#but because only treating the idea of characters not being cishet as a funny haha joke is a little. hmmm)
sonknuxadow · 11 months
just remembered that theres an actual real archie sonic panel where sonic is holding knuckles and very obviously leaning in pretending like hes about to kiss him. like it was an obvious joke that wasnt meant to be taken seriously but still what the helllll
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
The RWBY fandom and fan artists treating Blake’s missing ears in the Justice League movie as “teehee isn’t this so cursed lol” instead of “why the hell did RT erase Blake’s entire racial identity and then make that her superpowers” is so aggravating and yet so indicative of how little this fandom actually cares for the progressive ideas they claim this series has despite routinely showing time and time again that they could care less about treating people who aren’t cishet and white with any kind of respect
Why are we happy about this again? Why is it fun quirky haha time, with Blake's ears missing?
The fandom really gets on my nerves when they treat Blake or any of the other faunus as if their status as faunus is just a funny cutesy fantasy trait, rather than an allegory for people of color who face racism and live as an oppressed people group. Blake losing her ears is not the equivalent to Ruby losing the red streaks in her hair or Weiss with no ponytail, the writers very specifically and purposefully made 'Blake loses her ears' the equivalent to a woman of color suddenly becoming a white woman. It's very weird (but not at all unexpected) for people in the fandom to be like "lol our cat girl isn't a cat girl anymore what will she do."
Like babes.... Why are we accepting that this? Why aren't more people talking about how this was a bad idea? I don't trust these writers to get a plot like "someone in an oppressed people group loses the trait that makes them oppressed somehow" with all the time in the world, let alone in a less-than-two-hours long crossover movie with several other characters way more popular than Team RWBY will ever be about Team RWBY going to another world!! Like oh, I hope we find enough time for the writers to properly handle the incredibly badly made, badly written for faunus plotline to properly give Blake the time and space she needs to have this new completely unnecessary (because she's lived while hiding her faunus traits before) thing dealt with in a sensitive way that isn't at all used as a joke on top of her already dealing with the fact that she already wouldn't be facing the same level of discrimination on earth without changing her physical appearance. /s
"Don't judge yet, they might be teaching Blake some kind of valuable lesson about-" The only Faunus in the group is the LAST character that needs to learn some kind of lesson involving the Faunus. Every other character needs to get whammed by a brick that says 'start caring about the Faunus and/or apologize to Blake or Sun for the thing you did wrong by them in the first place.' I'm not saying Blake doesn't need to learn anything, but why do fans seem to think that Blake more than anyone needs to learn some sort of lesson about her being a Faunus? Why are we happy that once again they're doing weird unnecessary things they won't have the time to properly go into and when they don't seem to have the inclination to do enough research to not call Blake a NON-HUMAN DIFFERENT SPECIES after having ten years to think about it? This is a bad thing, not a cute funny quirky little thing.
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