#but at the same time they are still chaotic people who go off the deep end and match so well and that is VERY hannibal and Killing Eve vibe
wanologic · 3 days
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college au prequel: what happened to danny during junior year - 2940 words
Viscous green liquid sludges through a dry river bed, whetting the cracked ground and seeping deep into the void. Soil softens, becoming fat with nutrient. In the most basic definition, still itself, but filled with new matter, ready and accepting of more. This is what it was made for, its purpose. It has been sitting, dry and untended for too long. In this symbiosis it is more than it dreamed to be. Complete in the sense that it has been starved.
Danny wakes up, the dream lingering.
He’s been feeling odd lately, despite the fact that he is more comfortable in his skin than ever. He has a goal, he has support. 
A bridge, he called himself.
Even if he’s only sixteen and his influence is contextually small, he has time. People are listening. Ghosts are listening. Small steps over a long period will get you where you need to go, and he’s still just a kid. 
A kid who has to get ready for school.
He goes through the familiar motions, snags a quick breakfast and lets his parents know he’s headed out, that he’ll see them later. He’s out the door and on his way before he knows it.
Danny’s grades have improved since his freshman year. The pressure to keep things secret has all but alleviated and his family is sticking close. The world might not know that Fenton and Phantom are the same, but the people who matter do.
He’s managing. Thriving, even.
His extracurriculars are atypical of a high school junior, but he plays his role well. The Ghost Investigation Ward meets Phantom and the Fentons on neutral ground that evening, working their way methodically through a tangle of red tape. Teaching, learning. There’s always danger in compromise, but both parties are being two faced. It’s civil for now.
He’ll do this from the opposite angle on another day, playing border guard for the dimensional tear nestled into the fabric of his basement. Walker would be proud of him. He’s enforcing the Rules.
And it’s all going well as far as he can tell. Things are so much less chaotic than they were, his brawls feel like bonding, his head is no longer on a swivel.
For now, it’s off to his room. A space for himself to decompress after a long day's work.
He spends a lot of time thinking about a prehistoric past. What the future might look like once his job is over. This solid physical reality fed that swirling and infinite realm of emotion directly, once. It didn’t last, but time has passed. 
Danny is more aware of this fractured nature than most. He’s sure it’s why he’s had so much success. Why the responsibility falls on him. He feels it every time he calls upon his second self. 
And that’s what it is, isn’t it? Human first, ghost second. Humanity is the frame of reference he was born with. Everything new he experiences in this strange half-life is compared against it. Spectra once asked him what he was. But humanity is in his nature. He is a creepy boy with creepy powers. He’s sure of it. 
Going ghost.
Returning to humanity.
Not that he prefers one over the other. He’s made the choice. More than once. When his memories were erased or his powers short-circuited he always took them back. Felt the thrumming and euphoric energy pulsing through his being once again. His shape projected and unreal. Weightless. It feels incredible.
At some point, some late night discussion about feelings, whether it was with family or with friends, he realized his dual nature was more of a privilege than he could ever hope to fully comprehend. His human half feeds his ghost half everything. His ghost half is complete. No wonder he’s so determined, so strong. He has never once craved emotion the way the others have. He has intrinsic access to everything. Every failed test, every frustration, every joy, every thrill. He is comfortable and whole. Has no need to lash out. Two separate identities working together as two polar magnets, inseparable through the strength of their attraction, moving through the world as one.
He slips the familiar glowing rings across his body, the cool wash of ectoplasm coursing through his veins. Back again, blood pumps oxygen to his cells. Human. Ghost. Human. Ghost.
This time the dream is stranger.
The river craves the ocean. 
Danny feels the sand cake beneath his nails as he digs a trench, a violation of the river’s established bed. There’s a trickle as a thin and frothy stream flows out of sync with the current along the path he lays. It longs for the larger disconnected body ahead. A curious tendril seeking an easier path. He digs deeper, automatic, compelled by a force he doesn’t quite understand. 
Is this a bridge too?
He’s both excited and afraid to find out.
The liquid pools at his fingertips as fast as he can dig. Nudging. The sand is saturated and wet in front of him. He’s not sure how much further he has to go. But if he can claw his way through this dense barrier he’s sure it will pick up momentum even without him. The fluid mass can carve its own trench. Wider. Faster. Wider again.
He wakes up in a cold sweat. He somehow feels incorporeal. This isn’t right. He looks at his hands. His fingers in the dark. Clean. Spotless. He feels the sheets beneath his body, the press of the blanket above. So he’s still human then, wrong as it may seem. He clutches at his chest as he tries to calm his racing heart, quell the strength of an intense emotion that he cannot describe. It’s exhilarating. It’s terrifying.
He stops digging and fashions a dam, not yet ready for what the final connection could mean.
His head hurts.
Nausea tucks itself against his gut.
He takes a shower.
It’s Saturday and he has business in the Ghost Zone.
He shifts, expecting the weird feeling to subside. Instead it’s more of the same. Something is off. He ignores it. A thing to worry about later when he has less to do.
His work that day goes smoothly, another step in what he can only hope is the right direction. And it feels nice, giving in to the compulsion and focusing on what is in front of him, what is currently begging his attention, rather than the problems lurking beneath the surface. It is a learned behavior, one he falls back into easily.
Upon his return he feels like he is dragging a piece of the Infinite Realms back with him. The air seems to thicken, the cold steel walls of the portal are closing in on him. The exit is a pinpoint.  He’s being called back. He wants to move forward. He can feel silky fingers worm their way over his skin, hundreds of tendrils trying to pull him into their embrace. He stays strong. Moves with intent. The invisible hands can’t find enough purchase and he is finally welcomed back into the Physical World like the denizen he is. 
The caress stays with him much longer than he’s willing to admit.
Weeks go by and he only feels stranger and stranger. High. His attention slides off of everything so easily, his eyes blurring mid-conversation, a stuffy feeling, like a balloon that’s expanding well past the boundaries of his head. He loses time. Cancels appointments. He doesn’t feel well, sorry, he’s going to stay home today.
There is something Danny knows he needs to do. He can’t keep existing in limbo like this, his job only half-finished, pulled in two directions but choosing neither. His powers will wane once again in his indecision. His purpose sits unfulfilled.
He lays back and stares at the softly luminescent stars pasted to the ceiling of his room. Takes deep and even breaths as he struggles to remain present. His sister is worried for him, he’s sure. The best he can do for her is secretly practice what she has preached.
Danny eventually thinks back to that trickling stream. The slimy offshoot of the coursing river. He thinks of the dam he dreamed up all those weeks ago, sure it’s bigger now. His denial adds weight and height to the metaphor. Every day it feels less like a figment of his fucked up imagination and more like the worlds are trying to tell him something. What’s on the other side now, he wonders? Is the river still flowing? Are the fruits of his labor still there or has that little hand-clawed pathway dried up? How large is the reservoir pressing up against that sandy hill if it hasn’t?
He’s scared. 
He doesn’t want to know. 
But this isn’t what he promised himself.
A peek can’t hurt.
The dream comes easily, now that he lets it.
The funny thing about water is that it always finds a way. No matter what people do, how they try to tame it, erosion is inevitable. It starts as a dark wet splotch, the faint idea of a tiny breach in the all-but-permeable barrier between worlds—the river and the ocean. As the spot expands a dip forms on the horizon. The water moves. Under, through, over. Destructive. Alive. Danny shouldn’t have looked but he can’t stop what has already started. Equilibrium will be achieved one way or another. It was only ever a matter of time. He stands in the shallows, cowed as the wall comes down. Slowly first, then all at once.
The edges of panic are sharp and he realizes what is happening only a beat too late. 
The dam breaks.
He screams.
He was the dam, he is the trench, the rapid connection of energy flowing out of bounds and rushing along a new path. Lightning striking the rod to avoid burning down the house. The portal below him is a wound, a tear. He is something asked for, something natural. His mind can’t keep up as he struggles to regain ground and prevent being swept away by the violent current.
Dim awareness of his physical body comes back to him slowly as he writhes against the foreign dimension assaulting his senses. A second death. His double life was a conceptual marvel, a switch flipping from on to off, and back on again. He is the embodiment of two worlds, split, distinct. His quest to join them together requires this of him, doesn’t it? Whatever autonomy he has against the will of the universe cannot remain if he truly wants to serve his purpose. It’s a choice he has to make. One that he has been making. One that has been made.
He takes a deep and shuddering breath.
He tries to let go, and finds that he can’t. It’s like being electrocuted all over again, his nerves fried and his joints stuck rigid. It’s a feeling that is impossible to control, tense as he is.
His breath still comes ragged as colors around him saturate and the world warps. He can feel his fear, his desperation, feeding the momentum of whatever is happening. The exchange of emotion, osmosis through a rapidly deteriorating membrane. Thousands of overlapping inputs assault his mind as he feels the energy sliding around in the folds of his brain. He breathes through it. It’s not at all painful, but it is intense. His human points of reference aren’t working to help him conceptualize what is happening. His atoms are buzzing with newfound energy and the world is no longer solid. He tries once again to attempt the mindfulness ritual Jazz has been shoving down his throat, tries to name five things around him. The exercise fails him as he feels his brain liquefy in his skull. He gasps at the sloshing sensation, back arching. He’s going to be unmade.
Instead of loosening his grip, he tightens it. Remembering what it is to be human with all the force he can muster. His knuckles are white. Sweat slips down his brow. If he can’t let go, he has to hold on. He is gasping, thrashing. He’s hyperventilating, he’s sure, but no oxygen floods his system. He wants release, wants off this ride. The world outside of his perception ceases to exist. Flesh slips from his bones and it feels so, so good.
Then he sees it.
His eyes are blind, but he perceives it, somehow. The yawning void of the infinite realms is so much bigger, so much hungrier than he had ever thought. Reading that tablet, all that time ago, he thought his purpose was something simple. Easy in a way that a fourteen year old imagination could rationalize. The earth and the zone were two physical spaces that only needed to understand each other and hold hands to achieve that elusive harmony. 
He’d been wrong.
It’s not the earth that feeds the realms. Dimensions aren’t something that can be explained by an elementary understanding of mass and matter. They aren’t some static three dimensional points in time and space. They are universes of their own, expanding, interstitched in a nasty and sticky web of inexplicable physics folding over and back on themselves, forever too complicated to pry apart.
The realms are fed by the conscious universe perceiving itself, the soul, the spirit, whatever you want to call it. Emotions aren’t some grid of faces on a paper, they are infinite, they are cause and effect, the chicken and the egg, projecting forever in a möbius loop human understanding can never truly describe.
He’s going to go insane, he concludes. Here on his bed, on some random weekday, alone in his room. The magnetic pull of his two halves are phasing into each other, becoming imperceivable as the two separate forms he once knew. He’s not even sure that he really exists at this point. 
There is another choice to make.
He thinks back to what he knows about this buried history, Pariah Dark, The Ancients, wonders if they considered this connection, what they knew about how this should happen. Is there a way to do this that is objectively correct? If he knew more would it be easier? Or would it go down just the same? He has no desire to conquer. Only to be a bridge. A tether. An example. To show that this merging from two to one can be peaceful, a shift in perception rather than a violent overhaul. It is unavoidable now. His only wish is to remain recognizable as himself. 
He focuses not on his mind but on his body. He has to rebuild from the ground up or risk losing himself forever. Start small, a beating heart. Vascular systems. Skeletal. Muscular. Take a breath and pump blood into the empty cavern of his skull. Human is what he knows, though he’s never had to think about it quite this way before. His nerves lace through the structures he’s struggling to create, half intuition, half memory. It feels like being a ghost, all projection and thought, a deep and innate understanding. He knows this. He’s existed this way every moment of his short life and he can do it again. He’s alive, his blood is red, his flesh is tangible.
His brain slams back into his body and he promptly throws up.
The worlds are connected once again.
Danny’s hands shake as he tries to get a grip on himself. He’s been changed. He can feel it. The Infinite Realms has marked him as he has marked it. The world is flowing through and from him. Energy hums under his skin, and in it there is access to a well so deep he’s not sure it could ever run dry. 
He finally gets it. This is what being a bridge between worlds means for him.
He gets off his bed slowly. Half floating, half stumbling for balance. His instincts are scattered and his breath no longer sits in his body the same.
This change gives him the authority and the power, the perception and understanding to mend the bleeding fracture between dimensions. He will be listened to. He cannot be hurt. His appearance no longer matters, he is what he is, wholly and entirely. He exists as a linchpin. He is the keystone in the arch where one side is living and the other is dead.
Gravity feels so odd. Like someone changed the coefficient.
He sobs and grabs his dresser for support, woozy and unbalanced, a newborn deer walking on unfamiliar legs. He intends to make his way downstairs. Wants to fall into the embrace of his parents. Needs someone to hold him and tell him that everything will still be okay. He looks to the door.
And without moving, he is there.
Breath comes hard and fast as he steadies himself. His perception catching up to the new perspective. His hand is on the handle, he radiates a trail of semi-physical matter with every motion. It will take practice to appear normal again. He’s reminded of his freshman year.
When he finally opens the door, a swirling green wall is all that meets him. He stares at it, the cold vapor of the Realms slipping around and through him.
He knows the observants exist on the other side. He is sure of it as he is sure of anything. They are there to acknowledge the crown above his head. To observe what he has finally made of himself. 
He will tell him that he didn’t want this, didn’t ask for it.
They will tell him that he is lying.
He steps through the threshold.
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baelabong · 1 month
ꜱᴀᴀɴ? (ᴡᴏɴʏᴏᴜɴɢ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
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rq: yessiree @geeminz
pairing: ump (international student)wonyoung x La Salle fem!reader
Plot: y/n being hotheaded after school. Almost screams her head off at some poor girl. Thank goodness Wonyoung’s beautiful face calmed the crazy girl
Note: ik this isnt that good or well written but i couldnt think of a cute interaction 💔💔
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It was just another hectic afternoon along Taft Avenue, where the relentless Manila heat made everything feel ten times more chaotic. The sidewalk was a river of students—some in the distinct green and white of De La Salle University, others in the maroon of UP Manila—rushing to their next classes, ducking into nearby coffee shops, or hailing jeepneys.
You—Y/N, a third-year student at La Salle—were trying to navigate through the throng with your arms full of books. The weight of your bag was digging into your shoulder, and the sweat was starting to form at your temples. The last thing you needed was another reason to be late for class.
As you weaved through the crowd, someone brushed past you with just enough force to make you lose your balance. The collision sent your books tumbling to the ground, and you felt a spark of irritation flare up inside you. You turned around, ready to go off on whoever it was that had caused this mess, fully expecting to see some careless brat who couldn’t be bothered to watch where they were going.
But before you could unleash your frustration, you found yourself looking at a girl around your age, with a UPM lanyard around her neck and a concerned expression on her face. She immediately bent down to help gather your scattered books, her movements quick and efficient.
“I’m so sorry!” she said, her voice laced with genuine worry. The sound of her voice stopped you in your tracks—it was soft and sweet, the kind of voice that could melt even the hardest heart. Any anger you felt immediately began to dissipate as you watched her carefully stack your books.
You took a deep breath, trying to suppress the last remnants of your irritation as you knelt down to help her. “It’s… it’s okay. I wasn’t really paying attention either,” you said, though you knew that wasn’t entirely true. The truth was, you were caught off guard by her unexpected kindness, and it left you feeling disarmed.
Once the books were gathered, she stood up and handed them back to you, her smile gentle and sincere. “I’m really sorry about that. I should’ve been more careful.”
For a moment, you just stared at her, trying to reconcile the image you had in your head—the bratty student you’d been ready to snap at—with the sweet, apologetic girl standing in front of you. You were about to brush it off, when you realized she was waiting for you to say something.
“Uh, thanks,” you mumbled, still trying to process the sudden shift in your mood. “It’s no big deal, really.”
She smiled again, this time a bit more relaxed, and held out her hand. “I’m Wonyoung, by the way. I’m sorry we had to meet like this.”
You shook her hand, feeling that same strange spark you’d felt earlier. “Y/N,” you replied. “And yeah, it’s… not the best first impression, I guess.”
Wonyoung chuckled, a light sound that made you feel strangely at ease. “Well, at least it’s memorable, right?”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yeah, I suppose so. Are you heading to class too?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, glancing at her watch. “I have a class over at PGH, but I’m running a bit late, as usual.”
