#but especially you yesung
chicken-fifi · 4 months
Super Junior Reaction | A Younger Idol has a Crush on Them
Pairing: SuJu Members x Idol!Reader
Requested by anon: Hello! I was wondering if you could do a super junior reaction to a younger idol (of age, obviously) , saying that they are their celebrity crush on a variety show. If not that’s completely fine!
A/n: took me so much longer than expected to write this one as well. I have been slacking and i am not ashamed to admit that
Tunes: n/a
I don’t wanna say Jeongsoo feels a sense of pride
But there is a smidge of it present???
I mean, he’s prideful in a sense that he’s glad younger people find him attractive
And to be someone’s celebrity crush?
Bonus points
Especially since you’re in the same field
He’ll be playful about it, but also shy if he’s around you
“I heard a rumor that I’m your celebrity crush…”
Externally: kinda cocky but shy
Internally: freaking out 
For Heechul there is no in between
The second he finds out about this
He almost doesn’t believe it
A part of him does
But dear god it’s stranger to get the personal confirmation
“So it is true…I’m your celebrity crush?”
Jonghoon really doesn’t believe it
Someone must be playing a prank on him, waiting to tease him about how excited he must be about this
But no one’s playing a prank on him
He really is your celebrity crush
And now he’s shy as hell whenever you cross paths
Because he finds you just as attractive
Silent pinning much?
“Stop trying to trick me! There’s no way that’s true!”
Just like Yesung, Donhee initially thinks it’s a prank
But he quickly realizes that it’s not
He’s honestly happy to hear that he is your celebrity crush
It’s not everyday that that happens
He tries to be extra attentive to you as a senior in the industry
But only in that way
You are quite younger after all
“There’s a cafe nearby that has really hearty meals. You should go there sometime.”
Cocky S.O.B
Hyukjae is going to ride this out for as long as he can
He’ll use this one thing to win argument against everyone
After all, who else can say that they’re your celebrity crush
I mean come one
How is he not going to be elated by this
“Unlike you, I’m someone’s celebrity crush.”
Quite amused by it actually
In Siwon’s case, your celebrity crush on him stems from his acting roles
(Adding a spin here!)
To have a fellow idol comment on that in such a positive manner
(obviously leading to your crush)
Is something he never thought he would experience
And now that he has, he doesn’t want it to end
He’s very polite and caring of you and your group whenever possible
“I watched the comeback recently. You all did a phenomenal job!”
So shy
But like a constantly laughing shy
Donghae quite literally laughs whenever it’s brought up
He thinks it’s so cute
(you’re so cute!)
And he’s honestly flattered by it
Who wouldn’t be?
(Might have a crush on you himself, if your a bit older)
“I can’t talk about it without smiling!”
Shy and cocky
Ryeowook uses this to his benefit against the guys
But he’s also very shy about it
Who wouldn’t be?
I mean how can he not be shy when a new and upcoming idol said he’s their celebrity crush
He get flustered when people bring it up before firing off
He can’t meet your gaze in public but he does do small things to show how much it means to him
“Shut up already! At least I’m likable, unlike you!”
Also quite shy reserved about the matter
Kyuhyun can’t quite put into words the feelings that he has upon hearing this
He’s moved but also prideful
And has he also liked you too?
So much going on in that head of his
But he refuses to speak about it
It’s no one’s business but his and yours
He’s very nice to you though
Even if he gets teased for it
“Say what you want. I don’t care.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
Kisses With Super Junior ~ Super Junior Headcanon
Jeongsu is the type of person who will always want more from a kiss, he can never quite be satisfied
Even if you’re running late, he’ll try and pull you back for one more kiss so he can savour more of the taste of your lips
He loves how you’ll often linger to wind Jeongsu up, but secretly he knows that he can get you back for it
His favourite place to kiss you is against the tip of your nose as it allows for Jeongsu to play with your hair
Quite often during the day you’ll receive videos of him blowing a kiss to you to let you know he’s thinking about you
Neither of you are over the top with kisses but you don’t mind sharing a kiss in front of other people
A kiss is usually the last thing that you share before you go to sleep with Jeongsu leaning across to you
Most of the time though you find your kisses are usually interrupted by someone barking for your attention instead
Heechul is the type of person who will use kisses to take you by surprise and keep you on your toes
He’s constantly coming up behind you when you least expect him to be there, making you giggle
He loves that kisses allow him to be playful with you, and best of all you never get irritated when he does so too
His favourite place to kiss you is against your forehead as it’s the perfect spot for Heechul to get to
He absolutely refuses to kiss you in the mornings until he’s brushed his teeth as he doesn’t want you smelling his breath
Whenever Heechul does kiss you in public it’s a very small gesture in the hope that nobody notices him
At night Heechul will usually give you a kiss to let you know how appreciative he is for the things you do
One thing he tries his best to do is find you and give you a kiss before he leaves the house for work
Jonghoon is the type of person who will use kisses as a tool to do a lot of the talking him for you in your relationship
When he stumbles or stutters you tend to lean forwards and kiss him so you can understand him better
He loves how kisses are often a saving grace for Jonghoon and get him out of numerous sticky situations
His favourite place to kiss you is against your lips, especially if he catches your philtrum during a kiss too
Your kisses are often exchanged on walks together, the atmosphere and environment usually encourage it
However if you’re walking through a particularly busy spot then the two of you will refrain from too much affection
Your favourite kisses are evening kisses when you’re both feeling a little lazy around one another
Despite your concerns, Jonghoon will always want a kiss if he’s got makeup on too, he doesn’t care about the mess
Donghee is the type of person who will try and make kissing as fun of an experience as he can for you
He’ll try and push the boundaries whenever they’re there to be pushed or annoy you if he’s in the mood to
He loves how he’s always able to find out something new, big or small, about you whenever he kisses you
His favourite place to kiss you is against your shoulder as Donghee loves to rest his head against your shoulder
If you’re sat in his lap whilst he’s editing for example then he’ll often trail a few kisses along his favourite spot
You don’t make a huge deal about public kisses, but you’ll never deny Donghee if he wants one from you
One of your favourite things to do is pretend to be asleep so that Donghee kisses you goodnight, only to wake up again
He loves to kiss you when you take photographs especially so that you have keepsakes of those moments
Hyukjae is the type of person who searches for the emotion in kisses, often relying on them for reassurance
Whenever he’s anxious about anything he’ll come to you for a kiss to know that he’s not by himself
He loves how you always seem to know exactly when Hyukjae wants a kiss too, you never miss a beat
His favourite place to kiss you is against your dimple as Hyukjae loves to catch them with his eyes
His lockscreen will be a photo of the two of you kissing as it’s the thing that Hyukjae enjoys the most
One thing he’s not afraid of is public kisses, he doesn’t care who knows that he’s in love with you
Most of the time he’ll fall asleep with his lips resting against you and sleepily peck against your body
You both have a reputation with the boys for getting easily distracted by kisses and not listening to them
Siwon is the type of person who will make sure that every kiss is filled with as much romance as possible
Not once will Siwon ever kiss you just because, his kisses will always strive to make you feel loved by him
He loves how something so simple can be so emotive between the two of you and bring you even closer
His favourite place to kiss you is against the top of your head as he usually rests there for a while after
When he’s driving he’ll hold onto your hand and frequently bring it to his lips during moments of silence
Above all else with kisses Siwon is respectful, both of you and those around you who are watching too
Every step of your night time routine is followed by a kiss, even the small jobs like putting your pyjamas on
Whenever you’re down, he’ll kiss against your tears as it gives him an excuse to kiss you much more often
Donghae is the type of person who will try and steal as many kisses from you as he possibly can
If you’re close enough to him then he’ll be more than happy to grab your waist and close the gap between you
He loves when he’s able to trail kisses against you, light and gentle kisses are definitely Donghae’s favourite
His favourite place to kiss you is against your jaw, moving slowly along it and trying to kiss every spot
He shows his gratitude a lot with kisses, especially if you’ve done something like cooked for him after the gym
Although Donghae will kiss you in public, if someone remarks on it then he’ll become incredibly flustered
No matter how stubborn you are, Donghae is more stubborn and will refuse to sleep without a kiss
if he’s on a live, Donghae will often pull you in and kiss you as he loves to show you off to his fans
Ryeowook is the type of person who will often get flustered when kisses get particularly affectionate
He’ll go in full of confidence but as soon as he feels your lips on his Ryeowook will begin to crumble
He loves how you’re always happy to kissed by him, regardless of the situation that you’re both in
His favourite place to kiss you is against your lips, Ryeowook loves the intimacy of that spot the most
There’s a lot of love in Ryeowook’s kisses, especially if he can’t see a smile then he will be right beside you
He likes to keep your kisses private and keep them as something that only you guys see, and enjoy too
If he comes home late at night then Ryeowook will always kiss you first as an apology for how late he is
The one thing Ryeowook always reminds himself to do is enjoy the feeling of every one of your kisses
Kyuhyun is the type of person who will always try and make you smile when he kisses you most importantly
If he pulls back and doesn’t see your smile then Kyuhyun will lean back in for more until he sees your smile
He loves the fact that every time he kisses you his stomach knots from how excited and giddy he gets
His favourite place to kiss you is against your cheek so that Kyuhyun can see that smile as soon as he moves away
Your kisses are something that give Kyuhyun a lot of inspiration whenever he’s working on his music
If the occasion calls for it whilst you’re out in public then Kyuhyun won’t shy away from kissing you
There’s a smug smile on his face most evenings as he falls asleep with the feeling of your kiss lingering
He loves to bribe you with kisses, Kyuhyun knows you can’t resist and end up giving him his own way
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peppertaemint · 1 year
I’m really looking for a more objective opinion on this matter because I know you are familiar with BTS and don’t bias Jimin.
