#but complaining about the youth wont help with that
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sillyfreakx5 · 3 months ago
every time i see nonhumans+ complaining about "tiktok therians", i get reminded of how "tumblrkin" used to be a derogatory term for those not taking their identity seriously and only doing it "for the aesthetic", or even earlier, in the early 2000s, how the weres/therians on the alt.horror.werewolves forum were complaining about the new community members not taking it seriously. XD
i suppose us complaining about the youth doing nonhumanity wrong is a tradition lol. Like of course kids aren't posting philosophical essays about nonhumanity, of course misinformation amongst them is rampant (especially considering the medium of tiktok), of course some of them aren't taking this very seriously or might "grow out of it". It's ok!!
Obviously, we should lend them a helping hand in clearing up misinformation and teaching them about the full variety and wonder of the nonhuman or alterhuman experience. But we shouldn't look down on them, and treat them as if they're bad somehow. As well as that, sometimes we should just accept the generational and platform based differences between us. It's ok. We've been through this before, and we'll be through this again when the next wave of newbies rolls around.
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famouswinnermagazine · 10 months ago
I had a strange experience where I almost lost my eyes today. Who was in my head and I was creating situations where I couldnt do anything except to complain, since the artificial intelligence is designed to make you angry and do things you dont want to do. As well as a bug inside me that is crazy powerful that any witch can control. All because I was suicidal? And I get too into my head sometimes? The nightmare I thought was getting easier just got more horrific, and I dont understand why. But it would make sense that all of my troubles are caused from a situation I had a year ago when I posted online about my youth and the imaginary or inamaginary thought that someone had touched my heart. Now I am pizachu richu and pikachu for whatever reason. Electricity seems to come from my side. its like the hell never ends. I'm a danger to myself, and dont feel safe at home. Thats what they will say, but honestly my mental illness has gotten out of control. I dont know who to turn to, and just when i thought I was getting better, the sense and sensability flew out the window. It started to go dark in each eye, and I was using my brain like a telephone? Which is the craziest thing I can imagine. Like the future, but within my imagination. All centered around spell crafting. I fear someone is slowly trying to end my life. And the only person I know who practices witchcraft Id cut off a long time ago. This may be too literal but I am in a state of panic, and my medications wont calm me. The people in my head say that my mom is trying to send me somewhere, but also the police are involved? And they are telling me to leave my home town. Talk about crazy shit. All over some suicidal ideations? I dont understand. I need to talk to someone who specializes in this before my brain physically hurts me in a way that I cant fix for whatever reason. This is my cry for help. I hope this message recieves anyone in time before anything gets worse. I couldnt make this stuff up. Totally outside my perspective of reality, and while simple in hallucination, very physically harmful to my body and ideas of what it means to be human. I need someone to find out if any of this has ever effected them before, or if I am the only one. I feel very alone, very isolated, and i'm becoming suspicious. I want to be independent but I dont have anyone to lean on emotionally. And I fear the worst. If anyone out there gets this please pray for me or think of me in a positive way, or at least try to understand. I may not be alive for the rest of the year, but if anyone finds this, please know that I truly and deeply care about all of you who struggle the same. And I want to reach out to anyone who knows or has similar experiences. Because my therapists give me worldly advice and my psychiatrist just gives me different pills. All of which seem to calm me down but never relieve the symptoms. I need someone.
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lu-twilights-pup · 3 years ago
Aight now that we got some hylia slander can we get come Time appreciation?? What are some of your fav Time headcanons
Yes yes yes!!!!!
Here are a few! Ive shared some already though so ill put them here too:
He snorts when he laughs, like loud
he has the faintest drawl due to spending most of his youth with Malon and Talon
As I’ve said before he can not read Hylian. I like to think the Kokiri had their own written language. Maybe like a few signs, but mainly cause he followed them and figured out where they were pointing to, but he mainly relies on maps as to not have to read them. However i think Malon has helped him out quite a bit, maybe not completely, but at the very least a few basic things when they first met. Things like clocks and numbers so he could at the very least function in the shops in castle town. He knows and recognizes a few basic words and has wonderful deductions skills. He can also vaguely write. But i can see him waiting in silence as a sign post he cant read until one of the other boys says something about what it says, then playing it off as if he was in thought about their next move. I feel like its a constant battle in his head like this with Time as Haru
Bc of Termina , he unconsciously tracks time based things in his head. It makes him super good at telling times. Like someone once complained that it felt like they had been walking for hours, only for Time to pipe in saying they had only been walking for 2 hour, 23 minutes, and 41 seconds. He know how long almost everyone is in their morning/nightly routines like clockwork, and can easily tell when someone is lagging behind, or oddly fast, and is quick to approach them about it if it concerns him enough
Several of the links have called him dad, he is not mad in the slightest but he wont tell them that to spare them
Most of his dad jokes that he tells come from Malon
He is an actual gremlin, like hes no better stunt wise than Wild, but he has taken up a responsibility to leader the group and be the guidance he didn’t really have, even if they've all basically finished their individual quests
When woken by nightmare bc of Termina, he will stay away fro 3 days straight and sleep for one, in intervals.
He loves children, considering he was raised with eternal ones and never really grew up in a conventional way, he understands them pretty well and finds them cute
However he is deathly afraid of carrying babies
Malon had to explain to him a lot of adult things including where babies come from. (he was horrified)
He will sing songs horribly off key and out of tune to make Malon feel better if she’s upset
He lost depth perception due to his eye, and cant fire a bow very well anymore, maybe in a dire situation, but only as a last resort.
Personal Favorite: slight tw! blood/injury mentioned!
He lost his eye when tried and failed to remove the Fierce Deity Mask, whom was extremely angry at the time and could not hear Link calling out to be let go. He had to use a weapon to dig in his face blindly and into the mask to pull it off. His scratched up his face leading to the scar. smaller ones still litter his face though they are more faint. He hasn't been on good standing with the Fierce Deity since, though he was prior.
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leggerefiore · 3 years ago
God Im so addicted to your HCs and stories and now ooh my gosh I love your kitsune diety ideas! I cannot stop thinking about them!!!!
One idea that wont leave me is that you are long awaited soulmate for the twin kitsune. Whether in ancient times or modern, the immortal twins sense you when you are born in the town by their temple and act as your guardian angels through out your youth... Because they of course cannot let anything happen to their one and only soulmate!
When you're young, you think they're some sort of imaginary friends who bring you gifts on your birthday and sit besides you when you wake up from having a fit of nightmares... But as you grow older, the twins fight to keep themselves hidden from others in their dedication to watching over you. At one point in your teen years, you even have your heart broken by a first love and the twins come to you when you're inconsolable and cuddle with you until the pain goes away. You don't know why, but everything is perfect when your kitsune twins are around.
For the brothers, they can't help themselves but desire your company and hunger for your touch, so for the time being, they only scent mark you as belonging to them, otherwise their instincts are driving them insane! They both are so fond of cuddling and snuggling up with you because of it, not that they would complain though!
As you grow up, these two handsome figments of your imagination try their best to hold themselves back and stay hidden. They know eventually you might start questioning who they truly are and neither Ingo or Emmet want to scare you away with using the term of soul mate. They pull themselves back and they hear you calling their names some nights... It kills them to keep away...
Now suddenly alone and hurting desperately without the companionship of the fictional kitsune twins that had watched over you your full life long, you try to hunt them down and quickly put two and two together.
So as a young lady, you take a job as a shrine maiden at your town's temple, hoping to pay respect back to the fox deities who cared for you for so long. And imagine your happiness and shock when you're finally alone at the temple and find the twin kitsune there waiting for you, finally being able to fully embrace you and claim you as their one and only🖤🤍🖤🤍
hnng.... cuddly fox boys
you know since these are special hybrids, I think they can turn into like full zoroarks, too.
also writing my own zoroark hybrid au fic but it's my usual bs with fics
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tallbluelady · 2 years ago
To Obtain a Bird's Eye
2.1k. In an oroborus relationship with these gposes.
Rowan felt the hairs on the back of her neck prick up and slowed her pace behind the twins. They were more than ready to explore the higher portion of Kholusia and had started running ahead in a sort of youthful race. She was easy enough to spot even from a distance, so she wasn't worried that they would lose her.
"Didn't you already say your piece at the base of the elevator?" Rowan asked before Emet-Selch stepped out of the wispy portal entirely.
"Well, I thought of aught else to say. Besides that, I wanted to share the view." He motioned to the cliff edge and started to make his way over there.
Rowan turned and watched where the twins were heading. There was a settlement someway off - obviously they would make their way there. Besides that, she should take advantage of Emet-Selch's chatty mood. While she wasn't much of a conversationalist herself, surely there would be something useful to be gleaned from this conversation.
"So, what is it you want, Emet-Selch?" Rowan asked as she approached the cliff's edge.
"What, I can't have a conversation with a co-conspirator?" He turned up to her and gave that strangely sincere smile. "Good will has to be earned on both sides, and I do believe I've earned a conversation's worth. And it's not like you'll be missed for the moment - there's a minor Sin Eater for those precocious children to deal with. Easily slain, but not something to be ignored. So let's chat."
She turned to go help them, but the Ascian shook his head and tsked.
"If aught goes awry, then I shall be the first to aid them, I promise you." He put his hand on his heart. "They're perfectly safe, and more importantly for our conversation, perfectly occupied."
Rowan glared at him but sat down anyways. He had his legs dangling over the cliff edge, as if it were only a few fulms high. She sat with her legs tucked under her.
"Ah, but to obtain a bird's eye is to turn a blizzard to a breeze!" He gestured grandly to the land below them. He frowned when Rowan had no reaction. "Really, you don't recognize that?"
Rowan shrugged and shook her head. "I'll keep it in mind the next time I try to write a song though."
"I wouldn't have pegged you as a bard, I must admit. But you do have such a lovely voice. And such lovely aim, too."
Rowan gave a small hum in reply. It felt... well, she wasn't really wont to accept compliments from most people, so it wasn't really any stranger to hear such things come from a sworn enemy, actually. She said so to Emet-Selch, trying to see why he was being so liberal with his compliments.
"For as far flung as your deeds are, and all the good you have done... my, my, it seems you have completely over corrected. Much like this light blasted shard."
"Does it... hurt you to be here?" Rowan asked. "I must admit that it stings my eyes if I stare up at that veil of light that covers the sky."
"Much like you, tis only a mild inconvenience to be here. Mild, but noticeable. And worthy of my complaint."
"Well, I don't see you do too much to deal with it. So what's the point of complaining?"
"Tis an art in unto itself, Warrior of Light."
"Darkness," Rowan corrected.
"You seem so ready to take that title."
"It's what the people need me to be." She shrugged.
Emet-Selch gave her a look of... pity? Twas a soft sort of disappointment that made Rowan far more uncomfortable than his compliments on her voice.
"Why should I care about the exact words? It's their way of complimenting me. I'm their bringer of night. It's a title, not my name. It's not like they've suddenly started to call me the wrong plant like 'Mint' or something." She felt herself rambling. Anything to get rid of that look.
If anything, her words imbued more pain to his eyes. Why -?
There was a crash in the direction of the elevator. They must have gotten the thing back down to the lower part of Kholusia and had a hard time settling the moving platform. That's all Rowan could guess. By the time she turned back to say aught to Emet-Selch, he had vanished. Whether it was back to the Void or just some form of invisibility, she had no clue. So she dusted herself off and turned to find her comrades. She hoped she hadn't doomed them.
*   *   *   *
Rowan was surprised at the volume of things that got done while she escorted the Exarch around Kholusia. She focused on the amount of people swarming the place, bringing a large Talos to life rather than how G'raha Tia seemed so intent on keeping his secret.
I'm sure he has his reasons... but with his cousin here on the First... and that story...
