#but benvolio's biromantic asexual
wake up besties, new fanfic just dropped
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shadowofthemoth · 6 years
Giiiirl I raise to you ✿ for Escalus and ▼ for whichever you want between Mercutio, Tybalt and Benvolio
Huhuhu, me likes it, me likes it v much ^^
✿ - Sex headcanon for Escalus
I’ve spent enough time pondering this question while thinking through and writing my fics, and I have arrived at a headcanon that might seem somewhat strange if you know that I ship Escalus with Lawrence and Queen Mab (it works differently in different settings, but nevertheless).
Anyway, Escalus is what we now might kinda call a biromantic asexual (that’s maybe a stretch, but I’m still figuring out what fits into this definition and what doesn’t). Yep, that’s a sexuality headcanon, not a sex headcanon, I know; but oh please, they are interrelated. Basically, Escalus’s asexuality means that he does not need sex or crave it, he can do perfectly fine without it and is actually very comfortable this way. But that’s not to say he is actively opposed to it or doesn’t physically enjoy it when he does partake in such amorous activities (the lines from Le Pouvoir ”les velours des femmes qui me font la cour” and “Et quand je donne ma semence c'est à l'histoire que je pense” are pretty telling, right?). Escalus can be a charmer and a ladies’ man when he wants to, plus he’s a Prince; so there’s no shortage of potential lovers (of both sexes) from which to pick. But he only takes lovers because that’s what is expected of him as an unmarried man in full strength, not because he wants it; and he does it rarely, favouring women over men when he does because, again, that’s the norm. Maintaining the image, lol. But he doesn’t really need someone in his bed every night.
What Escalus does crave is emotional closeness with someone, which he doesn’t have because it is something he thinks he can’t afford. Partly due to his duties which eat up most of his time; partly because he has to be careful about whom to trust and let close to himself; partly because he’s just not really good with emotions on the whole. His own emotions, to be precise. So when he does have sex it’s usually a purely physical interaction with little to no emotions involved. 
Well, all of that was about canon (be it the play or the musicals). But if we’re talking about ships such as escalawrence or Escalus/Mab (gotta think of a suitable name for this one, any ideas? Mabscalus doesn’t sound nice, shall I just call them The Royal Couple because they’re Prince and Queen? xD), well then, that’s an entirely different matter. In this case (in both cases) there’s a strong emotional connection between the people involved. Being with a person he loves really changes the way Escalus perceives sex, and even though to him sex still isn’t a necessity and he values it no more and no less than hugging or kissing or discussing something interesting etc, he still relishes the opportunity to make his loved one feel good.
And now admit it, you came into my askbox for saucy details and are now disappointed to have gotten a long sheet of pseudo emo psychological ramblings, am I right? Well, buckle up, your naughtiness, because I got ’em! (no i am not ashamed. Well, maybe just a little. But it was you who asked for it, so there you go).
- with a male partner, Escalus is always on top when it’s a one-night stand; but with a long-term partner whom he trusts, he bottoms more often than not. It helps him relax and takes away the responsibility for at least something in his life (which is a rare treat since he’s burdened with a glorious pur… responsible for everyone in his gd city like 24/7).
- when he’s with a trusted partner, he rarely takes the lead. Normally he just follows the partner’s initiative and lets them do (and make him do) what they want. 
- when Escalus does initiate something himself, it’s either because 1) it’s a one-night stand and he has a “must behave like this” setup in his mind; or 2) he knows his partner really well and is certain about what exactly will please them. He himself doesn’t really have any preferences in bed (as in, there’s nothing he likes more than the rest of it and nothing he is really adverse to), the important part is to make the partner feel good.
- it follows from the above that… dang, it sounded like a school essay, better try again. 
- oral is a go, both giving and receiving. Because again, it’s caring about your partner’s pleasure and letting the partner care about you. And it’s pleasurable, yeah. 
- Escalus enjoys massage, be it sexual or not. (But then again, who doesn’t?).
- his favourite positions… come on, you want me to name ‘em, I know. But I won’t. Because I gd don’t know what they’re called and I’m not gonna google this sacred knowledge up in the middle of the night. Oops, sorry. xD 
▼ - childhood headcanon for Mercutio or Benvolio or Tybalt
I shall answer this separately later, because this post is getting too long and it’s past 2 am when I’m writing this, so I just can’t formulate things properly anymore. xD Sorry again! And I hope you’re ok with this ^^
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