ. Since there had been previous disputes over the instrument constant use, they’d had to make up a scheduled allowance of sorts for its use. 
His hands caressed the keys as music filled the room. 
Kerik took a seat by Lewis and Warlow, watching the older Merik play.
"Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation. "Darkness wakes and stirs imagination, "Silently the senses, abandon their defenses. "Helpless to resist the notes I write, "For I compose the music of the night"
As Crawford sang aloud, Kerik raised a brow from beneath his mask. "I've heard you lot sing this a hundred times, why does his sound different?" Kerik asked
"This was an earlier version he wrote, no one else knows it." Warlow stated.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth. "And the truth isn't what you want to see"
Crawford continued to sing.
"In the dark it is easy to-"
Crawford's hands faltered on the keys as the organ groaned in protest. Kerik and the other Merik's looked around for the source of the strange noise.
Crawford continued playing, seeming to ignore whatever had just happened.
"Close your eyes start a journey to a strange new world, "Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. "Close your eyes and let music set you fr-" But Crawford was interrupted yet again.
"Bathing beauty, "Take a look at....YOU!"
They heard the strange sound coming from above them.
"Sweet musics throne! What is THAT?!" Kerik asked.
The other two Meriks glanced uneasily at Crawford, whom they could see was clenching his fists.
"Bathing beauty, on the beach "Bathing beauty, say 'Hello!' "Whatta cutie! "Whatta peach! "Bathing beauty, watch her go!"
They heard it coming from the third floor. 
Crawford stood, storming down toward the stairwell. 
"Uh oh," Lewis vocalised turning to Warlow. "Go find Jones, NOW"
Kerik scratched his head, "I don't get it. I thought the only one he had a problem with was that talentless tenor Gerik."
Lewis shook his head, "Think about this: if you were the debuter of a show and years later another story comes and throws all of that character development you worked so hard on out the window for vaudeville trash how would you feel?"
Not waiting for a reply the Merik followed Warlow as he made a beeline for Jones room. Dragging Karimloo and Mauer along as well, they found Jones and hustled up to the third floor. 
"Dots? Dots? DOTS? DOTS?! DOTS!"
Mr. Y had been sent a copy of the latest dress rehearsal for Phantasma's opening act back in America by Giry.
He mused Dots made much more sense than Checks.
Suddenly he heard a pounding on the door. Confused he stood opening the door to see Crawford fuming, the older Merik looked as though he were going to have an aneurysm.
"What seems to be the problem, monsieur?" Mr. Y asked cautiously. Gerik had already told him about the ambush this man and the others had established.
"The problem is whatever that insufferable caterwauling is!" Crawford scowled,
Mr. Y sighed, "Now I know what you're going to say-"
"Oh do you now? I've composed symphonies, let music consume me day and night, did the impossible and completed my masterpiece. And you have the gall to insinuate that years later THIS is what comes from the same composer that wrote 'Don Juan Triumphant?!'" Crawford ranted. Despite the height difference the Merik seemed to tower over the much taller man with his outrage. "
Fortunately the others were able to pull Crawford back before he could reach for the lasso and risk doing something rash. 
Karimloo held Crawford back pinning his arms back.
"Unhand me this instant!" The older Merik demanded, it was rare to see him fuming so. Almost frightening even.
Jones attempted to calm his friend down, helping lead the Meriks out of the room. "Now now, there's no need for anymore violence-we’ve done enough of that in the past. Just calm yourself Crawford, remember your blood pressure-"
Mr. Y then made a mental note to sound proof the room that day forward. --
The carriage pulled up to the house's main gate, a lone figure stepped out thanking the driver. 
The man had been advised this was the right address to find the masked man. Having been told the door would be left unlocked, he turned the doorknob. 
"Erik?" He called. "Erik, you're a poor host playing this game of hide and-AHHHHH!"
From upstairs the shriek could be heard even up on the third floor.
"Allah above! What nightmare have I been thrown into?!" The Persian man gaped, entering a parlour room finding not one but five masked men. While they're masks and appearances differed from Erik, they held a similar air of sophistication and dominance.
Carpenter and Gaines stared quizzically at the man.
"Who...is he exactly?" Gaines asked. “I feel like I should know him?”
Capenter shook his head, "I'm not sure. But I feel like we're missing something very important?"
