#but everything is okay right now. I’ll make appointments. I’ll discuss medications and testing. I’ll make lifestyle changes where I can.
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torchickentacos · 10 months ago
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mudhorn-djarin19 · 4 years ago
The Unexpected - (Agent Whiskey x f!reader)
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Summary: After you and Jack have a break up you realize you are pregnant with is child. What now? (Came to me cause we know Jack lost his child and sweetheart canonically. He loved them and deff seems like he would still want a wife/kids someday. So what if he finally gets it... but :X) Rating: Teen Warnings: unplanned pregnancy, mentions of abortion, and language Masterlist Join my tag list via here! You sigh as you make your way to Champs office with papers in hand. You didn’t want to have to transfer partners but it was necessary. You couldn’t work with Jack now that you had broken up. The two of you ended on fairly decent terms but there was still awkwardness and tension there. Approaching Champ’s door you knock waiting for his response. Once given confirmation you enter and sit in one of the big leather chairs in front of his desk.
“What can I do for you today Agent Sangria?” He says with a smile.
You place the papers on his desk and slide them his way. “I’m putting in a partner change request. Agent Whiskey and I as you know where an item and we are no longer. It would be awkward to continue to work with him.” Champ takes the papers with a frown. Looking over them he sighs. “Well I hate to see that my two best agents won’t be working together anymore but I understand. I will transfer you to work with Tequila from now on if that’s okay with you.” You nod, giving confirmation that Tequila was fine. You sign the papers needed for confirmation of partner change and thank Champ for his understanding. Heading out of his office you bump into no other than Agent Whiskey himself.
“Oh sorry da-... sorry.” He says, moving to the side to let you by.
“It’s fine.” You say quickly and continue on your way down to the cafeteria to meet Ginger for lunch. Not continuing the conversation much longer.
You make your way into the cafeteria, grabbing some food and then finding Ginger at a table in the far back corner. “Hey.” She says with a lighthearted smile. “Doing okay?” “Yeah. I’m managing.” You sigh. “I just put in my transfer request with Champ. Thankfully he understood and I’ll be working with Tequila from now on.” Ginger gently rubs your back, knowing your sadness. “I know it makes you sad. The breakup, having to do all this but things will be okay. Tequila’s at least a good agent. He’s nice and funny.” She says.
“Yeah I know he is. I am glad to be getting partnered with him.” You sigh. “I just hate this. If Jack and I didn’t get into the stupid argument about life I wouldn’t be here right now.” “Want to talk about it?” Ginger frowns. She knew you broke up last month but hadn’t heard the full story yet. 
“Jack and I got into an argument over the stupidest thing. I was discussing the next steps for us. Like moving in together, possibly marriage and even kids at some point far down the line. But he got all tense and acted like he didn’t want that. It hurt. I thought he loved me… I mean we were together for 2 and a half years.” You sigh, keeping your tears in check. “I wanted to create a picture perfect life with him.” 
“I’m sorry hun. You’ll find someone who wants to do that with you I am sure. He’ll realize his mistakes then.” She comforts. “I know I will but it’s going to be a while. There’s too much pain there. I’m still in love with him. It hurt to call it quits but I had to.” You say.
Ginger continues to console you throughout your meal, ensuring you all will be good within time. The next week goes by with ease until one morning you wake up feeling sick. You run to the toilet and throw up. You groan fearing you have come down with a stomach bug until it hits you… your period hasn’t come in over a month. “Shit shit shit.” You swear pacing around your bathroom in fear. You work at calming yourself down. Thankfully it was your day off from work so you could take the day to go get some tests and relax. Once you ate and got to feeling a bit better you ran to the nearby store and bought 4 different tests. You sigh and pee on them all as told. Placing them all on the counter when finished you set the timer for the designated wait time. It feels like ages until the timer goes off. You whine at the thought of looking at them but know you have to. You slowly walk over and look at them and see that all 4 have 2 lines clear as the day showing. Tears immediately fill your eyes as you drop down onto the floor. Clutching your chest you sob realizing you are pregnant with none other than Jack’s child. Sure you knew it was a risk when you had unprotected sex but you never figured it would have happened with you being on the pill. It must have gotten messed up somehow. You continue to sob trying to rack your mind around what is happening. What do you do? Do you keep it? Of course you do, you thought. You always wanted kids. Do you tell Jack? If you did, would he be mad? And if you don’t would he notice and figure out it’s his or assume it’s someone else's and you were cheating on him. You groan and pick up your phone, calling Ginger. 
“Hello? It’s your day off shouldn’t you be-” She says but stops when she hears your sobs. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” “Ginger I…” You gulp. “Ginger I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to do.” “Woah holy shit…  Okay first off. Do you know whose it is?” She asks, already figuring the answer but wanting to confirm.
“Yes of course. It’s Jack’s. Who else's would it be?” You groan. “What do I do? I’m scared to tell him but I don’t know how to hide it from him. I want to keep it though.” She is silent for a minute minus her humming while she thinks. “Well he’s going to find out at some point. But in the meantime, we can see about maybe transferring you to be a tech agent. You definitely don’t want to be on the field if you are carrying a baby. Plus if you’re a tech agent you won’t have to be around Jack much.” She assures.
“Y-yeah. I guess that could work. Shit. I hate to make Champ put in another change for me. But surely he’ll understand. Poor Tequila though now he has to yet again find a new partner.” You frown. “He’ll be fine. Don’t stress. Champ will surely understand. Give him a call today to get it in motion while you're out. I got to get back to work now but if you need anything else don’t hesitate to call me. I’m here for you.” She says before saying her goodbyes and hanging up.
You sigh and immediately call Champ once hang up from your call with Ginger.
“Hey Champ, I hate to do this but I need to put in another transfer.” You sigh.
“Is everything okay? I thought you said working with Tequila would be okay.” She says.
“No no it is. It’s just… I can’t do field work for a while.” You gulp. “I just discovered a few minutes ago that I’m pregnant.” “O-Oh. Well…” Champ says unsure what to say. “Understandable. I can transfer you to tech agent or medical for the time being. Whichever you prefer.” “I’d like to be tech agent. I- It’s obviously Jack’s and  don’t want him to find out about this quiet yet. Not after what went down between us. He won’t be around me much if at all if I am assigned there.” You say.
“Okay. I will put in your paperwork today and you can start work in tech tomorrow first thing.” He states. “If you need anything else or any help you know where to reach me.” He says before ending the call.
Three months passed since you discovered you were pregnant making you now at four months and you were definitely starting to show some. You were enjoying your job change as a tech agent but wouldn’t lie about missing the action and being able to travel as an agent. Ginger had been kind and helped you out with anything you needed. Such as helping you shop for some supplies, going to doctors appointments for support and just being there for you emotionally through it all. She was truly the bestest friend you could ever ask for. By now practically everyone who you worked with closely knew you were pregnant but thankfully no one said anything to Jack, and you were still able to avoid him. You only had a few more months to push through and they were surely going to be the roughest but you’d manage. You still worried about what you’d do if Jack found out but that was a problem for that day.
Another two months passed and you were very much showing now at six months. It was hard to hide it and the pain was getting stronger. The baby was kicking a lot now. The day was going fine as you went over some reports from Tequila’s last mission you did tech for him until Ginger swore under her breath and hopped up from her seat.
“What’s going on?” You asked, turning in your chair to face her. She was heading towards the door when she stopped and looked at you. “I need to go to medical. We have an incoming emergency from the mission I was just working on.” You looked at her and processed what she was saying until you finally remembered that her last mission she teched on was Jack’s. “Wh-what happened?” “Hun, stay here and relax. I am sure he’s okay. I will explain later.” She says, quickly escaping. You frowned and looked down at your shaking hands. It may have been months since you two had broken up but your love for him was still there and you were worried he was seriously injured. What if he was? Would he recover? You worked at relaxing your mind. Ginger will tell you everything soon you assure yourself. You sigh and turn yourself back to your report to try and focus your mind.
A few hours passed when Ginger finally returned. “He’s okay. He’s tired and sore, got a few stitches and bandages but he’s alive. If you’d want to go see him you can.”
You thanked her and made your way down to the medical wing. You sighed and rubbed your belly, knowing now that you were going to see him he’d notice and you’d have to explain. The elevator dinged and you stepped off into the medical facility. You checked with the main nurse on what room Jack was in before heading that way.  You gently knocked on the door before entering and sitting down on the chair next to his bed. He was asleep, probably from medication that Ginger had given him. You reached out and gently grabbed a hold of his hand. That small gesture must have woken him because his light snores stopped and he slowly turned his head to look at you. “Hey. What’re you doing here?” He questions, voice raspy. He coughs then, explaining why his voice is like that.
“Hey. Um Ginger told me you got hurt on the mission. I just wanted to come and see if you were okay.” You said, still holding his hand.
“Oh.” He coughs. “Yeah I’m okay. She fixed me up. Just got caught in some crossfire. Got a few shots in me but all good now.” You nod and lightly smile. You hold his gaze for a bit until he works at sitting himself up. When he does he looks down and sees your belly. His gaze turns from soft to dark then, a glare across his eyes.
“I see you move on fast.” He grumbles.
“I haven’t… It’s-” You start to say.
“Oh? So then what?” He glares at you.
“No Jack.” You sigh. “I-it’s yours.” His glare softens as his eyes widen, mouth opening slightly. “I-I… what?” “It’s yours Jack. There’s no one else's it could be. You’re the only person I have been with in years. I realized not long after we broke up.” You frown and look down. “It’s why I transferred from being an agent. For the safety of us both.” Jack’s eyes are still wide as he takes this all in. “Why did you keep this from me?” He frowns.
“Why would I tell you? I figured you’d be angry or something. We broke up because we couldn’t agree on our future, remember? I wanted to create a future with you. Like this but, you acted as if you didn’t want such a thing and it hurt me. I knew from the moment I found out I was keeping it, I’ve always wanted kids of my own and I finally have one. I won’t ask you to be in the picture or pay for child support if you don’t want to.” Jack’s frown deepens and he shifts to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching a hand out to touch your belly. “Sugar, I am so sorry. I should have explained myself better months ago but, I just didn’t know how. I was scared. I still am, but I want this.” You looked at him confused.
“I want a future with you sugar. I want to marry you someday, have a little family and such. It’s all I ever wanted too. I am just scared to lose it all again after what happened in my past. It took me by surprise. I wasn’t sure how to react. I am so so sorry for not explaining myself sooner.” He states.
You lift your hand up to place over his on your belly. “So…” You start to say.
He nods. “Darlin’ I never wanted us to call it quits. I want you and only you. Well, I want you and this new bundle of joy we have now.” He smiles lightly.
Tears start to fill your eyes as you listen to his words. “I-I’m sorry. For getting so mad, not letting you explain and calling it off. I’m really sorry. I’ve spent the last few months feeling miserable. I missed you… I never stopped loving you.” You sob.
Jack leans forward and wraps his arms around you, pulling you as close to him as he can. “It’s okay. I am sorry too. I’m not going anywhere now though. I am staying right here with you and this little one. Okay?” You nod. “Yes, please. I want you to stay and be with us.” “I will. I promise.” He kisses your forehead. “Now, what are we having?” “A little girl. She’s due in 3 months.” You smile.
Jack’s eyes light up. “Did you pick a name for her yet?”
You shake your head. “No. I wanted you to pick it honestly.”
He hums in thought. “What about Elizabeth? It was my mother’s name.”
“I love it.” You smile.
3 months later when the baby finally came Jack was there through it all as he promised. You smiled at your now fiance. He had popped the question to you finally not too long ago and you both were finally living together. You smiled at each other as you handed him the baby. Tears fell from both of your eyes as you were both happy and where you wanted to be in life. Together with each other.
@sarahjkl82-blog @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @blackberries45
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honeypirate · 4 years ago
Figure it out
Part four
Hinawa and fem reader
Masterlist here
The one with ✨ another song! ✨ And nurse 👨‍⚕️Hinawa!
I’m like that monkey at a type writer that people always say “even a monkey could write that” that’s how I feel with this lol but I like it anyway 😜
You wake up before him, slowly coming to consciousness as the sun shines into the window, your eyes flutter open and immediately look over to him, taking in his messy bed hair and calm face, a hand on his chest and one on his stomach. You watch him until you see him start to stir, then you take a deep breath and sit up, stretching out your arms and groaning at the pain and stiff muscles from your injury.
“Good morning sleepy head” you say when he sits up, he smiles “good morning” you smile at his morning voice, so low and raspy. “How do you feel?” he asks and you shrug “as good as i can post surgery with a stab wound. I don’t like that you were so overworked, but I’m glad I don't have to be here alone” he yawns and then smiles softly at you, his eyes still full of sleep as he gazes over at you “well, honestly, even if I didn’t have to be here, I still would come and stay by you if i knew you didn’t want to be alone.” you raise your eyebrows with a smile “you’d do that for me?” he nods and sighs, a soft sound containing all he feels about waking up and seeing you in the morning, makes him wish he stayed beside you when he slept in your bed. “of course i would. You’re important to me” he says softly and before you could discuss that any further nurses came through the door.
After their tests they tell you that Hinawa can be discharged and that you could as well if you promised to be on bed rest with minimal office duties for the next few months until you’re fully healed. You decided to take that offer because there was no way in hell you’d sleep in this bed another night, they gave you some as needed pain medication and a prescription for another month, with an appointment to get your stitches taken out in two weeks.
Back at the base you head towards the Captain’s office but Hinawa stops you “you heard them. you should go rest. I’ll tell Captain Obi” you’re about to insist you’re fine but he shakes his head, holding out your medication he was carrying “go, take some of your medication and rest” he orders and gently shoves you in the direction of your room and you huff before sticking your tongue out at him as you walk away, keeping your right arm against your middle so you didn’t move your stitches.
You stop by the kitchen to get some water and run into Maki, “oh Y/N you’re finally back! How are you?” “it’ll take more than a little knife to take me out” you say and laugh gently as you get yourself a glass of water “how long will you be out?” you take one of your pills before you say “a couple months, i hope less though” she nods “you should go rest but it’s my turn for dinner so it’ll be done in a few hours” you nod “okay thank you, see you later”
When you make it back to your room you lay down, the short walk strangely exhausting, you find yourself panting, your side hurting. “Okay, i’ll just lay here until my meds kick in, then i’ll get up” you close your eyes, trying to distract you from the throbbing pain, focusing on evening out your breaths, you didn’t notice when the meds kicked in because you were already asleep.
When you wake up again it’s dark outside, your clock’s lights reading 12:23am, you lay there for a moment, considering going back to sleep but your stomach rumbles and you groan, having missed all meals today you were starving. You slowly roll out of bed, the familiar walk taking longer because of your baby steps.
He was worried when you didn’t come to dinner, but he figured you were sleeping when your door was quiet, and figured he would make you a good breakfast in the morning. He woke up to your singing again, your voice from the kitchen vents
“It's nothing, it's so normal you You just stand there, I could say so much But I don't go there 'cause I don't want to I was thinking if you were lonely Maybe we could leave here and no one would know At least not to the point that we would think so”
He pushes off his blanket and quickly makes his way to the kitchen.
The lights are on this time, illuminating the hallway from the open door “And I couldn't tell, if anyone here was feeling the way I do But I'm lonely now, and I don't know how To get it back to good”
he walks in and smiles at the sight of you singing softly, heating up some of dinner with a metal bowl with your hands on either side, using your fire instead of the microwave. “Hey” he says and you look up at him from the counter you had used a chair to be able to sit on top of, “hey are you hungry?” you ask and he shrugs “i could eat” you laugh “perfect, I already have enough for you here”
You convince him to eat on the couch since you were injured, and he carries both of your bowls as you walk, he tells you everything you missed during the later afternoon and evening, the fights over dinner and the new information about the white clad. Once you’re sitting on the couch, he hands you your bowl and you smile up at him warmly “thank you Hinawa” he nods and sits next to you, his thigh pressed into yours leaving no space between you. He was warm and it was comforting, you found yourself leaning into him but didn’t care enough to stop, you were injured and medicated and needed some comfort from him
You eat in silence and when you are just thinking about how you needed a drink, Hinawa hands you a bottle of water. you didn’t question it, just took it with a smile. After you were done eating, you leaned your head against his shoulder and closed your eyes “when I was younger, I used to help out on my grandma’s farm in the Chinese peninsula. well one day i was messing around while working, completly goofing off, and slipped in some mud while carrying these 5 gallon buckets full of water with lids on them. i slipped and landed on the very edge of the lid. The edge went right between two of my ribs and cracked them. What was the worst was that one of the farm workers saw it happen and came to ask me if i was okay and I just popped up and pretended i was fine, i said “at least i didn’t spill the water!” and laughed And he gave me this like” you raise your head and look at him with a super worried face, causing him to chuckle “and he said ‘no sweetheart,who cares about the water. Are YOU okay?” you chuckle, the medication making your ribs only slightly ache, “I didn’t even find out my ribs were hurt until later, showing my grandma my bruises that night, it hurt to laugh for two weeks or so” you lean your head against his shoulder “you must have been a really tough kid” you smile and nod “I guess I was, but the actual reason why I told you this story,” you frown and bring your hand up, grabbing his shirt sleeve gently and turn your face further into his arm, your voice more muffled now “ this injury is going to take longer to heal than that one, which means less time I can laugh. And I love joking around with you every day, love that you make me laugh easily, I don’t want to have to miss out on that for a long time” he chuckles and lifts his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders and gently holds you a little closer “i’m sorry you wont get my amazing jokes for the next little while” you lean up and point at him “you have to keep telling me things! No! Don't stop. I will just control myself!” he smiles and you get a little embarrassed by your outburst “please, dont stop telling me funny things. Okay?” you whisper and he nods “okay, but if you hurt yourself and laugh i will stop right then” you nod quickly “deal! No going back on it!”
He laughs some more and you lean back into him, a smile on your face as you try and hold in a groan, pain shooting in your side from your wound, hoping to get away with it until Hinawa tenses, scooting forward and looking at your side with a worried face, thats when you notice the blood on his side and you gasp, looking down at yourself and seeing the blood spot against your white shirt “you might have ripped a stitch” he says and you sigh “fuck. Can you help me? I can't quite..” you hold your hands up and try to reach it to showing him how awkward it is, he nods “i’ll meet you in the bathroom for the better light after i put the dishes away i’ll grab the first aid kit and be right there” you nod and stand, wincing with the movement, thankfully Hinawa wasn’t looking and you sighed in relief. When you look up to himhe looks straight into your eyes “i saw that” he says and then laughs at your look “i’m not going to lecture you this time though, not unless you do this again” you nod and salute weakly “yes sir” he shakes his head and holds the two bowls stacked in one hand, his other resting on your lower back as you walk down the hall together, not moving it until you pass the kitchen and he leaves you to continue your slow shuffle by yourself.
You reach the bathroom and manage to maneuver your way up onto the counter top and once you do you look to the doorway and see him standing there, an amused smile on his lips “did you..?” he laughs “yeah, the whole thing. Im impressed with how determined you were, i could have just lifted you if you waited” you sigh and he comes over to you holding the first aid kit and an extra shirt
He looks at you for a few moments, you look back into his eyes without speaking, like you were lost in his beautiful golden orbs, until you realized he can’t help you with your shirt still on. You blush and look down before you use your arm on your good side to lift the bottom up over your head before pulling it down your other arm and holding it in your lap as you avoid eye contact now, suddenly feeling very self conscious.
He watches as you take off your shirt, the tips of his ears turning pink because of how soft your skin looks, of how gorgeous you are. He watches as you blush and shrink into yourself, watching the physical response of your self consciousness. “Hey” he says softly and you hum in question without looking up at him. He reaches out and with his first three fingers, gently tilts your head to look at him.
“Let’s fix you up okay? Don’t worry I wont hurt you” you smile at his warmth “I trust you Hinawa” he nods “good” he drops his hand and then washes them in the sink next to you before opening the first aid kit and slowly peeling off the bandage stuck to your skin with tape.
He dabs at your would gently with a wet washcloth as you hold your arm up, clutching your opposite shoulder so it’s out of his way. “it’s not bad, you won't have to go back to the doctor, you just need to take it easy and go to bed after i’m done” you smile as you study his face while he looks at your stab wound. He dabs it with peroxide, then puts on some neosporin so it won't stick to the gauze he places over it and then another bandage that he wraps around your middle instead of taping it to you.
“Is this too tight?” he asks and you shake your head “no, it’s perfect. Thank you for your help.” he nods “of course, here, i brought you a shirt” he hands you one of his extra black shirts and you thank him before taking it and trying to put it on. He watches as you struggle for a moment before reaching out, helping you unfold it and slip it up over your bad arm and then holds it as you slip your other arm through it, gently sliding the soft material down all the way, his fingers brushing across the skin on your back.
Once you brush your teeth and make sure you have everything you need, you lay in bed, him helping you get situated in silence. You watch him, a question in your eyes that you’re too embarrassed to ask “Do you want me to stay?” he asks for you and you smile shyly “only if you want to though” he smiles and then looks into your eyes “if i am being honest, I slept the best next to you than i have in the all of my adult years” you beam up at him “then you’re saying you’ll-” he nods “I’ll stay” your heart warms and your stomach floods with butterflies as he climbs into your bed beside you.
Because of your wound you have to lay on your side facing him, a smile on your lips and your eyes looking at his face as he lays beside you “you can’t sleep unless you shut your eyes” he says with a smirk, his eyes never opening. You reach out and grab his side, pulling yourself as close to him as you can and moving down just a little before you bury your face in his chest, he chuckles and watches you, waiting until you're comfortable before he gently wraps his arm over you.
“Tell me a story?” you ask and he sighs with a smile into your hair “real or fake?” he asks and you smile into his chest “you decide” he hums as he thinks “okay, ill tell you the story and at the end you can guess if you think it’s fake or real” he thinks for a moment before kissing the top of your head and beginning his story, his hand coming up to play with your hair that’s on the bed behind you
“There once was a prince of a small kingdom, he was handsome, intelligent, and level headed. One day the prince’s best friend was poisoned by a neighboring kingdom that was trying to start a war. The prince vowed then and there that he would never allow himself to care for another person again, never wanting to feel the same pain and grief again. He lived like this for many years, keeping his heart guarded, thinking he was doing the right thing” you were trying so hard to pay attention, forcing yourself to stay awake for this, it felt important. But the sound of his voice, the smell of him, and the warmth of him holding you, that fights to pull you to sleep.
“One day the prince met a princess, she came to stay at his kingdom and they became friends, laughing and joking with each other every day, she was the only one in the kingdom who seemed to understand everything about him without even trying. She easily walked into his heart and made it her home, walking through each wall and barrier like it was nothing, like it was her purpose to make him feel again. The only one who made feelings joyous instead of exhausting. She saw every hidden part of the Prince and made him feel worthy, she showed him how nice it is to have someone close to him who understands and doesn't make him feel guilty about where he lacks. The door in his heart opened for her like she had the only key.” you smile, thinking about how lovely the princess sounds. He swallows hard and his hand stills, strands of your hair twisted gently around each finger.
“The Prince fell in love with the Princess easily, even though he hadn’t felt the feeling for years she easily claimed all of his love as her own. She would sing to him, call him to her with her angelic voice. She made him laugh easily and not to mention she was an amazing person. She is kind, smart, and the prince is positive she is made of everything sweet and good. One day the princess got hurt.” Your fingers clutch his shirt gently as you whisper “oh no” he chuckles and kisses the top of your head before continuing “She got hurt and the Prince couldn't protect her. He felt terrible about it even though there wasn’t anything he could have done in the moment, he was tied up at the time. There was nothing he hated more than seeing her hurt and wished he could save her from it, but since he couldn’t, he would do anything he could to help her as she recovered. staying by her side and protecting her until she was strong again, until she was back to being able to protect herself. then he would go back to being her partner, and not just her nurse and guard.” You sigh and turn your face so your cheek presses against his chest “I like the prince” you whisper and he smiles
“Real or fake?” he asks and you hum into his chest, too far asleep to truly answer. You hum again and try to wake yourself up more but your mouth doesnt say what your brain tells it, it just mumbles out “my.. prince” before taking a deep breath and sighing into his chest, completely unconscious.
He wakes up with a start, panic in his heart from a dream he can’t remember. He looks down at you in his arms, a smile on your sweet sleeping face. You looked like an angel in his arms, the sun on the horizon hitting your window illuminated the back of you like a halo. He tried to move, to get comfortable again, but your unconscious hand gripped his shirt, and his heart. He was frozen to the spot, his heart racing thinking he woke you up, he waited a moment before looking down at you again.
“Maybe, if this happens again, we could sleep in your bed. It’s bigger than mine right?” you say and snuggle further into him, making sure you don't hurt yourself anymore, your wound was already throbbing and you didn't want to make it worse until you had to get up. He chuckles and kisses the top of your head “right” he clears his throat, the sun rising waking him up more, “you’d want to, do this again? Sleep beside each other?” you look up then, opening your eyes purposefully to look into his, “Hinawa” you reach up to cup his cheek “why wouldn’t i? You keep me safe. Do you think that these have just been coincidences? That it was just because you happened to be here?” you pull your hand down and furrow your brows “unless you don’t like mmm--“ you stop and change your sentence “ You don't want to. Then I mean yeah of course whatever you want I don’t want to make you uncomfortable” he smooths out your brows gently with his finger and he chuckles softly “shhh shh it’s not like that” he gently wraps his arm around you and holds you to his chest, his hand gentle against the back of your head.
A knock sounds at your door followed by Maki’s voice “sorry to wake you y/n but we have an emergency meeting in 5” you tense, knowing it must be big if they’re waking everyone “thank you Maki” when her footsteps retreat is when Hinawa lets you go, he looks into your eyes, he was sad you had to part so soon but he knew it must be important. “We’ll talk later” you smile softly and nod as he gets up softly and helps you out of bed so you didn't hurt yourself. At your door he cups your cheek with a smile before silently slipping out your door.
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anotheronechicagobog · 4 years ago
Functional Dysfunction - Rheese - Chapter 1
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
A/N: This is a new series I’ve been trying to work on and I’m so happy that I’m finally done the first chapter! It’s IMPORTANT to note that this the fic I took a survey for a while back so; Sarah Reese has a double specialty of ED and Neuro. Also, it’s a bit AU so be prepared for that. 
