#but dont make ppl NOT want to talk to you by adressign them the way you did in that ask
elle-smells · 4 years
ok yeah I see how reblogging stuff not in my own words leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation so I guess I’ll make a post just for you anon <3 
Is my relationship with Wtfock, a show that made a racist season and did their poc actors and characters dirty for no reason at all, non existent? No, I can’t say that. Literally take one look at my blog and the first thing you’ll see are Robbe and Sander lmao and if you search wtfock in my blog it is pretty clear that I do in fact keep posting about it, and I dont think thats going to change anytime soon. I want to be very clear about something, I do not in any way shape or form support what that show did in season 4. The storylines, the main character and the reaction to backlash was completely tone deaf and insensitive to POC’s everywhere (myself included), in particular, Noa and Nora. It was way more than the word “bad” could describe and I do not support it. Here’s where the lines start to get eehh blurry so bear with me please. The way I see it, and I’m sure many other people in the fandom would agree, (to paraphrase something Daniel Radcliffe said) if someone finds anything in any piece of art or media that resonated with them, helped them through something, or simply brought them joy when other things couldn’t, THAT is between the person and the book they read, show/movie they watched, etc. For me, Wtfock S3 came at a time when I really needed it. I won’t get into a lot of detail but that is why the s3 storyline means so much to me, and why the characters mean so much to me. I got very attached to Robbe and Sander’s characters, seeing myself in them. I also LOVE Yasmina and can honestly say she is one of my favourite Sanas. Again, explaining this would take an entirely different post but bottom line is that my relationship with these characters goes a little beyond simply watching a show for entertainment (as is the case for my relationships with other characters + remakes). Having said that, I do realise how everything I’ve said so far can seem to contradict each other. At first I said I do not support what this show did in S4 and then said I’m happy to keep blogging about the parts I did love...yeah I see why you would feel iffy about that. But going back to what I said about relationships consumers can form with media, its not your fault if something you once enjoyed was ruined by tone deaf writer and creators. You can choose to keep a space open in your heart for something that became meaningful to you, no one can take that away from you. Thats all fine as long as you recognise and reject the damage. In wtfock’s case, you have people only watching the previous seasons of the show on youtube, not only supporting translators but also not boosting views and engagement on the offical website. Most of the fandom has also made their opinions against this season very clear not only to others online but to the show’s team themselves. We also can not and should not forget that this season existed, its important to talk about it and not let stuff like this slide wihtout fault. I do believe all of this can happen without completely errasing the characters you love from your life. Now, there are also people who simply can not continue to support the show in any way and are unable to look at anything related to it in the same way again, that is also very valid and very understandable. Like I said, thats between YOU and the SHOW you watched. 
In regards to my posts about wtfock being number 1 and number 3 in two of Tumblrs Top of 2020 lists, that wasn’t me praising the show in its entirety. Actually, it was just me being confused and shocked that the fandom manged to trend enough to earn that spot. Did it make me feel weird that it got the top spot considering their last season? yes it did, the show itself does not necessarily deserve to be there, which is why most of my posts were born out of pure amusement (which is the literal description of my blog anyways-) at the power a group of people (that I’m a part of) on the internet can have.The only thing I did 100% celebrate was one of my comfort character being on a list this year and I dont think I should apoligize for that. But I am sorry, if you misunderstood and thought I was ignoring season 4. Believe me, I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon. 
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