#but ehh i just keep seeing incomplete takes
mihai-florescu · 2 years
And it wouldve been so easy for akira to make eichi the villain who doesnt regret his past actions, who in the end he only cared to achieve his goals. But they made him considerate instead, he's not an evil mastermind, he just wanted to save the idol industry he loved so much in the quickest way possible out of desperation (both towards the way it was collapsing in front of his eyes and no one was doing anything, and desperation towards his uncertain future, never knowing if he'll even wake up the next day). We're not supposed to pretend he never did anything wrong, he himself points out all the pain the war caused and expresses that maybe it couldve been avoided if he had done things differently. Keito on the other hand doesnt regret the war, but some of yall, especially those who read things in black and white, dont wanna talk about it because it would mean you cant villainize eichi and eichi alone to hell and back anymore lmao. It's easy to have one scapegoat to hate on, especially one like eichi who will accept the vitriol with open arms.
His core trait is the love for the idols who brought joy in his life, he was just a teen with too much power and money who did what he thought was best for the industry to start thriving again. He regrets hurting the oddballs he looked up to. But if you reduce him to "guy who traumatized his classmates - villain who can never be redeemed" and "guy who started a war just cuz he was gay - surface level reading of his character" then truly i cannot even begin to have a mature conversation about eichi tenshouin with you and i suggest you engage with media with more care and understanding in the future.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 26 - German virus transmission experiment.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome.
T: Kaoru san?
K: Hm?
T: I thought we could invite a guest today.
K: Ahhh?
T: So, should we call him?
J: Who is it?
T: Who do you think it is? Someone with a connection to this show.
K: One of those two..
J: Yeh, one of them.
T: Here you are..*hands phone over*
Caller: Hello
J: Hello.Who is it?
Caller: Its Dobashi.
K: Is it Bishbash san?
J: Bishbash Dobashi san.
Caller/Dobashi: The people watching this on Youtube will be a bit afraid, thinking 'Who is this guy??'
J: No, the core fans will know you.
D: Will they? Am I ok?
J: We've heard from Tasai san that you've moved up in the world at Tokyo Sports?
D: No way, Im just in the middle management.
K: No, no, no, only someone important could say that.
J: He's superior, thats right. Its always that pattern, right?
D: I can't really come to see you anymore, Im sorry about that.
J: Where are you going out for entertainment?
K, D: Haha
J: You're pretending to be busy, according to Tasai san, you are making full use of company funds to have fun.
D: What are you talking about?? During the corona crisis I've been stuck at home all the time.
K: Even though the Olympics won't happen, you've been using the Olympics as an excuse to run around all over Japan.
J: Yeh yeh yeh yeh.
D: Well, because its been postponed, right?
J: You don't need to hurry if its been postponed though, do you? As the Olympics reporter?
K: He's pretty stuck now.
D: Since the Olympics have been postponed, I've kinda been distanced from that role though.
J: Oh really?
T: Oh, I see.
J: Eh? Whats your job now? What are you covering now?
D: What am I covering?
J: You don't know? haha.
K: Well, no, he's become more senior...
J: Oh, yeah.
K: So maybe he won't be sent out places and stuff.
D: If I'm forced to say it, I'm probably the spiritual reporter.
K: Ehh?
T: Oh, yeah.
D: From psychics to fortunes, haha.
T: The whole of Tokyo Sports' spiritual corner is done by one person.
K: Like..give us some stories! haha.
D: I'll bring the fortune teller and psychic who Tokyo Sports recommends to see you some time.
J: Really?
D: We'll get Kaoru's fortune read.
J: Oh, lets do it!
K: Sounds good, haha.
D:  And Joe san's.
J: Oh yes, yes please!
T: I bet Joe is probably possessed by lots of girl's spirits.
J: No, I wanna know my fortune, about whether or not I'll be able to get re-married by age 55.
T: Ahh.
D: Really?
Kami: Thats impossible.
J: Impossible? Kami!
K: He appeared all of a sudden.
D: Ohh, yeah. I see.
J: Couldn't you hear Kami's voice? No?
D: Ah, Kami?
Kami: Kami heeere!
K: Kami's voice..
T: He's here.
Kami: Its Kami heere!
T: He's saying, 'Kami's heere'
Kami: Kami heeere.
K: I don't think he can hear.
J: Yeah, he can't hear. One system can't hear the other.
D: I can't hear.
T: Kami was saying in a very affable voice, 'Kami heere!'
D: Hahaha. Well, hi.
K: Hahaha
Kami: Hello.
K: Its been a while since back then, right?
J: Yep.
T: *To Dobashi* Thank you very much.
D: Yes, thank you so much!
T, J: Sorry to disturb you. *End phone call*
J: Ahh, its been a while since we spoke to Bishbash Dobashi san.
K: He seemed a bit troubled, right?
J: He did. It might be because it was difficult to communicate. But if he brings that fortune teller sometime on this show, that will be fun.
T: Will that be ok?
J: Yeah, I really wanna see it! How about you, Kaoru? Do you?
K: Yes
J: Lets do it together.
T: It is incredible. That guy seems to get it right. Its kinda scary. Dobashi saw him once, and he said he purified him.
K: Oh really?
J: Was Dobashi possessed by something?
T: Well, at that time, he was going through a lot of trouble in his life, but after that..
J: Everything got better? He improved?
T: Yes, eventually.
J: Oh, lets get this guy to do us.
T: Hiranabe was also seen by him.
J: Ehh?
T: After that Hiranabe got promoted to Director.
J: Director, right?
K: Let's have today's news please Joe.
J: Yes, I'll get it started. Well, for us who are looking forward to live shows, this is some big news towards possibly re-starting them. 'Looking for 4200 test volunteers' - An experiment in virus transmission in Germany.
A group of German scientists are currently planning the project 'Re-Start 19' to find out how Covid-19 spreads in stadium environments. They aim to gather quantitative data to find out how best to restart concerts, as the current outlook for the music word doesn't look favourable. As for the project, they plan to carry it out in Leipzig Stadium, and are looking for 4200 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 50. After getting all 4200 volunteers into the statdium, a singer will perform, and they will test things like how far saliva sprays out etc. All participants must test negative for the virus two days before the experiment, and once in the venue, they must wear masks and use hand alcohol. The alcohol will contain a fluorescent substance to make it possible to see the areas where people often touch, and a smoke machine will be used to specify the spread of the virus through the air.  So, this will take place on the 22nd of August, and the researchers will announce the results before October. While some reduced scale contcerts are beginning to restart, there are high hopes that this study will produce effective data.There arent any big experiments happening like this in Japan, are they?
K: Well, yeh, because you have to use actual people in the experiment
J: Yeh
K: They'd want them to catch the disease, right?
J: Well, they are trying to see where people touch, or how far saliva sprays and stuff, so they are trying to create a simulation, using these nearly 5000 people.
T: It does come with a risk.
J: If there is an infected person there, it is possible that an outbreak might occur, but if you just make armchair guesses like, 'Oh maybe its this, maybe its that', and put on live shows with incomplete counter-measures....But if you do it properly like this, and find out how exactly an outbreak spreads in this kind if group situation, you can use that data and take appropriate counter-measures. Not emotional counter-measures, but doing it properly and  thoroughly. You could say its a very German approach. What do you think, Kaoru?
K: Hmm, yeah. Well, they are looking for people to take part, right?
J: Yeah, I wonder how that will go. It says they are currently appealing for people.
T: Volunteers, right?
J: Yeah.
K: And they must test negative two days before the experiment, but that means on the day of the experiment, there could be people who've caught it within two days.
J: Yeah, there could be. It is certainly not a zero risk situation.
K: They are recruiting people with the warning that there is a risk of becoming infected, right?
J: Well, probably, yeah.
K: If 4200 people gather in one place?
J: Yeh. They are tested two days previously, but on the day, there must be...Well, they will probable test peoples' temperatures as they arrive. But there is the possibility it gets missed. I mean, to the German people, it might be less of a case of whether thats good or bad, and more of a conclusion that its more dangerous to go ahead without gathering the proper data first. If they tried to do this experiment in Japan, it would get quite a lot of criticism, I think.
