#but fr before he discovered his power he told usagi to stop crying caught luna made usagi wake the city up had her high kick
kideaternomnom · 23 days
I’ve never understood Mamoru hate from certain Sailor Moon fans. If they only watched the 90s Anime then sure, I can understand given how dirty they did him. However- manga Mamoru?? How?? I can go more in depth as to why he’s interesting along with why his haters are braindead. But for now I’ll just ask this: what is he supposed to do at the beginning?
No seriously...What? Imagine literally being on a search to your identity after you lost both your memories AND your parents, you don’t know who you are. You question who you are. Then you’re just on a search for this random crystal with supernatural monsters and demons all while being a NORMAL HUMAN BEING- oh, and did I mention he’s literally looking for his identity with no clue but a crystal? The fact that he even had the guts to keep going, let alone save Usagi multiple times says something.
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