#but dabi ???? COME ON
beybuniki · 8 months
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dabi day!!!
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flamingtouya · 4 months
hori please let me have this
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give me the domestic todosibling dinner scene
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kelin-is-writing · 6 months
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moodyvoid · 27 days
Shigaraki, perilously trying to tell you that an enemy’s quirk turned him into a cat.
You, too busy making up silly songs about the new cat you just found.
Spinner: “Where’s Shigaraki?”
You: “I dunno, but check out this cat.”
You, holding up Shigakitty.
You: “I’m calling him lil Stinky.”
You, petting Shigakitty on your lap.
Spinner: “I’m getting a little worried about how long Shigaraki’s been missing.”
Dabi: “He’s probably out pissing around some arcade. Who cares? Maybe I’ll step up and finally give this group a competent leader.”
Shigakitty, walking over to Dabi and swatting him on the head.
Dabi: “Ow-.”
Dabi, spraying him with water: “Bad lil Stinky.”
You, trying to feed him.
You: “This is premium canned tuna.”
Shigakitty, swatting it away.
You: “Hmm… maybe you prefer chicken instead?”
You turn around to get a different can and turn back seeing Shigakitty with a bag of Doritos in his mouth.
You: “Oh.”
Mr. Compress, walking into the room: “I just saw the most peculiar thing.”
You: “What?”
Mr. Compress: “I swear I saw lil Stinky trying to play on Shigaraki’s Nintendo Switch.”
Shigakitty, desperately trying to start Animal Crossing.
Twice and Toga, trying to teach Shigakitty to play fetch.
Shigakitty, sitting in place as toy mice fly by him, glaring.
Twice: “I don’t think he likes this.”
Toga: “Let’s try something else.”
Twice, opening up a bag of catnip.
You, walking in: “How’s lil Stinky doing?”
Shigakitty, rolling around on the floor, high as fuck.
You: “Wait until you meet our leader Shigaraki. I hope he lets me keep you. I think he might. It may be surprising, but he can actually be kind of sweet sometimes.”
Shigakitty purrs and curls up next to you and you both go to sleep.
The quirk wears off during the night.
You wake up, see Shigaraki in your bed, and scream.
Shigaraki sits up and sees he’s back to normal.
You: “Why are you in my bed?? Where’s my cat?!”
Shigaraki: “That was ME.”
You, gasping and poking his face: “Lil Stinky?”
Shigaraki: “Stop calling me that.”
You: “Sorry.”
Shigaraki: “So… You think I’m sweet?”
You, freezing: “I don’t recall.”
The league did not stop calling him lil Stinky for several weeks.
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modjisan · 2 months
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toxic yuri whatever day it is
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rueclfer · 1 month
Reverse comfort reader taking care of Touya plsplsplsplspls 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I just had the amazing thought of it he's being overly cocky during winter "I don't need a scarf I have a fire quirk!" And the next days he's curled in bed with a fever and sore throat and there's a ton of I told you so's
Not even a fic if u don't feel like it maybe a smau but I think it'd be super funny 😭
🫐 Anon
sick touya supreme bc he can just lay there, be cute n not speak <3
sweat it out // touya todoroki
"What the hell are you wearing?" You exclaim after opening your front door.
"What?" He looks down at his attire. "What happened to hi, hello? A 'thank you for bringing me my package that I stupidly got delivered to your apartment?' Why don't we start there?" He huffs, stepping into your apartment, setting your package down on your kitchen counter.
It had been nothing but near freezing temperatures for the past few weeks- so cold that you had to layer up inside your own apartment to prevent your electric bill from skyrocketing.
"Hi hello, my sweet boyfriend." You roll your eyes. "Do you seriously need me to mommy you right now and scold you for not wearing a fucking jacket out in this weather? Are we not grown adults?" You drops the blanket draped over your shoulders and go over to rub his arms for the thermal friction. "Like you're seriously just wearing this long sleeve? It's freezing if you haven't noticed."
He raises his hand up to your face and snaps a flame into place in between his index and thumb. "You forget I run warm."
"Yeah okay, Mister. I-have-a-fire-quirk. How is that going to help you if it starts raining?"
He pulls you into his chest, letting his body heat transfer into your own, instantly warming you and most importantly for him, shutting you up.
You release a deep exhale in content. "Idiot. You just should stay. For the Winter. Just live here with me for a few months and never leave." You rub your face into his chest, savoring the warmth.
"I think we'd end up killing each other before Spring comes." He chuckles into your hair.
"I'll just chain you to the bed and duct tape your mouth close." You smirk up at him. "Everyone's happy."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, sweetheart." He pulls back, reaching out to tousle your hair. "But I gotta run. Told Shigs I'd be quick."
"Wait! Let me find you a sweater and an umbrella." You frantically look around your living room for any piece of clothing that you had previously stolen from him.
"No need." He bends down and quickly press his lips against yours, letting them linger for a few seconds before pulling away. "I have to go. I checked earlier and it's not going to rain and I'm not cold either. You on the other hand, worry about staying warm."
"It definitely is going to rain, Touya. I can smell it." You huff. "You'll get sick."