K, T: Definitely.
J: I don't know quite why that is. Maybe in Germany they have a different relationship with music, or maybe if they say, 'Lets get going!', they have to make sure they do this kind of thing first. Well, I don't know whether they'll actually be able to gather 4200 people, but they'll probably get close. They'll be forgiven for the experiment.
K: Who is funding this? The state?
J: Well, its a group of scientists, I don't know as far as whether the state will fund it, but it seems like the main focus is on these scientists. So if there was no scientific rationale for this type if live performance to go ahead..
K: Nothing will happen, right?
J: Right. Rather than having some emotionally  charged reason, like 'Now is the right time!' or , 'This is the best way!' or something, if you could set a kinda of standard using the results if this experiment, you could have some kind of criteria. Its gives a sense of security to both the performers, and the audience.
T: Tim Bendzko san
J: Bendzko san..what type of artist it he?
T: Well he's a pop singer. The conditions of the participants are, like you said Joe, testing the effects of socially distanced seating, or not.*1
Y: Yeh, yeh.
Kami: Umm...
J: Yes?
Kami: Even if they release the results to show how covid spreads or doesn't spread, in the end, if people are scared of covid they won't gather at these kind of places, but people who think covid is no big deal will gather, right?
J: Well, at first, yeah. Some people on the viewing side may be worried or scared, and end up not going.
Kami: For people who are worried about getting infected, even if there is just a small risk, they probably won't go, will they? They might go if you tell them, 'We know the transmission routes, and we have proof that you definitely won't be infected', but if you say, 'We mostly understand it, and you probably won't be infected', some people probably won't go, they will be afraid if getting sick. So even if you put a lot of effort in, and announce the results, will it be enough?
K: Well, I reckon this kind of thing will steadily keep improving.
J: Rather than happening all at once...
K: Yeah, not like that, they'll just have to keep trying to weaken peoples' fears bit by bit. But rather than doing nothing, I think this experiment will help towards moving forward a little.
J: Well, whatever you deal with, its never all or nothing. Within this process, if some people or scenes can be saved, it'll be one more thing to be relieved about. I think this problem relating to covid and live shows won't be quickly solved, even if we get a vaccine. But doing this one thing, Im repeating what you said Kaoru, but it will be important as a pointer in the direction of relief.
K: Yeah, but not only for live shows, I also want them to do it for daily life, like in the train and stuff. If we don't, then we won't be able to do anything.
T: If its made more visible, people would feel calmer about it. Like, if you know where the danger is, you won't go there, right? Avoid the pit holes.
J: Yes, thats right. Seeing those facts... well, isn't this experiment predicated to cost 100 million yen, right? I don't know if that will be funded by the government, or whether the researchers themselves will gather the money, but the very fact that there are scientists working to restart live shows, must be a source of hope for German artists. Well, so for the time being in Germany, they are appealing for healthy volunteers age 18 to 50 to take part in this experiment on transmission at live shows.
K: It will happen quite soon, right? On the 22nd? Just a little bit after this is broadcast? A few weeks after?
J: Yeah. And then the results will be announced in October, so around that time, we could talk about the results here.
T: Its data that a lot of people in the Japanese music business will want to know.
J: I think so.
K: Ok, well, let's end here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1 Couldn't clearly hear what Tasai said, but this is what the experiment conditions were.
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yuuimagines · 5 years
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[July 4th]
”Oh, how about that, Y/N?“, GuardianAngel!Mark asked slightly excited and flew to a bunch of beautiful tops which would look just great on you. Your attention shifted to the tops but you just pretended not to notice and left the shop. ”Oh, guess not, then! It would look good on you though!“, Mark shouted in your direction and walked as fast as he could to keep up with you. Maybe he forgot that he could fly for a few seconds.
[July 7th]
You knew that parties weren’t something you wanted to be part of. You still decided you would go to that big party everybody was talking about. Maybe it would be fun, you thought. ”WHOA WHOA WHOA there buddy, keep your hands to yourself! This dude‘s crazy, why does he need to touch her that way HERE?— Y/N? NO, WAIT FOR ME!“, Mark kept shouting and tried his best to fly back to you. He saw your figure rushing to a room without people. ”What‘s wrong, why did you left? Look, I know this isn‘t something for you, maybe we should leav—” A tear was rushing down your face. ”No, no please don‘t..“ Another tear. Another one, another one.. You broke down onto the floor and just then Mark noticed what was wrong. This guy who was touching this random girl was your crush. ”Y/N..“, he sat next to you and stared at your crying frame. ”This guy‘s a— Oh no, please don‘t cry more! Fine fine.. I.. ehh..“ Mark kept thinking about a way to make you feel better. Your best friend, right! Your phone vibrated and the name of Jaemin appeared. You picked the call up. ”Hey Y/N—” ”Please pick me up Jaemin, I have to talk to you"
[July 7th]
Another nightmare. After Jaemin has left there was just no chance for you to sleep peacefully. You kept screaming and crying in your sleep, feeling uncomfortable in every position. ”Another nightmare? I can‘t stay up all night, too.. Poor baby..“, Mark sat next to you and thought to himself. Should he do it? What if God sees? ”Let‘s screw the rules, right, Y/N?“, he laughed nervously. He knew this was wrong but Mark just couldn’t see you like this any longer and kissed your forehead. Immediately there was a comforting heat hitting you and you finally smiled in your sleep. The nightmare was gone. Instead you saw a nervous boy in your dream with a really cute laugh. He was there for you, laughed with you and comforted you. Everything was so much better with him by your side. ”You won‘t remember when you wake up..“, Mark suddenly said while sitting beside you staring at the stars. ”I will, Mark! Trust me!“, you protested. He just laughed and grabbed your hands. He squeezed your left slightly and put the right one on his cheeks. ”You will regret protesting..“
[July 8th]
Your sleep was the thing you needed the most. Something was really comforting about this dream you had but you just couldn’t remember what made you this happy. It didn‘t help that you tried to draw something but you didn‘t know what or WHO you were trying to draw.
Y/N.. Y/N.. Y/N!!! ”Y/L/N Y/N!! Come to the front and answer the question in front of the class instead of drawing!“, your teacher called you out. There were soft whispers and quite laughs when you made your way to the front. You felt the heat rushing into your cheeks. There was no way you wouldn’t feel embarrassed. But the moment you grabbed the chalk the bell ringed and everybody was standing up and rushing to the door. You sighed and felt your heartbeat slow down. ”You have a lot of luck, Y/N. Leave“, your teacher grabbed his bag and waited for you the leave the room. Mark held the door open and waited for you too, laughing to himself. ”Yeah sure, luck!“, he laughed. But then something hit you: You wanted to draw a boy earlier. You slightly remember how he looked like now.
[July 17th]
You grabbed somebody’s shoulder. ”Excuse me sir, but— oh, I‘m sorry.. I thought you were somebody else.“ You didn‘t know why you searched for him. Mark was confused because of your sudden change in behavior and grabbed your hand to leave. You didn‘t see him, of course, and thought that leaving was the decision you have made.
[July 20th]
The papers on your desk where a mess. You tried to draw him over and over again, trying to get the details right. You didn’t know why you wanted to draw him that badly, but you wanted to. Something about him was different, something about him made you feel special. ”Hey Y/N, what are you drawing?“, Mark asked smiling and peaked over your shoulder. His smile disappeared when he saw his own face on the piece of paper. No.. no no no no! This couldn’t be, there was no way you knew!.. The kiss! ”I‘m SCREWED, SO SO SCREWED!“, he screamed, running through the room. Mark grabbed your shoulders and tried to shake you. ”Don‘t remember, please, Y/N! If you know who I am I‘m gonna get fired! Who should take care of you then? They will erase your memory, please! I don‘t want to leave you this early!“, he cried and still tried to shake you. You didn‘t notice but kept smiling. Yes, that was him. The boy you drew was the boy who comforted you in your dream. But.. What was his name again?
