#but boy howdy am i tired of her fucking cat lmaoooo
baladric · 6 months
well evidently while i was out of the house yesterday with my cat, my roommate's cat decided my bedroom was his now and came in here to piss all over every article of clothing that was on my floor :) which was. most of the things that i own. it will take me literal days to wash all of this and i am so fucking angryyyyy
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tangygoat · 6 years
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whats up gang its time for art spams at midnight thats what howdy this is my funky guy miguel and some other chuckle fucks we play dnd online im super tired the filter is coming OFF
Miguel: paladin archetype: Dad + gay = *those really long baby leashes that tired adults use during shopping excursions* he’s an old irish talkin soldier who didn’t get recognized for shite lmao. Likes: cats, poetry, nihilist memes about death and surfing on straight tears if the internet existed, fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, saying “Eh” instead of “uh” like normal people, topping Dislikes: i dunno, getting pinned to anything by anyone, Travis Starborn’s Coin Surge Spell, topping, how one of the bloodhunters (travis) and rogue (fallen) are stronger than hiM BECAUSE DAMNIT I JUST HAD TO USE STANDARD SCORES HUH!
Honest/Sorrow: bard + gay = “Its cold outside but I’m still looking like a thotty because a hoe never gets cold!” a charming little bean that everyone is horny for i guess? miguel’s def confused. into him? *Miguel voice* “Eh, we’ll see.” Likes: Miguel, The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: drama, people giving half a shit about his ass lol challenge accepted you funky little tiefling, Travis probably
Vihaan: bard + gay pining = *slaps roof of car* This bad boy can fit so much Angst in it thERE ARE TWO BARDS AW SHIT. nah its cool this one’s goth. there’s a difference. Orphan drama? probably. got some zuko-ass scars up in this funky fella. Likes: Honest (aw beans who saw that coming), The Refreshing Taste Of Whole Milk Dislikes: Being Ignored (sorry bout that @jasamiemindrow i am not good at reading chat i am going to try harder also you did inspire this post good job gold star it is almost 1am), It should be a given that nobody likes Travis except Travis
Speaking of which..
Travis Starborn: a piece of newly minted gold + mollymauk but meAN = “Thank Travis for Travis” So the PLAYERS like travis…. can’t say the same for the CHARACTERS…. Likes: Travis, gold, peanut brittle, Jorge???? (Hi, its me, Miguel. The universe wants to speak to yo-STOP TRAVIS OH GOOD GOD STOP) Dislikes: You, Sex, Established Religion
Bonelle: angst + horny = HANGST *eyeshine* (its sucks but they had to leave the session bUT THEYRE HERE ANYWAY WHATS GOOD MOFOS) Whats good kids lets imagine the real-life real-world consequences of your devianart oc yknow the crazy one hahah you have made their life a miserable living burning burning burning hell (thats a reference to the character please call me cool?) anyway congrats your babu is suffering and its all your fault Likes: GIRLS boy hOWDY, cats aw thats good, sweet tricks *spaghetti western theme plays* Dislikes: anyone touching her guns, Travis, fire fire fire, strip truth or dare
Fallen: invisible + draco malfoy = STEALTH 100 ah yes, Miguel’s worst nightmare: an invisible kindergartener with a superiority complex and the stats to keep it up and running *insert shitty audience applause* Likes: being invisible, being royal or something idk, riddle me this batman if you cant see the boy than was he ever really there oooooooo Dislikes: not getting his dick wet in every fucking problem even if theyre not his issue damn boy u horny for drama chiiiill
Qin: warlock + angst = CRAWLING IIIN MYY SKIIIIIN it makes sense dont worry. This funky god fucker loves cats, cool swords and going shopping without telling anyone where they are. Likes: fantasy weed lmao 420 blaze it, cats, sweet flips, strip truth or dare Dislikes: lmao idk??? dudes’ up for whatever the fuck
Aidre: muscle + gay = *crushing watermelons between well-oiled thighs* i dont need to explain myself Likes: Girls, getting laid every time they show up Dislikes: idk probably something lol
Ganymede: horny + mollymauk = ANIMORPHS imagine mollymauk but hes now hornier and also an animorph and thats ganymede. yeah Likes: sucking dick lol, Strip truth or dare, sneaking up on parties of strangers in the woods blasted on ale Dislikes: TRAVIS FUKIN STARBORN LmAOOOO
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