#but everytime i see the ship i can only think of what torment you people must have gone through. especially between ch1e5 and ch1e6
drdtfuitgumies · 4 months
i came here to ask for just xander hugging teruko... they deserve better istg they make me cry,, whether you want it to be romantic or platonic idrc ;3
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they do deserve better (when i'm in a good mood). thank you for the request!
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classicaltrashical · 4 years
Okay I'm not pro-bakugou, but I'm not an asshole that's going to sh*t on you for liking him, but here are some reasons on why I really dont understand people shipping BakuDeku or liking Bakugou Katsuki in general. Not hating on you just stating some canon facts. By the way I tried to censor myself but I just stopped because I got so frustrated with the amount of abuse that Bakugou got away with in just the first few chapters of the manga.
1. Bakugou is abusive towards Izuku both physically and emotionally.
1. The first freaking page of the manga starts out with Bakugou punching Izuku (while probably using his quirk).
2. Page 12 of the first chapter Bakugou slams his hands onto Izuku's desk and uses his explosion to the point it blasts Izuku out of his desk.
- Also note Izuku's body language he is trying to be as small as possible because he already is acclimated to this treatment. He is also seen trying to be as small as possible.
3. Page 15 Bakugou destroys Izuku's notebook (destruction of property).
4. Page 16 Bakugou burns Izuku's shoulder. From the looks of this and Bakugou's attitude towards Izuku this appears to in some way be a common occurrence. Because obviously this is NOT the first time he burned Izuku.
5. Page 17 Bakugou tells Izuku and I quote from the VIZ My Hero Academia Volume 1 10th Printing September 2019 "You wanna be a hero so bad? I've got a timesaving idea for you. If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life... go take a swan dive off the roof!!" After this Bakugou makes small explosions on his palm in a threatening way and Izuku left in the classroom shaking in fear. Even his friends tell him that he went too far.
6. Of course you have the name Deku. Which when used in the context that Bakugou does in the anime means Defenseless Izuku and also uses it as the abbreviation of Dekunobou which roughly translates to "good for nothing."
7. In the flashback of Izuku and Bakugou after getting praised by their principal(?) Bakugou basically grabs Izuku by the collar of his uniform and shoved up against the wall all because Bakugou was jealous and mad that he was not the first and only student to go to U.A. from their middle school and mad because he thought Izuku was hiding his quirk all this time.
2. Izuku is still traumatized.
1. I've hinted at this above, but I don't think I would allow someone with a quirk that makes them sweat a nitroglycerin-like substance to put their smoldering hand on me. Seriously just that scene makes it clear that Bakugou has used his quirk to either frighten Izuku or to injure Izuku.
2. When going in for the entrance exam on page 2 of the third chapter Izuku is shown to turn away from Bakugou and appears to be even more nervous then before.
3. Izuku also thinks to himself about how he has to "stop flinching instinctively." Guys he flinches away from just hearing and/or seeing Bakugou. If you think this can become a healthy and stable relationship......??? Also a few pages after when everyone is gathering around their assigned testing locations someone says "he flinches at the slightest touch" after Iida grabs his shoulder.
- If you think that is freaking natural someone watching that unfold already freaking knows it's not f u c k i n g natural for some to be terrified of another person grabbing their shoulder when they even see the person performing the act. Startled perhaps, but not the way Izuku flinched. Once again in this scene (and like most throughout the first volume) Izuku tries to make himself smaller than he already is by tucking his chin towards his chest and looking away from Iida (who by the way is trying to meet Izuku's eye.) Izuku is so used to being physically abused by his peers that he flinches on contact.
4. Before entering the 1-A classroom for the first time Izuku prays that neither Bakugou or Iida would be in the same class and depicts Bakugou in a pretty demonic way.
5. After the meeting with the principal(?) Izuku instinctively raises his arms to try and block any explosions near his face.
6. After Izuku uses OFA through one finger in Aizawa's assessment test Bakugou is furious and when Izuku sees his barreling towards him he screams in fear. And guys this must be the first time someone has actually STOPPED Bakugou from tormenting Izuku because the look on Bakugou's face is pure shock. Meaning in the years (probably near a fucking decade) nobody has stopped anyone from bullying Izuku. Like that says it all, doesn't matter if you're pro-Bakugou or not Bakugou traumatized Izuku because his abuse and torment went from when they were just little kids after finding out Izuku was quirkless to right after the Sludge Monster.