I don’t know if you know, but after Jimin’s album promotional period began J-Hope announced a single which he released and is currently promoting.
On top of that today RM announced a collab which get released a few days before Jimin’s Set me free.
I know that Rm probably couldn’t choose the date because it isn’t his song, but I can’t say it doesn’t sting seeing this happening twice…And who knows how many more because there is time
I mean both already have two albums and many singles and collabs out.
Jimin only has a few songs and this is his debut. BTS also has this image of being like family so I don’t understand how they can be so sensitive.
Of course armys don’t see any problem with this
I guess my questions are: Do you think I’m overreacting? Is this something which happens in other fandoms? Do Shinee’s solos overlap?
Hi Anon,
While I don't think there is anything nefarious going on, especially purposefully, it is a little odd. Other companies don't roll this way. Members' solos rarely overlap. Recent example I can think of is Yesung's solo is overlapping a little with SuJu's tour, so he's missing a date. But they also posted about how it was just a timing issue etc and they'll miss him or something. So, it wasn't ignored.
Do I think the releases at BH for BTS' solos are feeling messy and a little disorganized? Yes, to a degree. But, I think Jimin is doing it well and "by the book" so there's nothing to complain about. Army is a huge "market" - there are plenty of people willing to spend on all the releases, so it's not like they need to space it out.
Basically, I don't think it matters or that there is anything mean going on here. Jimin's debut won't be affected by other releases, unless you care about those super sketchy "fund" accounts that mass buy albums. I think those are immoral anyhow (hello, Syria & Turkey??) so those aren't of any concern to me. Real people who buy the album for themselves in a reasonable amount will still be there.
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keepingloveagainkw · 2 years
Backstage: is where secrets should be kept that way, especially if a naughty Kyuhyun ruins Ryeowook's vlogging plans.
It wasn’t certainly the first time. However, going back to perform on the same stage where big legends from British and international pop music alike did in the past was always making it feel a bit more special.
Particularly so, because Super Junior had missed the European stages for several years in the past – nine, to be more exact, their fans were keeping a meticulous count – therefore even waiting in the backstage of the Wembley Arena in London was making the members exceptionally thrilled and excited to be finally meeting their audience.
As a matter of fact, Ryeowook decided that it could be the perfect time to break his vlogging hiatus and get his hands onto his faithful camera to record stills of mundanity among the members.
Smiling behind the small object that fit in his palm, he walked through the narrow corridors to capture actions and conversations by the older members. Yesung was quietly sitting next to Siwon, making that a very weird combination, as they were both intent at scrolling their phones onto different apps. The eldest was checking his camera roll to fish yet another random picture from his past solo travels to upload on twitter, making sure the most artistic one prevailed over a bunch of others where his sharp profile hadn’t come out as well as them. Siwon, elegantly sitting against the back of the soft chair like the consumed-model he was, was checking tons of emails that the Label had forwarded him about worldwide meeting invitations from the UNICEF.
“Siwonie hyung is always so busy and booked,” Ryeowook commented with a giggle “Where are you going next?” he then asked.
Siwon turned around with his usual meme-like frown, that turned into a genuine dimply smile for the camera: “Saudi Arabia,” he simply confirmed. Before Ryeowook could even ask him to elaborate more, his attention was caught by the very loud noises coming from the waiting room just next door.
“You two together are impossible! I don’t know how I managed to cope up with you for so long,” Leeteuk’s voice apparently sounded calm, but hid a hint of exasperation as he addressed Donghae and Eunhyuk bickering like their usual.
“Get off me, Donghae!” Eunhyuk was complaining as he tried to run away from the sticky hugs that Donghae was giving him. He had bulked up to the point it was very difficult for Eunhyuk to simply scroll his best friend off his waist, especially when Donghae nuzzled his face into the other man’s neck and plastered cheesy kisses to annoy him more.
Pointing the camera on to the couple first and then towards Leeteuk, Ryeowook couldn’t help but chuckle louder as he caught on film Leeteuk’s resigned expression: “Hyung, leave them be. Donghae is just excited for today!”
“Like every one of us, Ryeowook,” Leeteuk sighed as he sat down onto a couch and massaged his own temples to ease the small headache that was spreading across his forehead “But we are not jumping and squeaking around like he is,”
“That’s because you’re getting older,” Ryeowook commented, pointing the camera onto Leeteuk, who couldn’t help but wave and share a little smile.
“As if you kids aren’t,” the leader scoffed, not even insulted by the comment. Ryeowook couldn’t keep a light giggle from emerging from his lips. There was still something loving and special in the way Leeteuk referred to them all as kids despite the age. He himself was about to hit his forties, while the rest of them were in their mid-thirties, it wasn’t exactly that age that applies to kids anymore, right? However Leeteuk had already spent three-quarters of his life tending to them and looking after the members that it was absolutely impossible for him to stop affectionately calling them all by that word.
Too bad Heechul wasn’t around for their tours, otherwise he would have just backed Leeteuk up, like he usually did when trying to discipline the other members.
“Where’s Shindong hyung?” Ryeowook asked, noticing how the man had gone missing and was nowhere to be found.
“He’s with the director, probably brainstorming a few ideas on the animations to project on screen,” Eunhyuk replied.
It made sense. Lately Shindong was so into directing and producing, it was actually one of the best ways for him to show just how much of an all-around talent he was, Ryeowook thought, completely lost in his mental trail. Until a low voice growled from behind his back, startling Ryeowook to death. “Shit!” the smaller one hissed, jumping on his feet.
Shindong squeaked as he laughed holding his belly: “I’m sorry!” he quickly apologised, noticing how Ryeowook’s frown was getting closer and closer to his trademark intimidating one, while he pointed the camera at Shindong, capturing his wide laugh.
“Oh, are you vlogging again?” Shindong asked, curious as per why Ryeowook was seen holding his camera after years he had stopped using it. Ryeowook nodded and Shindong caught that as the perfect chance to ramble about what latest products were on the market that Ryeowook might have wanted to check out, so to create even better and higher quality contents. He was momentarily dragged into the enthusiastic explanation, fascinated by the passion Shindong was showing him while showcasing his knowledge about hi-tech.
Following Shindong down the corridor and into a different waiting room, Ryeowook was too caught up with his hyung and how he fiddled with the content of his backpack, taking out tripods, lenses and various other accessories, that he completely forgot about the only one person he had really wanted to capture on his camera.
Sitting cross-legged on a couch in a remote corner of the room, distractedly leafing through a science book, Super Junior’s maknae interrupted his reading only to move his flashing eyes onto the other two members that had barged into the room. Kyuhyun loudly cleared his voice, catching Shindong’s attention who, all of a sudden, toned his voice down: “We are disturbing Kyuhyunie,” he commented.
Cutely swirling around, Ryeowook’s camera pointed at Kyuhyun.
“Kyu, Kyu!” Ryeowook’s voice chirped affectionately. In the tiny screen on the back of the object, Kyuhyun was looking particularly sleek in his intro outfits, giving him a sexy, mysterious aura enhanced by the way he was casually sitting. Not to mention how his eyes flared with some sort of vivid passion. Blushing hard, Ryeowook’s breath caught up in his throat when he noticed Kyuhyun’s gaze was actually boring holes in his soul through the lenses in his camera. Too bad that even after half of a lifetime together, that was still the effect Kyuhyun had on his poor heart.
“Hyung, I’ll catch up with you later,” Ryeowook told Shindong, silently expressing his wish to be left alone for a while. Shindong moved his eyes onto Kyuhyun, noticing how annoyed the man looked for bursting his bubble of quietness, but also how accommodating he had become as soon as Ryeowook sat down on the couch with him, scooting as close as possible to the younger one.
Rolling his eyes, Shindong left, knowing better than interrupting the youngest ones’ privacy.
Kyuhyun closed his book, the pages rustled softly before he could put it on the side table and focus solely on Ryeowook filming him.
“It took you long to find me,” he commented with a sigh, keeping his huge, dark eyes fixed on the camera “Usually I’m the one you run to for a starter,”
“I’m filming, Kyu,” Ryeowook warned him, with a giggle, lightly smacking his thigh and resting his hand there.
“Exactly what I mean,” Kyuhyun told him, grabbing Ryeowook’s hand and holding it tight in his “You always run to find me whenever you’re filming something,”
Ryeowook’s smile grew wider, not without a few beads of cold sweat rolling down his neck as he explained better: “Nope, Kyu. This is not what you think. It’s for my vlog. I want to film our backstage moments before performing here in London,”
Blinking in confusion, Kyuhyun’s frown became a bit darker as he couldn’t understand: “Vlog? I thought you had stopped with that,”
Ryeowook extracted three small legs from the handle of his camera and set the tripod so he could place the camera on the table. Comfortably sitting against the couch, he directed his gaze to the small object and explained: “It is true that I stopped, but this is a nice occasion to go back to film our daily life and share it with our fans, don’t you think?”
Exhaling a sad sigh, Kyuhyun leaned closer to Ryeowook only so he could breathe his disappointment into the other man’s ear: “I thought it was… you know, our daily journal,”
Ryeowook’s cheeks blushed hard and became as red as two apples, making him mentally curse the fact that Shindong had helped him choosing that particular camera whose HQ features were enhancing the footage. He had better edit out a few scenes – if not everything – featuring Kyuhyun at that point.
“Oh, Kyu! Stop it!” Ryeowook crossed his arms against his chest and pouted, sulking lightly “I need to redo everything now!”
