#but because its such a variable fic (short one shots; long one shots; short multi-chapters; and long multi-chapters)
n7punk · 1 year
Congrats on 100 ao3 posts! I’m always curious when writers have so many posts which works caused them the most stress and then which ones were weirdly easy to complete.
You always have such compelling stories, I wonder which ones just wrote themselves vs which ones had you scrambling for ideas haha!
thank you! i've been so focused on my recent goal i didnt even realize what an achievement that was lol. im getting closer to my goal of becoming 1% of all catradora fics XD just 12 more. the problem with that goal is the number of catradora fics is always increasing and its a lot to keep up with + overtake lol. i want to be insane and do it, though. I'd really be interested to know how I stack up as far as most prolific catradora authors go because i think i'd be pretty high up there, especially in word count (versus fic count, since i tend to do long fics). i'd bet im top ten in terms of word count actually, maybe all the way to top lol (currently at over 2.1 million words). i dont think there's any way to actually determine that though lmao it's just something i wonder about
and to be quite honest: at 100, i have no idea what the answer is to that usually i know most, if not all, of the planned fic by the time i start/am done with the first chapter, and then additional ideas pop up throughout (which is helpful, because they help me maintain momentum). in recent memory, i think selling a dream was actually the fic i had the biggest problems with getting done just because my executive dysfunction was so bad at that time, which also made it take ages, which then made it harder in a cycle. from an 'ideas' stand point... well, i only have one unfinished fanfiction (aside from the one i just started, i mean), so you can guess lol. the ones for this year have mostly came to me really fast. superzero is the only one i had a little stalling on, but that was mostly because it was so fucking long.
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