Do I need to continue into Volume 2 with the whole Bakugou versus Izuku fight? But I will say this...
Izuku has started to heal.
As the manga and anime continue Izuku stops flinching everytime someone calls his name or touches him. He stops raising his arms to block a blow that won't come. He stops trying to sink in on himself. I think the best comparison of this is when Izuku first "raises" his hand in the first chapter to the one during Ectoplasm's math lesson where he stands up confidently and gives an answer.
But healing doesn't erase the past. Healing mentally doesn't erase physical scars (once again it is pretty obvious that Bakugou used his quirk on Izuku.)
Not to mention Bakugou has yet to confront what he did to Izuku. Hell he hasn't even changed much. The only change he did was not always call people somewhat derogatory names instead of their actual name. Don't give me that shit of "well he was kidnapped and felt guilty over All Might's retirement." That's just making a fucking excuse about why he should be forgiven. Was he held against his will for almost a fucking decade? No it was a handful of days and who got him out? Shockingly, but sadly not shockingly the one he decided to torment for years. Don't give me that shit about how apparently being a kid gets you out of trouble. Sure some of it was when he was a kid, but want to know something people age. Hell by the time he told Izuku to kill himself he would have been 14 and most likely almost 15. Which means he should have fucking known better! The only actual excuse I will allow to somewhat slide is the fact that as mentioned AIZAWA SHOTA WAS PROBABLY THE FIRST ADULT TO STOP BAKUGOU FROM HARMING IZUKU! Meaning every fucking adult that saw the way Bakugou acted didn't do jack shit which meant he was raised in a toxic system for years being told what he was doing wasn't something worth being punished for. But still Bakugou should have known better.
The fact that Izuku idolizes Bakugou shows how toxic even this "friendship" is. He is literally idolizing his abuser. And yeah Bakugou is an abuser sure he can be called a bully and a tormentor but he is an abuser. "A person who treats another person or animal with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly"- the fucking Oxford definition of abuser. I mean repeatedly throughout the series Izuku talks about how he has come to view Bakugou as an image of victory.
You want a character to be dating his past abuser? You really want that? I don't give a shit if you write a "they have a talk about their past" before they start dating in your story.
The fact that Bakugou's abuse and the trauma it did to Izuku hasn't been talked about yet in canon is also something that angers me a bit (hopefully Horikoshi has something planned for this). Because it's obvious from their fight during finals and their fight after the provisional license exam that they need to at least talk about it. And then get them both into fucking therapy because yikes they both need it.
And I do not fully agree with Bakugou being forced out of the Hero Course (as some people do), but at least some temporary removal. Mainly put him on probation for a while. Because I believe there are rules in Hero Society that prohibit even middle schoolers from using their quirks against someone(? Right these exist?)
Also if you think for one fucking second that Bakugou did not abuse Izuku and having them in a relationship is not toxic go read the manga and watch the anime both from the beginning because you are missing some cues.
I know that this is was supposed to be about why I don't see how people can ship this and it turned into a rant. I never really care about what other people ship but just think about this. I wrote this mainly because I have seen some people around saying that anti-bakugous overexaggerate and say that Bakugou want not an abuser when ah clearly he is. Like I could go onnnnnnnnn about how much damage Bakugou did to Izuku. We aren't exaggerating you just need to go back to the beginning and see how shitty Bakugou treated Izuku.
If you want to make an argument about how Bakugou is a good guy and how he has learned and changed and it's all good now come @ me I have volumes 1-23 and the other manga chapters on stand by and my Hulu is up and ready.
Not actually looking for an argument but I could have made this post longer but it's now almost 8am I haven't slept a wink and I'm tired.
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leydoodle · 4 years
Ben 10 OC: Cassie Williams HCs
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(Messy 10 minute scribble AHAHAHA)
A compilation of all the info I have written so far about Cassie/Mobius. She’s still being improved so some of these might change in the future but the general structure of her storyline is in here....!!
HCs under the cut!
