#but especially if he's 6'0 or taller tell me to book it
joanofexys · 4 months
if i ever date a man again the first thing you should ask me is how tall he is and if the answer is over 5'9 i need you to tell me to dump his ass and run in the opposite direction
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
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Illicit - Not legally permitted.
Pairing- Lee Haechan x reader.
Genre- Angst, Suggestive, Fluff if you squint your eyes, Mafia au.
Word count- 2.6k [not proof read]
Warning- A lot of swearing, mention of violence, heavy make out session towards the end
Request made from prompt
18."Isn't this, like illegal?" "Probably, Who cares?"
68."You drive me crazy"
Breathing the same air as Lee Haechan meant trouble. 
Especially for you, someone as simple as a book store cashier, it'd be the best to stay away from him. 
But there was something so intriguing about him the first encounter, that made both you and him go back to each other.
Maybe it was a mere coincidence, or maybe it was because you'd pray to clash paths with him each time you went to work. 
But it was on a Sunday, night shift, when the owner of the small bookstore expressed her concerns about her granddaughter being sick, stating that she needs to leave for the day, leaving you by yourself to close up when you met him. 
You were fine with that, your house was just around the corner. 
There was hardly an hour left, and only about a customer or two came in, leaving after getting what they what they wanted. You decided to pack up for the day. Walking lane by lane, table to table to clean up the place. 
Reaching over shelves to place the books that were scattered on the table, you hear a bang from behind, startling you. 
You cautiously approach the front, staying behind the shelf in case it'd be a thief. There, near your counter, stood a boy, his back facing you. His back was moving up and down frantically. Thinking that he's a customer, you come out of your hiding, already wearing a smile on your face. 
"Welcome Si-" you see the boy flinch, not expecting anyone to be there. He swore he saw the lights dim from outside and no movement. He turned back in a swift motion, clutching at something inside of his leather jacket. Upon examining his features carefully, noticing faint red at the corner of his lips, hair disheveled, you let out a gasp. 
You approach him with fast steps "Sir are you ok-" your steps were halted, the boy, who had his hands inside his jacket, took it out, unstable hands pointing a gun at you. You stood dead on your track, breathing uneven as you stood in a life and death situation. "Back off." The boy opened his mouth the first time that night. Voice rough, yet honey like. 
The longer you stand there, the more you see his eyelids drop. As scared as you were, you being the nice person you are, take small steps one after the other. It was extremely silent, when he lost consciousness, falling face first onto the ground in front of you. You fasten your steps towards him, the distance shortening with each step you take. 
"Sir?? Mr.??" you turn him around, carefully placing him back onto the floor, his front facing you, the proximity of your faces made it easier for you to see the scratches that scattered all over his face, moles spilled here and there. The boy was good looking, no doubts. 
With great difficulty, you lift him up, placing him on your back, going back towards the end of the book store, where the students usually sit to study without getting disturbed.
The seats there were much more comfortable than the wooden ones at the front of the store. You drop him onto one of the seats, going back to the counter to get out the first aid kit, when you hear the door being slammed open. 
In came 3 guys, all in similar attire, they were all over 6'0 from the looks of it, or maybe you were just short. They were panting hard, just like how you'd seen the other boy at the back of your store. 
They screamed danger.
"Where the fuck is he?" one of them asked, the tallest among the three, they were definitely here for the unknown boy, all three carrying pistols in their own hands. You feign confusion, oblivious to the guys. "Pardon me?" The one beside the guy who spoke up, looked you up and down, turning front, facing the shop scanning his eyes all over the place. "Lee Haechan. Where is he?" he asked. 
Haechan. That's what the boy's name is. 
"I'm sorry i do not know who you're talking about" you turn back to your counter. One of them approached you, standing extremely close, the only thing preventing your bodies from touching being the counter.
"Did you see anyone pass by here?" his voice was deadly low. You gulp down the lump forming in your throat in a subtle way. You shake your head. "But i did see someone run past the corner store" the boys all nodded their heads, exchanging glances as you look at them exit the store, amused at how gullible the guys were. After making sure they left, you make your way to the back, this time with the first aid kit in your hand. 