Kyuhyun laughed out loud, stretching an arm to circle Ryeowook’s shoulders and pull the petite man closer to him: “You can just cut these scenes out and no one will notice anything,” he said, planting a quick kiss on Ryeowook’s temple “I am just too used at you documenting our love life lately, that I simply acted upon instinct,”
“Yeah, I should have told you,” Ryeowook pouted, nevertheless placing his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder while the taller one rocked him in his arms. Whenever he did that, Ryeowook couldn’t help but find peace to his senses. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, while his mind ran to past memories of Kyuhyun waking up at the dorms one day and deciding to film Ryeowook out of the blue. The petite one was nestled among the messy bedsheets after sleeping over and a bored Kyuhyun decided to start what had become a habit nowadays.
It was mainly small, trivial, domestic things that were captured – like sitting down for breakfast, pestering Eunhyuk at the dorms or sharing a ride to a mutual schedule – however, ever since starting, Ryeowook had found it quite difficult to quit as he liked – no, scratch that, he absolutely loved – replaying his personal footage and watch the way Kyuhyun’s eyes were always and devotedly looking at him. It made him feel special.  
“Guys! Please come to the audio booth, we need to install mics on you,” a couple of their managers called out loud, hoping to catch the members’ attention as they had a tight schedule to stick to.
Peace broken, Ryeowook thought. Sighing, he was about to pull back from Kyuhyun’s hug, when Kyuhyun’s slender fingers reached for his chin and tilted Ryeowook’s head back. It was quick, but nonetheless sweet, as Kyuhyun’s lips found their way to Ryeowook’s, slowly moving as their mouths matched perfectly and shared the same rhythm, making their kiss a gentle, yet sensual habit.
“Now you have to seriously delete everything,” Kyuhyun breathed as he kept his face merely breaths apart from Ryeowook’s “There’s no way in hell our fans will see this-“ he pointed at the camera while about to finish talking, but then Ryeowook smacked him hard in the chest, making the other man wince in pain.
“Ouch!” Kyuhyun rubbed a hand across the chest to try and soothe his pain. Hurriedly standing up, Ryeowook took one more minute to simply turn the camera off for good before bursting out of the room at a speed that Kyuhyun didn’t recognise as his lover’s at all.
Smiling to himself, Kyuhyun stood up and lightly smoothed his outfit to get rid of the wrinkles caused by Ryeowook sitting close and reciprocating his hug. Walking out of the room, he followed the loud voices of his members to locate where they were. Among them he spotted Ryeowook looking serious and professional while talking to a crew member who was helping him to secure the microphone wire inside the shirt he was wearing, and Kyuhyun’s gaze softened.
Many years after getting to know his best friends and yet, the decision to fall in love with him had never felt any more right. 
Chapter 2
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fourth-quartet · 2 years
also! i don't know this but i'm curious-what is/do you have an otp for suju?
oh yeah lemme talk about my boys bc i've definitely got fave pairings and they're definitely rarepairs
so firstly we got my boys kyuhyun and eunhyuk. the dorm boys who (last i recall) are the only two still living in the dorm (with a manager). their dynamic is super fun bc i'm p sure they've both ambiverts and they just vibe well together.
then we've got heechul and yesung. they also have such a weird dynamic but i love watching them. chul truly babies yesung at the weirdest of times and it just works when they're not actively annoying each other
lastly, and probably my absolute favorite, is leeteuk/kyuhyun. leader/oldest+maknae dynamic is a ton of fun and they're just soft and cute and i love them dearly (again when they're not annoying each other to bits)
editing to add - this is not including all of the members who left/are inactive. i'm very soft on eunhyuk/sungmin and kyuhyun/kangin and kyuhyun/zhoumi (the only non-rarepair i think) and most especially eunhyuk/hangeng, but i figured i'd go with just the ones who are active rn
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
OHH!! Aaron! He always plays such unique characters. He's almost a Tumblr darling. I'm glad you likee the film!! Do you go to the theatre a lot?
Not really, the only reason we went was because my aunt invited us to join her date night 💀 ngl the only other character that I simped for that atj played was Pietro but I didn't even know it was atj 💀still confused and concerned on how out of all characters I really fall for the tempermental 🍊? The only other tempermental person I simp for is yesung 😭
THAT'S. SO. FUN!! why did you guys finish it? It's such a cool concept!! They fit it really well given their MVs, too.
We both suck at writing fics lmao 😭 I'm just the mastermind behind ideas while she's a newbie fiction writer 😭😭 we also never talked about it after too 💀
Also you running on no sleep is mood, go get sleepys bestie, mwah ❣️(ㅅ˙³˙)♡
- 🍒
your aunt invited you to third-wheel on date night? lol
I liked Pietro a lot! T_T and he was good in Godzilla. I can't remember Kick-Ass well but I believe I enjoyed it... but I'm in the same boat - I don't really know his films very well. I need to watch Bullet Train now lmfao I gotta see him in this.
no, no, no >.< things like that don't matter when you're pursuing a hobby or doing things for the joy of it. I'm sure your skills were fine, anyway! I do wish her luck in your fanfic writing, however! It can be really fun to do, especially when you allow yourself to write whatever your little heart desires. I hope one day your story sees the light of day! I'm sure there are others out there that would love to read it ^^
thank you, thank you. I'm an idiot who continues to stay up all night gaming then day(night?)dreaming before my mind finally exhausts itself and I pass out. ha T_T
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
SuJu Reaction: S/O can’t get hold of them and panics
A/N: So, this is my first reaction post, so big thanks to the anon who requested it. I may have got a little carried away, so some of these are kinda long for a reaction, but I was having fun. Hope you all enjoy.
I’m putting this all under a cut because TRIGGER WARNING: depression, suicide, anxiety and panic attacks. I promise they are actually fluffy and cute in the end.
Prologue: Super Junior were incredibly busy preparing for a comeback, and you knew your boyfriend was stressed and drained, worrying about making sure everything was perfect for the fans. The trouble was, you knew all too well how quickly that could lead to conditions like anxiety and depression, and, in the case of your best friend, suicide. You’d lost them when you were a teenager and as hard as you tried to move on the trauma of the loss was still something you caried with you. This is why you found yourself texting your boyfriend regularly, just making sure that he was ok and he and his members were looking after themselves. But when three texts in a row and a phone call went unanswered you found yourself starting to panic and desperately needed some sort of confirmation that he was ok, and most importantly alive.
When you burst into the studio that evening, Leeteuk was the only one still there, but honestly you were grateful for it. When you saw him you were torn between relief that he was fine and anger over being ignored.
“Where are the others? And more importantly why weren’t you answering me?”
“Hey, babe,” said Leeteuk, looking over to you as you spoke. “I sent them home, we’ve been really busy, I thought they could do with a rest. I’ve just been finishing up, I didn’t mean to ignore you.”
“For once, can you please worry about yourself as much as you do other people? I’ve been going crazy, knowing how stressed you’ve been, knowing you probably aren’t taking proper care of yourself, and then you don’t answer me and… Teuk, anything could have happened to you.”
As you poured out your feelings you felt the tears you’d been fighting back starting to surface and Leeteuk suddenly realised what was happening. You’d opened up to him before about what had happened in your past and he was cursing himself for putting you through this.
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry,” he said rushing to take you in his arms. “I’m here with you now, see? Everything’s ok. I’m ok.”
He ran a soothing hand through your hair as you tried to calm down. “How about I take you home and we cook a nice nutritional meal together, yeah?”
You nodded, as he cupped your face in his hands and wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
The moment you walked into the studio, Heechul appeared by your side, despite the fact that he was definitely meant to be helping with recording.
“Hi, gorgeous,” he greeted, giving you a quick kiss. “Are you ok?”
“I’ve sent you three texts, and tried to call you, and I haven’t heard from you at all,” you told him, stoically.
Heechul’s eyes grew wide as he realised what he’d done.
“No, I’m sorry. I’ve been recording, I should have warned you I wouldn’t be able to reply much today.”
“Heechul!” came a sudden shout from Shindong, “You live with her, you’ll see plenty of her later, we need you!”
“So does Y/n,” Heechul shouted back.
“You are so whipped,” Shindong muttered, before raising his voice again, “You were literally in the middle of something.”
Heechul grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room, ignoring his members completely.
“What do you need?” he asked you.
You smiled softly. “I needed to know you were ok.”
“I am, I promise.”
“Ok, don’t work too hard,” you smiled, turning to leave.
Heechul caught your hand again before you could get too far away.
“I know you don’t think you’re leaving without kissing me goodbye.”
You rolled your eyes, but gave him a kiss all same.
“Shindong’s right, you are whipped,” you laughed.
“No, I just love you,” Heechul replied. “A lot. Are you sure you’ll be ok?”
“I’m sure, just come straight home when you’re done?”
“Why wouldn’t I if I know you’re there waiting for me?”
You and Yesung had always been very open with each other, so you knew how hard he was on himself and he knew what had happened with your friend. This made the fact that you haven’t heard from him even more worrying.
You snuck into their rehearsal space, not wanting to interrupt but needing to see him and know he was ok. Eunhyuk spotted you and nudged his hyung, pointing in your direction.
Yesung ran over to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Are you ok?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”
When you told him he’s missed your texts and call, he knew exactly where your mind had gone.
“Oh no, baby, I’m so sorry,” he told you, looking even more distraught than you. “We’ve been so busy and I’m so stressed about all this and I’m just trying to make this comeback the best yet. I’m sorry I’ve been so distracted. I can’t imagine what I’ve put you through.”
Before you knew what was happening, Yesung was crying.
“I just needed to know you were ok,” you told him pulling him into a hug. “I wish you wouldn’t push yourself so hard, then I wouldn’t worry as much. The fans love you no matter what.”
“I know,” he sniffled. “But they’ve supported us for so long now they deserve so much.”