“PGH? So you’re a med student?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“Something like that,” she said with a small smile, but then her expression shifted slightly as if she remembered something but not before you said“Wonyoung… that’s an unusual name. Are you an international student?”
She blinked, caught off guard by the question. It wasn’t often that people asked about her name so directly. “Yeah, I am. I’ve been here for a while, though. My parents moved here for work when I was younger, so I guess you could say I’m a local now.”
“That’s cool,” you said, and she could see the genuine interest in your eyes. “It’s always nice to meet people from different backgrounds. Makes this city feel a bit smaller, you know?”
She nodded, feeling a strange warmth in her chest. There was something about Wonyoung that made you feel at ease, like you could talk to her for hours without running out of things to say. But as the pedestrian light turned green and the crowd began to move, you realized you couldn’t stand there chatting all day.
As you both started walking, you found yourselves naturally falling into step with each other, the conversation flowing as easily as if you’d known each other for years. You talked about everything—school, the challenges of being a student in Manila, even the best places to eat around Taft.
When you finally reached the intersection where your paths would diverge, Wonyoung hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Hey, I know this might be random, but would you want to grab a coffee sometime? I mean, if you’re not too busy with school and all.”
You felt your heart skip a beat, surprised by the invitation but also excited by the possibility. “I’d like that,” you replied, your smile widening. “I’m usually at the café near DLSU after classes. Maybe we could meet there?”
“Sounds perfect,” Wonyoung said, her own smile brightening. “I’ll see you then, Y/N.”
With a final wave, Wonyoung headed off towards PGH, while you continued on your way to class, a spring in your step and a smile on your face.
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seventeenreasonswhy · 21 days
Same Team! A YJH Office Romance Pt. 9
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Idol!Jeonghan x ProductionStaff!Reader
You’re serious about your job, but not as serious as Yoon Jeonghan is about flirting.
~2.1k words
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Series Content: slooowwwwww burn, fluff! but with tension!, cute flirting!, will-they-won’t-they vibes!, did I mention tension!?, some alcohol consumption, appearances by all of the members, reader is shy and gets flustered easily!, jeonghan is jeonghan-ing!
My Masterlist
Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone who has read this series so far! There is only one chapter left after this (and it will be smutty)!! I love these two! I can't bring myself to write angst abt them so this is pure fantasy fluff haha. They’re so cute! Jeonghan is my favorite trickster-prince! Y/N is so cute and anxious~! They both give me cute aggression!!! Enjoy!
Taglist: @yeoberryx, @clownprincehoeshi, @soffiyuhh,  @wonwoos-wineparty, @hamji-hae, @junniesoleilkth, @seokqt, @haniinah, @yangtyunhannie, @cherrylovescheol, @Illucere (lmk if you want to be added!)
You looked out the car window to see late-night stragglers still making their way home from bars and karaoke rooms. It was that strange time between night and morning. You were scheduled to get to the airport before the members so you could prepare for the chaotic process of boarding a plane with idols. There were a few more security guards than usual. Older guys than you would have expected, but you guessed they needed experienced staff for this kind of thing. You kind of admired the dedication of CARATs that were willing to wake up this early to see the members off.
Your stomach flipped at the thought of seeing Jeonghan again. You hadn’t had much chance to see him since he came to your apartment last week... Your face couldn’t help but flush deep scarlet every time you thought about it. His lips on yours, his hands roaming over you, gripping you... You had to work to not get carried away remembering the feel of his body against yours.
You’re here for work, you’re here for work, you’re here for work! You repeated in your head over and over again. You were terrified that someone would pick up on whatever it was that was going on between the two of you... You were sure that your complete infatuation with him was obvious to anyone who looked at you.
This is Paris Fashion Week, Y/N! Get serious! You had dreamed of attending high-profile events like those at the Paris Fashion Week. You knew that it was going to be a whirlwind trip, and you wanted to do everything in your power to make things go smoothly for Jeonghan. He had been to Fashion Week before, but this was your first big overseas assignment. You didn’t want him to think that you were incompetent, so you had been staying up late researching every staff member and procedure that you would have to encounter. Even though you were only assisting with this trip, you wanted to anticipate every possible need.
The van arrived to a crowd of CARATs already waiting. They were holding signs that said things like “Have a safe trip Shua!” or little paper fans with Mingyu’s face on them. One CARAT was even dressed up in full Hanbok. It hit you again how different the members’ lives were from yours. To you, they had all become just people you worked with... well, almost all of them. Your heart couldn’t help but squeeze a little reading the signs some of them had made for Jeonghan. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him, you thought, wishing that you could reassure his fans out loud, that you could communicate how much you understood their feelings.
You knew that the members had arrived by the very audible shift in the crowd. You were waiting inside, security standing as a barricade between the CARATs, forming a path for the members to come through on their way to security.
Your eye picked out Jeonghan immediately, even with the flashing lights of cameras and screaming from the crowd. It was truly overwhelming. How do they deal with this every time? You couldn’t help but wonder. Jeonghan walked through the doors to the airport next to Joshua, the two of them slightly behind Mingyu. The crowd was going so wild that you couldn’t even understand what was being shouted. All you could do was watch as the three of them kept their faces down, occasionally waving at the CARATs. Jeonghan was wearing a baseball hat and had most of his face covered by a mask.
The flight you were on was semi-private, which meant it had its own security line and everyone on board was either rich enough to afford the flight or there because they were part of Seventeen’s staff. You were already on the other side of security, unable to take your eyes off Jeonghan as he and the other members of the team made their way toward you. You had been instructed to sit at the front of the coach section, right behind first class, where the members and their managers were seated. You had never flown on such a small, high-end airplane before... even coach was supposed to be a step above your average commercial flight.
Finally, the members made it through the short security line, and Jeonghan’s gaze caught yours at last. You could see his eyes crinkle into a smile right away, yours mirroring him as you beamed beneath your face mask.
“Good morning,” Jeonghan said to you, joining you at your side as the team of you walked toward the gate. He sounds sleepy, you thought, your heart already pounding from how cute he looked.
“Good morning,” you said, handing him handwipes for the plane and a coffee.
“Wah, Y/N,” he said right away, “you’re the best.” You were relieved that he couldn’t see your blush beneath your mask.
“Where’s my coffee?” Mingyu had turned around, eyeing the drink you’d handed over and putting on a pout.
“Ah, I can get you one!” you said right away, making Mingyu laugh.
“I’m kidding, Y/N-nuna,” he said, and you swore you saw him give some kind of meaningful glance between you and Jeonghan... but you were probably being paranoid.
I should have gotten all of them coffee, you thought.  
“Get your own coffee,” Jeonghan said. His tone was like a sassy little kid’s... and your heart couldn’t help skipping a beat, making you smile all the more beneath your mask.
The plane you boarded with the members was the nicest airplane you’d ever seen. Buttery-smooth leather seats occupied their own spacious cubicles in first class, and even the seats in the small coach section immediately behind were wider and looked more comfortable than any airplane you’d been on. You couldn’t help staring around a bit.
Jeonghan stowed his stuff in the overhead cabinet, watching you out of the corner of his eye. It was obvious you’d never been on a plane like this before, the way you were dawdling and looking around. So cute, he thought, unable to suppress his small smile. His heart was so endeared to your wide eyes, and once again, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude that you were going on this trip. He wished he could ask his manager to trade seats with you so that you’d be sitting opposite the small aisle from him, but he knew that would be too strange of a request. You’d probably hate it if he drew that much attention to the two of you, even though part of him didn’t care. He'd had the same manager for almost ten years now, after all. It might have been wishful thinking, but he felt like if he explained the situation, maybe things wouldn’t be so bad...
But he changed his mind once he saw you seated, already pouring over a stack of papers from the folder you’d been carrying. How could he do something so brazen when you were being so careful and conscientious about everything? Though, it would be fun to see you get a little flustered...
You were checking and rechecking all of the customs forms and the itinerary for the YSL events when you felt someone settle into the seat beside you.
“...What are you doing?” you said in a low voice, trying to maintain your composure as Jeonghan leaned into you, pretending to look over the documents with you.
“Ah, so we have to be there that early...” he said, his whole body so close to you that you felt like you were going to explode.
“Ah, Jeonghan-shi,” you said in an overly nervous and high-pitched voice, glancing around at the other staff taking their seats, “don’t worry, only the staff have to arrive that early, you’ll get a separate car once the event is a little underway.” You put on the most formal tone you could, and Jeonghan glanced up at you—his face unbearably close to yours.
“But I want to arrive with nuna,” he said quietly, fixing you with the most earnest, sensual gaze you could imagine. He’s doing this on purpose, you realized, and tried to flash him a warning look. But he only smirked, refusing to move even an inch.
“Well,” you said, your nerves clearly showing in your tone, “I have to be there early—” you were cut off by the feeling of Jeonghan’s fingertips brushing against your thigh, making you bolt right out of your seat.
“I have to check this one more time with the other assistants!” you said, your voice coming out too loud. Jeonghan just looked at you, smiling smugly to himself as you walked toward the other rows of staff in coach. He watched you walk away, admiring your figure before making his way back to first class.
“You’re mean, Jeonghannie-ah,” Joshua murmured in a quiet voice as Joenghan passed him. Jeonghan noticed that his friend was also smiling to himself. It wouldn’t be surprising if Joshua had picked up on what was going on between him and you on his own, but Jeonghan had drunkenly sought his advice a month or so ago, before he was even sure if you liked him at all.
“Maybe,” Jeonghan chuckled softly, taking his seat. He was still relishing the cute look of panic on your face, the faint smell of perfume on your neck, how adorable you looked in your comfy, plane-ready clothes... He didn’t care if other people noticed that he was teasing you.
Joshua and Seungcheol were the only members who knew that you and Jeonghan were seeing each other discretely. Joshua had been pretty happy about it, but Seungcheol had been a little firmer about things. He didn’t want Jeonghan’s (or your) career to be jeopardized, but he also liked seeing Jeonghan so happy. He’d simply cautioned his friend to not do anything careless.
You had hoped that you might be able to get some sleep on the plane to help get ahead of the jetlag, but of course you couldn’t settle down. Your eyes kept landing on the back of Jeonghan’s seat—even though you couldn’t really see him. You hoped that he was at least getting some rest...
The air was smooth enough now that you could walk around. The stewardesses had dimmed the lights in first class, but you decided to make your way over, ready to pretend that you needed to ask Jeonghan something.
But as you quietly approached his seat, you could tell that he was sound asleep. His seat had been fully reclined and his head slumped to one side, his baseball hat and mask removed to reveal his beautiful face. You saw that Joshua and Mingyu were dozing off as well, and the managers seemed to be trying to sleep, their backs turned away from the aisle. I guess you can’t help but fall asleep in this cushy environment, you thought, your gaze landing once again on Jeonghan’s sleeping face.
He really looks like an angel, you couldn’t help thinking, drinking in every detail of his features. His long eyelashes, his glowing skin... he looked so peaceful and beautiful. How could a human being even look like that? You glanced one more time around the cabin to make sure no one was watching before your hand practically moved on its own, running your fingers through his silky hair, gently smoothing it away from his face.
Jeonghan’s lips curled into a smile, and his eyes fluttered open, making your hand freeze and your eyes go wide with embarrassment. He was awake!? You quickly withdrew your hand from his hair, mortified that you’d been caught in the middle of such an intimate gesture, but Jeonghan’s hand caught you immediately by the wrist, freezing you to the spot even more.
No one around the two of you seemed to stir, and Jeonghan whispered to you.
“Don’t go.” His voice shot right into your chest. The lights were low, but you could tell that he was giving you that same piercing gaze he always gave you, like he wanted to devour you. Your heart was beating thunderously loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look away from him. Seeing him stretched out beneath you, sleepily holding onto you as his thumb traced small circles along the inside of your wrist... you couldn’t refuse him.
“Close your eyes,” you mouthed softly. He smiled serenely at you and did as he was told, leaning into your touch as you stroked his hair for a bit longer—until he was sleeping for real—before cautiously making your way back to your seat, breathing deeply to calm your euphoric nerves.
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badmuni · 2 years
↺ jay as a boyfriend ↻
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jay is straight forward when it comes to his desires.
so once he sets his goal, it's done. he doesn't give up until he gets what he wants
and as he wanted you, jay invested in all the way
buying things, planning dates, and mainly, trying to help and support you in all aspects.
he doesn't say but he likes the chase. nothing too crazy, but he likes he idea of making you fall for him. that's why he gave so much of himself since the start
but the funny thing is, he fell hard before even you
and everybody knew about it.
jay, without realizing it, was talking about you all the time. literally anything reminded him of you
“oh... i feel like eating cookies” sunoo says randomly. “oh really? y/n loves eating cookies...” jay said from across the room and the boys started to laugh. “oh gosh he's putting y/n in the conversation again...” sunghoon responds. “until the end of the day we will know everything about y/n, for real” jake complained.
it was indeed true.
when you and jay became a couple, you inevitably became close with his friends, because he likes to show you off
also keeping you around him.
and since jay likes to keep you close, he would want to take you anywhere with him
because he has a busy life, jay thinks that any moment with you is precious, so even if he needs to go to the dentist, he asks “y/n do you want to come with me?”
sounds hilarious, but it's just the way he takes things.
jay values the closeness, the moments and every little efforts
he's a devoted man.
the type to buy you flowers, expensive jewelry and call you his love
cause being with jay you would never not feel safe.
he is always true, never hiding anything or lying to you
he brings all the stability to the table.
thinks about the future and isn't afraid to tell you the things he thinks you can achieve together
.... he wants his last name on yours (or your last name on his?)
it's that type of love.
exclusively, jay is very patient with you
if you don't know something, he'll teach you, or show you how to take it, and he will love to do that
jay feels good when he feels needed by you
the guidance role—loving you with all his heart like he never loved somebody before, and making that clear for you.
deep talker—who might whisper words like, “you. you're the only one for me. the only one i want and desire.”
jay can be very intense with his feelings and emotions
and because of that, jealousy brings out the worst in him
he may, perhaps, be jealous constantly...
if you look at other man, he would automatically feel bad
starts to overthink, “is she still in love with me?”
so you gotta give him reassurance.
just like heeseung, words are very important to jay
he likes to be listened just as much he likes to listen to you
if there are a lot of people around, and you're talking but they don't seem to be paying attention, that wouldn't be a problem, because jay would be there attentive to your every word.
when it comes to arguments, things can get complicated
jay is very stubborn...
he has many opinions and it's too hard to change his mind
since jay is talkative, i know, you know, that when he's stressed he might talk nonstop
keeps trying to prove you his point of view;
things can end up chaotic because of this
he is understandable though...
if he sees you don't want to talk, he gives you space, and may even pull away to give you some alone time
but he always comes back
jay can't stand being away for that long so he always comes back with the excuse, “i can't do this anymore, let's work this out, my love”
jay offers a lot of his affection as a form of apology
even prepares a bathtub with scented candles around it so you can relax
give you massage, or prepare some food for you.
even though jay is so good he also expects to receive the same good treatment
he likes it when you pet him, stroke his hair and tell him you love him
this is the moment he feels the happiest.
overall, jay is a loyal, stable, and undeniably... husband material boyfriend
who would always try his best to make it work, and give you the love you deserve.
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[ ★ ] — notes: pls pls, tell me if you find mistakes !
# masterlist
© badmuni, 2023
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hi!! i have a platonic req for miguel x chaotic teen reader who has a bad relationship with her dad, just a man who lost his daughter and a girl who never had a proper father.. what could go wrong..(im a slut for found family)
𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Platonic!Reader
Summary: After a really bad fight with your father, you escape to HQ, the one place you can find solace. To take your mind off things, you go on a mission with Miguel, but it seems you're a little too in your head.
Warnings: Arguments, swearing, and violence in the beginning so be cautious.
A/N: Finally back with some good ol' hurt/comfort, and found family :3
“I’m sick and tired of having the same argument with you over and over again!” you say, the anger rising in your veins as your frustration bubbles over. You blink harshly as you try to force the angry tears down, your father seething angrily in front of you.
“Ever since Mom died, you’ve been unbearable. I’m an adult, you can’t control my life anymore pretending like it's love when I know damn well you don’t give a flying fuck about me,” you say, pointing an angry finger at him.
“WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE TALKING TO,” he shouts, stomping over and grasping your hair harshly as you let out a yelp.
“I give you a roof to live under, food to eat. I raised you, I am your father, and you think you can back talk me you brat?” he spits in your face, and your recoil in disgust.
It was always like this. He justified giving you the bare minimum as being a father, when the house you lived in was never really a home. Not after your Mom died, when everything fell apart.
When you became your world’s Spiderman.
“You were a spectator in my life, you were never truly my father,” you whisper harshly as his grip tightens on your hair. His eyes narrow at yours before he throws you to the ground harshly.
“Get out,” he says.
“W-what?” you ask, your body radiating with pain from the impact.
“GET OUT!” he shouts, leaning over you menacingly. “You think you’re so grown, then get the fuck out of my house because I am sick and tired of you. You don’t think I’m your father? Then I won’t be. You’re lucky your whore of a mother wanted to keep you around because in my eyes you were always my one worst mistake,” he says, and his words hit you like a freight train.
You knew he never loved you. Even before your Mom died he never truly seemed to like you around, only tolerated you because of how much your Mom adored you.
When she died, the substance abuse began. You practically raised yourself and learned how cold the world truly was. You never knew the love of your father, but even still, it hurt to hear him say what you always understood deep down.
“Fine,” you say softly, standing up and opening a portal to HQ. His eyes widen as he watches, but you don’t even give a damn anymore if he sees.
You were never going to see him again anyway.
In an instant, you were gone.
You emerge on the other side, right into the lobby of the Spider Society. A few familiar faces recognize you, waving in greeting. You wave back with a smile that doesn’t quite meet your eyes.
“Hey Lyla?” you call out, and she appears hovering over your shoulder with a grin.
“What’s poppin', buttercup?” she says cheerfully, and the corner of your mouth quirks up a bit.
“I was just wondering if Miguel was around,” you say, and she reappears in front of your face.
“He was actually about to leave for a mission, want me to tell him to wait up?” she asks, and you nod.
“That would be great, thanks,” you say, letting out a soft sigh of relief.
“Already done, you know where to find him,” she says, before throwing up a peace sign and disappearing.
Miguel was…you didn’t exactly know what to call him. A mentor? A friend? Guardian maybe?
All you knew was that (despite a rocky start), he was one of the few people across the multiverse that you truly trusted. He was harsh at times, rough around the edges and gruff…but he was like a light you’ve never known.
You both had your baggage, and you have both lost a lot in your lives, but maybe that’s why it worked. Whatever it was.
“Miguel?” you call out, looking around the monitoring room. He wasn’t on his usual platform which was odd. All of a sudden you get that familiar tingle on the back of your neck, and you whip around.
“HOLY GODS,” you exclaim as you see him hovering in the shadows like a wraith ready to leap out for the attack. “What are you doing?!”
He only chuckles at your expense, walking out with an amused grin on his face.
“Just making sure your reflexes are working properly,” he states simply.
“By giving me a heart attack in the process?” you say with an exaggerated frown, and he snorts.
“Don’t be dramatic, besides, you make stupid faces when you get scared,” he says, and you gasp offendedly.
“Well, you always look stupid so beat that,” you retort, and his hand grasps his chest dramatically.
“How could you? After everything we’ve been through, you think I look stupid?” he says, and you can’t help the breathy laughter that escapes. But before long the smile is replaced by a frown.
You could never really hide your emotions around him, he could always read you too well.
“You alright, kiddo?” he asks. He tried to mask his concern, but his eyes never lied.
“Never better!” you say, your tone overly sarcastic. Miguel eyes you with an expression that says ‘That’s a load of shit’, but you just brush him off with a nervous chuckle.
“You were about to go on a mission right? Can I come along? Cool, great, awesome,” you say, not even waiting for his reply. You press a button on the back of your neck that replaces your clothes with your Spider Suit and turn to look at him expectantly.
“Let’s just pack this guy up, in and out right?” you say, and he sighs.
“Fine, you can come along,” he relents, opening up a portal.
“You do realize I was going to come along either way, right?” you say, and he shakes his head knowingly.
“I know, you have the stubbornness of a bull but it helps me feel at least somewhat like the leader of the Society if I get the final say,” he says, his voice almost small which makes you laugh out loud.
“There, there,” you say, patting his shoulder as the two of your approach the portal together. “Everyone around here respects your authority,” you say with a grin before your mask covers your face.
“Except you,” he scoffs.
“Except me,” you say in turn.
“So what’s the deal with this anomaly?” you ask as the two of you emerge on the other side, not wanting to go in completely blind if you didn’t have to. You were reckless, but you weren’t completely stupid.
“Came in through a tear from Earth-848710. Has the power to manipulate metal to his advantage. At the height of his powers he has the ability to control even the iron in our blood so watch out,” he instructs.
“Ooh, freaky. What, like blood bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender?” you ask, and a confused expression washes over Miguel’s face which makes you giggle a bit.
“Like what?”
“Oh Miguel, don’t worry, we’ll binge watch it later, just you wait,” you reply before the back of your neck tingles, and you sling a web up onto the ceiling, yanking you up off the ground.
Just in time, because in the place that you once were stood a beam of metal impaled into the ground.
“Holy shit!” you yelp, and Miguel is swinging right up beside you.
“That’s our cue then. On your toes, spiderling,” he says, and you grin. You don’t exactly remember when he started saying that phrase to you, but it was standard procedure before every fight for him to say it now.
“You got it, old man,” you snicker, and he rolls his eyes before swinging away, allowing you to analyze the villain down below.
His pillars were optimal at a range, so close combat was likely your best bet at beating the guy.
“You gonna hang up there all day, little thing? C’mon, give me a real fight,” the villain calls up to you tauntingly, and you scoff. Of course, he was going to be annoying, just what you needed.
“I’m just trying to find the quickest way to take your annoying ass down and believe me, it will happen,” you retort, swinging down before levelling him with a kick into his gut before he could react. He groans out in pain as you see Miguel send out his webbing from the corner of your eye.
But the villain seemed to notice it as well, using a shard of metal to slice it away before it could reach him.
“You think it’d be that easy, I’ve spent my whole life fighting so-called ‘heroes’ like you,” he scoffs.
“All that says to me is that you’re old,” you snicker, and he scoffs before sending a beam of metal toward you again. You leap out of the way just in time, but the villain picks up the pace.
Ear-scrapingly loud screeches of metal can be heard from all around as he pulls support beam after support beam out of the building to throw at you and Miguel.
“Where’s all that confidence from earlier, little hero?” he calls out toward you. “I thought you were going to take me down, yet here I stand. Maybe you’re weaker than you thought,” he laughs, and you narrow your eyes in annoyance.
You know you shouldn’t lead with your emotions, it was a recipe for disaster in a job like this but you couldn’t help it.
“Enough of this-” you seethe before you’re interrupted.
“THE BUILDING IS FALLING APART,” you hear Miguel shout, and it was true. With each support beam that the villain ripped from the frame, the more unstable the place became. You had to get this guy packed up and pronto, before you all were crushed.
“I’m tired of your games, anomaly,” you huff, levelling him with a glare.
“Why so serious? Your parents never hug you enough as a kid?” the villain says mockingly. You knew it was only to get a rise out of you, every comment of his was, but with your emotions already on high, you immediately saw red.
Everything you had bottled up and shoved down bubbled over like lava, and you lunged for the villain with a snarl.
You threw punch after punch as he cried out in pain, unable to do anything with your webs trapping him in place.
That’s when you feel webs that weren’t your own wrapping around your shoulders, yanking you off of the villain. You yank at the bonds, desperately trying to escape the fluorescent red webbing.
“Let me go, let me go! Let me finish him, Miguel,” you cry out, but he ignores you for a moment.
He shoves the villain through the newly opened portal without a second thought, knowing Jess would handle it on the other side before turning back to you.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” he says as he grabs your shoulders, holding you in place as he retracts the webbing. You wriggle around in his grasp, chest heaving with each breath as tears brim over in your eyes. He looks at you with concern, just scanning over you to make sure you were alright before truly looking at you. It made you feel small as you struggled to hold back your sobs.
His eyes only softened, clicking your mask off before brushing his hand gently over your hair, and it only made you want to cry even more.
“C’mere kid,” he says, pulling you into a hug. You exhale shakily before hugging him back tightly, the tears you had been holding back all day finally falling down.
He was so warm…his arms embracing you gently in the way your real father never could.
You stood there in his arms for a few minutes, sobbing into his chest while he just held you gently. After a little while your sobs subsided, replaced with the occasional sniffle before you pull away, looking off to the side sheepishly.
“Do you want to tell me what’s really bothering you now, mi tesoro,” he asks gently, not wanting to push you to say something you didn’t want to.
You only sigh softly, glancing back only to see the worry in his eyes before relenting.
“I don’t have a good relationship with my father…you know this,” you smile sadly, and he only nods, waiting for you to continue.
“We got into a really bad argument before I came here, and well, I don’t really have a father anymore. He kicked me out,” you sniffle. “And I know it shouldn’t bother me as much as it does, because he never cared for me like a parent should but it still hurts Miguel,” you say, your eyes tearing up again. He smiles sadly at you, brushing away a tear gently.
“I’m sorry, mi ángel,” he says, not really knowing what else to say. “But don't blame yourself for feeling what you feel. You can't help it, and besides, losing all that you knew, even if it hurt you is still difficult," he says, and you nod knowing that what he said was true. It wasn't easy to accept though, so you don't say anything in response.
"...You do know you always have a home here, don’t you?” he says, and you laugh softly to yourself, not really knowing why.
“I do?” you ask, and he chuckles fondly.
“Always,” he says before his eyes grow distant for a moment. “…I lost Gabriella a long time ago, I never really recovered from that loss…I don’t think I ever will. But I do believe that the universe sent me you in turn. You won’t ever be her, I know that. But you don’t have to be, because I care for you like a child of my own regardless. You know that, don’t you?” he says, the genuineness of his words evident.
“Thank you,” you whisper, hugging him tightly once more. “I have never felt more safe in my life than when I’m with you," you admit.
He only smiles, and for a moment you think you can see the glimmer of tears in his red eyes but figured it must have been a trick of the light.
“Let’s head back to HQ, kiddo. We can figure out some place for you to stay, alright?” he says, and you nod before pausing for a moment.
“Could I…stay with you?” you ask hesitantly, and his eyes widen for a moment.
“If that’s what you’d like, it can be arranged,” he says before laughing softly. “My house has always been too big for just one person anyway.” Immediately your expression brightens as you skip toward the open portal, a large grin on your face.
“I would like that very much.”
A/N: Good gods it has literally been almost 2 weeks since I last posted. I'm so sorry, life has been kicking my ass but I'm back!! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading <33
Taglist: @beiroviski, @scaraza, @blueoorchid, @remuslupinwifee, @local-mr-frog, @johfaam0, @rawegggohan, @honeycriess, @alexenoirex, @chimpkinnuggies, @rqdior, @banana—belle, @notasadgirlipromise, @6billionyearsold, @gods-perfectidiot, @ieatmunson, @honeii-puff, @wh0re4zaynmalik, @toplinehyunjin, @ohworm-writes, @ishii03, @snowywhiterose, @leftcupcakedefendor
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
Poison into Positivity: A List of What I Liked in OFMD S2
Hello hello everyone! Things have been a little rough around here. Even away from the more heated takes, I've still seen a few "down in the dumps" murmurs. To which, I'm giving y'all big hugs, but also offering up some little bits of warmth! I wanted to share quite a few bullets of the things I enjoyed about this season. Maybe it'll serve as a reminder, or maybe it'll just serve as a chaotic, silly little read as per usual PFFF.
But I invite you to read along, and even add some of your own points should you feel inclined! Also, this might not even be my full list; these are just the ones that came to me quickly/off the top of my head. Still, let's dive on down like a fantastical, dazzling goldfish, shall we?
All the callbacks/parallels. My goodness. When I tell you I'm a SLUT for metaphors/parallels/callbacks/etc etc. Seeing so many things and being able to just *Leonardo Dicaprio pointing meme.* I know people might not share that same opinion because some might view it to be excessive, but I personally LOVED being able to point at my screen and be like "oH EYYYYYYY!!!" Maybe because it makes for such immaculate gifset/meta material <3 SJKJDLHSK
Speaking of Mr. Darby, the acting in this season. The ACTTTINNNGG. Everyone acted their ASSES off. Everyone put their entire piratussies into this season. Though, I'm PARTICULARLY impressed with Taika and Rhys, because again with their "oh we're comedians lol so idk drama can be Difficult Difficult Lemon Difficult." MMMM I THINK THE FUCK NOT, MY GUYS LMAO??? They both did SO well with all the drama and painful moments. The acting in episodes 2, 3, 6, and 7 in particular like...God. GOD!!!
Zheng my beloved. I just love this badass pirate queen with her sweet little pigtails and her IMMACULATE LINE DELIVERIES SDHJKSKL. A lot of my favorite deliveries from the entire season came from her quite honestly. Please see: "Girl, how ARE you?" and "Hiiiiiii. I KNOWWW it's been a day" and "I've killed mediocre men. I've killed exceptional men. But you're the worst kind: a mediocre man who thinks he's exceptional."
AND ARCHIE MY BELOVED. She kills me because I remember seeing like, those ~*~audition tape whispers~*~ WAY back in the day, and subsequently thinking she was going to be quite a different character. Only for this silly goofy bubbly energetic darling to pop up and snag my heart. HER deliveries kill me also, like when she goes "Like...STEDE Stede?" and the whole "I was IN the fuckin' snake!" also hhngngngngnershkfhslkds tattooed ladies Hot :(
Speaking of which, the comedy. THE DELIVERIES. THE WAY I LAUGHED OUT LOUD NUMEROUS TIMES THROUGHOUT, EVEN WITH THE DEEP UNDERCURRENT OF DRAMA/ANGST. The whole bit where Stede is in hysterics over his cursed coat is just hsjkdhsklds; it will NEVER not make me wheeze. And then, like I said, almost EVERYTHING Pete says this season kills me; another thing that will never not make me laugh is "a doggie...?" weird little pirate show with weird little humor my beloved
The ROMANCE??? I genuinely was going into the season with the expectation of getting maybe like, one or two Gentlebeard kisses. Imagine my shock and utter delight when we ended up with FOUR, AS WELL AS AN INTIMATE SCENE, THE LETTER SCENES, AND THE LOVE PROFESSIONS. Like, one of them dropping a legitimate "I love you" felt like an unrealistic expectation--the HIGHEST dream tier really. And then wouldn't you know it. And that doesn't even account for all the rest of the couples either! The murder wives having their chaotic little moments of fucked up affection??? LUCIUS AND PETE GETTING ENGAGED AND THEN MARRIED??? HELLO??????
The sets! I know people have pointed out that the world felt a bit simplified this time around, due to budget restraints and what have you. But I still loved what they did with the world even with the various constraints. The market in episode 6 is a PARTICULAR favorite of mine; it's just so lush and colorful. I also love what they did with The Revenge during episode 6 too!
Also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I really actually liked that they filmed on location. First of all, love that the Kiwis got to be right at home in Aotearoa. Love that they have an even more special connection to the show now. But second of all, I just like when scenery is...actually THERE? It feels way more TANGIBLE. Don't get me wrong; that hugeass wraparound screen that they use to film a lot of sets is a technological marvel. But I'm a sucker for practical.
The deeper and more complex dives into character motivations/trauma. Like, homie lol...When I tell you episodes 6 and 7 utterly set my brain alight in the best way possible. I was CHUGGING through thoughts. You know those gifs where someone is walking around and ranting/passionately talking,,, yeah. Yeah. Maybe because a lot of it "struck a chord" with me indeed, but I love love LOVE getting brain food like that.
Speaking of brain food, in PARTICULAR, the deeper dives into Ed's self-loathing and into Stede's troubles with confidence and masculinity. A lot of Stede's choices were fueled by those two things, and it was SO friggin fun to catch all of them, put them in a jar, and shake them around. I've seen a lot of people fearing his actions in the latter half were out of character, but to me, I don't see it that way. I just see a man who has been so spurned, so left behind, and SO deprived, a man who is stuck thinking he has to be someone else to mean something. And I think that plays a lot into even the EARLIEST developments we saw in season 1, so it was just so intriguing to watch everything messily play out.