On reaching, you set the box down, taking your towel from your pocket, approaching his body, his breath now normal. You wipe the sweat from his forehead, the nape of his neck, cleaning it up. 
Satisfied, you reach out for a cotton ball, pouring a little bit of antiseptic onto it, dabbing it over his bruises. 
You started from the scars at the sides of his face, then the edge of his slit eyebrow, to his left cheek. The only thing left, his lips. 
You turn back setting the used cotton ball, taking a new one out when you feel yourself being watched. 
He said not a word, just stared back, sending shivers down your back. You decided to resort back to cleaning his wound, approaching him for the third time that night, almost placing the cotton ball at the dried blood in the corner of his lips. When seeing him, not put up a protest, you continue. 
You face the boy, Haechan once again, immediately dropping the cotton as you find him stare right into your soul. Breathtaking. The only word that can explain the boy. His features cold, eyes void of any emotion, it was scary, horrifying even. You unintentionally stammer "I-i was just cleaning up your wound" 
"if you don't mind me asking, wha-what happened to you?" silence. "Haechan..?" that clearly caught the boy off-guard. "How do you know my name?" he asked, voice no longer hoarse as it was when he passed out.
It was sweet, but still stern enough to scare anyone. "Oh there came these - these three guys looking for you, i assumed, an-d they said Haechan, so i thought that's your name"
You hear him mumble something under his breath, looking down, you spoke once again. "I sent them the wrong way though so you're fine, we can call the cops and tell them you were being chased-" 
That's when he got up from his seat, obviously taller than you, his demeanor intimidating. 
"Thank you for the service, but next time, try minding your own fucking business" and with that, he made his way out of the store. 
And that was one out of n times you saved the boy, Lee Haechan's life. 
That wasn't the last of Haechan that you saw.
Yes, he tried pushing you away each time you dashed each other. He'd ignore you, but you followed him around, still wanting to figure out what led to the boy having a fresh bruise each day. 
It was 7:45pm you were let off work that day, exactly two weeks after the incident, two weeks of following the boy and two weeks into your new found interest. 
Your house was the last one in your street, so it took at least 3 alley ways to cut short the route to your house, without walking on the main road
You stop at the store nearby to get some snack to munch on your way, paying for it and taking a turn into the corner street, house being just 2 minutes away now. 
Passing by one of the alley ways, through your peripheral, you see a figure hunched over, leaning against the wall while 2 others, holding the boy, with another throwing blows after blows. 
Not wanting to turn a blind eye, you hide behind the wall leading to the alley, taking out your phone, searching for a cop siren sound, because as much as you wanted to help the guy, you weren't going to risk your life going in there, not like that would do much anyways 
Upon finding the desired sound you turn your volume to max, playing the audio, sparing a second glance into the alley way. 
"Fuck fuck fuck run!" they collectively screamed, bolting out of the narrow road, as you pressed yourself hard against the wall in order to hide your figure from them. They didn't pay much attention to their surroundings, running further down the busy road far away from the street you stood in. 
After making sure the coast was clear, you turn back, making your way slowly into the alleyway. Seeing him walking towards the entrance, hands clutching his middle, crouching.
"Hey are you okay?" you call out, hearing a voice, he looks up, "Haechan??". You see Haechan grit his teeth, turning his head to the side as you came in as hid life savior for the 14th time in a 2 week span, "For fuck's sake…"
You quicken your steps towards him, replacing his hand in the middle with yours, placing his hand over your shoulder. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Haechan asks, turning his face towards you with a glare, which softened just a bit after seeing the worried look on your face. 
"Helping you. Again." He spits out blood, as you scrunch your face seeing the red substance. You start walking towards your house with fast steps, tumbling now and then when he loses his balance. "where are you taking me?" he asked, "Home."
"No Y/n not your house, they'll get to you" 
Over the past weeks of you chasing him, him pushing you away and then you rescuing him, he had gotten to know quite a lot about you, as you were a bubbly person. Even so you knew nothing about him, besides the fact that his name is Lee Haechan and he is 20 years old. 
"They won't" you say after reaching your house, gently stepping away from him to take out the keys.
You hear him mutter a few curses under his breath. 