"What needs to be done?" she asked Dulia.
"Everything seems to be in order, at least according to my lovely Chai." Dulia beamed. "As you're the one going to storm the mountain, I insist that you take a rest."
"Oh, I've been much more tired when I've faced worse before." Rowan waved her hand dismissively.
There was a special glint in Dulia's eyes after she heard that. "Is that true? Then mayhap I'll have to have a few stern words with your comrades about your work conditions..."
Rowan gulped. It was one thing she took the punishment, but another to have others take it in her stead. "Where should I sit?"
With that said, Dulia's look turned back to her regular sweet self and she guided Rowan to a spare wagon. She was given an apple, and a pat on the hand before Dulia left to "go find the others who were to ascend the mountain". Rowan scanned across the way, finding various Scions handing out supplies or otherwise just delegating to others, which apparently was restful enough to avoid Dulia's ire. Somewhere along the way, Ryne had found some wildflowers and was passing them out to those in rest. It seemed she had inherited that same sort of spirit from Minfilia, or only girls with that sort of spark within them could hold the ability to become the Oracle of Light.
"Urianger, you're supposed to be resting!" the young woman scowled up to him.
"Idle hands are oft not restful hands, my dear," he said, still moving boxes.
"Then keep Rowan company. She looks awfully lonely over there." She handed him a few flowers. "You can hold these for her. Then your hands won't be idle."
Rowan turned just as Urianger turned towards her. She guessed he probably saw her watching based on his reaction. "I do suppose keeping the Warrior of Darkness from exhausting herself doth be a worthy cause..."
"It is!"
Rowan took a deep breath and tried to remain calm as Urianger approached her. She was feeling rather shy again. Which was patently ridiculous, she had been around him before. He was one of the few people she had been most comfortable around! Mayhap all the light aether was affecting her...
"May I take this seat beside thee?" he asked.
"You're always welcome to, Urianger," she answered, "I'm starting to think that question is a game."
He smiled as he sat and handed Rowan a bunch of flowers from Ryne. "A gift from our Oracle of Light. Any sterner, and I fear she'd become a warden ready to carry out punishments for our transgressions."
Rowan gave a chuckle and started twirling the stem. "This reminds me of the flowers my father would tuck into my hair when he'd come home. I wonder if it came by Rak'tika or if the kind of flower on the Source came to Gridania by La Noscea."
Urianger turned the remaining flowers in his hand and considered them. "That, I know not. This particular bloom isn't known for any medicinal purposes, so my knowledge of its attributes are sorely lacking. That it is beautiful I can plainly see. Though I would like to test how it amplifies the beauty of others, if thou wilt permit me."
Rowan gave him a confused look before she realized that he wanted to put the flower in her hair, like how her father would.
"Oh... aye. You can go ahead." She tucked some of her hair behind her ear shyly. She was feeling a little giddy at the type of attention he was giving.
Gentle fingers tucked in the stem into her hair, and trailed whisper soft down her jaw. Rowan had to swallow to keep her heart from leaping from her throat.
Yet Urianger looked slightly vexed. "How strange..."
"What is?" Rowan asked.
"The bloom, while beautiful in of itself, doth very little to improve thine appearance. A man of lesser learning would surmiseth that the flower hath no effect on its environs."
"But you are not a man of lesser learning, oh wise Archon." Rowan tapped his tattooed cheek. She could figure where he was going with this, but waited for the pay off.
Urianger smiled, and averted his eyes from her hand. Rowan could swear that a hint of blush was rising to his cheeks. "Indeed. Ahem. So it only standeth to reason that the effects of the flower must needs be correlated to the environs it effecteth. A grassy knoll, for example, must stand to benefit tremendously from the bloom. But a visage so full of grace and beauty as thine can only standeth to gain little."
She smiled shyly to the ground. "I have to thank your apt reading, ser. What would Ryne think if she was told her flowers brought not one speck of beauty to the world?"
"Oh, perish the thought. Very few can beareth the kind of beauty thou bringest."
Rowan hummed a happy note and let the conversation drop. Had it been any other person making a pass at her, they'd be worried at her silence. They'd assume something was wrong with her and they'd try to fill the quiet space with concern.
Urianger, instead, moved closer. He leaned in such a way that if she really wanted to, she could lean against him.
And she found that she really did want to.
So she let herself.
He didn't wrap his arm around her, though Rowan would have welcomed the gesture. But this was a real, tangible connection and it was enough for her at the moment. She rested her cheek on his shoulder and enjoyed the simple contact between them.
"You're keeping your promise," she said.
"What promise in particular, pray tell? I fear I may be making more promises than I can keep track of."
"That we'd have more moments like we did in Rak'tika. I don't know if I could have gotten so far without you."
It was then his turn to let the conversation lull as he gave a similar hum to Rowan's. She let him think and watched the chaos of hundreds of hands working towards a common goal. Something seemed to want to warn her about his current silence, of his talk of promises. But she felt as though they were both traversing thin ice here. And the silence felt more stable than the stones around them.
* * * *
It almost made him retch to see her being treated so... tenderly. Emet-Selch had to vanish into the Void for a moment to compose himself.
That the Warrior of Light - or Darkness, now - looked like her... past incarnations had some features of her. It was either that they were tall women, green haired, or silver eyed. A few of them - surprisingly mostly the men - walked with the same grace that had drawn his eye since they were young. But this one. Twas almost her splitting image if she weren't blue of all things. She even had that same shy smile.
And the use of her name! Sure, it was clipped at the end... But it was the same botanical that had vexed him for ages. Certainly, she didn't know who she truly was. How could she?
She wasn't even close to her power, her prowess. That Rowan girl could barely cast magic without some sort of crutch. Whether it was having to have a battle high or that... paltry, frankly ridiculous excuse for a wizard paw at her. How dare he -
Emet-Selch drew a shaky breath. Then another. He would not let himself fall to jealousy over that malformed creature that wore her face. Not again. Never again. He had a duty. If she could hold the Light back, then maybe, maybe, she would be enough to...
He didn't deign to finish that thought. He left it hanging, tantalizingly close. His breathing finally steadied enough to return to the wretched light bathed shard. At the very least, those Scions seemed to know how to put up a good show. And if it was up against his pet Vauthry... he might even be entertained for a moment.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years ago
can i get 12,22, and 34 for Vince n Jilly and 5, 31, and 32 for Caz n Bull if you're up for it <33
ooogh mein gott i FINISHED IT!! yaaay thank u beloved
can i get 12,22, and 34 for Vince n Jilly
12. Do they have potential to be healthy if they’re usually toxic?
-OOooghh sure, sure. If vincent decided he wanted to stop lying to jilly about how much and often he has/is killing people, if they went to therapy for his anger issues and probably for her trauma responses, if there was a world where werewolves can get help for the innate predator rage in them or where beastkin could live freely :/ Successful therapy means being honest with a counselor, and neither of them can be honest for like 75% of things due to the way he would immediately be arrested or killed and shed be taken in to study her. They could probably get.. Like, somewhere better with a little bit of therapy, but both of them are too fucked up and also unable to share their full traumatic history of the supernatural with any human counseler :/ if only, though…
22. Do you have other ships that resemble your OTP?
To THESE GUYS???? No, not even close gsdfgesgsdf.. My other otps are icecream and brownies compared to this pair of pickle and anchovy. These are my most unhealthy fucks
34. What’s their favorite nonsexual activity together?
Besides hunting and running through the woods together wild as wolves, which is a favorite of theirs, they also love gaming. The two of them sitting there headphones in absolutely yelling as they play competitive games. Vince is the guy on xboxlive saying slurs and jilly is the guy in group w him crying and apologizing. As a duo they can take out anyone. Also Jilly likes to read books and then loudly complain to him while theyre in that area between ‘in bed’ and ‘trying actively to sleep’ about characters she hates. Her up w a lamp on wearing fake reading glasses bcs she thinks its funny like “you will never guess what the duchess of alberdy just said” and hes like “I wont bcs i dont care.” but its still fun for both of them and if he didnrt have her there being stupid about books while hes on his phone hed get upset
5. What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
-Caz loves how much he cares. Despite how he phrases words and hides intentions, he cares more about the everyday people and casual folk on this part of the continent more than any of his superiors in the queen ever would. He cares, even when its krem who he doesnt yet know being molested by soldiers, because its someone he can HELP. He cares even when its little mage children being hurt, anyone hes supposed to have nothing to do with. Again and again in his interactions she finds he has the front of someone pretending to be casual about these things. But his heart is open and weeping and she, perhaps, is the only one who sees that. In the deep roads he implores the inquisitor in his own casual way not to harm the nugs. Does it benefit him? No, its nugs in the deep roads. But he cares. Hes incapable of not caring. Even about nugs.
Bull loves her fucking audacity. Her sheer existence is terrible- unperceivable by the quun, by her own people as well! An apostate with dead parents, just imagine. Shes audacious just by living, by surviving as an apostate such as she. She never turns away from herself, even when the world is against her. He loves, initially, the fact she didnt run away from the inquisition, knowing that she was the only small hope for the world and also was likely to die for it. He loves the way she never apologizes for being herself. Shes quietly audacious, quietly brave. Her youth, her childhood, the circle, the inquisition- none was enough to make her too afraid of who she was. They taught her to hate herself and depend on the chantry or demons- she said fuck both, and learned to survive on her own. He loves her for it because he was never able to.
31. What’s a perfect date for them?
Do inquisition agents get dates? FFGSDGDFG but yeah, maybe… she in an effort to please him would take him out on dragon killing expodisions. They kill the dragon- both he and her have the dragon blood and hormones raging in them. But its good- she has a small picnic for them a little bit away, and there they fuck like mountain rats to get the bloodlust out. And then share cheese and bread and food and stories of youth, both of them reclining and smoking cigars. They get to talk and joke and eat and fuck until the inquisition can wait no more and scouts come to find them. Caz conducted it as a day away for them, and bull is overwhelmed by both disbelief and adoration for the woman who could know him so well.
32. How do they comfort each other?
Its very similar in some way. Bull, its almost impossible to spot when he needs consoling or comfort. If not for the help of the chargers, she may have never learned. One thing he needs is to talk through a logical fallacy in a nearby problem, be able to solve a puzzle and put his mind somewhere else until the sadness is secondary. And then Caz can go in, very subtly but also in the very subtle way they tease each other sometime, and tell him she wants to know what happened to make him upset. Beating around the bush with him in this way, doesnt work. Depending on the status of the relationship he may tell her or may not. But it is necessary to make sure they are alone and uncompromised in order to hear his true feelings. Because he is so repressed and traumatized he does not see his feelings as being real or important.
Caz is a very similar way :/ it takes someone who knows her very well to be able to decipher that she is upset. She will otherwise keep on joking and playing the same. This is different whether she needs comforting or is having a panic attack, which she is prone to sometimes. Talking about regular things is a good go to, asking questions about the weather or the season. In her most panicked she will hide under any large object such as a bed, and its good to approach her rationally as if nothing is the matter. He will still need to take her hand though, small and clammy and desperate. A good thing to do then is to sit closer to her and wait/ ask if she wants to sit in his lap.
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sillyandquiteawkward · 4 years ago
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little father and bayley fic under the cut bc i forgot my ao3 password and im lazy. hope you enjoy
Food supplements and leafy greens sat on Doctor Bayley's plate, which he picked at distastefully. The Director of the Institute, Father, sat across from him, making decent headway with his own meal.
"I don't think I can ever learn to enjoy the food supplements. This flavor isn’t palatable either," Bayley curtly complained with a heavy sigh. He felt Father's lingering judgement upon him for refusing most of his meal again, without even having to look up. He poked at the slab of supplement with the tines of his fork. Even the various flavors the Institute boasted of supplements couldn't save Bayley from the pastes, powders, and bars turning his stomach. He was trying his best to find a flavor he could stand, but to Bayley, even mirelurk was easier to eat. At least the fresh vegetables were decent, if not simply boiled or baked if cooked at all. "I'd kill for some real meat on your menu."