THE INNKEEPER. THE INNKEEPER MY BELOVED. SO much about that episode absolutely has my heart. All the different developments, the stakes, the pacing, and the payoff at the end. Not to mention that I had a FEELING that mysterious figure in the trailers was Hornigold, so it was so SO validating to see him pop up PFFF. And also, all those dream/gravy basket sequences were so so good too. I don't know if it's the chemistry between Taika and Mark, or the deeper symbolism, or the lines that have become vocal stims for me SJKDLS (please see: ooOOoooO eddie eddie eddie...you're laying some heavy shit on me, bro), but man. MAN.
And this one gets its own bullet because of course it does: the fucking mermaid scene. Like, are we kidding. ARE WE KIDDING. THE ROMANCE OF IT ALL? THE FANTASTICAL-NESS INDEED?? THE WAY IT WAS ALL FUCKING PRACTICAL AND RHYS SWAM DOWN TO TAIKA AS A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GOLDFISH AND THEY HAD TO THROW HEART EYES AT EACH OTHER UNDERWATER??? WHAT THE FUCK!!! And don't even get me started on Kate Bush lol. This Woman's Work might easily be one of my favorite songs, if not my FAVORITE song from the season. And man. Man. The whole meaning behind Ed seeing Stede as this beautiful, sparkly being, and not some hypermasculine/extraordinary thing. He fell in love with Stede for who Stede really is. And so I ADORE that acknowledgement.
Speaking of songs, the MUSIC!!! Absolute bangers all throughout. And I loved how there seemed to be even more intermixed within the episodes. Like God... "These are the kids..." 🗣️ HELLO MY LOVE I HEARD A KISS FROM YOU 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟 . And all the beautiful classic piano pieces and NINA SIMONE AND JUST HSJKDHSFJKLHSKD????
Okay, I've always had and STILL have complicated thoughts and opinions on Izzy, but man, seeing him interact with the Revenge Crew was really something. Seeing Stede's influence come over the lot of them like a warm blanket, extending its welcoming and familial hands...It was just lovely. I love seeing our little sea family care for each other so much. They've probably all hurt so so much in different ways, so to see them all being a collective heart is just so nice.
Speaking of which, the queerness of it all, the queer celebration of it all. The way the whole crew is just...a representation of queer people finding each other, and subsequently finding love and family in each other. Like, when the whole world wants to cast you out, you pull each other in. When no one else wants you, you take refuge in each other. And just...the joy, beauty, and wonder that can be found in that.
And speaking of which x2, the overall care that was put into the entire thing, the effort that was put into the entire thing. I know Max fucked us over with the budget, which subsequently fucked things like the intricacy, the amount of characters, and especially the pacing. But, I don't know; I personally could still tell everyone involved was trying so so hard to deliver for us. Based on the little details, the little callbacks, and the little moments that felt so catered to us, it just seemed so...gifted to us. Not to mention of course, the way they so deliberately chose to end on a hopeful note in case we never get a third season. They care about us. They've always cherished our excitement and passion, so it just...idk; it feels so special to have a bit more of an intimate connection like that. I've never been involved with a piece of media that so avidly SEES its audience, and celebrates along with us. So, despite everything, despite any sort of troubles, despite any sort of lows, that's a big part of what has me clutching all of this so closely to my chest. And I really hope they can still see that love, because I want nothing more than for them to see this beautiful story through.
Also, getting to enjoy this with everyone. Getting to ride the wave from the beginning of filming, all the way through the finale. Getting to see all the excitement, all the theories, all the art, all the fanfiction, all the gif sets, all the meta, and everything in between. It has carried me through some nastiness in my personal life, and has subsequently served as a very welcomed distraction. It's been such a pleasure getting to delight in this new content with you all, and I hope we get to do so into the future. <3
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blogfullofemos · 1 year
Miguel on Supportive Husband Duties
Okay, me 🤝 lactation kink and Miguel O'Hara breathing the same air. This man has every right to be a Daddy in me 😲 (I meant to write in my eyes but as you can see, the mind never lies at night). But enough about me, enjoy this depravity of mind. It's really not THAT filthy. Also give your girl some feedback, let me know how you truly feel lmaoo.
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader
Summary: A heated debate becomes the prime example of what not to do when you're expecting.
Warnings: Lactation, a lot of descriptive words to explain how lactation works, oral fixation on it.
Word Count: 1836
Enjoy you filthy scalawags. I love it though. 😈
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   Miguel sat back with crossed arms as he watches the scene play out before him. Calling, for yet another, group meeting to better the team on catching anomalies. Something he much rather have done himself. “But Miguel you have to see the broader picture....”, “Miguel just hear me out…”, “Miggyy can you just give it a chance…” your voice echoes within his tension headache. Intentionally staring at you from across the table while you were deep in the throes of passionate word spar about tree branches with the group. He wondered why you were getting so aggravated by such a small thing that Peter, of all people, would bring up. Putting all the spiders in the room (Jessica, Gwen, you, Hobie, Pavitr, and Peter) into a whirlpool of sassy remarks and quick rebuttals. Even Mayday had her say in it; loudly babbling and blowing wet raspberries as she sat on the middle of the table. 
    He silently seethed in annoyance as he continued to observe. Jessica, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr in one ring. You and Peter in the other. Mayday just being her usual chaotic evil to even out the playing the field. He saw as your face slowly redden and eyes watered over time, constantly having to adjust something about yourself while you tried to catch your bearings. Miguel’s brow rose at your odd composure, “ALRIGHT, EVERYONE CALLATE!!” he roars slamming his hands on the table while lurching forward. He did it on your behalf, not too sure if you were becoming too uncomfortable by the situation. But he could definitely tell you were overwhelmed. Shockingly everybody’s incessant yelling dwindled down into sly laughs and a few sucking of the teeth. Mayday just simply turning her back to him. “NOW LET’S FOCUS ON SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT!! LIKE CATCHING ANOMALIES!! THE REASON THAT WE CAME FOR!!” he continues to yell, as his hands gave a theatrical display to his words.
    Miguel sits back down and sighs in relief, “Now I know tree branches be whacking us off our game, but it just shows that we need to be more vigilant.” He says pinching the bridge of his nose. Albeit he lost a few anomalies because of those hellish whips of leaves, its why he much prefers a city landscape. Like mostly all the spiders do. “It’s all about timing and-.”. Jessica clears her throat.
“The velocity of the swing guys. I don’t have it fully down myself, but I’ve gotten better. Now to the anomalies.”
“Uh Mig-.”
“Shut. Up. Peter. The anomalies are only getting stronger and wiser. Wiser. That’s what-.”
“MIG!!” Mayday babbles clear enough to shock Miguel out of his technical rant. Stopping him from massaging his nose to ease the tension headache still beating at his temples. He looks at Mayday, who’s now in her dad’s arms, and points at you with furrowed brows. Making everyone’s eyes slowly travel from her to you, as you bring your eyes down to where she was pointing. Two apparent dark spots rest on your green shirt, making you and Miguel realize the reason why Mayday tried to say her first ever word. In seconds you stood up and covered your chest, your face turning back a brighter shade of red as you rushed out a “I need to go to the bathroom.”, before awkwardly stumbling away from your seat and running out the door. “Now Mayday, what did I say about pointing.” Peter says as Miguel gets off his seat to follow behind your trails.
     As he enters his private bathroom, he can hear your sniffles bounce from the walls. It didn’t take him long to see you wiping your eyes with tissues as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “This is so embarrassing!” you sob, throwing the tissue into the sink. 
“It’s only natural bebita.” he goes behind you and rests his chin on your head looking at you through the reflection; “S’nothing to beat yourself up over.” He finishes as he wraps his arms around you. But before he could fully pull you into an embrace, you hiss and push his arms away instantly making him drop them. You whine as you spin to rest your head on his chest, “It hurts Miguel.” You inform him quietly as he brushes the back of your head. Miguel closes his eyes as he racks his brain from jumbled lewd thoughts to more empathetic solutions. Giving the top of your head a peck, he simply states “Take off your shirt.”. You look up at him with watery doe-full eyes, making every state of his being fight to stay as innocent and professional as ever. He gives you a reassuring smirk before giving you a peck to your lips, “Trust me carino.” He soothes.
   You move away from him once more to take off your shirt, following your now soaked bra. Exposing your full breasts before him, and god did it awaken the urge he always had for you. You sniffled as you wiped your eyes with your hands, slowly calming down knowing it’s just you two. Miguel looks at you “You okay?” he asks touching base once more.
“Yeah.”. Miguel looks at your heavy breast, seeing as your veins became more apparent under your skin. This wasn’t his first rodeo helping his lover through the milestones of childbearing, but he could tell it was yours. “Alright bebita, so all you have to do is massage your breasts.” he instructs, keeping his distance between you two. He didn’t want to fully take charge of the situation, not knowing if it would make you uncomfortable and also wanting you to learn by your own. So he just decided to guide you. You place your hands on your breasts and make a stuttered side to side motion, “Like this?” you say looking at yourself. Miguel bites his bottom lip as he shakes his head, with an unapproving hum. The size difference between your hands and breasts just so treacherously sinful that his cock has something to say about it. “More of a circular motion around your areola, and you must make sure you apply enough pressure to help the milk flow out. As you do try to pinch your nipple throughout the process.” he instructs.
    “Okay.” you affirm, trying to find your rhythm with the session. After a few minutes of you focusing on yourself, Miguel quickly sees your frustrations build up as only small spurts left your swell mounds. In seconds you let out an exasperated sigh as you throw your hands down, “Miguel don’t just stand there!! Help me!!” you yell and that’s all he needed to hear. In seconds his broad hands takes a firm hold of your breasts, making you let out a quiet “Oh.” As you move back. The bathroom sink stopping your in an instant, “Watch me carino.” He coos, making your cheeks flare with unabashed lust. You loved when his voice instinctually sung to you, warm and enticing. “Yeah okay.” you say breathless, looking down at your hand covered breasts. You watch as Miguel meticulously massaged your breasts with a firm circular motion, hissing as you grip the edge of the sink. “I know bebita. It only hurts the first few times you do it, promise.” He says lovingly. After a few more moments, your milk starts flowing freely easing your pain drip by drip. You throw your head back as you close your eyes, breathing out in content, lavishing at the feel. As you bring your head back, you look up at Miguel and smile. Flashing reddish/brown eyes looking back at you with shaky restraint, “You’re making a mess bebita.” He taunts as his hands deepen the massage. You bite your bottom lip, stifling a moan “Yeah… W-well where else is the milk going to go?” you quip. Suddenly you watch as his eyes stay its reddish hue as he pinches one of your nipples to go at even level to the other.
    “Where it truly belongs.” he coos once more, before wrapping his lips around your budding nipple. In an instant your washed with an intense feeling of overwhelm as you feel him suckle you. Your legs trembling to stay still while you take hold of his head. You throw your head back again, unable to watch the man you love before you drink your milk with such fervor. You moan as you feel his teeth slightly pinch while his tongue prodded and lapped at your nipple. Hearing him audibly take in every gulp. As he finished his job on that breast, he popped his mouth off and you looked back to him. His hair becoming a sweaty mess as his dress pants were making his desires more apparent to you. His eyes lull like he’s already milk drunk. If only you knew how drunk he was on the prospect of fucking you right on the bathroom sink. Nice and quick, but he didn’t want to ruin anymore of your clothes. Evening out his breaths he looks at you, “Last one.” He says with a smirk. Suddenly you watch as Miguel licks the milk from the back of his hand before latching onto you again. Your body naturally rutting out for some friction as the lewd display ignited the dam to crack within you. You try to look away and distract yourself with something in the space, but Miguel pops off and tells you “Keep your eyes on me bebita.”. And you obey, god do you obey when you see him kneel in front of you. He nips your nipple making you hiss and tug his hair, earning a roll of his eyes and a grunt as he drank. You realize his other free hand is now between his legs, squeezing himself when he gets too flustered. 
      He lets milk seep out the corners of his mouth, making you thoughtlessly say “I want a taste.”. He moans as he squeezes himself again, his cock aching treat his baby right. After a few more swallows, he gathers as much milk as he could from your diminishing supply and pops off. In seconds he takes your lips with his in a bruising kiss, making you lean over the sink so the back of your head rest on the mirror. You taste your milk as he swaps it from his mouth to yours and swallow, gripping his shirt sleeve as you feel his hand cup your covered sex. After a few more tongue dances and rubs to your sensitive bundle of nerves, you break the messy make out. “Not here.” You say catching your breath.
“Need you.” Miguel pleads rubbing his head with yours like a cat.
“I know baby.” You give his lips a peck “But we need to get back before they truly suspect what we were doing was right. I’m in their heads enough today.” You conclude pushing him off and away from you.
“Now give me your shirt and lets go end this meeting, if they haven’t gotten the hint yet.”
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theholypeanut · 6 months
Peanut Wheel of Fortune Event
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Cw: 2,3k, hurt to comfort, angst, Kiyoshi getting hurt (as in knb plot), one curse word, gn!reader
Plot: Kiyoshi was your biggest love, but it’s not easy to date a person who will sacrifice themselves on every chance they got
Event Masterlist
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Kyoshi Teppei was a perfect guy. 
When you met him at the beginning of your high school life, you couldn’t help but wonder if there was anyone who embodied Golden Retriever energy better than he did. He was so nice to everyone, energetic, polite, and well-mannered, and he simply shined everywhere he went. You couldn’t believe how that happened, that one rainy day he confessed to you, with this bright smile, a tiny blush, while rubbing his nape from embarrassment. You could guess he asked at least three different people for their good luck before talking to you. Of course, you liked him too, how could you not? It was Kiyoshi Teppei. 
The first month of our relationship felt like a dream. He was Prince Charming, the greenest flag, the person who, on hearing you say you were thirsty, would run to the shop to get three of your favourite drinks and a soup just in case and sprint back before you even noticed. He always put you first and talked to you for hours, and your family loved him too. You cheered him on at every game and you became friends with his team, it all felt like the high school romance manga of your dreams. Until it started to fall apart.
Kiyoshi not only put you first, but he put everyone first. He was the most selfless person you knew. When Seirin started to get far in Inter-High elimination, he was the one working the hardest and sacrificing the most. It didn't surprise you that you spent less time together as a result: you couldn't be angry, and you'd support him no matter what. Or so you thought. Kiyoshi would never talk to you and tell you what was wrong, but you noticed a change in his behaviour at some point when his shine was no longer so bright. You noticed micro-expressions on his face like he was in pain - but whenever you asked him about it, he'd brush it off and tell you everything was fine.
Your dates became less frequent, but you were okay with that. Having a boyfriend with big dreams wasn't going to be easy. And then the Kirisaki Daiichi match happened. 
At this point, you already noticed that Teppei was overworking himself. He always put everyone first without looking back - that was what you loved and hated about him at the same time. But when you saw him get hurt during the match, it broke your heart. The whole scene looked awful and you had to cover your mouth in case you were going to throw up. The match was stopped and everything was chaotic. You barely remember anything until you got to the hospital. You wanted to be there for him, to support Kiyoshi in his worst moments. But your final straw was when he refused surgery because otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to play basketball in high school. 
You yelled at him to the point that the nurse asked you to leave. You cried and just told him you won't take it anymore. You refused to just stand there and watch him kill himself for basketball. He didn't say anything.
And that's how your relationship with Kiyoshi Teppei ended. 
People always say that your first love rarely is the last one. You wouldn’t know - even after some time had passed and you hadn't talked to Kiyoshi since the break-up, you couldn't imagine dating someone else. You were partly grateful that he was in hospital for so long and that you didn't have to see him, because deep down you knew that if he asked you to come back, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Your friends stayed by your side, telling you that you deserved to be with someone who didn't put basketball ahead of his health and, well, you. But as the year went on, you couldn't help but wonder if you'd ever loved someone as much as you loved him.