Warnings: swearing, vomit, unplanned pregnancy, talk of abortion
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The waiting room was a decent size, but she still felt small. Surrounded by medical diagrams and leather couches, and pregnant women, and pregnant women with children. She felt completely out of depth and she was finding it hard to breathe. Her tunnel vision was only broken when the nurse called her name. The older woman smiled at her obvious nerves and Sarah was instantly relieved, not because of the woman’s assuring demeanour, but because she knew that if she had gone to a doctor at MED instead of Planned Parenthood, she would have instead been met with shock, judgement, and awaiting a comment from Doris.
“Dr. Singh will be with you in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
So Sarah laid back on the examination table in the flimsy blue paper gown with her unmentionables in the breeze, because of course, Sarah found herself in a situation where she’d need a transvaginal ultrasound instead of a pap smear. She closed her eyes and counted to ten, trying to calm herself down.
“Ms. Reese?”
“Hello, I’m Dr. Singh. You believe you’re pregnant?”
“Yes, I took two home tests, I’ve been nauseous but only between two and four in the afternoon and one and four in the morning, I missed my period, I’ve been fatigued, and my breasts have been sore. And it’s... Uh, it’s Dr. Reese, actually.”
“Okay, then. Are you in your residency?”
“Halfway through my second year.”
“So you know how this works then.”
“Did you bring any support? We have counsellors and resources you can use. Your mental and emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical health.”
“I’m fine. I just want to get the pregnancy confirmed and then book an abortion. I’m in my second year of residency, the father was a one night stand, and my main source of income comes from my mother who would not approve of me having a baby out of wedlock.”
“I completely understand. Med school was hard enough for me without pregnancy and then a baby. We’re still going to have a counsellor talk to you about it beforehand, make sure that you’re making the decision for you and not for anyone else.”
“Alright, I guess.”
“Well, let’s get started, shall we?”
Sarah was right, she was pregnant. She wasn’t surprised and it didn’t change how she felt. So when she walked into her next shift she didn’t expect a concerned Maggie to approach her. “Hey Sarah, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Maggie, why? Did something happen that I don’t know about?”
“You’re pale, you haven’t been eating much lately, and you’ve been more tired lately. What’s going on Reese, are you sick? You can talk to Goodwin and she’ll give you time off.”
“I’m grateful that you’re worried about me Maggie, but I’m not sick or anything, I promise. It’s just stress.” Sarah tried and failed to tell herself that she wasn’t technically lying, but pushed that thought to the back of her mind and took in Maggie’s disbelieving demeanour.
“If you’re sure...”
“I am.” Maggie gave her a look that clearly said ‘I don’t think you’re telling the truth but your lie is plausible so I’m letting it go for now’ as she exited the doctor’s lounge, leaving Sarah alone. She took a deep breath as she put her stuff in her locker before grabbing a clean pair of scrubs. After she’d changed into them she looked into the full mirror of the dressing room, staring herself down. She willed against herself not to do it and lost. She turned to the side and placed her hands over her abdomen. She knew that the fetus inside of her was tiny, the size of a sesame seed, but... She didn’t know what she was doing, truthfully. So she shook her head and squared her shoulders before tying her hair back and walking up to the nurses’ station. “What have you got for me, Maggie?”
Andrew Pierson was seventeen and optimistic, something that both she and Rhodes admired. It made their daily rounds and checkups much easier. On most days they both went at the same time so that both departments were able to get first-hand results and to prevent miscommunication. The only problem was that they were always at 3:30 pm, smack dab in the one-hour afternoon window of Sarah’s ‘morning’ sickness. She did her best to quell it in advance; ginger tea, fresh air, mindful of what she’d had for lunch, and she was always drinking water. Sometimes though, like today, morning sickness couldn’t be quelled or repressed. She and Rhodes were discussing Andrew’s latest brain scan and what his injury meant for a valve replacement, when it reared its ugly head like never before. The bile was rising up her throat, fast and hot. She stopped talking in the middle of her sentence, drawing attention from her colleague and her patient. She didn’t register dropping her tablet. She darted into the adjoining bathroom and emptied the little liquid she had in her stomach. Even after it was all out she had to sit there dry-heaving. The burning discomfort in her throat didn’t bother her like it used to, and the painful twisting in her stomach annoyed her more than anything else at this point. When the hellish nausea finally passed she was able to register that she wasn’t alone. Rhodes stood behind her, holding her hair back for her. She turned to look at him and he clearly felt unbelievably awkward, like her, but she did see worry clearly on display behind his eyes. “What’s going on, Reese? You’ve been sick all week.” She hastily got on her feet, only for Rhodes to have to steady her when her balance wavered and mind spun from doing it too fast. After she was okay enough that Rhodes could let go, she warily made her way to the sink to rinse her mouth, only to find that there was some vomit on the edges of her lips and chin, only furthering her embarrassment as Rhodes tried to make eye contact in the mirror.
“It’s nothing-”
“Okay, stop. This is not nothing, you don’t think I’ve noticed how pale and nauseous you get every day? I may have my head wrapped around for too much but I’m not an idiot. Not to mention, you literally just dropped our patient’s brain scans to vomit. You are not fine, actually, you know what? Let’s just go down to the ED, get you checked out-”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Reese, these are continual symptoms, they could be the sign of-”
“I’m pregnant.”
“... Oh.” Sarah bit out harshly, turned the water off, and left the bathroom, leaving Rhodes standing by the toilet, as she blinked back tears. The look in his eyes, the acknowledgement, the pity. She picked up her, thankfully undamaged tablet, as a demure Dr. Rhodes came to stand beside her again. “I’m very sorry Mr. Pierson, I think I ate some bad sushi yesterday. Let’s just finish our appointment and then we can get you started on your new preparation plan so that you’re ready for surgery, okay?”
“Sounds good, and I hope you feel better soon, doc.”
Dr. Rhodes had spent the remainder of Andrew’s appointment standing beside her clearly shocked and somewhat muted. When they both left though, he steered her into the closest conference room he could find. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I am, now if you’ll excuse me I have other patients that need my care-”
“What about you? Who’s caring for you? You’ve been really sick, and although pregnancy explains it, it doesn’t change the fact that you have concerning symptoms or that Maggie is one bathroom trip away from admitting you into the hospital herself. Because I haven’t heard anything about you in any of the gossip I’m going to assume that you haven’t told many, if any at all, people here. So is there anyone who knows? Anyone who can help you out? And what about the father? I mean you’re pregnant, you’re going to have a baby. Have you spoken to Goodwin yet? She’ll work with everyone to make sure that you’ve got everything you need-”
“Okay, stop! No one knows and I want to keep it that way. I’m not... I’m getting an abortion. And I just...” Sarah took a deep breath as she blinked her tears away. Not now, not at work, not in front of Dr. Rhodes.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” He stood there awkwardly, his arms hovering around her form, unsure of whether he should embrace her or not. Sarah shrugged his hand away and took a few controlled breaths. “I won’t tell anyone, but, does anybody know? And I don’t mean from work, I mean in general, do you have someone to talk to about this? Or take you to and from the procedure?”
“No but it’s fine, I’ll just call a cab after.”
“What if something goes wrong during the procedure, who are they going to call? You have to list an emergency contact.”
“I’ll be fine, everything will be fine.” Sarah took a steadying breath as she tried to quell her morning sickness, again, and stop her body from shaking. “Are you trying to reassure me? Or yourself?” Sarah honestly didn’t have an answer for that.
Sarah cursed herself constantly over the fifteen-minute drive it took to get to Molly’s. Not only did she reveal a pretty damning secret to one of the hospital’s top surgeons, but she hadn’t been able to get out of going to the bar with the rest of the ED staff. And since Molly’s was a firefighter bar, owned by a few members of the 51st firehouse, the father of her child was most likely going to be there. She sat in her car, trying not to let the dread fill her as she stared at the ornate door of what was now her least favourite bar, not that she enjoyed drinking enough to have a favourite. She took the seat next to Maggie and tried to join in on the laughter that was being shared amongst her colleagues. But she couldn’t, she felt hot and cold all over, her breathing was tense, her chest was constricted, and her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes. The fact that Jimmy Borrelli, the father of the unborn child inside of her that he didn’t even know about, was staring at her with familiar lust-filled eyes, and that Connor Rhodes, currently the only person who knew about her pregnancy, just entered and looked at her with a mix of shock, horror, and concern, did absolutely nothing to help with her stress or her pregnancy symptoms. Rhodes made his way over to the table with a guarded look on his face. “Hey guys, how about I get the next round?”
“You’re not new anymore Rhodes, we know you’re not a complete stuck up ass, you don’t have to keep trying to bribe us.”
“Thanks for your words of kindness, Halstead, but this isn’t bribery, this is me offering beer.”
“... Fair enough, man. I think we’re all up for it.”
“Great, hey Reese, would you mind helping me carry it all over?” The meaningful look Rhodes sent made it clear he was using this as an excuse to talk to her away from their co-workers. “Sure.” She tried to sound chipper as she hopped out of her seat, but her voice was tired and it cracked partway through the word. Rhodes visibly frowned and Sarah could feel the concerned stares from her co-workers. They walked to the counter and nodded at Hermann, ready to wait until he was available. “I know that you’re... ‘Cancelling your subscription’,” he spoke lowly, mindful of all the ears around them and how fast gossip flourished among the groups present, “but you still, you know, have it. Should you be drinking?”
“I’m not. I’ve missed too many get-togethers and because of my, uh ‘binge-watching’. People, Maggie in particular are getting suspicious. And honestly, even though I’m ‘cancelling my subscription’, I can’t bring myself to do anything to harm... You know. I, uh, I don’t even drink, really.”
“Yeah, I know. Is there anything else I can get you, then?” Sarah shook her head even though her stomach had turned on her and was eating itself. The bodily organ betrayed her, making an audible growl that could be heard above the music bursting out of the speaker directly above them and the loud mixture of conversations that made nearly everything inaudible. He raised his eyebrow as she scolded herself internally and tried to ignore the warmth creeping up to her cheeks at his bemused expression. “You sure about that? How about some food? I hear that Mills has taken up working the kitchen here, the food should be good.”
“The food is great! And I’m not just saying that because I own that place.” Sarah jumped at Hermann’s voice, not knowing he’d gotten back to them.
“Would you mind showing me a menu then, Hermann? I won’t turn down free food.” Sarah nodded her head at the man standing next to her with a slight smile on her face, feeling better than she had all day if she was being honest. “Oh, is the good doctor buying again?”
“Yes I am, which reminds me, three pitchers of Coors please, and-”
“Spaghetti and meatballs.”
“And spaghetti and meatballs, please.”
“You got it. Here’s your beer, glasses for everyone, and your food’ll be brought over to you when it’s done.”
“And Reese?”
“Give us a good review, will ya? We could use all the help we can get to gain some traction for the kitchen.”
“You got it.”
Sarah eyed the tower of glasses she had in her right hand, concentrating far more than necessary if she was being honest, to make sure that she didn’t drop them. When Sarah set the glasses and full pitcher down she took the opportunity to look around the tables at her colleagues. Everyone had gone back to their conversations, and weren’t regarding her with caution, except for Maggie and Manning. They shared a look with each other, then her. “I’m fine, promise.” They shared another look with each other before discreetly taking her hands into theirs. “We don’t believe you.”
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tamakiamajikistentacles · 4 years ago
Disappearance 8: The End {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Thank you to everyone who has been on this little journey with me! I hope this fic has been enjoyed even half as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Disappearance Masterlist
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As his parents they were permitted to take the boy home to the apartment with them, and the boy liked Miki right away. When she wound herself around his shins and stood on her back legs to butt her head against his hand, he was smitten. The quiet giggles as he pet her and played with her and her toys were like music to both Katsuki and Chiasa.
Miki was happy to see Chiasa, licking her hand affectionately after receiving chin scratches in greeting. Chiasa could only marvel at how much she had grown since she last saw her as a tiny kitten pouncing on every dust particle in the apartment. It was a sweet reunion and one Katsuki had always hoped he would be fortunate enough to witness.
That seemed to be a new change in his life, being able to reclaim the peace he once had before Chiasa had disappeared, and now he was fortunate enough to have that with both her and their son.
Watching the reintroduction of mother and son at the hospital was surreal. Chiasa had marveled at the small boy she had once thought to be a hallucination standing in front of her in the flesh. It was obvious when the boy recognized her and spoke with caution that she was hurt just imagining what her voice had said to him without her consent. But she spoke warmly to him and promised that she was real and not the mother he thought he knew before.
The boy would experience the same thing soon when he found out who his real father was too.
Just thinking about the paperwork with the paternity test results tucked away in his bag was enough to have his spine tingling. They hadn’t sat the boy down to tell him that Katsuki was his father quite yet, afraid that too much change and information in one day wouldn’t be good for him as he integrated into the real world. The child psychologist at the hospital had been more than supportive of the decision and offered his services going forward, something they readily accepted.
Another thing they had to deal with was setting up appointments to find out more about the skin condition causing the rashes and itchiness for him. The doctors had attempted a few preliminary tests that came back inconclusive and recommended a dermatologist for further testing and treatment. It seemed unlikely the generic skin cream they sent them home with would do much in the meantime but it was worth a shot.
He pondered all of this as he watched the pot with the beginnings of their miso soup was considering boiling. Down the short hall he could hear murmurs from the bathroom where the boy was finally able to get clean, to take what Katsuki knew was the first bath of his life with his mother. He left the kitchen knowing a watched pot never boils anyway and a glimpse of his son with his mother was much more important.
Quietly walking down the hallway, fingertips dragging against the wall lightly, the voices of his family became more clear.
“We stay here?”
Chiasa hummed an affirmative. “Yeah, this is where Katsuki lives and where I lived a long time ago.”
“Before Toga looked like you?”
A chill went up his spine.
“Yes, honey, before she would look like me,” she replied after a long pause. “I’m sad that she did that because it meant you got to meet me when it was really her and we never actually met at all. I’m sorry about that, but you can know that from now on when you see my face, it’s really me.”
“Really my mom?” he asked.
“I’m really your mom, yes. I’m going to take care of you for the rest of my life to make up for all the time we were apart okay?”
He couldn’t keep himself hidden after that, turning the corner to lean against the doorframe of the bathroom.
“I’m gonna help her too, that good with you?” he asked, both of the brunettes turning to look up at him.
The boy gave a little grin and nodded, a small murmur of, “Yes,” making sure both he and Chiasa smiled too.
“Good, ‘cause I ain’t going anywhere.”
“You should be going to the kitchen to make dinner,” Chiasa teased.
He waved a hand dismissively but started to turn back to the kitchen nonetheless. “Yeah, yeah, water’s probably boiling now anyway.”
It was easy like that, falling back into their old ways. Even with the addition of the boy they had their same rapport and he knew that as a family it could only get better.
Even though he knew it, it felt like it was cemented as soon as the quiet giggles of mother and son entered the kitchen while he plated their meal. Looking over at the two brunettes he couldn’t believe how naturally they fit into this picture of his life.
Now that the boy had been cleaned up his dark hair wasn’t matted and he could see the small spikey tufts sticking out every which way. It looked more like his mother’s slightly longer hair but those were without a doubt definitely from his side of the gene pool. It was overwhelming to realize but even moreso to know that he already loved it and couldn’t imagine a time where he wouldn’t.
His entire being was screaming that it was outrageous for him to feel this way so quickly when he barely knew the boy but it was his son! His son with Chiasa! It was everything he had ever wished for from the time he realized she was the one for him to the present moment.
Katsuki was content to have this first meal as a family and to watch the two of them scamper off to the couch as he cleaned up after them. He was happy to hear the boy speak about the brightly colored cat cartoon they were watching even if they were small remarks. He could absolutely get used this this dynamic.
His thoughts were racing trying to think of everything they would need for the boy as he was brought fully into the fold of their lives. Surely there would also be medical appointments other than to treat the skin condition in addition to the therapy both he and his mother would be attending.
“We’ll have to make the office his bedroom,” he mused aloud as Chiasa laid against him on the couch. The boy sat cross-legged at their feet, entranced with an older cartoon he vaguely recognized.
She hummed. “Should we let him have the bed until then? Assuming you still have the old futon.”
“Yeah, I have it. Kid deserves a good night’s sleep on a nice mattress. You do too, so I’ll take the futon and you two get the bed.”
“No, I wanna stay with you,” she said. “We’ll sleep on the futon in there with him though, just in case.”
“Look at you going into Mom Mode already.”
She playfully elbowed him in the side. “As if you haven’t won Dad of the Year in a day.”
He scoffed but pulled her closer to him. The natural protectiveness over his family blanketed over his paranoia to keep them in his sights as often as he could, even in the apartment.
Even with the League members behind bars, Dabi and Compress for years and now Spinner, Toga, and Shigaraki following, he did feel the fear of losing them again. Deku’s refusal to end Shigaraki irked him knowing what he was capable of but he had said he would leave him to Deku and he had. He couldn’t burn that bridge, flammable as it surely would be.
He shook his head slightly to clear the thoughts from his mind. He had his family here with him now and he would do anything to keep them safe.
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Chiasa could remember the victory it was for Dabi to be taken into custody and locked away in Tartarus. Almost the entirety of Class A reunited in celebration of his capture and many a toast was raised that night. But several days later the celebratory mood was dashed as a consultant was brought in to assist in the identification of the uncooperative villain.
The man was called the Biographer, his quirk the same as the moniker. If he made to skin to skin contact with another person he could recite factual information about them such as name, birthdate, parents’ names, quirk, and so much more. It was chilling when he pressed a hand to the unmarred skin of Dabi’s hand and began to speak.
“Touya Todoroki, born January 18th at 9:55pm in the Chūbu region of Honshu, Japan, currently 33 years, 330 days old. Firstborn son of Enji and Rei Todoroki, elder sibling of Fuyumi, Natsu, and Shoto Todoroki. Quirk: Cremation.”
Of course it hit Shoto the hardest as expected but the class was close, a bond having been formed from the horrors of heroics at such a young age that they shared his pain. Even Katsuki had been sympathetic despite the hell that the villain had personally put him through.
The fear of learning something devastating was why when the Biographer stepped into his spacious office he tensed. Paternity tests could be wrong, couldn’t they? What if Chiasa just didn’t remember Shigaraki entering the room and the memories were locked away as a coping mechanism for the trauma? He was terrified that this meeting would create more obstacles for her, potentially even for the little boy—Todoroki himself had been an example of a mother gone mad from the sins of the father.
Kirishima elbowed him in the side, breaking up his thoughts and directing his attention to their guest. He was grateful that he and Kaminari had agreed to come, hoping it put Chiasa at ease just as much as him. She stood by his side, the little boy standing close behind her leg and gripping her hand tightly.
“Hello,” the Biographer greeted kindly. “I understand that there are a few questions about a child that need to be answered?”
Katsuki found his voice as Chiasa’s hand laced with his between them. “The only certainty we have are his parents,”—he hoped he wasn’t wrong in saying so—"everything else we need to know. We want the same basic information as we did with the villain Dabi, like we discussed.”
The Biographer nodded, turning to Chiasa. “And you’re his mother, ma’am?”
“Yes,” she replied, dropping his hand and crouching down to the boy’s level when he shrank under the unknown man’s gaze.
“Can he place his palm in mine for just a few moments?” he asked politely with a small smile. “It’s absolutely painless and he’s free to move his hand at any time.”
“Is that okay, honey?” she asked the wide-eyed child. “You just set your hand in his and we can learn more about you?” When he still looked unsure she added, “I’ll hold your other hand, and we have three strong heroes here to keep us safe.”
The boy nodded, eyes flicking up over her shoulder to meet Katsuki’s. “You stay close?”
“Don’t worry,” he said, walking around her to kneel on his other side. He placed a hand on his back. “I’m right here.”
That seemed to satisfy him enough to look at the Biographer who also crouched down. He extended his upturned palm out to him, patiently waiting until the boy placed his trembling hand atop it.
The Biographer smiled at him reassuringly, glancing at the adults on either side of him and hoping to provide the same comfort. Then he began to speak.
"Born on February 11th at 7:19pm in Nagoya, Japan, currently 3 years, 237 days old. Firstborn child of Katsuki Bakugo and Chiasa Minamino. Quirk currently unknown."
A sob broke past Chiasa’s lips, her free hand coming up to cover her mouth. Startled by the outburst the little boy took his hand away to turn to his mother only to be swept up in a tight hug. He wrapped his small arms around her neck as his bottom lip started to wobble.
Katsuki felt like he could cry too as the weight and fear of uncertainty lifted from his shoulders, and even as he smiled up at his friends he felt the telltale sting in his eyes.
“Come here,” Chiasa said, reaching out to bring him into the embrace. He went willingly and wrapped his arms around them both, his eyes falling closed in happiness as he held his family.
He pressed a kiss to Chiasa’s temple and then to the top of his son’s head, the soft brown tufts tickling his cheek.
Distantly he heard the Biographer excuse himself and Kaminari offer to walk him out. Kirishima followed and glanced back at the little family with a smile. They deserved this. All three of them.
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Still sitting on his office floor Chiasa had pulled their son—their son!—into her lap and held him close, the little boy still confused from her crying but happy to be with his mother nonetheless. Katsuki sat close to them, one arm wrapped around her shoulders and a grin still on his face. There were still a lot of things to work out, but this moment deserved to linger.
After a few silent minutes, Chiasa glanced up at Katsuki and smiled softly. She’d known since he told her about the small child while she was in the hospital but to hear it confirmed again was a melody she hoped would stay in her mind forever. But even though she knew he was the little boy’s father the child himself didn’t, and that needed to change.
It felt like there was so much she could say but no words that seemed right. She supposed that didn’t matter though, as long as this little boy knew his parents and knew they loved him.
“Honey,” she murmured, pulling back slightly to look in the boy’s eyes, “did you hear what that man said? Do you know what it means?”
That little pout returned to his face as he considered what she meant. “It was sad. It made you cry.”
“Those were happy tears,” she chuckled. “It wasn’t sad at all. It was really, really good. You know how Katsuki saved us?”
Matching eyes met his as he looked up at him, nodding. “Saved me. Saved you.”
“That’s right, he did. He saved us from Shigaraki and brought us home.”
“Saved us… from dad?”
She bit her lip, glancing at Katsuki briefly to see his jaw set at the false title. “Shigaraki isn’t your dad, honey.”
“No dad?” he asked.
Chiasa shook her head. “You have a dad. You’re the luckiest little boy because your dad is a hero who saves people.”
The boy turned to Katsuki. “Like you?”
“Sort of,” he said with a laugh. “What if I told you it was me? That I’m your dad?”
His eyes widened with what Katsuki hoped was excitement, and he leaned over to place his hand on his knee. He looked back and forth between both him and Chiasa several times, gaze on their eyes and hair respectively, before looking down at his hands where his right was on Katsuki and his left on his mother.
“You’re dad,” he finally said, patting his knee. Then he turned to Chiasa, tapping his fingers on her arm. “You’re mom.”
“That’s right, honey,” Chiasa whispered, one hand combing through his fluffy hair. “And mom and dad aren’t going anywhere, we all get to go home and be a family.”
“Family,” he repeated. “My family.”
He hugged her tightly and she pressed a kiss to his forehead, then he crawled over into Katsuki’s lap, throwing his arms around his neck and hiding his face in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around him too, every nerve in his body alight knowing that this was his son. He was hugging his son.
“You’re dad,” he heard whispered against him. “My dad.”
“Yeah, your dad,” he said softly. “’M your dad and even… even though we just met, I love you. Me and your mom both do.”
He sighed happily into his shoulder and pressed himself closer. They stayed like that for a long moment, Chiasa’s lashes lined with tears beside them.
Katsuki wanted to stay in that moment forever, but he knew there were still a lot of things to discuss with her. So he pulled back slightly and asked, “Hey little man, you know what you should do?”
Owlish eyes blinked up at him from where his chin rested on his chest.
“You should tell Red Riot and Chargebolt about your family. I don’t think they know yet, and they’ll be real excited,” he said with a nod to the door. It was still open and they could clearly see the two heroes a few meters down the hall.
The boy looked back over his shoulder, considering, before turning back to look between his parents.
“We’ll be right here,” Chiasa promised. “They’re friends, honey.”
With a little smile, the child climbed out of Katsuki’s lap and trotted up to where they stood, greeted excitedly by both of them.
Chiasa took his hand in hers and laid her head on his shoulder. “This is amazing.”
He squeezed her hand. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
“It feels like the sun is finally rising after a long night. Like daybreak is chasing away the darkness.”
Katsuki kissed her cheek, then tilted her chin up towards him with his free hand to kiss her properly. She was right—this was dawn rising after four years and four months of night. Dawn was finding her and their son and being a family after the darkness of the League had shrouded them for so long. It was fresh and new, filled with endless possibility.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “You and our son.”
“I love you too. And so does he.”
He smiled, looking out to where the small boy was speaking to Kirishima and Kaminari who were crouched down to his level and smiling.
“He needs a proper name,” she murmured, her head resting on his shoulder once again.
He hummed. “I think you’re right about the sunrise, so what about Asahi?”
“Daybreak rising,” she said with a smile. “Yeah, that’s our boy, Katsuki. Asahi Bakugo.”
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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bramblepeltao3 · 4 years ago
IDK where else to put this indulgent nonsense so, as one does, I’m putting it on my Tumblr.
Hey do you like my fic where I have an OC who is a gremlin girl and do you also like the Prince!Prompto AU trope and do you want to read a few loose little narrative bits about those two things coming together? 
Here it is anyway!
The clock in Prompto’s room sounded out to anyone who listened that the time was now eleven in the morning. Since it was a Thursday, this meant the start to the worst hour of his week, every week, for his whole life. 
Every Thursday at eleven in the morning, Dr. Besithia would come by for his weekly check up. The Prince would spend the time trying not to show too much emotion as the doctor used a variety of needles to inject and extract numerous fluids, all while chastising him for being a waste of his and everyone else’s time.
It didn’t matter how strictly Prompto followed the doctor’s orders, or how much control Prompto had over following them in the first place. He never got any better, and he was always made well aware that it was his own fault. The prince of Niflheim was a sickly recluse, so sheltered from the public that many would even doubt his existence. And at fifteen years old, he was lonely and listless and so very tired of living like this. 
The door to his bedroom began to open, and Prompto mentally steeled himself for another hour of angry commands, needles, and insults. 