"Come now, Doctor, we have little need to slaughter irradiated animals for food in this day and age. BioScience has developed the perfect meal dozens of times over, consisting of the exact amount of daily nutrients a man like yourself needs," Father replies coolly. Bayley glared at the older man. Of course he'd like them -- he grew up on the damn things. Well, Bayley grew up on real food!
"Designed a food that doesn't even fill your stomach," he mumbled behind his mug as he took a sip. Now to their credit, this was something Bayley actually liked. The coffee wasn't stale 200 year old beans and grounds. My god, they perfected the damn synthetic coffee and Bayley couldn't imagine going back.
Father confidently smirked, passing smoothly over Bayley's remark with a gentle shake of his head. "You poor surface dwellers, eating any and all the food you can scrounge to stave off hunger. I'm glad we were able to save you from that life. Give it time, Doctor. Your stomach will re-adjust to your new diet."
Bayley scoffed dismissively and set his fork down to keep nursing his coffee. Father took his own sip of tea. The pair fell into a dip of silence, accompanied by the gentle clink of silverware against plate as Father continued to finish off his lunch. Behind them a few tables over, there was a slight chatter from another pair of scientists in the cafeteria. Licking a crumb of food supplement left on the edge of his mug with a grimace, Bayley listened to their distant hushed conversation. Sounded like gossip about another scientist’s love affair... Hard to believe that even the “perfect” Institute could be filled with, what was ultimately, humans.
Father spoke up after a minute of Bayley straining to eavesdrop, "Why don't you tell me about yourself, Doctor?"
"...Why?" Bayley eyed Father suspiciously. "Don't you already know all about me? Isn't that why I'm here?"
Father took a warm sip of his mug before continuing. "I know about your reputation, or lack thereof." Bayley all but growled at the dig. "And I know you care deeply for the progress of humanity, as do I, albeit a tad misguided. You’re a highly intelligent man, Doctor, but I'm afraid I don't know about you, personally. I'd like to remedy that."
What could Bayley tell Father about? Why should he? Oh, but he loved to talk about himself... Bayley leaned back in his chair with folded hands in his lap, food left forgotten on his plate. "What is there to say? I'm a man married to his work, who likes breathing fresh air. On the surface."
“What got you into studying radiation?” Bayley noticed Father missed his complaint, or at least was ignoring it. “Surely you didn’t set out from the start on such a dangerous fascination.” Father had a look of curiosity on his face that seemed genuine to Bayley, although he still had suspicions this had ulterior motives.
“It was almost from the beginning actually. As I studied medicine in my youth, traveling along the Wasteland, I have to admit,” Bayley paused to consider his wording. “I had a distinct admiration of the ghoul’s ability to utilize radiation to build themself anew. The destructive power of radiation makes using it dangerous and even deadly, true, but I imagined a world where we could manipulate the human body to replicate how a ghoul’s body uses the gamma particles destructive properties to heal themselves, sans the ghoulification process of course.” Okay, so maybe he planned to be cagey, but Father just had to ask him about the thing he’s devoted his entire life to. Sorry, he’s gonna get excited. “I’d seen first hand ghouls reattach long lost limbs to themselves and remain functional, ferals even being brought back to life by glowing ones’ radiation bursts, and the stories of people growing functional limbs from radiation exposure caught my particular attention at a young age.”
“Fascinating things ghouls are, although their rotten brains and appearance are less than desirable. If anything their longevity is what catches my attention. Living over hundreds of years...” Father drifts off, looking past Bayley. “Imagine what one could achieve with that extra time.”
“Living forever doesn’t matter if you aren’t healthy,” Bayley corrected. “What’s the point of living if you are just suffering every day. I’m focusing myself to helping people in this day and age, instead of chasing functional immortality.”
“Maybe that’s the difference between us,” Father sighs. “Everything I do is for tomorrow, and tomorrow’s tomorrow. Humanity's future lies in our successor’s hands. It’s a shame we cannot directly work with our future generations to combine our knowledge. All we can do is help prepare them for when we are gone.”
“Eventually people in charge need to step down and let the fresh ideas in, otherwise we’ll collectively stagnate. We are stubborn creatures who hate change, snuffing out ideas that contradict our own. If someone like you lived forever, he’d never give up the reins.”
“I suppose you’d do the same,” Father states blandly, eyes half-lidded. “As you said, we are stubborn creatures.”
Bayley sputters, sitting back up in his chair. “No, I am the innovator in this scenario! I’ve been ostracized for my ideas, kicked out and shunned. No one sees my potential to change the world!”
“And in your age, have you begun to prepare an heir to your scientific knowledge, Doctor? Or do you think you can finish this chronicle yourself, with the few years left in your life?”
“I-I have to prove myself first! No one trusts my work because they don’t see the proof -- which I was working on when you so kindly stole me away from my clinic and subjects!” Bayley hissed, gripping the edge of the table.
Unphased, Father folded his hands on the table. “I trust your work, Doctor Bayley. I’ve seen your studies, seen what you can do when you are truly devoted to a cause. This is why I wanted you with us at the Institute. I want you to share your knowledge to us, so that we may pass it to the future with us. Let us help you ensure your legacy. We have the same goals, and we even have similar methods if you can believe it. Imagine what we can do together when we combine our knowledge, for humanity’s sake.”
Bayley raised an eyebrow at that. “Similar goals perhaps, but I wont be a part of the kidnapping and killing of Commonwealth citizens. You Institute folk are outrageously barbaric for all your self-righteousness.”
“We simply know how to weigh the importance of breaking a few eggs for the omelette. You too understand this principle closely, don’t you?”
Bayley grimaced flatly. “You truly know how to charm a man to your side.” This conversation was over if Bayley had anything to say about it, which he did. He gulped from his mug, keeping it up to his mouth as he turned physically away from Father. He’ll finish this and go back to his room. Trapped in the Institute with these madmen, forced to go along with things else suffer the same fate as the hundreds of others taken to the Institute. And Father had the gall to act like they were the same, that Bayley could excuse innocents murdered for “science.” He slammed the mug back onto the table.
“I hope you’ll understand one day soon, Doctor. I really do.” Father sighed, closing his eyes in defeat as Bayley stood up.
“I don’t want to understand,” Bayley said as he stormed past Father back to the concourse.
It was too much to think about, if Bayley was being honest with himself. He grit his teeth climbing the stairs, tense. A scientist descending the stairs stood to the side as Bayley passed, clearly wanting to give the angry man some space and avoid any conflict. Good. If he was to stay here, people should give way for him. Now if only Father was like that. He passed a pair of expressionless generation two synth guards eyeing their laser weapons as he ascended the next flight.
God, he was annoyed. Of course Father had to go ruin another meal together talking nonsense of Bayley hurting others. He tried his best not to hurt his subjects -- everyone was willing and importantly, no one had died under his care! Sick perhaps in the early days... but it wasn’t death! Bayley couldn’t stand the idea his great idea could possibly kill others when it was supposed to be helping them. If he was ever responsible for someone’s death...
Bayley slid open the automatic door to his small, barren room. It was just a simple bed and desk, which was plenty for Bayley, but he wished he had his trinkets and such if he was going to be living here until the day he dies. He collapsed onto the stiff bed, face pressing against the cool pillow. He missed his couch. He missed his clinic. Bayley even considered he missed being annoyed by Jonathan and Jay’s antics. Jay would try his best to cheer him out of this spiraling train of thought, and Jon would know plenty of things to distract him with.
If he was ever responsible for their deaths, Bayley considered he’d quit on the spot. He’d probably become deeply depressed until he really did just curl up and die, however fast it came after. All his life’s work to save humanity, and he’d killed the only people who trusted him most to do so.
But the truly terrible part of him hidden away deep in his heart wondered that if someone was to die as a result of his work, perhaps even if he wasn’t working willingly with the Institute, that he'd simply wouldn’t care.
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zanecosh · 5 years ago
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’ ・゚ : 👽  : ・.  INTRODUCTION — Zane Wancosh  .・: 👽 :・゚ ’
⌠ CHANCE PERDOMO, TWENTY-ONE, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ZANE WANCOSH! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in MEDICAL TRAINING; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (sunglasses in every imaginable color, serenading ‘ my heart will go on ‘ loudly at 4 am, finger guns to the pals and the gals). when it’s the (aries)’s birthday on 04/18/1999, they always request their FRENCH FRIES WITH GRAVY from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
tw; drugs, jail/prison ??, alcohol
PAST but not rlly since i always had to mention what it did to him
- Zane was raised in Ottawa, Canada .. something he is very proud of and will mention a billion times as soon as he gets to know someone -- he will also deliberately say ‘ eh ? ‘ to let people know b ut we all know he ain’t sleek !!
- His parents had always been a loving bunch so he grew up receiving so much affection and attention that he now is a little FULL of himself but only because he seeks love and won’t stop until someone provides it for him im srry i didn’t make the law
.- So given his upbringing he’s always been the completely affectionate type, having his hands everywhere all the time and achING for hugs and small things like hand holding or just a pat  on the shoulder like he is seriously convinced that if he doesn’t get at least four hugs a day he will die a painful, lonely death
- So in addition to that, he had always been a very active, youthful and energetic kid which was pretty much something he got from his dad since he sort of kept things playful and always did the best that he could while his mom was on the stricter side but instead knew how to teach him things that were important !!
- So growing up he always made friends very easily because of how open he was ( except that time when he brought this girl home at the age of 7 because he thought she’d make a cool pet ) and because he was always vERY friendly, even if he had a tendency to be too nice at times and just got upset when people didn’t like him ?? which is honestly still the case
- Of course he loved being popular which is kind of his aspiration in most things nowadays?? he seeks to be liked so much it’s sometimes a lil sad but he will legitamately try anything to make you his friend and he wont care if ur bothered because at least then he’ll get a reaction out of you !! but yeah it’s something he never really learned bc he’s used to getting validated from his parents so he genuinely doesn’t COMPREHEND meanness ://
- It was when he was around ten ( 10 )  years old when his dad randomly moved to New York ?? which was honestly super scary to him but his mother assured him that it was for a special job which was definitely weird for him because that was the only thing she ever said when he asked her about his father and ofc zane wasn’t dumb just a little idiotic !!
- They still visited his father often where Zane was able to get to know America and New York a little better, which he definitely enjoyed even though he sort of preferred Canada always because he likes snow a lot and the fact that it kind of melts when you pee on it but anyway he was getting a bit more suspicious as he grew older
- Then on his sixteenth birthday he was able to visit his dad once more to which he then was revealed that his dad was the ring leader of a spy business !! WOW to which Zane was baffled of course bc his dad ??? who tripped over his 7th birthday cake because Zane saw a squirrel and started to chase it ?? exactly !!
- So of course, Zane wanted to start working there !! Not only because of curiosity but school was kind of boring ( ngl ) and he missed his dad a lot so while his mother was not happy about his choice at all she always believed in people doing whatever they wanted so without much time passing the male moved to New York and started working for his father !!
- it was quickly noticiable that Zane wasn’t great at spy work, considering he was incredibly clumsy and was always distracted by everything and almost shot off his left toe ONCE okay it was only onCE !! Anyway his father got a little frustrated with his chaotic energy so he gave him the jobs were he was usually with someone else so they could babysit him which was honestly better for him too bc he could make friends !!
-  So when he was around 19 that’s when he got to know his boy Landon, his main squeeze, one could even say the love of his life ( only he would say that ) but they immediately vibed with Landon being his driver even though they lowkey ended up doing stuff that completely wasn’t what his dad wanted but Zane was honestly just loving life and just doing a bit of shady stuff with his buddies was bonding ??