The graduation passed and you still didn’t even see him in the school. At first, you were angry, but as time went on you had to fight the temptation to call him and ask how he was. You avoided his friends from the team till graduation, but it was eating you from the inside how you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of him at school. Graduation of the first year, spring holidays, beginning of the new year. No sight. No call, no message. You were going through all stages of grief. You heard rumours about the basketball team being amazing again, without Kiyoshi. „Good for them” you replied to your friends when someone tried to break the news to you as a kind of small talk. Everyone around you knew not to mention basketball anymore. At that point, it almost felt like it was basketball that took away your first love.
But deep down, you were rooting for Seirin. How could you not? This team was built with your lover's sweat, tears and blood. But it made you sad that he was not here to contribute to its success. Until Kiyoshi showed up for the winter semester. And instead of feeling relieved that he was well, you were angry again. When he didn't even find a second to write you a single message for a year, you kind of wished he had a good reason: not that he'd just come back to school, all bright and shiny like before, without a proper explanation. Or has he moved on?
You wouldn’t know, and to be fair, you didn’t want to know. Because the idea that Kiyoshi simply moved on, because it was not as important to him as it was to you was as painful to you, as getting hurt during the match was to Teppei. So you decided to ignore him. Pretend that you never crossed paths. Sometimes it was less painful than seeing him behave like nothing had happened and that you had never been together.
You didn’t come to any games, you didn’t want to listen to the exciting news about how Seirin had a realistic chance of winning this time. Until one day, out of nowhere, you got a message from an unknown number. 
You hadn't really blocked Kiyoshi the year before, because he never really tried to contact you. But one day, a month after you broke up, your best friend invited you over for a sleepover, you had two beers together, and after being influenced, you deleted his number and all his messages. But you knew his number by heart, so when it popped up on your screen, your heart skipped a beat.
„If we win this game, please let’s talk” it’s all it said. Of course, that was so Teppei. He was at the school for almost four months and needs a fucking game to schedule when he will talk to you. You didn’t answer. There weren't enough words in the vocabulary to describe how angry and sad you were, and you didn't want to be the salty ex who wrote him an angry essay and made him lose a game.
But it happened: Seirin won. And just out of curiosity, you actually watched the game this time. You couldn't get rid of the painful feeling in your chest when you knew how much it had cost Teppei to achieve all this. On the one hand, you were relieved that he finally made it, but on the other hand, you couldn't deny the sadness. You never replied to that text, partly out of fear: you didn't really know what to expect from him anymore: it had been a year since you broke up, what was there to say? You felt stupid for never really moving on, but life went on without you. And maybe Kiyoshi too.
Days after the game, you stayed longer at school, stuck with your class responsibilities. It was quiet and the evening sun was glowing through the window, as you stapled the notes teacher asked you to bring after classes. Just as you finished, the classroom door opened abruptly. "A perfect student as always?" You heard a familiar voice and felt a shiver run down your spine. "Stop making fun of me, I've never been a perfect student anyway" you replied, slightly annoyed. This was so him: trying to make up for the year of ghosting with a friendly joke. "You never replied to my text. Did you change your number?" He ignored your answer and asked without further small talk. You avoid his eyes as you reply, avoiding the question: "Congratulations on your win, Kiyoshi."
Your tone was neutral, cold. The worst part was, it’s not like you hated him. How could you? But the wound was too deep to just fall into his arms like in a cheap romance novel. You heard his footsteps as he came closer, sitting on the table right next to you. „I’m so sorry.” You heard his full of regret voice. „I don’t even know where to start with all of the things I should apologise for. But what you need to know is that for all this time I could never stop thinking how I want to make it up to you.” He stopped for a second, and continued, hesitantly: „All I want to know, is if you… still love me enough, to give me a second chance. Or love me at all.”
You smiled, to his surprise. You finally looked at him, for the first time since he had entered the room. "How is it that after all this time you still know exactly what I want to hear?" He smiled back, but before he could say anything, you continued in a serious tone: "Why didn't you say anything for a year?" This was no time to beat around the bush - no amount of sweet words would change the fact that he had simply let you go and only returned when he had achieved his goal. No matter how you look at it, it seems that you were never his priority, only basketball.
Kiyoshi felt slightly intimidated by your straightforwardness, but sent you one of his branded bright smiles. 
"You know, that's one of the things I've always loved about you: you're the most honest person I've ever met. I still remember you yelling at me in the hospital. I have thought about your words ever since." He paused for a moment, looking down at his huge, calloused hands. "At first it took me a long time to process what had happened. Can you imagine that the whole time I was in hospital, I didn't believe it was over? I just refused to believe it. All the time I just believed that we would talk it out and it would be the same. Every day I rehearsed in my head my apology when you'd walk through the hospital door like you used to. But you never did. It seems so silly now, but all the time I thought that if I wrote to you, the break-up would be real. It wasn't. I think I only realised it when I came back to school and you refused to look at me. I don't think I've ever felt so empty in my life. Not even Hanamiya's foul came close to that pain. But I didn't want to just come crawling back to you and repeat the exact same pattern as last year. I did not want to... disappoint you like that again."
After you heard him pause, you couldn't help but wonder if there was any way you could have resolved this sooner, by communicating. You looked at his face attentively. "But now… I guess after we won with Hanamiya… All I could think about was how much I want us to be together again. It is embarrassing to admit how much I missed your voice. Even if you'll just scold me. But at least" he hesitated, and you noticed a tiny blush on his cheeks, "at least I had the courage to finally ask you if there was any chance that you felt the same way." His face became even more red as he quickly added: "I heard from Riko that you don't go out with anyone, if you do, I'm so sorry for saying such things."
You looked at him, still stunned by everything you'd just heard, and you couldn't help but think that Kiyoshi Teppei really is a perfect guy. No matter how much you wanted to hate him right now, to scream at him for all the time he hadn't reached out to you, you felt the anger just go away by looking at his face, all red, and his beautiful eyes trying to avoid your gaze out of embarrassment and fear that he might have said all those things to a taken person. How could you be so angry with him? You moved slowly towards him and rested your forehead on his chest. He was surprised by the sudden touch, but didn't move. 
"You're so stupid" you said as you grabbed his shirt. You waited a second to not let him notice that your voice was cracking. "Promise me you'll never do anything like that again? I never want to hear you put basketball before your health again." You couldn't see his face, but he sighed and put his hand on your head. 
„I promise” he said with the most gentle voice. 
You know what they say, that love is not enough for a relationship to survive. But this time you really think it will be enough to fuel both of you to work it out and grow together so that you'll never break up again.
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
if you still do avengers reqs, what would the avengers and y/n talk about in the avengers resident groupchat? y/n!stark x peter 🙏🙏
The Avengers Groupchat Would Include . . . 
Let’s start off with who’s in this groupchat: you (obviously), Peter, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Thor, Scott, Vision & Carol (Rocket was in the chat but he got kicked out, Ayo’s in there but she doesn’t chat much, Nebula would be there but she doesn’t get how to use a phone, Rhodey has better things to do than be in there)
Let’s be honest, Carol did not see the sense in her being there because there’s not gonna be WiFi throughout the galaxy.
“LTE, Carol!” — You, probably
Thor also didn’t really get it because there’s not WiFi on Asgard, but he’s too kind to say no
Naming the groupchat was hell. Every second, someone would change it (usually either you, Peter, or Sam) until Tony put his foot down and programmed FRIDAY to make it so no one could change it from “Avengers”
Natasha’s usually the one who sends reminders about training
Steve will send reminders about meetings 
Lots of pictures of each other are sent, mostly when they don’t know photos are being taken of them
The conversations range from someone asking what people want from the grocery store (Scott goes on grocery runs) to fierce debates over who’s the better fighter (It’s Nat, no one can beat her in sparring)
Tony will ask you and Peter if your homework is done (which you both annoyed, then Natasha yells at you)
It’s best to silence the notifications because they’re too, too much
Regular FaceTimes are a thing even though you’re usually all in the same tower
“Thor, your video cuts out when you go over Heimdall’s bridge.”
Wanda and Vision usually ask if they can double date with anyone (ends up being Scott and Hope or you and Peter)
Peter will send cute pictures of you that the Avengers ADORE. He’s tickling you? He’s recording a video. You fell asleep? He’s taking a picture.
“Peter, you’re not tickling her right. You have to get her knees.” — Tony
Clint’s kids love to take his phone to chat with the Avengers
And they LOVE chatting with them
“Auntie Nat, when are you visiting!” “Soon!!”
Sam and Peter both send lots of memes
“I don’t get it.” — Steve
Bruce doesn’t talk much but you know who’s a great texter? THE HULK
Hulk is the king of keyboard smashes
“Someone get Nat to do the lullaby.”
Hulk has smashed Bruce’s phone on multiple occasions tho
“Should I invent armor for Bruce’s phone?” — Tony
Yelena will steal Nat’s phone to troll the chat
Clint sends updates on his farm
Pepper will confiscate Tony’s phone when he needs to work so she’ll end up chatting
Everyone loves chatting to Pepper
Tony managed to get wifi on Carol’s ship so she’ll send updates from space
Thor tries to text, it doesn’t go great
When badgered by Natasha, Ayo will text
Nebula has occasionally hopped onto the group chat when Peter Q helps her
The group chat was SO ACTIVE when you and Peter went to prom
They were spamming the entire time, asking for pictures and updates and telling ya’ll not to drink
If anyone’s sitting out of a mission (usually you and Peter), they’ll text in the group chat to annoy those who are on the mission
Getting Nat to swear in the group chat isn’t rare but it is dangerous
Vision, Ayo, and Steve text with perfect grammar, short and to the point (Steve has a tendency to go on tangents, though).
Tony’s style switches constantly depending on his mood
Natasha, Sam, Wanda, you, and Peter text with abbreviations and lowercase sometimes
Carol usually sends photos, not many texts. She’ll occasionally send an lol or lmao.
Scott is always cheerful. He uses lots of smiley faces.
Tony will put an ironic amount of obnoxious emojis.
Clint’s tired and his texting reflects that. As short as possible usually.
There’s always something chaotic going on
But there’s also some of the funniest moments
So will Natasha
The Avengers are a family and they love each other so much, it’s definitely represented in the groupchat
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alexsoenomel · 1 year
Feelin’ Baby Blue (Dean Winchester x Reader smut/fluff)
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Requests: can you write a story where dean is just like touch starved and wants to cuddle so he doesn’t have nightmares while he sleeps.
Could you write a story where dean just needs a little comfort? like he’s had a rough day or is just feeling off and wants to be held and feel safe in the readers arms
Summary: Dean set you free by accident, not knowing you can feel the pain he was in and not knowing you’re able to give him what he secretly craved.
Pairing: Dean x Genie!Reader 
Warnings:  18+ MINORS DNI, Reader is a virgin, Dean is broken and pathetic, sweet love making, and Big O’s
Word count: 3.8k
Note: I added a little bit of fluffy smut because I’m a pathetic horny bitch and Dean deserves to get laid.
Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)  
Wake up. Go to work. Collapse on the coach. Wake up. Make lunch for tomorrow. Shower. Sleep.
Over and over again.
Every day. The concept of time didn't exist, only work and work alone. You didn't know who you were, your true authentic self was buried deep in you, along with your dreams and goals. In this world dreams and goals were considered unnecessary, plus you didn't even know what your dreams and goals were. You were only aware of one thing and one thing only – you had to work in order to survive. This job was your bread and butter, financial issues disappeared but you could still feel the world crashing around you. Your life became only your 9 till 5. You had no one, with family scattered around the country, and friends being in different stages of life, you were left to only interact with people in your dull office job which made you hate this life even more. Empty conversations, small talk, gossip…
You didn't even remember the last time you genuinely laughed while talking to someone. Once you entered this machine, this cursed cycle called the capitalistic society, your life lost all meaning.
It was the same day over and over again.
North Platte, Nebraska
Sam and Dean just killed a nasty witch. She had been cursing family homes all over Nebraska, making family members eventually kill each other in fits of rage and insanity – reasons unknown. She was an old one – old as time. Her house was filled with endless shelves of books of ancient dark magic, ancient artifacts chattered all over, herbs, talismans – whatever a witch’s heart desired, she had it.
"Poor guy!" Dean said, looking at the white rabbit lying on the coffee table. His eyes were closed, his little body completely relaxed and spread out – it looked dead. "That bitch was creepy as hell!" He added. Dean was never fond of witches.
"I still don't understand why she was killing all those families!" Sam wondered, looking around her messy living room.
"Beats me!" The older Winchester shrugged his shoulders and put the gun with witch-killing bullets back in his jeans.
He was just about to tell Sam that it was time to go since the place was giving him the heebie-jeebies when he saw something that piqued his interest on one of the bookshelves.
"Sam, look!" His fingers were gently holding a medium-sized bottle filled with floating whiteish, blueish puffs. He was smiling like he just found his favorite childhood toy.
"Are those clouds?" Sam asked, trying to see what was inside the bottles. Nothing apart from "clouds" his eyes registered.
Dean, being Dean (childish and chaotic at times), started shaking the bottle, hoping something would happen. It didn't. The "clouds" were just floating in the bottle as he was shaking it.
"Dean, put it back where you found it, and let's get the hell out of here!" Sam told him.
As he was about to put it back on the shelf, a light bang echoed through the living room causing both Winchesters to turn around with their guns ready to kill whatever made the sound. Dean didn't even notice that he dropped the bottle, shattering it completely. The clouds were floating right behind them as they put their guns away realizing it was just the rabbit that Dean thought was dead on the coffee table. It jumped on the wooden floor knocking a little stone in the process. It just stood there looking at them.
"He ain't dead!" Dean's eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't help but smile – he'd always feel sad for the poor animals that were used for witchcraft.
Instinctively, both brothers then glanced at the dead witch lying a few inches away from them. She was still dead as a doornail. Good.
The rabbit sniffed the witch's face before urinating all over it. Both brothers chuckled. Even better.
In the meantime, the cloud behind them started growing bigger and bigger. It reached Sam's height and exploded as both brothers were hit with a force so strong it knocked them to the floor. Dean hit his cheek, and Sam his nose, causing a few drops of blood to appear seconds later.
"What the –" Dean said and looked behind him.
Sam did the same as he whipped the blood coming from his nose. "Holy crap!"
Five minutes before.
As you were about to answer your next call, bored out of your mind, staring at your computer screen and seeing the calls pile up, you noticed something unusual. Your colleague Dave was in the middle of a conversation and yet you couldn’t hear him behind his computer anymore – which was unusual considering he was the loudest one in the office. The telephones around you stopped ringing– all of them. You looked through the window and saw the rain that was pouring outside just seconds ago, frozen in the air. You turned around and there she was; Karen stiff as a statue, mouth open, holding a chocolate bar inches away from her face.
"What the–"
You woke up. Finally, you woke up. The hell was finally over. You were finally free.
Right in front of you was a sight to see– two gorgeous-looking men staring back at you. One of them seemed more broken than the other. They seemed puzzled.
“How did you free me?” You asked, looking down at your body, seeing you weren’t in your business attire anymore. Instead, you were wearing your baby blue summer dress again. You missed that dress – haven’t worn it in 5 years.
“Free you? Who are you?” The shorter one asked. His hand then went behind his back…he had a gun.
“That gun is useless on me.” You said and glanced at the taller one who also tried the same. You tilted your head to the right, squinting your eyes, looking at the taller one…the name immediately pooped in your head. “You’re Sam.” And a few seconds later the shorter one had a name too. “Dean.” You said looking at him. “Sam and Dean Winchester.”
Both brothers stared at you before Dean finally asked: “Who are you?” His voice was deep, sharp, and kind of intimidating.
“Call me G,” you said.
“How do you know who we are?” Sam asked. “Are you even human?”
“I know the people who summon me. In this case, you didn’t exactly summon me, you freed me.” You explained, “I’m a Genie.”
“A Djinn?” Dean asked in confusion and partial disgust. By the sound of his voice you could tell he wasn’t a fan of actual Djinns. You weren’t either. They were far more chaotic and evil and somehow humans would always mix you with them.
This man is wearing a mask, even his younger brother cannot see. His soul is aching.
“You humans always put me in the same basket as them. No, I’m not a Djinn.”
“Explain!” Dean demanded.
“Who else is a genie and wears blue…or rather is blue?”
Sam's eyes immediately widened as he connected the dots. “The Genie?”
Dean then connected the rest. “Like The Genie from Aladdin?”
“Something like that.” Your mouth smiled for the first time in so long it almost felt unnatural.