Cassie is the granddaughter of Hugo from her mother's side. During his time-travelling journey with Paradox, he discovered the tragic future of Cassie from the abuse of his niece. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be alive by that time in order to save his granddaughter. Upon this realization, Hugo asked a favor from Paradox that if he sees anything bad happening to Cassie, he would take care of her. Many years later, Paradox would fulfill this promise.
Her telekinesis power comes from her father's side of the family. Her DNA came from a tribe that was said to have interacted with angels back in ancient times. In reality, these angels are actually rogue alien species who have come down to Earth and mated with the said group, giving birth to a special group of half-breeds that later on became strong historical figures such as kings, warlords, and many more. As time passed by, the genes of the alien race became much weaker to the point that only their enhanced mind and the ability to use telekinesis remained. Though there are possibly more people who have the DNA, only 14 have been documented so far, with Cassie being the most recent one.
 She was the cause of the infamous 'Mutant Catastrophe' in Bellwood. An event in Ultimate Alien where an upset Cassie wrecked havocked with her newly-discovered powers after getting fed up with the torment she was subjected to in her school. During the mayhem, Ben who was a newly-acknowledged hero at the time, decided to work with an underground organization who focuses on studying mutants, in hopes of saving his best friend. During the event, Ben was heavily conflicted as to whether he should fight his beloved friend or save the people of Bellwood. In the end, he chose to do his duties as a hero at the cost of his best friend's detainment in the organization's lab. Later on during the series, Gwen mentions that the sight of a chained Cassie being taken away is a sight that Ben is still greatly traumatized from.
Prior to Omniverse, the Plumbers were negotiating with the underground organization for Cassie's freedom. By the time of Omniverse, The process ended in the Plumbers' favor and thus was able to get Cassie back (despite some particular arrangements). Ben was greatly relieved from this news and wanted to reconnect with his friend again. Due to how they previously left things between them, Cassie was rather scared of the hero and avoided interacting with him, much to Ben's despair. After Ben's return from his months of banishment during the Frogs of War, they were able to reconcile in the aftermath, with Cassie saying, "Life's too short to be upset at your best friend." Ever since then, Cassie became the third member of Ben and Rook's team.
After her detainment in the underground organization, Cassie has developed an irrational fear against humans, only with the exception of some Plumbers. Her phobia has caused her to only be comfortable around aliens.
 Harangue has sensationalized Cassie as "Bellwood's Mutant Disaster". Due to her affiliation with Ben Tennyson, Cassie is often the subject for the journalist's smear campaign against the hero. His notable point would be that Ben being friends with such a destructive being meant that he could easily choose her side over saving other people. Due to Cassie's past action of causing destruction in Bellwood, people are actually very scared of her and believes that the journalist has a valid point.
Cassie loves to pair her smoothies with powdered sugar donuts. It's a tradition she does everytime she passes by Mr. Smoothy, even after she became a time traveler. As Mobius, she often buys smoothies and donuts during sunrise, when the people of Bellwood are barely awake.
According to Paradox, Cassie is always fated to be linked to a Tennyson in every existing timelines and universe, though he indicated that they won't always be friends.
Ship ( Ben/Cassie = Benssie)
Ben sees Cassie as a reminder of his much more simple life before he became a world-renowned hero. According to him, every moment spent with her was like being a normal kid all over again. Though he liked the powers and capabilities he got ever since he became an omnitrix-holder, being given the responsibility as the universe's hero at such a young age caused him to lose his 'innocence' in a sense. Because of this, he often goes to his childhood best friend to atleast experience being a goofy and geeky teenager for some time before going back into action. Alongside this, Cassie is someone who is very dear to Ben. Having grown up together, she is basically considered a 'family' to the hero. Because of this, Ben is extremely overprotective of Cassie to the point the latter became somewhat dependent on him.
Ever since they were kids, Cassie always had deep feelings for the young hero. It was only until they became teenagers that she realized that her feelings were romantic. However, since this was a point in time when Ben was in a relationship with Julie, she chose to repress and bury her feelings towards him (an action she continued to do so, even in Omniverse).
 At first, Ben saw Cassie as merely a best friend, someone special but not particularly a romantic interest just yet. It wasn't until Cassie got assigned into Ben and Rook's team that the young hero started to develop deeper feelings towards his childhood friend. Afraid of once again hurting his best friend, he decided to hide his feelings. Despite that, he was still very affectionate to Cassie.