“Dr. Besithia to see you, your highness.” The attendant said with a bow. Prompto nodded in return, sitting upright on the edge of his well cushioned bed. The least little rebellion he could maintain was forcing that unpleasant old man to come to him.
But the person who stepped through, all dressed in well ironed white, was not Dr. Besithia. Not at all. This doctor was a woman, and much younger. She bowed slightly upon crossing the threshold before making her way over to him. Prompto, in spite of himself, felt compelled to stand and greet her like the well mannered young man he was supposed to be.
“A pleasure to finally meet you, highness.” She said with a small smile. She looked sad, but gentle, and seemed to be staring at something right behind his own eyes. 
“I...I was expecting, I apologize…” Prompto was used to being ogled and visually picked apart by people. Something about her green eyes felt softer. Less invasive and judgemental. Perhaps it was all wishful thinking but her gaze seemed almost kind.
“You were expecting Dr. Besithia?” She asked.
Prompto nodded.
“You’re looking at her.” She smirked. “Doctor Delphia Besithia. Verstael is my father. I understand he was completing your weekly heath assessments, but business for his Imperial Majesty has become...pressing.” The doctor crossed the room over to the little seating area where the work was usually conducted. A clear table, two chairs, plenty of places to hook up Verstael’s array of electrical instruments. “Luckily I’m now officially a licensed medical professional myself, so I’ll be taking over for him.” 
Prompto almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So...Dr. Bes-...Verstael won’t be…?”
“You know, why don’t we call my father Dr. Besithia, and you can refer to me as Dr. Delphia. Does that work, your highness?” She asked, setting the large case she was carrying on the table and opening it.
“Yes. I mean, I think that would work fine. Doctor.” Prompto joined her at the table, removing his coat to reveal his bare arms and taking a seat on his usual side of the table.
“So I went over your medical record on the way over, it seems like my old man kept to the same routine every week for a long time. Not all that surprising, except he usually at least tries to change things up whenever he doesn’t get results…”
Prompto cringed. “Yeah, it’s my fault. I just wasn’t trying hard enough.” He sighed, casting his eyes to the floor. He could feel her gaze staring into him once again.
“Your fault?” She asked. “Did my father tell you that?”
He felt himself beginning to sweat. Soon she’d understand just how awful of a patient he really was, and all the gentle niceness would end. She’d grow to hate and resent him just like Dr. Besithia did, he was sure.
“Dude. That’s bullshit.”
Prompto snapped his face up to hers, the bluntness of her assertion shocking him. The doctor had such a look of concern on her face.
“He was your doctor. Treating you was his job. If you weren’t getting better, that’s his fault. Not yours.”
Prompto blinked in confusion. 
“If it makes you feel any better, and I doubt it does,” she started retrieving the same instruments he was always used to, “he’s like that with everyone. Everything is always someone else’s fault. No way his genius could be to blame!”
By her tone, Prompto inferred she’d suffered at his words just as much.
“So, let’s start with the easy part. How are you feeling today, your highness?” She asked, taking the other seat and smiling at him.
“How...um, well I’m…” Prompto was not prepared for this question. Easy part, indeed. “Tired, I guess. Like usual. I get dizzy if I stand too long.” And now his heart was pounding in fear. Did he answer wrong? Was that something he could do?
She was typing on a tablet resting in her lap. “Hmm, how about sleep? Do you think you get enough?”
Dr. Besithia never gave Prompto so much time to talk like this. It felt...strange. “I sleep a lot.”
“Do you feel well rested after? Or still tired?” She asked, still typing.
“Oh, uh...I guess I haven’t really thought of that? I’m sorry...guess still tired.”
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize for anything, highness. Okay, if it’s alright with you I’d like to start taking your vitals now.”
...did she just ask him permission? She did. And she was waiting for his answer. 
He nodded. And the next thing to strike him was just how gentle she actually was. She never grabbed, but waited for him to offer his arm or hand as needed. She didn’t yell or snipe or speak critically of him. He wasn’t sure how to feel about this. It was oddly terrifying, somehow.
“Alright, your blood pressure is a little low, so we can start with that. There’s a few simple things we can change to try and get it stabilized. Hopefully that will help with the dizziness too!” 
Prompto sat in stunned silence as she prescribed such basic things like drinking more water and adding salt to his meals. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It felt...too easy. After years of living like this, there was no way it could actually be so simple.
“Unfortunately I am going to need to get some blood for lab work, if that’s ok, highness.”
He felt like he might cry. She actually listened to him, and asked him to talk to her. If she really was replacing Besithia going forward, maybe things would actually get better. Maybe... He hoped she never got sick of him, and he’d do everything he could to prevent that.
“You can call me Prompto, um, Doctor. Please.”
She looked at him strangely, like he’d just told her there was a behemoth on her shoulder. But then she smiled again. “Why don’t you call me Del then, Prompto? Has anyone ever told you you have great veins? This is going to be so fast.” And surprisingly, it was. The whole ordeal was over so quickly he couldn’t believe she’d actually done it.
“Alright, unless there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, I think that ends our appointment today.” She began packing everything back up. “And if anything comes up at all, I’m only one floor away!”
“Wait, really?” Dr. Besithia always made a point of reminding him he had to travel a long way for these appointments.
“Yeah, I’m here at the palace full time. Another perk of the job. If you need anything at all, just ask your attendant. I’m here for you Prompto, any time.”
It took everything in him to maintain some amount of regal composure and not start crying. Somehow, for the first time, he had hope. And if nothing else, there was someone here who might actually listen to him.
Delphia bowed to the prince before turning and walking to the elevator. She held herself together perfectly until the elevator doors closed behind her and she was granted ten seconds of complete isolation. An hour’s worth of suppressed, extreme emotion bubbled out all at once in a large gasp for air. Her chest felt tight and her eyes burned with the threat of tears.
You have to do this. You have to do this. You have to be here for him, because no one else will.
Delphia composed herself just as the doors opened again. It was another two minutes before she made it to her office which she thankfully had to herself. She opened the door and flipped on the light.
And really, she should have expected that she wouldn’t actually get to be alone just yet.
“Doctor Besithia, how is our young charge on this day?” Chancellor Izunia, hat in hand, bowed to her.
“Terrible, but you already knew that didn’t you Ardyn?” She didn’t have time for his fanciful speech patterns and flowery prose right now. She had samples to run.
“Looking a bit red eyed yourself, Delphia. Hard first day on the job?” He tailed her to the workstation, watching carefully as she washed and gloved her hands.
“Why do you always ask questions you already know the answer to?” She asked, getting the little centrifuge ready to go.
“The same could be asked of yourself, Doctor.”
She sighed. “My father’s been purposefully keeping him ill. Or at least below a functional baseline.”
“You’re certain?” Ardyn asked like a child giddy about knowing the punchline to an old joke.
“Verstael did the same tests, same treatments, same everything over and over again despite no improvement. There’s only one reason you don’t change up the treatment plan.”
“Because it is working as intended.” Ardyn smiled in that wicked way that made her feel like a small rabbit being eyed by a wolf.
But this rabbit had an understanding with the wolf. 
“Exactly. But here’s what I find really interesting.” She looked up from the samples currently shaking at a dizzying rate in the machine. “Whatever was going on, you wanted it to end.”
“Oh do walk me through your process of deduction, Delphia. Your brain is always so intriguing to pick.”
She rolled her eyes. “Cut the shit. You knew I’d see these numbers and figure out what was happening immediately.” She pointed at him accusingly. “When the Emperor gave Father his orders, you made damn sure I was the one who took his place.”
“Who better to take over the father’s work, than the daughter?”
“My graduating class had 44 other young doctors who would have been eager and willing to take up his job and do it unquestioningly. Exactly at his direction, no critical thought or deviation. And you insisted on the one singular doctor who, you knew for a fact, wouldn’t. And that, Ardyn, is the most suspicious thing of all.”
“You do wound me, young one. But all the same please go on, I am on the edge of my seat.”
She considered not continuing, just to piss him off. But she couldn’t resist any opportunity to show off. It was a problem. So on she went. 
“Verstael takes pride in his projects, particularly the ones he...made from scratch.” She felt sick, thinking of the thousands of lives just like Prompto. His life was anything but easy, but it was worlds above that of his many, many brothers. “If he was interfering with the prince’s health on purpose, it must be because someone above him told him to. And there’s only one person who could tell him to do anything.”
Ardyn smiled, somehow even wider.
 She began the process of sterilizing her instruments, taking her time with each.
“The Emperor wants the Prince to waste away in poor health, hidden from the public and with zero sense of self worth to boot. Which is curious, since the Emperor was the one who commissioned a prince in the first place! Which leads me to believe Iedolas wanted this from the start. So. Why create an heir and then sabotage him?”
“Perhaps because the heir is meant only to act as a symbol.”
“Mmmhmm.” Del had considered as much. Hearing it from the chancellor cemented it. “A means of reminding the people the monarchy is here to stay. But Project Deathless is right around the corner, or so Father claims. And if it comes to fruition, then Iedolas is the monarchy. Forever.”
“Who needs an heir when you never plan to retire?”
“Who needs an heir beloved by the people, capable of leading and inspiring a coupe before you have a chance to gain immortality?”
“In the meantime, the chain of succession is decided by blood.”
“And the snakes in the cabinet can’t finagle their way into increasing power, at least not as easily.”
“Delphia I do love our conversations, not many can keep up quite like you.”
“Like father, like daughter.” She sighed. “So where do you come in, Ardyn? What do you get out of Prompto getting better?”
“Is it not enough to see a poor child suffering, and wishing to see him well again?”
“No, it’s not.” She replied, despite the unsaid implication hanging above them. Once, she was that suffering little child. And he healed her bruises and did what was needed to get her out of that hell hole. But that was a long time ago. And they were both very different now.
Ardyn hummed in response. “I would like to hear the good doctor’s hypothesis before the big reveal.”
She sighed. This man was so exhausting. But he was the only person worth talking to, somehow. “I think it's suspicious because you have no interest in the throne. Well, not this one at least.”
“And…” He smirked, telling her she was on the right track.
“And what a coincidence that our little prince is the same age as Lucis’ little prince.”
“What a coincidence indeed!”
The centrifuge stopped, the samples were ready for testing.
“I think you have a use for him in your little tirade against the Astrals and your brother’s descendants.” She snarled.
“And what use would that be?”
“I don’t know.” Delphia leaned over the workstation, looking Ardyn in the eyes. “But whatever it is you’ve got planned, if it ends with Prompto hurt or dead, I’m putting a stop to it. Now.”
Ardyn clicked his tongue in disapproval. “Now now, Delphia, you wound me.” He clutched his hand over his chest in mock insult. “Such accusations. I know you too well, little finch. The guilt you feel, unable to end your little brothers’ suffering. It tears at your weak, mortal heart. I have brought you to one who may live, and perhaps even prosper, with your guiding hand and sharp mind. I have no intentions of causing the boy further harm.”
Del didn’t believe that for a moment. Not because he was a liar, though he was certainly lying. She knew what lurked through the chancellor’s veins. What was eating him from the inside out, slowly, with every breath he took. It was getting worse, warping him. He was not the same man who befriended her fifteen years ago. Though bits of that man were still in there. And she knew if she just continued to play along, did what she could to keep those bits floating around alive, she’d get that friend back.
She just needed some more time.
“Commodore! Fucking finally. I have a request.” Delphia shouted across the courtyard, having finally found the woman after an hour of chasing down lead after lead.
“Interesting way of approaching someone. Mind an introduction first?”
Delphia tempered her knee jerk instinct to say something rude. “My name is Doctor Besithia, I assume you’re familiar with my father?”
“You mean the quack keeping the prince weak and at his mercy?”
Oh, she liked this woman. “Yep. Well, used to. I’m the prince’s personal physician now.”
“You planning on keeping up daddy’s work, Doc?” The Commodore crossed over to her, looking down with suspicion.
“Not quite. I’ve been going over his notes and I think there might be some...room for improvement. But I might need your assistance.”
Aranea shrugged her shoulders. “I’m a bodyguard, not a nurse. When the prince can leave his bedroom then I’ll have a job to do. Until then-”
“That’s exactly why I’m asking for your help, Commodore.” Delphia smiled. “The prince needs to leave his bedroom.”
“Uh huh. But can he?”
“Yes.” Delphia smirked up at the taller woman. “We’ve been working on it for three weeks, but he’s more than ready now. Of course, he’s not supposed to go anywhere without his retainers. Specifically the one that knows how to hit things with a stick.”
Aranea crossed her arms and frowned. “You’re telling me, after less than a month, Prince Shortcake is already improving?”
And this is where Delphia wanted the conversation to be. She needed to know who could be trusted, and who was in on the whole charade. Where did the true loyalties of the prince’s shield lie?
“Yeah. And if he’s going to keep getting better, he needs fresh air and sunlight. Vitamin D doesn’t make itself, you know. So, you ready to get to work, Commodore?”
Aranea studied Del’s face, obviously searching for answers to the same questions.
“Alright, Doc. Show me a miracle, and we’ll have ourselves a casual little stroll.”
“Fifteen minutes.” Del reassured the two of them. “That’s all you need. Fifteen minutes in direct sunlight with bare arms, that’s more than enough time to get your daily dose of Vitamin D.”
Prompto felt like his heart could beat right out of his chest. It’d been so long since he’d left the palace walls. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. The doctor was on his left, keeping a close eye on him. Most likely observing his physical state while he walked around. 
On his right was Aranea, keeping an eye on everyone else in the courtyard. He hadn’t seen her in so long, he almost ran over to hug her before remembering his manners. She’d been like a sister to him when he was younger. But the weariness of the past seven years took just as much of a toll on her as it had on him.
Behind them, a guard was pushing a wheelchair. It was Del’s idea and insistence. “Just in case.” She said gently. “And there’s no shame in needing to use it.”
He might need it sooner than later, as everything around him was becoming overwhelming. The smell of fresh growing flowers, the sun on his face warming his skin, the light chatter of palace staff meandering around, their shoes clicking on the stone below.
It was making him dizzy.
“Yep, alright dude, easy now.” Del took his hand and helped guide him to the waiting wheelchair. “Take a few breaths, let me know what you need.”
Aranea did not look happy. “Is he alright?”
“I’m fine.” Prompto yelped, sitting up straighter. “I’m fine I’m just, it’s...a lot.”
“I bet.” Aranea smirked down at him.
“Are you okay to stay outside a little longer?” Del asked, voice filled with concern. 
All of this positive attention was going to make him just about pass out. 
“Yes. I’d like to, at least.”
Del smiled and put a hand on his forehead, wiping the hair from his eyes. “Alright, we’ll keep on. Just give me a heads up when you need to go back inside.”
He nodded. Prompto let the guard push him forward, watching little birds flicker through the sky and listening to his doctor and his shield have a not so private conversation between them.
“Well, credit where it’s due, Doc. Guess the Hippocratic oath still means something.”
“So then, about my proposal…”
“Count me in. Shortcake’s long overdue for some combat training.”
“Gradual, structured, short session combat training.”
“Yeah, I got it the first time.”
“With a lot of padded mats and-”
“Doc, you worry about his bone marrow count or whatever it is you do. Let me do my job.”
If he wasn’t already light headed, that would’ve sent him right over. He’d dreamed about getting to swing a sword around or hold a shield just like one of his father’s soldiers. In fact when he was still little and full of energy, he and Aranea would pretend spar with sticks or paper tubes for hours on end.
He’d all but abandoned being able to do that ever again. And now.
Del stopped and turned to look at him, smiling, her green eyes radiating warmth. “How you doing, Prompto?”
Aranea turned, crossing her arms, awaiting his response. And for the first time in forever she wasn’t looking down at him with pity. He hadn’t seen her look so content since they were kids.
Prompto nodded, smiling even wider. “I’m great.”
Cor was in complete disbelief. Not for the reason everyone else in the situation room was, oh no. While everyone else was staring mouth agape at the first recorded proof the prince of Niflheim actually existed, he was focused on the young woman walking next to him. The image wasn’t the closest, or clearest, but there was no mistaking.
That was Del Besithia, the six year old shit head daughter of Verstael, who treated an Imperial military research facility like her personal gymnasium. The little girl who called Cor a ‘dumbass’ in many colorful different ways. The kid who was so lonely and so deluded that she truly believed an army of clone babies were her brothers.
He’d tried so hard to get her to trust him, to get one of those babies to him so they could figure out what exactly was going on. In the end, she bailed on him, and Cor went home empty handed save a few photos of babies sleeping suspended in large cylinders.
From the looks of things, one baby did manage to get out though.
Incredible, really. Seeing the two of them standing next to each other, it was so obvious to anyone who knew what to look for. It was so obvious to Cor; the prince was one of those clones. And his ‘sister’ was his personal physician.
She looked happy. And sure, one still photograph couldn’t fill in a 14 year gap. But she was smiling, and with one of them, and she was walking freely outside. She’d told Cor with zero hesitation she knew she was going to die in that facility.
The look on her face when she made that statement had haunted him since. Maybe this one could replace it. She was fine. She was alive and okay.
There wasn't anything else he could’ve done for that kid.
“To be fair, hardly anyone ever saw Iedolas before he took the throne. And by that point he was already greying.”
“And we have no leads on who the mother could be. The lack of resemblance means nothing; the boy wears the Imperial regalia. That’s all the confirmation required.”
“Yes, but what if-?”
“That’s their prince.” Cor finally spoke up, hoping to end the back and forth guessing games. “Looks to be Noctis’ age as well. Prompto Aldercapt. Keep our eyes on him, I want to know his political and moral leanings before he has a chance to use them.”
The meeting adjourned, and his agents filed out. Cor had more business to get to. Training Gladio, overseeing the new recruits orientation, a briefing on the status of the wall, another briefing on the growing demon population…
He took another look at that photograph. Looking at Del smiling down at the prince, both of them looking happy and peaceful. There was something...pulling at him. Like a fist gripping his heart and trying to rip it from his chest. Something felt very wrong, a lingering threat aimed directly at them. Cor couldn’t tell why, but he knew they were in danger, and in spite of his loyalties he felt like he needed to protect those two. 
It was a strange impulse, maybe even something of an instinct. He couldn’t place its origin but he had a feeling a cigarette and some sleep would help dispel it.
“So...guns, huh?” Del frowned, watching as the prince shot off another round down the firing range.
“Your prescription of sunshine and lollipops-”
“I didn’t prescribe lollipops-”
“-can only do so much. He’s lacking the coordination for hand to hand combat, and swords wear out his stamina too quickly. A gun is lighter, easier to handle, and keeps him out of reach of more conventional weapons.” Aranea looked very pleased with herself.
“Well...at least he’s wearing ear protection.” He was also standing with a more determined posture than when they’d first met. And his skin was starting to show a little color, freckles not unlike her own dotting his cheeks and shoulders. 
“Emperor dropped in yesterday.” Aranea sighed.
Del felt her stomach drop. If the hypothesis she’d shared with Ardyn was anywhere close to correct, this was bad.
“Prince Shortcake shrank in his shadow, like the past few months never even happened.” The shield began chewing on her thumb, furrowing her brow. “Iedolas just grunted, looking as pissy as ever, and walked away. Poor kid. He’s still got a long way to go on that confidence.”
“You’d think the guy would be even a little bit happy his son was getting better.” Del shrugged her shoulders, hoping the anxiety wasn’t evident in her voice.
Aranea narrowed her eyes, studying Del for a moment. “You know, I really don’t get who you think you’re fooling.” She said before turning back around, walking to the prince to continue coaching his form.
Del blinked. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“Like, seriously, what the fuck was that supposed to mean?” She asked, several hours later, pacing in her office while flipping through her notes.
“The mind of the Commodore is a mysterious one.” Ardyn had once again invited himself in, leaning back in her chair, boots resting on her desk. “But little finch, you have not been the most subtle in your intentions. There are whispers, you know…”
“Intentions?” She snapped. “Oh how terrible, I want the prince to not wither away and die in his bedroom at the age of sixteen. What fucking whispers, Ardyn?”
“The daughter of Verstael schemes to make the prince completely reliant upon her, such that when he overthrows his father and takes the throne he will do so at her own whims.”
Del pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache rising up. “I’m getting real fucking sick of politics. It’s like no one can do a single nice thing without having some wicked ulterior motive! It’s bullshit.”
“You have seemingly worked miracles, Delphia, in the eyes of the court.” Ardyn flicked at the brim of his hat to get a better view of her. “That is always suspicious.”
“Miracles. Intentions. All I did was treat my patient. I’m...I just want my brother to be healthy! Any sister would want that, much less one with a medical license. Is that so fucking terrible?!” Del was going to snap. Nothing about anything was ever easy in this godsforsaken hellscape of a country.
Ardyn lifted his eyebrows, eyes flickering to the door, before lifting a finger to his lips.
Del got the message. Someone was listening. And they heard...that. Slowly, quietly, she started to step towards the door. She gestured at Ardyn, asking him to talk so it wasn’t obvious they knew.
“Your heart is pure as always, little finch. But when one is steeped in their own darkness for so long, well…”
Del wrenched the door open and shot her head out, seeing no one but hearing fast paced foot steps.
“Darkness tends to be all one can see.”
She took off, down the long hallway, turning the corner. Nothing, not even a sound of a door. Whoever just heard her stupid ramblings, they got away. 
“I did warn you to be careful.” Ardyn said from behind her shoulder.
“Yeah.” Del swallowed hard, catching her breath. “You did.”
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timelordthirteen · 5 years ago
Killing Time 24/35
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Detective Weaver/Belle French, Explicit
Summary: A Woven Beauty Law & Order-ish AU. Written for Writer’s Month 2019.
Chapter Summary: Belle feels out of sorts, and Weaver makes another crucial discovery.
Notes: For my August Writer's Month prompt #4: Am I dead? Enjoy more flirty investigative idiots.
Belle groaned and rolled over, facing away from the sunlight slanting in through the gap in the blinds and tucking her face into the pillow and sheets.
Weaver pulled a t-shirt over his head, and glanced at her. “Alright?”
She lifted her head and squinted at the clock. It was nearly eight. “Am I dead?”
He snorted softly. “If you can ask the question, then I think the answer is automatically no. Still not feeling well?”
Turning around, he moved to the bed and sat on the edge, reaching out a hand to feel her forehead and the side of her face. “No warmer than usual.”
“My head is killing me,” she mumbled, finally rolling onto her back. “And my stomach is...blah.”
Two days ago, Belle had awakened to a mildly nauseous feeling, but assumed it was the burritos they’d had for dinner coming back to haunt her. It was carried out from a new place down the block, which was always fraught with danger, both in terms of how the food might taste, and the reaction one’s body might have later, but their meal had been delicious, and Weaver had felt no ill effects. Last night, a headache had sent her to bed early, and seemed to have gotten worse overnight.
Frowning, he ran a soothing hand up and down her leg. “Maybe you need to see someone.”
She sighed and pushed herself up. “I have my last follow up appointment today, from removing the stitches. If it hasn’t gone away by then, I’ll bring it up.”
Weaver nodded and stood to finish getting dressed. “When do you see Archie again?”
“After my follow up,” she replied, pausing on the side of the bed to press a hand to her forehead.
“Did you, uh, still want me to go with you?” She looked up, and he shrugged. “Not today, but sometime?”
“Yeah, not - not today.” Then she made a face and then asked, “Can you get me some Tylenol or something?”
“Yeah, sure. And coffee?”
At that, Belle smiled. “God yes.”
Weaver left the bedroom, and Belle forced herself to stand up. After a moment of dizziness, she realized she felt a bit better, and wondered if she had just slept wrong. She was actually looking forward to getting her official, clean bill of health from the follow up visit, and to discussing something particular with Archie - the matter of how to approach her questions with Ian. She had started thinking about the miscarriage in her head, whispering about it to herself in the shower at night, telling the story over and over, and finding that as she did it became easier. A passing reference to such a thing even a few weeks ago would have made her clam up and try to pretend she never heard it. Now it was becoming part of her, much in the same way her mother’s death had, though that had been more of a factor of time and distance than any real effort on her part.
Throughout the morning Weaver seemed to be paying her extra attention, to the point where it was starting to get annoying. Her headache abated before they’d even left the apartment, and her stomach settled with some eggs, toast, and strong coffee. At the office, he was constantly side-eyeing her, stealing little glances, with none of the winking or cheeky smiles that had passed between them in the preceding days. The pressure was back on, and she was sure the stress of the case and the looming court date were the cause of her recent ills.
“You’re sure you’re alright?”
Belle huffed and pulled on her suit jacket. “Yes, I’m fine, and shortly I’ll have an actual medical doctor confirm it. Then you can stop worrying.
Weaver leaned back on the sofa, a file folder open across his lap. “I’m unlikely to ever stop worrying about you.”
She tilted her head and gave him a small smile. His concern came from a place of love, and she had always thought his protective nature was one of his best qualities.
Her purse strap went over her shoulder, with a quick flip of her hair, and then she walked over to where he was sitting. “Then maybe just stop peeking at me every five minutes?”
He reached out and took hold of her hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it as he looked up at her. “No peeking,” he confirmed. “Got it. How about gazing?”
She snorted and bent down to plant a kiss on the top of his head.
“Ogling?” he offered with a grin. “Leering?”
She shook her head and let him pull her hand in for a kiss before pulling away. “Put your eyes on those records, Detective, instead of my ass.”
Weaver pursed his lips and blew her a kiss as she sauntered through the office door.
Belle tapped her foot against the metal step of the exam table as she scrolled through her messages.
She’d left the office barely twenty minutes ago and there were already more than thirty unread items in her inbox. Most of them were automatic responses to her requests for more of Eloise Tremaine’s records from Nevada. While the online submission system Clark County had was far more convenient than calling around city buildings and being passed from clerk to clerk, the web forms and extra emails were much less helpful than an actual human being. Still, progress was being made, and she was sure that if they could find the tie between Eloise and the Branson brothers, that they’d have exactly what DA Midas wanted.
She sighed and rubbed her left temple, feeling her earlier headache trying to return. She need to take another dose of painkillers before she got to Dr. Hopper’s.
Abruptly, the exam room door swung open and Dr. Whale came in. “Miss French.”
She looked up and smiled. “Dr. Whale.”
“Good to see you again,” he said, setting a tablet on the small counter to the side. Then he slipped on a pair of gloves and lifted her hair out of the way as he eyed the scar left from her head wound.