- HOWEVER NOT ALL THINGS CAN BE SUNSHINE AND CAKE; so they often kind of got into trouble ?? they were good at hiding and sort of running from the cops a couple of times but honestly not that much of a big deal as Zane would say but once upon a time, these assholes rlly got caught ahead of their time to which Landon then got away in time with someone from Gallagher helping while Zane honestly didn’t know what was happening n got caught ??
- To which he then ended up in jail for a year !! love carrying contraband while being high as fuck !! anyway, it was a very self reflecting time . even though he sort of learned nothing ?? anyway not even his dad could bail him out, only shorten the time if he in return joined Gallagher, a school where he would learn how to behave and use his spy knowledge to some good instead of just causing trouble !!
- Which he honestly didn’t vibe with so much because he was kind of scared of these spy kids ?? legit all of them could kill them w a look he wasn’t sure was his dad was thinking but that’s also why he chose medicial training, in order to not get hurt and if he did, he would be able to take care of himself which honestly wasn’t that much of a help when he was about to bonk this girl but ended up hitting his dick against the ground as they rolled around ?? he doesn’t wanna talk about it
- Anyway, he sort of grew into Gallagher for the most part, since he is a very adaptable person in general and was looking forward to making friends with people who were way cooler than him which was honestly a plus !! he just vibing y’all there ain’t no problem at all at all
- He’s super chaotic and all over the place, loves talking about anything and everything and sort of philophises over the most mundane things because its fun to talk about life y’all
- He has a super colorful taste in clothing and decoration and is pretty extraordinary in most things in life, whether its sunglasses or flowers on his backpack and shirts and stuff that’s way too big
- Is a slow talker and also doesn’t understand people who talk fast
- Has a habit of interrupting people mid-conversation and doesn’t realize that it could appear rude
- Loves everyone, is also super affectionate and always has an arm around his friends or will at least ask for conSENT bc that matters to him but he will most likely touch u some type of way im sorry
- Probably because he is super fidgety too, he legit has his hands everywhere all the time because he doesn’t like to stay still
- Somewhat of a class clown and certainly does not enjoy studying or any school related work so he’s kind probably always on the verge of failing ?? idk how he does it you guys
- will fist bump you but will also grab your ass
- Just wants to chill most of the time but somehow still always stressed
- Is a party ANIMAL like if there is a party, he’s there and probably drunk and high before the party even starts ?? in general i don’t think he’s been sober a day since he turned 18 who the fuck knows
- Will probably trip and fall everywhere as a drunk but he just laughs about it the second day, like he says if he doesn’t get hurt it won’t be a good party and i honestly worry about him and i’m not sure how he’s still alive
- does the peace sign way too often
- could be considered a sunny boy but since he’s from cold ass Canada he loves snow way much more and the cold for some reason
- has the biggest potty mouth like he doesn’t even realize he’s swearing
- is extremely honest like he will just stand there listening to someone complain and be like well that’s a bitch
-  also huge flirt and also catches feelings fast and will mostly say it outright when he falls for someone like boy has seriously no shame ?? he will feel the heartbreak but he believes he can deal with it better than questioning it all the time and if they feel the same he will just loVE
- he also might be polyamerous he doesn’t know it yet bc he’s never had that many chances but he just likes to love whatever
- his head is everywhere and nowhere at the same time so it’s possible that he doesn’t make sense 80% of the time
- has tattoos that don’t make sense at all, i like to refer pewdiepie or uhhhh what’s his name uhhhh kURTIS CONNER ?? im too lazy to fact check i been writing this for an hour let me be
- knows how to juggle and thinks that’s that probably the coolest skill he’s ever learned
- has two earthworms that he got during a biology project back in high school who have been in his possession for six years now ?? ( i checked they live for four to eight ) he loves them to death ok their names are Niall and Liam ....... ( yes he was an 1D stan don’t confront him about them he’ll cry )
- is very superficial, loves the horoscope and believes in like bad luck and stuff like that, will scold u if u don’t listen to him rant about unlucky things !!
/ @gallagherintro
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stozkpile · 5 years ago
i accidentally lost my entire essay that i was writing abt biden and bernie but nothing can stop me so im doing it again.
the only reason biden got this far was due to a bunch of "coincidental" drops from the race RIGHT before super tuesday, and because the red scare tactic american politicians still hold onto make bernie (who is, for most of the world, a center left candidate at most, as american politics is skewed to the upper right) seem unreasonable. let's go over some of the common arguments against him:
1. BERNIE IS A COMMIE: bernie is a self proclaimed socialist. ok. do you really think he, as president (not as king of america. or as dictator. did we all forget what the president does?), will seize the means of production and sentence everyone to work in the gulags? what the hell is wrong with people? he wants to give people free healthcare and free education. and he wants to tax the ULTRA rich into helping/cut military funding.
1. why cant we create more tax brackets? people who make $520,000 a year, $100,000 an HOUR, and $60,000 a MINUTE, are all supposed to pay 37% of that money in taxes. make more tax brackets. tax capital gains more. close tax loopholes. ANYTHING. so much money is being spent on nothing.
2. military funding gets around 685 BILLION dollars a year. if we HALVE that, it'll still be hundreds of billions more than what China (which has over a BILLION people and is the second largest economy in the WORLD) spends on military, which is around 181 billion. that, simply put, is a fuckload of money. we could easily still have the biggest fucking military in the world and provide more help to the people, which i still don't agree with (america feels like a warmongering state to me), but compromises have to be made, right?
BERNIE HAS NO PLAN: and biden does? do you think every american president had a dissertation written about what they would enact if the got the office? bernie, if he wins, will hire cabinet members and staff, who will be better at certain things than he is. bernie is also an experienced politician who has worked multiple blue-collar jobs and was politically active as a youth.
1. bernie is campaigning and trying to win votes. being a president is about representing your country as much as it is having a working brain on your shoulders, which means you have to have a semblance of charisma and marketability. bernie isn't throwing facts and plans at people because thats not what most people want to hear. in fact, that was a weakness of warren's campaign. and any good plan wont be easy to explain during a short speech where youre supposed to rally people, or on a podcast, or on tv. he's passionate and empathetic, which is refreshing, considering how sociopathic politics are in general.
which leads to part 2. bernie probably has a better idea of his plans than people think. hes been doing politics for a long time. he was able to pass a lot of favorable policies as mayor, and has consistently been on the right side of history, even when it wasnt popular. and honestly, even if he's not able to pass as much as he would like as president (because i know american politicians/people who keep american politicians in their pocket are determined to stop him), it will at least represent a change in the american pathos, and itll show them that the disenfranchised finally have power. this scares dems as much as republicans.
BERNIE/HIS SUPPORTERS ARE TOO ANGRY: do you think they're mad for no reason? it's easy to think everyone is too emotional when you don't have to care about politics to survive.
are you five? do you think everyone has to be nice all the time? do you think that if someone has feelings about their argument, that renders their argument invalid? being nice doesn't change things and recent events prove that. trump bullied everyone and became the sole republican candidate.
just because something is legal or illegal doesn't mean it's right or wrong. do you think the civil rights movement was everyone being nice and putting together nicely-worded arguments? do you think stonewall was a fun little party? do you think the civil fucking war was a bunch of people talking to each other very politely about whether black people deserved freedom or not? people died. people were beaten. people were furious. and because of their fury, and their actions, we live in a better time. it can still get better. progress doesn't end. it doesnt have to come to blows anymore, but it wont be nice.
BERNIE HAS NO CHANCE AGAINST TRUMP: "vote blue no matter who." bernie is the only candidate that has a real chance against trump, and we know this because a sizable group of voters who would've voted for him voted for trump instead/didn't vote at all because hillary is so violently unlikable. and hillary still eeked out the popular vote, although she lost the electoral college. we can complain about the electoral college being a thing at all but if hillary still almost won, bernie would do better than she did. if people would vote for ANYONE over trump, then be willing to vote for bernie, because even republicans like him. bernie has working class clout. and nothing infuriates a poor white more than the intellectual elite flaunting their money at them all the time.
trump doesnt have a lot to say about bernie either. trump might think theres no way that bernie would make it to november, or maybe he's "supporting" him in an attempt to drive a wedge between him and the democratic party, or maybe he actually likes him (which would be fucked up lol), but one thing's for sure: bernie will not choke. trump would try to stir him up or attempt to make fun of him, as he does (and let's be honest...trump is very good at bullying people), and bernie would just take it and throw it all back at him. bernie has hutzpah, which is what none of the other candidates have, and what trump's whole campaign is. bernie is also cool, which biden isn't.
biden is:
a well-documented creep
a faux-progressive with a history of repugnant political decisions, including the 1994 crime bill (he changed his reasoning for it later to seem less racist), gutting welfare, opposing school integration in the 70s, and voting for the iraq war
a plagiarist
the kind of guy who lies about his son's death to get an inch (multiple counts, but the most egregious is when he implied his son was killed because of the iraq war in an effort to defend the vote. although he was there, beau biden died of a brain tumor and complications.)
losing his brain faculties, which is very easy to see. he's old. bernie is too, but at least he can string together a sentence.
is winning in states that will ultimately vote red. and republicans hate him.
tl;dr if you dont give a shit, vote bernie. if you give a shit, think critically, and then vote bernie. it isn't over yet.
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dandyuism · 6 years ago
190701 Dandyu @ PUBG Idol Super League  Live stream fanaccounts
Sunny asked Taeyeon what shes been doing these days, Taeyeon said she dyed her hair and filmed abroad for begin again, Sunny said shes been filming for a cooking broadcast
taeng: whats your main gun?
sunny: where can i see that, im just using what i got?
 taeng: yeah, but dont you have a favorite gun?
sunny: where can i see that?
Taeyeon also said its the first time doing something w a member in a long time. Sunny asked Taeyeon what she’s been up to lately before they started Taeyeon hit her head and said she dyed her hair lately LOL And went overseas and Sunny said she’s looking forward to the broadcast. Taeyeon also asked Sunny, and Sunny said she’s been doing a cooking program And Taeyeon said - the one that needs voting right?