“I guarantee they feel the same way about you, too,” you told him.
At that point Leeteuk came over, Yesung still in your embrace.
“I think you should take him home,” Leeteuk told you.
“I’m fine,” said Yesung, quickly straightening and trying to tidy himself up. “We haven’t finished yet.”
“Well, I’m the leader, and I’ve decided you’ve finished.”
“Thank you,” you told Leeteuk, when Yesung gave up and gathered his things.
“I think you both need it, just relax together,” he advised.
You couldn’t argue with that, as you and your boyfriend headed home for a nice quiet afternoon.
You burst into the room where Super Junior were rehearsing to find them all healthy and staring at you.
"Y/n?" said your boyfriend, stepping forward. "What happened? Are you ok?"
"If you could actually answer my texts and calls, I would be," you snapped.
Shindong headed over to his discarded jacket and pulled his phone from the pocket.
“Three missed texts and you’re acting like the worlds going to end?” he quipped, seeing his notifications.
“Mine could!” you shouted.
You thought you'd calm down once you knew he was ok, but his blasé manner was only distressing you more.
“What?” asked Shindong, thoroughly confused.
You grabbed his hand and quickly dragged him away from the rest of group. Once out of their earshot, you began telling him what had happened in your past, and by the end you were sobbing.
“I can’t lose you too,” you cried, and Shindong wrapped you in his embrace.
“Sweetie, I had no idea,” he said, soft boyfriend mode engaged. “I’m so sorry you suffered through that. But thank you for being brave enough to tell me. I can take special care to stay in touch now, alright?”
“Thank you,” you told him sniffing as the tears started to die down. "I just worry. You get so stressed trying to make everything perfect, and I don't want it to all get too much for you."
"I promise I will never get that stressed," he assured you, still holding you tight. "Especially knowing I have you looking out for me."
When you walked into the dance studio and saw Eunhyuk alive and well, you breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that he knew about your past, you knew he’d have a good excuse.
Once he’d finished talking to the guys, he jogged over to you.
“Hey, jagi,” he greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t replying to me,” you told him. “I had to make sure you were ok.”
His face fell, realising what your words implied. He tried not to make too big of a deal or overreact because he knew you wouldn’t want to make a scene. It was a private matter and not something the other guys needed to be privy to.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I’ve been trying to help Leeteuk keep an eye on everyone and get the dance moves down. You know how much Leeteuk stresses.”
You smiled. “I know. But I know you’ve been stressed too. Don’t overdo it, please. I quite like having you for a boyfriend.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,” he told you with a hug. “Now why don’t you go home, and I’ll come by after practice and you can help me destress,” he winked.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a good job I love you, Lee Hyukjae.”
“I’m a lucky man,” he replied, giving you a quick kiss, before returning to his work.
You marched into the studio and straight up to your boyfriend.
“Have you not checked your phone?” you asked immediately, not even saying hello first.
As much as you were pleased to find him ok, you were a little annoyed to find him laughing and joking with his members, instead of actually working. You would have been more understanding if he’d not seen your call because he was busy preparing for the comeback.
“Yes, why?” he asked. Knowing full well that he had three texts and a missed call from you.
“I’ve been trying to get hold of you.”
“I know.”
You snapped at that point. “You know? What do you mean you know? If you know you should answer! Or is this your way of trying to dump me, because I swear Donghae, if you knew… What if…” you trailed off as your anger gave way to tears and Donghae quickly wrapped his arms around you to comfort you.
“It was a prank,” he told you. “I wanted to see how you’d react. I didn’t expect it to end like this.”
“I thought you’d died,” you squeaked.
“What?” he asked in surprise. “Why would you think that? What’s going on?”
You shook your head.
“Babe, I’m sorry that I’ve upset you it was never my intention. But I need you to tell me what’s wrong so that I can fix it and make sure it never happens again.”
You gestured to the rest of the guys, some of whom were clearly listening in, and Donghae got your meaning, pulling you out of the room. Once free from his nosy members, he gave you an expectant look.
You quickly recounted the bare minimum of what he needed to know.
“I never meant to scare you,” he said softly.
“I know, I’m sorry I yelled.”
“No it’s fine, of course you shouted at me. I promise it won’t happen again. There may be a delay in my replying if I’m halfway through something, but I won’t knowingly ignore you.”
“Thank you for understanding,” you told him, before he pulled you in for another hug.
When you finally tracked Siwon down you found him talking to someone on his phone. You walked over to him and weakly slapped his arm.
“I’ve got to go, thank you so much,” he said to whoever was on the other end of the phone before hanging up. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
“You’re on your phone,” you pointed out in a more aggressive tone than you had intended.
“Yes, I was,” Siwon confirmed, very confused.
“So, you’ve seen my messages and you’re just choosing to ignore me?”
“No, no, I’m not ignoring you, I’m just… busy.”
“Not too busy to take other people’s calls.”
“I was busy because I was making the call,” he tried to explain. “I didn’t realise you needed an urgent reply. Is there something else going on?”
Having seen your texts, Siwon had assumed you were just checking in and couldn’t work out why it was such a big deal that he hadn’t replied straight away.
“No, you first, what are you hiding?” you asked, crossing your arms defensively.
Siwon hesitated, making it clear there was something he wasn’t telling you. “I’m actually planning a surprise for you,” he admitted with a sigh. “I realise being an idol in the middle of a comeback makes me a rather lousy boyfriend and I wanted to make up for it.”
“Oh,” you said softly. “I’m not good with surprises,” you mumbled.
Siwon just stepped closer to you, seeing that you had now calmed down. “It’s not going to be anything over the top, and it only involves the two of us. I know you aren’t a big fan of too much attention,” he explained. “Now, can you tell me why you were so upset?” he asked you, gently rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.
You nodded and quickly explained that you had panicked and why. “Can you tell me what you are planning?” you added with a slight pout.
Siwon sighed. “Will it make you feel better?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“Tomorrow evening, I’m taking you out to dinner,” he told you. “I’ve bought out the whole restaurant for the night, so it will literally be just us. It’s an excuse to get a bit dressed up, which we haven’t done for a while, and you won’t have to worry about staring.”
With a small smile, you looked up at him with tears forming in your eyes. “That’s a really lovely surprise,” you told him.
He pulled you into his arms, holding you tight. “You’re really special to me, and I want you to know that. Whenever I picture a future, you’re in it, so I’m really pleased you’ve opened up to me today. Now I can make sure not to worry you again.”
When you arrived at the practice room, hoping you’d find you boyfriend well and rehearsing, even though you worried you wouldn’t, your worry just took on a whole new form.
Ryeowook was sat watching the rehearsal with his leg raised and an ice pack on his ankle. Completely forgetting that you were probably interrupting you rushed over to him.
“Wook, what happened?”
“Hey,” he said in a surprised tone when he noticed you. “I just twisted my ankle while dancing. What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been trying to get hold of you. You weren’t answering so I panicked,” you told him.
He knew what you meant straight away.
“Ah, my phone is over there with all my stuff,” he said pointing. “I’m not ignoring you, I always try to respond, and I’m sorry I couldn’t get to my phone.”
“I know, it’s ok, you’re injured,” you assured him. “At least my panic wasn’t totally uncalled for though.”
He smiled at you in a comforting manner before turning to his members.
“Guys, do we think y/n could stay with me while I watch the choreography?” he asked.
“That’s not a bad idea,” agreed Leeteuk. “Stops me worrying about you as much.”
You laughed slightly, before quickly pulling another chair over to where your boyfriend was sat and taking his hand in yours.
“And now you’ll worry less because you know I’m right here,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Thank you,” you said softly, pleased your boyfriend could support you through moments like this.
“You’re welcome,” he replied. “And thank you for caring enough about me to worry.”
You had assumed the guys were doing dance rehearsals, so when you arrived at their usual studio only to find it empty, your panic increased. You pulled out your phone, trying Kyuhyun again. You cursed multiple time times listening to the ring before hanging up at his voicemail message.
Out of desperation you pulled up your contacts to call one of the other guys, which ended up being Donghae.
“Y/n?” he answered immediately.
“Thank god,” you sighed in relief at managing to get hold of someone. “Is Kyuhyun with you?”
Donghae laughed slightly, “Yeah, has the idiot not taken his phone off silent?”
“I can’t get hold of him.”
Donghae quickly passed his phone to Kyuhyun, sensing you weren’t in the mood for a general chat with him.
“Kyuhyun! I have been trying to get hold of you all morning. What the hell is going on?” you yelled as soon as you heard him on the other end.
“Calm down, we’ve been in meetings all morning, so my phones been on silent, and now we’re grabbing lunch before a quick practice and then schedules,” he explained. “What’s so important?”
“Nothing. I mean, it’s not- I-,” you could feel yourself suddenly struggling for breath.
“Ok, it’s clearly not nothing,” your boyfriend said, recognising the signs of your panic attack even over the phone. “Where are you?”
“Dance studio,” you just about managed to tell him.
“I’m only two roads over, I’ll be right there, just keep breathing.”
With that Kyuhyun hung up, giving Donghae his phone back and rushing out of the restaurant.
By the time  he reached you you had calmed down slightly, just telling yourself over and over that he was fine, and he was alive.
“Can I touch you?” he asked, as soon as he reached you, knowing that physical contact didn’t always help when you were in this state.
You nodded giving him permission to pull you into a tight hug.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t get your messages. Do you want to tell me brought this on?”
“I thought,” your voice shook as you spoke. “I thought, maybe, I’d lost you.”
“Lost me?” he asked.
You did your best to recount losing your best friend and Kyuhyun just held you tighter.