"What, is that a new quirk development or something? Weirdo." He lightly pinches your cheeks before slipping his shoes back on. "Also, I have a strong immune system."
"Seriously, let me find you an umbrella at the very least." You rummage around the coat rack for something that could fit him or a spare umbrella.
"Nope, no time. See you tomorrow, yeah?" He calls out.
"I guess." You mutter in defeat as you watch him slip out your door.
"Idiot." You sigh under your breath once the door clicks close.
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"I'm here!" You call out after stepping into Touya's apartment, using the spare he lent you after locking himself out multiple times.
You kick off your shoes and shed off some layers, draping your jacket, and scarf over his couch before making your way to his bedroom.
"Knock knock." You say as you gently crack the door open, revealing near pitch darkness with sliver of natural light peeking in from the blinds.
You make your way over to the dark lump of mass of blankets on the bed, kicking aside used tissue paper that were thrown onto the ground before kneeling down next to the bed.
"Hello, my sweet stupid boy." You coo, slowly stroking the tuft of dark hair peeking out from the comforter.
"Don't be mean to me." The nasally voice muffled from under the covers. "Princess treatment today, got it?"
Touya finally pokes his head out from under the covers. It may have been dark, but you could still make out his puffy bloodshot eyes, dry cracked lips and flushed cheeks.
"I'll say it this one time then and then I'll give you the best princess treatment, okay?" You lean in close, letting your lips lightly graze the shell of his ear. "I fucking told you so." You whisper.
He groans, retreating back under the covers.
"Did you hear me? Okay maybe one more time." You giggle, trying to rip the covers off from over his head. "I told you so. It rained and it rained hard. Not ideal for that fire quirk of yours, huh? I fucking told you so."
"Fuck off." He groans once more. "One more time and I'm kicking your ass out."
"As if." You successfully tug the covers down to his chin, placing the back of your hand on his forehead. "You don't even have to energy to, you poor thing."
"Am I gonna make it?" He gazes up at you with his tired bloodshot eyes.
"Looks like you got a fever." You push away the sweaty stray hairs sticking to his forehead. "But I think you'll survive."
"Damn." He wheeze out. "That's unfortunate."
"It is, but maybe next time you don't listen to me, you'll get lucky and it kills you."
"Let's hope for it, then." He smirks, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes. "Can I have a kiss?"
"Nope. I'm not trying to get sick, Touya." You smile at the neediness in his voice.
You move over to the blinds and slightly twist them open, letting in some of the dim daylight before tossing the haphazardly thrown stray tissues into the trash bin nearby.
"I don't give a fuck. I want a kiss."
"Too bad." You pay no mind to his piercing stare as you wander around his room, tidying the space as well as clearing off an area on his desk to set up the cough syrups and fever reducers that you brought over from your own medicine cabinet.
You come over to him with the stray glass on water sitting on his desk and a couple Tylenols in your palm.
"Sit up." You order, kneeling next to his bed again, holding out your palm.
"Pop a perc then I black out..." Touya mumbles to himself as he sits up, grabbing the pills from your palm and popping them in his mouth, following it with a large gulp of water.
In this moment, you couldn't help but notice how precious he looked with his old flannel pajama pants, dingy stretched out band tee, disheveled hair and tired eyes- a spitting image of his everyday look when you two were teenagers.
"...Fuckin' I'm blowing her back out." He continues, leaning over to press a kiss on your forehead. "Don't look at me like that unless you're trying to help me sweat out this fever."
Your own face heats up. "The fuck were you saying earlier?" You chuckle, brushing off the insinuating comment and setting the empty glass on his nightstand.
"I don't know. Nothing." He coughs, laying back down, pulling the covers up to his chin. "I think the fever dream-hallucination is hitting hard. You should get in and cuddle before the sickness takes over and kills me."
You roll your eyes at the dramatics, nudging him to scoot over before climbing in under the covers with him, which felt like you had just stepped into a furnace.
He groans in content, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you in as close as he could.
"Can't cuddle for too long okay? I'm going to have to leave and make you some food soon." You mutter into his chest, letting your hand run up and down his back.
"No." He whines. "Just stay like this and I'll get better. I promise."
"That's not how that works." You mutter.
"Maybe if you give me a kiss instead? I think that'll 100 percent make me feel better." He pulls away, inching down towards you with puckered lips.
You stuck your hand out against his mouth, pushing it away. "I can't get sick, Touya. I know your ass will not know how to take care of me."
"You love hurting my feelings." He huffs.
"Well? Who put themselves in this situation. I told you, didn't I?"
"Shush." He mumbles, letting himself close his eyes and rest his chin on top of your head. "You didn't tell me shit."
You let out a sigh and let yourself close your eyes for a moment as well, letting your deep inhale and exhales sync in unison. Maybe having this every night wouldn't be too bad. Sure you two would tear each other apart if you had to spend every waking moment together in the same home, but for moments like these, you wouldn't mind it. Your eyes pop open the moment you feel the deep vibrations of his snores again your body, now realizing that you couldn't dare move from this position, risking waking him.