[July 25th]
”It‘s time to go, Mark.“, they were here to take him. That‘s it, he screwed up. He had one job and still didn‘t manage to help you. Mark looked at your sleeping frame and then stared the tall man in the eyes. ”Could I please comfort her for one last time? Please..“ The man looked annoyed but let him do it one more time. Mark slowly went up to your bad and sat beside you like he did earlier this week. ”Sleep well, baby..“, he kissed your cheek and squeezed your hand. It was time to go now for real. ”What will happen to them?“, Mark asked before going through the portal. ”You should worry about yourself, kid.“, the man replied and pushed him through the portal. Before he was gone you woke up and screamed the words Mark will never forget: ”NOO! DON‘T GO!“, you shouted, still crying. Mark turned his head and stared at your red eyes. ”....MARK! YOUR NAME IS MARK! DON‘T TAKE HI—” He was gone. Your breath was still heavy but there was missing something. Something was wrong. Why did you wake up? Why are you crying? You can‘t remember.
[July 28th]
Something really was different. You were different. The nice, warm feeling you felt every time before you fell asleep wasn‘t there anymore. Your luck was gone and everything seemed so much darker than usual. But there was another thing: You felt incomplete. And you didn‘t know why.
[August 2nd]
You walked down the street holding a cup of coffee in your hand. You needed this coffee to keep you awake. Your lack of sleep has been killing you. You walked down a large staircase made out of stone. The sight from these stairs were beautiful. You could see the whole city in front of you. Suddenly you saw somebody walking beside you, but the way up. You turned your head and saw a blond boy with earphones in. The immense rush of heat running through your body drove you crazy. Suddenly, so many feeling crushed you. It felt like the world had color again and everything sounded so much nicer again. You didn‘t know why you felt like this but the words spilled from their own. ”Hey, excuse me, sir!“ What was wrong with you? The boy turned around and looked into your eyes. His would go larger with each passing second and suddenly, both of your eyes were filled with tears. ”Excuse me, but.. Do we know each other?“, you asked while coming closer. The boy just smiled and cried too. He squeezed your left hand slightly and put the right one on his cheeks. ”I knew you would remember“
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acrcsstheuniversee · 5 years
Good Enough For Me
Pairing: Paul McCartney circa 1962 x John Lennon circa 1978 (McLennon)
Rating: Mature, readers 18+
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of porn and sex work
Words in this chapter: 1800+
Author’s Note:
Here it is! Refer to my summary and introduction post if you haven’t done so for more disclaimers, visuals, tag list info, and more.
*Disclaimer: I do not own The Beatles. This is fiction and written for leisure. Aspects of the story will not be historically accurate and should not be taken extremely seriously.
Chapter 1
Already a month into the semester, Paul found himself struggling to keep up with his studies. He tried his best to focus on typing an essay on the history of guitars that’s due the next day by 10 a.m. but just couldn’t get himself to do it. Not like it was hard or anything; he just hated doing what he’s told, especially if it was something he didn’t care about. He just wanted to do music but having a degree is a necessity now.
He pressed the home button on his cracked phone screen to see that it was already midnight. He was only half way done with the assignment that could’ve taken him only 30 minutes if he wasn’t writing songs in between paragraphs.
It was all too much anyways. American universities have much more homework assignments than back in England. Times like these made him question whether or not going out of the country for school was worth it. There almost seemed like there were more cons than pros in his decision. He lacked resources, he didn’t have any friends or family here except his roommate/best friend George, he was poorer than ever, and must work and attend school part-time. If he stayed in Liverpool and just continued school locally, he probably would’ve earned his degree by now; but now he’s what Americans consider a “super senior” because he’s 21 years old with the amount of classes completed equivalent to a third year student. Despite the struggle, all of it was better than his father dictating his every move. 
He shut his laptop, giving up on the assignment and leaned back into his desk chair, rubbing his tired droopy eyes.
He had two classes and work tomorrow. The thought of them made him roll his eyes. Music history from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., a business class he couldn’t remember the name of from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., and work right after at a restaurant nearby as a dishwasher, and occasionally performer if the artist they booked cancelled that night.
He yawned as he got up and slide into his bed. Before shutting his eyes, he turned his head and looked directly across the tiny dorm room to his right to see his childhood best friend and roommate, George Harrison sound asleep.
Paul really needs to take a note out of George’s book and sleep earlier. These late nights are just stressing him out more and more.
“Paul….. PAUL! Get up!”
Paul jolted up right when a sudden raised voice rang in his ear. His eyes met George’s signature judgemental look. One of his thick brows cocked and his lips curved awkwardly. He was already ready to go to class.
“Ah, what time is it?”
“9:30. I woke you up 30 minutes before hand because I just know you aren’t going to get up to the 9:45 alarm unless you expect to make it to your first class in 15 minutes,” George teased.
George is a pain in the ass and a know-it-all, but Paul loved him dearly. He comes off mean sometimes but Paul knows it’s just because he’s younger and feels the need to prove himself. Paul was used to it after all this time but sometimes, that boy needs to know when his criticisms cross the line. Despite being a dick sometimes, they’re both grateful to be going to the same college together. It was one in a million chances for George to land the same US college as Paul just a year after Paul’s acceptance.
“Okay, whatever. You have a point, I guess.” Paul groaned and rolled out of bed. 
“I know I do, ha. I’ll see you later.” George messed up his friend’s darkhair more than it already was, making Paul swat his hand away.
When George left, Paul finally got ready and headed off to class with his incomplete essay.
Everyone was already seated and the professor was setting up today’s powerpoint lecture when he finally arrived. Paul sat down in the back where he’s been since the beginning of the semester. It hasn’t been a problem until a girl started to sit near him everyday since last week. When group or partnered work was assigned, she would often ask him to join her. She was kind, but Paul knew she liked him. She couldn’t make it less obvious. They would make small talk here and there---just about classes and hobbies. She was also very good at piano just as Paul was, but not too good on guitar though she claims to be.
He felt her looking at him, making him turn his head to find out he was right. She just smiled and waved. Paul nodded and gave her a small smile in return, trying not to show too much emotion, afraid she would like that too much. She already had the wrong idea but he didn’t want to be mean about it. Paul was not interested in the slightest and, he was gay. Found that out in high school and hasn’t been too shy about it since then. 
When class ended, Paul left immediately to his second class to avoid conversation with anyone. This next one was business related which is something he also could care less about. He was a bit behind in this one too, but this time, he truly didn’t understand the material. He definitely needed a tutor soon.
Not much happened other than him writing mini poems all over his in-class assignment. He didn’t even bother erasing any of it before turning it in at the end of class.
Paul sighed as he made himself to his busboy job right off campus. Before stepping inside, he felt his phone vibrate. It was his dad. Ugh, he thought but answered.
“I’m about to go into work, Dad. What is it?”
“Well, hello to you too. I was just wondering how the first month in the states have been. I haven’t heard from you.”
“It’s fine.”
“Just fine? Have you got a chance to tour places? You should send me photos.”
“No and no. I don’t want you to be sending the pictures to your friends as if you helped me get here. I know you do that.”
Paul heard his father sigh.
“Just text me when you get home and tell George I said hi.”
“Okay, bye.” Paul said before hanging up and walking into his shift.
It seemed harsh but his dad was a selfish prick. He loves to be in control of everything. He was the reason Paul came to the states to study. All he wanted was to ride the wave of success his two sons have been achieving.
In all truthfulness, Paul stopped believing his dad’s bullshit after mom died about 6 years ago. His dad seemed to have lost his way but Paul couldn’t be around all the time if he had a dream to follow. It’s been rough without his mom around but Paul had to do what he was right for him, even if that meant getting away from his dad which is something even she would’ve supported.
He couldn’t stop thinking about how irritating school and his dad were during his shift. The rude coworkers and customers didn’t help his case at all. This wasn’t new though. Paul was used to working constantly in some shape or form. The only problem this time is that he needed more money now that he’s completely independent from his father.
“Hey, busboy!” his boss called out to the dishroom from the back office. Paul rolled his eyes and went to see what he wanted.
“I have to cut your hours in half. Here is your new schedule. You’re off now, so don’t wash another dish.”
