#but either i'm really failing at accurately portraying all these flawed characters
cosmogyros · 13 hours
#it's so weeeeeeeird to get my parents' feedback on my songs#they're both very artistic types and i always enjoy sharing my music with them#and they tend to give extensive and always-positive feedback. which is. great?#but also they both have this weird habit of assuming that every narrator of every song is always 'in the right'#and should be respected and agreed with and supported#which... kind of makes me feel like they're assuming every narrator is me?#and that's very unsettling bc most of my fictional narrators are uh. lol. Not Great People#ranging from just kind of weak and craven and avoidant (see: the narrator of a certain recent song)#to full-on violent and cruel and fucked-up in the head#ffs i wrote a song recently from the POV of a creep who fixates on a woman he's never met#and eventually murders her (before which he may or may not have raped her. the lyric is intentionally ambiguous)#like... most of the time i thought it was pretty obvious that i'm telling a story with my songs#but either i'm really failing at accurately portraying all these flawed characters#or else my parents have some other reason for constantly reacting to every song narrator#as if said narrator were Not To Be Criticized#my mum described the narrator of this certain song as 'fearless and self-confident and in control'#and i was like... are we referring to the same song?#the one where the narrator is in a super toxic relationship but just pathetically runs away from their reality#instead of ending the relationship and getting their freedom?#the one where - despite feeling trapped by the other person's love#the narrator is also kind of shamefully addicted to being the worshipped idol on a pedestal?#none of that sounds like those positive-coded words you used#but maybe she assumed the narrator was me and therefore didn't want to say anything negative?#(in which case AARRRRGHHHH how do i make people realize that songwriting is ART NOT AUTOBIOGRAPHY???)#or maybe she visualized herself in the place of the narrator?#(in which case: oof. oh dear. but i suppose that's none of my business. i'm not a therapist)#i just get very tired of my parents' inability to accept the existence of bad things in the world sometimes#but i know it's my own problem: i can't assume people will always 'get' what my lyrics are about#once you put your art out in the world you have to accept that is not entirely yours anymore#people will take it and make it their own until you don't even recognize it anymore
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kaija-rayne-author · 1 year
So, apparently Cole is canonically supposed to be autistic? Or he was based on autistic people? I haven't found the actual comment, but I guess a dev said so.
I... uh, have thoughts on that. None of them are particularly flattering.
Sera is also coded autistic, but very few people ever mention Solas's incredibly clear and accurate neurodivergent coding. Why is that I wonder? (That's sarcasm, btw.)
Could it be the attitude that it's fine to portray some of the potentially less awesome traits of autistic and ADHD folks but it’s just not okay to portray us as intelligent, standoffish, deep, elegant characters like Solas? Sera and Cole are both some of the least accepted people in DAI. Both by the characters and the fans. I'm professionally diagnosed and I'm far more like Solas than either Cole or Sera. It's part of why I identify with him so much.
Look at all the shit Cassandra and Vivienne spout about Cole!
Look at how Sera is treated ffs. Ick.
Bioware really needs to hire a disability consultant. The ableism in this series borders on obscene. I don't think they're doing it to be mean about it. If anything, I think they might be trying to be inclusive.
They've, so far, failed miserably. As a disabled disability consultant and advocate? That sucks. Rather a lot.
I love the series. I've played the games more than once now, and I'm still very capable of noting and pointing out the flaws. Critique doesn't even usually mean someone hates something. It means they love it and would like to see it fixed.
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