Just an hour. You'll only give yourself an hour.
touya tag: @moonchild701
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willowser · 5 months
touya is halfway through his workday, grease up to his elbows, little jumpsuit half undone down to his waist, when iguchi comes in to tell him "someone's askin' for you out here".
he's not sure who it could be, but there's no telling, so he just decides to take a smoke break and wander out of the automotive garage, maybe imagining one of siblings out on the pavement.
but the minute he sees you, he stops. nearly drops his cigarette on a rough, "oh shit."
it's been a while since he's seen you, a year or two, and the packet of paper in your hand can only mean one, bullshit thing.
"nah, nah, nah, i ain't signing any papers," is how he greets you, shaking his head the minute you start up the path with a big, determined frown. touya doesn't run, but he sure twists on his heel and starts back up the path, too, as you start calling out his name.
practically all of his coworkers are watching when he comes back into view, not bothering to hide how nosy they're being. their audience makes you falter just a tad and touya clings onto it; anything to stop you.
"never a good sign when your wife comes to find you at work."
there's a long silence, from everyone. when he looks back at you—at your manilla folder and carefully stapled documents, your petition for divorce—your eyes are heavy and wet, almost the same way they were when the two of you stood in a courtroom, lying about your age in order to pledge until death do you part.
almost. now they're just sad.
from somewhere in the garage, toga calls out a bewildered, "you have a wife?" that makes him feel a way he can't understand, both amused and devastated all at once.
your wedding ring isn't on your finger, but if he stares long enough, he can maybe see the difference in color of your skin, a former tan-line that's begun to fade.
he sold his for stuff he shouldn't have been buying, stuff that ruined him and you and your marriage, a long time ago.
but touya only smiles, and calls back, "yeah, i do."
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cremateyourlife · 4 months
dabi and shigaraki similarities
(i made this post on my old account, @bluerpurples, but had more ideas so im remaking it all)
!manga spoilers!
hair changes
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causing their own ends
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abusive dads
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bad childhoods
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recalling childhood
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their body is not their own
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afo finding them
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“you can’t be a hero”
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kicking the shit out of endeavor
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moms that want to protect them
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their inner child being reached
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poppy5991 · 2 months
It’s hilarious to me that despite being a villain, canonically Dabi is one of the few people AFO has no real sway over
AFO: Do-
Dabi: You have nothing that interests me.
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A reminder that Spinner canonically compares himself to Dabi and feels inferior to the rest of the League of Villains.
Part of the reason he allowed AFO to manipulate him is because he wanted to be reliable, as in he wanted to be stronger to be of use to Tomura. So again, he's canonically kinda jealous not only of Dabi's quirk, but of him as a person.
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Tomura: Fuck off, old man.
All for One: I'm not that old. How old do you think I am?
Tomura: The last number.
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yugiohz · 2 months
horikoshi being above blatant yaoibait is a good thing but sometimes i wish he would've baited a little *pushes him againstthe risograph printer* you could've at least made hawks moan after dabi steps on his face like come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
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Sorry guys, can’t hear anyone over the huge heart-eyes I have for this man right here 😍🤍
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beybuniki · 3 months
Wich MHA character should get more attention in your opinion?
dabi & shigaraki, which sounds ironic since they're the main antagonists, but horikoshi has been neglecting them severely and let their abusers overshadow them and i find that insane
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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rewatched Kurogiri's holiday story from ultra impact (not related to sketch at all)
(but it did inspire me)
on another note
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#fanart#sketch#my art#bnha#shigaraki tomura#tenko shimura#kurogiri#I cried a bit while playing it I missed the classic LoV I missed Kurogiri WITH the LoV it's been so long :(#and it feels like last chapter (423 atm) broke the seal of sketching them as anything but something static#it took me two or so days to just understand that Kurogiri is... yeah#I can't believe it took Horikoshi so long to bring him back but as I said and will say it again I glad it happened at all#after some thought I just want to sit with the chapters#anyway getting the preordered book was so much fun#it was full of LoV from Toga and Dabi talking about her house to Tenko being upset over being told that he doesn't have friends#and everything in-between basically only Compress left to join in the next volume#I think????#I actually want to get another one already they're so goodddd#and the translation sounds pretty good but I checked some pages not the whole book it'll be boring#it's actually so weird to think that I started a goal of reading the whole series ad it was now officially coming out like this back in 201#and now it's 2024 and the translation is pretty much ahead of anime and maybe it'll be faster than viz volumes too#since it's 2 in 1 basically - I think it's really great since I save some money but get LoV chapters every time#because they appear every 2 books at the start of the series and back then it was hard for me to get them#but I felt content seeing all the books that I bought when I was visiting family for holidays this month because there are so many of them#and I don't need any wi-fi or internet in general to read them back to back now with an addictional volume#they have some mistakes but I don't mind them it feels good to just hold all of them (and a bit heavy after like 8 books) and now it's 18
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willowser · 3 months
oh oh oh 30 year old touya...............body still healing, rediscovering who he is, figuring out how to be a brother and a son again. learning and growing mentally and emotionally in a safe space, for the first time. it's weird and wonky and some days are better than others and healing isn't linear and feelings are hard.
especially once he realizes he's got a little crush on the sweet nurse that comes to check on him every day.
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