“In half?” Paul took the schedule and saw that his income now would not suffice his monthly tuition payments, let alone some money for necessities. “You’ve got to be shitting me. Why?”
“We can’t afford to pay you. I’m sorry, kid.” he said nonchalantly.
“Will I be able to perform sometimes still?”
“Ehh, sure.” he said as he continued his paperwork, not even looking at Paul.
Paul rolled his eyes again. Could his life get any more annoying? He let out a sigh and clocked out. Now what, he thought making his way home.
When he got home George was playing his computer games with his big headphones to fit on his large ears. The younger man didn’t even notice his friend come in until one side of his headphones was pulled and slapped against his head.
“Hey!” George readjusted himself then paused his game to face Paul with his eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“My hours got slashed.”
“You’re joking.”
“Nope, hah.”
George frowned.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Are you going to find another job?” 
“Well, I’m going to have to because I will not be asking my dad for help.” Paul said as changed into his pajamas and hopped onto his bed.
George sighed. Paul just stared at his friend for a moment, not knowing what to say. This was bad news for both of them. George didn’t have the same financial issues as Paul did. He only had enough for himself. If George could help, he would---and Paul knew he would.
“I’ll think of something, George. Don’t worry.” Paul got under the covers and listened to his friend shut off his computer and lights before hopping into bed as well.
He stared at the ceiling and sighed, then began to think about all the ways he can make money quickly but none of it would be fast enough to pay his next tuition bill. He rubbed his eyes. It was beginning to stress him out the more he thought of it and he just wanted it to all stop for a second.
Ah fuck it, he thought before whipping out his phone and started to scroll through his favorite porn blog on Tumblr. What better way to forget about things than looking at some sexy pictures of guys?
Paul scrolled until he ran into a post that was by a male sex worker selling nude photos and thought hard to himself. It was a young guy about his age selling his photos for $25 a piece and a private snapchat story for $5 per friend request and $15 extra for screenshot privileges.
Paul bit his lip nervously. It’s been a couple years since he did sex work. All he did was some cam work, sold some nude photos, and made customized videos for people on the internet. He remembered enjoying it but there was always the parts he hated that made the job extremely draining like any other job.
He laid there staring at the screen. He must admit, it was tempting to dive in again but he was afraid what George would think.
“George… Maybe I should go back into sex work…” Paul said suddenly.
George didn’t reply. He just snored in in response. That bastard.
Paul sighed and continued to scroll through sex work blogs, inspired by the possibilities until he slowly drifted to sleep.
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itsclydebitches · 6 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 6 “Our Way” (The Finale!)
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We made it, folks. Volume 6 is finally over and my god what a disappointment it turned out to be. 
I’ve danced my whole life and I had an instructor once who gave a lecture on choreography, cautioning us that the order you put your pieces in is just as important as the pieces themselves. Though each comes together to create a whole, your audience is more likely to remember the first and the last piece—so make those two count. Volume 6 began strong with the relic and the lore, and then ended on a flat, uninspiring, illogical note. Sadly I know what part of the performance I’ll be remembering from here on out.
However, first let’s tackle what we didn’t get this episode. There was no flashback to Oscar at Argus, re-characterizing his outing as something significant that might actually impact his growth as a character. Rooster Teeth really just… did that. They gave us an exact repeat of episode four, had Jaune physically assault Oscar, no one stepped in, no one bothered to check if Oscar was okay, we set him up staring morosely at the door, a two week cliffhanger, and then we really got an episode all about Jaune’s emotions while Oscar bought new clothes and made these people a casserole. He immediately accepted an incomplete apology, went so far as to speak like he thinks he’s going to die… and the group just smiled at him. Because remember, right now they only care about outsiders—which Oscar still very much is—when they’re helping and not getting in the way. Which Oscar has now promised to do. The finale gives us a brief moment where Ruby tries to praise Oscar for his efforts and it just rang as incredibly hollow to me. It’s easy to be kind to people when everything is going your way. You show your true colors when things get tough. RWBYJNR has repeatedly demonstrated this volume that when push comes to shove they’re willing to throw Oscar (and Ozpin) under the bus.
I’d need an entire, separate recap to detail exactly how horrible their treatment of him has been and how worrying it is that the story continues to frame this behavior as not just acceptable, but the actions of heroes. Suffice to say, if you have friends who seem nice on the daily but use you as a punching bag whenever they need an outlet? Do me a favor and get far, far away from them.
In the interests of moving on, another thing we didn’t get was any mention of Raven. A few friends theorized that last volume’s end credits scene (where Tai spots Raven using his portal) might finally come into play, but no such luck. More importantly to my mind, Yang still hasn’t said anything about Raven being the Spring Maiden, so that continues to be a secret she keeps while heaping more judgement on Ozpin. We’ll get to that later.
We didn’t see that true reconciliation teased in the last shot of the opening. Ruby never fought grimm with arms like those, let alone in a sewer tunnel… even though one was right there at the farm. I’m honestly starting to believe what others are saying about whole episodes being cut to make time for GenLock. Something happened this volume because the writing took one hell of a nosedive. It’s not just that I don’t agree with the messages the show is expressing, it’s that we have dangling threads, confusing “twists,” and what honestly feels like half-assed storytelling. Like they knew they had to complete the volume but just weren’t feeling motivated, so they chucked together something shoddy and left it at that.
(We also didn’t get to hear what Ruby bought them all at the gift shop. I realize this is a comparatively tiny thing, but to my mind it was a missed opportunity. They could have bookended the premiere and the finale, revealed that tiny mystery, told us something about Ruby based on the gifts she chose—the fandom keeps complaining that she’s one-dimensional—and if she’d picked up something for Ozpin at the time, that would have been an easy moment to have the group start reflecting on their behavior, a reminder that just a few days ago he was an important member of their team. Obviously I doubt the gifts survived the train crash, but there’s no reason why Ruby couldn’t tell them about it; a quiet moment before they reach Atlas. Like the shorter season length though, this episode was short for a finale. We were barely given enough time for the plot, let alone any reflection.)
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For now though, let’s dive into the actual episode. We open on a field where an airship lands, Neo transforming as she steps out. That really is a powerful semblance. She can create copies of herself, disguise herself, and (as we’ll see in just a moment), disguise a whole freaking airship too. Granted, that last one seems to take some effort, but as this finale will inform us later, it doesn’t really matter how tired you are. If the plot needs you to do a thing with your semblance, you’ll manage it. Somehow. 
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Cinder arrives in a new outfit as well and, like Neo’s, it’s pretty damn skimpy? I haven’t bothered to bring this up before because on the whole RT writes it’s mostly female cast very well, but considering how many other criticisms I’ve got today, why not chuck out one more. Meaning, why do these designs continually have to promote sexiness over practicality? Weiss, Nora, and Ruby all fight in skirts—hastily justified as “combat skirts”—and at least half the women on this show fight in heels. Yang sports short-shorts. Both she and Blake have bare midriffs. Now Neo is in a top that looks like it’s held up by a prayer and Cinder is sporting lingerie-like knee highs. There’s just no reason to design characters like this, especially when a good chunk of your cast is made up of teens. Cinder says herself that Neo will soon need snow boots. Just dress her appropriately for the weather from the start. You know, like how we didn’t get with Team RWBY while traveling through a kingdom filled with snow. Apparently Weiss wearing a scarf is enough to combat hypothermia for the whole team.
And yes, I realize costume changes require new models to be made, but that’s precisely why you should design your fighters as fighters from the start. You’re battling giant monsters? No one would wear heels. Or skirts. Or expose their midriff. It seems pretty convenient that aura supposedly protects them, eliminating the need for armor, and yet now it’s only our most masculine character—Jaune—who still bothers to wear it. Neo and Cinder are just the most recent examples of, “Why the hell would you wear that to a fight?”
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Well, maybe these two will freeze to death before they ever reach the group… They’re heading to Solitas too and though they didn’t do anything in this scene besides reveal new and impractical clothing, I was more interested in their brief discussion than I was in the entirety of RWBYJNR’s fight. At least I’m comfortable in how I feel about Neo and Cinder. They’re bad guys. They’re gonna do bad things that the story frames as bad. They’re usually fun to watch. I don’t get frustrated and confused whenever they come on screen nowadays.