Taeyeon & Sunny both saying they’re not so good at the game Sunny just said she needs Taeyeon to grab her by the collar and hard carry her . Sunny asked people to cheer for them (in the comments) and Taeyeon joked that should they shout? XD In the end the staff shouted and cheered for them . Sunny asked Taeyeon to invite her to jump off together from the plane .  Lmao two of them are so cute giggling at everything and even the chinese translations of what they’re saying.  Sunny asked Taeng whats the plan and Taeng said just to follow her But Sunny said Taeyeon didnt have any plans and separated . Taeyeon saved Sunny but Sunny died again. Sunny saying stuff like it's just the first game She has to get used to the phone Taeyeon said yup since they're not using their own phones.  Sunny said she really can't play, but its okay cause Taeyeon can grab her by the collar and hard carry her. Taeyeon telling Sunny to run towards the house And Sunny said she's good at running.  Taeyeon telling Sunny to pick up a particular gun, but Sunny said she's just picking up whatever she sees And she doesnt see the gun Taeyeon tells her to pick up.  Taeyeon telling Sunny to pick up a particular gun, but Sunny said she's just picking up whatever she sees And she doesnt see the gun Taeyeon tells her to pick up. Taeyeon got shot to low health and Sunny found her and saved her.  Taeyeon was trying to kill someone but she got shot instead and shouted to Sunny to save her.  Sunny told Taeyeon to kill the person before saving her But they both got killed Taeyeon said her phone isn't letting her shoot and there's some issue. Taeyeon's saying her phone is lagging, the audio is also laggy And complains whose phone is it, then Sunny said it's not hers. Taeyeon wants to get 1st place, so Sunny said they should just find a quiet place to hide and pick up items Sunny said she doesnt really know how to fly/pick locations, so she just follows Taeyeon Sunny would stay in the plane a long time, but Taeyeon jumps asap cause Taeyeon says there's no time.  Sunny said Taeyeon jumps fast and dies fast, whereas she jumps slow but dies fast. Sunny teased Taeyeon for running into the houses that she already did - no items for her to pick up. Sunny wants to stay and wait, but Taeyeon says there's no time and says they should rush out asap lol Sunny says this friend is so rushed/has no patience.  Sunny wants to stay and wait, but Taeyeon says there's no time and says they should rush out asap lol Sunny says this friend is so rushed/has no patience. Taeyeon said she thought Sunny was very good at PUBG (not sure if computer or phone -didnt hear) But Sunny said her friend plays well not her. Sunny said she cant drive LOL So Taeyeon will be driving her instead. Taeyeon killed another person and Sunny said Taeyeon is hard carrying them. Sunny was wondering why her kill count didnt increase then found out that Taeyeon killed the person instead of her lol. Sunny telling Taeyeon to just die and not faint so she wont have to save her hahahah Taeyeon's telling Sunny to be a backup and watch out for her. Taeyeon is putting on her earphones now and told Sunny to do commentary.  Sunny's telling Taeyeon she already killed 6 people so she can hide somewhere and survive to win, and she wont be scolded Said she doesnt understand the game much, but she just knows in survival games she should just hide. Sunny's cheering everytime the player count decreases by one Said theres 6 left and Taeyeon said one of them is herself.  Sunny is good at spotting the person and telling Taeyeon what to do haha She told Taeyeon where the person sniping her was and when they crouched and stood up.  When Taeyeon was trying to snipe the person, Sunny told Taeng she was being shot too and to get down and hide first . Taeyeon went to swim and Sunny said she hates it. Taeyeon got her 3rd kill and Sunny said she did well haha.  Sunny said today’s MVP is Taeyeon and asked her to comment why we lost Taeyeon said she’s not used to the equipment (the phone that’s not theirs lol). Then they said its okay cause its still their first episode They’re going to have to receive their punishment now Cause they didn’t win.  Taeyeon picked the 3rd punishment and said there shouldn’t be any sequence The punishment is to carry one another not their backs for 10 seconds Sunny said Taeyeon will die. Taeyeon said she does exercise too and that they aren’t paper humans anymore. The punishment Sunny chose is to sing(?) And Sunny suggested to swap their punishments cause she wants to hear Taeyeon singing. Taeyeon sung ‘Four Seasons’ 사계 and Sunny heard it as 사랑 (love) and thought Taeyeon was confessing suddenly and joked maybe thats what she wanted to hear LOL. They decide to post up the punishments afterwards The back carrying as a photo and the singing later too. Sunny’s question is What does she do when she’s bored? What’s delicious lately? Sunny said she likes lying at home w her cats and watching TV. Taeyeon asks Sunny if she just sleeps like that for 10 years. Someone asks Taeyeon if she knows what mala tang is now She doesn’t know and asked Sunny Sunny told her its spicy and said that she ate it Taeyeon said that Sunny can’t eat spicy well so she’s surprised. Sunny asked if Sogeum and Pepper are getting along well And Sunny said no Taeyeon laughed LOL Sunny said slowly Sogeum is slowly accepting Pepper Sunny said Pepper likes Sogeum a lot and always chases it. Taeyeon said that Pepper must be cute and Sunny said yup. Taeyeon’s question is if she knows how many nicknames she has in Chinese Sunny took the iPad showing Taeyeon’s stream to see. Sunny said she knows one cheeseburger recipe And Taeyeon teased her saying you just need to stack the ingredients and how easy it is And Sunny said she really wants to share it, but its the last(?) episode of her show, and Taeyeon accused her of trying to promote her show. Sunny said thats not the case and that Taeyeon will definitely not be able to do it when she sees it Taeyeon said that she will. Sunny says that there’s always something on Taeyeon’s hair, cause Taeyeon was brushing it and found something. Sunny’s question is what’s her most memorable 20s memory Sunny said they’re all SNSD memories, but she can’t even remember what happened yesterday Taeyeon tested her asking if she remembers how many rounds of games they played together.  Sunny said something about her lifestyle and life goals changed and all Sunny then asked Taeyeon hat her most memorable memory is Taeyeon said 20s every moment lol Sunny said they’re grandmas that can’t remember. Taeyeon said they gave all their youth to SM Said that theres a lot of memories with fans and members. Sunny talking about how there’s snow festivals and all - Ha Er Bin but Taeyeon said she’s very scared of cold, and Sunny said thats why she should go, Taeyeon joked that she should go and just die? Sunny said she should go and overcome it. Sunny’s question is if she wants to get more pets after Sogeum and Pepper And Sunny says she doesn’t have any plans after this, and Taeyeon said 2 is hard enough. Sunny said that her drinking tolerance has dropped a lot lately and Taeyeon kept saying that she’s lying and tickled Sunny’s chin and kept saying she’s lying XD. Taeyeon’s telling Sunny to face her polaroid elsewhere so the flash won’t overlap and Sunny says she doesn’t want to XD So Taeyeon said for Sunny to take first before she takes. Taeyeon said that she’d order her polaroid by pointing her fingers (1, 2, 3, 4) Then Sunny said what about the person that receives the person who receives her pointing 4 fingers XD And Taeyeon did the “4 dollars” imitation thats famous in Korea now apparently. Taeyeon’s struggling about wondering how to point 4 fingers hahaha Then Sunny offered to help Taeyeon take a photo And Taeyeon said ‘we’re so dumb’ and Sunny said ‘what do you mean ‘we’??’ Then Taeng said just me just me. Sunny was taking photo for Taeng and Taeng told her not to take one so close up and pushed her away. Sunny suggested a hand pose for Taeyeon for #7 and Taeyeon said “As expected she’s an idol, as expected” XD Sunny said its so hard to do a broadcast - having to think of poses for Taeyeon LOL. Taeyeon said that its really been a long time since they did such a broadcast.
Taeng: (about her hair) How is it? What’s pretty? Is it pretty? 
Sunny: Like a fairy. 
Taeyeon: Is there any soul?? No??? (meaning Sunny isn’t saying that with any sincerity)                                                
Sunny said that she was worse at gaming than she worried about Said that she should go home and practice, but she won’t improve even if she did practice Taeyeon said that means she and the game just doesn’t match.   Taeyeon saw Sunny’s design and shouted “pretty!” a few times, and said she should copy Sunny’s design Sunny kept designing and Taeyeon said that she doesn’t have the time to design it so much as they only have 2 minutes left.  Taeyeon said that their personalities show each of their designs.  Sunny saw that Taeyeon signed in purple and said ‘as expected'. Taeyeon took a keychain and said that its pretty, and Sunny told her not to waste time appreciating it but sign instead But when Sunny saw the keychain she said its pretty too. Taeyeon liked the smell of shirt(?) and kept smelling it And asked don’t others have moments like these? And Sunny said no hahaha. The staff gave them presents though they didn’t eat chicken (win) since its the first broadcast Sunny gave the gift to Taeyeon since she did well Taeyeon said she’ll open it at home. Taeyeon said that though today was quite a pity, they’d practice more at home so that they can showcase more exciting stuff for the fans Sunny said that 2nd place is already very good. They’re wondering about what to say at the end, and Taeyeon said its sleeping time now And said that “Even though its not time to sleep yet, go to sleep! Since there’s tomorrow too!” And made their ending comment ‘sleep well~'.  Taeyeon was imitating a flight stewardess announcement since Sunny was following her on the plane And they laughed when the translator even translated that, and Sunny apologised that she has to translate their jokes.
cr. suitaes, jasminelep
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withercat-writes · 6 years ago
strife 90
Hey uuuuuuuuh what the hell happened to this? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ramble. Warning for drug use but it’s Strife c’mon you expect that. AO3 Link
It was a rainy night, but Strife paid it no mind, umbrella in hand and sunglasses pushed over his eyes to avoid detection, he walked confidently into the dingy warehouse, not bothering to look behind him as the car pulled away. He’d been waiting for this all month, and he had made extra sure to Parvis proof the plans, and thus, he was alone, finally.
Walking in the warehouse was dark, but an area with a few candles caught his eye, yes there it was. He walked over, a table set up and a deck of cards, he looked over at the people playing hand and he tossed some money onto the table, “Deal me in Minty.”
Minty gave a polite smile and said “Oh I’m glad you made it Strife, I was worried that the weather would stop you from coming,” though Strife knew that even if she was quite polite, she could break most people like a toothpick, and while normally he would never lump himself in with ‘most people’ Minty could absolutely break him like a toothpick also.
“Of course an evening playing cards and away from Parvis-” he gave a small glare at Xephos who gave a knowing look. “Nothing could have stopped me.”
“Really I think you were late because you were a chicken! A pansy chicken” Sips crowed, grinning, he had the most chips on the table, someone was doing quite well tonight Strife noticed, before slipping his shades back to his head.
“Not a chance Sips, someone has to take your dirty money from you and clean it up” Strife remarked back, making the entire table groan as Strife smirked
Xephos in particular held his face in his hands “Must you Strife? We’ve all heard that joke so many times.”
“And make the William Strife come up with new material? We both know he could never!” Ravs snarked taking his chips out of his mug and stacking them on the table to clean the mug more, a clear sign of bragging, seems Ravs was doing second best.
Strife finally took a chair and Sips slid him a cigar, Strife happily took it, no comment made between them, as Strife waited for the next hand. After a few minutes of watching and a few more cards dealt to no reaction beyond Ravs sighing and folding and the others throwing a few more chips into the pot they flipped up there cards to Minty’s check, she was a good card shark, Strife couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the one time Sips tried to cheat and got hogtied to the roof by her with ease, that was hilarious he still had the pictures.
“Xephos has a straight, Sips has a three of a kind, Nano has a two of a kind, Nilesy has, a straight flush? Seems it’s turning up for you, Nilesy wins the hand.” Minty said after a quick examination of the cards and Nilesy grinned and pulled in the cash, Strife realized he hadn’t seen any other chips with him, he must have gone all in.
“Oh come on! Must I lose every good hand I have??” Xephos groaned as he looked to his dwindling pile of chips, at this rate he’d be first out.
“Don’t blame me Xeph, the cards just like me more! Really if you slips me a few diamonds I could lend you a few of mine-” Nilesy wheedled before Xephos interrupted
“Isn’t the price usually that or friendship”
Strife snorted a bit at that, ah Nilesy, still so idealistic. Nilesy seemed to huff though as he pointed his nose in the air and said “Well I thought we were already friends Xephos how dare.”
“Well we uh are I suppose hm, still not paying you diamonds though.”
“Geeez what a cheapskate whatever though enjoy the walk of shame in oh, five minutes.”
Snickers littered the table at Xeph’s expense who blushed a bit.
“Alright boys settle down, mama needs a new pair of shoes, Minty deal for us wont you?” Nano interjected, getting the game back on track
“Of course, usually blinds, Ravs and Sips you’re up.”
Ravs and Sips rolled there eyes but tossed a few chips in the pot and Strife asked while Minty dealt “Let me guess, Rail Bros failed to show again?”
Nano shrugged as she checked her cards “Eh when do they ever, say they should be less busy next month hopefully, maybe we’ll even get to see them for a minute!”
The table laughed for a few seconds as they also checked there cards and Ravs spoke up “Eh screw them anyways we don’t need them to have some fun, since this is all of us you guys want to break out the keg I brought? Only a hundred bucks to use it!”