Cassie's tarnished reputation and destructive powers is what makes her scared to be around Ben. She knows that he's a hero and that the public greatly trusts him. If anything, she's worried that her being around him is going to make the people turn against the hero. Though she tried to keep her distance away from her Ben, he still ended up chasing her, reassuring that no matter what the public thinks, she's still his dearest friend.
Hints of her 'death' were foreshadowed by Ben 10K during his visit in Let's Do the Time War Again. Upon meeting Cassie once again, he almost became sentimental until Paradox stopped him. After the whole ordeal against the Time Beast, the older Ben asked for a hug from the blonde, which the latter gladly offered. Upon arriving to his original timeline, he can be seen shedding some tears for his best friend and lost love.
Cassie's demise caused Ben so much pain to the point that even after many years it was something he had a hard time recovering from. His longing for Cassie was one of the reasons why the earlier years of his marriage with Kai was messy. After conceiving Ken, Ben made a promise to Kai that he will finally let go of his best friend for the sake of their future. Due to this promise, all pictures and memories of Cassie was locked away for the sake of the hero's family. Ever since then, Cassie's name has been a taboo to the Tennyson family.
Ben and Cassie are both absolute geeks for Sumo Slammers. Their love for the franchise is one of the many things they share a deep connection with. According to Rook, once they start talking about it, the two can go on and on for hours without stopping.
Their playlist consists of the following songs: all about you - taeyeon /  cornelia street - taylor swift / say you won't let go - james arthur / kids in love - mayday parade / cardigan - taylor swift / way back home - SHAUN / i will always think about you - bojack horseman / eight - IU (ft. BTS Suga) / futarigoto - RADWIMPS
Life As Mobius
Cassie's relationship with Professor Paradox can be described as familial-like. Due to the latter's lack of knowledge of his prior life, he sees the young lady as he describes, as "a sister, a daughter, and a granddaughter". Though he may have given her the role of a time traveler, Paradox aims to bring Cassie back to her proper timeline before the effects of time travel makes her fully immortal.  Overall, his purpose of 'adopting' Cassie was to fulfill his promise to her grandfather and his former assistant, Hugo.
Paradox aims to make sure that Cassie has let go of her grudge and massive hatred to herself before bringing her back to her proper timeline. On the other hand, though she knows the consequences of time travelling for so long, Cassie doesn't mind being immortal as long as it means she won't go back to Bellwood. Knowing that this is what she thinks, Paradox hasn't told her about his plans.
 Similar to her mentor, Cassie later on picked up the habit of mixing up verb tenses whenever she's explaining an event that's either to happen or has happened.
She mostly wears a large variety of dresses during her life as Mobius. Her reason for sporting this kind of style is because she wanted to 'be in touch with her feminine side more'. Growing up, Cassie was often deprived of decent clothing and was forced to wear hand-me-downs from Gwen. Though she was given proper clothing during her stay with the Plumbers, she never really knew the feeling of wearing 'pretty dresses'. Since then, she's been obsessed with collecting dresses from different time periods.  
At some point in her time travelling journey, in a certain campsite, she meets a lost child who she decides to help find his parents.  It's later on revealed that the child was a young Ken Tennyson who got strayed away from his parents. When Ben asked who helped him find his way back, his son merely replied with saying, "the lady in the big white dress" obviously referring to Mobius. According to Ken, ever since that encounter, he's started to believe in the supernatural, believing that Mobius was some sort of forest deity.
 After approximately a hundred years worth of adventure, Paradox ended up taking Ken Tennyson under his tutelage after the kid got grounded from using his own omnitrix. At first, this was an idea that Cassie was heavily against, though she was stating that the kid is 'incompetent' though deep inside she was very uncomfortable with taking care of the child of they guy she had always loved. Cassie ended up taking the kid under her wings after seeing his desire in being a hero (which heavily reminded Cassie of her similar childhood ambitions).
 When he was a small child, Ken was curious about the 'Cassie' that people always mentioned to his father. According to him, there was an incident back then when he brought up the name to his father that later on caused a fight between his parents. Ever since that moment, he's disliked the name, stating that it's a name filled with bad memories.