Cinder says, “Someone once asked me if I believe in destiny…and I’m happy to say I still do” as we get a final shot of them planning their nefarious deeds. We’re getting a lot of references to Pyrrha this volume—this, the statue, Ruby’s memories later—and taken on its own that’s fantastic. In a season though where Pyrrha’s death is subtly ‘justifying’ the group’s awful behavior and acting as a reminder to the fandom for why they unjustly hate Ozpin? Ehh…
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We close on the villains and open on our “heroes” with rousing music to signal the upcoming battle, which… isn’t really a battle at all. The Leviathan is steadily approaching Argus and the Atlas personnel are calling for Cordovin. She’s still stuck, yelling about how “This is your fault!”
And it is. However, once again Cordovin’s exaggerated attitude makes it easy to ignore the fact that she’s right. She’s racist! She’s arrogant! She’s screaming and sounds like a child! Clearly our group is the mature ones here. Look at how calmly Ruby faces her down in contrast… It reminds me of how people (particularly women) are told that they’re being “Too emotional” in this conversation and therefore all the points they’ve made are somehow invalid. Of course Cordovin is emotional. A group of kids just lied to her, stole from her, started a battle against her, and destroyed her mech right when her city is about to be overrun by grimm. I’d be screaming in frustration too.
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Though of course, most don’t view it that way. I agree with what others have pointed out, that if we’d been given a calmer authority figure saying the exact same things—No you can’t go into Atlas. Why would I let anyone other than Weiss cross a closed border?—it would have been easier to see exactly how horrible the group’s actions are here. As it is, Cordovin’s personality acts as a distraction. One more way to present the group as heroic when they’re anything but.  
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Yang and Blake arrive on the scene, wanting to know what the hell is going on. Yang asks, “Is that a giant grimm?” and Weiss responds, “Yes…and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it.”
That’s an admission of facts, not necessarily an admission of guilt. The group acknowledges that they ruined the one defense capable of taking out a grimm of that size, but as we’ll see, there’s no regret attached to doing that in the first place. It’s just summarizing the situation for Blake and Yang.  
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Granted, we get a moment where Ruby looks worried/potentially sad as they fly away from Cordovin, but what does that mean here? Is she sad about what she’s done? Or just worried about this new situation? Their actions have been so extreme that the story can’t afford to be vague about the characters’ emotions here. Plenty of people will (and are free) to read this moment as Ruby experiencing fierce regret at her choices the last few hours… but it’s just as easy to attribute her expressions to fear about the coming battle. I’m not inclined to give these characters the benefit of the doubt here. They haven’t earned it.
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Regardless, we cut to the airship where apparently Yang and Blake have already told everyone about Adam. That was not the sort of thing that should have happened off screen. By all means, be practical. There’s no time for a long-winded conversation with the Leviathan bearing down on Argus, so have Yang announce that they’re okay, yes something happened, we’ll explain things later. Now you’ve established that this very important information will be conveyed either on the airship later, or at the beginning of volume 7.
What a waste. This is the end of a villain we’ve had since the Black Trailer—the first time our protagonists have killed a fellow human being—and that admission is regulated to the 30 seconds it takes to fly from Cordovin to the middle of the fight. Ruby hugs Blake and tells her she’s safe, but that’s it. That’s currently the extent of the team’s reaction to this huge revelation and like JNR learning about Salem, the audience has no idea what sort of details they received. Do they just know Adam died in the fight or that they deliberately killed him? Did Weiss hear about the brand? We don’t know. Hopefully this conversation is given more weight in volume 7, but given what else we’ve seen lately, I’m not counting on it.
Maria then interrupts with one of the most jaw-dropping lines of the episode: “I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it, but getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority.”
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Are we for real right now? Where was this calm, level-headed, pragmatic Maria when she was pissing off Cordovin with cashews? Or cheering at Ruby rejecting all adults? Now she starts trying to think rationally? But of course, when she does stop her manic cackling it’s to suggest something horrific. Yes, Maria. It does make you a bad guy to want to abandon a city to the grimm you brought here. She realizes that everyone is dead if they leave, right? That without the mech or silver eyes Argus has no decent way of stopping that Leviathan? Maria is meant to be the Grimm Reaper, the greatest huntress of her generation, and the writers think it’s appropriate to not only have her encouraging a bunch of kids to recklessly commit treason, but then condemn a whole city to probable death for their mistakes?
No, the relic is not the top priority. The relic is a side mission. The top priority has always and will always be protecting humanity. At least Yang, Blake, and Weiss realize this. They say firmly that they’re not leaving and Ruby gives a little shrug like, ‘Guess we’re not leaving then.’
(They really like having Ruby treat her mistakes as jokes, don’t they?)
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So Ruby announces she has an idea, the one the whole fandom saw coming a mile away, and the next second Qrow says, “Eyes up, everybody” because they’ve reached the Leviathan. Ha. Get it? Eyes up?
Okay. I’m done lol.
We get shots of the terrified Argus population, including Terra and Saphron. 
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Ruby asks Ren and Jaune to mask the ship which, reminder, they shouldn’t be able to do. Ren maybe, but Jaune just used all his aura to protect himself and Nora from getting splattered by Cordovin’s arm. Then he was thrown into a boulder for good measure. Last episode he couldn’t even stand without hanging off of his teammates. Now we get exactly what I was afraid we would: the plot needs someone to Do A Thing so aura burnout is conveniently forgotten. Jaune gives a confident smile. Of course he can boost Ren’s semblance and cover an entire airship!
Keep in mind that we just saw Neo dropping in exhaustion after a second of using her semblance on a whole ship. Granted, her ship is bigger, but she’s also presumably at full strength right now. If we were bothering to follow the rules established by this world, I highly doubt Jaune would have been able to pull this off.
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Meanwhile the Leviathan has easily taken out Argus’s first barrier. “It tore straight through…” Oscar whispers, reminding me that he hasn’t had many encounters with grimm. If I remember correctly he mentioned to Ruby that there was an occasional one on the farm (as expected), but they must have been pretty weak if an untrained kid can take them out with farm equipment. Oscar then goes straight to Haven, battles people at the Academy, gets on that train where he fought some manticores, but then he didn’t get to see the Apathy for himself. This seems to be one of the first times Oscar is seeing grimm at all, let alone one this deadly. No wonder he sounds shocked.
With the shield destroyed in an instant the Atlas personnel start giving the order to evacuate… when Ruby interrupts them. No worries, fine people. I have a plan! Wait, why should we trust you? “I’m a huntress.”
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No you’re not, Ruby. Literally and symbolically, you are not currently a huntress. Ignoring for a moment all the stunts you just pulled, undermining everything a huntress is meant to uphold, that is a formal position. It’s a title that embodies great power in this world and you achieve that title by studying four years and graduating from an academy. You don’t get to call yourself a college graduate because you did one year and then studied on your own. Same with being a doctor, or a lawyer, or literally any titled position. Ruby (in continuing with the theme of this volume) is lying to that Atlesian soldier. She’s misrepresenting herself, claiming she’s something other than what she actually is: a half-trained teen with a current chip on her shoulder.
This is also another moment where she ignores Qrow when he yells for her to stop. The issue isn’t about who’s right here—whether Ruby should tell the others about her plan or not—but that Ruby is consistently ignoring everyone around her to charge forward with whatever plan she personally thinks is best. Qrow told her not to attack the Atlas military… look what happened. Qrow told her not to go stare down Cordovin’s missiles and try to make an impossible shot… look what happened. Qrow told her not to stubbornly stand her ground against a mech when the rest of her team is beaten and exhausted, and though Ruby survives, it’s only by the will of Plot Armor. She leapt into a freaking cannon. She knocked herself out. You’d think after all this Ruby would at least pause a moment to give Qrow the time of day.
It ultimately doesn’t matter though because their ship is still flagged as hostile. Atlas isn’t going to help them on what clearly looks like a suicide mission. We get a close up of Ruby daring to do what no one else can or will. “Fine… we’ll do it alone if we have to.”