Strife found himself feeling a bit parched and spoke up “I’ll give you fifty and a hit of redstone.” taking out the bag, he would need that concentration for the game and Ravs grinned.
“Deal give me that hit!” and reached into his big bag by his feet and pulled out a decent sized keg with ease.
“Dealer gets free drinks.” Minty said casually as she grabbed a cup and got some to Ravs rolled eyes, but he didn’t protest. “Besides your swill isn’t worth 100 anyways, it’s basically fifty percent squid ink these days.”
Ravs crossed his arms and complained “Rythian doesn’t notice or care you should all be like him” very notably not denying the claim.
“I think if Strife tried to be more like Rythian, he’d explode he’s basically the antirythian.” Xephos remarked, not grabbing a cup himself, just taking a swig from a flask, someone was pregaming.
Strife checked his cards ignoring the banter, red jack heart and red heart four, not bad. His neutral face scanned the group as they settled back down for another round, Xephos itched his nose, he had a bad hand if he had to guess, Sips was as steadfast as ever, not giving a thing, and Ravs had no shame in thumping his face into the table in defeat, he was bluffing he’d use that trick before, he must have a great hand. Everyone else gave away nothing yet, Strife clicked his tongue as the table went around to him “Check.”
“Oh someone’s being a pussy.”
“Shut up Nilesy”
“He does have a point though Strife, the nights young.”
“You just want me to lose more money then you might.”
“I take offense at that.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Watching as the game continued and soon Minty dealt cards onto the table, Strife clicked his tongue, dammit, black spades eight, black jack clubs, and a red six heart, dammit all. At least he still had a pair which was better then an ace high.
“Check again”
His eyes darted to the speaker, Sips, before speaking, his brow had a slight furrow, he had a terrible hand now, and he had bet earlier hadn’t he, bastard probably was hoping he could at least get ahead of him in money lost here.
“Bite me”
The hand continued a six black spades had appeared, giving Strife a two pair, and everyone was checking, wait no Ravs had just raised, and soon it was his turn to call, the hand was no longer free, and Strife figured they were right, the night was young.
“So Strife how is your business going anyways, still taking that leave of absence with Parv?”
He rubbed his face, how dare Nano remind him, “Unfortunately yes, someone has to keep him alive and that’s my problem to deal with, he listens to me the most so I can’t just hire someone easily, it’s a pain. Xephos you know the debt wasn’t worth this pain.”
“Well I didn’t know at the start he’d get into blood magic Strife, that’s your fault.”
Holding his face in his hands, the rest of the hand went by without any notice as Strife grumped about being stuck with Parvis. He tied the hand with Ravs, who also only had a two pair, huh guess the move earlier was a double bluff, when did he get good at poker?
Strife didn’t know but the rest of the night Strife’s concentration wavered, even as he took a few hits of redstone, he found himself, uninterested in the game, and he looked around the area he was in, a dusty old warehouse, no electricity or heating, the sound of a storm outside, why was he here. His eyes fell upon his companions, and wondered how they got here, old memories of a childhood long gone flashed behind his eyes.
He looked to Nano, when did she get so, defensive? Sure even as his childhood friend and crush she had always been feisty, but never so on guard, she went missing when he was sixteen, and only recently a few years was found in the Nether, memories of her childhood gone, his heart tugged for a minute for her, she was still the girl he had loved, but she never did settle back in with the group again, never fully having the connection the others had, and yet she showed, why did she force herself to show? Strife wasn’t sure, but he could tell that she was in pain, was it the flux? Or something more? He would never know.
Next up was Nilesy, a skittish kid the group met in high school that swindled away Sips’ entire wallet, he fell in fast with the group when he realized they weren’t about to murder him when they confronted him, a kind trustable face to a cunning viper in a tie, rumors spread about what happened in Cabertown, but whatever had happened there, it changed Nilesy, now on guard as well, with a stiff posture, what had he and Ravs done?
And Ravs, the pickpocket and get away driver in the band of youths, he used to be so carefree yet wise at times, just wanting money and something in his hands to fiddle with. People say there were no survivors of the Cabertown Riots, and yet, he and Nilesy sat before them, denying they had ever been there, but a greed of a new kind had entered Ravs eyes, it worried Strife, what had driven such a simple guy into a frenzy behind his smile? Why did Nilesy always keep an eye on him? What had he done?
Minty served up another hand, and Strife couldn’t help a small smile as he remembered the day he and her met, she beat him up thinking he was Sips, the dumb and mildly concussed Strife of only thirteen had proposed on the spot, must have been weird for her, She did seem apologetic when she learned he was in fact not the half dwarf Sips, and instead the supposedly completely human Strife. She brought him homework and sweets, tutoring him where he fell behind and training him how to break out of grips when she wanted to practice her martial arts. She now had a knife under her sleeve at all times now even more poison in her polite smiles, rumors of all kind swirled around her, perhaps military service? Or she became a mercenary? The more, crass rumors he had stomped out sparing no expense, Minty didn’t deserve that. All Strife knew for sure, is that Minty has killed at least one person, and it changed her forever.
The Rail Bros, well, they were an oddity, while not here tonight they had been the groups dealers, and the ones with the bail money, while they had fallen mostly out of contact with the bros, they still had a place for them at there table.
Then there was Xephos, yup there was certainly Xephos, Strife was glad his hero complex was doing better, that caused them a lot of trouble in there youth, Xephos need to cause trouble, just to save the day, its a miracle they weren’t arrested, its a miracle Xephos got Honeydew. Though Strife was still pissed about Parvis, he knew Xephos was a good man, better then him that’s for sure.
Last but probably least, was Sips himself, the half dwarf was an oddity among the group. The only openly nonhuman, the group made sure any who fucked with him got beat the shit out of, Sips was too slow to anger for his own good after all. He had been the comic relief and sleaze of the group, joking and charming his way out of trouble, though rarely taking the group with him with it. The unofficial leader, he encouraged Strife to go to college with him, and later saved his life from the blood magic. He changed the least, out of the group, but even he wore the weariness of age, no longer just zoning off, Sips always looked like he knew something, and that he desperately wish he didn’t. Strife could only guess what it was, he heard rumors about something to do with copper? What abyss had Sips looked into?
Strife leaned back in his chair as he folded his shit hand, and now here they all were, meeting in an abandoned warehouse to play poker once a mouth, just like they were 14 again and had the world in there palms.  They really did have it now, but Strife wondered if it had been worth it, what had happened to the energetic group that loved life? He didn’t know, and now they played poker pretending the atrocities they had seen and done never existed, that everything was still okay, that there was some semblance of sanity. Maybe that’s why the Rail Bros never came around anymore, perhaps they grew up where he could not? Perhaps they gave up holding onto the past? Strife frowned, he couldn’t do that, it was one of his very few chains, if he forgot the past he’d just become, a shell, he had to remember why he was here, and not get lost to his secrets and drives for power and cash, to remember his humanity. He knew the day he stopped coming, was the day he could no longer be called human, and so as he watched the group play, a fakeness and feeling of forced from every action, Strife could not stop himself from asking to the group, letting every inch of weariness and age show in his words.
“Do you remember when we were all little?”
Then the group was silent, and Strife knew he had broken every facade there, the group would never be the same.
Strife could only pray it would do some good, and not bring the chaos he feared so dearly that would befall it from challenging the unspoken rules.
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cocona · 7 years ago
hey! i wanna at least try to get into kpop, to see what all the fuss is abt, and youre the first blog that comes to mind abt that stuff. do you have any recs!? or comments?? anything really, i'm interested in what you have to say
i have recs!!! first of all ty for asking me abt it hdgfs !! i’ll make u a list !! i will try to stay concise but i have bolded n linked the most important stuff since i tend to blabber a lot! there r groups i purposely didnt recommend! also! i advise you to look up who did what if you want to know why idcs abt certain artists that r big in kpop (like big//ba//ng, su//ju, bl//ock//b, ma//ma//moo & so on) tl;dr: kpop basics (spotify) + @tearera (my kpop sb)
i’ll start w some RECS but jsyk kpop as u might have heard of it is mainly composed of groups! which is why i’ll start w groups then soloists! of course u can check out most of them on spotify (u can listen to their playlist of the most famous songs atm!). please notice that the kpop industry is very ‘classic’ when it comes to concepts (cute r for gorls! badass r for boys!) so um. yeah. yikes. if i had to argue abt all the things i find wrong in this industry this post would become a manifesto, u can always pm me if u want to hear me complain lmao 
honestly…. TWICE are the first one that came to my mind when i thought of ggs to rec. they’re a 9 member group labelled under jyp entertainment n have debuted in 2015 with the bop like ooh aah… that u can listen to! their genre is mainly cute songs but dont be fooled!! they have extremely powerful songs & lyrics as well! some good starts with their music are LIKEY (2017, a bop, great melody, great rapping, one of their ult feel good songs, played @ the olympics), TT (2016, queens of halloween!), and also their most recent song WHAT IS LOVE (2018, iconic!! gay!! bop!! sweet!! great album!!). as twice are the kind that can set you off by their cuteness and playful vibes, i recommend you to check out some of their side tracks. personality wise, the girls r very fun and sweet! they’re all angels and i love them all THIS MUCH!! if u want to know, sana & dahyun r my favourite members!         
also queens, but from sm entertainment this time, Red Velvet are a 5 member gg who have debuted in 2015 with the song Happiness (at that time they were only 4 but the youngest member, Yeri, joined later on!). some very famous songs of theirs are… basically all their title tracks but i’d mainly recommend Russian Roulette, Dumb Dumb (also my fave rv music video!!), Peek-a-boo (what’s better than lesbians witches slaying men and eating pizza), Bad Boy (honestly… one of their best songs… title track of their repackaged album…good shit if u will). of course! there are some side tracks i will recommend! i will frankly say that i listen to a lot of their music and they’re my favourite musically! some faves in no particular order are automatic, cool hot sweet love, huff n puff, something kinda crazy, about love, kingdom come, little little and talk to me! they have very versatile genres and have two main themes of music, the red and the velvet, though these mix often! rlly! their music really good. they have amazing choreographies too!!!!
the third gg i will rec are one that have not debuted yet, it’s LOONA! get ready bc they are a 12 member group with one girl for every month. each girl was revealed every month staring from 2016 with a single album composed of one song and one side track that usually features another member! as this group has yet to debut, i cannot show you anything with all twelve members but! they work with units, there are three: loona 1/3, odd eye circle, and yyxy (tune in for their debut scheduled for may!) that each have an album. 1/3 r more of a cute girly concept, while odd eye circle have played strongly on the girl crush & rnb concept. we have yet to see what yyxy has for us n im frankly v excited!!! my fave singles are Around You (hyunjin), Let Me In (haseul), Singing in the rain (jinsoul, best girl), Eclipse (kim lip), and Heart Attack (by chuu!! also best girl). they have already released a lot of music so go ahead & listen to it! their music videos have a plot and it’s one of those theories fandom (loonaverse)! the positions that all the members will have wasn’t been revealed yet!
then here’s a list of ggs that’s not as detailed bc it would be too long: clc (they r…the girls….), exid (vocals, social criticism, sexy), blackpink (5 songs out but theyre all top notch), f(x) (v good music! bring them back from the war), gfriend (cute & refreshing concepts! v tight choreographies! sweet girls!), aoa, & many more! groups i dont rec bc i dont stan but that u should know of: snsd, 2ne1; that have disbanded but shouldnt have: sistar
ok i stan two boy groups so that’ll be quick! i’ll also rec plenty of music!