“I need a drink!” Dean said looking at his younger brother who just stared back at him, not knowing what to say.
“Oh, the bitch has a fine whiskey collection in the cabinet behind you, take your pick and I can explain everything.”  
“Don’t mind if I do!”
“Pour me a double Dean!”
“Roger that!”
After both brothers were intoxicated enough you started talking. You were born in 1992 when the original Aladdin came out. It was an absolute hit all over the world, children loved it, young adults and parents loved it. Genie became a star and that was how you were born. Children especially, desperately wanted their favorite character to be real and to grant them those three wishes and voila…
You didn’t remember much from your birth. You just knew one day you became sentient, real and aware of your purpose – making humans smile. From that day forward you were traveling all over the world and granting wishes – healing the inner child of each broken adult who would summon you and making the world a better place. It wasn’t until the witch found you and bound you to be her slave and used your magic whenever she pleased. The thing that separated you from the real cartoon Genie was – you could grant as many wishes as once heart desired. She used you for revenge, hatred and to satisfy her undying greed for riches – everything you didn't stand for. You were more than glad that she was dead.
“So wait, you’re actually a tulpa?” Sam asked. You were surprised by his logical thinking.
“You can say that.” You confirmed.
Dean took the last sip of whiskey not really knowing how to feel about all of this. Tulpas were a familiar concept for him for sure, but a tulpa of a fuckin’ cartoon character not so much. One thing puzzled him though…
“Isn’t Genie supposed to be a blue man with a ponytail?” He finally spoke.
“Kids didn’t imagine me to be a blue man with a ponytail.” You said, feeling how tired he was. No sleep could subside that.
Sam was hanging by the thread of sanity and good mental health, while his older brother had waves of sorrow and pain crashing into him every second of the day. He was craving something so desperately he was embarrassed of it.
Dean’s lips formed a small O. “Oh, okay.”
“How do people, or kids, summon you?” Sam asked. Real world was a bit different than the cartoon. The part where you live in a lamp at least.
"You just have to rub the lamp the right way" Dean was just waiting for the moment to make this reference since he was secretly a big Christina Aguilera fan. You chuckled, remembering the first time you heard that song in a bar of all places. Sam just looked at Dean like he was about to punch him. Dean grinned.
“That’s gross, Dean.”
“You just have to think of me long and hard before you go to sleep and I’ll pay you a visit.” You finally explained, eyes fixed on Dean. You knew what he craved, you could see right through him, even though he tried to hide it by avoiding your gaze.
“What are you going to do now?” Dean asked you, still avoiding meeting your eyes. He was looking at the book shelf right behind you.
You smirked and stood up. “Might pay you a visit.” Was all you said before you disappeared, leaving both brothers perplexed and a little tipsy.
When Sam and Dean came back to the bunker, the younger brother decided it was time to rest while the older one was pondering over your last words.
“Might pay you a visit.”
He couldn’t help but remember your sharp and rather strange gaze. Something about it intimidated him – he felt naked whenever you would look at him. He was a closed forbidden book, only Sam could open it and yet in your presence he was completely exposed – or at least that was how he felt. The thought of you was consuming him slowly, in the shower, in the kitchen, before dinner, after dinner… When he finally went to bed he caved in, remembering your words.
“You just have to think of me long and hard before you go to sleep and I’ll pay you a visit.”
He was slowly drifting, his mind scattered and consumed with only your picture. As his eyes became heavy he heard a whisper – he knew he wasn’t dreaming yet.
His head left the soft surface of his pillow as he opened his eyes only to see you standing next to his bed.
“G?” He whispered as his hand reached over and turned on the lamp on his night stand.
“I can feel it, y’ know” You said and sat on the edge of his bed. He sat up, back against the headboard.
“Feel what?” He asked even though something was already telling him the answer he thought he didn’t know.
“Your soul is aching, Dean. There’s not enough alcohol and meaningless night stands in this world to ease your pain. It’s too sharp, too deep. You broke my heart as soon as you set me free.”
You knew pain. You felt it all. In sick children, in traumatized adults – you knew every shape it would take, but Dean’s pain was impossible to feel. It was too much even for you.
“I didn’t realize you’re a shrink too.” The sass was evidently just a coping mechanism – one of the masks he would wear to survive this terrible life he was living.
You weren’t bothered by his words. You knew he would eventually say the forbidden words. Without warning you climbed into his bed and sat on his lap, both of your legs on his sides. You stared at him, fingers tracing along his cheeks, jaw, until you reached his perfectly full lips. He was beautiful – one of the most beautiful humans you have ever seen. His genetic blessings didn't outshine his blessings from within. His soul, even broken and in pain, was still full of love and compassion. It was such a beautiful mix of love and tragedy. Your face was inches away from his and as you got closer, the pain got sharper. You were ready to make him feel whole again, but he had to say the words.
“I know what you crave, Dean. I can feel it.”
“A sexy chick wearing a Zorro mask on top of me?” Still with the humor. You found it cute to an extent. Silly Dean.
“Meaningless sex won’t fix that, y’ know?”
“Yeah,” He finally gave up the shenanigans when he saw you weren’t buying the shit he was trying to sell. “I’ve learnt to live with it.”
You could feel his hot breath against your face as you got even closer. Dean’s eyes softened, jaw relaxed as he cupped your cheek. He only now noticed how beautiful and angelic you look, even under the light of his shitty lamp on the nightstand. Your soft skin under his fingertips felt a little too intimate for him, and yet he couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop.
“You don’t have to live with it though. I can make it go away, you just have to say the words.”
You cupped his hand with yours, his touch sending shivers all over your body. You really liked the sensation. You were craving more. His hand was hot, soft and human. No man nor woman has touched you like this.  
“You mean like, make a wish?” He was finally starting to get it.
“That’s how it goes, right?” You smiled.
“Christ.” – he muttered before swallowing nervously – “I wish I didn’t feel like this.”
“Like what? My magic cannot read minds. You have to be specific.”
He took a deep breath, feeling like he was about to embarrass himself. Verbalizing emotions wasn’t something he was comfortable with. “I wish the pain I feel didn’t exist,” He stated and the words just kept coming. “I wish I wasn't so... broken? I wish for more than just meaningless night stands.” He confessed before it hit him. “Wait, does this count as 3 wishes?”
“You can wish as many things as your heart desires, handsome. Now, close your eyes!”
Dean closed his beautiful green eyes as you went in for a kiss. It usually doesn't work like that. You weren't a crossroads demon. You would usually just snap your fingers and disappear right after. Your magic was powerful and yet simple. But this time it was different. This time a man with a broken soul asked to feel whole again, to feel again. He wanted more than meaningless transactional touches and kisses so you decided to give him what he wanted. You have never come across such a special soul like Dean Winchester. He was giving too much and yet the world was consumed by greed and constantly wanted more. His brother Sam was everything he had, his rock, his world and yet even he couldn't heal things inside of his older brother. Dean was tired of feeling like this.
The kiss was innocent and your first. You didn't exactly know what you were doing but you liked it. His lips were soft and lonely. He was hungry for a connection he didn't have. His body was desperate to be touched. His hand went in your hair as he slowly deepened the kiss, leaving you hot and panting. You have seen people kiss and sleep with each other. You were an avid watcher of rom coms – your favorite pastime whenever you would roam around the world, traveling and making people smile.
Even The Genie needed air, so when you couldn't breathe anymore you broke the kiss. Dean's eyes full of adoration refusing to stop looking at you. How strange how now he was ready to strip his soul and actually look at you.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you pushed them above his head, your face dangerously close to him. You wanted to kiss him again.
"Am I supposed to feel different now?"
"No, this isn't something I can fix with a simple kiss. Your soul is craving another soul and I intend to give you mine. Kiss me!"
Dean lifted his head from the pillow and kissed you again this time slipping his tongue right away in your mouth. His kisses were coded with mint and you liked the taste.
It felt like an instinct almost when your hips started moving, grinding against his dick – only your panties and his boxers separating you. He was already hard and desperate, moving up and down trying too hard to satisfy the need that was only growing stronger.
You have never surrendered yourself so freely, letting a human touch you, let alone kiss you like he did, but you have never had a man like Dean asking you to fix something within him that the world so joyfully broke.
His hands were roaming freely all over your body, studying the shapes along the material of your dress as your lips never left his, until he started kissing your jaw and neck, sending you into a blissful euphoria you never knew existed in the first place. You let out a sigh as your hands went into his hedgehog like hair.
"Love me, Dean!" You spoke between pathetic moans and sighs. "Love me and I'll be yours forever!"
He heard you but his lips were too busy getting drunk on your neck to say anything so he just took you by the waist with both hands and like you were nothing flipped you over.
His lips found yours again in a desperate sleepless hunger as your hand took his and guided him to your already wet underwear.
"Touch me! I'm yours!" You said, letting him know he could. It has been a long time for him and you could feel the nervousness pumping through his veins. As soon as his fingers touched the wet fabric of your panties, pushing it lightly against your wet cunt, you moaned.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, again showing you how beautiful and carrying he was.
You placed a kiss on his lips. "Yes, I am sure."
Your voice was sweet like honey and Dean was experiencing a sugar rush.
“Oh and you can leave my dress on. I can feel how much you like it.” You added and winked.
Dean didn’t quite understand what you meant by that so he asked.
“Can you read minds?”
You smiled. He was adorable. “Not exactly. I can feel it. Your desires, what troubles you – everything. It comes in waves.”
You didn’t let him say anything, instead you crashed your lips on his as your hands went underneath his shirt feeling his soft skin covered in scars. If only he knew his soul shared the same resemblance. Dean realized where your hands were and in a second got rid of the t-shirt.
“I want you!” You whispered into his ear.
He was hypnotized, not really aware of his surroundings, his hardships, his name. Only you existed in his brain, heart and soul.
He took off his boxers, and your panties moments later – leaving you only in your dress and pressed the tip of his dick against your entrance. Nose touching, eyes locked, feeling each other’s breaths on your faces he entered you slowly. It didn’t occur to you that it would hurt since it was your first time. You gasped at the new sensation.
“You’re so tight!” Dean whispered. “Jesus!”
“Move! Please!” You begged. He didn’t need to know. He was your first and only one. After this night your soul will be bound with his, forever.
He moved slowly first, letting you adjust and relax under him. Your fingers dug into his shoulder blades as soon as waves of pleasure started splashing you. The pain was gone and you were in pure bliss.
“God, you’re beautiful!” He told you, placing kisses along your jaw.
You moaned his name in response as his pace became faster, his thrusts harder. Your body was on fire and yet you felt a sense of calm. You could feel his pain slowly fading. His worries disappeared. You were stitching him back together.
“You’ll feel whole again!” You said before kissing him.
As he was pounding into you, you could feel something building up in the lower part of your stomach. Your eyes, usually sapphire blue, started fading, replacing the shade with a very light baby blue color. You grinned when you realized what was happening. His wish was about to come true.
“Your eyes –” Dean noticed but you sealed his mouth with a kiss. As he was slamming into you, your climax hit you like a truck. Your body was stiff, pure pleasure engulfing you completely – nothing you have ever experienced before. Dean didn’t stop until he came seconds later, panting and whimpering – completely falling apart from pleasure. He collapsed on you, burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
“This feels different.” He said, trying to catch his breath.
“How so?”
“Feels like love.”
“Your wish is my command!”
You didn’t leave that night. He fell asleep in your arms, for the first time and in a long time, snoring. No nightmares.  His pain was gone. Since sleep was an unfamiliar concept for you, you just enjoyed his presence while your soul was warming up his now healed one.
You knew you weren’t free to roam the world anymore. You were content with being his – forever.
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You’re my best friend
Hobie Brown • They/Them Pronouns • Just a couple of besties in the spider society giving mentors a hard time while also making the best of the time they get together. Even when shit hits the fan • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Some tragic backstories mentioned / Minor Injuries / Miguel being Miguel
For @cabinofcontentment
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“The big angry panther really wants me on this anomaly?” Hobie scoffs walking beside Jessica on their way to the briefing room.
“Yes and I thought you would be a little more excited for this one”
“Now why is that?” The punk tilts his head a bit curious, but was met with annoyance from one of his mentors.
“Hobie. You don’t read the anomaly reports before these meetings do you?” Jessica asks watching that devilish smile of his emerge. “Alright. Well you’ll enjoy your partner on this one, they have not shut up about their excitement”
“Now I’m curious on who it—-“
“Hobie!” The familiar voice was music to his ears watching the figure run out of the darkness in Miguel’s office into the light revealing Y/F/N Y/L/N.
The spider person of Earth-838. A universe that is prepared for most problems that may or may not arise. So why have a Spiderman in this universe? Well shit still happens at a level that doesn’t concern the Illuminati. Leaving it to Y/N to take care of where they reside in the West Coast.
Hobie has always admired them since they’ve joined spider society around the same time he did. They were a chaotic little spitfire with their dark silver suit with sea-foam accents on their arms and legs. Then the outlier of the deep red spider sprawled on their back. They were one of the few organic spider people, he grew to know and that arachnid gracing their shoulders is a part of the organic webbing and improved vision. If you think about Spiderman from Earth-199999 and his suit’s self defense system “Kill mode”, that’s what they have. Except it’s infused to their spine and comes out whenever they need it. Never for killing though. That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?
But Y/N wasn’t in their suit for that meeting. They had been called for a briefing in the middle of one of their self care days.
“Are you exciting for this anomaly? We are helping Spider-cat in his universe!”
“Oh I didn’t—-“
“Yeah I figured. I’ll catch yea up enough so Miguel doesn’t have a tantrum” Y/N smiles about to inform Hobie but they couldn’t help but notice the laugh they got out of Jessica. “Oh Ben owes me ten bucks” they smile even more when Jessica playful glared at them to the whispered comment while Hobie chuckles to himself.
Hobie was informed enough by Y/N’s standards when they reached Miguel’s floating pad. He instantly knew the man would be in a mood and a clear give away was the eight legs sprouting out of Y/N’s back launching them off the ground high enough to avoid the computer panel Miguel had thrown their direction.
“Aye. We don’t need an in work injury now do we?” Hobie scoffs as Y/N hops back down from the ceiling feeling Jessica’s hand rest on their shoulder once their tense expression subsided.
“You are late. Y/N could’ve taken care of it by now”
“Right. Well. Are you going to speak or continue to have a fit?”
“Just. Y/N get suited and you two head the fuck out already. If you need backup, Jess is on call” Miguel sighs turning away from them to return to his personal anomaly search.
The three headed out of the room not even after five minutes of being in there. Guess Miguel wanted his frustration taken out on someone almost in a literal physical sense. Hobie watches Y/N stretch their back slightly once the legs retracted, noticing how they pierced through what seemed to be a new jacket.
“You heard Miguel. You need backup, I’m there” Jess reminds the two before going to check up on her new mentees.
“He seemed a bit miffed this mornin’” Hobie comments on his behavior while following Y/N to one of the locker rooms so that they can get suited up given he was already.
“I heard a rumor that he found more information about the 42 anomaly. Before you and Jess came, he was talking about it with me…then got pissed and tossed his cup of coffee at me that time”
“…Alright?” The concern in his voice shot right through them as they instantly grabbed his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m okay” Y/N smiles before pushing him back playfully, entering the locker room to get suited up.
Entering Spider-cat’s universe was exciting for Y/N given they were curious if it was all cats or only animals. Like the movie zootopia, something they watched from someone else’s universe, except not humanoid. It was the first one. All cats.
“You can’t take one home” Hobie spoiled their seeded plan knowing Y/N was pouting behind their mask. “Let’s find Peter before—-“
Suddenly a cat tree that was made into a building barreled its way toward Hobie and Y/N, Hobie quickly taking his guitar and strumming loud enough to rapture the building while Y/N had quickly moved the cats out of the way of the fallen debris.
“WHY AM I IN A PLACE FULL OF FUCKING FELINES?!” A Doc Ock anomaly was their target as his tentacles grabbed building after building and tossing them all over the place while Spider-cat quickly webbed them up to avoid any of them hitting other cats.
“Isn’t the story of Spider-cat a bit gruesome?”
“Different spider-cat. There’s 3 from what I understand. But one isn’t actually a spider person.” Y/N informs as they started to make their way to help Spider-cat take care of the Doc Ock with Hobie following shortly behind.