“Not bad,” he muttered. “There’s still some redness, but that will fade. Have you been using the ointment I gave you?”
Belle nodded. “I used up the tube, but I don’t think I need it now. The skin’s not tender anymore.”
He gave a curt nod and stepped back. “All the other superficial cuts seem to have disappeared.”
“Good moisturizer and concealer,” she said, and he laughed. “But yes, they all healed up pretty quick, thankfully.”
“Yeah, I can imagine.” He sat down on the small stool at the counter and entered a few things into the app on his tablet. “Well, I will have the necessary form faxed to your workplace, and then I won’t have to see you until it’s time for your annual check up.”
She exhaled and smiled, pleased to have at least one thing behind her for now. “Good.”
“So, the nurse said something about a headache?”
“I, uh, yeah, I had one this morning, why?”
“Not frequent, then?”
She shook her head, which caused a mild throbbing wave across her forehead.
“Migraine, or just a regular headache?”
She gave him a look. “It’s just a regular headache, I shouldn’t have even mentioned it.”
Dr. Whale leaned on the counter and regarded her for a moment. “Is it coming back now?” Reluctantly, she confirmed it was. “Any other symptoms?”
“No,” she answered, starting to get annoyed with his repeated questions. Her phone was buzzing in the pocket of her purse, and she was anxious to check it before she went to see Archie. “No, just the headache and an upset stomach. I’m fine.”
“Upset stomach?”
Belle rolled her eyes and hopped down off the exam table. “It’s nothing. I just ate something that didn’t agree with me.”
“When?” he asked, frowning.
“A couple days ago, why does it matter? It has nothing to do with my - accident.”
It was Whale’s turn to give her a look. “Belle, you didn’t have an accident trying to parallel park, you were attacked by a murderer.”
“Serial killer,” she corrected, “and yes, I was, but now I’m all good. Can I go now?”
He sighed. “The headaches can be a sign of PTSD.”
Belle gave him a wane smile. “Yes, I know. I’m - I’m seeing Dr. Hopper about it.”
“Ah. Well, that’s good,” Dr. Whale said as he pushed to his feet. “Look, I think we should do some tests, just to be sure.”
Her eyes narrowed. “What tests?”
“A basic chemistry panel, maybe a blood count, see if you might have an infection coming on.”
She frowned again, the wrinkling of her forehead causing another small wave of pain. “Sure, I guess.”
“I’ll send the vampire in to take your samples, okay?”
That earned him a soft snort and a nod. “Okay.”
Belle waited a few minutes for the nurse, and then several more as she filled up three tubes with blood. Her arm was aching after it was done, and she wondered how she’d explain the bandaid and bruise in the crease of her elbow to Weaver. If he knew Whale wanted blood samples, he’d worry even more and become unbearable. He’d probably insist on packing her off home and waiting on her in bed.
Still, as she left the clinic and stepped out onto the street to walk down to Archie’s building, she was glad she let them do the tests. If she was getting sick, she wanted to know right away so she could be back to one hundred percent to finish out the case well before the trial started.
Weaver spread out the pictures across the top of the conference table, and placed the associated forms beneath.
He wanted to have everything laid out by the time Belle returned from her appointments, so he could show her what he had found. Another break only a short time after the revelation of Eloise’s true surname had him buzzing with excitement. This was what he truly loved about his job, digging out the pieces and putting the puzzle together. The part where they hopefully got justice for the victims was satisfying, but there was something about the mental and physical effort of investigating, the late hours and countless pots of coffee, that was only second to being with Belle.
That he got to do it with Belle again made it even better, and he hoped that things would continue as they had into the future. They had yet to discuss their relationship in any detail, but she wasn’t in any rush to leave the apartment, and the last two weeks had been among the happiest since the early days of their marriage. He wanted to wait until the stress of the case was over before approaching the subject again, but for now everything seemed perfect.
The office door opened and he turned to see Belle, who looked a little worse for wear than when she had left just a couple of hours earlier.
“You okay?”
She sighed heavily as she put her purse in its usual bottom desk drawer, and said nothing as she took off her suit jacket.
“Yeah, fine,” she replied. “Just tired. Talking to Archie takes a lot of out of me I guess.”
He nodded, but remained quietly unconvinced. She had been out of sorts the last couple of days, which certainly could have been stress related, but Belle usually thrived under the deadline of a trial. Right now she seemed barely able to drag herself across the room to see his newfound evidence.
“Well, maybe this will wake you up,” he said. “I got something on our second victim, Charlie Dunn.”
“Oh?” Belle perked up a bit at that, and kicked off her shoes before padding across the room. “What did you find?”
“This,” he said, giving her a sly look as he pointed to the faded pink carbon copy form under Charlie’s picture.
Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the page, and then she picked it up. It was the cover page to an adoption agreement with Charlie’s name on it from nearly twenty years ago. He would have been about six or seven at the time. What struck her though, was the state seal at the top.
“This is from Nevada.”
Weaver grinned. “Yep.”
She looked at him wide eyed. “Charlie was adopted.”
“From Nevada,” he added, nodding towards the paper.
She set the paper down on the table and looked over at one of the other victim’s pictures. “Just like Molly was.”
She straightened and turned to him, eyebrows raised. “You don’t think -?”
His grin widened. “Oh, I do think.”
“If the others are adopted too…” she started.
He nodded. “Or were foster children…”
Her mouth fell open as she finally caught on to his line of thinking. “Of Eloise Tremaine.”
Belle jumped forward and pressed a hand to his chest. He could feel her body shaking with the same excitement he’d had at the discovery and what it might mean. Instantly she looked refreshed, and he was glad to see that it was probably the case dragging on and the stress that had gotten her down.
“We need all the foster care records from Robert and Eloise, and we have to pull the paper birth records on all the victims.”
Weaver picked up a stack of papers and handed them over to her. “I took the liberty of filling out all the forms while you were gone. Including the fax cover sheets.
She took hold of the other end of the papers, and beamed at him. “I love you.”
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bytheangell · 5 years ago
If Yesterday’s Too Heavy, Put It Down (3/5)
(Read on AO3)
Magnus can’t help but think back to the last time he thought he had forever - a proper, eternal forever - with someone. He thinks back to a red gemstone necklace, to a vampire he gave his heart to forever, only to have ‘forever’ last less time than some of his relationships with mortals. He knows better than to be naive enough to allow himself to believe that he and Alec will actually be together for a proper forever. However, the idea of having more than a handful of decades with Alec is more than he ever imagined he’d have and he’s grateful for the possibility of them.
For what it’s worth, Alec truly seems to believe the words he says. Magnus knows that he can’t possibly grasp the idea of what living forever will actually entail, what that sort of burden and the losses that come with it will truly feel like over time, but he seems to have given it more consideration than Magnus first thought. Selfishly, he’s glad that Alec wants it. Magnus wants it for them, more than he’d ever admit given the normal alternatives to obtaining it. He hates that the choice was taken from them, away from Alec, but in a way, it makes the situation easier. He won’t have to tell his family and friends that he chose a life that would go on long after they’re dead, he’ll at least be spared that particular hardship, even if it’s a choice he would’ve made willingly.
And, just as selfishly, should things go sour between them then Magnus doesn’t have to live with the burden that it was a choice Alec made for him should he come to regret it.
That isn’t to say they’re just accepting it and moving on. As promised, Magnus gets permission to inform Catarina so that she can perform an extensive series of exams on both him and Underhill to make sure there aren’t any side-effects that Isabelle’s normal medical tests may have missed. Andrew agrees, again on the terms that Catarina does not say anything to anyone else, especially not to Lorenzo.
In fact, that seems to be the only part of this Underhill cares about, given the first words out of his mouth when he comes over to Magnus’ loft to meet with himself, Alexander, and Catarina.
“I just wanted to thank you for keeping this between us,” Underhill says.
“Of course,” Magnus says, but he frowns. “Just for now,” Magnus emphasizes. “Right?”
Underhill shifts uncomfortably and Magnus takes this opportunity while Alec is off chatting to Cat about something to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with the Shadowhunter he doesn’t know all that well.
“Listen, I know it isn’t… ideal. But he deserves to know, too. Especially if you two are-”
“That’s the thing,” Underhill cuts him off. “We’re seeing each other, yeah. And it’s good. Like, surprisingly good. But he hasn’t even said he loves me yet,” Underhill sighs. “I mean, I haven’t said it yet either, but that’s the whole point. We aren’t there yet, I can’t just go and drop immortality on him.”
“Can’t you?” Magnus counters, his tone kind. He isn’t trying to judge Underhill for his fear or rush the decision, he just wants to make sure that Underhill is thinking this through properly. “Don’t you think this might be something that’d be better to develop your relationship around the knowledge of, rather than lying about it?”
Underhill pales, his hands tensing into fists at his side for a moment. “I’m not… I’m not lying. I just haven’t told him yet. I’m sure there are plenty of things about him that I should know that he hasn’t told me yet. It’s… like that.”
At least he didn’t say ‘it’s the same’, Magnus thinks. While Underhill has a point, he’s positive there are plenty of things that Lorenzo is keeping from the Shadowhunter, a few centuries’ worth, most likely, he doesn’t think it’s quite the same.
Mangus begins to wonder if this is really a conversation he wants to be having. He doesn’t owe any sort of personal friendship allegiance to Underhill or Rey to be taking sides, but he does have a personal sense of right and wrong, and keeping this from Rey feels wrong.
Cat and Alec are making their way over and Mangus can only take a deep breath and nod, cutting their conversation short. “For what it’s worth, I think you should tell him. And sooner, rather than later. But I won’t take that decision from you-” Magnus adds quickly when Underhill immediately opens his mouth to speak again. “-so no need to worry about that on top of everything else.”
“Thank you. Again,” Underhill says. “I’ll think about what you said.”
Alec gives them a strange look but doesn’t ask, trusting Magnus to fill him in later if it’s important.
At the end of three hours full of Catarina pulling out all the healing and medical magic she can think of, they can at least say that Alec and Underhill appear to be fine, all things considered. In very simplified terms, the curse simply stopped their cells from aging and deteriorating - their hair and nails will still grow, they may gain and lose weight, but they’re no longer aging. Outside of that change, they’re still fully human, fully Shadowhunters, with nothing tarnishing their Nephilim blood or abilities.
All in all, it could certainly be worse. Magnus wonders if the demon meant to do more harm than it did, or if it simply understood the true weight of an immortal existence.
“You’re still going to look into a counter, right?” Underhill asks on his way out.
“Of course,” Cat promises, and Magnus feels for him. Alec took the news surprisingly well but Underhill is reacting in much the way Magnus would anticipate someone to react when faced with the news that they’re suddenly immortal: afraid, uncertain, upset.
And they do look for a counter to the curse, of course they do. Magnus would like to have it as an option for Alexander as well, just in case, and so Magnus and Catarina make several appointments with old friends who might be more knowledgeable on the subject as well as trips to the Spiral Labyrinth to look into some of the texts there.
They look for days, which turn into weeks, which turn into months. As their search draws out, the time they have to devote to the cause grows more sparse - there are always new problems cropping up in the Shadow World, after all, and it isn’t as if this is public knowledge they can cite for putting other tasks off.
He and Alexander have a number of serious discussions on the matter, with Magnus doing his best to ease Alec into the less pleasant aspects of the future he now faces. Alec tells Jace, because of course he can’t keep this from his parabatai, but that’s it.
Magnus does his best to be supportive and not try and step in too often. When Alec doesn’t tell his parents, or Max, or anyone else, Magnus can only reassure him that he’ll be there when he’s ready. Alec decides to wait until Andrew’s ready to tell Lorenzo before he spreads the word too far... but of course, that’s at the beginning. The longer Andrew keeps his own secret, the more difficult Magnus can tell it is for Alec to do the same.
“You can tell them if you want,” Magnus reminds him one night, watching the way Alec fiddles with the cell phone in his hands after hanging up from a call with his mom. “You don’t have to wait.”
Alec shakes his head. “No. I just want to give Andrew a little more time… I can barely keep Jace and Izzy quiet about it, you know once my parents find out the entire Clave will know by dinner.”
Magnus tried to push the issue a few times before but doesn’t anymore. As much as telling Lorenzo is Underhill’s decision, telling his parents is Alec’s - Magnus might strongly believe that sooner is better for both of them but he has to remind himself that it isn’t his call to make. If Alec wants to wait for Underhill, that’s his decision. However, Magnus starts to wonder if Alec might be using waiting for Underhill as an excuse to push off talking to his parents because he isn’t sure how to break the news to them.
It’s only a matter of time, Magnus knows... but that time stretches on longer and longer with no change. There’s no cure to be found, nothing new in Catarina’s medical examinations, and no changes in Underhill’s reluctance to talk to Lorenzo. Magnus asks him occasionally, always hoping that the answer will be different, but it never is. What he does discover is that Andrew is very, very much in love with the warlock. Magnus assumes this will make the decision to tell him about the curse easier, but apparently he’s wrong.
“Don’t you get it?” Underhill tells Magnus one of the times he checks in with him. “If I tell him now it’ll feel like I’m manipulating him into staying with me. I don’t want that. I want him to want to stay on his own, not out of guilt.”
“I doubt Lorenzo will do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Magnus says, with a hint of a well-meant jab at Lorenzo’s typically self-serving nature. He half-expects Andrew to take offense to the implication.
Instead, the Shadowhunter gives Magnus a small smile. “You don’t know him like I do,” Underhill says simply.
“Do you know him well enough to trust that he’d be honest with you, for better or worse, after you tell him what happened?” Magnus suggests. By now there’s no denying what he thinks Underhill should do, his words and questions obviously biased towards that result.
Andrew considers it for a second, then frowns. “I don’t know,” he admits. “I hope he would… I’d like to think he would, but I’m not positive. I just want to be sure before I do something I can’t take back.”
Okay, perhaps Magnus can get that on some level, even if he doesn’t completely agree with it. It isn’t the decision he’d make but it also isn’t his decision to make, as much as he and Alec try to sway Underhill into seeing things from their perspective. They’ve been down this road before, after all - more than once, with mistakes made on both their parts enough to know it’s a bad idea all around.
Magnus decides to offer one last bit of advice before Andrew leaves. “Everyone thinks they’re better at hiding secrets than they are; it’s only a matter of time before he finds out something’s up. Trust me when I say you want him to hear it from you.”
Magnus doesn’t talk to Andrew much after that - really, he’s said all he can to help and the rest is up to him to come to terms with.
Nearly six months after that fateful off-the-record mission there’s a knock at his door, and Magnus opens it to find himself face-to-face with a rather distressed looking Lorenzo Rey.
“Bane,” Lorenzo says by way of a greeting. “I don’t suppose you have a moment to talk?”
The request catches Magnus off guard. They don’t hate one another by any means, they’re actually quite friendly these days in professional settings, but it isn’t like Lorenzo to simply drop by unannounced for a little chat. Magnus certainly doesn’t expect the next words that come out of Lorenzo’s mouth.
“I could use your advice.”
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walkerismychoice · 5 years ago
Stripped Bare - Chapter 16 (Bryce X MC AU)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce X MC (Charlie Hawkins)
Summary: It’s the day of the wedding rehearsal, and Charlie introduces Bryce to another one of her family members. Also, there may be trouble in paradise for Katelyn and Landry.
Note: Just in case the relationship between Kyra isn’t clear, they are not related by blood or technically even by marriage. They are both related to Katelyn as her cousin, but they are from opposite sides of the family. Charlie only knows Kyra from when she would invite them both over as kids. This distinction will be necessary this chapter, lol.
Also another thing which I have failed to mention enough is that most of the locations and things in this series are real parts of this resort. There are mentions of a bar, specific bartender, and cocktail, all of which really exist at Half Moon resort.
Lastly, I appreciate all the feedback I got on where to take this series. I was able to merge several ideas with things I already had in mind, so there’s no specific credit to be given, but you may see bits and pieces of what you personally suggested from here on out. Thank you all again for your help.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2850
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"There's something different about you...." Kyra narrows her eyes and scans Charlie discerningly. "Is it new makeup? You're all glowy or something."
"No, I don’t think so." Charlie laughs nervously. Kyra knows, or if she doesn't she's about to figure it out. Not that Charlie would keep it from her, but she doesn't want to discuss it here, seated amongst the wedding party at the beachside set-up, waiting for the officiant to arrive to start the rehearsal.
"Oh my god! You and Bryce fu-"
"Kyra!" Charlie covers Kyra's mouth with her hand. "This is not the time nor the place."
Kyra smirks satisfactorily. "You didn't deny it. I expect full details later. And I mean everything."
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Okay, just keep it down for now."
Kyra glances off to the side where Bryce is waiting and winks at him. Bryce shoots a confused look to Charlie and she just shrugs and throws her hands up. As expected, Kyra is having difficulty with the concept of discretion.
The rehearsal is uneventful, but there seems to be extra tension between between Katelyn and Landry. Not that they’re a super affectionate couple to begin with, but the air is especially icy between them. Maybe it’s just stress and pre-wedding jitters, but whatever the case, seeing those two together makes Charlie even more thankful she’s not still with Andrew.
Bryce approaches Charlie as they are dismissed to head to the rehearsal dinner and loops his arm around her waist. “You walked down that aisle like a pro. You’re going to nail your performance tomorrow.”
Charlie giggles. “Well this is me we’re talking about. No guarantees I won’t fall flat on my face.
Bryce nods. “This is true. I’ll have to make sure you keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum tomorrow.
“But not tonight. I have to deal with my parents again. Oh, and did I mention my brother should be there too? His flight was supposed to get in this afternoon.”
“No you did not. Is he as hard to impress as your parents?”
“Nah,” Charlie shakes her head. “He never liked Andrew, but I have a feeling he’ll like you.”
“Sounds like a good judge of character then, so obviously he’ll love me.” Bryce smirks. 
“Hurry it up you two!” Kyra calls over her shoulder. “Cocktail hour starts now, and I don’t want to drink alone.”
“Guess who!” A pair of large hands cover Charlie’s eyes as she stands at the bar, but she’d know that voice anywhere.
“Will!” She spins around on her tiptoes and throws her arms around her much taller brother. "I’ve missed you!”
He squeezes her back tight. “You too, Chuck.”
“Okay, I don’t miss you anymore. You can get right back on that plane and go back to Africa.”
“Chuck?” Bryce questions with an amused expression on his face. “I haven’t heard that one yet.
“Just a nickname Will calls me to annoy the shit out of me. If you haven’t guessed, Bryce, this is my brother Will. Will this is my boyfriend, Bryce.” The word feels strange and uncertain coming off her tongue now that this thing between them is officially real, but she’s instantly reassured when she sees Bryce smile brighter when he hears it.
“Nice to meet you, Will.” Bryce extends his hand to will, but Will pulls him in for a hug and claps him on the back.
“Same to you. Charlie, I can’t believe you’ve been keeping him a secret from me.” Will puts a hand up to his lips as a shield. “He’s hot!” he mouths inaudibly to Charlie. 
“You know I could see that.” Bryce chuckles.
“Yeah, please don’t feed his ego. It’s already big enough,” Charlie teases and the guys both laugh. ”Anyway you’ve been so busy with your Peace Corps stuff, I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you lately,” Charlie offers as an excuse without having to reveal that Bryce didn’t exist in her life before two weeks ago.
“Fair enough. I’ll catch up with you two later, but I should go say hi to mom and dad. You wanna come with?”
“No.” Charlie shakes her head emphatically. “I’ve had enough of them already, mom especially.”
Will frowns sympathetically. “I’m sure as soon as mom sees her favorite baby boy and dad starts hounding me about deadlines for applying to grad school, they’ll forget whatever they were on you about.”
“Good luck with that.” Charlie waves him along with a tight-lipped grin.
“Oh my god!” Kyra walks up beside Charlie. “I haven’t seen Will since we were kids. When did get get so grown up...and hot.”
“Kyra!” Charlie smacks her in the shoulder. “That’s my little brother!”
“Well he’s not my brother. And in case you forgot, we aren’t related, and he’s not a kid anymore.”
“Hey, I don’t blame her.” Bryce joins in. “Good looks run in the Hawkins family. He’s got your gorgeous green eyes, and that stubble and ‘too busy doing humanitarian work to get my hair cut’ look is really working for him.”
“Ugh, now you are drooling over him too? Whose side are you on?”
“Aww, you know I’m on your side, babe.” Bryce pulls Charlie close, taking her breath away with a heated kiss. “You’re the only Hawkins I want.”
Kyra clears her throat. “You guys are disgusting...in the best possible way, of course.  
“Sorry,” Charlie steps away from Bryce sheepishly. “We should probably get to our table now. Looks like they are starting to serve dinner."
Charlie reluctantly sits with her family, but sticks to pleasantries with her parents. Kyra rounds out the 6 person table, providing a much needed buffer. Charlie's not sure if her mom is just pretending the whole thing never happened, like she so often does, or if she's just waiting to get into it again when nobody else is around, but she'll take the peace for now. It's not really awkward anyway with all the stories Will has to tell. Unsurprisingly Kyra is hanging on his every word, but he doesn't seem to mind the attention.
A short while after dinner is served Kyra nudges Charlie in the side and nods toward the corner. “Check that out.”
Charlie tries to turn her head inconspicuously and spots Katelyn and Landry seemingly in the middle of an argument. And then, without any notice or goodbyes, they leave the restaurant. “Well that doesn’t look good,” she mumbles under her breath.
Noticing the commotion, the tall Sarah stands up to cover for the couple. “The Bride and Groom wanted me to tell everyone they are retiring early for the evening so they can be well rested for tomorrow.” Landry and Katelyn’s parents all look confused but shrug it off and go back to eating their meals.
“Well,I think the party’s over here. Is there a good bar or somewhere we can go to hang out?” Will asks.
“How about Cedar Bar?” Bryce suggests. “I think Caswell is on tonight, and he’s the best.”
Will Chuckles. “I suppose I’d be familiar with all the bartenders here too if I had to put up with Katelyn for a whole week.”
Charlie laughs. “Bryce is just like that. He's made friends with just about all the staff here. It's unbelievable really."
"It's not fault people can't resist my charming, magnetic personality. It's just how I am." He winks at Charlie.
Charlie rolls her eyes but can't hold back a smirk. "Well then lets go and you can work your magic to get us some free drinks."
The night is warm and there’s a gentle breeze coming off the water into the open air bar. It’s busy, but not too crowded or loud to engage in conversation. The group finds an open table for four and Bryce goes up to the bar to do his thing. He shakes Caswell’s hand and returns to the table with a triumphant look on his face. “Four Yellowbird cocktails, coming up.”
“Uh, what’s in those?” Kyra asks skeptically.
Bryce shrugs. "When someone offers you their signature cocktail for free, you don't ask."
Moments later a cocktail waitress brings over four hurricane glasses filled with yellow-orange liquid and a colorful fruit garnish. Charlie takes a sip and is met with an interesting mix of flavors but it somehow works. "Not bad. Definitely rum, orange juice, bananas and.... something else. I feel like this is one of those dangerous drinks that could get you drunk real fast."
Kyra takes a big swig of her drink. "I'll be glad to test that theory out."
Will leans over to whisper something in Kyra's ear, a blush creeping over her cheeks before she pushes her drink off to the side. Charlie’s still not quite sure how to feel about whatever is going on between the two of them, but Will’s an adult and she trusts Kyra, so she’s just not going to interfere.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating someone new.” Will shakes his head at Charlie. “How did you two meet?”
This part is still tricky, they’ve practiced the story but it’s really hard to look Will in the eyes and lie. “Well we were both medical students,” she offers, which is technically true.
“But didn’t you say you went to Harvard, Bryce?”
“I did, but there is some overlap in the faculty and hospital appointments between Harvard and Boston University so sometimes the students end up in the same place.”
Charlie breathes a sigh of relief at Bryce’s quick-thinking answer, and Will seems satisfied. Bryce places on hand on Charlie’s knee under the table, idly rubbing soothing circles over her skin. He continues with these little touches here in there, but unlike before, these aren’t for anyone else to see. 
They finish their cocktails and order another round of less extravagant drinks while catching up. Unsurprisingly, Bryce and Will get along like old friends, and Will only embarrasses Charlie a little. With what Bryce has seen of her already, she’s not worried anything Will says will scare him away.
“Hey guys, mind if I crash your party?” A stunned silence falls over the table as a bleary eyed Katelyn stands before them.
“Um, not at all,” Charlie replies as Bryce pulls up an extra chair to the end of the table. 
“No offense, Katelyn, but you kind of look like shit,” Will adds. “Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep for the wedding?”
She rolls her eyes at the same time she wipes the mascara smudges with the back of her hand. “Who knows if there will even be a wedding.”
“What?” Charlie and Kyra both gasp. Although Charlie can think of a multitude of reasons why Katelyn and Landry aren’t right for each other, she couldn’t imagine Katelyn calling off the wedding at this point.
“Landry is just as much of a douchebag as you all thought. Even if you never said it, I could tell you all were thinking it.”
“What happened?” Charlie asks out of genuine concern. As much as she can’t stand the person who Katelyn has become, she’s still family and Charlie still cares. 
“Fucking Tanner showed up.” Katelyn pulls out her phone and shows them some screenshots of intimate conversations between Landry and his friend from college within the last few months. “He said they were just joking, but I’m not that naive. I forgave him so long as he cut off communication, and I thought he did. Then Tanner showed up today, and our arguing escalated until we went back to the room. I demanded to see his phone and found a thread of messages hidden under another name. He claimed Tanner’s only here because the invitations went out before I found everything out. He says he still loves me and begged me to go through with the wedding, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Screw him,” Kyra scoffs. “You can do so much better.”
Katelyn might be awful to put up with, but Kyra’s right. Landry’s still not good enough for her, but Charlie’s not sure that’s what Katelyn wants to hear right now. “What Kyra means is that you deserve someone you love and loves you just as much in return.”
Bryce stands up. “Maybe we should let you ladies have some time to talk this through. Will, come get a drink at the bar with me?”
The men leave and Katelyn picks up Wills half-full cocktail and downs it. “I don’t know what to do... Are you going to finish that?” She points to Charlie’s drink, and Charlie slides it over to her.
“What does your gut say you should do? You don’t have to feel obligated to marry him just because we are all here for the wedding.”