“I wish you’d told me sooner,” he sighed. “We’ve all lost people, I understand.”
After a moments silence between you, he spoke again. “Are you hungry?”
You nodded.
“I didn’t finish my meal either,” he told you. “Let’s go eat together, and I’ll let Leeteuk know I’ll catch up with them at schedules.”
“No, you can’t. Your work,” you protested.
“Right now, you are more important than practice. I’ve done the important boring meetings, and I’ll be there later for the recordings, they can rehearsals do without me for a couple of hours.”
You finally smiled then, holding him a little tighter, before pulling away and letting him lead you to your favourite restaurant for lunch.
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weare0ne · 3 years
𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘂𝗺’𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘀𝗺𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 : 𝗽𝘁. 𝟭
𝗍𝖺𝗀𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗍- 𝗅𝗆𝗄 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝖽 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗃𝗈𝗂𝗇 ! -> @bigbrainenergytingz @minimochi24 @sehunniepot
(note : tvxq isn’t included because she isn’t very close to them and i don’t know very much about them so i don’t wanna be inaccurate !)
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boa :
-> areum is close to her unnie and has a lot of respect for her
-> boa was actually instrumental in areum’s debut in exo- initially, she mentored areum because areum was meant to be a soloist
-> but boa saw so much potential in her that she KNEW areum was the answer for what they wanted to do with exo
-> they’re still close!! they’re comfortable together, but areum still has a heavy respect for her and looks to her as a mentor to this day
-> cutie pies !! they always have sweet moments together, lots of hugs and giggles
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super junior :
-> she’s not close to ALL of the members, but she’s good friends with a few of them ! they all love her doe
-> leeteuk is always kind to her and protects her and makes her laugh
-> donghae is super sweet to her too and they’re friends
-> she finds yesung adorable and loves his singing
-> of course heechul is a dear friend of her’s wbk. he is a big fan of her, always says she’s his bias in exo, and says she’s like a little sister to him, and it’s weird whenever guys talk about her
-> he also thought it was weird when she dated eunhyuk because yes that happened. heechul threatened him and always said he wasn’t good enough for her because .. favoritism 😌
-> she and eunhyuk dated late feb of 2018 to april 2019
-> sm confirmed it, and they got pretty alright perception, especially from exo saesangs who wanted her away from the guys
-> she the did lo siento stages with them, and they were outed while they were promoting so when she did certain parts with eunhyuk they kept smiling but she also looked embarrassed/shy
-> they were seen in public a few times and were able to mention each other slightly, and the other guys in suju clowned him about it of course
-> but they all love areum of course
-> when they broke up, it was mutual and because they just kinda weren’t feelin it anymore
-> sm released a statement about it, but the two are still actually really good friends which bewildered others. they still interact with each other and talk publicly, even making jokes about being exes
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snsd :
-> fun fact areum is the maknae of snsd
-> her unnies love her so much !! again, she isn’t extremely close with all of them, but they’re all cool with each other yknow ?
-> she’s close to taeyeon, they hang out, and taeyeon makes sure she’s getting treated well and being allowed to eat
-> tiffany is another member she’s particularly close to, they hung out a lot, and they miss each other lots
-> hyo is a friend of her’s as well, and they’ve done dance covers together for social media
-> areum jokes that she had a crush on sooyoung (“jokes”) and thinks she is gorgeous. they have the cutest hugs because of how short areummie is
-> she’s shy around the group tbh because she looks up to them so much but they all made sure to let her know they love her
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shinee :
-> ahhh shinee and areum are so cute
-> they’re basically her fun uncles ..
-> .. except taemin because she was on we got married w him and there were never feelings there, but they have more of a friend vibe because of it
-> key is always funny with her and plays around. calls her his daughter tho and she always tells him he’s the worst dad ever in response
-> onew and minho are also close w her, but not as much as the other members. they mess with her too tho
-> taemin was on wgm with her and they’re good friends to this day- they hang out together, as well as with jongin, and she always cheers him on with his solo stuff
-> they’re such cute friends !! it was awkward at first but after wgm they were very comfy with each other. the kiss was WEIRD tho and they still laugh about it
-> and jonghyun was very close to her too. they talked a lot and played around and always gave each other hugs and support. they hung out together too
-> she was devastated when he passed and misses him every day
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f(x) :
-> she LOVEEES f(x)
-> on good terms with all of the girls, particularly krystal, amber, and sulli
-> they always had cute interactions and hugs and everything
-> amber is areum’s self proclaimed mother and dotes on her child- and teased her about eunhyuk .. and threatened eunhyuk because areum is Her Baby. they hung out lots and she misses her dear amber ! she gave areum the nickname bambi
-> victoria and luna always gave her big hugs and laughed and chatted together
-> krystal dated kai, and they were friends even before that! even after the breakup, they’re still friends, because kaistal didn’t end badly. tho she still has a sort of loyalty to him, krystal is still her friend. they miss each other
-> sulli and areum were very close. areum hated the hate sulli got, and she supported her leaving f(x) and sm. they still talked and saw each other, and areum mentioned her, saying that she was one of the most beautiful, good people alive. they were like family
-> when sulli passed areum was a wreck and sometimes when she’s alone she talks to her. she knows her friend is at peace and finds her own peace knowing she won’t feel any more pain
(rest in peace, beautiful sulli. i hope you’re resting and happy. the world didn’t deserve someone as good as you)
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chicken-fifi · 10 months
Super Junior Reaction | Them as Boyfriends
Pairing: Super Junior Members x GN!Reader
Requested by @bokkibunny: Hi Fifi, you’ve done SuJu reactions as husbands and dads, so could I please request one of them as boyfriends? Thank you!! ♡
Jeongsoo is very attentive (much like how he is as a husband)
Once you say something, the likelihood of him forgetting is low
He also has this glow about him that gives others a hint that something is going on in his private life
On occasion he'll talk about you (it becomes more frequent and natural as your relationship progresses)
Many of your dates do tend to have a cooking element
Whether it be a cooking class for couples
Dinner at his house or yours
You're in good hands
"You mentioned wanting to try this restaurant a few weeks ago, so I got us a reservation."
Dating Heechul is no easy task, let's get that out there right off the bat
Yes, he's sweet and caring and has very nurturing moments
But he's also a very peculiar person who has you wondering what planet he's actually from
He's got a temper and get frustrated easily especially early on in the relationship when you're still getting to know each other
Which can and will pose some obstacles that you will need to overcome together
But he acknowledges when he's in the wrong
Honestly, he probably wouldn't be the best boyfriend, but he's certainly not the worst either
It's a learning curve that you both have to see through to the end
"I lost my temper earlier and shouldn't have said what I did. I'm sorry."
Jonghoon is also quite attentive
He sends you good morning texts every morning, especially those when he doesn't get to wake up beside you
He is quite shy so expressing his feelings about you to you probably won't be often in a physical sense
But he does do things that really show he listens to everything you say
Even the most mundane things
That one time you mentioned needing more sponges and soap for the dishes and they 'magically' appeared before your next grocery trip (it was him!)
There's this aura about him that just shows he's reliable but also willing to rely on you
It's a beautiful balance
"I wasn't sure which brand you used so I got this one. I can go back and get another one."
In the husband reaction, I mention that Donghee's humor is more prominent after marriage
Here's why
He doesn't want you to think that he doesn't take you seriously
That your relationship is just a game
So he's much more mature and observant
Not to say he won't be later on, but he want to really know you and your needs now
He wants to work well with you and forming a beautiful and balanced romance that you both not only find comfort in, but can grow with and continue to evolve in as it progresses
"I noticed you tend to isolate when you're having a rough time, and there's nothing wrong with that, but maybe it would help to talk, not to get advice, but just to let it out, you know."
Contrary to Shindong, with Hyukjae there is a lot of teasing and joking around (this changes later on)
There isn't a dull moment in the dating stage
There are serious and mature moments don't get me wrong
But he lives to hear you laugh and smile at the things he says and does
He also takes on a protector role with you as well
He wants to be someone you can relay on even when you're dating
Dating him is very lighthearted and easy for the most part
Of course there are some bumps along the way but it's nothing the two of you can't work out
"Have told you the story about the time Donghae and I got into a fight because he was too open?"
Honestly, marriage life is really just an extension of dating Siwon
You get to see all sides of him from barefaced actor to full beard homebody
A number your dates to involve some form of physical activity
Or him attempting to show off at the gym
And he's very much making you laugh with his reactions to everything you say or do
Some dates are definitely couples classes (cooking, painting, pottery, you name it!)
There's a good communication set up so arguments are rare, but when they happen you guys can sit and talk it though within a matter of minutes
He's a good one
"I don't think I can even draw a stick figure, much less paint that on the pot."
Donghae is so serious yet hilarious when dating
It's the sweetest thing
He cares so much about you
And he tries to do things to show you much he cares so he's not just always telling you and it can either go really well or have you laughing at his cuteness
You two are always smiling when your with one another
I think dating him would automatically make you to the annoying couple with pet names and super affectionate
Let's face it, he's going to hug you every chance he gets
My heart
"I got you flowers just because."
The teasing element in your relationship with Ryeowook is similar to that of Eunhyuk's
And this guy does hold grudges and most definitely pouts when jealous
He's a bit blunt and curt, but he does his best to not be with you
He's 100% got your back and will defend you to no ends
Dates are very low key and may take place at home with homecooked meals
He is very sweet in an indirect way (at first it's indirect at least)
He'll buy things you mentioned liking
Or do things you mentioned not wanting to do yourself
He does try to show off here and there and sometime is can fail
"No I'm not showing off! I just thought I'd clean the pool for fun!"