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…which is precisely the problem. Atlas backing off might feel like a consequence—Oh no! Their actions lost them their backup!—but all it does is get the extras out of the way (who just happen to be adults) so we can more easily focus on the protagonists (who just happen to be teens). It’s a reward. They don’t actually need the airships here, as the group is about to demonstrate, so this ‘consequence’ is absolutely meaningless. It would be something entirely different if, say, the story actually framed the soldiers as necessary to distract the Leviathan and Ruby had to admit her faults, begging them to help despite her mistakes; if the story made it clear that teamwork was a necessity. But there’s nothing like that. This is meant to read as the hero’s crowning moment.
Also, as an aside, why in the world would Ruby tell them to wait on the rest of their evacuation? What if—a wild thought here—something went wrong? Like literally every plan you’ve ever come up with? Isn’t it better to get people to safety while you try out your idea, just in case it all falls to pieces? This is just one more moment of Ruby’s overconfidence putting others at risk. She’s endangered her team, herself, and an entire city this volume… and has learned precisely nothing from it.
But we’ll come to that. Right now Ren masks the airship’s approach, conveniently keeping it up just long enough for them to reach the Leviathan, and then he’s out. They still didn’t make it in time though. The Leviathan sends out another stream of fire that takes out the second shield and hits the top of a tower in Argus. Needing to get closer, Yang and Nora distract the Leviathan while Ruby rides in on one of Weiss’ summoned lancers. I did appreciate Blake briefly supporting Weiss as she works to keep her semblance up. Whatever else, this volume has been good about brief, non-partner interactions. 
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We hear Ruby encouraging herself as she flies in and then she chucks her communicator into the water to concentrate. I thought something would come of that? Why bother having Yang interrupt her if there wasn’t a serious issue (it takes another long moment for the Leviathan to turn on Ruby) and why full on get rid of the communicator if that choice wasn’t going to come into play later? Eh, whatever. Far from the first time we’ve had setups that go absolutely nowhere. This volume is full of them.
So Ruby does as Maria taught her: cycling through memories of her family and friends, trying to drum up that fierce desire to protect them. 
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I did appreciate that Oscar, Qrow, and Maria get brief appearances… but again, the one team member who isn’t shown is Ozpin. Apparently Ruby now hates him to the point where he’s not even a part of her very generalized thoughts about who she wants to protect. I mean she met Maria three days ago and the woman now means more to her, apparently.
(For the record, I say this because Ruby knew Ozpin primarily in his headmaster form and is drawing largely from volume 1-3 material. We might have seen him in the new engine, easily. The shot of Oscar we’re given is also the one from the training room where Ozpin didn’t speak until Ruby left. Alongside Ozpin’s absence this volume, that’s the closest we’ve ever seen Oscar as only Oscar. That choice says a lot in my opinion.)
Eventually Ruby’s memories start to segue into darker thoughts and… okay. I’m confused now. Why is thinking about bad memories the thing that doesn’t let the silver eyes work? Not only were those moments where fierce protection would be at its strongest, but Ruby has only ever been in horrible situations when her eyes went off: Watching Pyrrha die, watching Jaune about to be killed, watching Blake about to kick it via Apathy. You’re telling me that during those times Ruby somehow thought about bright and happy things, not the horror of the fact that her friends were in the process of being murdered? If anything, those flashes of Yang without her arm or Penny cut into pieces should be the very thing that does set her eyes off.
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Instead they fail. Ruby opens her eyes to find the Leviathan turning her way and then, as a friend of mine pointed out, she gasps out a “What?” and looks down at the relic.
No. That relic has very conveniently done nothing the entire time the group was trekking through the woods, staying at an abandoned farm, driving who knows how far, and running around a new city. You’re not going to tell me now that suddenly it’s the cause of the Leviathan turning away from people currently attacking it. Either the relic’s draw is strong enough that Oscar should have been in trouble on the train, or it’s not strong enough to act as a justification here. The relic is the new Qrow’s semblance: turning off and on when the story wills it.
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In a panic Ruby yells for Jinn, which is less the “clever” choice Jinn says it is and more a potentially clever gamble. The last time they used Jinn every creature in her vicinity remained active. Granted, all those creatures were human or faunus then, but Ruby wouldn’t know if she would freeze the grimm as well. Regardless, her gamble pays off (because of course it does) and we get another example of how the protagonists are currently super special people who can never do any wrong.
Jinn: “You do not seek knowledge, but just this once I will give it freely…I will not allow you to use me without a question again.”
Why? That’s the question you have to ask for all your characters’ decision. Why are they doing this? What’s their motivation? Jinn provides none. She has no reason to let Ruby off the hook for summoning her without a question, especially since she frames that as another bad choice that she’ll (somehow?) punish Ruby for if she does it again. But this time, once again, our protagonist is let off the hook, purely because she’s the protagonist.
With this very generous second chance Ruby re-shuts her eyes, thinks only of the good times, including a memory of Summer Rose. The fandom has been waiting a long time to see her outside of a covered photograph.  
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Ruby manages to activate her silver eyes. It works—mostly.
I mentioned previously how the show needs to introduce some downside to the silver eyes so that Ruby isn’t suddenly over powered against every grimm from here on out. This is a downside… but an odd one. The grimm turned to stone, but not all the way? Sort of just a stone encasing that it partly manages to break out of? Okay. I mean that works, but it’s a pretty easy downside to overcome. The grimm is still stopped in its tracks, giving the others plenty of time to take it out.
And, as always, pay attention to how it’s all framed. Despite not working exactly as she intended, this is meant to be a moment of victory for Ruby. She’s succeeded in her trial by fire. She’s single-handedly saved all of Argus. The music is rising, the people are cheering, people who have no idea what silver eyes are and will now start up legends about this girl. Who was the huntress with the magic-like power none of us understand? Ruby Rose. The girl who stood toe-to-toe against a Leviathan grimm and won.
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This would indeed be a wonderful moment if it weren’t Ruby’s fault the grimm was there in the first place. Like her own claims of “I’m a huntress,” this moment misrepresents Ruby to the people. No one is going to learn that she’s the one who endangered them, only that she’s the one who came to the rescue. She’s fixing her own mistake and then allowing that to stand as a heroic act.
I was so looking forward to Ruby learning to wield her silver eyes. Not like this though.
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Cordovin arrives with her pinned arm gone, ready to finish taking out the Leviathan, and she’s suddenly stupidly cheerful about it. Again, characters need motivations. If their outlook on a situation changes we need to see why that happened, especially when moving from such extremes. In a matter of minutes Cordovin went from shrieking at the group to not just sunnily helping them—which is a practical consideration. As she herself says, “I was sworn to protect the people”—but also letting them go.
….there is no reason to let them go. None. It goes against Cordovin’s entire characterization, the logic of the situation, and nothing has happened in the last few minutes to change her mind. This is the story at its laziest: “We don’t have a reason for Cordovin to let them go. She’s just gonna. Because they’re heroes.”
During this conversation we get an “I’m sorry” from Ruby and that’s admittedly something, but like Weiss’ comment about destroying the mech or Ruby’s worried looks, what is she apologizing for? Because she doesn’t seem very contrite right now. The framing isn’t telling us Ruby has anything to be ashamed of. She’s the star in this moment. So that ‘I’m sorry’ feels less like an admission of wrong doing and more, ‘I’m sorry I had to attack you and that it almost got everyone killed. But I absolutely had to. No doubt. So I guess I’m only sorry that fate screwed us over. It’s not like I had a hand in this mess or anything.’