Kyra takes another sip of her drink. “Yes, what she said.”
“I don’t even know if I love him. I love what he is on paper. He can give me the life I’ve always wanted, and if I don’t have him, I’m left with nothing.”
“Psshht.” Kyra shakes her head. “Girl, you know you are way out of his league.”
“Who is this Katelyn and what did she do with my independent, intelligent, ambitious cousin? The Katelyn I grew up with wouldn’t need a man for anything,” Charlie echoes the sentiment. 
“But I’ve given up going to law school to be a wife. It’s all I have now.”
“Katelyn, you’re only twenty-six, and in case you forgot, still independently wealthy. You have the time and money to do anything you want. If you want to marry Landry because it makes you happy, do that, but not because you think it is what you are supposed to do.” 
“Trust me,” Kyra interjects. “You’ll look like much less of a loser if you call off the wedding than if you actually marry that pasty-ass white boy.”
“Kyra!” Charlie shoots her a glare. Sure they’ve all been thinking it but it’s a bit harsh to say out loud.
“Kyra’s right. I should have dumped the cheating, spineless, scrawny-ass bastard a long time ago.”
Charlie leans over to hug Katelyn, stifling a laugh. “We aren’t trying to tell you what you do, but we’ll support whatever decision is best for you. Right, Kyra?” Charlie arches her eyebrows at Kyra as a warning to keep her mouth filtered for Katelyn’s sake.
“Yep.” She gets up to give Katelyn said after Charlie retreats. 
“Good.” Katelyn dabs her tears away with a cocktail napkin. “Now I need all the drinks.” She reaches for another drink, but Charlie stops her.
“Are you sure that’s the best idea?”
“Yes.” Katelyn pushes away from the table and walks up to bar, ordering two shots and downing them immediately. Will and Bryce bring her back to the table, already another drink in hand.
Bryce leans in to whisper to Charlie. “We should probably try to keep her from over-doing it.”
“It might be a little late for that, but we’ll watch her.”
The night wears on and the group sneakily orders a couple more non-alcoholic beverages for Katelyn, but she’s already had quite enough. It’s getting late and Kyra and Will bow out first, Will volunteering to “walk Kyra back to her room” as if that isn’t obvious. Charlie finally convinces Katelyn to go back to Landry and face whatever is going to happen.
“I’m just going to use the restroom before we go. Do you need to go, Katelyn?”
“No, I’m good.” Katelyn stumbles back against the wall.
“I’ll wait out here with her,” Bryce offers. 
“Good call.” Charlie laughs and pushes through the women’s room door.
Katelyn is a fucking mess. Bryce has no idea how she and Charlie can be related. She’s good looking enough, but nowhere near as pretty as Charlie. But her personality...yikes. Charlie says Katelyn wasn’t always this way, and he’s grateful Charlie has managed to grow into the person she is despite a similar upbringing.
“Charlie’s so lucky to have you.” Katelyn slurs, stumbling forward and crashing into Bryce’s chest. He tips her back upright, but her hands remain planted on his pecs, giving them a squeeze. “You know how bad I’ve been wanting to feel these? I know you’re always showing off your muscles because you want everyone to look, and I’ve definitely been looking.”
Bryce removes Katelyn’s hands, placing them at her sides. Sure he’s proud of his body and likes to show it off, but he’s certainly not looking for this type of attention. ”That doesn’t mean everyone gets to touch me. That’s reserved for Charlie.” 
Katelyn pouts.”But is she as good of kisser as me?” 
Bryce should have been anticipating it from her question, but before he can make sense of what’s happening, Katelyn arms around around his neck and her lips are his. Initially shocked and frozen in place, he finally comes around, but it’s already too late.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Landry booms, his face red with anger, and next to him is a bewildered looking Charlie.
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northsidefabray · 5 years ago
Sun Will Rise
Who: Quinn & @northsideclarington 
What: Quinn and Hunter break through the silence and briefly discuss the Elite Triad’s situation with the baby
When: Dec 27, Morning
Where: Hunter’s Residence
Triggers: Pregnancy
After wrapping her cast as she'd been taught, Quinn lowered herself into the hot bath that she'd hoped would help easy her sore body. The doctor said it was likely adrenaline that blinded her to the ways that she was truly in pain but now that she was somewhere safe, she would start to feel it. Especially waking up that morning, Quinn had felt every inch of it.
After wrapping her cast as she'd been taught, Quinn lowered herself into the hot bath that she'd hoped would help easy her sore body. The doctor said it was likely adrenaline that blinded her to the ways that she was truly in pain but now that she was somewhere safe, she would start to feel it. Especially waking up that morning, Quinn had felt every inch of it. She was tired, unable to sleep through the night without one of her memories shooting her straight up in bed. For hours, she would sit with her back against the pillow, telling herself that she was stupid for being so shaken up. Bruce had only been there for such a short time. He'd hurt her and left, and he hadn't had the chance to force himself on her like he was clearly going to, so stop freaking out! But her head wasn't listening. 
As much as she hated to admit it, Quinn was grateful for the gifts Marley had sent her. She'd been racked with guilt over the horrible things her mother had said to her friends, and all of that was internalizing, swirling inside, and blossoming in the reminder that she was pregnant and hadn't known for three whole months. How would she ever be expected to raise a baby if she hadn't even known one was there? 
Once the water turned cold, she climbed out of the tub and pulled on a robe, avoiding her reflection so she didn't have to see the harsh bruise on her face. She drained the tub and unwrapped her cast before walking into the kitchen. She opened the package of tea leaves, looking up when she heard footsteps. Things hadn't exactly gone back to normal there either. 
Pressing her lips together, she looked down into her cup and asked, "Do you want some tea? Or coffee?"
Hunter had returned from his night shift just about an hour before he walked into the kitchen and saw Quinn standing there. He had walked straight into the bathtub, then changed into a pair of gray sweats and a black hoodie, then went into his studio to do some research on a case that had every appearance of becoming difficult as days would go by. He should had gone straight into bed, where Quinn was, but instead he chose to go to the studio instead. It wasn't like he was avoiding her- or was he? If he was, he really didn't mean to. But everything that had happened in the last couple of days had fallen on his head like a ton of bricks, and even if he realized it was ten times harder on Quinn, it was also a lot for him to process.
A baby. 
They had barely patched up their relationship with Sebastian, and now... a baby. What were they suppose to do now? How would they handle that, as a group? And the other question: Who was the father, and would that answer change things even more? It was enough to give anyone a headache. 
He heard the shuffle around in the kitchen and figured Quinn was already up, so he turned the lights off on his desk and walked out of the studio, and down the couple of steps that led into the kitchen, seeing her there, standing by the counter. 
"Coffee would be fine, thanks. You want me to fix you some breakfast?" he asked and opened the fridge.
Quinn had filled the teapot with water and set it on the stove top. She passed him a small half-smile as she turned to get the coffee brewing for him, shaking her head even if he couldn't see when he offered to make breakfast. "I'm not really hungry right now," she said. Sure, she'd had a few cravings - because now she knew what they were - but her last nightmare wasn't giving her much room in her stomach for food right now. "But thank you." 
As soon as the teapot went off, she busied herself pouring the hot water in the cup and steeping the dry leaves in until it was the color she wanted. She added a little honey but continued to wander through the kitchen with all thoughts and no words. Quinn wasn't stupid. She knew what they were both things, what they all had to be thinking right now, but what was she able to say? How did she tell either of them that everything would be okay if she didn't know it would be? 
Thankfully, the coffee finished brewing and she fixed up his cup before handing it over to him. "How... was work?" She finally asked, settling on something because the silence was awful.
You could practically hear a pin drop from how silent the kitchen, and until the teapot whistled out loud that was all there was. Upon hearing Quinn didn't want anything to eat, Hunter poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat at the counter, the aisle now separating him from Quinn. Although it felt like there was much more than just that separating them. 
He nodded as he took his cup from her and took a small sip before putting it down. "Long. I have a difficult surgery coming up. I have to study for it, how about that?" He chuckled softly, although it didn't really reach his face. He looked at her and shrugged. "How... are you feeling?"
That must have been what he was doing when she woke up, Quinn thought. Whenever she spent the night, Hunter usually climbed into bed with her when he'd gotten home from work but when she'd woken up alone and his car was outside, she'd figured he was in his study. "That sounds big," she said. "If you need any help studying.." She let the offer hang there. It had been a long time since she'd helped him study but in high school, even college, she'd lay across his bed with his book in front of her, quizzing him for hours when he wanted it. 
Then at his question, Quinn lifted her cup to her lips, taking a long and slow drink of the tea as she tried to decide what he wanted to know. Did he mean her physical injuries? Her emotional ones? Or about the pregnancy? She settled on something that would cover all bases, just in case. "Tired. I haven't really slept more than an hour or two at a time since.. everything." 
Nightmares kept waking her up. "I, uh.. I called Sheriff Hummel and told him. He wants me to go to the station so I'll.. try." The truth was, she didn't feel safe leaving Hunter's. Her mother's body hadn't been found in the remains of Ivyhill, and Bruce was still out there.
Hunter smiled softly and shook his head. "Thanks, but I should be doing this alone." He knew he had asked a very vague question, because there was a lot Quinn could be feeling bad about. "I can tell that you aren't. We could call the doctor and have him prescribe a mild sedative. If you want, of course." He took a longer sip of his coffee and nodded. "That's good. They have to be put under alert. That bastard is still out there. It can't be like that. Either they do something, or I will."
Quinn nodded. She knew how Hunter got when he was preparing for a big surgery. He took every aspect of it seriously. This was another person's life, someone's child, and she knew he wanted to get it himself. At least the offer was there if he wanted help. Then a small grin caught the corner of her mouth. "Is that a comment about my appearance because I haven't worn any makeup in a week?" She at least tried to joke, even if it was small and probably not funny. At the mention of a sedative, something new hit her and she felt her arm move across her stomach. 
"A sedative? Is that safe for..." But before the word even came out, she stopped herself, aware of what she was about to say. Dropping her arm, she turned to the sink and washed away the rest of her tea. "I uh, I'd rather if they.. did. You didn't-- He wouldn't blink if he killed someone. And if something happened to you, I--" She shook her head, not wanting to say more about it. I can't lose you.
Hunter chuckled. "Not really. More like because you sleep next to me and I can tell." He noticed her reaction when he mentioned a sedative, and he leaned forward and put his hands on the counter. "It'd be prescribed by the obstetrician, which... you should also get soon." He stood up and drank what was left of his coffee and also put the cup inside the sink. "I can defend myself. He's only a psycho coward for doing that to a woman." He stood behind her and crossed his arms. "What are you going to do... about the baby?" Someone had to say something.
Simple things like finding an obstetrician.. she hadn't even thought about that yet. Of course she needed to find a doctor. The hospital visit had confirmed she was pregnant and given her an ultrasound to find out how far along she was but that there was still so much to do. Tests, probably, and medications, maybe? She nodded in agreement and decided she could at least do that today. "If you know any good ones at the hospital.." Otherwise she would check online, call, schedule an appointment. 
Quinn turned to look up at him after he dropped off the cup. She wouldn't argue about what Bruce was capable of but the last thing she wanted was Hunter going after him. Pressing her lips together at the question, Quinn let out a slow breath. "I don't know," she answered honestly. "I know we're not ready but I never felt comfortable with.. getting rid of it." It was every woman's personal choice and she wasn't sure she could do it. Sebastian would still need to be part of the conversation but that didn't mean they couldn't talk about their feelings without him around. "If we don't.. If no one- wants-.. I mean, there's.. other options.."
Hunter nodded, unfolding his arms so he could put his hands in his pockets. "I know the right person for it. Dr. Hans Peterson, he's the best at the hospital. I could get you an appointment for Monday morning if you want me to." Hunter frowned and moved closer to her. "Come here" he said, pulling her into his arms and embraced her warmly against her chest. "I'd never asked you to get rid of it, nor I think Sebastian would either." He sighed. "If it comes to that... If you decide, if we three decide not to keep it, there's always giving it for adoption. If it comes to that." He kissed her forehead and looked at her. "For now, all that matters is that you're okay. And the baby too, okay?"
For as much as Quinn didn't want to leave the house, she knew that she had to at the very least get checked out and if this doctor was the best, she would find a way to get herself there. "That would be nice, Hunt. Thank you." Leaning into Hunter's embrace made the growing anxiety start to calm, at least a little. She'd needed it more than she realized. 
Closing her eyes, she let her head lean into his chest and listened to the thumping of his head. Quinn nodded, looking up only when she felt him move. It's too soon, she wanted to say. All this was happening too soon. But when her lips moved, what came out was, "I'm scared."
Hunter looked right into her eyes, those eyes he had never stopped losing himself in, then he cupped her chin and placed a soft kiss to her lips. He wanted to say 'me too', but  this was definitely not about him at all. "I know you are. But like I said, whatever happens, we'll do this together. All of us, okay?" He kissed her again and held her close. "And by the way, Darius keeps saying that he's sorry. I told him it wasn't his fault, but I can't really blame him for seeing it like that..." He chuckled softly and kissed the top of her head.
Quinn nodded and in some deep down part of her, it was what she needed. With everything that happened, knowing that she wasn’t alone and it was still them. It didn’t quiet the part of her that needed to know from both of them what they would do. This couldn’t just be her decision. She almost wanted to ask Hunter right then but his comment about Darius drew her attention. She sighed, “He’s been apologizing since he sent me that picture and realized the guy was his father.” Curling her arms around him, Quinn leaned in and closed her eyes. “I’ll talk to him.”
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thewritenerd · 5 years ago
This Life and the Other: NaNoWriMo Day 7
‘Yes sir.’ She gave him a mock salute and walked over.  I watched a ball of white light appeared on her fingertips. She reached over to the door lock and held the light up to it. At first I wasn’t sure how that was supposed to help but as I watched I saw the lock on the door start to melt right off. ‘Amazing,’ I whispered. Ronnie smiled at me. ‘Right Cam it’s back to you again.’ Cam nodded and disappeared, then reappeared a second later. ‘I took out all the camera’s I could find. Oh and all the rooms down here are storage lockers. If we’re going to find anything important we’ll need to go upstairs.’
‘Into uncharted territory.’ Iesha joked. As quickly and quietly as we could we snuck towards the stairs and started to climb. At the top we found a corridor that split into two different directions and another set of stairs. Aiden made a stop gesture, Ronnie had to grab hold of Lalita to get him to stop, and nodded to Cam. Once again they disappeared and reappeared. ‘Right we’ll need to split up. That way we can cover more ground.’ ‘Are you sure that’s safe?’ Lalita asked sounding nervous. ‘I don’t like the idea much myself,’ Aiden admitted. ‘But we only have a few hours to check the whole place.’ ‘Plus smaller groups will make less noise.’ I added. ‘Good point. Right I’ll head left with Iesha, Cam and Lalita you two go upstairs and don’t forget the cameras, Ronnie and Saren you two go right. We’ll meet up in the garage in three hours.’ He handed me back my walkie talkie. ‘Okay let’s do this.’ With that Ronnie and I started heading down the right-hand corridor. As we walked I kept glancing at Ronnie, wondering if I should mention what Iesha told me yesterday. ‘I heard you bought those toys for Iesha,’ She said as she looked at the door. ‘That was really sweet of you.’ I felt my face flush hot. ‘It was nothing, really.’ She turned to look at me. ‘Maybe not to you. But it meant the world to her. When you’ve spent your life being hurt by the people who were meant to protect you, or told you don’t deserve kindness the smallest acts can make a big difference.’ I watched her for a moment. ‘So you’re parents they were..?’ ‘My dad’s fine. But his work meant he had to leave a lot. And then when they broke up my mum wouldn’t let him see me. That was four years ago. I don’t even know where he lives. Sometimes I dream about living with him, though I don’t think I could leave you guys.’ She gave me a small smile. ‘I dream about living with my parents again,’ I told her. ‘Well I did when I could dream.’ ‘You’re an orphan right? Like Aiden.’ I nodded. ‘What were they like?’ I shrugged. ‘I don’t remember much. My mum died when I was a baby so I know next to nothing about her. My dad as far as I can remember was a nice guy. I remember he used to carry me over his shoulder upstairs to bed. It always made me laugh. I’m pretty sure it’s the only…’ Is topped when I spotted the sign on one of the doors that read Dr Gudino. ‘What is it?’ Ronnie asked. ‘That’s the name of the lady who the hunters handed the kids over to. Assuming this is her office we should find something in here.’ ‘So we’re going to look in the evil scientist ladies office. Cool, maybe she’ll have a floating head in a jar.’ ‘If she did it’d probably the head of a child,’ I pointed out. ‘Okay I take it back, that wouldn’t be cool.’ Reaching for the door handle I found it was unlocked. Slipping inside we found an office about the size of Dr Groriev’s, if a little smaller. Only this one looked like someone actually used it. There were papers strewn about, A callander hanging on one wall with dates marked and events noted down. On a pin board near the back was a collection of notices, postcards and even some childrens’ drawings. The only thing that seemed out of place was the medical bed and curtain in the corner. ‘You check the desk I’ll check the cabinets,’ Ronnie decided. I nodded and made my way to the desk. Flicking through the papers I found they were printed emails, all discussing “the cost of maintaining and providing energy to the pods”. I scanned through them quickly but none of them gave me any clues as to what these “pods” were, only that they were costing a fortune and that Dr Gudino wanted them to stop making them. Before I could open the top drawer to see if there was anything in there my eyes fell on the photo on the desk. The picture showed a pretty young woman with light brown skin and dark brown hair, who I realised was Dr Gudino pre grey streaks, smiling at the camera. She was holding her sun hat down with one hand and a toddler on her lap with the other. Next to her sat a railon man with another little boy sat on his lap, a third boy was squeezed between the two of them. All three boys looked like a mixture of railon and human. Looking at the man I tried to think why he looked so familiar. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a walkie talkie beeping making me jump. ‘Ronnie are you there?’ Iesha’s voice asked. ‘Yeah I’m here.’ ‘Good, hate to interrupt buy we have a locked door that needs opening. Reckon you can get your ass over here and help?’ ‘Sure give me a minuet.’ She turned to me. ‘You’ll be okay on your own?’ ‘Yeah sure. Go ahead I should be done by the time you get back,’ I reassured her. Giving me a quick thumbs up she left the room. Pulling the drawer open I found a diary and some pens. Not much, still the diary might be worth checking. I started flicking through scanning the dates. It was mostly personal stuff; dentist appointments, dinner with friends, parents coming to stay for two weeks. Then I spotted something that made me stop. 14th of May 2:15pm Meeting with Dr.G. Dr.G? Was that another doctor who worked here? What did the letter stand for? Making a mental note to keep an eye out for any mention of that name again I went to continue looking through the diary only to stop when I heard footsteps. For a second I wondered if it was Ronnie coming back, but then I realised they were coming from the other direction. Shoving the diary back into the drawer and quickly closed it. Frantically I looked around to see if there was anywhere I could hide.
I opened my eyes to find myself lying on a cot bed in what I figured must have been some sort of med room. My head thumping I lifted my arm to block out the lights that hung above me. ‘Ah Mr Kelbeck. Good to see you’ve decided to come back to us.’ I turned my head to see Dr Gjorgiev standing beside me. ‘How are you?’ he asked. ‘Uh okay,’ I lied. My heart had started racing as I realised that back on earth I’d be passed out on the floor. ‘Well that’s good to hear. You’ve been out for a few hours now. I’ll have to give you a quick medical exam to make sure you’re not concussed but I think you’ll be fine. Your kind does have thick skulls after all.’ I nodded deciding not to correct him. ‘Um, what happened?’ I asked.   ‘It would seem your friend Mr Wasape’s aim has gotten even worse since your last exam. Though his strength is admittedly impressive seeing how he managed to knock you out with a tennis ball.’ A tennis ball, I thought as Dr Gjorgiev shinned a torch into my eyes. Apolo had tried to knock me out with a tennis ball. That idiot was lucky it had worked. When he finished checking me over Dr Gjorgiev dismissed me telling me that apart from my headache, which would subside, there was nothing wrong with me and that I would need to finish taking my fitness test during my next few exercise classes. Thanking him I left the room and went to look for Apolo and Ezra. I couldn’t find them in the break room, or the toilets. Eventually I decided to check the library, where hardly anyone went unless there was a lesson in there. I found them hidden in the mathematics section. Ezra was curled up on the floor, tears pouring down his face, while Apolo sat next to him stroking his hair. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked. Apolo looked up at me. ‘He couldn’t finish the test,’ He explained. ‘He ended up collapsing from the pain. Then Medved yanked him up by the hair and called him… well I’m not sure what he said but it didn’t sound very nice.’ Ezra tried to sit up but ended up letting out a whimper and laying back down again. ‘Hey it’s okay. Take it easy,’ Apolo muttered. ‘So what about you?’ he asked turning back to me. ‘What happened after I knocked you out? On earth I mean.’ ‘We got into the Pound.’ I told him. ‘And I found an office belonging to someone called Dr Gudino. One small problem though, I woke up here while I was still in there.’ Apolo frowned at me. ‘That’s not good. Do you want me to knock you out again?’ I shook my head. ‘It’s a nice offer but no thanks. I don’t want any brain damage and anyway it would draw too much attention to the both of us.’ Apolo looked thoughtful for a moment then nodded. ‘So did you find anything in that office?’ Deciding I might as well tell them everything, though Ezra didn’t seem to be up to listening much, that I had just seen.
*(The next chapter contains some big spoiler(s) so I don’t think I’ll be posting much, if any, of that here.)
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piss-bong · 6 years ago
how do you get a doctor to prescribe testosterone? or is it possible to get it without a prescription?
so it depends on your state/country. I live in Pennsylvania in the US so I can really only speak for where PA but it seems to be pretty similar throughout most of the US/Europe. 
note: this is gonna be a long post. Sorry. 
First let’s discuss starting HRT under the supervision of a medical professional because that’s the best, safest way to go about the process:
Talk to a doctor/therapist. 
They may be able to provide you with a prescription for HRT medication, but it’s rather uncommon
However, they will definitely be able to refer you to an endocrinologist. 
Some doctors are easier to work with and more trans-friendly than others. Do your research, try to find reviews (especially from other trans people). If you’re able to travel to find a better doctor, do it. You deserve the best treatment possible and unfortunately that may be difficult to find, but trust me, finding good treatment is worth it and makes the entire process way easier. 
provide informed consent 
this is just a fancy legal way of saying “I know what I’m getting myself in to”
you just need to talk to your doctor/therapist before beginning treatment and verify that you understand and are comfortable with the affects of HRT as well as the assumed risk
This can get a little more tricky if you’re a minor because you may not be able to provide informed consent depending on your age and place of residence. 
Where I live anyone over 16 and provide consent, but in other states/countries you need to be 18, and in some states/countries it’s as low as 13 or 14. Check up on the laws where you live. If you are not over the age of consent you will need to also have your parents sign some stuff. 
I don’t know much about this because I’m nearly 18 but you can find more information about it online. 
prove that you are capable and willing to medically transition
Depending on the doctor they may require you to present as your preferred gender for a given amount of time before actually prescribing hormones. This may be anywhere from 6 weeks to 12 months depending on where you live and what doctor you’re seeing. 
This step can sometimes be bypassed if you have a therapist who is willing to write a reference letter you may be able to bypass this step. 
It’s also worth mentioning that there are many doctors who don’t do this anymore because it’s a pretty shit practice. Do your best to find a doctor who doesn’t do this shit. 
discuss some other medical stuff with your doctor
your doctor will want to discuss your other medical needs with you. This will include whether or not you take any other medications, have any preexisting conditions that may interfere with HRT, if you smoke, or anything else that may cause problems. It’s more of a discussion than anything and as long as nothing major comes up you should be fine
You will also need to take some blood tests so your doctor can measure your hormone levels to know what dosages to give you. 
Get Your Fuckin Pills (or whatever method you choose to administer your hormones)!!!
once everything else is done you should be able to obtain a prescription for your hormones from your doctor. 
They will also talk to your about what type of hormones/method of administration is best for you. Common methods include pills, patches and injections. 
Go back for regular checkups
once you’re on hormones you will need to regularly go back to your doctor for blood tests just to make sure that your hormone levels are where they should be. Your doctor may adjust your dosages depending on the results, but this is pretty much all just to keep you safe. 
These appointments usually happen every month to every other month and will probably become less frequent as you get further in to your transition. 
There ya go! Now you got the right chemicals in your body!
While going through a doctor is definitely the better, more responsible way to go about things, that’s just not an option for some people. It is possible to get hormones without a prescription, however I don’t suggest it. 
I am writing the following purely for harm-reduction purposes. I don’t recommend, nor do I condone the use of any medication without the strict supervision of a medical professional. It is dangerous and can have some really bad consequences. However I know that for some people it’s their only option so I’m going to write this guide to explain the safest way to DIY your hormone treatment. This isn’t me telling you “take hormones without a doctor”, this is me saying “if you’re going to take hormones without a doctor, this is the safest way to do it”. Please understand that I’m not advocating for this, I just want you to be as safe as possible. 
okay so all of that said: 
Understand that this will be more expensive. 
your insurance can’t cover it so you will need to pay 100% our of pocket. 
there’s also other expenses involved (which I’ll cover later) that you wouldn’t need to worry about if you were getting your hormones through a doctor. 
When purchasing hormones online: 
only buy from a trusted source. There are many reputable sites so make sure you’re buying from the right place. 
Do your research! I can’t stress this enough, make sure you know what you’re doing, what dosage is right for you, and every other factor involved. This could really mess you up if you do something wrong. 
also remember that you will have to pay shipping so factor that in to your budget
Test your hormone levels!!!
you can also go to a doctor to have them test it if it’s available to you. Your primary care physician would probably be easiest, but places like Alder Health provide testing too. This is probably the easiest and best way of doing it but I know not everyone has that luxury. 
you can find places online where you send them a blood sample and they test your hormone levels. 
I can’t stress how important this is. If your hormones are too high you can overdose, and if they’re too low it may make it difficult to achieve the results you want. 
Get a PO box
it’s super easy, and provides an extra layer of security because you don’t have to get your stuff shipped to your house. 
this does add an extra expense, but it’s not very much and it’s usually worth it. 
tell your doctor
You have doctor/patient confidentiality. They can’t tell anyone, they can only warn you against the dangers and help you stay safe. 
often times they will help you get anything you need (hormone testing, therapy, etc.) that you couldn’t get yourself. 
best case scenario they may even set you up to get hormones through a regular prescription, but that’s unlikely. 