Less teasing than any of the other mentioned, but still a bit
Much like Yesung, Kyuhyun also has a way of showing his affection through action rather than words
He can be quite affectionate though
Mainly when he wants your attention and you're doing something else
He is quite the romantic too
Not one to show that side often, but he does when it's an important date or when he really want to lift up your spirit
You're very important and he will go to every end to show that
"Can you stop cleaning and cuddle with me? I'll clean later. Please?"
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Buys You Your First Ever Bouquet Of Flowers ~ Super Junior Reaction
“They look nice,” you remarked as you found Jeongsu busy preparing your dinner for the evening, “I didn’t realise you finished recording the programme today.”
“They’re for you,” he smiled across at you as you smelt one of the roses that was in the back of the bunch, “as a little something to see you smile.”
Your eyes looked across to Jeongsu as he stirred the contents of the pot, “these are lovely, no one’s ever done something like this for me before too.”
“You’ve never been bought flowers before?” He asked in disbelief, stunned when your head nodded back at you, “but surely at least someone in your family must have done it before Y/N.”
Your head continued to nod in reply to him, “I’m being serious, flowers have never been something I’ve received, so these ones are actually pretty special.”
“I can’t believe I never knew that you’d never had flowers bought for you.”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” you told him with a weak smile on your face.
However, Jeongsu’s head shook, “you deserve flowers, so I’m going to make sure that you start receiving them too.”
“We’ll have a florist in here soon, especially with the ones you receive too.”
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“Don’t you think you’ve bought these a little too early for your sister’s birthday?” You asked Heechul as you spotted a bouquet of roses on the window ledge.
“They’re not for her,” Heechul informed you as he came up behind you, “I actually bought them with you in mind when I went to the market.”
Your eyes looked back at him with a wide smile on your face, “you didn’t have to buy me flowers, these must have cost you a lot too, they’re beautiful.”
“You’re worth it,” he shrugged, pressing a kiss against your cheek, “it stuck with me the other day about what you said about never being bought flowers, so I decided that I would put that right.”
You took a small step forward so that you could bring one of the flowers under your nose, “I’m sorry, I just presumed that you hadn’t bought them for me.”
“You’ll have to start assuming though, because this isn’t just a one off.”
“I don’t mind not receiving flowers,” you assured him.
Heechul’s head shook in reply to you though, “I want to buy you flowers, just to see the smile on your face right now.”
“I have to admit, these flowers do add a certain brightness to the room.”
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“Wow,” you laughed as you returned home to see dinner on the table, the room dimly lit with candles, and a bouquet of flowers as the centrepiece.
“Congratulations,” Junghoon grinned, spinning around as he placed a bottle of wine on the table too, “I knew that you would get that promotion Y/N.”
Your head shook at the efforts that he had gone to for you, “did you do all of this for me? What if I didn’t even get the job, then what would you do?”
“I knew you’d get it,” Junghoon grinned, wrapping his arm around your waist to show you around, “I bought you some tulips too, you loved the one that my mum had in the kitchen last week.”
Your eyes lit up as he showed you the bouquet in the middle of the table, “no one’s ever bought me flowers before, and you couldn’t have chosen more perfectly.”
“If there is ever a time when someone deserves flowers, a promotion is definitely it.”
“I can’t believe I’ve finally got it,” you admitted to him.
A soft kiss was pressed against the side of your head, “I had no doubt in my mind that you were going to get that job.”
“I couldn’t have done it without all of your support, I want you to know that.”
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“I thought you told the office that we had enough flowers,” you chuckled as you walked into the kitchen to find a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the table.
“Those ones?” Donghee questioned as he followed your gaze, “those weren’t bought for me, but I bought them for someone instead.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you made your way over to take the card out of the top flower. “For me?” You asked as you read through it.
“Of course,” Donghee chuckled at the innocent smile on your face, “I hated that I was getting so many flowers, when you’ve never been given anyway, and so I wanted to put it right.”
Your head shook back at him as you walked across to cuddle into his side, “you didn’t have to buy me flowers, I don’t mind standing back and watching you.”
“I mind, because you’re far more deserving of flowers than I am these days.”
“I’ve done nothing,” you protested, but his head shook back at you.
His hand rested around your waist, “you’ve done more than you ever realise, which is exactly why these flowers are yours.”
“Well, whether I’ve done something or not, these are perfect, and so are you.”
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“Since when did we bring gifts to date night?” You laughed as Hyukjae arrived right on time, presenting a bouquet of roses across to you with a smile.
“We don’t,” Hyukjae agreed, “but when you said you were cooking a meal, I knew I had to buy something to show you how grateful I was.”
You gladly accepted the flowers from Hyukjae’s hold, “you didn’t need to buy me anything, just having your company is always enough for me.”
“I couldn’t help myself,” he grinned, pressing a kiss against your cheek as he walked into the kitchen to see what you had been up to. “It smells amazing in here, are you cooking something good?”
Your head nodded as he looked back at you, “I thought I’d cook a couple of your favourites seeing as you’ve been so busy at work this week.”
“Just when I think you can’t get any better, you go and do this for me.”
“And you bought me flowers too,” you reasoned with him.
His head nodded proudly, “it seems that we both obviously enjoy going above and beyond for each other in that case.”
“I guess we do, we obviously just love each other, a tremendous lot.”
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“What are these for?” You asked in surprise as Siwon came home, placing a bouquet of flowers in your lap when he found you sat in the living room on the sofa.
“No reason,” he smiled, throwing himself down beside you, “I just saw them and thought of you, I knew I just had to get them.”
Your head rested down gently against his shoulder, “my very first bouquet of flowers,” you whispered, only to feel Siwon flinch up beside you.
“No way are they the first flowers you’ve ever been bought,” he exclaimed, refusing to believe that no one had ever bought you flowers before. “That feels as if it’s impossible to be honest with you.”
Your shoulders shrugged as a shy smile appeared on your face, “I hate to break it to you, but it definitely is possible, because I think I’ve proven it.”
“Well, I’m certainly going to make up for the time you’ve lost without them.”
“These are perfect enough,” you tried to argue in response.
Siwon refused to listen however, “for years people haven’t bought you flowers when they should, so I’m going to put it right.”
“You’re always the sweetest, but really there is no need for all of this.”
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“For me?” You chuckled, opening up the door to see Donghae immediately extending out his arm to pass a bouquet of flowers across to you with a card in his hand too.
“Happy birthday,” Donghae smiled as he walked into your home, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I thought you would like those.”
The smile on your face was the only sign Donghae needed as you studied them carefully, “they’re perfect, you bought the perfect bunch for me.”
“It is your birthday after all,” he told you, closing the front door to your place, “and I remembered you saying a couple of weeks ago how you’d always dreamt of receiving flowers for your birthday.”
You couldn’t believe that he had been so attentive, looking back at him in disbelief. “It wasn’t just a first for my birthday, but actually a first in general too.”
“You mean to say that no one has ever bought you flowers before, ever?”
“That’s exactly what I mean,” you smiled back across at him.
His head nodded as his arm moved around your waist, “I’m glad that I could be the first, even if it should have been done sooner.”
“They’re the best birthday present that I could have asked for, thank you.”
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“Follow me,” the waiter told you as he looked through the reservation book, checking to make sure that he knew where to take you, “your date has arrived.”
“Happy anniversary,” Ryeowook grinned as you were led by the waiter across to the table in the restaurant that Ryeowook had reserved for you both.
“I thought we said we weren’t doing gifts this year,” you murmured as you noticed a large bouquet of flowers on the table.
His head nodded in agreement with you, “it’s not that big of a gift anyway, but I had been wanting to buy you your first bouquet of flowers for a while, and now just seemed like the perfect chance.”
You pulled the bouquet towards you as you took a seat opposite Ryeowook, “I guess I can let this one pass seeing as you’ve put so much thought into it.”
“And you’re as sweet a gift for me as the flowers are for you too.”
“You’re always so cheesy,” you laughed across to him.
His hands raised innocently, “it’s our anniversary, surely you can just let me have this one for tonight, you love the cheese.”
“I guess seeing as it’s our anniversary, and I’ve got flowers, I’ll allow it.”
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“You’ve done something,” you immediately said when you opened up the door to reveal Kyuhyun at your door with a bouquet of flowers in his hands for you.
“I can buy you flowers without having done anything wrong,” he teased, passing the flowers over to you as he walked in through the door.
Your eyebrows furrowed as Kyuhyun spun around to look at you, “I’ve seen it in the movies when the boyfriend buys an apologetic bouquet.”
“I bought them just because I can,” he assured you as you brought them under your nose to smell, “someone must have bought you flowers just because before, not just in all of them movies.”
When your head shook back at him, Kyuhyun looked to you in surprise. “This is a pretty momentous occasion, my first ever bouquet of flowers.”
“Please tell me that you’re joking, I refuse to believe that’s possible.”
“I’m not messing with you,” you laughed in reply.
Kyuhyun couldn’t believe it as your head nodded, “people buying others flowers aren’t something just in the movies, so you know.”
“I know that now, thanks to you and your kind heart, these are absolutely perfect.”
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Disclaimer: I write works of fiction inspired by my love for K-Pop. I do not claim to know anything about K-Pop idols on an individual basis, nor do I assert that my writing accurately depicts what their response would be to any fictional or hypothetical scenario. This blog is my way of exploring creative outlets as inspired by K-Pop artists. In no way is it my intention to dehumanize anybody I write about— especially not these artists who have inspired me beyond measure.