As Doc Ock continued to toss the buildings toward now 3 spider people, Y/N did their best to latch their web onto them and quickly swing them back toward the villain as Hobie started to grab cat after cat directing them carefully away from the commotion even if it meant tossing a few into a big web he made.
“This guy torturing cats!” Y/N groans as their legs formed from their back to help them move quickly against the building.
Spider-cat let out an angered hiss toward Hobie indicating he’s the one torturing the cats because again, he was tossing them into a web to avoid them getting hurt by the anomaly.
“Sorry, fella. I’ll take care of it when we’re done”
“More so I will. Since I know how to get rid of the webbing faster than most spider people” Y/N quickly comments as they launch themselves toward Doc Ock with an extreme force courtesy of their spider legs from their back.
But as they were retracting themselves back into place, Doc’s tentacle suddenly grabbed some of their legs forcing it out of Y/N before throwing them into a nearby building.
“Y/N!” Hobie yells as he quickly picked up the pace in his step taking his guitar and knocking the doc off his feet noticing the webbing latched onto his ankles.
Soon the doc was dragged through his own mess and lifted off the ground, both Hobie and Spider-cat watching Y/N had gotten themselves out of the rubble tugging on the anomaly throwing the doc over them and harshly into the ground. Enough to knock the villain out. When the two came over and Spidercat took care of tying the villain up, Hobie noticed Y/N shaking a bit.
“Hey—Y/N, are you alright, mate?” Hobie tried to get them to respond but given when he tried to lay a comforting hand, they retracted. “Alright. Alright…Come on my feline friend. Let’s clean up this rubbish”
While the two took care of such, Y/N took the trap Miguel invented to secure Doc Ock and have him transported back to the spider society watching him disappear before going through the rubble making sure no one left anything. But also picking up two of their legs that the villain managed to actually rip out of their back.
“Yes Y/N?” The small hologram appeared by their head and instantly took note of the situation. “You should be seen at spider society immediately. Has this happened before?” She asks watching them shake their head as she didn’t wait to call in Jess to help Hobie and spider-cat clean up.
Hobie never liked this part of the job, cleaning up in a sense was simply taking care of whatever the anomaly may have left. Having to leave the destruction of the universe to the locals. But after doing his part and taking in a few locals’ attention by giving them pets, Hobie watched a portal open revealing Jess.
“Oy!” Hobie calls out to gain her attention as she let Lyla do a quick scan of the area. “Why are you here?”
“Lyla sent Y/N back. Did you not see what happen?” Jess questions Hobie who was just as confused as she was, hoping that he’d give her some answers.
Next thing the two knew, Spider-cat trotted his way over and meowed into his watch which lead to the scene being played out for them. Hobie’s normally neutral expression went to anxiety watching Doc Ock grab Y/N by their spider legs and tearing two off when tossing them.
“Fucking hell…”
“Shit. Lyla do a scan of the scene for…yeah. Then we’ll call it—-“ Jess turns to watch Hobie leave through a portal making her sigh. “I can’t be mad at him”
“Everything is cleaned up. All Spider-cat’s deal now”
“Alright. I gotta go check on my kid” Jess refers to anyone she mentors as her kids, Y/N being one of them.
Entering spider society, Hobie looked around for his partner not finding them in any of the places he’d think they would be. Even went to the infirmary and couldn’t find them there. Next thing he knew, a hand through a portal grabbed the back of his guitar strap pulling him through and into the universe with Earth-838.
“Why did you go to the society first?” Jessica caught him off guard as most injuries would get reported.
“Thought they’d be there”
“Their injuries were too much for our docs to handle so they went to the Illuminati of their universe to get checked out.”
“How do you—-“
“Do you not use any of the utilities at the society?”
The punk instantly gave her a deadpan look to her question as Jessica couldn’t believe she even asked that.
Y/N’s universe knew about the multiverse and took care of anomalies in their own way. But given their connection with spider society with the help of their own spider, the worry was very small for incursions.
The two walked through the Illuminati building and was met with Dr. Palmer and her infectious smile.
“They’re alright. The arachnid in their spine is similar to a few species that are able to regenerate their legs. So they’ll be back in a few weeks” Palmer shows an x-ray of their back to Jess while Hobie decided to slip past them. “But it will be painful and best if they don’t be on call for a while”
“I agree. We have enough capable individuals to cover for their time. What did you do with—“
“Y/N buried them. We aren’t going to question it, even if Richards wants to desperately.” Palmer laughs leading Jess to the main laboratory watching Richards getting his hands smacked away from Hobie as he was sat beside Y/N who was trying to hide in the rafters. “Reed. Cmon. Give them a break”
“I wanted to check the hematoma before they returned home. But this one is being rather annoying” Reed sighs only to be smacked in the head by a boot. “Excuse me!”
“Hobie!” Jess exclaims as both Hobie and Y/N pretend like nothing had happened. “Are you serious?!”
“What? He was botherin’ my favorite person. Just doing everybody a favor”
“By throwing your shoe at Mr. Richards?!”
“Who says it was my shoe?” Hobie flipped himself to hang upside down from the beam they were sitting on as Y/N did the same thing mimicking him before slipping slightly. They were on pain killers from the pain and it wasn’t a good idea to do their spider shenanigans. But when they fell, Hobie quickly webbed them and carefully setting them on the floor.
“Okay hun, how about let’s not get any more injuries and get you home” Jess laughs helping them up and removing the webs off them.
The two took care of getting Y/N home and Jess left Hobie alone with them for just a moment knowing he can’t stay in their universe for too long. Because of Miguel’s rules. But she wasn’t going to rat him out, she has a soft side for the both of them.
“Alright?” Hobie gently nudged their shoulder as they were sitting on the balcony of Y/N’s apartment overlooking the beach.
“Mhm. You…uhm. Gonna spend the night? I know it’s not your thing”
Hobie scoffs in a playful manner wrapping his arm carefully around their shoulders.
“You’re my best friend, dear” He smiles watching their eyes light up to what he’s to say next. “How could I say no to yea?”
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farfromrealitypls · 2 years
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I care
Summary: You made a risky choice helping Rafe, but it felt so right and turning out… it was.
(This story is inspired by that one scene in obx, were the pouges tried getting JJ’s boat for John B)
Warning: Angst, violence, language, blood
A/n: Hello!!! Yeah I have a thing for mean Rafe with a soft spot for y/n… and for y/n to be the one “fixing Rafe” enjoy <3 Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
The whole situation was so chaotic, you could barely comprehend what was happening.
Barry was long gone, leaving only Rafe.
You exchanged panicked looks with Kiara before looking around and seeing Pope still beating the shit out of Rafe.
“Pope stop! You’re gonna kill him!” you yelled and grabbed Popes arm.
“He almost killed me! Remember?” He snapped back, still having that insane look in his eyes, hitting Rafes face over and over again. He let him fall to floor and grabbed the metal bar, wrapping it around his neck and started to choke him.
“Pope enough!” Kiaras voice echoed through the hall.
“Pope!” JJ added from a far.
You could see Rafes body slowly going numb and his face turning lightly blue.
“He didn’t tho! Get off him!” You grabbed Pope from behind and tried to pull him off with all your strength.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you defending him?” He finally let go of Rafe and the tall man fell to the floor, panting for air and blood smeared all over him.
You dropped on your knees next to him, tearing up at that sight.
Of course Pope didn’t deserve it, but neither does Rafe…
“Pope look at him! He’s had enough!” Your voice cracked as you yelled up at Pope.
“Are you serious? Did you forget what he put us through?” He yelled back tilting his head and squinting his eyes in disbelief at your words.
JJ and Kiara stood there, watching the scenario from a far, not really knowing what to do.
“I know! I know! But we’re not better if we do the same thing to him!“ you shook your head and the first tears started rolling down your rosy cheeks.
„I- Y/n what the fuck! Who’s side are you on?“
You ignored his question and just looked at Rafe through your teary eyes.
„Breath, breath Rafe“ you whispered in a soft voice.
„He jumped me with a golf club y/n!“ Pope screamed at you louder this time.
You snapped your head back up at him.
„And who fixed you up Pope? Huh? Who was there? Taking care of you? Us! 4 fucking people! JJ, Kiara, John b and me. And who’s gonna make sure he’s ok when you fuck him up? Nobody. His dad is probably gonna beat the shit out of him some more when he comes home like this.“
„He should!“ He shouted, slightly bending down, making sure Rafe heard it too.
You scoffed and shifted your gaze to JJ and Kiara, still standing by the door, unsure of what to think about all this.
„Let’s go y/n. He‘ll be ok, come on“ Kiara tried to convince you with a soft voice, waving you over.
„No you guys should leave. Hate me forever i don’t care“ you sniffled, turning your attention back to Rafe.
“You’re insane.” were Popes last words to you before he stormed off.
JJ looked at you once more before following Pope, Kiara hesitated a little longer, giving you a little smile before she left too. Leaving you with Rafe.
You sat there sobbing on your knees, watching Rafe still panting for air, with blood all over him.
“Shh. Its- Its ok” the sobs making it hard for you to form that sentence. You gently ran your hand over his chest, wiping your tears away with your other hand.
You couldn’t make out the reason that made you stay, but you knew seeing him like this made your heart ache.
Suddenly he reached for your hand and just held it, pressed against his chest.
His breathing started to calm down and he made eye contact with you, there was something sparkling in his eyes and you couldn’t figure out what it was.
You just gave him a warm smile.
He took one last deep breath and slowly tried to sit his aching body up, letting go of your hand.
“Careful” you said softly, putting your small hand on his back to help him sit up.
He let his head drop, not saying a word.
“Can I see?” You gently took a hold of his jaw, lifting his head to look at the wounds on his face. You leaned in closer to get a better look and Rafe just stared at you, scanning your face. When you noticed and your eyes met his, you pulled away. You gulped.
“Does it hurt a lot?” You asked quietly, feeling stupid after for asking that. Of course it hurt.
“No it’s fine.” His voice was low and raspy.
He slowly got up and his face contorted in pain. You got up with him attempting to get a hold of his arm to steady him, but he pulled away.
Slightly hurt by his rejection you took a step back.
“I don’t think you should be up, you probably have a concu-“
“I said I’m fine. Ok?” he snapped back.
You gulped and his behaviour hurt you, he realised you stayed for him. Right? Why was he acting so cold now?
“So what do you want in return for helping me? Money?” He said annoyed while rubbing his head.
You were taken aback by that question.
“A “thank you” will do” you shrug your shoulders and shook your head.
He scoffed.
“Yeah thanks. Not like I needed it”
He turned his back to you and made his way towards the door, you hesitated but followed. Was he serious?
“You should go home and let someone take care of your cuts” you mentioned while catching up to him.
“My dad kicked me out. I can’t go home.” He said dry while still walking away from you.
“Do you at least wanna call him?” You suggested innocently.
“He doesn’t care ok?” He stopped and turned around to yell at you.
You flinched at his sudden outburst.
You could see the pain in his eyes, but it wasn’t from the cuts, it was something way deeper.
“No one does.” He added before walking out the door.
“Go home y/n” he didn’t even look at you.
You were still following him outside.
“Just leave! I’ll venmo you cash for your “hero act” alright?” He sat down at the dock that was right in front of the building. He rested his hands in his palms, not glancing at you once.
You stood there trying to blink away the tears that were forming in your eyes. You just risked losing one of your best friends for him and he acted like this. Now you felt stupid for caring, for staying with him and for trying to be nice to him.
“Fine” you said quietly and left.
You walked off and couldn’t stop yourself from crying. „What did you think? Why did I even try? He is RAFE“ you mumbled to yourself. „Gosh“ you stopped in your tracks, pressing your palms onto your eyes and took a deep breath. One last sob escaped your body before your breathing finally stabilised. You let your hands drop again and just stood there for a while. You didn’t walk off that far yet and suddenly you had the urge to turn around. You had this image of him sitting there alone, hurt, probably hating himself and scared to go home. It made you feel sick. You thought about all the people that had probably walked out of his life, because he acted exactly like this when they did something nice. And you knew he always claimed to be a „proactive“ type of person and believed he could handle everything. But you thought everyone needed at least one person in their life that will be there for them, no matter what, even Rafe. You decided you will try to be the person that stays.
So you took another deep breath and turned around, with fast steps you made your way back to him.
His head whipped up when he heard your footsteps and he frowned when he looked up at you. His hair parted in the middle and fell onto his forehead. The blood on his face had dried and even with the bruises and cuts, he was still handsome.
“I care.” You said standing in front of him.
“What?” He shook his head in confusion.
“I care about you” you repeated, feeling nervous because you just said that out loud and there was no turning back now.
His expression softened and he gulped. He watched you carefully, not taking his eyes of you. He scanned your whole body, trying to comprehend what was happening.
“And I’m not gonna leave. You think I would risk losing a friend that I’ve known my whole life, for someone I don’t care about? No. I’m staying until we get your face fixed up and until I can make sure you’re ok” you sat down next to him, looking at your feet dangling from the dock.
You could feel him staring at you, but you were to nervous to face him. Your heart was beating so fast, you were scared he could hear it. The silence was unbearable and you wished he would just say something. Anything.
He remained silent and took his eyes of you, looking down at his own feet.
You stared at the water and it felt like time just stopped, you wouldn’t be surprised if you would just wake up at any moment, realising it was just a dream.
You gave yourself an inner pep talk before deciding to just risk it all and leaned over to put your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up beneath you and he let out a shaky breath. But he didn’t push you away or made any comment. Instead you felt him resting his head on yours too, leaning into your body more.
You felt warm and safe in his presents and you liked to believe he did too. You closed your eyes and now desperately wished this really wasn’t a dream.
Suddenly you felt him move and reach for your hand, he took your hand from your lab and intertwined his fingers with yours. He ran his thumb softly over your skin. You felt yourself blushing and hoped he wouldn’t notice.
“Thank you” he whispered. You felt the butterflies in your stomach and the heat rising to your cheeks even more.
“Of course Rafe” you whispered back and gave his hand a little squeeze, you could feel him smile against your head.
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autistook · 4 months
Got inspired to do some headcanons by an ask I got from @kylobith
What would the Hobbits be like on a night out at the club?
I'm basing this on the club I usually go to, which has a dance floor, karaoke room, smoking room etc.
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- Takes a shot immediately and dances his way to the dance floor in an instant.
- He probably tries to only drink a few stronger ones and then beer, but when Merry and Pippin suggest he gets tequila, he fucking gets tequila.
- And that makes him dance even harder.
- After a while Frodo forgets to drink water and Sam has to make sure he drinks that too.
- Is normally quite specific about music, but with the drinks in his system he probably asks the DJ for Sweet Caroline or some shit...
- ... and sings that song whole-heartedly and reaches for Sam's hands and embrace during it.
- Gets a ride home, but before he gets there he gets the munchies so fast food it is.
- Probably makes himself tea when he gets home and then he goes to bed, forgetting the tea in the cup overnight because he got eepy.
- Drinks and is relatably drunk all night, but considering he is the mother of the group and especially wants to take care of Mister Frodo, he is "sober" drunk, so behaves the same as he normally would, but sways on his feet and doesn't hear properly.
- Drinks beer and maybe one cute drink with a swirly straw.
- Keeps bringing water to everyone. Everyone accepts it but Pippin who is too busy running off somewhere again.
- Is on drink watch duty - and takes it so seriously he keeps his hands on top of the drinks at all times when left alone at the table so no one will spike them.
- Goes to have some sort of a deep conversation over a smoke with Merry at some point, which almost snaps him out of his sober-like drunkness because he almost lets go of his caretaker side.
- Pippin convinces him to sing a karaoke song with him so he does that while standing awkwardly...
- ... though he is smiling a bit and is blushing, so secretly he loves it.
- Probably is the designated Hobbit to listen to other drunk people overshare, because he is at the table alone quite a few times because he is watching the drinks.
- When everyone is home safe and he steps inside the house: the drinks fucking hit him.
- Clumsy because of the drunkness. Talks to himself a lot. Tries to cook something on a pan but can't hold anything in his hands...
- ... so he gives up and goes to bed.
- Changes to pajamas though!