 Since Ben hid all things related to his childhood with Cassie, Ken has never actually seen the face of Cassie. It doesn't help that everytime he travelled to the past as Spanner, she would often be in another place. Due to this, he doesn't know that Mobius is actually the Cassie he's been long curious about.
 Ken sees Mobius as his 'cranky aunt'. His childish and impulsive nature often irritated the time traveler to the point that she would always scold him for being reckless. Despite that, he holds his mentor in high regards due to her intense dedication on heroism. Cassie, on the other hand, sees Ken as the spitting image of Ben,though she sees that the kid has the capabilities to uphold his father's legacy.
 After her thousand years worth of journey as a time traveler, Cassie does end up resolving her long grudge and self-hatred. However, she wasn't too sure of returning to a normal life in Bellwood, due to the fact that the flow of events have been proven to have a much better outcome without her. She's later on convinced by Ben 10,000 (who was brought in by Ken) to come back to his time, which she ends up doing. The outcome of her return remains unknown.
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Should you fight my f/os?
Tagged by @megane-shipping @rose-wine-selfships @firebird-inkheart
I have many f/os, so this isn't all of them but I still did a fair number of 'em.
Also the rating system confused me but I did my best.
Dazai: He looks pretty scrawny, and while he is a pretty good fighter fighter through skill he isn't the physically strongest opponent, but you still wouldn't be able to beat him. He'd come up with some sort of plan where you'd probably think you'd won but then you turn around and oop no Dazai won. How does that work? Who fucking knows.
No fighting Dazai. 2/10
Erza Scarlet: She will kick your ass with the power of friendship and her eighteen thousand swords. Are you kidding me? She's queen of the fairies, no way. Beating her up only inspires her to win for the sake of her guild.
No fighting Erza. 1/10
Shinobu Kocho: She will poison you with a smile on her face. Unless your name is Douma, I would not recommend (ouch).
No fighting Shinobu. 4/10
Chuuya Nakahara: if you're looking to get crushed by a manlet in a fancy hat, then go for it. He's quite possibly one of the strongest ability users out there, but tell him Dazai called him a nerd or whatever and he'll fly into a rage that you can either use to your advantage or will result in you being crushed faster.
No fighting Chu-tan. 1/10
Yosano Akiko: Holy shit what? You're going to fight her? She will hack you to pieces, put you back together, and then repeat, repeat, repeat until she has to go and catch a sale.
No fighting Yosano. 4/10
Howard Phillips Lovecraft: You have a chance so long as he continues to give into his tiredness, he may simply lay there while you beat the shit out of him. Make sure you keep him from going all eldritch monstrocity on your ass though.
Not advised to fight Lovecraft. 3/10
Edgar Allen Poe: He's baby, why would you fight him? I know his best friend is a raccoon and he looks like he hadn't been outside since he was a baby, but what would you accomplish by fighting him?
To remain a decent person no fighting Poe. 5/10
Mark Twain: He's allergic to wearing shirts properly and thinks he's all buff and stuff, but you can punch him in the eye and knock him the fuck out. His little doll friends ain't gonna do shit. So long as you get too close for him to snipe you, you've got this.
Fight Mark. 7/10
Margaret Mitchell: I would really rather you not, she's napping. If you did, though, be ready to get caught in your own personal tornado while she rants about restoring her families honor. Unless your name is Akutagawa, be careful.
Not advised to fight Margaret. 5/10
Higuchi Ichiyo: She's certainly not the most formidable opponent, but she would gladly cut a thousand bitches for the sake of getting senpai to notice her.
You could fight Higuchi but it's not advised. 6/10
Gin Akutagawa: You wouldn't even hear her coming. The thought of fighting her would be brand new and then whoops, you've got a knife to the throat. She's not a leader of the black lizards for no reason.
Not advised to fight Gin. 4/10
Beelzebub: There is a chance that he would literally eat you, but for the most part while he is a big, beefy demon, he's also a teddy bear; he'd probably let you punch him over and over with a straight face. Stay away from his food and you should be fine.
Maybe fight Beelzebub. 6/10
Mammon: On one hand, he is the second most powerful of his brothers, he could easily destroy you. On the other hand, boy gets beat up verbally and physically by his brothers every damn day and has a mountain of insecurities, poke at those and you could probably win. Or make him even more mad. It's a gamble with the avatar of greed, my guy.