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All of which is to say: there are no consequences. None. Zip. Nada. No one in Argus died (despite the fact that all those flying grimm apparently bypassed the mass of terrified people to go battle with the airships on the opposite side of the Leviathan??), no one was arrested, no Ironwood or Winter, no Ozpin coming to their rescue, no problems with aura, the mech still manages to fight, the airship still manages to fly, no one was even reprimanded for their behavior. This volume we have seen the group betray a man they were demanding trust from, steal a secret they knew nothing about, force him to relive thousands of years of trauma while taking in the personal history that was never theirs to see, verbally and physically assault him to the point where he has to remove himself from their presence, they repeat that on an innocent kid days later, do absolutely nothing to make up for that, show no remorse for their actions, steal military property, plotted to mess with one of the few remaining relay towers the whole world depends on, beat up Atlas personnel, chucked them out of a plane, started and continued a fight with a special operative that endangered an entire city of people, destroyed a city’s primary defense, risked straining kingdom relations, nearly got friends killed with these foolish stunts ….and nothing. Not a single consequence, punishment, or reprimand. RT set up a situation where the group makes horrific mistakes and then had them learn nothing from them. Far from it. They’re rewarded, telling the audience that provided you have power—be it physical strength, access to resources, or the knowledge of a super secret mission—you can do whatever you want. There is no single stupid, illegal, dangerous, or callous thing you can do that isn’t ‘justified’ with, “Well I literally could do it, so I guess that means I’m allowed to do it, right?” Our title, “Our Way,” definitely embodies the morals we’re given this season.
I’m honestly disgusted with this volume. Just as a piece of media. This isn’t a story where we’re following anti-heroes and are well aware that they’re committing horrible deeds. This is a story about traditional heroes who are now using anti-hero means, something the story has just straight up ignored. I really didn’t think RT would take things this far… but here we are. This is apparently our group now and I personally think they’re awful.
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And ugh, there’s still more of this episode. We cut to the group flying that night and Maria comments that “We should have just enough fuel to make it.” Wow you… literally didn’t think anything through, huh? No one even bothered to find out if they’d have enough fuel to not crash land in the ocean halfway there. Wonderful. 
We get another entirely illogical conversation between Qrow and Ruby. He tells her she, “Did good out there today, kid” despite the fact that Qrow was consistently (and correctly) trying to get her to not do the things she was doing. Is it too much to ask for Qrow to have a firm and honest conversation about her making reckless decisions instead of more unearned platitudes? And then Qrow lowers his bottle which… what? Alcoholism doesn’t work like that. Much more importantly, no one has tackled his drinking this season. Or the reasons he was drinking in the first place. Literally, Qrow’s semblance, his place in the war, Ozpin’s secret, none of it has been addressed. He has no reason to suddenly put aside his flask like he’s actually learned something. Does RT think we’re going to just imagine scenes that never actually happened?
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(I mean, that’s what fic is for, but that’s… fic. The canon should at least be attempting to hit a higher bar. This is their job, not an unpaid hobby done late at night when you’re exhausted after your own full day of work.)
Qrow and Maria also have a conversation about how he was there to “Catch them when they fell. Literally, if I recall,” implying, again, something that didn’t happen. Yes, Qrow literally caught Ruby when she fell from the cannon, but that line is meant primarily in the metaphorical sense: You were there to support them, keep them from doing something stupid, steering them back to the right path, etc. That’s what Qrow tried to do, but Ruby consistently ignored him.
This is all such a mess. Though we do get some nice shots of Blake and Yang sitting together—lots of hand-holding now—and Weiss comments that she’s glad Yang was there for Blake. Yang corrects that they were there for each other, confirming the lesson they learned off screen at some point. 
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A conversation starts up once again painting Ruby’s recklessness as awesome heroics. Among her clique she’s all bashful now, no more arrogance when there aren’t outsiders to push back against, and Ruby tries to foster attention off on Oscar. He corrects them about landing the airship… he didn’t actually do that himself.
Oscar: “I didn’t land the ship on my own.”
We get a flashback to him panicking as the ship crashes, but this time we hear Ozpin saying, “Stay calm. It’s going to be okay.” Back in the present Nora immediately freaks out, “He took control?!” and Oscar corrects her with no, he helped guide me.
Let’s unpack this a bit. First of all Ozpin would have been 100% justified in taking control, just like he was justified in taking control at Haven when Oscar was going to get them killed by stubbornly insisting that he fight Hazel. Like everything else in this volume, each situation has its own context. Just saying, “Ozpin took control of Oscar without permission” sounds bad, until you bother to acknowledge that dying is kinda worse. It’s like if I see a 14yo boy running towards a road an I yank him backwards. Technically I just took away his agency—I haven’t allowed him to keep running forward when he wanted to—but I did it so he wouldn’t get hit by that car. If Ozpin had taken control to keep three team members, including everyone’s precious leader, from dying a horrible death via airship crash… that’s a good thing.
But he didn’t. Even now, even after everything, Ozpin is so careful to give people as much choice as he can. He assessed the situation and decided that he could guide Oscar without taking away the use of his body, the sort of consideration most people wouldn’t even bother with during a time of crisis. And think about those lines. “Stay calm. It’s going to be okay.” The last time Oscar spoke to Ozpin he was forcefully stealing the means to allow the rest of the group to betray him. Now here Ozpin is, not angry, just endlessly reassuring. 
Then he leaves again. Everyone realizes Ozpin is still doing his best to give everyone what they supposedly want, right? I mentioned ages back that the group wants a contradiction, to have Ozpin fix their problems without having to deal with Ozpin as a person, and now he’s managed that. He comes in, saves their lives, then leaves so no one has to deal with the apparent horror of speaking to him. His level of selflessness is off the charts and it astounds me that anyone thinks this man is a cruel, manipulative puppet master.
…and then there’s Yang.
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Yang: “Does that mean he’s been watching us this whole time?!”
Oh yeah. I don’t like Yang much nowadays. I forgot because the last couple of episodes the show isolated Yang with Blake. She’s good with Blake because she actually likes Blake and is probably in love with her. But put Yang with someone who isn’t willing to enable her misplaced anger (Maria, Ozpin) and suddenly she’s not a very kind person anymore. Like the rest of the group right now, Yang’s basic, human empathy doesn’t extend beyond the confines of their team.
Plus, what does that accusation even mean? She makes him sound like some sort of peeping tom and not the leader she was following three days ago. Yang realizes, right, that Ozpin isn’t allowed a body of his own? That he’s connected to Oscar? That anything Oscar sees Ozpin automatically sees too? There were admittedly questions about whether Ozpin was connected to the outside world while locked that deep in Oscar’s head, but Yang makes it sound like he physically left and then started stalking the group without their permission. She makes him sound like Adam.
I really can’t with this group right now. Man arrives to save the lives of the people who betrayed/assaulted him and their reaction is basically, “How dare you even look at us?” The worst part is, you know a huge chunk of the fandom is going to agree. No matter what Ozpin does, even literally saving our title character’s life, it’s somehow twisted into an act of manipulative cruelty.
Also gotta love that Qrow is sitting right there and apparently doesn’t care about this conversation. He only interrupts with a smile to tell them they’re in Atlas.
Which is, admittedly, gorgeous as hell. I do like these shots a great deal.
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The only thing that ruins the view is the fleet of airships above, stationed like they’re expecting a battle. This seems to connect to the army we see Salem building in the post credits scene… but how in the world does Atlas know about something like that? Did Ironwood hear something and come up with an excuse to scramble the fighters? Or are they prepping for something else entirely? An attack from another kingdom?
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Regardless, we end on one of the personnel telling the group, “Welcome home.”
After the credits we see Emerald and Mercury utterly horrified by something below. We pan down to see Salem creating grimm from the pool… and then making them grow wings. My first thought was, “That guerrilla is going to need a much bigger wingspan to accommodate his weight.” My second thought was, “Oh. Flying monkeys.” That should tell you something about what my brain considers a priority.
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Hazel comes in and reminds Mercury and Emerald of an old saying: “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” That’s admittedly unexpected. Looks like after hearing that Ozpin reincarnated and ruined her plans for the Spring relic, Salem has decided to get her own hands dirty for once. I hope we get to hear more explanations for this because she’s apparently kept to the sidelines for generations and now, pretty randomly, decides to announce her presence to the world by leading an army? Who knows. It wouldn’t make less sense than anything else RWBY has given us lately.