the main group i stan is BTS aka the bangtan boys and yes… they’re everywhere… they deserve it tbh… so theyre a 7 member boy group and they’re the first kpop group i ever stanned! they have released a lot of songs already but i’ll just mark something! bts are known for their cinematography and plot in their music videos as well as their politically/socially engaged songs. they debuted in 2013 with the youth-conscious song no more dream and um. forget the mv. the message is what’s important. secondly! my favourite eps & albums are DARK&WILD (forget abt war of hormone), The Most Beautiful Moment in Life pt2, WINGS, and Love Yourself 轉 Tear (which will be released on May 18th so stay tuned!). here’s a beginner’s list to bts & their music videos: spring day, blood sweat & tears, run, fire, i need u, and intros: singularity, serendipity. i cannot recommend bts songs bc i’d be unable to pick some, but here is my bangtan favourites playlist and spotify’s This Is BTS! n their most known song atm, still on charts, DNA. another thing!! they dabble in a lot of genres! there is a constant symbolism in most of their songs and music videos, which is why there are theories! also, here are my fave choreos (x x x) & non-official releases (x x x)! also! j-hope recently released a mixtape! check it out! it’s v good! the bad thing is that the fandom is massive n it is filled with young fans so a lot of fan-created content is cringey. apart from that! theyre lovely as a band n i’m not ashamed to say that they bring me most of my joy these days!
then there is… NCT. ok, let’s dive into them. nct is the acronym for Neo Culture Technology, they’re currently an 18 member boy group but hey! don’t be scared! they too work in units and have only released one song which features all 18 of them! it is likely that the band will expand later on & that the name NCT will become a brand (like akb48 u know). so far! there are three units! NCT DREAM (based on age, with the youngest members who r still minors), NCT U (the first unit to have debuted, aka nct united, a rotative unit with no fixed genre or members list) and NCT 127 (seoul based unit, fixed, with 9 members). they’re known for their experimentative and diversified sound, which goes from ballads to… this. while each unit have their distinct genre and vibe, they’re all under the same label of nct! and um, check out spotify’s nct playlist if u want! here r some songs that are basics! bolded r the faves! jsyk i hated their music & their clothes @ first bc it’s so unique so dw if u dislike them! 
127: cherry bomb, limitless (gross hair but spectacular song), touch, back to u, 0 mile, sun & moon, angel
dream: my first and last, we young, go, dunk shot, trigger the fever, la la love
u: the 7th sense, boss, baby don’t stop, without you, yestoday
solo tracks/sm station: dream in a dream & new heroes (ten), around (taeyong)
the last group i’ll present in length n that u should know about is SEVENTEEN. they’re a 13 member boy group & work in units as well but mainly promote w all the members! they’re the fun, sweet, talented, heartfelt refreshing boys we all love tbh! so! seventeen debuted in 2015 with the bop adore u and since then it’s been great song over great song… they also have great choreos! they’re the easiest group to listen to imo bc their songs are mostly light and very similar to what you can hear on teen top radios! then, they get stuck in your head very easily! here are some songs u can listen to that will make your day! mansae, very nice, pretty u, clap, don’t wanna cry, change up, n there are many more! some of my faves are when i grow up, trauma, still lonely, rocket, crazy in love, lean on me, and uhgh rlly all of their songs tbh! three units better known as teams: hip-hop, performance and vocal, with a leader in each. they put up great performances!!
then there is shinee, mostly nicknamed the kings of kpop, i’d make a very long desc but! i suggest you to see for yourself as the fandom is v helpful!
here are some boy groups that i rec but wont go in length with: pentagon (i stan!), monsta x (edm, powerful dances), shinee, exo (great vocals, great choreos, v good music), astro (bubblegum but v heartwarming! vocals), day6 (rock band, great songs), wanna one & many more! rlly um bgs arent the thing that’s lacking in kpop! 
a bit in the middle: KARD (mixed group!!! great music & genderless, breaking the usual hardcore is for boys & cutesy is for girls concept)
more of a solo person? check out artists like hyuna (ex member of both wonder girls & 4minute), iu, heize (a personal fave!), sunmi (ex member of wonder girls), taemin (member of shinee), amber liu (current member of fx! also released a mixtape recently!) hyolyn or dean… tbh there r many! these r just the ones i can think off the top of my head! theyre honestly easy to listen to so just look up their names on yt & u should find some good things!
if u read all of this!! uhh kudos to u!! it was v long n i didnt expect it to be that long!! 
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moremoneytips · 4 years ago
Great Skin Care Help That Won't Leave You Confused
New Post has been published on https://innersoulhealthandbeautyreviews.com/great-skin-care-help-that-wont-leave-you-confused-4/
Great Skin Care Help That Won't Leave You Confused
Good skin care advice is just a matter of simple, yet practical ways to keep your routine fresh and effective. The great ideas in this article can give you the tools you need to design a routine that works for you. They will inspire you to show off your best skin ever.
In order to maximize the benefit of your skin care, you need to set a skin care regimen and stick with it. Constantly switching products can actually cause more damage. If you stay with a single product over the long term, you’re more likely to see positive results. Just experimenting and never staying with anything, will not help you find a routine that works.
In the cold months you should use a humidifier, especially if you have central heat. Central heating systems push out hot, dry air through out the building. This air can damage and dry out your skin. Using a humidifier can add moisture in the air, help you breathe better, and keep your skin from drying out.
In general, if your skin isn’t complaining, use as few products on it as possible. And those you do choose should be suited to your skin type and should never irritate. Many people with perfectly happy skin have created their own problems by purchasing a “line” of products, each with a specific purpose, when in fact they would be better served by keeping it plain and simple.
Your face is not the only indicator of your age. Do not forget about your neck and hands! Keep the skin on your neck and hands youthful by exfoliating them once a week and moisturizing them with an SPF of at least 25 every day. Exfoliation will help increase cell turnover and the SPF will help prevent dark spots.
Apply your products to damp skin in order to maximize absorbency and effectiveness. When you just step out of the shower (or steam room), your skin is more absorbent and sponge-like than it is when it is dry. However, there is one exception. Do not apply sunscreen with a mineral-base to damp skin. You will get uneven coverage.
Cleanliness is next to godliness in skin care. As you sweat, you are covering your body in a film of sebum. This makes for a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As this is their primary food source, it makes the ultimate location for them to infest and spread, causing you to break out.
Minimizing the amount of alcohol you drink is essential to proper skin care. Just two drinks a day can increase the amount of oil in your skin and enlarge your pores. Sticking to one drink a day will make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your skin.
You can see from the tips in this article, that your best skin care routine is the one that is just right for your needs and leaves you with healthier looking skin every day. Your friends will wonder if you hired a personal skin care expert, when they see how great your skin looks!
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herestoallmydreams · 5 years ago
Been A Whileeeeee!
it’s been 6 years since I’ve written anything & a lot has happened in this time! 
-graduated college
-worked at a private school
-it became toxic
-jobless/ on the huntttttt ---- in my feels & connected with art again
-worked at a public school 
-was burdened & sick from mistreatment of a student & me (employee)
-decided to leave bc no benefits & fulltime with that mistreatment
-got a full-time & stuck it out
-CORONA virus & q’s of job again with possible district switch
I think that is a pretty accurate timeline of major events that have happened in my life over the span of 6 years. I also have grown so much in self discovery & development.... Grown stronger in my confidence, abilities, financial literacy, and understanding what I like/ don’t in relationships and dating.
Yea, I said relationships & dating!! bahahaha I think this is the biggest one here! I didn’t include this in my life update bullets but this has def been a large area of growth for me over this span.... starting with the fact that I actually have some experience to talk about that is “real.” Not to say that college crushes, summer fun romances & a “friendly” first make out are not real, but I actually fell in love.... with an older guy overseas in the summer of 2015. I was 23 and he was 31(8 year difference) and we were in love. I resisted the whole way through but it grew strong for me and I lost myself a bit in the process. 
Essentially, what I was afraid of happened... I didn’t wanna love him more, care more and feel unloved and uncared for. but that is what happened after 2 years together. I was all in and pulled back from flesh temptation bc I knew If we’d be together in person the expectation would be there so I treated it like if i wanted it to be my forever and resisted. That created more distance & made me feel more unloved. It hurt like hell in short. I turned to manipulation and I cried way more than I should have. But it’s done. I miss the companionship but I missed it months before we were “officially” done. 
Then oddly enough years later online dating apps has become a huggge industry and a really big trend. Hope & Ayo both met their  bf’s on their and encouraged me to get out there and date.
In 2018 and 2019 I still was “getting over” my ex in a way, but each year I felt better. By 2019 winter, I made a profile & started swiping. It was good to think of myself and dating.... experiment and get out there in a way. I went on A LOT of first dates and chatted with numerous guys to potentially date. It was fun and exciting. I found different people brought out different sides of me and I enjoyed getting to know new people and myself in the process. 
3 guys stood out most in my short 6 or so months of dating, Atabek, Mark & Tolga. 
-----First off Atabek was a beautiful man. I was most attracted to him but when we dated I think I was too unsure of what I wanted. He asked what I was interested in & I didn’t say one way or the other. I wanted to see him more (most of everyone I went out with but sadly it didnt really work out. I didnt hear from him.) 
------Mark was a black guy and a good person to text with. I enjoyed conversation but he didn’t seem ready to really date me. IDK if it was he didnt want things to be to serious or what.... He took forever to go out with me but i think it was an alright date all n all. With him i learned to let the guy be the gentleman--- if he tries to do something for me, don’t resist. Also, be myself but don’t be too much myself to scare him. (blew out my afro and it was hugely huge that day hehehe 
------Lastly was Tolga, ohhh Tolga. He was really good looking too like Atabek.... but in a more youthful kind of way. He was younger and very eager to date me. I think it was really that he was really eager to have a girlfriend. We went out 4 times in a couple weeks but texted/knew each other for a long time. With him I learned that I shouldn’t be too much in my head, but also if my gut is telling me something is missing then listen too.
 With him there were little things that i noticed as “red flags.” He associated with black culture & felt knowledgeable enough to speak on things bc he had black friends. also he was “pressed” to be exclusive. I should have let him kiss me at some point (ie get outta my head with it) but also i think a part of me knew that he was more superficial and I wanted to be with someone i connected with more on a deeper level. Mark i connected with more on a deep level but he was to wishy washy. Atabek I connected more on a physical level with him and some on a deep/ cultural level but I was the wishy washy one. 
Throughout all of this I know more of myself & what I am looking for. I am someone who takes time to grow to really like someone.... enough to want to call them and talk. I have to connect on a deep level and in order for my real attraction to develop for someone. I am also a bit fearful that I will let my guard down and love someone but their love wont be as strong and true as mine.
I want to be in a relationship where the love grows stronger and isn’t fleeting. One where he is patient and kind to me and takes the time to get to know me and love me. I want a slow roasted marinated kind of love, not a microwave minute kind of love. I want to be in a relationship with a man who is sure of himself and secure in himself in a way that he is cool with waiting to woo me and for me to let my guard down. Lastly, I want a man who will communicate with me when something is not working. One who can communicate gently but firmly what he wants and needs and is open to hear the same for me. I want to be clear in what i want and need too & be able to communicate that in a way that is gentle & firm too. 
Building security in a personal relationship with self allows for building security in a personal relationship with someone else. Being vulnerable with yourself and facing those things helps you to do so with your partner too. I saw that with each of these connections I built over the last few years too & I’m so grateful for what I’ve learned & how I’ve grown. 
I think at this point in life I have certain ideas about what my life should look like & where I wanna be when I meet/date the right guy, but honestly, heaven only knows. In my mind I want it to be in a couple years still, but in my heart, I think I’m really ready to be in a committed relationship. I saw myself being in a short dating relationship and getting married after a year or so of courting.... but I am open to dating for a little more of an extensive time (2-4 years) to get thing in order financially from this point in life. 