You open the door and reach out to hold him again, to which he pushed your hand away, making his way into your house on his own. He sat down on your couch, as you made your way to your room, placing the bag down on your bed before heading into the washroom to get the first aid kit. 
Haechan sat motionless, looking around the studio apartment, seeing a bunch of pictures hung on the wall, pictures varying from your childhood days, to your highschool years and then to present, a smile unintentionally made its way onto his face. 
Haechan growled at himself for how fast he'd gotten a soft spot for you. Yes he hated you the first few days, yes he envied you for living a normal life, but the genuine worry that would take over your expression each time you see him, made him feel human feelings that he hadn't felt in years. 
It made him feel warm, made him feel the want to reach out to you again and again, but he knew that's wrong. 
So immersed in his thoughts, Haechan didn't notice your presence until he heard an object hit the glass table in front of him. 
"Take your shirt off" you said, placing the bowl of warm water down, alongside the first aid kit. 
Haechan obliged, too drained to put up a protest, there covered multiple tattoos, most plain drawings with no meaning, but some so beautiful that you couldn't take your eyes off them. 
"You wanna fuck me you just ask nicely Y/n, staring is rude" Haechan spoke, as you shift your gaze from his abdomen to his eyes, a smirk playing on his face. 
"S-shut up" you say, turning back to take the towel, dipping it in warm water, bringing it up to his face, wiping it clean, as you slowly drag it down his chest, scrubbing clean of any dirt and blood. 
Reaching his wound you softly wipe over it, careful not to increase the cut or the blood flow. 
Haechan let you do what you did the best, knowing that you're dying to ask him a to z of everything that's happened from when you met him, till date. 
"I know what you're about to ask, don't." he said. 
You didn't notice the position your in, leaving closer to wipe the last bit of blood off of him
"I think I have the right to know a little at least Haechan, this is plain unfair" you let out, sitting down as you felt your knees go numb. Haechan lets out a groan the moment you found a comfortable position to stay in, confusing you.
You look down, to see why he had let out the sign of discomfort, noticing now that your knees were directly at his groin, and you had made yourself comfortable on his thigh. Eyes widened, you immediately jolt up, only to feel yourself being pulled back down. "Stay." 
You nod, slightly flushed as you felt Haechan draw circles with his fingers on your hips that he had used to keep you in place. 
Haechan contemplates for a while, thinking whether to tell it to you or not. 
"Y/n" he called out, you hum in response too concentrated in cleaning the wound on his shoulder to look up. You were right, it was unfair considering you save him from death's door step each time you could. 
"my world is something that everyone asks you to stay away from. You especially, I regret coming into that store of yours the other day. It's dangerous, and definitely not a place for you." Haechan sat up straight, causing you to shift on top of him.
He picked you up by the waist, placing you on top of his lap once again, this time on both legs rather straddling one. 
It's come this far, he gets to let his guards down just this once, right? 
"I'm dangerous, Y/n. Not just my world. My world is all about selling drugs, gambling, stealing, murder you name it" 
"Isn't that, like illegal?" you open your mouth finally, looking up from your hands, to his eyes. The innocence they held melted Haechan's heart, smiling at your question. 
"Probably, who cares?" his casual reply had you worried about him. 
The longer you stare at him with pure concern, a little nervousness and maybe, maybe just a bit of want, fueled up Haechan's desire. 
Fuck it. 
He reached out, pulling you down using your neck, pressing his lips firm against yours, the sudden contact made you flinch, but soon enough had you melting right into his touch. 
He took your hands, that held the towel with his blood, removing the clothing from your hands and wrapped it around his neck. 
The kiss was nowhere near soft, it was purely out of lust, frustration, and maybe a little love even. 
Haechan pushed your hips further near his crotch, holding you there tightly, dragging his tongue across your lower lip, retreating it to bite down on the flesh, causing you to let out a soft moan. 
You feel him smirk against your lips, his hands leaving your hips, going further down to your ass, giving it a light squeeze. "H-haechan.. Fuck" left your mouth as he attached his lips onto you neck, placing wet kisses in a rushed pace, almost as though he'd been wanting to do this all along. 
"You have no idea, princess. But-" he nibbled on the skin of your neck, letting out a soft groan as your hips buck, hitting his clothed member. 
"You drive me crazy"
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