- Probably goes to check on Frodo in the morning after and brings him painkillers and water to bed. Frodo of course still in the same clothes from the previous night and if he was to wear eyeliner, it would be all over his face. Sam looks fresh as fuck tho.
- Immediately takes shots with Merry and grabs a pint in both hands.
- Plays beer pong with strangers when Merry goes to smoke some pipe-weed.
- Makes a new best friend for a few hours from one of the dudes who is playing.
- Can't make up his mind if he wants to do karaoke or dance, so he does both all night, which causes everyone to lose him a few times during the night.
- Doesn't drink the water he is offered...
- ...except once when Frodo gave him a shotglass of water and he thought it was vodka.
- Sings along every karaoke song even if he is not the one singing.
- Most of the karaoke songs he sings with Merry or his new bestie of the night.
- Has a very deep conversation with some girl at some point. She's struggling with a chaotic relationship problem and Pippin tries to help, but probably gives her the worst advice.
- Most of his drinks after the few ales and shots are either tequila shots or some colorful cocktails in quirky glasses, with those swirly straws and little umbrellas.
- Eventually is the one person from the group that ends up throwing up. Spends like an hour in the bathroom doing that, but then he springs up on his feet and goes back to dancing.
- At that point absolutely no one has any idea where the fuck he is.
- ... so the DJ plays some bs song (probably their quilty pleasure song, like something by One Direction or Taylor Swift) Merry requested that he knows will drag Pippin out to look for him to dance with.
- It works, so Merry finally drags him home.
- Of course stopping for some heavy junk food, where Pippin cries for like a minute over feeling guilty about throwing up and everyone having to take care of him...
- ...which he soon forgets because his McFlurry arrived or something.
- Throws up at home a few more times before climbs under covers and is immediately knocked out.
- When he wakes up, he realizes he is not even home. He was so drunk Merry just made him sleep on his couch. There's a bucket next to his head just in case.
- Despite his severe hangover: wants to do it again.
- "I'm never drinking again. Although, what are we doing next weekend?"
- Spends most of his night singing with Pippin and having deep conversations with stranger.
- Probably plays beer bong too and wins.
- He spots a very pretty girl and goes flirting: he gets shot down at least the few first times with a few girls.
- Then he hits it off with someone and Pippin drags him away to get more drinks.
- Merry does dance with the girl at least once.
- Makes his way to Frodo often and dances with him while Pippin is talking to that random dude he bonded with.
- Is the one who eventually talks everyone into drinking more than they intended. He worships the chaos of it.
- Is high simultaneously. 100%. Goes smoking 2 or 3 times in an hour. The smoke breaks are supposed to be short, but he always ends up engaging in some deep conversations.
- The smoking room is the place he does get to kiss that one girl after they talked some deep nonsense.
- It seems like she might be interested in leaving with him (he sure is) but Sam announces to him that Pippin is basically dying, so he of course goes to take care of him.
- Gets Pippin up the stairs and they probably do some stupid drunken parkour shit on their way home, because Merry gets the drunk zoomies from the fresh hair and it rubs off on Pippin.
- Keeps giggling at nothing in the fast food place.
- When he gets home with Pippin, he helps Pippin clean off his face and brush his teeth, before making the couch into a bed for him (though sloppily and kind of mumbles while he does it: he is still a bit annoyed by Pippin and from never being able to see the pretty girl again).
- In the morning has the worst headache out of them all somehow, and his hair looks like a birds nest.
- Groans and goes back to sleep.
These are my own headcanons I thought of after I woke up from my own night out lol.
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bashvaughn · 5 months
a few months prior…
A few months prior, Sebastian and Jocalyn as a collective, had been nothing but distant, childhood memories of the past. Sweet and innocent, the budding friendship had come to a sudden and abrupt end when Josie and her family had travelled to Europe and further for some few years whilst her father and his band had completed successful tours after tours. And what was left behind was a particularly gutted 10 year-old Sebastian, having lost his best friend, and though today he didn’t grow so upset when he thought about Jo as he had done in his younger youth, his thoughts often crossed back to those times. He wondered how she was, what she looked like, and where she even was. Had she kept the necklace he’d gotten her? Did she even remember him?
He wasn’t entirely the same as he had been as a child. He was a sweet boy growing up, polite and kind, but after all these years, there wasn’t really much left of Seb Vaughn from 1988. He’d sort of just, well, vanished, one day, faded into the background. His older brother Nathaniel’s death had left a deep and empty wound in the bottom of his heart, still raw and unhealed seven years on. It had left him angry at the world and unable to express his emotions, when really, inside, there was still just that little boy who’d never really grown up, a little boy who just needed some assertion that whatever was going on inside his brain was okay. He didn’t spend much time at home, any opportunity to be out the house, he took; his relationship with his parents wasn’t exactly the best, not since Nate had died. It was hard watching your mother often breakdown once the working day finished.
Out the house. Yes. Being out the house was good. A party! He loved parties, rich kid parties were the best. They had the best sound systems, the most liquor, the biggest pools. The angry teenage boy wasn’t very popular amongst the younger students, amongst those that 1995 would class as “uncool”, as over time had turned himself into quite a bit of a bully, a thug or sorts who enjoyed taunting those less fortunate or lucky as him. But to the majority? He was rather sort after, envied in ways. Guys wanted to be him: he was the tallest kid in school, built strong and toned at 6’5” with a sharp jaw, played quarterback on the school football team, always had his brown curtained locks of hair perfectly swept back at all times. The girls wanted to be with him for all those very reasons. But sure, despite having a fling or two over the years, a couple of nights tangled in bedsheets, he strangely paid them little mind. He paid very few people any mind these days. Or anything.
He arrived as the sun had just set. A final all-out party in the school holiday before they returned back for the new academic year. One last send off. Some kid who lived just outside the city in some sprawling mansion. He walked up the steps of the house entrance with a bounce almost, pack of beer in his hand, his good friend since childhood, Brian, walking beside him. He wore a pair of blue denim jeans, a black belt secured around them, a red plaid shirt tucker inside, sleeves rolled up, top buttons undone, a tiny, silver hoop in his ear, cigarette packet in the pocket. The door wide open, he stepped inside to a house almost bursting full of students. It was loud and chaotic, full of booming music and disorganisation. The perfect party.
He was a presence amongst his peers, that could be said. Idolised in many ways despite the element of fear from some. You had to be when you’d just been made football captain for the new year after the previous one had graduated. He had a pretty intense reputation. Walking inside, he was greeted with happy cheers and welcomes from the students, the owner of the house walking over to him with a wide grin. “Vaughn, you made it!” Sebastian’s smile was never as big as anyone else, it was more of a just an upwards turn. Nodding, he greeted his friend, shoulder tapping him as a hello. “Sup, man.” He responded, ignoring the way people turned their heads a little. Turning to some of the partygoers, the house owner clapped his hands, “New captain himself, ladies and gents!” The teens nearby cheered, some downing their drinks as a toast of sorts.
Laughing quietly, he shook his head, “Touching — lemme get a drink, man.” He beckoned towards the large, open kitchen ahead, beginning to hear over in search of a clean red cup.
Sebastian was, however, obliviously unaware that there was also another big revelation in attendance tonight. A unexpected storm that arrived back with an awestruck greeting from students all around.
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sungbeam · 6 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
hi anon! thanks for sending this in :') im always so bad at posting these things, but i can def do this one. i don't know if i would classify them specifically as favorites, but more so people i've interacted with the most 😭
@justalildumpling : i don't even need to go on besides saying that this woman is my soulmate. "in another life" but we're gonna beat the universe and meet in every life, type of connection. the girl who has seen me at my worst and has still treated me with as much kindness and compassion and care as she did the first time. i feel like in certain ways, we're kind of polar opposites, but also the same? i mean, on paper we can be so different, but when we talk abt what we like and dislike, when we laugh together, it all becomes something of the same and she restores my faith in other people again. she's the person who constantly makes me want to be a better person.
@ethereal-engene : one of my two beloved 姐姐's on this site skfnrknf but i remember talking to ash so many nights abt just any and everything. i am so happy that we're comfortable enough to be able to joke around, share our niche interests, have deep conversations, and even pen pal!! like i think it's crazy how SIMILAR our families are; we could legitimately be long lost sisters haha but also the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb sometimes, so that makes sense. she's one of my comfort people, and honestly, i feel like we both come out of nowhere with some topics, but either person will hop right into the convo regardless and just vibe 🤧
@winterchimez : my second 姐姐 on this site !! my older sisters def take care of me well and i am so grateful for that :')) ally is always so supportive and yet so energergizing to talk to. she's def seen a lot of my brainstorming and i feel very comfortable bouncing ideas off her. she's always so generous with me too, like care packages??? RAH 😭 obviously, i love her for reasons besides the material goods, but it's a love language nonetheless. ally is prob one of the warmest and most welcoming presences on this hellsite tbh, so if ur ever looking for a new friend/mutual, she's the best.
@loveliestfelix : nana is another reason why im still around. i like to thank that beomgyu drabble every day for kickstarting our friendship because i have never met someone i have had such lengthy and fun brainstorming sessions with. nana is the type of person i would love to meet irl and just share stories over coffee with, though i feel like i always associate her with train rides and coffee now HAHA she's also one of my greatest writing inspirations, like i was and have always been blown away by her mind, and her word counts. i love calling her the queen of angst, and you will never be disappointed when reading something of hers.
@jaehunnyy : chip's been here for a really long time, like guys, no one can compete when she's been here since i had park jisung as my pfp and she had jeno as hers 😭 i think i really treasure our friendship and how much it's grown over the past two years :')) so much has happened over that time, and i think that if i met her in real life, i would just be blown away by how pretty she is like TT anyways,, i always love talking to her because of how much chaotic energy we create when we do, like i feel like we can power an entire city grid with how much chaos we make, and it's all the better for it. i love her very much, and i hope she understands just how wonderful of a person and friend she is.
@mosviqu : oh, my beloved bar, i love u to bits and pieces. i think recently you've become one of the few reasons why im still here writing and posting. like i am so utterly, from the bottom of my heart, grateful for all of your support and the love you've given and shown me. and even when we moved to dms to converse, i just realized how cool you are as a person, and how similar we are (in the best way possible). it's really nice to be able to connect with a person on multiple levels, and im really happy that was the case with us :') as soon as i saw ur love for tomorrow by chanyeol, i knew there would be something more to our friendship. i am so very fond of you, and your writing blows me away every time i read it.
@zzoguri : moni :( i hope ur doing well, friend, and i know you haven't been active here lately but i do wish you all the best. i love how passionate and committed you are to improving in writing and developing your own creative writing style, and it's so impressive to read your writing in general :') i love the confidence you advocate for yourself, and how real you are. thanks so much for being a friend; i just really appreciate all the support and hype you've given me during my time on deobiblr, like thank you for being such a thoughtful person.
@wuahae : cat and i have definitely interacted more off this site than on this site, but i felt that it was dire she was included here nonetheless. like bro, thank you for literally being the reason i come out of my apartment (or in most cases, invite people to my apartment), and for thinking of me! i think i once told you how hard it is to find friends in college, but you've made my experience here far less lonely. i love getting dinner with you, planning outings, and making weird animal noises together on the streets 😭 also, cat's writing is literally so poetic, and just her explaining to me her plot ideas tears visceral reactions out of me TT
@yunhoszn : i feel like me and fawn are low-key on the same wavelength a lot of the times, but in general, i think fawn's just such a rad person. i've told her once or twice before but i genuinely love her writing style because it has so much personality in it. it just makes reading her fics such a fun and enjoyable experience. also even off this site, i have so much fun interacting with her, like just commenting on her instagram posts like the gremlin i am, i know she's gonna hit me with the best response back skfnkejd (waiting for the day i go to where u r so u can do my makeup low-key... ur so fly, pls do my makeup...)
@goldenhypen : em, my lovely twin :')) i know our interactions have def decreased, but i don't think that's decreased the fondness we hold for one another. i remember when em first started interacting with my works and then followed me, i literally rolled off the couch cuz i started fangirling 😭 and she is one of the most genuine and brightest presences here. she is a follow forever, bro, you better follow her forever. i just adore her compassion for others and her absolutely adorable fic concepts, and omg don't even get me started on her work ethic 😭 i wished u the best everyday you had requests, i don't know how u did it. you are literally superhuman.
@hqrana : i haven't spoken with noa in quite awhile, but im guessing it's cuz she's girlbossing her way through to that nursing program 🤧 my favorite woman in stem girl in this hellsite, she is my beloved xnonie 😭 i think i just appreciate noa's undeniable presence and character so much, like she brings so much energy to my inbox whenever she's here, and her support of my ideas and fics just makes me 🙇🏻‍♀️ like thank you for being here. and to know we both love marvel and taylor swift? i feel like she has to be like,, my best friend? like she needs to be my best friend?? sending hugs and well wishes your way, always.
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h7jfangirl · 11 months
Okay, so... I can't lie, watching Jekyll being a chaotic bastard it's the hottest thing I ever seen
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Of course Hyde it's the one controling the body here, but also their are the same person
Something that Jekyll forgot
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This whole scenario would be terrifying if Hyde wasn't part of Jekyll.
So, reading Hyde's words we can realise that he didn't feel all the action from last night, so of course, with now Jekyll getting his feelings of love back, Hyde gets the extreme of them; Lust towards Laynon... Or at least he acts like that, but only to piss off Jekyll in this page (I mean that Hyde is in love too). So of course he would want to get something private and deep with him
And then we have the other side. Jekyll is scare like if Hyde could actually STEAL Robert from him, which it's kinda sussy that Henry talks about Laynon like something of his, that he owns, at least to Hyde (I think my man still has some 🚩🚩🚩 to fix)
And also Jekyll being a hyprocite because he talks about Hyde as if they didn't came from the same mind and soul and talks about Hyde's flaws like if that was all he is. But Hyde belives that Laynon will like him too for who he is as his own without Henry, and also asking to Jekyll about his own flaws. Edward it's clearly using this to make Jekyll feel bad and think that Hyde it's better than him.
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He just casually talk to himself out loud while doing shit with people. Love it
Hyde, Hyde, the cop it's watching, Hyde, Hyde Oh my god he can't hear us my boy it's going to PRI--
Just kidding, I wonder how this is gonna turn now. Will Hyde be able to convince the cop to not arrest him? Would he run away and fix it later? Would he go to prision? Who knows!
Now, after what we saw in this new page... I have a question:
It's Hyde evil?
Hyde stole a umbrella to a lady that was just walking, kick some kid's ball when the little one was about to cach it, and just grab a cup
In the begining of the comic Hyde made some mess up things that werent actually meant with evil
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He gladly stab someone with a umbrella, but it was to save Creature from being burn alive
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Then he set the street on fire, it was a accident and he didn't even expect it to happend but he looks proud of it and even laughs
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Of course, the next day he realised he fuck up but dosen't like to admit it every much. He it's emotional, and has exciment when he see chaos, but at the same time he knows that theres limits
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Then, talking about Jekyll "betraying" him with the officer. Hyde put him killing a random dude like a example of how even with that Jekyll wouldn't be able to bring Hyde to the law
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And the most recent one was Hyde actually hurting a man in the face, actually enjoy it
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But the thing it's that the comic itself tells us that Hyde isn't exactily the evil inside Jekyll. The whole freaking chapter 10 it's a non stop show to gaslight and mocking at Hyde and all his idea of who he was
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So, Hyde it's not evil? He wants to be, and his actions brings chaos but not that harmful, except the time he burned the street but that was not intentional
But then if he is not the evil? Why he wants to be evil? Because Hyde it's in a constant searching for power, in this page he acts smug while bothering the people around him, and also thinks about taking Laynon too so he can feel powerful over Jekyll again. If Hyde dosen't feel powerful he would literally fall deep down to the darkness of his own mind, but if he can ruin someone else by doing that, then he will take it. Hyde himself said it in chapter 12 "I will take Jekyll down with me!" The right moment he is told about that chance to ruin Henry, even if it was forever
Hyde finds comfort of being the evil twin because that's the only way he knows to feel the senses of control while feeding his constant hunger for acction and passion on his life, and that actually worked it for two whole years, until Henry puts him a stop for just two weeks. If only Hyde waited, he could had his delusional life back but he didn't, and now him and Jekyll will going down together
Because they keep forgeting that they are in the same boat.
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