Maybe fight Mammon but not advised. 5/10
Jae-ha: He's a quick fellow, and his aim with those daggers is pretty spot on, it'd be very difficult and your best chance would be to try and ground him so he can't use his dragon leg. Although, he's a pervert and would probably like getting beat up, so you could win simply by that
Not advised to fight Jae-ha unless he's feeling especially nasty: 5/10
Chain Sumeragi: She can literally make herself completely undetectable and then stick her hand through you to play with your insides, unless you can get past that somehow, you're fucked.
No fighting Chain. 3/10
Steven Alan Starphase: He will Esmeralda Blood Freeze you before you can even blink and the shatter you into ice cubes for his drink. He ain't afraid to get his hands dirty.
No fighting Steven. 3/10
The Happy Huntresses: They're an experienced team of top of their class huntresses; four badasses trained not only to fight people but also giant evil monsters.
No fighting the happy huntresses. 4.5/10
Meis and Gueira: I mean they look decently tough with those bikes and the armor and the fire, but everytime we see them in a fight they get their asses handed to them in like two seconds. Best to be equiped with a fire extinguisher or like some ice cubes to chuck at 'em.
Maybe fight them. 6/10
Aizawa Shouta: Your best bet is to catch him in the middle of a nap, but please be so careful not to wake him up, he's most likely be so cranky that he'd forget he's a hero and snap your neck.
Not advised to fight Aizawa. 5/10
Idia Shroud: His scrawny ass barely ever leaves his room, he hasn't lifted anything heavier than his phone ever, he's a flaming stick basically.
You could fight Idia. 7/10
Sesshomaru: He has very little mercy to spare and has killed a great deal of people and demons.
No fighting Sesshomaru. 2/10
Annie January: She is capable of blinding and throwing you across the room with a beam of light from her hands and can lift like thirty two times her bodyweight. Unless you also have superpowers, would not recommend.
Not advised to fight Annie. 5/10
Byleth: She's a skilled fighter on her own, but she also has an army of feral students ready to beat the shit out of anyone who messes with their proffessor.
No fighting Byleth. 4/10
Shatina: Her greatest joy is beating people up and watching them bleed, she steps on and torments even her closest allies on a near daily basis. She would crush you and the go right back to drinking.
No fighting Shatina. 4/10
Maeve: I'm actually not sure what kind of fighting ability she has, but why would you want to hurt a goddess?
No fighting Maeve. 5/10
Ban: He's a member of one of the strongest groups of fighters in the land, and he's able to almost immediately regenerate after any and all damage. Also, he's like 10 feet tall, what are you going to do? Chew on his ankles until they snap off? They grow right back.
No fighting Ban. 4/10
Joxter: Fucking feral cat man, too lazy to fight back. Kick his ass.
Fight Joxter. 8/10
Shigure Sohma: Please fight Shigure, please. I will put my bet on you and watch.
Please fight Shigure. 9/10
Vodka: She's used to fighting giant fallen angels, she'd have no trouble kicking your ass and looking good while doing it. Also, she could simply send her hawk Andre to peck out your eyes before she even has to do any work.
Not advised to fight Vodka. 5.5/10
Jordan 'JD' Davies: They're the Jersey Devil. Literally, the Jersey Devil. They'd burn you to a crisp with their fire powers. But, your chances of victory aren't zero if you could find a way to deal with that. They're strong, but you could find a way with a fist fight. Fuck knows they deserve to be fought.
You probably shouldn't but fight JD anyways. 7/10
Zoro: You're going to fight a guy who wields three swords? One of which he sticks in his mouth? He's clearly crazy. Also I'm pretty sure he cuts a mountain in half at some point or something like that? So there's that to take into consideration. You're best bet would be to also be amazing with swords.
No fighting Zoro. 3/10
Nami: She's not the most powerful out of all of all of her crew, but if you beat her you will leave afterwards and notice that your wallet and all your valuables that you had on you are missing and she's already sailing away.
You could fight Nami but you will be poor afterwards. 7/10
Mollymauk Tealeaf: Hasn't he been through enough?
No fighting Molly please. 5/10
Zora: She will turn you into a literal baby, how do you plan on beating her up as an infant with your chubby lil baby hands?