Just make sure you’re safe. DIYing is very dangerous and it’s very difficult to do right. 
I hope I got anything but if there’s something I missed someone please let me know and I’ll make sure to edit the post. 
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years ago
The Virgin: Chapt. 2
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Summary: The day that changes their lives forever. Lacey has to break the news to both Regina and Robin about her “mistake”.
Also on AO3
They say you never see a broken heart coming. Robin, on the other hand, had been preparing for his for the past 3 weeks.
He knew the odds, both he and Marian did. They had talked over the procedure extensively before they decided to actually go through it. After he was given a clean bill of health, they at first debated if they would ever use the sample. They were lucky enough to have Roland, he was just over a year old when they got the news that the cancer was gone. For the next three years, they were extremely happy. They had each other, their thriving hotel.
 Even so, Robin couldn’t shake this overwhelming need that something was missing. He had only felt that once before, right after they conceived Roland. It was then he had decided to open his own hotel. It’d be under his father’s branch (along with her family being on the board), but it would still be something that he and Marian would run mostly on their own. The Marbella was their second child, they had put so much blood, sweat and tears in it. Now, he felt that again. Roland was getting older, he and Marian were doing very good. So, after his yearly check-up, he had broached the subject with Marian.
 She was skeptical and rightfully so. The procedure had such a slim chance of working and it was his only sample, his last sample. The doctors had encouraged him to give it prior to his chemotherapy and it had been the right choice. After everything was said and done, there was no way they could conceive another child without that sample. Robin pointed out that it was there for a reason. If it didn’t work, then they could discuss other options. There was no harm in trying, right?
 So, Marian had agreed. She scheduled an appointment with Lacey and had done all the right things after. For once, she delegated her duties with the hotel and heavied her assistant’s workload. She went to bed at a reasonable hour and though she already ate healthy, she was even more on top of it. Robin did whatever he could to make it easier on her.
 They didn’t discuss the possible outcomes over those 3 weeks, they had done that enough. Whether it was good or bad, they didn’t bring it up at all. If it weren’t for the little note in both of their calendars to head to Lacey’s office exactly 3 weeks after the insemination, they may not have ever spoken of it at all.
 The morning of the appointment, things went as normal. Robin woke up to the smell of Marian cooking breakfast. He showered and dressed before making his way into the kitchen part of their suite. They had decided to have a suite built onto the hotel for them while it was in construction, so they would be close if there were any issues. It was like a penthouse, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and kitchen. Roland found it cool that he got to live in a hotel, just like the character in his favorite books, Eloise at the Plaza.
 “Morning,” he said, kissing the top of Roland’s head before pecking Marian’s lips.
“You’re having breakfast with us this morning, Papa?” Roland asked from his spot at the table.
“That’s right. Your mama and I have an appointment to head to later.”
“I still get to hang out with Grace, right?”
“Of course.”
Marian turned towards the table, two plates in hand. “I’ve got pancakes for my boys.”
“What would we do without you?” Robin wrapped an arm around her. “What do we say to Mama, Roland?”
“Thank you, Mama!”
 Marian grinned and set them down, before giving Robin another kiss. He let it linger for a moment, wanting to savor the happy moment. She stroked his cheek.
 “No matter what the outcome, we’re going to be okay,” she whispered. “No matter what Lacey says.”
“I know,” Robin said, wishing more than anything his heart would let him believe it.
Regina hated Saturdays. During the week, she had work to keep her busy. On the weekends, all she had was her apartment. Sure, she’d grade papers or go to the store, but those were the days she was reminded most that she was alone.
 Luckily, that particular Saturday, she had been invited to join Emma, Neal and Henry at the zoo. If she could count on anything remotely close to family, it’d be those three. She had met Emma when they were 10 years old. Both had grown up in the foster system, having scarily similar stories. Regina had nearly been adopted by a great foster family when she was 5 years old, but then the foster mother passed away and the father couldn’t afford to keep her, no matter how hard he tried. Emma had been passed by when her long term foster family got pregnant with a biological child and his medical bills meant they could only keep one. While Regina had been left on the steps of the fire station, Emma was abandoned on the side of the road.
 They were both headstrong and determined, a combination that might have made them enemies, if they didn’t love each other so much. Together, they stayed in the same group home until they were 16. That was when faux-leather wearing Emma met equally covered in faux-leather Neal Cassidy. Emma snuck out of the room they shared with 2 other girls every night for 6 months, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when she got pregnant. She emancipated herself and Neal got kicked out of his dad’s, the two managing to find housing together by the time Henry was born. Regina became Henry’s godmother and for the past 8 years, that was the closest she had to family.
 As happy as Emma was at 24, it hadn’t always been easy for her. She struggled to keep up with work and had to drop out of high school, just to be able to take care of Henry. Her and Neal’s relationship had been rocky, including a split once both turned 20. They had only gotten back together a year prior, as they had both grown up some and were ready. Henry was a happy and well-adjusted kid, both his parents loved him. It didn’t mean that both clearly hadn’t had their lives derailed.
 Regina had made a vow after she saw firsthand what Emma had been through. She wasn’t going to have sex until marriage. She was going to college, start her career. One day she’d start a family, but not until she was ready.
 She had come close in college. When she met Daniel at freshmen orientation, it almost felt like fate. They dated for 2 years, getting engaged a year in and planned to marry as soon as she got her teaching certificate. He was perfectly fine with waiting, something most guys weren’t. Regina didn’t believe in fairytales, but it certainly felt like she was living in one.
 Her bubble burst a year into the engagement. Daniel had been walking back to his dorm after a night out to buddies and was hit by a driver that didn’t stop at a red light. They never found who it was and Regina was left devastated. If it weren’t for her academic scholarship, she probably would’ve spent every day in bed. Suddenly, her life became more than just proving she wasn’t the poor foster kid. She had to do it for Daniel. He wouldn’t get to live the rest of his life, so she would live hers for him.
 Regina pulled into the parking lot of the zoo and started heading towards the zoo. She hadn’t been feeling well and hadn’t been able to keep anything down for the past couple of days, but a promise was a promise. Besides, getting a glimpse of the Swan-Cassidy family made it worth it.
“Auntie Regina!” Regina smiled as Henry ran towards her, rosy cheeks and hazel eyes.
“Hey sweetie.” She pulled him into her arms and kissed the top of his head. “You ready to see some animals?”
“Yeah, I was reading up about all the different ones they had. I guess one of the pandas just had a baby. Did you know they weighs less than a pound when they’re born?”
“I didn’t know that,” Regina said, allowing him to take her hand and prattle on about all the panda facts he read.
Emma chuckled, ruffling her son’s hair. “You’re going to talk your aunt’s ear off, aren’t you?”
“At least he’s well read. I wonder who he gets that from, because it certainly wasn’t either of you.”
Neal pretended to look offended. “Just for that, I am so not buying you a pretzel.”
Regina laughed, shaking her head. “That’s fine. I haven’t been able to eat for days now.”
Emma studied her face. “You do look a bit pale. If you’re not up to this, we could always come another day.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. I made the mistake of eating from that deli on the corner, that always messes me up. Come on, let’s buy tickets.”
 Regina kept drinking from her water bottle as they made it around the zoo, but that only seemed to make her feel worse. She plastered a smile on her face, not wanting to ruin it for Henry. They spent a lot of time with the pandas and standing in the shade helped, at least a little bit. When they stopped for lunch, she tried to eat a salad. Halfway through the overpriced Cesar, however, she felt sick to her stomach. Regina raced to the bathroom, unaware that Emma was on her tail.
 “Neal can finish up with Henry here, I’m taking you to the doctor,” she said, standing outside the stall.
Regina groaned, wiping her mouth and flushing. “I’m fine, Emma.”
“No, you’re not. Come on, if you’ve been this sick for days, it has to be more than Al’s.”
Regina felt stupid as she sat on the cot in the emergency room, Emma standing beside her. The doctors were running tests, but couldn’t find anything wrong with her. If it truly was food poisoning, it would’ve been gone by then. At most, it was probably just the stomach flu. In which case, she could’ve avoided a trip to the doctor. Even so, Emma wasn’t backing down.
 The doctor that had taken her vitals came back in. “Well, we have your results. You’re not sick, you’re pregnant.”
Regina laughed. “That’s impossible.”
“I’m afraid it’s very possible. We tested both your urine.”
Emma’s eyes widened and a grin spread across her face. “Did you get some, finally?”
Regina rolled her eyes. “No! I’m a virgin.”
The doctor raised an eyebrow. “A virgin?”
“Yes, I know it’s hard to believe…”
“It’s very hard to believe, given your test.”
“False positives are a thing.”
“Yes, but normally false negatives are more popular.”
Emma held up her hand, interrupting. “Where did you get your degree? The University of Freaking Dumbass? If my best friend says she’s a virgin, then she’s a virgin. Your test must be faulty or something!”
“Our tests are not…”
“Run the test again.”
The doctor rolled his eyes, but nodded. “Fine. She’ll need to pee again.”
 Regina was given a bottle of water and she downed it, peeing in the cup as soon as she was able to. She stayed standing this time, watching the nurse put the strip in herself.
 “Pink means pregnant.” He pulled the strip up from the cup…revealing the pink.
 Regina had always fucking hated pink.
Robin knew his sister very well. After years of watching her battle sobriety and numerous other bad decisions, he could spot her “I fucked up” face from a mile away. She had it on as soon as she walked into her office the morning that his world was turned on its head.
 “It didn’t work,” he said, bluntly. He could feel Marian squeezing his hand and he returned the gesture. “Just say it.”
Lacey slowly sat down behind her desk. “There’s a bit more to it than that.”
Robin’s mind instantly went to the worst. “Did you pick up something else in the tests?”
“No…not that…it’s just…I didn’t inseminate Marian.”
Marian’s grip tightened on her husband’s as she focused in on her sister-in-law. “What? Yes you did, I was there.”
“I put saline in.”
“Why the hell would you do that?”
“Because I accidentally put Robin’s sperm in another patient.”
 Robin had been angry with Lacey in the past. When they were kids and she broke his favorite action figure because she wanted to play surgeon. When they were teenagers and she stole his prom money to go partying with her friends. The time she missed Roland’s first birthday to go on a vacation with a man she had just met.
 Anger wasn’t the right word in this moment. There was shock, of course, but once that settled…he was left with this bubbling feeling in his stomach.
 “How the hell does that happen?” Marian asked, when she realized Robin wasn’t going to.
“I was stressed out, that was the morning after I found out that Adam was cheating on me…”
Robin finally found his words. “Were you drinking?”
The look in her eyes said it all. He gritted his teeth. “So, my one and only sample…our only chance at adding to our family…is out in some random woman? Who will probably never even think that it could be mine? If it even worked.”
“Well, actually, we’re lucky in that regard. It did work…and she’s been calling me for the past hour, because she’s unsure of how it could’ve happened. I guess she hasn’t had sex lately.”
 Robin wasn’t sure whether that made things better or worse. It had worked, he was going to be a father…to another woman’s child. Marian still had a grip on his hand, but it wasn’t tight anymore. Despite sitting so close to her, he had never felt so far away.
Regina sat next to Emma, waiting for Dr. French-Gold to come in. This wasn’t possible, it just couldn’t be. There had to be some hormonal reason behind it, maybe she needed to take pills? She was just lucky that the doctor had agreed to see her on such short notice.
 The door opened and Lacey walked in, looking just as stressed as she had the day Regina had met her. Maybe this woman needed a therapist or pills or yoga. She always looked like she was on the brink of tears.
“Doctor, I think there’s something wrong with me. These pregnancy tests keep coming back possible, but it’s just not possible.”
Lacey cleared her throat, leaning against the cabinets. “I’m afraid it is.”
“Excuse me?”
“I…accidentally inseminated you with a man’s sperm.”
 Regina’s heart began beating heavily in her chest. Emma was yelling at the doctor, but she couldn’t make out the words. This wasn’t supposed to happen, no, it was impossible! She had done everything that she had told herself she would. She hadn’t even had sex with the man that she loved with everything in her. She was supposed to wait until marriage. That was the plan, you can’t get pregnant by being abstinent. It’s the one fool proof way. At least that was what every sex ed class she ever had told her.
 Her hand went over her stomach. A life was growing in there. A life she had created with a man she didn’t even know. That sounded so wrong.
 What was she going to do? She lived in a one-bedroom apartment, she got a teacher’s salary. She barely had her life together, how was she supposed to take care of this one?
 Lacey’s words finally broke through. “The father knows what happened, but I haven’t told him your name.”
Regina looked up at her, her eyes wet with tears. “The father?” She whispered.
“He’s here…if you wanted to meet him.”
“No…no. I need…I need to think.”
Lacey nodded, pulling out a pad and scribbling on it. “This is a prescription, for a pill that would terminate the pregnancy. You have no obligation to talk with him. While it is his sperm, it’s your body. Your choice.”
 Abortion. Regina could get an abortion. Years of fighting for the pro-choice movement and suddenly, she was forced to make it herself.
 “Yeah, because that makes it so much easier,” she mumbled, taking the piece of paper away from her.
“If you do choose to carry forward…”
“She won’t be talking to you,” Emma interrupted. “You should lose your license!”
Lacey let out a deep breath, focusing in on Regina. “I am so sorry, Miss Mills. You have no idea.”
“You’re sorry?” Regina felt her blood boil. “You’re sorry?”
“I never meant for this to happen.”
“Well this is going to be real easy for you, isn’t it? You’re not the one that’s fucking pregnant.”
 She walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her. Leaning up against the wall, she felt her breathing pick up once again, the tears sliding down her face. Emma stepped out of the room, putting a hand on her arm.
“Let’s go back to my place. I asked Neal to take Henry to Cecelia’s. We can talk…”
“I’m sorry, but that’s the last thing I want to do.”
“You can’t do this alone.”
“I just need to think.” She wiped her eyes, trying to will herself to stop crying. “I’ll drop you off at home.”
“If you’re sure.”
 Regina wasn’t sure of anything. She just knew that if she let Emma coddle her, she was going to break. As they walked out of the office, she found herself looking around the waiting room. There were some men sitting there. Some were clearly waiting on the women in their lives, but one could very well be the father of the baby she was carrying.
 The baby she was under no pressure to carry to term, as the doctor told her.
 Regina had always tried to plan for even what couldn’t be. There was no way she ever could’ve done that this time.
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justoneday-namjoonii · 7 years ago
Color me moonlight. II
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☾ • I • II • III • IV • V • VI • VII ☽
› Summary: Some flowers are not to be plucked, for their thorns are far too sharp for any hand to graze, yet, she was touched. She was soft, fragile, she didn’t know it, but something that beautiful could never be bad. You grew up in a garden of loneliness, do you have a place to bloom? It’s alright, I’ll give you a place and we can bloom together.
› pairing: Taehyung x reader/OC › genre: angst | m | fluff | sci-fi au | supernatural!au | mutant!au | hybrid!au |
a/n: thank you for all of the love part 1 received! I was really happy to see that some of you are following this story(im personally loving it myself). If there are any questions at all, don’t hesistate to send in an ask! Your feed back is more than welcomed ♥♥
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April 7th, 1988.
“Jane Sato, date of Biological Alteration and Repair test run, April 7th, 1988. Time, 1:07 Pm. Subject 1010; 20 years of age, male, 129 lb, 5′9. Biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, DNA-Polymerase, chromosomal translocation, and genetic isolates are among the primary research conducted for the operation. The patient’s condition of severe cell degeneration, Sickle-cell disease, and genetic malformations —” She paused, the recorders red light still on, “— compatible with all inquiries of biogenetic mutation and enhancement. Surgery will commence accompanied by surgeons, Jackson Blanchard, Stephanie Liu, Hanz Fai, and surgical nurse Joyce Brown. Surgery will now begin.” 
The scientists and doctors in the facility watched from the viewing room, standing right at the glass so they wouldn’t miss a thing. Her personal favorite, clair de lune, was the last song on the playlist in the background. After roughly 7 hours, the operation was complete.
“Alright,” She inspected with work they had done over several hours. The surgical mask, gown, and gloves were beginning to become a part of her from how long she had them on, “stitch him up.” 
She went to the sink in the back where she had left the recorder and thrown her gloves away.
“7:40 PM. The operation was successful. All vital signs are normal and patient 1010-FS is expected to recover well.” 
She washed up before greeting the group of eager professionals who came to witness history. She clears her throat. “Alright, questions?”
‘I have a question doctor. Last month, you discussed the possibility of a program dedicated to your research, can you tell us more about that?’
She nods. “Yes. I‘ve served the Medical Science Advisory for three years now and since the opening of the SRMA Facility, I’ve come far with my research. Starting next year, my program will start.”
“What does the program entail exactly?”
“First, 120 volunteers from all over the country will take part in the experimentation. I won’t reveal everything but I will say this, the participants will undergo extreme DNA modifications and molecular mutation on a supernatural level.”
October 19th, 1992. 4 years post-program.
The program commenced in 1989 and experimentations took place at the Science-Medical Facility. Just as she planned, 120 participants were under intensive study and experimentation. More volunteers came from all over, ranging from ages 10 to 30, per Dr. Sato’s request. Recently, Sato had begun to categorize the most and least successful cross-studies. The 4% of experiments with the M2-gene were separated to undergo intensive modification.
“Yes?” She measured the potent liquid, one drop more and it would kill the receiver.
“Patient 1072.” Her assistant, Diana, placed the clipboard in on the doctor’s work table. “She’s been showing a lot of physical and behavioral progress.”
“1072, she’s in the lower level group, yeah? That’s good” Sato flipped through a book, her gaze softening. “Look at this, in 1973 in the United Kingdom, this poor thing was born with Tay-Sachs disease. She had seizures, vision and hearing loss, intellectual disability, and paralysis and she died at the age of 3.” She sighed. “I could have saved that girl and given her a life without pain and suffering. Those doctors didn’t know what they were doing...that’s why she died.”
Diana cleared her throat, nodding as she waits for the doctor to notice that she came here for something else.
“I’m sorry, what about 1072?”
“Oh, she’s receiving the DNA modification well, I think she can join the 4%.”
“Let me have a look-”
The facility speakers blared.
Dr. Sato to room B012.
“I guess I’ll have to wait.” Sato slipped her reading glasses off and made her way to the elevator so she could get to the 9th floor.
“Doctor, thank God.” Blanchard was standing in front of the patient's room with a few of their colleagues.
“What’s going on?”
“The experiment, he’s developed his first sign of mutation. His body is still weak but he has physical changes, you’d be amazed.” Her eyes brightened, this was her favorite part of the program, witnessing the changes. “We’ve watched him for 4 hours straight and well- You have to see him yourself.”
“Show me.”
He opened the door and let her walk in by herself, the boy sat up on the bed, seemingly normal aside from his extreme lack of pigment in his eyes, they looked translucent, almost pale. That was new. She approached him.
“Touch my hand.” She spoke, waiting for him to do it. “Go on, it’s okay.” He slowly reached his hand to place it on hers. Warm, his hand was warm and she felt a pang of heat in her chest, he winced, retreating his hand immediately.
“You’re coming along great.” She insisted. “Get some rest and you’ll get your medicine shortly.” She left the boy to sit in the room.
“Did you see it, doctor?”
“Yes. Continue testing and make a date for his procedure.” She instructed and he nodded. She was about to walk down the hall but she paused. “Oh, and move him up to the 4%.”
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“Stupid earrings!” You kick the side of your vanity, instantly regretting it when a surge of pain went up to your leg.
The only pair of diamond earrings you owned were missing and you had 10 minutes to get to the subway or bus for the North Heights. Half of your hair was okay while the other side looked like a mangled up tumbleweed. You got the sleeve of your blouse caught in the bleach water for dishes so you had to change for the third time. This morning was starting off pretty rough. 
Margaret never specified a time until 6 o’clock this morning. She said Mr. Kim has appointments all day after 9 so, ‘Be here by 7:30.’ You live a half-hour away, and that’s when the bus isn’t late or if you catch a taxi on a good day. It was currently 6:47 and you were vigorously passing a comb through your hair. At this point, it doesn’t even matter if you look like Synthia from the Rugrats, you had to get out of here. You grabbed a ponytail holder and tied it up, at least you had somewhat of a presentable style now. Your little skirt and top would have to work with a pair of flats because there is no way you’re running around this city in heels today. 
“How is it 7 already!?” You glanced at the microwave clock and cursed it for mocking you. The yogurt you attempted to eat would have to wait until you come back. You threw your bag onto your shoulder and bolted out of the door.
You ran down the few flights of stairs, stopping in front of the complex and holding your cell phone in your hand to search the bus and subway schedule. “Off of Miller and Maine- Departed?!- That’s it, the world has it out for me.”
The subway was too far of a walk and the 7 o'clock bus just left, there is no way you’re gonna get there before 7:45. “Why...” You looked around, about to wave down a taxi when a man in a tapped your shoulder. “Taxi!-”
“Excuse me, Miss?” 
“Yes?” You furrowed your brows, wondering what this older fellow might want that apparently can’t wait. 
“Are you Y/f/n?” You noticed the gentlemen wore a black chauffeur hat and uniform.
“Yes, can I help you, sir?- Wait, how do you know my name?” You gave him a suspicious expression.
“I am your driver for this morning ma’am, Bernard Shelton. Mr. Kim sent a car for you. I knocked on your apartment door but you must not have heard me. He requested that I apologize on is behalf for the short notice.” You looked past him to see a black luxury vehicle with tents that might as well have been a black hole. “Are you ready to go?”
“Um,” You didn’t know if you could trust this guy, despite his convincing attire and professional mannerisms. “I’m sorry but how do I know Mr. Kim sent you? I mean, wouldn’t he have his secretary tell me this?”
“Would you like to contact Ms. Gough for verification? We’re already running late and Mr. Kim has appointments all day after 9 o’clock. We really must be going, ma’am.” You glanced at your watch, it was 7:09, this is your best bet.
“Alright...” With hopes that you weren’t getting kidnapped, you followed him in the car and sat anxiously in the backseat. Your fingers grazed the flawless interior, making you wonder why a car of this prowess came to pick you up. Upon request of the CEO at that.
“We’re here ma’am, with one minute to spare.” He smiled, stopping you in front of the huge skyscraper in the middle of the fine part of the city. 
“Thank you.” You hopped out of the car and made your way inside. The lobby was far more beautiful than the one at your office. There were sparkling light fixtures, expensive paintings gracing to tall walls and you found your self-walking towards the front desk slower than you should have.
“Hello, I have an appointment with Mr. Kim at 7:30.”
The woman looked through her computer and she couldn’t hide the judgments glint in her eye when she looked at you. “Your name?”
She picked up the black corded phone. “Margeret, I have a Y/n here to see Mr. Kim, would you like me to send her up?” A few seconds went by and she nodded. “Alright, I'll send her up.” She put the phone back on the hook. “You can go ahead. Top floor, directly in front of you when you exit the elevator, his secretary is to the right of his office.”
“Thank you.” Quickly, you went to the elevator and took it straight up to the top floor. A light ‘ding’ noise and you were let out on the quiet floor, not a single soul making a sound on the pristine floor.
“Excuse me,” You walked up to the desk that said ‘Margeret Gough.’ “Ms. Gough?”
“You’re here.” She had a kind smile. “He’s waiting for you, he just got off of his first-morning call. One moment,” She pressed a red button on the phone hook, “you’re 7:30 is here sir, should I send her in now?” She was talking to Taehyung.
“Yes, you can send her in.” 
Your courage started to falter when you heard his voice, now you were really, really nervous. But now is not the time to be timid—you have to hold your head high and walk in there with confidence.
“Okay, sir.” A beep signaled that he turned off the phone. “Go on ahead.” She gestured to the door, a kind simper beckoning you to go in. “No need to be nervous, Mr. Kim is in a very good mood this morning.” She giggled, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth.
“Just breathe...” You mumbled, slowly pushing open one of the two tall double doors at the end of the hall. 
Your eyes met him instantly as he stood in front of the window the covered the entire wall. The view was ridiculous.
His eyes widened upon your entrance. “Good morning.” He smiled a bit, one hand on a coffee mug while the other rested in his pocket. The dainty necklace with a tiny diamond on the end of it brought his attention to the v neck of your camel-colored blouse. 
“Good morning, Mr. Kim.” You brought a had to the side of your neck briefly and that small movement prompted his eyes to find the soft indent of your collarbones.
He cleared his throat. “I apologize for this being so short notice, I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience for you.” By the time he walked over to the gesture that you sit, you had already made yourself comfortable in the small leather chair in front of his desk. 
“Don’t worry about it. Thank you for sending the car, by the way, you really didn’t have to do that.” It was a kind gesture but you didn’t feel it was necessary.
“No, it was the least I could do. Last night, I remembered I had these meetings to do and I couldn’t help but want to do one with you since we talked last night.” He sipped his coffee. “So, I asked Margeret to contact you.” He swiveled his chair a bit. “I guess we should get right into it then, yeah?”
“What is it, exactly?”
“Just reviewing company regulations, how you think your locations management is, things like that...” He laid a sheet of paper with a bunch of questions and long black lines, right in front of you. “Would you fill that out? It’s like a survey, a business owner seminar suggested I get to know the business and this was one way to do it.”
“Alright...” You did what you had to do, writing simple answers to questions like, ‘how does your management treat you? Do you feel like an important part of the team?’ Important? Eh, sure, you thought, trying to compile meaningful sentences. After five minutes or so, you were on the very last question and before your pen touched the paper, you froze. “D-did you say something?” 
The confusion on his face probably meant no. “No.” 
“Oh, sorry, I thought I heard something...” You bashfully went back to the paper, quickly scribbling down an answer before setting the pen back in the pen holder. “I’m done.”
“Great. So, how did you feel about the survey? Margeret made the questions with her assistant, she said this would be a good way to see how the employees feel about the company. It wasn’t too boring I hope.”
“It was fine,” It was a generic survey. 
“Let me ask you, do you feel like a valued employee?” The question was pretty simple, but you found yourself scrambling for a response that clearly expressed how you felt.