I’m 28 years old. Age is only a number but it does feel different when friends around you start to pair of and start their new lives together. It’s a beautiful thing. Most of the time I am happy for people but i have to watch myself. I have noticed at brief times quick flashes of jealousy like “how did they get to buy a home on their own” or wow, i can’t believe that they are getting married, having kids, or ohhh gosh another person from college is married. It has been interesting at times. Even people younger than me, finding love or being in a relationship. Sometimes hope complains but Im like hey, it’s something great ya got there. 
I know everyone is different though and I am def not Hope or Ayo or Morgan or any of my other friends. I am me & I gotta keep faith that someone right is out there for me & trust in God’s timing and plan. He works things so that I can learn along the way & this way, when it is time for me to be with the right person, I will be the right person.
Anyways, this post was very very long but it’s been a while. :) kinda glad i have a space for this bc quarantine has been making me a lil loopy the last couple weeksssssss. That and period hormone thingssss mehh. 
the end for now!
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kainaafandi-blog · 7 years ago
A story of Exchange
Hello my fellow exchange students!! First, let me say thank you to my super American grandmother, yaps Barbara Bancel, the one who has taught me so many things and helped me during my exchange year and after. She told me to write something about my perspective or experiences that might help you guys seeing a world called Exchange Student in different perspective. Well I’m not a good writer or story maker so hopefully my story wont bored you all and I’m not trying to teach you, because I ain’t a teacher, but I learn from the best teacher in the world, experiences!. So enjoy it
Let me introduce myself, I’m from Indonesia, a country thousand miles away from Hawaii, and believe me, I almost traveled all around the world when I went to Hawaii based on the itinerary that American Council gave me. Check it on the map if you don’t believe it (smile). I was a Kennedy Lugar – Youth Exchange and Study alumnus, 2011/2012
So, my first family, The Alapai Family, lived in Maili, Waianae, the west side of Oahu Island. Some people said that is one of the hardest place on Oahu. The Second was the Busher Family, lived in makaha, Waianae. The third one was Nielsen Family, also live in makaha. And the forth one was Bernard family, lived in Hawaii Kai, south side of Oahu.
I went to Waianae High school, the Home of Seariders, and from this school I learned much how different we were. Well in this school, I joined with some school clubs like Air rifle, the garden club and etc. Oh I forget the last family was Orme Family, they live in Hillsboro, Oregon.
Being an exchange student is not as easy as you thought. Everything can happen, sometimes beyond your expectation. You must have faith in your life, you have to be brave, and you have to be yourself. I still remember the days when I was there, Barbara told me ‘Remember–Be self-reliant and take care of your own needs….This is a mark of an Adult, not a kid.’ Being an exchange student, makes me believe that I can do what I can do, it opened my mind, every people has courage to be a leader, they just don’t know how to do it. I learned how to deal with people who have different culture, language, attitude, etc. I learned to control myself for not stereotyping, I learned how to be an open-minded person and learned to solve every problem that comes to me.
What will you do if a person full of tattoo in his hand come closer to you while you are sitting alone in school bench? Well you might run as fast as you can but I believe it will make that guy feel bad, or you wait and see since you are in school! So I grew up a year in a place that people said tough place. So what I did at that time was, I sat, and he came to me, and you know what, he asked my name and he knew that I’m an exchange student, but he confused when he heard that I’m from Indonesia (he knew it when I introduced myself in front of the class) so he asked me about my Country. Can you imagine what if I run away, and I lost a chance to tell people about my country?? Which I believe it was one of my goal during my exchange year, to tell the world about my country!
So, day by day I learned how to control myself for not being a coward. I learned new thing, don’t judge a book by its cover! Indeed, it’s true. Every night before I slept, I always did the reflection thing, I rethink for what have I learned, what I just got today. Well maybe some of us, before going to sleep, will be crying because of homesick, missing daddy and mommy, family in home country, friends, well I must admit sometimes I did that too. It’s okay, you can cry as much as you can, but I suggest you, please do not waste your energy for that too much. You cannot buy a year during your exchange year with money, you just can’t! It is not just a life in a year, it is about experiences. It’s about making the new you, combine with the old you!
When I was in there, the New Year was one of the hardest part for me, because the first time in my life didn’t celebrate New Year with my real family. But, it made me stronger. Believe me, after 5 years, never once in my life I cried because I must be away from my friend or people who are important for me, not because I lost my empathy, but I realized, sadness won’t make them back, sadness just make you feel weak, you just need to be strong to face it, and believe me being away thousand miles in a year has taught you how to do it. Oh believe me, one of my best friend passed away when I was in Hawaii.  Not just being stronger, my exchange year also taught me how to be a good person in a group or being a good leader. I have to admit that I gained a lot in public speaking skill, skill that you won’t get in class if you just sit and listen. Barbara said to me �� If you come here just to sit, read books, you better go home, you can get it at home, so go outside.  Well at the first, I didn’t really get what she meant for that, but then I realize she was right, I wasted a year of my life, just for sitting at home playing computer? C’mon, I can do it later, so then I do those volunteering work. And again, I’ve gained new skill, Social interaction. Yes, this is what we need nowadays. Some people,  know how to solve problem, but they don’t know how to explain it to common people. You know why? Because they don’t have public speaking skill and bad in socialization with others. So this is your chance to gain your skill in public, giving some speech, giving presentation, interact with new people you don’t know, knowing each other, caring each other, helping each other sincerely.  You know what the most important thing that I’ve gained? Being flexible. Yes it’s true. I lived with 4 different types of host family. They are different in many ways. They treated me different from each other. If you ask me which one is the best, I would say, all of them are the best in different thing. If now you are complaining your host family because they never buy you food, or ask you to go to a movie, or playing outside, or ask you just to stay at home, or yelling at you, well believe me I’ve been there. I’ve been in many situation where my host family not really a wealthy family, or way too rich. And I know the difference. I learned from them and know the different how it feels lived in a family that doesn’t have too much stuffs, or just so so, or the rich one, or just by himself at home. From that thing, I’ve gained something that we called tolerance! Something small but important in our life. Don’t be so selfish to yourself to get what you want, cause not everything you can get as what you want, but you will get something that you need.
So if you think your exchange year is tough, think again, out there, there must be someone who has a life tougher than you think and having problem with their exchange year. So be tough! Learn from around you, talk to each other, and be friendly!
So then you might want to know what is the different after being a exchange student. Maybe I just want to tell you little bit b’cause I want you to feel the difference by yourself. The new you and the old you will fight each other once you come home. You will understand it later after you come home. The important thing is, you will see yourself is not the old you in some ways, but your colleague at home will still see you as the same one. Once again, I remember Barbara told me during the final orientation before leaving Hawaii, she said ‘It will be even more difficult for your family to get used to the New You given all your growth, learning and development over the past year’ and yes it is true. People will see you the same, but they will surprise once they know you better.  . So good luck for that :D.
Let’s jump to the end of this story. 2011-2012 was the most outstanding year I’ve ever had. I met new people, awesome people who taught me so many things about life, about people, about culture, about sadness, happiness. Families with their hospitality, friends with their smile when I came to the class for the first time. Oh yeah, just a side story, I also made an enemy in my school you know, but it a good way. Well she was just jealous to me since I beat her score at school in history of Hawaiian class and algebra2, she told me that she didn’t like me cause she became number 2 in school. Oh well, I didn’t care actually.. :D believe me I just bring a book and one pencil to school, I prefer forget those thing than forget my camera. hahaha.
im not trying to teach you, I m just sharing my experiences, you know experience is the best teacher in the world. Last from me, please be a responsible exchange student, you can be free, but be responsible for what you are doing. Once again, enjoy your life in Hawaii, where ohana means family!
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nakadoo · 8 years ago
i was looking through my untitled word docs and found a thing i forgot i wrote!
polyshipping akira and his two blonds :^)
ft. confused kawakami
The downfall of the former ace of the track team was the scoop of the year when it had happened. Sakamoto Ryuji was a respectable boy in his middle school days, rough around the edges and a little bit crass but he always meant well and his enthusiasm was quick to rub off on anyone who stayed around him long enough. He was popular, and he was kind, and though he was lacking a little in the academics department he scraped by.
When he got into high school, a lot of people had high expectations for him. He was taller now than before, leaner, quicker, from months and years of excruciating practicing. It was no surprise that he became Shujin High's Ace, but no one could really explain why he suddenly had an attitude change.
Kawakami sighed as she eyed her newest student, a boy who supposedly attacked an innocent bystander. He looked too meek and aloof to be involved with something like that, and even though she's read the police report about him she still finds it hard to believe.
She's also finding it hard to believe that he was a bad student, considering the fact that he's had such a positive impact on Sakamoto. The kid looked about ready to give up on high school, on following the rules, but a few months after the Kurusu boy transferred in and the two outcasts were almost inseparable. Even Takamaki, who never really had friends, seemed to be involved with the two boys as well.
She's been told to keep an eye on all three of them, since they were an unlikely trio who could cause trouble at any moment. But all she saw when her eyes fell upon them was a group of friends, happy to have one another when everyone else thinks of them as the scum of society. It hardly seems fair.
Takamaki smiles more when Kawakami didn't think she smiled unless she was in front of a professional camera. Sakamoto's grades went up when she was so sure he'd fail the last few tests.
Akira Kurusu, so called high school delinquent that should be avoided, so far has been nothing but kind to the two students people didn't want to get involved with. He's made them happier.
She caught them once on the train on a particularly late night. She's not so sure why they were out so late in the first place, but she chalked it up to youth and the need to enjoy the night life while they still could. She's not so sure either why she decides to follow them, even though she really should catch an extra shift when she can.
"I'm beat," Sakamoto sighs as his shoulders slump down in his exhaustion. "D'ya mind if I hang at Le Blanc tonight?"
"That's fine," Kurusu nods in a way that almost looks solemn but there's a smile on his face. He turns his head towards Takamaki, his hand reaching up to play with a lock of his own hair. "What about you, Ann?"
Takamaki looks at her wrist for the time. Her legs shake slightly and she nods her head in agreement. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired too. Are you sure Boss wont mind?"
Kurusu shrugged indifferently. "He likes you guys," he replies. "Say's you're a good influence on me."
Takamaki laughs like its the funniest thing she's ever heard. "Ryuji? Good influence? It's hard to imagine those words in the same sentence."
Sakamoto looks like he wants to complain or disagree but instead he sighs and kicks the dirt at his feet as he scratches the back of his head. "Listen, I've been good all this time—"
"A very Good Boy," Kurusu agrees.
Takamaki's face scrunches into a smile that looks nothing like the smiles on her modeling photographs. She reaches over, ruffling the top of Sakamoto's head affectionately. "A very good boy!" she coos at him like she's cooing at a puppy instead of a so called thug.
"Auugh, knock it off!" Sakamoto complains, but doesn't really make a move to swat her hand away. In fact, it even looks like he's leaning into her touch.
Kurusu smiles then as he pulls his hands out of his pockets. He wraps each arm around the blonds, settling himself in between them as they continued to walk. "I love you guys," he says casually.
Kawakami smiles as well. She can't help it, friendship is such a beautiful thing—
Takamaki leans in and presses a kiss to Kurusu's cheek.
Ah, so they were dating—
Sakamoto, too, leans in to press a kiss against Kurusu's cheek.
Not only that but Sakamoto's hand reaches behind Kurusu's back, eventually finding it's way into Takamaki's hand to link their fingers. The students lean into each other, almost as if they were huddling for warmth.
Kawakami stops, watching as the teenagers leave the station towards the cafe called Le Blanc. Her curiosity was finally satiated, but she didn't quite understand what relationship between the three students were. Though, she felt rather guilty for practically spying on them. It almost felt as if she intruded on something special, something intimate, between the three of them.
"I'll let those three slack off tomorrow," she sighs to herself as she turns around and walks away. It was the least she could do as an apology.
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