Lerik stared blankly at Daroga, whom was babbling rather fast in Persian. This man seemed familiar.
"I know that language anywhere!" Trotting down the stairs Kerik made a beeline for the parlour. "Really! All this time I thought you were never going to-"
But the novelised man paused when he saw the dark skinned man.
"Wait, you're not Nadir. You sound like him, but somethings not the same." His yellow eyes looked the man up and down. Daroga shuddered inwardly as Kerik smirked. “Hmm”
"I say stop hounding him, all of you!" The others whipped their heads toward the sound of Erik's voice as he slowly trudged up the basement stairs.
"E-Erik?" Daroga said, marching over to the masked man. "It...It is you right?"
Erik swatted Daroga's hand away as he rolled his golden eyes.
"Of course it's me you great booby!" The full masked man said as if it were obvious. "Now come along! I need you to take a look at something."
Following him down the stairs, the Persian man hesitantly glanced back at the others whom stared right back as he went down to the basement floor.
"I still want to know who he is!" Gaines blurted out. -- Kerik felt Ayesha rub up against his leg mewing up at him as he played.
  "It's my turn," Warlow noted to the novelized man.
"I'm almost finished, don't get your bowtie in a twist," Kerik teased
"You said you were almost finished ten minutes ago!"
Reading the Epoque with one leg crossed over the other, Panaro sat with Soot peacefully curled up in front of him. 
As Ayesha continued mewing, the labradoodle's head perked up. The dog stood and trotted over to Ayesha in curiosity. he Siamese stared up at the new, giant, fluffy presence. Soot was massive in comparison, but Ayesha did not scare easy and the labradoodle was no threat.
"Hey," Kerik picked Ayesha up, noticing the dog as well. "Leave my little lady alone."
Panaro turned his head, "Oi, my dog wouldn't hurt a hair on your cat. Let him be."
Soot sat watching the cat with wide, dark eyes. He scooted closer, sniffing her face.
Ayesha didn't seem to like her personal space invaded and reached out. Neither Kerik or Panaro could suppress a chuckle watching a five pound Siamese boop a large labradoodle playfully on the nose.
Several miles away, the Daroga heaved a sigh leaning over the table.
"So there were six of him?" Nadir asked,
He nodded as the other Persian man shuddered.
"Lord, one is difficult enough." Nadir shook his head, reflecting back on Kerik's outragous antics.
Ledoux silently nodded, agreeing with the other two men, Lerik could be quite the handful despite the man not uttering a word.
"Another round gentlemen?" The bartender asked. Everytime the three Persian men got together here, it seemed to be under stressful circumstances. He wondered often what troubled these men so. Perhaps it was family related.
"It's on me tonight," Nadir declared, "I feel somewhat responsible for not warning you prior to your visit."
Ledoux made a series of hand gestures and leaned back in his chair with his hands clasped together.
"He apologises as well," Nadir explained.
The three men raised a glass.
"To a maskless Erik free evening," Daroga toasted.
"Here here," Nadir agreed, Ledoux remaining silent but clinking his glass with a curt nod.
On the other side of the pub, the Persian men failed to notice Destler glancing in their direction quizzically.
"Another monsieur?" The lady asked, breaking Destler's concentration as she took his empty glass.
Shrugging his shoulders and turning back to his latest composition Destler nodded.
"Please," He answered, continuing his work.
-The version of “Music of the Night” Crawford sings is from the promo video for the musical back in 1986. As far as I’m aware there arn’t many Phantoms that have sung this version, or at least I haven’t heard any.
-Crawford’s hatred of LND is slight Actor Allusion as it stems from an interview Michael did a few years ago. While he didn’t directly say he hated the sequel when asked he didn’t seem to like the idea of Phantom continuing when the ending was just fine the way it was.
-The Dots and Checks remark is due to the OLC recording of LND has Meg wearing a checkered bathing suit at the finale of “Bathing Beauty” whereas the Australian version (and the version my Mr. Y comes from) used dots. 
-Michael Crawford stands at 5′10 wheras Ben Lewis stands at a whopping 6′2 (many of the popular Phantoms are fairly tall, Crawford is an exception and Wilkinson at 5′8)
-Yes Daroga (Leroux), Nadir (Kay), and Inspector Ledoux (1925 film) are three seperate men as the Eriks and Christines are separate. 
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