“Valued? Um...” This was going to sound pessimistic but oh well. “Well, if I quit today and someone gets hired to take my job tomorrow, does that change your profits in any way?” He assumed it was a rhetorical question. “No, I don’t think it does. So how important could I be to you? Sure, I think I’m valued but I see it this way, there’s a job that needs to be done and I’m just the person who does it, no one too special...” He had never heard such an unenthusiastic statement from an employee before, he always viewed his father's company as one big family but based on what you were saying, it wasn’t as family-oriented as he believed. 
“I’m sorry, that sounds kind of negative, doesn’t it?” His silence made you realize that what you said was probably the last thing a boss wanted to hear. “I don’t hate my job, I just don’t see the point in fabricating anything, Mr. Kim. Your company is great and all, but for me, it’s just a job that helps support me...”
“Well,” Your eyes followed him as he walked to the cute little coffee maker to fill up his mug again, “is there anything I can do to make your job more enjoyable? I don’t want you to feel like you’re a machine in a factory, you are an important member of this company. I mean that.” 
“Look,” You sighed, standing up from your chair to walk near the window, taking this opportunity to appreciate the cities beauty from a bird's eye view, “I chose to work for you because it’s a reputable company and your cameras are nice.” When you glanced at him, he saw your real smile for the first time, your teeth showing and everything. Sadly, you shielded it from his sight as he approached you. “If it’s worth anything, I think you’re doing a good job with this whole CEO thing, in my professional opinion at least.” You smiled, he deserved some type of praise for reaching out to his people like this.
“Thank you, that means a lot.” The urge to walk up to you and tangle his finger in the stray strand of hair in your ponytail but he resisted. “You know, because of you, we discontinued Model 0XHS-5D.”
He was standing beside you now. “Really?”
“Yes, and it has impacted sales positively. We cut off the manufacture and it shows in the stock market, all because of you Y/n.” 
“Oh, that’s good, I’m glad I could be of some assistance...” When you sensed him trying to stand a bit too close for comfort, you walked back to your seat. The lack of sleep was kicking in because you found yourself leaning against the side of the chair with your forearm—and the coffee in his hand smelled like heaven. He followed you, taking his previous position in his chair.
“I like the idea of...I don’t know, talking to someone I already know, it’s refreshing.” 
“With all due respect sir, you don’t really know me.” The coo in your voice wasn’t intentional but you were just being honest. “Sure, we talked at the party and last night, but other than that...We’re strangers.” You trailed off, not really sure how you were supposed to end that statement.
“Y/n.” He breathed, thinking he may as well just outright say it—it would happen eventually. “Would you join me for lunch? My lunch appointment canceled before you came, so I have a reservation that I don’t have to cancel if you join me.” 
Lunch? That was the last thing you were expecting to hear this morning. His eyes seemed to latch onto you and refuse to let you go until you answered his question.
“L-lunch? I appreciate the offer but...” You swallowed, for a split second, you considered taking him up on the offer but you quickly dismissed the preposterous idea. I can’t do that, he’s my boss. “But I can’t, I have to get back to work, it’s already past 8 and I- I don’t think that’s the best idea given I kinda work for you...” 
“Work’s not a problem, I gave all survey participants the day off anyway. A 12:30 lunch is more than appropriate for our relationship I think...” Eager, that’s what he probably looked like, but the desperation to get near you was hard to ignore. That same way you looked on the terrace at the party, you still looked that way and he couldn’t just disregard it. 
You locked eyes with him—tempting, very much so, but no. Absolutely not.
“I’m sorry,” You stood to your feet and he followed suit, standing much taller than you, especially without your trusty high heels on. “but I can’t.” 
Any hopes of a day accompanied by you came crashing down as you politely rejected him. The only person he wanted to dine with at that restaurant didn’t want anything to do with him. The way you nibbled on your bottom lip implied that you were starting to feel uncomfortable. He took a small step back, you were dying to get out of here and he was perplexed onto why.
A beep interrupted you, it was Margeret.
“Your 8:30 is here, should I send them in?”
He was quiet, still peering at you as if it would change your final answer. Sadly for him, it did nothing for his cause...
He pressed the button on the phone base. “Give me one moment.”
“Well, I guess I’ll be going now-” You tried to gather your purse and get out of dodge but he stopped you.
“No wait, take this.” He grabbed a business card and wrote a string of numbers and words on it. “This is my personal cell.” He handed it to you. “With this number, I’m Taehyung, not Mr. Kim. So, if you feel more comfortable going to lunch with him,” He smiled halfheartedly. “he’ll be there.”
“Alright...” You tucked it into your purse and bowed respectfully before turning your back to leave.
“Do you like jazz or classical music?”
You paused, you weren’t expecting such a question. “Um, I enjoy both. Why?” 
There was an itch at the back of his neck and he satisfied the nuisance with the tip of his index finger. “I thought maybe that was why we ended up at that cafe last night, a common interest.” 
“Yeah, maybe...” You mumbled, turning around to continue your path out the door.
Meeting with Taehyung wasn’t so bad after all, you scored a day off. You took it upon yourself to get a few things done and spend a little time with one of your only friends. He was being currently studying medicine, technology, science - things like that. He offered to come to your favorite cafe to study with you and a few minutes ago, his lab partner joined you two. The bug seemed to have gotten to them too...
The cafe had the news on in the background and they were playing the same news bit from last night which led Hoseok to strike up a conversation with the lab girl he’s always with.
“What do you think about the 1989 Project? Does your supervising physician ever talk about it? Especially since the media won’t shut up about it.” Hoseok, your good friend for a few years now met you at the cafe so you could catch up on your language studies. 
“She’s mentioned it a few times but I try not to ask about it.” Wendy decided to join you two as well, she and Hoseok were going to school for the same thing so they often studied together.
“What do you think about it Y/n?” Hoseok looked to you. Given you were really into that whole medical and technology thing, you wondered why he had to ask.
“Um,”  You took out one earbud, “I don’t know, it’s interesting I guess.” Assuming he was going to continue talking, you kept the earbud out. 
“I used to think that the Zoe Hawn case was always so freaky, it’s one of the reasons I’m studying at the SRMA Facility, I want to be a part of something that’ll do some good. Crossbreeds, crosses, hybrids- Whatever they're called, I know for a fact that there are experiments still at the laboratory.”
Wendy crooked a brow. “How would you know that?”
“I’m an intern at the facility, I listen in on the scientists and doctors sometimes. There’s a floor that you have to have level five clearance to be on and I’ve peeked in a few times.” You remembered you had a medical and scientific savvy best friends who would never drop the conversation.
Wendy chimed in. “Yeah, I’ve never seen the patients in there, they say some of them look like everyday people, others -- not so much. I wonder if there are even patients in there, it might just be something else.” 
“Interesting...” It had been some time since you left Taehyungs office and you rubbed the business card between your fingers, staring down at the numbers and restaurant name. “Pain Grillé...” You whispered the name to yourself, you had seen that place before, your co-workers often mentioned the fancy place—maybe going wouldn’t be so bad...
“What was that?” Wendy tilted her head, her honey blonde hair shifting on her shoulders.
“Oh, nothing...” Nothing you wanted to discuss with them.
Hoseok smirked. “What’s that in your hand? You’ve been staring at it every few minutes now, is it a love note from an admirer or something?” He teases, the blush on your cheeks and the knitting of your brows only made your reaction all the more amusing
“No, dummy.” You kicked his foot. “It’s not a love note. I was asked to lunch and the name of the restaurant is on this card.”
“So, why are you here?”
“Because I’m not going.” That card was dropped back into your purse, you regretted taking it out in the first place.
“Why not? Lunch at Pain Grille sounds great -- and expensive.” He wondered, what special person wanted to take you there?
“I just rather not, that’s all.” It’s time for a subject change, “I have to go, I’m dog walking all evening so...” You grabbed your notebook and put the rest of your things in your tote. “Bye guys.”
Mr. and Mrs. Lafonso asked you to walk and feed their Pomeranian while they’re out and that’s what you were doing. Dog walking on the side is way underrated, it was what you did when you first moved out here to earn some extra cash. It was sort of a depressing time in your life, you lived in a tiny hotel and worked in a diner until you could save enough to find your own place. Living on your own wasn’t easy at first—a young 18-year-old that was struggling to get by in the big city with a few hundred dollars or so and a heavy suitcase. You got offers from guys to be their sugar-babies and if you were honest, you considered it a few times, the check from your part-time jobs looked like chump change in comparison to the money those guys were offering you. You didn’t have much but you had dignity and morality, no amount of money could take that away. And that’s what kept you going, you knew you could to make it and you did, all by yourself.
“Ugh...” It was beginning to drizzle and you were about to walk down to get to the subway station but you stopped, Pain Grillé. Kim Taehyung could be seen through the window, sitting at the table alone as the swoon waiter brought him a glass of wine.
The grumble of your stomach indicated that it was a marvelous idea—darn your appetite. You turned around and strolled across the street to get to the restaurant, your actually about to do this. When you walked inside, the lump in your throat was stopping you from speaking to the hostess at the desk.
“Good afternoon ma’am, can I help you?” She was a sweet lady, beckoning you to come to her.
“Oh,” Clearing your throat, you smiled, “I’m meeting Kim Tae-”
“Oh, you’re her!” She sounded a bit flustered like she knew you were coming but forgot. “I’m so sorry ma’am, I’ll get you seated, right this way.” She grabbed a menu and urged you to follow.
“Mr. Kim said he was expecting a special guest, he told me to make sure I bring you over myself. I’m the owner, Audrey. He loves this place, comes here for all of his special lunch appointments.” Her jaw-length bob bounced as she walked you through the busy restaurant. When he looked up from his phone and saw you, one would think you two were pretty close because of his childishly wide smile. I knew she would come... 
“Here you are! Your waiter will be over shortly. Enjoy!” With that, she was gone, and you both stood there.
“You came...” He beamed, still in awe that you took him up on his offer. You were about to speak as you reached to pull out your chair. “Yeah, I-”
“Wait, let me get that for you.” He rushed to the chair to pull it out for you.
“Thank you...” You shuffled the chair forward, now you were a few inches away from the pristine white tablecloth. 
“No, thank you for joining me, for a moment there I thought you wouldn’t show up.” He took his wine glass, sipping it briefly. Unbeknownst to him, it was sheer coincidence that led you here.
“Oh? Well, here I am...” You scanned the menu slightly as you glanced up at him. 
You don’t mind a little wine with your lunch, do you? They have wines that pair beautifully with every meal, I’ve tried the whole menu. I went with a Muscadet today, easy-drinking in my opinion.” He would have a knowledgeable understanding of wines, why wouldn’t he? 
“I don’t mind, I enjoy a glass every so often.” Maybe a few times a month -- week.
The corner of his lips “So-”
“Good afternoon ma’am, can I get you started with something to drink?” The waiter asked and Taehyung glanced at him with an impatient glint, he was interrupting something.
“I’ll have a Mascoto please.” You thanked the waiter as he went off to get your sweet bubbly beverage. Day-drinking—I guess, when in Rome do as the Romans, you thought to yourself.
“Good choice.” He bit his lip, his tongue peeking out to run over his lips in a tantalizing way. Out of habit, he tapped his fingers on the table. “I admit that I’m probably coming on a bit strong, yeah?” You nodded. “I don’t mean to come after you, I genuinely just want to get to know you...”
He’s still on that. “Sir-”
“Taehyung...” He reminded you. “Call me Taehyung, please.” That smirk—God, why is he smirking at me like that?
“Taehyung,” You emphasized the call of his name, “I’m flattered but I’m no different from anybody else...” Thank goodness the waiter brought your wine to you, you needed it right about now. “I’m sure there are plenty of women who have extravagant lives they can tell you about over lunch, why me?” You scoffed bitterly. “It doesn’t add up to me-”
“I don’t want to know just any of those women, I want to know you.” He countered. “That whole ‘there’s nothing to know about me’ act, I just don’t believe it, everybody has a story.” 
“I don’t.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you almost look believable when you lie?”
You choked mid-sip. “Excuse me?-”
“Are you two ready to order?”
He was starting to spite this waiter. “Uh, yes, I’ll have my usual, what about you, love?” He was looking at you.
Still taken aback by his statement, you ordered. “I’ll have the chicken marsala with a side salad, please.” He nodded, taking the menus away to leave you two alone. You glared at him. “Lie? What makes you think-” He cut you off.
“If you don’t mind me asking, are you close with your family?” That was a personal question that you weren’t expecting to have to answer today. 
“You expect me to answer your questions after you called me a liar?” You scoffed. “I don’t think so...” 
He sighed, not breaking eye contact in the slightest as he sipped his wine. “Is there anyone, anyone at all, a mother, sister, friend, anyone you’re really close with? Anyone you can share your heart with, talk about difficult things with. You seem like the loner type...”
“It doesn’t matter.” You quipped rather defensively. “I don’t really need anyone to talk to, I’m doing fine on my own. As far as my family goes, well, I’m not a representation of my family, I’m just me...”
“So you’re not close to your parents?” He tilted his head curiously. You gazed down at your silver fork, solemnly—you never talk about stuff like this. 
“No...” You uttered lowly, not liking where he was going with the invasive questions. “They died when I was a newborn, I was adopted by my uncles family...” 
“Oh...” He felt bad for asking now. “I’m sorry to hear that,” You flinched, he cupped the top of your hand with his own large one, a softness in his eyes, “I’m sure growing up was hard for you, yeah?...” 
“I mean, you could say that...” Oddly, you let him keep his hand on your own but it didn’t last long. “Can we drop this subject, please? I really don’t like talking about it.” You slid your hand back, an awkward grin showing your discomfort.
“Of course, sorry,” He sounded flustered, “I didn’t mean to pry.” The waiter had come back and sat the food in front of you two, you both thanked him. It smelled divine and Taehyung had already dug into his meal. You stabbed the nicely sliced tomato, sticking it in your mouth slowly as you eyed him intently.
“Y’know...” He began.
You forgot that people actually talk to one another when they go out to eat, it’s been so long it seemed weird. You were just about ready to tape his mouth shut because of all of these questions weren’t allowing you to eat. The chicken on your fork would have to wait. “What?”
“I know this may be a little awkward since I’m your boss and all, but we’re both adults.” Awkward? That was an oversimplification. 
He lowered his voice. “This morning, when you said you heard something,” He bit his lip, “I whispered something to myself...I said it so low, I could barely hear myself say it, but you did.” His gaze focused on you intensely. “I couldn’t stop thinking about it, how could you have heard something that was as quiet as a thought?” 
Fear. A blanket of utter terror wrapped around you as you struggled to gulp the lump in your throat. “I- I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You choked, hands beginning to tremble when you pushed them in your lap.
“Are you sure? Because I think you do.” He was starting to rub you the wrong way.
You are eating lunch in a restaurant with a man that you work for and he sees no problem with it. Not only that, but you saw a few employees from the Heights office and they wouldn’t stop staring and whispering when they saw you. Free lunch at the expense of your antisocial way of life. Those workers knew your face now, what if this went bad? It would look bad on a new boss was seen with a lower level employee like you, what would they think? This is why you didn’t want to do this, this was a bad idea. Thoughts raced through your mind but the only one that you could grasp was the thought of him knowing—you wanted to throw up.
“Are you okay? Your face is flushed.” His eyes widened in concern.
“I- I’m fine, it’s just a little hot in here.” You fanned yourself lightly, reaching for the glass of wine and finishing it off but still feeling parched. Suddenly, a dull ache throbbed in your temples and your brows furrowed in discomfort.
“Excuse me,” he stopped a waiter, “can you bring me a glass of water please?”
“No, no, thank you for everything but I really have to go.” You were pushing yourself away from the table and in a matter of seconds, you were making your way through the restaurant and flying out the door. When you walked out of that place you felt like you could breathe. The gears were turning in your head, anxiety began to eat away at your bones and you couldn’t contain it anymore. Panting, you stood in the busy street, trying to gather yourself. You shook your head, your ears aching as if someone had set a firework off right next to you. Eager to get home, you got on the subway and held on to the safety bar. You felt hot, it as if everything was burning inside you. It scared you to death, people would try to get close, ask too many questions—
 it made you sick to your stomach.
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Home, that was your goal. When you got off the subway, you made your dog walking stops. Starting from the farthest apartment complex to your own. A pit bull, two chihuahua’s and a brown lab, it took about 2 hours. The Lafonso’s canceled last minute so you were thankful because nature decided that you deserved to suffer this evening. The rain was relentless. It was pouring down, your clothes were drenched, sticking to you in the worst way as you walked down the street, desperate to get home. No one offered to walk you under their umbrella, not that you would accept the offer anyway. A nice hot shower was all you wanted.
“Huh...” You sigh, dragging your soaked frame up the stairs. You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath. You dug into your pocket to take out you’re house key. “Where is that thing?-...”
Notice from the city — Sorry we missed you!
We missed you! You were not available when we came to introduce the new monthly policy. The SRMA monthly routine check on all citizens born between 1992 - 1998 who may have failed to submit their medical records or whose records may need verifying. Do not be alarmed, as a government, we want to ensure the health and safety of our people through all necessary methods. If you have any questions, contact us at 747-”
B.S.—You rip the bright orange paper off the door, crumbling it up into a ball, and throw it in the trash bin as you entered your home. It’s disgusting. The government has their sneaky ways of getting what they want, one way or another. Just as you do every night, you flipped the light switch to get some light in your dark little living room. You flicked it twice but there was no light—just your luck. The light bulbs are out. You toss your purse on the couch to go search for some extra light bulbs. 
For some reason the light bulbs refused to be found, you checked under the kitchen sink, then the supply closet—I know I bought some. 
“There we go.” On the very top shelf, the new pack of bulbs sat in the far corner. You had no clue why you put it there but you reached up on your tippy-toes and grabbed the pack.
Sighing, you untwisted the dead bulb from under lampshade and sat it on the coffee table. As you were about to screw in the new bulb, suddenly, you heard low footsteps in the hall and you tensed as the unknown person passed your door.
You absentmindedly screwed in the bulb. “Who in the- Agh!” A sharp burst of glass and light happened in your hands and scared the life out of you. The light bulb previously in your hand now exploded, the shards of glass missing your finger so by less than an inch. 
You rush to your kitchen to get a broom and dustpan. “Cheap bulbs, what can you expect...” You cleared your throat, shuffling over to clean up the mess. When you glanced at your buzzing cellphone, you had easily predicted who it was on the other end.  You picked it up and held it between your shoulder and ear. “Hi, Hoseok.”
“Hey, I was just calling to check on you. I saw you weren’t answering your texts so I got worried.” 
Always so concerned for you, you were lucky to have at least one friend like him.
“Oh, I was really busy today, I didn’t even see your texts. Sorry about that.” You walked into the kitchen as Hoseok explained that he was just making sure you got home safely. He was also pretty curious about who went to lunch with today, you wouldn’t say. “Don’t worry about it Hoseok, it was just lunch and it’s not happening again. Now, I wish I didn’t have to run but I got caught in the rain and I need a shower-”
Footsteps. You heard footsteps in the hall again, and this time, they stopped right in front of your door.
“Wait one second...” You whispered, trying to stealthily tiptoe to the door but there was a knock. This time, you were sure it was probably Jan, it had to be...
No, that’s a man's voice. 
“Anyone home?”
Just as you were about to peek through the peep-hole, a paper began to slip through the crack of the door and fall to the floor in front of you. The person had quickly walked away after that and you bent down to inspect the paper. 
“Y/n, is everything okay?” 
You forgot Hoseok was still on the phone.
“Yeah...I’m good. Hey, I’ll talk to you later, okay?” 
“Okay, goodnight.”
“Night...” You hung up the phone, staring down at the paper.
You have failed to submit your birth records to the SRMA for the 4th year in a row. 5 years with unsubmitted records is considered a felony as of 2 months ago. You have one year to submit your records before you are put under high suspicion of the state. At the bottom of the paper, a printed signature was signed. Ordered by Senator Nelson Green.
“Ugh, not again...” You were about to crumble up the paper, but you paused. You don’t even know if your birth certificate is legitimate. You were adopted and for all you knew, your parents had altered the thing, it’s unlikely, but it’s still a possibility. You had never turned them in for the mere fact that it wasn’t against the law, it was just a strong and annoying suggestion. Until now.
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“I’ve never met anyone like her before and I don’t want to let her slip through my fingers...” He was at his penthouse and his best friend, Jimin, was day house-sitting for him. Taehyung sat on the couch with his matching pajama set on and pillow snug in his grasp as the television served to fill in the silence gap.
“She must be gorgeous for you to be this messed up about her.” Jimin sat on the recliner with a bowl of ramen. 
“I went to lunch with her today.”
“Oh? So you’ve already gone on a date?”
“Not exactly, my lunch appointment canceled so I asked her if she wanted to join me. She came but I really don’t think she wanted to be there. It may have to do with the fact that I’m kind of her boss...”
“She works for you?!” Jimin couldn’t hide his shock.
Taehyung sighs. “Don’t sound so surprised, she works in the customer service department downtown.” 
“Woah, what does your dad think about you getting involved with an employee?”
“Who said anything about getting involved? I don’t think she likes me all that much, she’s kind of a closed book, doesn’t like to talk much. I just asked her to lunch, nothing more nothing less.” He knew it was far much more than that.
“But you want this to turn into something more, don’t you?” Jimin knew the answer. And so did Taehyung. But the thought of verbalizing his want for you made it less real, less tangible.
“Yes- No, I don’t know, I just want to get to know her, that’s all.” Taehyung laid on the arm of the couch, lost in his thoughts. There was no denying that you were hiding something from him, he knew that for a fact. But getting you to open up and be comfortable with him seemed to be the hardest part of all. Why was he so drawn to you? And why did you hide that you felt the same?
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A few days later.
It’s a few days since your meeting with Taehyung and you were back to your normal life. Unfortunately, the news that you had gone out with the CEO for lunch was the subject of conversation for the cubicles not too far from you. None of them have dared to ask you about it, for reason that you weren’t quite sure of. You just knew that the only way you were going to get those girls to stop gossiping was to ignore them completely. 
You had quite a few calls this morning, no more than usual on a busy day but they came in back to back. Most of them were calling in regards to the new camera that just came out. Some were complaints, others were genuinely curious questions. Your supervisor came out of his office and you watched him survey the room until his eyes landed on you. 
“Y/n, come to my office please.” He walks back to his office, urging you to follow.
You swallowed, putting the phone back on the hook and walking to his office. Honestly, you couldn’t imagine what he wanted.
“You’ve been doing a great job, so don’t think I called you in here because you’re in trouble.” Those words soothed your weary expression. “I was asked by Mr. Kim, to give you this envelope this morning.” He reached into his desk to pull out a white envelope. “Here you go.”
“Oh, thank you.” You took the envelope and walked back to your cubicle. In the solitude of your little space, you opened up the envelope. 
__, You’re probably wondering why I didn’t just call or text you. I wanted to know if you could meet me at the club we talked at the other night, I have something really important to talk to you about, please come.
Love, Kim Taehyung.
“What’s that?” Your coworker in the cubicle across from you noticed the envelope in your hands.
“Oh, nothing, just some notice from HQ or something...” You opened up your desk and shoved it in your drawer. She didn’t look too convinced but she left the subject alone for the most part. 
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You laid on your bed, pen in your hand, notebook in your lap, and earbuds snug in your ears. Excessive studying had begun to bore you. You decided to set the book down and scroll through your phone absentmindedly.
I had a great time Suzette
You froze, eyes widening in suspicion. You sat up, seeing if someone had opened your room door or something. Where did that come from? It sounded oddly like her uncle's voice. 
The kids are home, my mom and niece are taking care of them, but my wife doesn’t get off until 7 today
You were sure that was him now. You weren’t sure where it was coming from especially since you had your music on full blast. But when you took the earphones, you could hear the conversation amplified. Quietly, you sneaked up to your window on your hands and knees, pushing hair away from your face. To your distaste, you saw your uncle, leaning into the window of some woman's car—for your aunt's sake, you hoped that woman was just a friend.
I’ll see you on Friday, bring your swimsuit
He kissed her cheek—ok so they’re definitely more than friends. To ensure that he didn’t see you, you scurried away from the window and ran downstairs to help your grandma with dinner. After you washed up, you began to cut the vegetables for the salad as Daisy, the toddler of the bunch, played in the living room with her older brother.
“Hey guys, I’m home.” 
The little kids, all 4 of them ran up to greet their dad, you merely waved. Little did they know, their daddy wasn’t the superhero of a man he portrayed himself to be. 
“Food smells good mom.” He walked into the kitchen to search the fridge for something to drink as he always did.
“Thanks, son, it’s your favorite, stewed chicken and rice.” She smiled as he pecked her cheek. Now it was time to greet the only teenager in the house.
“How was school, __?” 
“It was school, nothing special.” You mumbled, cutting the tomato with one of your earbuds still in.
“Oh, well, just so you all know, I have to go out of town on-”
“Friday?” You suddenly blurted out, earning you an odd look from him.
“Yeah, how did you know?” He furrowed his brow in suspicion.
Save yourself Y/n. “Um, just a guess.” He looked like he thought nothing of it and went back to the conversation. It took everything in you not to say what you saw, what you heard. It burned at the tip of your tongue.
After dinner.
You stood in front of the sink, washing dishes like you always did after dinner. Even though you all had a dishwasher, grandma always insisted that you wash them by hand. It was annoying but you did it.
“Hey, your aunt wanted to know if you’ll take Josie to elementary school tomorrow, she’s gotta go in early.” Uncle walked into the kitchen, a bowl of cereal in hand.
“Sure, I guess I’ll skip class.” You muttered, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
“Well, you shouldn’t skip class-”
“It’s not a big deal, I was gonna skip anyway.” You cut him off. You two had always had this tense relationship. He would say something, you’d saying something back, he’d get offended, the usual argument followed suit. You remember his rage when he saw you got a nose piercing, it was fake and so you felt no need not to wear it. It’s your nose after all.
“Oh.” He stood there for a little while, reading over some bills and such.
“So, you’re going out of town...” You thought you’d be the one to bring it up.
“Somewhere sunny, I’m guessing?”
You furrowed his brows, wondering why you’d say that. “Um, sure, I guess.” 
“Why don’t you bring your wife with you? She hasn’t had a vacation in a while.”
“Because it’s work.”
“Or is it because Suzette will be there?” You had stopped washing dishes now.
“Suzette?” His brows knitted further. “How do you know Suzette? I’ve never mentioned her before.” Now he was suspicious.