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For You: 4 O’Clock
Pairing: Taemin x OC (Lei)
Status: Completed
Category: Full-length
“I realized when I blinked that the rose he held was broken. It hadn’t wilted, but the still scarlet petals that looked soft to the touch were falling apart. He cradled the flower with both hands as if willing it to mend. I wondered if he knew that it was an impossible hope— the petals were shed forever— but I didn’t want to tell him. I wanted his efforts to succeed. And maybe they would, I dreamed, if I kept my mouth closed.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Epilogue 1 | Epilogue 2
Extended Universe
Tatemae | Texts | All This Time
Literary Analysis
The Binary of Night and Day
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For You: Stand By Me
Pairing: Sehun x OC (Lei)
Status: Completed
Category: Full-length
“If he was a moment that I embraced with my all, then there would be nothing to regret at breaking dawn. If nothing else, I would make him my most beautiful memory My most beautiful dream. My precious Sehun.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Epilogue
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For You: On The Road
Pairing: ??? x OC (Lei)
Status: Work in Progress
Category: Full-length
“Even if this is unrealistic— even if this is nothing more than a dream— I believe that You are the sun shining on the path I have walked, sometimes in circles, throughout all lifetimes.”
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For You: Monologue
Category: Collection of Drabbles
Summary: Words of wisdom entrusted to Lei throughout the years.
Lights - Taeyeon | Believed - Yesung
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For You: Could’ve Been
Category: Collection of Drabbles
Summary: Lei was originally intended to debut with NCT. Through these short fics, explore the stories that could have been had Lei not debuted as a solo artist.
Never - Mark
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My Top Songs of 2020
My apologies to whoever reads these lists every year (just me?), but I haven’t found time to sit down and write this until now, a whole year later.  Usual disclaimer: These songs are not the musically best songs of 2020 nor are they even my favorite songs of 2020.  They are simply the songs that have defined my year of 2020 the most.  To qualify for this list, the song must have been released in 2020, and an artist can only be listed once on this list as the main artist.  Now let’s get to it!
First, honorable mentions go to “reckless” by Johan Lenox featuring KEY! and Young Nudy as well as  “We Belong” by Ong Seong Wu.  The list itself was compiled last year, I just did not do the full write up until today.
10. “Better” - The Vamps
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Maybe it’s because we’re similar in age, but something about The Vamps’ lyrics resonate with me in both their simple and deeper songs.  They consistently make my Top Songs lists, and with the release of Cherry Blossom, 2020 was no exception.  A whole year later, the lyrics “Did things get better or did we get used to it?” still ring in my head as a reminder to not settle for things that I never would have settled for before, perhaps prompted by the “I won’t settle for less than best.  I say it so I don’t forget.”  Brad’s vocals are always on point; I rarely feel like his vocal melodies sound lazy.  The song itself has a bit of a funk punch and groove to it, adding to the addicting nature that keeps the song in my head, and keeps the song in rotation even a year later.  Now, I play this song more than the rest of this list.
9. “BELIEVE IT” - PARTYNEXTDOOR featuring Rihanna
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Anyone who knows me knows that Rihanna is my absolute favorite.  It felt wrong to have her completely absent from the 2018 and 2019 lists, but thankfully she lent her vocals for the chorus to this PARTYNEXTDOOR jam.  PARTYNEXTDOOR appeals for forgiveness as his chill flow rides over the beat, and Rihanna’s equally chill vocals glide the song forward for an easy listen despite some harsh percussions.  Here’s hoping Rihanna returns to make more music soon!
8. “Make a Wish (Birthday Song)” - NCT U
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The more I got into KPop, the more I knew I liked SM’s groups.  Between Girls’ Generations’ Taeyeon, Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung,  SHINee’s Jonghyun, EXO’s Chen, Baekhyun, and DO, and Red Velvet’s Wendy, there is no denying that SM somehow finds some of the best vocalists in Korea or even the world.  So when NCT debuted as primarily a rap group, I was hesitant to fully support them, but the more I listened to the music, the more I’m convinced that they also have some of the biggest talent. “Make a Wish (Birthday Song)” is admittedly not one of their strongest musically, but it is an addicting party jam.  Taeyong perfectly leads this track with his vibe, delivering low rap vocals that offset the high-pitched whistles.  The lyrically daring yet somewhat subtle tint to the song is an NCT trademark, and the whole NCT 2020 Resonance album is a vibe.
7. “Down” - G-Eazy featuring Latto
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Continuing with the theme of lightening up the atmosphere for 2020, G-Eazy raps more or less about what he is looking for in a relationship.  From the set, G-Eazy gets to business, then the beat drops in hard and doesn’t stop till the end of the song.  It’s a fun song that Latto takes to the next level.
6. “Sweet Melody” - Little Mix
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Speaking about going in, Little Mix went hard on “Sweet Melody’s” choreo.  The track itself takes its time with its build-up, being soft and enticing at times to hard and powerful at others, alluding to the tumultuous relationship that the lyrics are describing.  Vocal dynamics was always Little Mix’s strong point, and they did not hold back with this song, for example contrasting Jesy’s breathy backing vocals with Perrie and especially Jade’s belting.  I always like it when the group goes with an edgier theme, and they delivered so much that it became the girls’ first number one in the UK since mega hit “Shout Out to My Ex.”
5. “as long as you care” - Ruel
“as long as you care” is an easy listen.  It’s a simple song, with Ruel pouring his heart out over a simple guitar, bass, and drums.  Lyrically, he sings of the difficulty of a long distance relationship, something that I entered at the end of 2020 as my girlfriend temporarily moved away.  Ruel gives the song an exhausted-yet-not-giving up vibe.  I’m excited to see what else he delivers musically.
4. “Do It” - Chloe x Halle
R&B is and always was my favorite genre.  Because of that, I feel like it’s actually harder for a song of the genre to stick out to me more, but Chloe x Halle did just that with “Do It” and its accompanying album, Ungodly Hour.  The Bailey sisters were always talented, but with this album it’s clear they have grown as artists and have found a unique sound.  Halle’s higher, lighter vocals compliment Chloe’s deeper, fuller vocals in a way that takes “Do It” to a dreamy place as the synths pulse in the background.  Lyrically, they are just singing about having a good time, which helped lighten the mood of 2020.
3. “COFFEE” - Kelly Rowland
While Chloe x Halle were paving the way of a new generation of R&B artists, one of the queens of R&B also delivered a song unlike the rest of her discography.  By collaborating with The Internet’s Syd the Kid and Da Internz’s Kosine, Kelly sounds as sultry and relaxing as coffee, on top of a poppy beat that gives an island, vacation feel.  The music video is what I consider to be the best R&B visual of the year.
2. “Everything Sounds like a Love Song” - X Ambassadors
X Ambassadors’s Sam Harris is a vocal monster, and this song showcases that voice greatly.  Mostly comprised of Sam’s vocals and brother Casey Harris’s piano, the song starts somber as he lyrically processes a breakup, but then it belts with impressive belts by Sam and a grand saxophone solo.  Thankfully, I did not have to deal with a break up in 2020, and everything was sounding like a love song to me since I was falling in love (case in point: this song that is definitely not a love song sounded like a love song to me for a while!).
1. “I’m Ready” - Sam Smith featuring Demi Lovato
The top of my 2020 list is a song by two vocal powerhouses, Sam Smith and Demi Lovato.  At the time, Sam Smith had recently come out as non-binary, and Demi would come out a bit later.  It’s clear now that the song is an anthem of accepting yourself and finding someone to love you and accept you as well.  Personally, I had been single for quite some time by the time the song came out, and even though I am not of the LGBT+ community, I resonated with the message that I am worthy of love and that I could find someone out there.  Lo and behold, in 2020 I met my girlfriend, and we have been going strong ever since.  I was ready for someone to love me, and I’m so lucky to have found a girl who loves me as much as she does.  OK I’m gonna stop being sappy now.
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mysilentmemory · 3 years
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210624 What's in Super Junior Yesung's Bag?
Yesung is always carrying around a large bag in behind-the-scenes videos of Super Junior, and he’s finally revealed what he keeps in his bag! Let’s take a look!
“I know my fans have wondered about why I’m always carrying a bag and what kinds of things are in my bag. Especially since I have a lot of work these days, even I don’t know what’s exactly in my bag,” Yesung admitted.
First, Yesung keeps his wallet in his bag. The current wallet he’s using is a four-stitch leather card holder from the brand, Maison Margiela, which is one of his favorite brands he is often showing off.
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Next, Yesung showed a lollipop in his bag. Yesung is known among the Super Junior members for being the strictest with himself when it comes to self-management and dieting. He has the nickname of being the man who “only eats five dinners a year,” so it’s assuring to fans to see that he has some candy in his bag whenever he feels his blood sugar getting low.
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Yesung also recommends people to carry around a moisturizing lip balm since wearing a mask outdoors often makes your lips dry. He carries a Bobbi Brown lip tint around with him for this purpose! In the same category, Yesung has a lot of extra masks in a mask storage case. Super Junior’s most recent comeback, “House Party,” has lyrics that specifically remind people to wear their masks for the sake of the public’s well-being and to cheer for a freedom that isn’t quite here yet, but is coming soon!
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Among the members, Yesung takes the most pictures for social media. “Since I love taking photos, I have a polaroid camera,” Yesung said. His current favorites are the Leica Sofort Instant Camera, as well as the Contax T3 Film Camera.
Yesung’s love for all things retro and vintage doesn’t end with cameras. He also revealed that he’s still using wired earphones and a classic iPod to listen to music! Yesung has mentioned before that when he listens to music, he likes listening for five to six hours, but the problem with wireless earphones is that you have to charge them. It disrupts his mood, so he prefers the old-fashioned way of enjoying music.
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Yesung’s stage name means “artistic voice,” and he’s known for being the member who enjoys art the most. He also showed art exhibition tickets for a museum he’s planning on attending soon or giving to friends who are interested as well. Yesung has also mentioned before that he sometimes feels lonely, and doesn’t go out to meet people very often — even before social distancing regulations — so he sometimes finds solace in enjoying art on his own.