And that’s it! We’re done! Hallelujah I need a break. Well, pseudo-break. I still intend to upload my other recaps to tumblr, dive back into our older episodes, and there are still asks to answer. So meta-ing is far from over, but it’ll be less intense than 4000+ words every Saturday lol.  
Thank you all so much for reading. I’d sill be writing these with an audience of one (me), but it’s way better when there are others as well. So kudos to you all—and happy hiatus!
Other Details of Note
Neo is fully wearing Roman’s hat now and Cinder canonically wears Louboutin heels lol.
A bit of an odd note, but Cordovin’s repetitive screams about “This is your fault” almost sound painful. Like she’s physically in pain. Obviously that’s not the case in any literal manner, but there’s something horrible about watching the group destroy a part of the mechanical body she’s currently inhabiting and then just abandoning her, watching as she tires and fails to move. I really can’t emphasize enough how callous this group has become to anyone not in Team RWBY or JNR.
I enjoyed the red of the Leviathan glowing under the water as it moved. Nice touch.
“Never get used to that view,” Maria says, once again framing her eyes only as a joke and never a legit issue when it presumably would be.
Yang has ditched the casing on her arm after Adam’s attack. Maybe she and Blake can go arm/weapon shopping together. 
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ourlittlesecretokay · 6 years
17 & 18!
The way you said “I love you” when the broken glass litters the floor
The way you said “I love you” from very far away
Did it even matter anymore who hit first when the violence was a senseless as it was ineffective? No, not ineffective–Mutual. Shared. In the end she wasn’t any better off, and now, they had one less bottle of wine. She had one less bottle of wine. It really was his fault; he should have known better.
It was his fault, really. He should have known better. “You wouldn’t dare.” Had stupider words ever been spoken? Any indecisiveness left in her shattered with the glass against the floor the moment he had spoken. For a moment, she seemed so startled herself that he could laugh, but her surprise quickly steeled itself into harsh indignation.
Wordlessly, he picked up his own glass, and not breaking eye contact, he dropped it. It smashed with a satisfying, if brief, symphony of cracks.
“Hey!” she turned her eyes back to him, livid, “I have to clean that up now!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did my juvenile little temper tantrum somehow inconvenience you?”
“I swear, I-” Quickly, she lifted a plate holding it above her head, “If you don’t apologize, I’ll drop it!”
“Then drop it.”
She did. Less satisfyingly, the plate fell with a thunk, only chipping against the floor.
“No, here; more like this.” Lifting the offending piece above his head, he brought it down hard, scatting the porcelain into a constellation of fragments. “Try again.”
Burning, she grabbed the closest thing within reach, which just happened to be another stemmed glass. Letting it fall to the floor, she kept her hands in the air, gesturing out, “There! Is that better? Is that good enough for you, you asshole?”
“Ehh,” he clicked his tongue, doing his damndest to be as infuriating as possible. “More of a break than a shatter. If you’re going to ruin my things, at least have the decency to do it well. Observe-” he broke another, smaller, dish.
“Fuck off! You have a height advantage!”
“Language. Besides, it’s a bad craftsman who blames his tools. At this point, I’m willing to bet you can’t.”
“You- I am not-” Entirely too easily baited, she only hesitated a moment. Ready to damn them both at this point, she grabbed the nearest bottle of wine. Lifting the bottle behind her head, she was only marginally aware of him being there at all.
“Wait!” He held his hands out. Did he really think he could stop her now? “Maybe you’re onto something!” And then he was catching her around her thighs, lifting her up. The side of her leg pressed to his shoulder, and she wobbled a bit, catching herself. “Alright, now go!”
Holding onto the bottle she was only moments ago threatening to obliterate, she looked down at him, at them, making such an obscene show of impropriety she hoped an afterlife didn’t exist just so that no one else had to witness it. And then she laughed.
She laughed, “I- I changed my mind. I don’t want to anymore.”
“What do you mean you don’t want to?” Unable to look at her face, he simply tilted his head upwards.
“Seems like a waste of wine, yeah?”
“Of course it is. Wine is one of the few things meant to be wasted.”
“I don’t know. Hardly seems worth it anymore if it isn’t going to piss you off.”
“At this point, it would be more distressing if you didn’t.”
“You’re only hurting yourself here.”
“I didn’t know dropping things required so much thought.”
“Alright. Here; you ready?”
“I was born ready.”
Hoisting the bottle over her head again, this time she let it fall the impressive length to the floor. Both of them watched it, the glass breaking marvelously into small bits that littered the floor. The cherry red wine exploded like a firework, making a crime scene of the already dismal floor. Grabbing onto his shoulders, she let him lower her onto the table.
She tried to hop down, among the carnage, but he stopped her with a quick hand, “Better stay up there. I don’t know if you know this, but there’s some glass on our floor.”
“Only some?” Looking down, she surveyed with equal parts pride and dread the menagerie of incomplete pieces, a mosaic in honor of madness. Folie a deux, the artform. The cuffs of his pants were thoroughly stained, and she wondered abscently if she’d be able to wash it out. Part of her hoped not. It would serve him right. But then he was kissing her and she couldn’t be mad, couldn’t remain angry; it was all so ridiculous.
And she was beautiful, surrounded by debris and bad decisions. Her arms sagged with the tiredness only a good and lethal outburst can bring, and he’d be lying if he denied how incredibly gorgeous she looked, weapon in hand, even if said weapon is only a chipped plate. He kissed her, and she leaned into him, holding onto his shoulders, her hands tugging him closer. He touched her knees, the stained fabric of her dress, her deceptively strong legs, which she was now pressing against him.
“God, I love you.” The words were as much a part of the scene as the spilled wine and shattered ceramic. He was all tied up in the mess too, irrevocably and unaccountably undone by her. He kissed her lips and she kissed him back, kindly allowing his destruction.
The way you said “I love you” from very far away
It was weird not seeing him. She didn’t want to say she didn’t like it, but she certainly wasn’t used to it. He was such a large personality, any space not occupied by him seemed suddenly to be lacking. No, not lacking, empty. Or maybe empty wasn’t right either. Maybe she was spending too much time thinking about it.
Things were quieter; that much was certain. And perhaps more ominous. The only thing worse than having him around was not having him around; there was no telling what he was up to. And honestly, if history was to be a predictor, it could be just about anything. It wouldn’t have been worth it to ask; he only would have dodged the question, and besides, did she really want to know? Ignorance wasn’t necessarily bliss, but neither was knowing and being unable to do anything about it. The worst part of it was that he probably didn’t think half as much about her. It was ridiculous, being worried about a grown man. Although, to be fair, she was less worried about him and more worried for everybody else. He was a force of destruction, she was well aware of that. And still, the house seemed too quiet.
The knock at the door startled her. She was smart enough to be scared by it; he didn’t tend to have visitors she liked, let alone wanted to be with alone. When she peered through the window, the man outside seemed concerningly at ease, bored almost. Carefully, she opened the door only after taking stock of the nearby lamp, which could easily be employed as a weapon if need be.
The man appraised her quickly, “Can you sign for a delivery?”
She raised an eyebrow, but nodding, scrawled out a signature on the clipboard proffered her. Handing her a deceptively light box, the man nodded with a tip of his hat and was off.
Closing the door behind her, she turned the package over in her hands. It was awkwardly shaped, all length with almost no width. Setting it down on the kitchen counter, she chose the slightest knife she could, carefully opening it.
The cardboard unfurled to reveal a mess of flowers, gaudy implausible shades of oranges and reds. More than a bit surprised, she lifted them from the box carefully, looking them over. A tag fell to the ground which she bent to pick up, careful not to crumple the flowers.
“Will be late. Don’t get into trouble, but if you must, at least make sure you keep the problems solvable.” He didn’t specify how late, but judging from the amount of flowers, she was willing to bet it would be at least another two days. Searching the kitchen for a vase, she came up empty, and so filling a glass with water, she carefully placed them in, letting them settle however they pleased. Gently, she placed them on the counter, making sure they got the best of the kitchen sunlight. The petals were a spot of warmth, soft and lovely amongst the hard edges of knives and cabinets. Sighing, she touched them lightly with her fingertips, feeling the velvet softness beneath her hands.
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