No fighting Zora: 4/10
And I wanted to include some familial too
Yukichi Fukuzawa: Have you seen him fight with a sword? You won't even see him draw it.
No fighting Fukuzawa. 2/10
Ogai Mori: He will trick you into thinking he's merely a simple, friendly neighborhood physician, and then the moment your back is turned there will be a scalpel buried deep in it. Also, he has a demon baby at his command.
No fighting Ogai. 2/10
Kouyou Ozaki: You might think you're sneaking up on her, but her Golden Demon will cut you down without her even needing to look away from admiring the flowers and sipping her tea.
No fighting Kouyou. 2/10
No fighting Oda PLEASE. 4/10
Ranpo Edogawa: While he has eaten nothing but processed sugar since the day he was born, he will eviscerate you with his words and leave you too mentally beaten to lift a finger. Stuff your ears with some cotton and kick his scrawny ass. The rest of the detective agency will come after you, though.
Not advised but go ahead and fight Ranpo. 5/10
Yumeno Kyusaku: So much as look at this child wrong, much less lay a finger on them, and I will be the one fighting you.
Lio Fotia: I know he looks like a dandy who was abandoned and raised by a biker gang, but he is also the strongest known burnish. The only thing saving you is his code against killing.
Not advised to fight Lio. 4/10
Laxus Dreyar: He's an asshole, and I completely understand wanting to fight him, but he is jacked as shit with the power of lightning at his finger tips.
It's not smart but I would like to watch you do it anyways. 2/10
Noctis Lucis Caelum: He'd rather fish than fight you, but he is capable of taking down giant monsters and mini armies with the ability to teleport. Tell him Hot Topic is going out of business and he'll crumble.
Not advised to fight Noctis but eh maybe you could. 4/10
Pretty sure all the people I would've tagged have already done it? So do this if you want to.
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minatulin · 7 years
Okay so I just finished up listening to the Taz: balance thing. What a ride.
I’ll put thoughts under the cut, mostly for myself since I doubt anyone is following me for random thoughts on a bunch of guys playing dnd. 
(Obivously spoilers)
I really liked all the main adventures, not counting the gerblin one because I could barely focus on anything that was happening due to a lack of investment and having yet to realize who’s voice was who (Not to mention ADD)
Jenkins was a great villain with how done he was with everything. His lack of humour was such a nice contrast to the boys and I loved it. The way he died too, just perfection. I was laughing almost everytime he showed up.
 Angus was a bit less interesting, but I knew he was gonna appear later on so I enjoyed him as sort of a starting point and less a cool fully done character mcgoo.
 After that I don’t have much other stuff to say really, expect that Petals to Metal(s? Too tired to check) had a really nice? amount of stuff to do? I thought the whole climbing a skyscraper was gonna be the whole thing and it was very boring (Although hearing a tree scream about losing it’s butt was the most hilarious thing in the whole podcast for me.)
 But then they started disguising and sneaking around, riding a car, it was great. Although I couldn’t enjoy really any of the battles in the whole podcast because I just couldn’t focus on them at all, so the whole “fighting all the other competitors” went way longer than I was hoping for it to.
 Then that frEAKING RED ROBE came in, and I was immediately hooked for the whole podcast. Like before it I had listened to it occasionally but then I started marathoning it. Mostly because I had seen so many spoilers already, and knew that this guy was gonna be the beloved Barry boy.The crystal kingdom was amazing because I have some weird obsession with evil pink crystals. Also just the whole scenario was exciting!! and fun!! Great time. I miss Boyland.
  Eleventh hour happened, the bank breaking adventure was honestly the best part and the rest isn’t something I’d relisten to. I loved the dark elf (Ren? Was that her name?) very much.
  Wonderland was amazing a definite favourite. I feel like it could’ve used a lot more suffering, and variety (The main cycle was rather boring and the dating game was a good step towards betterness but it ultimately felt a bit underwhelming for a gameshow done by two very extra liches), but it was very good.
  Now back to mr. Barry boy,,,, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  I have this issue with most stories, (which I am sure many can relate to) that they tend to spark my imagination. When I listen to a story, I can’t avoid coming up with my own… version of it, so to speak, as it goes on. And based on the fanart I had seen, I was thinking the world of this journey was gonna be one with a froggoten century? Where tech was cooler, and the Ipre(Did I get that right? I dislike it when people don’t check these things since you can just google them but I’m a hypocrite it seems and I should avoid judging people next time.) was a cool gang of these cool people who made the relics and it was great and awesome and what a great universe we live in right now. Then there’s like a relic war and it all goes to the pooper and Lucertia takes their memories and the world sort of… starts a new.