You sighed, biting your lip anxiously. “You’re making a mistake, ok. You have a wife and kids, your family is worth more than some lady.” 
“__, are you hearing yourself? Suzette is a co-worker and we happen to work in the same city this weekend.”
“And you guys plan to do some fucking swimming while you’re there?” You spat, raising your voice a bit through clenched teeth. “Yeah, that sounds like tiresome, boring work.” 
He tensed—there is no way you should have heard him, that wasn’t possible
“You need to think before you speak __, you could get yourself in a lot of trouble. How the hell did you even hear that? Did you wire my bag or something? Where are you getting all of this?-”
“Look, I know what I heard.” You stormed away, trying to get away from him but he grabbed your wrist. “What.” You hissed.
“What are you up to, little girl? Do you think this is funny or something? You storm around me like some ungrateful bitch and I put up with it since the day you got here. I won’t be disrespected in my own home.”
“Let go of my arm.” You tried to pull away but he was relentless.
He gripped you harder. “I’m only gonna say this once, stay out of my business __, I mean it.”
The threat only made you spite him more. You felt anger and fear begin to bubble in your chest as he eyed you like a hawk. How dare he even insinuate that you were ridiculous when you saw with your own eyes what he was doing. You stared at him with a blank expression, your knuckles turning white as you clenched your fists impossibly tight. “L-let go.”
“Did you hear what I just-” He paused. A white heat began to incase his entire body, his hands trembled as a high-pitched ringing started to torture his senses, he stepped back. “What the hell?”
You got away and ran upstairs.
“__! I’m not done talking to you young lady-”
“Leave me alone!” 
You gritted your teeth, trying to conceal your voice. You closed your door, locking it and jumping to lay on your bed. It was hard not to hate his guts sometimes, he was so annoying sometimes. You wondered what your real dad would have been like...
You heard a knock on the door but you willed yourself to ignore the sounds.
The door creaked as he opened it. “Hi, can I help you?”
“Hello there, I know it’s late but my name is agent Susan Black, I’m with the Scientific Research and Medical Advancements recovery efforts. I’m here to get records for the people living in your home for safety, it’s protocol. We’ve been made aware that you’ve been avoiding our calls and emails for you to turn in all the residents of this home's birth records.” She smiled, he knew this would catch up with him. “You’re making us really suspicious Mr. Kang.”
He scratched the back of his neck thoughtfully. “I’ll make sure that happens in the next week, but now isn’t the best time.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to do it now sir, just before the end of the year. Goodnight sir- Oh, and don't forget, it’s for the safety of society.”
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“Dr. Kim, what do you think about The 1989 Project, I know you used to work here back then?” 
One of the resident doctors stopped by Dr. Kim’s office to hand off some papers. “I know a lot of the rumors are true, and that even you worked with Zoe Akasma Hawn to get her back to health.”
The older man sighed, thinking of the horrible state of that girl. “I don’t have a lot to say about it.” 
“Oh, come on Doctor, I know you must think something of it.” He pried.
“I just hope the surviving participants get the help that they need, that’s all.” His answer is wholesome, not one you can really argue.
“You can’t possibly think that those experiments have a chance of molding into society, do you?”
“You never know.” That’s all he had to say before resuming his papers. His phone rang suddenly.
“Hey dad, I can’t come by this evening, I have a thing.” Taehyung never missed coming to see his dad, so whatever it was, it must be important. “Sorry.”
“This thing must be important, huh?” He smiled through the phone. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you. Love you, dad.”
“I love you too, son.” 
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Taehyung tucked his phone into his pocket and got out of the car, hoping he wouldn’t be waiting here all night. It was sunset, he entered the club and found a seat near the band and waited, anxiously. The tingling in his chest reminded him how nervous he was, what if you decided not to show up? That wouldn’t be a surprise given the feelings you have towards him—if you could call those feelings. When you ran out of the restaurant the other day, he had never felt so out of place in his life. He did put you on the spot when he asked about your family and you did not react well. But in his defense, he didn’t know it was a touchy subject. 
“Can I get you anything?” A young waitress, who looked rather swoon by his appearance walked up to him. 
“Not now, I’m waiting for someone.” Her expression saddened when she connected the dots. He wasn’t alone this evening and she could forget about hitting it big with a guy like him.
Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and an hour turned into an hour and a half. He had finally settled for ordering tea and leaving, but then you were walking in through the front door—you were wearing a black t-shirt, sneakers, and jeans. Your hair laid close on your shoulders as your eyes scanned the room for him. Before he could beckon you over, your eyes found him and you were walking towards him. With a breathless huff, you sat in the chair across from him, the air around you immediately took effect on him. His chest started to tingle but he managed to push the excitement down.
“So,” You exhaled, “what’s so important?” Your voice was soft, low, kind despite its cutting edges in tone.
“I...” He scrambled for his reasoning for calling you. “I called the office for you yesterday, but they said you weren’t there.”
“I had a few things I had to take care of, is that why you called me here?...” If that was the reason, you were sure he was taking this interest in you too far. “To see why I wasn’t at work? I asked my manager if it was ok-”
“No, that’s not why. I-...” He tapped absentmindedly on his ceramic cup, attempting to compile a coherent sentence. “Um...”
“Taehyung,” You cut him off, your patience running thin. “I really don’t have all night, I walked here from the subway station 15 minutes from here and I need to get back home...”
“The government contacted the company. They’ve been looking to see if any of my employees are affiliated with Jane Sato or know anything about The 1989 Project. I’ve heard that you’re one of the few people that haven’t been officially cleared by the SRMA recently.” He cleared his throat. “Do you know anything about it?”
“No, not a thing...” You deadpanned, eyes going between your hands and the live band in the background. You were starting to get that feeling again, the same feeling you felt the night you saw him, the icy burn at the tip of your fingers, and the pit of your stomach.
“And honestly, I don’t believe in that stuff. The whole Zoe Hawn case seemed like the government had too much to do with it. Put a feral looking failed experiment on the TV and everyone wants to get tested, it’s a hoax. Those hybrids, experiments- Whatever they're called, they have nothing to do with me. I don’t want to have anything to do with them either.”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. “So, does this not look familiar to you?” You reached for it, fingers grazing it lightly before you gradually opened it up. A photo—a photo of a bunch of doctors and scientists, you weren’t sure. Your eyes scanned the individuals in the picture and you frowned.
Your gaze turned cold. “Where did you get this...”
“These are the doctors and scientist involved in the 1989 project, I got it from a physician I know. He thought I should show it to some of my employees. Do any of them look familiar?” He tilted his head, doe eyes too round and distracting for you at the moment.
You gulped. “No.”
He moved to grasp the photo. “I just thought you might’ve-...”
“I don’t know who any of those people are.”
A spark ignited from the tip of your fingers.
When your hands touched, it was as if a white light engulfed his vision and an achingly loud thump reverberated in your ears, you yanked your hand away instantly. There was no denying that you felt something and you didn’t like it. He stared up at you, lips parted in shock as you mirrored his expression but in a rigid manner. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, probably drawing blood, and for the second time around him, your anxiety decided to devour you from the inside out.
“I-...I’m leaving.” You abruptly pushed away from the table and stormed out of the club, photo in hand.
“Hey! Wait!” He ran behind you, trying not to lose you since you were already halfway down the sidewalk. You retained a steady pace of running but you could tell he was hot on your trail, you could run down to the subway and try to lose him there but you hated getting on the subway at this hour.
You swiftly shoved the photo in your pocket and bolted down the alleyway. For a moment, you paused so you could catch your breath, leaning back against the rough brick walls and letting your eyelids flutter closed. Why is this happening to me and why now? You managed to calm yourself from the constant pound of your heartbeat. When you heard panting, you slowly opened your eyes.
He caged you, his eyes boring into your soul.
Your eyes widened, jumping back to run away but he seized your wrists. “Leave me alone!” 
“Why did you run?!” He seethed, trying to stay calm. “Calm down, shh!” The words leaving his throat like a suppressed cough. You pushed at his chest, trying not to look him in the eye. “Stop trying to run away! Listen to me, please.” It was a firm plea, one you had never heard from anyone before. “If you’d just let me explain-”
You weren’t having it.
“Why won’t you just leave me alone?!” You jerked away, getting away from the wall so you could make a run for it but you felt a sharp pain in your head. You hunched over, clutching your forehead in your hands. “Ah...” You winced, your breathing unsteady and your stance shaky. The throbbing had increased and your vision was beginning to get blurry. 
Taehyung reached out to you, his hand gripping your arms. “Y/n, stop fighting it...”
“Get the hell away from me!-“ You were pulling away, hitting, clawing at his arms and everything to get him to let you go. Despite your resistance, he wrapped his arms around you, his body being so close had made your pulse skyrocket. This was too much, it physically, emotionally, mentally, pained you the more you tried to getaway. 
“Please, don’t fight me-” He tried to speak calmly but it was hard when you insisted on thrashing about. “S-stop fighting me, I’m not gonna hurt you, you can trust me,” His heart sank when he saw that look in your eyes, the look of an innocent creature in pain—you were scared. “We’re the same.”
“N-no, leave me alone,” Your stance wavered and you fell silent, tears building at your eyes. You were on the verge of sobbing. “Just leave me alone, I can’t be around you...”
There was so much energy emanating around you, through your bones. You could feel everything—you could hear everything. The buzz of street lights, bickering old couples on the top floor of this old apartment, honking horns of impatient drivers, a sobbing teen curled up on a cold tile floor. It was as if all living things were coursing through you—a razor-sharp current of light and darkness stabbing you from the inside out. 
The sound of something cracking, the sound so unbearably familiar that he found it difficult to physically control himself. 
“Y/n, don’t fight it...it’s okay...” His hands clung to your lower back and the back of your neck, keeping you anchored against him, your hands still pushing him away. His lips parted, a shaky breath leaving his mouth when you tensed. 
“I know...I feel it too.”
Absolute darkness, dull obscurations ravaged your sight and you fell limp—you blacked out. 
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dabblinginmarvel · 7 years ago
New Problems, New Tests
Plot: Y/N’s health begins to fail and on top of that, there is a pregnancy scare.
Blog Tag: @whennoonethinksyoucanyoumust, @farfromjustordinary
A/N: I know many people like the ‘requests’ part, but this came to us during a conversation for a third part to A Benched Bucky (Part 1) and We Have A Problem (Part 2). Thank you to the inspiration and partner behind this, @whennoonethinksyoucanyoumust, without whom this would never have existed.
Warnings: Minor angst, illness descriptions
Word Count Total: 1600
Long Imagine #21
Title: New Problems, New Tests
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You had been home again for a few months after the incident, finally settling back into your regular life. Or, as regular as living in the Avengers compound could get.
Bucky had insisted you live with him and ever since then, every day had been an adventure. New people, new places, new everything. But you couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that with this new life, you were going to have new problems.
- - -
You woke up sore, which wasn’t unusual for you, being in one position for that long. You figured it would wear off with movement. Sometimes, Bucky was there to help get you going, but he had extra training today with the team, and then he and Sam were going to stop at the bookstore in town.
The walk to the bathroom was excruciating. Your joints felt like they were grinding and your muscles protested. Every step was painful and you nearly fell to the floor.
The light in the bathroom was too bright. It had been tailored specifically to your preferences, but now it was too bright.
This was not going to be a normal day. When you finally made it to the bathroom, you tried to hold onto the counter so you could take some pain medication. It was tough but you made it. Your hands shakily opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a prescription bottle with your name on it. You sat down on the closed toilet.
Five tries. It took you five tries to get that bottle open. You sighed.
After taking two pills and a glass of lukewarm water, you made a call on your bed to the compound’s physician.
“Y/N, what can I do for you today?” his calming voice answered.
“Hey Doc, I’m having more trouble than usual today. I can hardly move and the pain is so much worse than usual. Would you be willing to make a house call?”
“Absolutely. I’ll be there soon.”
As soon as you lowered the phone from your ear, you felt nauseous.
When the doctor arrived, he knocked on the door.
“Doctor Shelton,” you greeted.
“Y/N. May I come in?”
He entered and you two discussed the situation and he discussed filling a prescription for you. It would fill by the middle of the day and he would have it delivered as soon as possible, as it was put on rush-order.
“Check back in with me in a week after you start taking it and I’ll bring your doctor in rather than just a phone consultation.”
“Okay. Thank you, Doctor Shelton.”
You had to stay in bed until your prescription came in. Bucky was texting you the whole time, but you hadn’t the heart to tell him what was going on yet. You knew this most recent pain was not pointing to anything good for you. Your health was getting worse.
Over the course of the week until your regular doctor made the trip out, you still hadn’t told Bucky. You were scared to tell him. The fear grew when you were diagnosed with a new disease. Bucky got more concerned as you began to drop things, but you blew it off, saying it was nothing, but you were getting tremors in your hands.
On top of that, you were getting morning sickness, which furthered your dread.
Quietly, you talked Natasha into helping you get a pregnancy test. She shared your worries and bid you the best of luck.
You locked yourself in the bathroom and held your breath as you waited. You were too afraid to look, so you set it aside. A pregnancy for you was too dangerous. Especially not now with your brand new health issues.
But you had to know.
Looking at it made you feel sick again. “Oh no.”
Of course it would say you’re pregnant. Nothing was ever simple in your life and every problem came in multiples.
You weren’t sure how long you had been sitting, or how long tears had been spilling, but when your phone alarm went off to remind you to take your daily medications, you were very stiff as you stood up.
You opened the day’s pill pod in the weekly sorter and poured it into your hand. The total came to ten. You put the pill sorter away and looked around for a glass. Great, you needed a new glass for the bathroom.
You made your way out to the kitchen, unknowingly passing by Bucky, then grabbed a glass from the cabinet, filled it, and then took the pills sip by sip.
Bucky watched you swallow the many pills and felt sick to his stomach. You passed by him again, glass in hand, and into your room. Why did you not tell him? Were you hiding an addiction? Did all of these years turn you into an addict?
He had to talk to Steve. He ran to find Steve, who was in the small library researching more pop-culture references on the computer.
“Steve,” Bucky said, “I need to talk to you about Y/N.”
Steve turned around in the swivel chair. “Is something wrong?”
“Yeah. I just saw Y/N take a handful of pills. I’m worried she’s addicted.” Bucky pulled up an identical chair and sat beside Steve.
“Are you sure she doesn’t normally take that many?”
Bucky nodded. “Positive.”
“Have you asked her, yet? Maybe she’s dealing with something else.”
Bucky stopped. “I never thought about that.”
“Well, yeah, you were too panicked to think otherwise.”
Bucky smiled sheepishly. “I guess I did act a little rashly.”
“It could have been worse. You could have told her about your panic.”
Bucky laughed. “Yeah. I’ll go talk to her. Thanks.”
Your shared room’s door was closed when Bucky got there, but he knew you were inside. He knocked softly before opening the door slightly.
Bucky spoke softly. “Y/N?”
You gingerly turned over, the movement painful, but not excruciating anymore. “Hi, Bucky,” you whispered.
He shut the door, then slowly sat beside you. “Hey. I need to talk to you about something.”
Nausea picked up again. You opened your mouth to talk, but he held up a hand.
“Don’t worry, I just need to ask you a question.” He waited for you to close your mouth before he spoke again. “I saw you taking your medicine and I need to know why you didn’t tell me you need to take more pills.”
“It’s new,” you whispered. “The doctor said a new disease popped up and this one brings immense pain. I woke up the other day hurting more than usual and feeling terrible, more so than usual.”
“A few days ago. I didn’t want you to worry, so I didn’t tell you.”
He reached for your hand and you stretched it out slowly, bearing through the stiffness, to grab it. “I’m going to worry whether you like it or not, doll.”
You smiled, but it dropped quickly. “That’s not the worst of it.”
His mouth opened a little. “What else is there?”
“I may be pregnant.”
He started to smile, but his dropped, too. “Oh no.”
“Thank you. That’s what I said.”
He crawled into bed beside you and helped you crawl into his embrace. “It’s late. What do you say we’ll figure it out in the morning together?”
Bucky helped you get comfortable and then slid his hand under yours on the mattress to hold it.
In the morning, he helped you out of bed, to and from the bathroom, and then get breakfast. Your stiffness still existed, and Bucky helped you stretch it out before you got breakfast. Then, you and Bucky went to the compound’s physician and he ran a couple of tests.
“Well,” he said, “your oxytocin levels are elevated, but I’m not seeing any other signs. I looked into the pain medication symptoms and I believe you may not be pregnant. It is possible that the medication stimulates some of the glands that produce pregnancy hormones as an unfortunate side effect when it comes into contact with another one of your medications, and then mimics some of the symptoms of pregnancy.”
You sighed in relief. “So I make an appointment with my regular doctor, get some tests done, and it’s official? I know you don’t have the resources provided here for it.”
“Right. Make that appointment, and we’ll see if we can get you put on a different pain medication.”
Three weeks after switching pain medications, you had started to feel less nauseous and a little better. But you still had to see if you were pregnant. You took another test and it came up negative, but you didn’t want to celebrate just yet. You still had a test at the doctor’s to take.
Bucky drove you to your doctor and they took a couple of samples and had to pee on a stick again. After all of the results came through a day later, you could finally celebrate. It didn’t mean that everything was fixed, because you were in fact still ill, but you had one less thing to worry about.
And you had Bucky and Bucky’s family to support you when you needed it. You felt safe and loved, and that was something you were grateful for. After years of your illness being the first thing people tended to see about you, you now could surround yourself with people who listened to what was on your mind instead of asking what was coming out of it.
For as long as you lived, you now knew you would always have them.
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theliterateape · 4 years ago
The First Call
By Wayne Lerner
THE QUIET ENVELOPED HIS MIND AND CALMED HIS BODY. Early morning time in the office was his favorite. No appointments on his calendar. No interruptions from unwanted visitors, no commotion in the hallways, no complaints from the medical staff, at least not yet. Just the opportunity to think and enjoy his first cup of coffee. 
David cradled the steaming coffee like it was his only source of heat on a cold and snowy day. The bitter french roast, infused with high levels of caffeine, awakened his groggy mind. His favorite mug, a gift from his daughter, held his magic potion. Without the coffee, he found it impossible to jumpstart the day. 
The motto on the mug reminded him how to approach the challenges which confronted him each day. Everything will be fucking okay, it said. 
No way. This job’s killing me. How will everything be okay? I’m supposed to be in charge. Bullshit! Most days, I feel like a puppet whose strings are being pulled by everyone here. 
He slammed his palm against his desk. The stinging pain brought him back to reality. 
Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Be a big boy. 
This is what you asked for, so deal with it. 
David looked at his calendar and cringed, then smiled. 6:30 dinner meeting with the employee advisory committee to discuss how to make the organization more patient friendly. That would be the only event he would enjoy that day. 
Of course, there are assholes but there are good people too. They’re the ones who need your guidance and leadership. If you’re so fed up with the situation, then leave. Walk away. Find another place that suits you better 
He opened his desk drawer and looked at his pay stub. 
Can’t, huh? The golden handcuffs got you, don’t they? 
And the rep of the place gives you creds others would just dream of. 
With the good comes bad shit. It’s right there in the job description. Remember that. Have balls, would you? 
The ringing of the phone reverberated throughout the office. You can tell who’s calling by the ring, whether it’s a good call or one which foretells disaster. The phone knows. Its voice sends you a message, You have to be smart enough, open enough, to understand its language. 
When his Mother died, the ring was soft and sorrowful. When his wife called to tell him the results of her pregnancy test, after so many tries, the ring was loud and exuberant. When the ring hesitates and then continues, like a heart which skips a beat, it’s someone you don’t know, a wrong number or a salesman. 
Today, the ring was jarring. The sound bounced off the walls of his office. It was an ominous ring. He knew there was bad news coming. Not just bad news, catastrophic news. The phone’s voice entered his body, pounding his head and hurting his ears. 
His eyes locked on the caller ID and recognized the name. Linda was the chief legal officer, a holdover from the previous administration. Linda made it known to everyone that she didn't like him. Her pipeline to the Board Chair was a well-known fact. His quietude was over. And maybe, with it, this time, his career. 
“Good morning, Linda,” he said in the cheeriest voice he could manufacture. “What can I do for you this glorious morning?” 
This isn’t a social call. She never calls unless there is something wrong. And, with Linda, there's always something wrong. 
“You got a call from the Feds! This morning? What did they want?” 
He could see her face as he spoke. She was a dour woman who loved to zing him any time she could. If she was ever happy, he never saw it. Since she only saw the darkside of life, he knew this call meant something horrible was about to happen. 
“They said they received an EEO claim against one of our senior officers? Which one?” “No, it can’t be true. We’re already investigating him for how he spent the funds in his budget.” 
We’re just about ready to hammer that bastard with the evidence Linda and the forensic accounting firm compiled. 
“Copies of the claim have been sent to the Board Chair as well! OMG! I don’t have enough trouble with him. Now this shit is happening!” 
“I’m sorry. I'm not shouting at you. It is not your doing.” 
“What do you mean it's mine? Gary was a holdover from the prior administration.” Just like you, you witch! 
“And the Board likes him or at least they did.” 
“What? There’s more?’ 
“The claim’s for sexual harassment? And the victim’s a person of color!” 
Jesus Christ! It’s not even 8:30 yet. The shit keeps piling up. 
“What do you mean, man up. You don’t need to tell me that there are no good days for a CEO, just acceptable ones.” 
Linda reminds me almost everyday. If there's crap on the floor, it's mine, so pick it up. 
His heart and breathing began to race as he felt himself losing control. He tried to slow everything down by practicing yoga breathing but nothing seemed to work. 
The end of the line’s in sight. Now, my alleged supporters will rejoice! 
David’s predecessor had been given a seat on the Board when he was cajoled into retirement. He wasn't thrilled with David and neither was the Board Chair. They wanted someone with a different background but David was the choice of the search committee. 
“Linda, I have to go. The Chair is on the other line.” 
“I’ll loop back with you when we’re done. Then, you and I can plot a strategy to deal with the EEO suit.” 
“Yes, there will be fallout from the financial investigation. It’s not going to be easy but I’m sure we can find a way to minimize the damage.” 
He heard Linda chuckle under her breath as she hung up 
David’s shoulder and neck tensed as he picked up the phone. He knew this was going to be yet another miserable call. 
“Good morning, Sam. How’s your merger negotiations going? The reports in the papers have been quite positive.” 
“Yes, I know all about the call from the Feds and the letter we received on the investigation. I guess Linda must have called you, huh?” 
That bitch! She has made it her life’s work to fuck me over. 
“She and I will be meeting with our outside counsel in an hour. I’m confident we can settle the issues with little public fallout.” 
“You heard about it this morning on the train?” David paused. “If I may ask, from whom?” “No way. I can’t believe there’s such a gigantic leak in the organization.” 
“How do you think he heard about it?’ 
“His brother works for the government?” 
So much for confidentiality. 
“Yes, I’ll call you just as soon as Linda and I are done with our meeting.” 
“Yes, I know this is embarrassing for you and the organization.” 
“Yes, I know we are getting ready to go out with a big fund raising drive.” Christ! Being interrogated yet again. 
“Yes, I know this will make the ask much harder.” 
“We’ll have to control the message to remind them of all the good we do here.” “No, I’m not minimizing the impact bad PR can have. We’ll fix this, I assure you.” “Sam, Our biggest admitter’s on the other line, I’ll call you later. OK? Thanks.” “Hi, George. What’s going on in the Ortho world these days?” 
“What do you mean you're leaving the hospital?” 
You can’t leave, you asshole. 
You're the chair of the department and just signed a new contract. 
“We didn’t breach our agreement. We gave you everything you wanted and more! We’re building a separate building for you and have doubled the number of staff you can recruit.” 
“We did not permanently reallocate your operating room time to general surgery.” 
“There was no one on your room schedule at the time that a series of emergency cases hit the ER. We both know they take priority. That’s why we gave the surgeons permission to use the operating rooms, just this one time.” 
“Yes, I know we should have called you first but this was an emergency. I thought you wouldn’t have an issue helping out a fellow surgeon and his patients.” 
We can’t allow the ORs to lie fallow until you need them, you slime ball. You know that. You’re making a stand anyway. I wonder what you really want. 
“This is what you mean when you say we breached your contract?” 
“Sure, have your lawyer call me and I’ll connect him with Linda.” 
“Don’t do anything rash, George. This misunderstanding is not one to take an action all of us will regret. It will be fixed.” 
David slammed the phone down and tried to gain his composure. His administrative assistant came in at the sound of the noise. 
“Jean, would you please cancel my next few meetings? I have a slew of problems to resolve and don’t know how long this will take.” 
“Yes, get Linda on the phone. I need to start with her.” 
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” 
“Gail from Spencer Stuart called when I was on with George? Do you know what she wanted?” 
Gail calls me when she needs a reference on someone or to jump the line to get in to see a doctor. 
“Oh, she wanted to talk with me, said it was personal. I hope she’s ok. I’ll call her back before I deal with Linda.” 
“Gail? It’s David. Yes, I’m doing fine. What can I do for you?” 
“Can you repeat that?” 
“Where’s the job opportunity? Can you tell me what I’ll be walking into?” 
Neither you nor I knew the real lay of the land when you recruited me here. The Search Committee and the Board were not truthful with either of us, it turned out. 
“Yes, you can’t manage an organization when your revered predecessor is looking over your shoulder and reporting every action you take to the Board Chair.” 
I don’t want to jump from one fire to another. I need to make sure I understand the real culture of the organization, not the PR version. 
“This place thrives on internecine warfare, Gail. You don’t know who is going to stab you first.” “Sure, I’ll meet with you. Tomorrow will be fine. Your office? 10am? I’ll be there.” 
It's only 9:15 and I’m exhausted. Well, let’s get on with this circus and see if we can save it from itself. 
“Jean, please get Linda on the phone and tie in our outside lawyers. Thanks.” 
He reached for his mug but the coffee had gone cold. He rose to get himself a refill when the phone rang. Jean was on the other line so he reached to pick up the phone. 
This time, the sound was quiet and smooth. Its voice entered his soul like Barber’s Adagio for Strings does every time he hears it. His heart rate slowed down and he began to take deep, cleansing breaths. 
David picked up the phone. 
“Yes, I’m the CEO. What can I do for you?” 
The mug was right.
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