“Actually, I had some books in my bag as well; I shouldn’t have taken them out…” Yesung said when his bag was empty. “I wanted to look intelligent. Unfortunately, I took them out since I don’t have time to read them when I have a photo shoot.”
Even though Yesung has repeatedly said that he doesn’t have plans for opening a YouTube channel of his own — unlike the other Super Junior members who all run their own channels with varying levels of activity, fans love to hear his relaxing voice in simple videos where he explains what’s in his bag without the chaos of the excited members.
Leeteuk has mentioned recently that a repackage for their latest “House Party” comeback will be released soon, so we’re wondering if Yesung’s busy schedule has to do with comeback preparations!ALLPOP
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sujusoo · 4 years
Idol Crush on Their Show - Suju Reaction
Requested by anon! Now I admit, I’m not an expert on variety shows, so most of these will just be vague descriptions of variety show lol. Again, below the cut ‘cause it’s long.
Leeteuk is one of the best members at keeping his cool. He’d see that you’re appearing on the show, and would feel a little nervous, but his priority is being the best MC for the viewers. If he had never been on a show with you before, or knew this was your first time on this show, he’d try and catch you before hand. Leeteuk would make sure you felt comfortable, especially if you were a rookie idol, cracking jokes and telling funny stories about the other MCs and Super Junior’s first variety experiences. If you had been an idol for a while, he would use it as a chance to get to know you better and tease you for not being on one of his shows before. After the show, Leeteuk would come congratulate you, thank you for coming, and maybe ask you out. 
Heechul is a MESS. As soon as he finds out you’ll be on Knowing Brothers, he’ll try and hide his red ears. The night before, he can��t even sleep, he’s so nervous. Heechul is about as transparent as their Fanship photocards, so everyone else knows he’s got a little crush. If you think they aren’t gonna tease the crap out of him, you’re wrong. Heechul will be blushy and nervous during most of the filming. By the end of the show, you would have figured out what’s going on. Once filming ends, you would go over to ask you out, and Heechul would accept with a huge smile on his face.
Yesung was promoting Pink Magic around the same time you were promoting your latest work. He knew there was a chance you two might be on the same show, but that didn’t stop him from freaking out internally when his manager told him. At home, he would be practicing what he wanted to say to you. He would reach out to Leeteuk and Heechul and beg them to help him with his variety skills (as long as they didn’t tell the other members). Before the filming, he would approach you and ask about common interests. When he found out you liked coffee, he would invite you to a nearby cafe after the shoot. 
Shindong is another fairly level-headed member. He'd have a small smile on his face when he found out you two would be on the same talent swapping competition show. Shindong would teach you to dance like him, and you would teach him to sing like you. Over the course of the show, he'd use his charms to win you over.  He wouldn't ask you out until the show was over, just in case you declined. After the finale, where you two won, he would pull you aside and tell you that he loved working with you, and wanted to continue your friendship to something more.
*side note, Shindong's singing voice? What an angel*
Eunhyuk thinks he's acting cool and collected when he hears you'll be on Weekly Idol, but spoiler alert, he's not. His blush is easy to see.  Kwanghee confronts Eunhyuk about it but he just plays dumb. Eunhyuk, like Leeteuk, tries to make you as comfortable as possible when you come on the show. He'll make jokes about being a variety show killer to ease your nerves. After the show, he would give you his contact information "in case you need anything" as a way to get your number so he can talk to you more.
A blushy, whiny baby. As soon as he hears that he's on the same show as you, he's going to his members and his managers, begging them for help. It's all he can talk about in the weeks preceding filming. Shindong and Eunhyuk get so fed up, they arrange for you two to meet a few days before, because Donghae is so nervous. When you actually film the show, it goes super well because of how you already know each other (and how you're already dating).
Siwon is excited to hear that you’re his costar in his latest drama. He has a big crush on you due to your acting ability and can’t wait to see it in action. If your characters are romantic interests, Siwon will definitely bring flowers to break the ice. He’s definitely going to ask you to hang out with him off set so the two of you can get to know each other and build up chemistry “for the show”. As the two of you get closer, he’d find himself falling more in love with you. Once the show is filmed and promotions for it are over, Siwon would ask you out for real. 
Ryeowook ends up being more hyper than usual when he realizes that he and you will be on the same show. He reaches out to a mutual friend of yours to find out your favorite kind of coffee, and makes sure to bring it to you. Ryeowook would give you a tour of the studio beforehand, telling you about the best places to get away from everyone and funny stories from on set. You end up matching his energy level, becoming hyper too, to make for a very energetic shoot. The other guests can’t help but comment on how similar you two are, and Ryeowook can’t hide his smile every time they say it.
Kyuhyun is the type to seem completely unaffected. When he, Mino, Jaehyun, and PO walk in to find out you’re the newest cast member, the editors are a little disappointed in his lack of reaction. He greets you in a friendly manner, but doesn’t have the excitement the others (especially Mino) has. Later on, Hodong brings it up, suggesting that Kyuhyun doesn’t seem to care because he has a crush on you. Cue flustered, blushing Kyu, frantically denying it. You’ll tease Kyuhyun about it, saying you’d rather he like you too much than not like you at all. After filming, you’d approach him and make sure he’s alright, with no hard feelings after your teasing. A close friendship (and eventually relationship) would soon develop.
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superwinkies · 4 years
Super Junior: Habits They Picked Up
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//to celebrate SJ’s successful Beyond The SuperShow and Siwon’s UNICEF event, as well as Teuk’s KTY, here’s a little scenario!//
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After spending a whole lot of time with you, Leeteuk starts to use hand cream frequently. He don’t always use a cream before but when he sees you applying, it got him intrigued. The curiosity soon turn into a habit and he would always have a hand cream in his bag everywhere he goes.
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Heechul would start doing morning stretches. He would spend 10 minutes on the bed stretching himself before he gets out of bed. Before this, Heechul would just grabbed his phone and laze around bed before he needs to get up. After seeing you doing it occasionally, he would make sure to do his morning stretches properly, either with you or alone, doesn’t matter.
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Yesung would pick up the habit of clapping his hands wildly when someone says/does something funny. In the beginning, he find your laughing habits cute and adorable. Little did he know that he’ll eventually picked it up from you. Before this, Yesung would only let out a big chuckle if it’s funny. However, now, the hand clapping part of it.  All because he spent too much time with you. Oops?
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Shindong now coos when there’s a baby or cute animals in his path. He never really cooed before but now that he has spent a lot of time together with you, it just somehow become something he would do even when you are not around. He found it funny but also amazed by how he unconsciously picked up your actions.
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Ever since he’s been with, Hyukjae picked up the habit of putting lemon slices in his water. He doesn’t know why he does it but he sees you doing it once and it just stuck with him since. The members gave amused looks at him when he came to practice with the lemon water, but he just ignored and now he can’t drink water if it doesn’t have lemon in it.
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Unbeknownst to him, Hae would start tucking his hair behind his ears. Especially so if it’s long and also when it’s short. You loved tucking your hair behind your ears before eating or before doing anything, and you would sometimes tuck Donghae’s hair when you are together. Donghae notices this but he didn’t realise that it would soon be habit he would picked up. 
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Siwon would unknowingly start to lick his lips. Not in a flirtatious or sultry way, more like just wetting the lips.  It wasn’t something he used to do but I guess he picked it up from you. Seeing how you always lick your lips when the food arrives, or when you are reading a book or playing with your phone. He thought it was weird that this would be something he picked up from you. 
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Ryeonggu would pick up the habit of scrunching his nose. When he’s tired, when he’s confused and especially so when he’s lost. He would laugh at you being all adorable, now look who’s the one being adorable. He wonders how he picked this habit up.
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Kyuhyun would start drumming his fingers against the table. Just like everyone else, this wasn’t something he used to do. The members pointed it out and he wonders if he picked up your habit because he has been spending too much time with you. He drums his fingers when he’s waiting for food, or when he’s discussing, literally on any surface unconsciously.
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bandlucy · 3 years
if you got the chance, what songs/artists would you show the members cos you think they'd love them?
ahh this is such a cute ask! i had to think about it a lot ajsklfd and realistically they might know all the songs i’d rec TT but anyway:
yechan: one of the songs off my strings playlist, lol. maybe star blossom (sejeong & doyoung), in a long dream (cheeze), or to heart (fromis_9)! i go insane when i hear strings in songs and i’d want to show him all of them. if the boys weren’t already mydays i’d also share how to love and pouring (day6)! 
sangyeop: yun ddan ddan! specifically his album “in my room.” i think the majority of his songs are purely/mostly acoustic guitar instrumental and overall just. really peaceful and calming. it kind of reminds me of sangyeop’s solo stuff from yeopx2, and i could honestly imagine him making covers of yun ddan ddan’s songs lmao they just fit his vibe so well!!!
wonsang: probably any of yerin baek’s songs, like maybe it’s not our fault, b/c they kind of fit wonsang’s style (chill-ish edm??? kinda?). also aura (george ft. sam kim), she likes spring, i prefer winter (slchld), and whatcha doin’ (yesung & chungha). if i knew more songs with cool bass parts off the top of my head, i’d rec them too, alas i do not lmao
gwangil: dude’s gonna listen to surl. he’s gotta. especially with his love for nell i think he’d resonate with surl really well. something about their instrumentals that sound so full but accompanied by vocals that border on soft? dry flower is a masterpiece, and so are snow and hot air balloon. ALSO just for fun i’d throw in a dios le pido (juanes) because i heard it last year in spanish class and like.. it slaps
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