  And I have to admit, what actually happened lended a lot more freedom and space to connect the dots, but it was sort of a … I’m gonna call it a trope, that I’m not very fond of.
  I like the feeling of home, being close, excisting on a time gap we can relate to (unless you’re going to explore what being super old would mean) and I don’t enjoy leaving Hogwarts. That is to say that whenever a story throws me out of the familiar, well developed nice comfort zone, without somekind of anchor to hold onto (That being the main 3 for most of the arcs) I get uninvested.
  And that doesn’t make the story bad. Not at all, it just makes it not be my kind of thing. Which sucks, because pretty much everything else was just my kind of thing.
I’m not very good at putting complex webs of thoughts into words, so I’ll explain this again but with different wording.
 I enjoyed the main arcs, because I knew the three boys and could comftorably follow their progress. There was a tight rhythm for the arcs and each part added to the world so I could slowly feel very invested.
 Then the Stolen century appears, and it becomes very detached. We only see snippits into what happened during A VERY LONG TIME. These characters became strangers. They were familiar to each other, possibly the McElroys, but not for me. I wasn’t there to watch those bonds form.
 I would’ve focused on the ship itself more, and what happened in there. Make that ship a home, a place to return to. And make the time lapse shorter. 100 years is a very long time, and I can’t see why it was necessary, other than that it did make it all seem far… greater, more massive. Which is great if that’s what kind of stories you like. I’m a very people person, I want stories about people and their emotions, I want stories one a small relatable scale, where we can understand them. That’s just me, and I am used to not getting that story.
 I knew there was gonna be a boss fight in the end, I knew when the finale started that it was going to be an epic fight. I wasn’t expecting a story about just people. It was gonna be an epic fantasy, which was obivous to me from the beginning. Still you can’t help what your lil heart longs for.
 But surprisingly(?), the ending was pretty great. I can see how people who weren’t uninvested the moment stolen century begun could’ve really liked it.
 And I personally loved how happy it was. I hated how something like Harry Potter ended. I hate endings that think they need to kill of lovable characters to show the misery of war. Misery of war can go stay in the history books and the news, I don’t want it in my quality entertainment.
 I loved how just… everyone appeared, everyone helped. The Hunger wasn’t potrayed as this awful darkness that cosumed everything, like it was in the stolen century arc, which was also something I didn’t really enjoy. I don’t like stories where there feels like there’s not sunshine, where there’s a constant feeling of eternal misery in the back of your mind.
In Story and song, the hunger felt like an inconvenience. It was nothing against this laughing doofuses, the friends they made a long the way, and the FREAKING ELEVATOR MECH AND GARFIELD THE DEALS WARLOCK.
 It’s a bit of a shame that I can’t picture the Ipre group finding joy after like 100 years of torment, and that I see them all as strangers instead of the friends and characters I enjoyed. That kind of taints the whole podcast. But I can say that it was a ride I enjoyed immensely, and I am sure there are a ton of people who loved it, and they really should.
 Also since Commitment is happening I can get more of this stuff and hopefully next time they keep it at a more local scale.
 Griffin’s retconning was neat. I feel like I would’ve digged it more if that form of storytelling didn’t come so naturally to me. (NOT TO Sound LIKE I’m FULL OF MY SELF which I mean everyone is literally full of themselves. Like your blood and meat? That’s you. You’re full of yourself.)
 BUT YEAH that’s a few thoughts. I feel very vulnerable putting this out there, because there are a lot of people that I admire who know what they’re talking about. I’m not a person who likes writing my thoughts down, I mean we experience the world as a multidimensional plane of excistence with like 5 senses, and then words try to convey that and they suck at it. I don’t want people to read a broken phone, but you can’t put your thoughts out as thoughts.
 I’m alone with my brain and so are you, you’re interpreting what I am writing right now, possibly unintentionally judging everything through your lense of a brain, how dare you.
 Go away you hooligan.
 Thanks for reading.
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